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3rd CSEDU 2011: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- Alexander Verbraeck, Markus Helfert, José Cordeiro, Boris Shishkov:
CSEDU 2011 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Volume 2, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 6-8 May, 2011. SciTePress 2011, ISBN 978-989-8425-50-8
Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Full Papers
- Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert, Christopher Schulz, Christian Lescher, José Contreras, Robert Laurini, Béatrice Rumpler, David Sol, Kai Warendorf:
Teaching Global Software Engineering and International Project Management - Experiences and Lessons Learned from Four Academic Projects. CSEDU (2) 2011: 5-15 - Olivier Camp, Richard B. Woodward:
ICT Enhanced Learning Experience for an Introductory Object Oriented Programming Course - A Case Study. CSEDU (2) 2011: 16-25 - Bian Wu, Alf Inge Wang, Erling Andreas Børresen, Knut Andre Tidemann:
Improvement of a Lecture Game Concept - Implementing Lecture Quiz 2.0. CSEDU (2) 2011: 26-35 - Fatima AlShamsi, Ashraf Elnagar:
eGrader - The Programming Solutions' Grader in Introductory Java Courses. CSEDU (2) 2011: 36-45 - Indika Perera, Colin Allison, John McCaffery, Alan Miller:
Towards Effective Blended Learning with 3D MUVE - An Analysis of Use Case Implementations for 3D MUVE Learning. CSEDU (2) 2011: 46-55 - Miriam Struchiner, Taís Rabetti Giannella, Marina Bazzo de Espíndola:
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of University Professors Who Adopted an Online Authoring Tool in Their Educational Practices - A Case Study of blended Learning Experiences in Health Science Education. CSEDU (2) 2011: 56-64
Short Papers
- Rafael del Vado Vírseda, Fernando Pérez Morente, Sergio Esquembri Martínez:
An Educational Tool based on Semantic Tableaux for Verification and Debugging of Algorithms - Experiences and Results. CSEDU (2) 2011: 67-72 - E. Marcia Johnson, Elaine Khoo, Bronwen Cowie, Willem de Lange, Rob Torrens:
ICT/ eLearning for Developing Visual Spatial Thinking in University Science Teaching. CSEDU (2) 2011: 73-78 - Emilio J. Rodríguez-Posada, Juan Manuel Dodero, Manuel Palomo-Duarte, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo:
Learning-oriented Assessment of Wiki Contributions - How to Assess Wiki Contributions in a Higher Education Learning Setting. CSEDU (2) 2011: 79-86 - Belén Torrente, Adriana Dapena, Santiago J. Barro Torres, Julio C. Brégains, Carlos J. Escudero:
Integrating a Simple Sensor-based Testbed in Signal Processing Courses - A Recipe to Design an Electronic Instrument. CSEDU (2) 2011: 87-92 - Marta Arias, Carles Creus, Adrià Gascón, Guillem Godoy:
Learning Theory through Videos - A Teaching Experience in a Theoretical Course based on Self-learning Videos and Problem-solving Sessions. CSEDU (2) 2011: 93-98 - Mark Sh. Levin:
Towards k-set Frameworks in Education. CSEDU (2) 2011: 99-104 - Enrique Crespo, Fernando Alba-Elías, Ana González-Marcos, Joaquín B. Ordieres Meré, Manuel Castejón Limas:
Project Management Learning in a Collaborative Distant Learning Context - An Actual On-going Experience. CSEDU (2) 2011: 105-110 - Aina Lekira, Christophe Després, Pierre Jacoboni:
Supporting the Identfication of Teachers' Intention through Indicators. CSEDU (2) 2011: 111-116 - Christian Saul, Felix Dürrwald, Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke:
Towards a Generic Integration of Adaptive Assessment Systems with Learning Environments. CSEDU (2) 2011: 117-122 - Jennifer D. E. Thomas, Danielle Morin, Marylène Gagné:
Clickers and Deep Learning in a Large Undergraduate Management Course? CSEDU (2) 2011: 123-127 - Marcelo Macedo, Rinaldo Pismel Franco, Fernando Ostuni Gauthier:
Using the Supervisory Elipse E3 in Distance Education. CSEDU (2) 2011: 128-132
- Pablo Murta Baião Albino, Marta Arce-Urriza, José Enrique Armendáriz-Iñigo:
Focusing on ICT in the European Higher Education Area - The Bologna Process and its Implications in the Innovation of the Teaching-learning Process. CSEDU (2) 2011: 135-138 - Peter Morris, Shane Dowdall:
Computer-aided Self-assessment and Independent Learning in Higher Education. CSEDU (2) 2011: 139-142 - Nathalíe Galeano, Rubén Morales-Menéndez, Francisco J. Cantú Ortiz:
A Research-based Learning Approach for Undergraduate Students - The Internship Program in Research and Innovation Model. CSEDU (2) 2011: 143-147 - Larysa N. Nadolny:
Extended Learning - Ultilizing Social Spaces and Mixed Reality in Academic Environments. CSEDU (2) 2011: 148-151 - José Palma, Martinha Piteira:
Flexibility on Learning Process. CSEDU (2) 2011: 152-155
Social Context and Learning Environments
Full Papers
- Anandha Gopalan, Spyridon Karavanis, Thomas Payne, Morris Sloman:
Smartphone based e-Learning. CSEDU (2) 2011: 161-170 - Lorenzo Dalvit, Sarah Murray, Alfredo Terzoli:
African Languages and ICT Education - Attitudes of Black University Students. CSEDU (2) 2011: 171-179
Short Papers
- Thieme Hennis, Heide K. Lukosch:
Social Mechanisms to Motivate Learning with Remote Experiments - Design Choices to Foster Online Peer-based Learning. CSEDU (2) 2011: 183-188 - Liana Razmerita, Armelle Brun:
Collaborative Learning in Heterogeneous Classes - Towards a Group Formation Methodology. CSEDU (2) 2011: 189-194 - Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro:
Online Media in Favour of the Digital Inclusion - A Case Study with Elderly People in Brazil. CSEDU (2) 2011: 195-203 - Mohd M. Anwar, Hassan A. Karimi, Jessica G. Benner:
OnLocEd - Finding Learning Resources and Communities. CSEDU (2) 2011: 204-210
- Hsin-Ke Lu, Chia-Hui Lo:
Toward a Comprehensive Quality Assurance Framework for Continuing Education in Universities. CSEDU (2) 2011: 213-220
Domain Applications and Case Studies
Full Paper
- Nady El Hoyek, Christian Collet, Aymeric Guillot, Patrice Thiriet, Emmanuel Sylvestre:
Experimental Research Validation for the Use of 3D in Teaching Human Anatomy. CSEDU (2) 2011: 225-227
Short Papers
- Pilar Martínez Jiménez, Gerardo Pedrós Pérez, Marta Varo Martínez, Maria Carmen Garcia Martinez, David Muñoz Rodríguez, Elena Varo Martinez, Juan-Jesús Luna-Rodríguez:
Simulation Electromagnetic Waves Web as Innovative Methodology to Improve the Quality of Electronic and Computer Engineering Formation. CSEDU (2) 2011: 231-236 - Karim Sehaba, Stéphanie Mailles-Viard Metz:
Using Interaction Traces for Evolutionary Design Support - Application on the Virtual Campus VCIel. CSEDU (2) 2011: 237-242 - Reghu Anguswamy, William B. Frakes:
Evaluation of a Computer Support-based Cross Disciplne Research Consortium. CSEDU (2) 2011: 243-248 - Noriatsu Kudo, Kotaro Kataoka, Jun Murai:
On Operational Scheme for Remote Lectures in Inter-university Distance Learning Project. CSEDU (2) 2011: 249-257
- Magdalena K. Chmarra, Sharon P. Rodrigues, Frank-Willem Jansen, Jenny Dankelman:
Challenges in Training and Assessment of Minimally Invasive Surgical Skills. CSEDU (2) 2011: 261-268
Quality, Evaluation and Accreditation Policies
Full Papers
- Philippos Pouyioutas, K. Harald Gjermundrød, Ioanna Dionysiou:
The Development of MapQFTool - A Software Tool for National Qualifications Frameworks. CSEDU (2) 2011: 273-279 - Kairit Tammets, Kai Pata, Mart Laanpere:
A Scenario for Portfolio-based Accreditation of Teachers' Competences in Estonian Context. CSEDU (2) 2011: 280-289
Short Papers
- Gianna Oliveira Bogossian Roque, Gilda Helena Bernardino de Campos, Marcus Vinícius de Araújo Fonseca:
Quality Assurance in Distance Learning - A Study in Higher Education. CSEDU (2) 2011: 293-298 - Cheng-Hsiung Chen, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng:
Assessment Model for Improving Educational Curriculum Materials based on the DANP Technique with Grey Relational Analysis. CSEDU (2) 2011: 299-308
- Matjaz Debevc, Martina Breg, Julija Lapuh Bele:
Establishing Relationship between Perceived Quality of LMS System and e-Course Delivery. CSEDU (2) 2011: 311-315 - Dainis Dosbergs:
PROCON - A Tool for Curricula Accreditation. CSEDU (2) 2011: 316-322 - Masao Mori, Toshie Tanaka, Sachio Hirokawa:
A Progressive Data Warehouse of Institutional Research with Web API and Mashup Visualization. CSEDU (2) 2011: 323-329 - Gerald C. Gannod, Kristen M. Bachman:
An Evaluation Framework for m-Learning. CSEDU (2) 2011: 330-333
Special Session on Collaborative e-Learning Systems
Short Papers
- Despina Tsompanoudi, Maya Satratzemi:
Enhancing Adaptivity and Intelligent Tutoring in Distributed Pair Programming Systems to Support Novice Programmers. CSEDU (2) 2011: 339-344 - Marcelo Augusto Rauh Schmitt, Liane Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco:
The Use of Project Management Tools to Support the Coordination of Collaborative Learning. CSEDU (2) 2011: 345-352 - Ali Alharbi, Frans Henskens, Michael Hannaford:
Pedagogical Framework to Improve the Quality of Learning Objects in Collaborative e-Learning Systems. CSEDU (2) 2011: 353-358 - Gert Faustmann:
Project-based Collaborative Learning with Arguments - Flexible Integration of Digital Resources. CSEDU (2) 2011: 359-364
- Lorenzo Salas-Morera, Antonio Arauzo-Azofra, Laura García-Hernandez:
Collaborative e-Learning by Means of Asynchronous Discussion Forums and Group Tutorials Combination. CSEDU (2) 2011: 367-374 - Rocío Calvo, Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno:
A Theoretical Accessible Approach for Collaborative Learning in Mobile Devices. CSEDU (2) 2011: 375-378
Special Session on Assessment Tools and Techniques for e-Learning
Full Papers
- Gabrielle Hansen-Nygård, Kjetil L. Nielsen, John B. Stav, Trond M. Thorseth, Ketil Arnesen:
Experiences with Online Response Technologies in Education of Engineers. CSEDU (2) 2011: 383-391 - Patrick Stalljohann:
An Open-ended Assessment Platform in a Hosted e-Learning Portal. CSEDU (2) 2011: 392-401 - Narasimha Bolloju, Ken W. K. Lee, Probir Kumar Banerjee:
Formative and Summative Assessment of Class Diagrams - Development and Evaluation of a Prototype. CSEDU (2) 2011: 402-410
Short Papers
- Ivo Hristov, Gennady Agre, Danail Dochev:
Measuring the Learning Progress in a "Learning by Authoring" Semantic Web Services based Ecosystem. CSEDU (2) 2011: 413-418 - Kazumasa Goda, Tsunenori Mine:
PCN: Quantifying Learning Activity for Assessment based on Time-series Comments. CSEDU (2) 2011: 419-424 - Christian Saul, Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke:
Personalized Assessment of Higher-order Thinking Skills. CSEDU (2) 2011: 425-430 - Giampaolo Bella, Gianpiero Costantino, Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Salvatore Riccobene:
Remote Management of Face-to-face Written Authenticated Though Anonymous Exams. CSEDU (2) 2011: 431-437 - Jouni Huotari, Mirja Pulkkinen, Annu Niskanen:
Versatile Tool for Competence Management - An e-Portfolio Management System for Higher Education in Applied Sciences. CSEDU (2) 2011: 438-448 - Boyan Bontchev, Dessislava Vassileva:
Adaptive Assessment based on Learning Styles and Student Knowledge Level. CSEDU (2) 2011: 449-454
- Jinwook Shim, Jonghoon Seo, Tack-Don Han:
MSL_AR Toolkit: AR with Interactive Feature for Next Generation Education. CSEDU (2) 2011: 457-461 - Verena Stein, Robert Neßelrath, Jan Alexandersson, Johannes Tröger:
Designing with and for the Visually Impaired: Vocabulary, Spelling and the Screen Reader. CSEDU (2) 2011: 462-467 - Neila Rjaibi, Latifa Ben Arfa Rabai:
Toward a New Model for Assessing Quality Teaching Processes in e-Learning. CSEDU (2) 2011: 468-472 - Irena Nancovska Serbec, Alenka Zerovnik, Joze Rugelj:
Adaptive Assessment based on Decision Trees and Decision Rules. CSEDU (2) 2011: 473-479
Special Session on Ubiquitous e-Learning
Short Papers
- Daniel Neamtu, Bart Wyns, Robin De Keyser, Clara M. Ionescu:
Leader-follower Formation Control of Non-holonomic Robots in a Remote Laboratory. CSEDU (2) 2011: 485-490 - Ornit Spektor-Levy, Keren Menashe, Doron Esty:
The Feasibility of Ubiquitous Computing in School - Longitudinal Study in 1: 1 Classes Suggests - Time Matters. CSEDU (2) 2011: 491-497 - Ricardo José dos Santos Barcelos, Liane Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco:
Learning of Algorithms on Mobile Devices through Bluetooth, SMS AND MMS Technology. CSEDU (2) 2011: 498-505
- Maria Virvou, Christos Troussas:
CAMELL - Towards a Ubiquitous Multilingual e-Learning System. CSEDU (2) 2011: 509-513 - Ariane Heller, Sven Schneider, Wolfram Hardt:
Implementation of Wizard Technology into the Learning Management System OPAL. CSEDU (2) 2011: 514-517 - María Araceli Garín, Fernando Tusell, Aitziber Unzueta:
Enhancing Statistics Teaching with a Virtual Lab - A Case Study of Seamless Local and Remote Computing. CSEDU (2) 2011: 518-522

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