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CSCW 2014: Baltimore, MD, USA
- Susan R. Fussell, Wayne G. Lutters, Meredith Ringel Morris, Madhu C. Reddy:
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW '14, Baltimore, MD, USA, February 15-19, 2014. ACM 2014, ISBN 978-1-4503-2540-0
Keynote address
- Mary Flanagan:
Making a difference in and through playful design. 1-2
- Cliff Lampe, Rebecca Gray, Andrew T. Fiore, Nicole B. Ellison
Help is on the way: patterns of responses to resource requests on facebook. 3-15 - Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch
, Brent J. Hecht, Meredith Ringel Morris, Jaime Teevan, Darren Gergle
To search or to ask: the routing of information needs between traditional search engines and social networks. 16-27 - Andrea Forte, Michael Dickard, Rachel M. Magee
, Denise E. Agosto:
What do teens ask their online social networks?: social search practices among high school students. 28-37
Crowdfunding: "show me the money!"
- Rick Wash
, Jacob Solomon:
Coordinating donors on crowdfunding websites. 38-48 - Tanushree Mitra, Eric Gilbert:
The language that gets people to give: phrases that predict success on kickstarter. 49-61 - Julie Hui, Michael D. Greenberg, Elizabeth Gerber:
Understanding the role of community in crowdfunding work. 62-74
- Naoto Nakazato, Shigeo Yoshida, Sho Sakurai, Takuji Narumi
, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose:
Smart Face: enhancing creativity during video conferences using real-time facial deformation. 75-83 - Svetlana Yarosh
, Panos Markopoulos, Gregory D. Abowd:
Towards a questionnaire for measuring affective benefits and costs of communication technologies. 84-96 - Allison Sauppé
, Bilge Mutlu:
How social cues shape task coordination and communication. 97-108
Blinding me with science
- Gabriel H. Mugar, Carsten S. Østerlund
, Katie DeVries Hassman
, Kevin Crowston
, Corey Brian Jackson:
Planet hunters and seafloor explorers: legitimate peripheral participation through practice proxies in online citizen science. 109-119 - Gerard Oleksik, Natasa Milic-Frayling, Rachel Jones:
Study of electronic lab notebook design and practices that emerged in a collaborative scientific environment. 120-133 - Stephanie B. Steinhardt
, Steven J. Jackson:
Reconciling rhythms: plans and temporal alignment in collaborative scientific work. 134-145
Building communities and relationships
- Yla R. Tausczik, Laura A. Dabbish
, Robert E. Kraut:
Building loyalty to online communities through bond and identity-based attachment to sub-groups. 146-157 - David Ribes:
Ethnography of scaling, or, how to a fit a national research infrastructure in the room. 158-170 - Peter Heinrich, Mehmet Kiliç, Felix-Robinson Aschoff, Gerhard Schwabe
Enabling relationship building in tabletop-supported advisory settings. 171-183
Filter bubbles & news
- Qingzi Vera Liao, Wai-Tat Fu:
Can you hear me now?: mitigating the echo chamber effect by source position indicators. 184-196 - Parantapa Bhattacharya, Saptarshi Ghosh, Juhi Kulshrestha
, Mainack Mondal, Muhammad Bilal Zafar, Niloy Ganguly
, Krishna P. Gummadi
Deep Twitter diving: exploring topical groups in microblogs at scale. 197-210 - Carlos Castillo
, Mohammed El-Haddad, Jürgen Pfeffer, Matt Stempeck:
Characterizing the life cycle of online news stories using social media reactions. 211-223
Performing crowd work
- David B. Martin, Benjamin V. Hanrahan, Jacki O'Neill, Neha Gupta:
Being a turker. 224-235 - Rannie Teodoro, Pinar Öztürk
, Mor Naaman
, Winter A. Mason, Janne Lindqvist:
The motivations and experiences of the on-demand mobile workforce. 236-247 - Walter S. Lasecki, Jaime Teevan, Ece Kamar:
Information extraction and manipulation threats in crowd-powered systems. 248-256
Work in hospitals
- Claus Bossen
, Lotte Groth Jensen
How physicians 'achieve overview': a case-based study in a hospital ward. 257-268 - Alison R. Murphy, Madhu C. Reddy, Heng Xu:
Privacy practices in collaborative environments: a study of emergency department staff. 269-282 - Kathleen H. Pine, Melissa Mazmanian:
Institutional logics of the EMR and the problem of 'perfect' but inaccurate accounts. 283-294
Craft, repair, and DIY
- Jessica Lingel, Tim Regan:
"it's in your spinal cord, it's in your fingertips": practices of tools and craft in building software. 295-304 - Pablo-Alejandro Quinones:
Cultivating practice & shepherding technology use: supporting appropriation among unanticipated users. 305-318 - Daniela K. Rosner, Morgan G. Ames:
Designing for repair?: infrastructures and materialities of breakdown. 319-331
- Hon Jie Teo
, Aditya Johri:
Fast, functional, and fitting: expert response dynamics and response quality in an online newcomer help forum. 332-341 - Bogdan Vasilescu
, Alexander Serebrenik
, Premkumar T. Devanbu
, Vladimir Filkov:
How social Q&A sites are changing knowledge sharing in open source software communities. 342-354 - Yla R. Tausczik, Aniket Kittur
, Robert E. Kraut:
Collaborative problem solving: a study of MathOverflow. 355-367
Social media in the enterprise
- Hui Zhang, Munmun De Choudhury, Jonathan Grudin:
Creepy but inevitable?: the evolution of social networking. 368-378 - N. Sadat Shami, Jiang Yang, Laura Panc, Casey Dugan, Tristan Ratchford, Jamie C. Rasmussen, Yannick Assogba, Tal Steier, Todd Soule, Stela Lupushor, Werner Geyer, Ido Guy, Jonathan Ferrar:
Understanding employee social media chatter with enterprise social pulse. 379-392 - Gloria Mark, Ido Guy, Shiri Kremer-Davidson, Michal Jacovi:
Most liked, fewest friends: patterns of enterprise social media use. 393-404
Values & social norms
- Jilin Chen, Gary Hsieh, Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey Nichols:
Understanding individuals' personal values from social media word use. 405-414 - Wenbo Wang, Lu Chen, Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Amit P. Sheth:
Cursing in English on twitter. 415-425 - Katie Shilton
, Jes A. Koepfler, Kenneth R. Fleischmann:
How to see values in social computing: methods for studying values dimensions. 426-435
Social media: online and off
- Ai-Ju Huang, Hao-Chuan Wang, Chien Wen Yuan:
De-virtualizing social events: understanding the gap between online and offline participation for event invitations. 436-448 - Eden Litt, Erin L. Spottswood, Jeremy P. Birnholtz, Jeffrey T. Hancock
, Madeline E. Smith
, Lindsay Reynolds:
Awkward encounters of an "other" kind: collective self-presentation and face threat on facebook. 449-460 - Jessica Vitak
, Jinyoung Kim:
"You can't block people offline": examining how facebook's affordances shape the disclosure process. 461-474
- Heather Willever-Farr, Andrea Forte:
Family matters: control and conflict in online family history production. 475-486 - Gilly Leshed, Maria Håkansson, Joseph Kaye:
"Our life is the farm and farming is our life": home-work coordination in organic farm families. 487-498 - Airi Lampinen:
Account sharing in the context of networked hospitality exchange. 499-504
Concurrency control
- Yi Xu, Chengzheng Sun, Mo Li
Achieving convergence in operational transformation: conditions, mechanisms and systems. 505-518 - Chengzheng Sun, Yi Xu, Agustina:
Exhaustive search of puzzles in operational transformation. 519-529 - Huanhuan Xia, Tun Lu, Bin Shao, Guo Li, Xianghua Ding
, Ning Gu:
A partial replication approach for anywhere anytime mobile commenting. 530-541
Group dynamics
- Sean A. Munson
, Karina Kervin, Lionel P. Robert Jr.
Monitoring email to indicate project team performance and mutual attraction. 542-549 - Jonathan T. Morgan, Michael D. Gilbert, David W. McDonald, Mark Zachry:
Editing beyond articles: diversity & dynamics of teamwork in open collaborations. 550-563 - Rabindra A. Ratan
, Béatrice S. Hasler:
Playing well with virtual classmates: relating avatar design to group satisfaction. 564-573
Reflective research
- David Ribes:
The kernel of a research infrastructure. 574-587 - Steven J. Jackson, Tarleton Gillespie
, Sandy Payette
The policy knot: re-integrating policy, practice and design in cscw studies of social computing. 588-602 - John Rooksby
Can plans and situated actions be replicated? 603-614
Social technologies and well-being
- Christopher M. Homan, Naiji Lu, Xin Tu, Megan C. Lytle
, Vincent Silenzio
Social structure and depression in TrevorSpace. 615-625 - Munmun De Choudhury, Scott Counts, Eric Horvitz, Aaron Hoff:
Characterizing and predicting postpartum depression from shared facebook data. 626-638 - Annika Hupfeld, Tom Rodden:
Books as a social technology. 639-651
Shopping and collecting
- Karim Said, Michele Annmarie Burton, Amy Hurst, Shaun K. Kane:
Framing the conversation: the role of facebook conversations in shopping for eyeglasses. 652-661 - Meredith Ringel Morris, Kori Inkpen, Gina Venolia:
Remote shopping advice: enhancing in-store shopping with social technologies. 662-673 - Shuo Chang, Vikas Kumar, Eric Gilbert, Loren G. Terveen:
Specialization, homophily, and gender in a social curation site: findings from pinterest. 674-686
- Andy Crabtree
, Alan Chamberlain
Making it "pay a bit better": design challenges for micro rural enterprise. 687-696 - Aditya Johri, Janaki Srinivasan
The role of data in aligning the 'unique identity' infrastructure in India. 697-709 - Jingjing Liu, Alexander Boden, David W. Randall, Volker Wulf
Enriching the distressing reality: social media use by chinese migrant workers. 710-721
- Robert E. Kraut, Andrew T. Fiore:
The role of founders in building online groups. 722-732 - Kate Ehrlich, Marcelo Cataldo:
The communication patterns of technical leaders: impact on product development team performance. 733-744 - Joy Kim, Justin Cheng, Michael S. Bernstein:
Ensemble: exploring complementary strengths of leaders and crowds in creative collaboration. 745-755
Technology and information workers
- Michal Jacovi, Ido Guy, Shiri Kremer-Davidson, Sara Porat, Neta Aizenbud-Reshef:
The perception of others: inferring reputation from social media in the enterprise. 756-766 - Yikun Liu, Yuan Jia, Wei Pan, Mark S. Pfaff:
Supporting task resumption using visual feedback. 767-777 - Michael J. Muller, Werner Geyer, Todd Soule, John Wafer:
Geographical and organizational distances in enterprise crowdfunding. 778-789
Collaborative search and sharing
- Ruogu Kang, Aimée A. Kane
, Sara B. Kiesler:
Teammate inaccuracy blindness: when information sharing tools hinder collaborative analysis. 797-806 - Ryan Kelly
, Stephen J. Payne:
Collaborative web search in context: a study of tool use in everyday tasks. 807-819 - Zhen Yue, Shuguang Han, Daqing He
Modeling search processes using hidden states in collaborative exploratory web search. 820-830
- Lars Backstrom, Jon M. Kleinberg:
Romantic partnerships and the dispersion of social ties: a network analysis of relationship status on facebook. 831-841 - Jessica Vitak
Facebook makes the heart grow fonder: relationship maintenance strategies among geographically dispersed and communication-restricted connections. 842-853 - Michael Massimi, Richard H. R. Harper
, Abigail Sellen:
"Real, but Glossy": technology and the practical pursuit of magic in modern weddings. 854-865
Crowds in crises
- Joanne I. White, Leysia Palen, Kenneth Mark Anderson
Digital mobilization in disaster response: the work & self-organization of on-line pet advocates in response to hurricane sandy. 866-876 - Audrey Desjardins, Carman Neustaedter, Saul Greenberg, Ron Wakkary
Collaboration surrounding beacon use during companion avalanche rescue. 877-887 - Camille Cobb, Ted McCarthy, Annuska Z. Perkins
, Ankitha Bharadwaj, Jared Comis, Brian Do, Kate Starbird:
Designing for the deluge: understanding & supporting the distributed, collaborative work of crisis volunteers. 888-899
Supporting communities
- Tara Matthews, Steve Whittaker, Hernan Badenes, Barton A. Smith:
Beyond end user content to collaborative knowledge mapping: interrelations among community social tools. 900-910 - Eva Ganglbauer, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Özge Subasi, Florian Güldenpfennig:
Think globally, act locally: a case study of a free food sharing community and social networking. 911-921 - Jennifer Marlow, Laura Dabbish
From rookie to all-star: professional development in a graphic design social networking site. 922-933
Locations and maps
- Giovanni Quattrone, Afra J. Mashhadi, Licia Capra:
Mind the map: the impact of culture and economic affluence on crowd-mapping behaviours. 934-944 - Daniele Quercia, Neil Keith O'Hare, Henriette Cramer:
Aesthetic capital: what makes london look beautiful, quiet, and happy? 945-955 - Mikhil Masli, Loren G. Terveen:
Leveraging the contributory potential of user feedback. 956-966
Promoting participation and engagement
- Lixiu Yu, Paul André, Aniket Kittur
, Robert E. Kraut:
A comparison of social, learning, and financial strategies on crowd engagement and output quality. 967-978 - Anthony Tomasic, John Zimmerman
, Aaron Steinfeld
, Yun Huang:
Motivating contribution in a participatory sensing system via quid-pro-quo. 979-988 - Paul André, Aniket Kittur
, Steven P. Dow:
Crowd synthesis: extracting categories and clusters from complex data. 989-998
Building on others
- Aniket Kittur
, Andrew M. Peters, Abdigani Diriye, Michael R. Bove:
Standing on the schemas of giants: socially augmented information foraging. 999-1010 - Giorgos Cheliotis, Nan Hu, Jude Yew, Jianhui Huang:
The antecedents of remix. 1011-1022 - Casey Fiesler, Amy S. Bruckman:
Remixers' understandings of fair use online. 1023-1032
Identifying opportunities for collaboration
- Lisa J. Miller, Rich Gazan
, Susanne Still:
Unsupervised classification and visualization of unstructured text for the support of interdisciplinary collaboration. 1033-1042 - Robert C. Miller, Haoqi Zhang, Eric Gilbert, Elizabeth Gerber:
Pair research: matching people for collaboration, learning, and productivity. 1043-1048 - Peter Tolmie
, Steve Benford
, Chris Greenhalgh
, Tom Rodden, Stuart Reeves
Supporting group interactions in museum visiting. 1049-1059
The office
- Bran Knowles
, Mike Harding
, Lynne Blair, Nigel Davies
, James Hannon, Mark Rouncefield, John Walden:
Trustworthy by design. 1060-1071 - Chloë Brown
, Christos Efstratiou, Ilias Leontiadis, Daniele Quercia
, Cecilia Mascolo:
Tracking serendipitous interactions: how individual cultures shape the office. 1072-1081 - Gloria Mark, Shamsi T. Iqbal, Mary Czerwinski, Paul Johns:
Capturing the mood: facebook and face-to-face encounters in the workplace. 1082-1094
Collaborative software development
- Shundan Xiao, Jim Witschey, Emerson R. Murphy-Hill:
Social influences on secure development tool adoption: why security tools spread. 1095-1106 - Stina Matthiesen
, Pernille Bjørn, Lise Møller Petersen:
"Figure out how to code with the hands of others": recognizing cultural blind spots in global software development. 1107-1119 - Alexander Boden, Frank Roßwog, Gunnar Stevens, Volker Wulf
Articulation spaces: bridging the gap between formal and informal coordination. 1120-1130
Mobile apps for enhancing connectedness
- Kenton O'Hara
, Michael Massimi, Richard H. R. Harper
, Simon Rubens, Jessica Morris:
Everyday dwelling with WhatsApp. 1131-1143 - Kyungsik Han
, Patrick C. Shih
, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll
Enhancing community awareness of and participation in local heritage with a mobile application. 1144-1155 - Jason Procyk, Carman Neustaedter:
GEMS: the design and evaluation of a location-based storytelling game. 1156-1166
- Andrew Cross, Mydhili Bayyapunedi, Dilip Ravindran, Edward Cutrell, William Thies:
VidWiki: enabling the crowd to improve the legibility of online educational videos. 1167-1175 - Derrick Coetzee, Armando Fox, Marti A. Hearst, Björn Hartmann:
Should your MOOC forum use a reputation system? 1176-1187
Mobilizing for action
- Travis Kriplean, Caitlin Bonnar, Alan Borning, Bo Kinney, Brian T. Gill:
Integrating on-demand fact-checking with public dialogue. 1188-1199 - Libby Hemphill, Andrew J. Roback:
Tweet acts: how constituents lobby congress via Twitter. 1200-1210 - Justin Cheng, Michael S. Bernstein:
Catalyst: triggering collective action with thresholds. 1211-1221
Volunteering and doing good
- Chris Preist
, Elaine Massung, David Coyle
Competing or aiming to be average?: normification as a means of engaging digital volunteers. 1222-1233 - S. Andrew Sheppard, Andrea Wiggins
, Loren G. Terveen:
Capturing quality: retaining provenance for curated volunteer monitoring data. 1234-1245 - Tawanna Dillahunt, Jennifer Mankoff
Understanding factors of successful engagement around energy consumption between and among households. 1246-1257
Parents and children
- Pamela J. Wisniewski, Heng Xu, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll
Adolescent online safety: the "moral" of the story. 1258-1271 - Meredith Ringel Morris:
Social networking site use by mothers of young children. 1272-1282 - Inseok Hwang, Chungkuk Yoo, Chanyou Hwang, Dongsun Yim, Youngki Lee, Chulhong Min, John Kim
, Junehwa Song:
TalkBetter: family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay. 1283-1296
Civic participation
- Yelena Mejova
, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber
, Michael C. Dougal:
Giving is caring: understanding donation behavior through email. 1297-1307 - Derek L. Hansen, Jes A. Koepfler, Paul T. Jaeger, John Carlo Bertot, Tracy Viselli:
Civic action brokering platforms: facilitating local engagement with ACTion Alexandria. 1308-1322 - Nina Valkanova, Robert Walter, Andrew Vande Moere
, Jörg Müller:
MyPosition: sparking civic discourse by a public interactive poll visualization. 1323-1332
- Ian J. Livingston, Carl Gutwin, Regan L. Mandryk
, Max Birk
How players value their characters in world of warcraft. 1333-1343 - Cheryl Savery, T. C. Nicholas Graham, Carl Gutwin, Michelle Brown:
The effects of consistency maintenance methods on player experience and performance in networked games. 1344-1355 - Kenneth B. Shores, Yilin He, Kristina L. Swanenburg, Robert E. Kraut, John Riedl:
The identification of deviance and its impact on retention in a multiplayer game. 1356-1365
Multiple dimensions and displays
- Jarrod Knibbe
, Kenton O'Hara
, Angeliki Chrysanthi
, Mark T. Marshall
, Peter D. Bennett, Graeme Earl
, Shahram Izadi, Mike Fraser
Quick and dirty: streamlined 3D scanning in archaeology. 1366-1376 - Nelson Wong, Carl Gutwin:
Support for deictic pointing in CVEs: still fragmented after all these years'. 1377-1387 - André Kunert, Alexander Kulik, Stephan Beck, Bernd Froehlich:
Photoportals: shared references in space and time. 1388-1399
Social media and politics
- Catherine Grevet, Loren G. Terveen, Eric Gilbert:
Managing political differences in social media. 1400-1408 - Bryan C. Semaan, Scott P. Robertson
, Sara K. Douglas, Misa Maruyama:
Social media supporting political deliberation across multiple public spheres: towards depolarization. 1409-1421 - Misa Maruyama, Scott P. Robertson
, Sara K. Douglas, Bryan C. Semaan, Heather A. Faucett:
Hybrid media consumption: how tweeting during a televised political debate influences the vote decision. 1422-1432
Crowdsourcing complexity
- Anbang Xu, Shih-Wen Huang, Brian P. Bailey:
Voyant: generating structured feedback on visual designs using a crowd of non-experts. 1433-1444 - Haiyi Zhu, Steven P. Dow, Robert E. Kraut, Aniket Kittur
Reviewing versus doing: learning and performance in crowd assessment. 1445-1455 - Alexander J. Quinn, Benjamin B. Bederson
AskSheet: efficient human computation for decision making with spreadsheets. 1456-1466
Personal health management
- Maia L. Jacobs, James Clawson
, Elizabeth D. Mynatt:
Cancer navigation: opportunities and challenges for facilitating the breast cancer journey. 1467-1478 - Robert Douglas Ferguson, Michael Massimi, Emily Anne Crist, Karyn Anne Moffatt
Craving, creating, and constructing comfort: insights and opportunities for technology in hospice. 1479-1490 - Michael Massimi, Jackie L. Bender
, Holly O. Witteman
, Osman H. Ahmed:
Life transitions and online health communities: reflecting on adoption, use, and disengagement. 1491-1501
Geographic distance
- Jessica Lingel, Mor Naaman, danah boyd:
City, self, network: transnational migrants and online identity work. 1502-1510 - Ruth Olimpia Garcia Gavilanes, Yelena Mejova
, Daniele Quercia
Twitter ain't without frontiers: economic, social, and cultural boundaries in international communication. 1511-1522 - Reid Priedhorsky, Aron Culotta, Sara Y. Del Valle:
Inferring the origin locations of tweets with quantitative confidence. 1523-1536
Distributed teams
- Pieter Duysburgh, Shirley A. Elprama, An Jacobs:
Exploring the social-technological gap in telesurgery: collaboration within distributed or teams. 1537-1548 - Ge Gao, Bin Xu, Dan Cosley, Susan R. Fussell
How beliefs about the presence of machine translation impact multilingual collaborations. 1549-1560 - Joon-Suk Lee
, Deborah G. Tatar:
Sounds of silence: exploring contributions to conversations, non-responses and the impact of mediating technologies in triple space. 1561-1572
Keynote address
- Patrick Meier:
Next generation humanitarian computing. 1573

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