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VLSI Design, Volume 8
Volume 8, Number 1-4, 1998
- Wolfgang Porod:
Guest Editorial. - Shinichi Takagi:
Two-dimensional Carrier Transport in Si MOSFETs. 1-11 - Jeff Bude:
Monte Carlo Simulations of Impact Ionization Feedback in MOSFET Structures. 13-19 - Robert W. Kelsall, A. J. Lidsey:
Inclusion of Quantum Confinement Effects in Self-Consistent Monte Carlo Device Simulations. 21-27 - Eric A. B. Cole, Tobias Boettcher, Christopher M. Snowden:
Two-dimensional Modelling of HEMTs Using Multigrids with Quantum Correction. 29-34 - Mark Peskin, Christine M. Maziar:
MOMENTS: The Modular Monte Carlo Environment for Charge Transport Simulation, Overview and Applications. 35-40 - Fabian M. Bufler, P. Graf, Bernd Meinerzhagen:
High-Field Hole Transport in Strained Si and SiGe by Monte Carlo Simulation: Full Band Versus Analytic Band Models. 41-45 - David Z.-Y. Ting, Erik S. Daniel, Thomas C. McGill:
Interface Roughness Effects in Ultra-Thin Tunneling Oxides. 47-51 - Christopher M. Snowden:
Modeling of Thermal Effects in Semiconductor Structures. 53-58 - Andreas Greiner, Luca Varani, Lino Reggiani, Maria Cristina Vecchi, Tilmann Kuhn, Paola Golinelli:
Carrier Thermal Conductivity: Analysis and Application to Submicron-Device Simulation. 59-64 - Mathieu Kemp, Vladimiro Mujica, Adrian E. Roitberg, Mark A. Ratner:
Molecular Wire Interconnects: Chemical Structural Control, Resonant Tunneling and Length Dependence. 65-74 - Bob Eisenberg:
Ionic Channels in Biological Membranes: Natural Nanotubes Described by the Drift-Diffusion Equations. 75-78 - Gerhard Klimeck, Dan Blanks, Roger K. Lake, R. Chris Bowen, Chenjing L. Fernando, Manhua Leng, William R. Frensley, Dejan Jovanovic, Paul Sotirelis:
Writing Research Software in a Large Group for the NEMO Project. 79-86 - Benjamin Klein, Leonard F. Register, Karl Hess, Dennis Deppe:
Theory and Modeling of Lasing Modes in Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers. 87-91 - Günther Zandler, Ralph Oberhuber, D. Liebig, Peter Vogl, Marco Saraniti, Paolo Lugli:
Cellular Automaton Study of Time-Dynamics of Avalanche Breakdown in IMPATT Diodes. 93-98 - Andrew R. Brown, Asen Asenov, John R. Barker:
3D Parallel Finite Element Simulation of In-Cell Breakdown in Lateral-Channel IGBTs. 99-103 - Alex Trellakis, A. T. Galick, A. Pacelli, Umberto Ravaioli:
Comparison of Iteration Schemes for the Solution of the Multidimensional Schrödinger-Poisson Equations. 105-109 - Marco Saraniti, Günther Zandler, Gabriele F. Formicone, Stephen M. Goodnick:
Cellular Automata Studies of Vertical Silicon Devices. 111-115 - Andrew P. Kuprat, David Cartwright, J. Tinka Gammel, Denise George, Brian Kendrick, David Kilcrease, Harold Trease, Robert Walker:
X3D Moving Grid Methods for Semiconductor Applications. 117-121 - Aiichiro Nakano, Rajiv K. Kalia, Priya Vashishta:
Multilevel Algorithms for Large-scope Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nanostructures on Parallel Computers. 123-128 - Ik-Sung Lim, Robert O. Grondin, Samir El-Ghazaly:
Ensemble Monte Carlo and Full-Wave Electrodynamic Models Implemented Self-Consistently on a Parallel Processor Using Perfectly Matched Layer Boundary Conditions. 129-133 - Carlo Cercignani, Irene M. Gamba, Joseph W. Jerome, Chi-Wang Shu:
Applicability of the High Field Model: An Analytical Study Via Asymptotic Parameters Defining Domain Decomposition. 135-141 - Carl L. Gardner, Christian A. Ringhofer:
Smooth Quantum Hydrodynamic Model Simulation of the Resonant Tunneling Diode. 143-146 - Chip-Hong Chang, C.-K. Lin, Neil Goldsman, Isaak D. Mayergoyz:
Spherical Harmonic Modeling of a 0.05 μm Base BJT: A Comparison with Monte Carlo and Asymptotic Analysis. 147-151 - Joseph W. Parks Jr., Kevin F. Brennan, Arlynn W. Smith:
Numerical Examination of Photon Recycling as an Explanation of Observed Carrier Lifetime in Direct Bandgap Materials. 153-157 - D. A. Richie, Paul von Allmen, Karl Hess, Richard M. Martin:
Electronic Structure Calculations Using An Adaptive Wavelet Basis. 159-163 - David K. Ferry, John R. Barker:
Open Problems in Quantum Simulation in Ultra-Submicron Devices. 165-172 - Massimo V. Fischetti:
Theory of Electron Transport in Small Semiconductor Devices Using the Pauli Master Equation. 173-178 - I. V. Zozoulenko, K.-F. Berggren:
Quantum Transport in Open Nanostructures. 179-184 - Carlo Jacoboni, A. Abramo, Paolo Bordone, Rossella Brunetti, M. Pascoli:
Application of the Wigner-Function Formulation to Mesoscopic Systems in Presence of Electron-Phonon Interaction. 185-190 - Günter Mahler, Rainer Wawer:
Quantum Networks: Dynamics of Open Nanostructures. 191-196 - Fausto Rossi, Stefano Ragazzi, Aldo Di Carlo, Paolo Lugli:
A Generalized Monte Carlo Approach for the Analysis of Quantum-Transport Phenomena in Mesoscopic Systems: Interplay Between Coherence and Relaxation. 197-202 - Walter Pötz, Xuedong Hu:
Coherent Control of Light Absorption and Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductor Nanostructures. 203-207 - Mathias Wagner:
A New Computational Approach to Photon-Assisted Tunneling in Intense Driving Fields Based on a Fabry-Perot Analogy. 209-214 - Harold L. Grubin, J. R. Caspar, David K. Ferry:
Phase Space Boundary Conditions and Quantum Device Transport. 215-217 - Christoph Wasshuber, Hans Kosina, Siegfried Selberherr:
Single-Electron Memories. 219-223 - T. Ezaki, N. Mori, C. Hamaguchi:
Electron-LA Phonon Interaction in a Quantum Dot. 225-230 - A. Scholze, Andreas Wettstein, Andreas Schenk, Wolfgang Fichtner:
Self-Consistent Calculations of the Ground State and the Capacitance of a 3D Si/SiO2 Quantum Dot. 231-235 - Fliex A. Buot:
An lnterband Tunnel Oscillator: Intrinsic Bistability and Hysteresis of Trapped Hole Charge in a Double-Barrier Structure. 237-245 - M. Macucci, A. T. Galick, Umberto Ravaioli:
Tunneling Between Multimode Stacked Quantum Wires. 247-252 - F. Gámiz, Juan Bautista Roldán, J. A. López-Villanueva:
Monte Carlo Simulation of Non-Local Transport Effects in Strained Si on Relaxed Si1 - xGex Heterostructures. 253-256 - F. Gámiz, Juan Bautista Roldán, J. A. López-Villanueva:
A β-SiC MOSFET Monte Carlo Simulator Including Inversion Layer Quantization. 257-260 - Juan Bautista Roldán, F. Gámiz, J. A. López-Villanueva:
Development of a Method for Determining the Dependence of the Electron Mobility on the Longitudinal-Electric Field in MOSFETs. 261-264 - Fliex Buot:
Quantum Distribution-function Transport Equations in Non-normal Systems and in Ultra-fast Dynamics of Optically-excited Semiconductors. 265-273 - Carlo Cercignani, Irene M. Gamba, Joseph W. Jerome, Chi-Wang Shu:
Applicability of the High Field Model: A Preliminary Numerical Study. 275-282 - Gang Fang, Ting-Wei Tang:
Simulation of Bistable Laser Diodes with lnhomogeneous Excitation. 283-287 - Jing P. Sun, Hsisheng B. Teng, George I. Haddad, Michael A. Stroscio, G. J. Iafrate:
lntersubband Relaxation in Step Quantum Well Structures. 289-293 - Yong S. Joe, Ronald M. Cosby:
Resonances in Conductance Through Tunable Attractors. 295-299 - Dragica Vasileska, Warren J. Gross, Venceslav Kafedziski, David K. Ferry:
Convergence Properties of the Bi-CGSTAB Method for the Solution of the 3D Poisson and 3D Electron Current Continuity Equations for Scaled Si MOSFETs. 301-305 - Richard Akis, David K. Ferry:
Wave Function Scarring Effects in Open Ballistic Quantum Cavities. 307-312 - S. Babiker, Asen Asenov, Norman Cameron, S. P. Beaumont, John R. Barker:
Complete RF Analysis of Compound FETs Based on Transient Monte Carlo Simulation. 313-317 - Asen Asenov, S. Babiker, S. P. Beaumont, John R. Barker:
Monte Carlo Calibrated Drift-Diffusion Simulation of Short Channel HFETs. 319-323 - Sumit Roy, Asen Asenov, S. Babiker, John R. Barker, S. P. Beaumont:
RF Performance of Si/SiGe MODFETs: A Simulation Study. 325-330 - Clinton R. Arokianathan, John H. Davies, Asen Asenov:
Ab-initio Coulomb Scattering in Atomistic Device Simulation. 331-335 - Mahesh B. Patil, Umberto Ravaioli, Thomas Kerkhoven:
Numerical Evaluation of Iterative Schemes for Drift-diffusion Simulation. 337-341 - Jürgen Jakumeit, Amanda Duncan, Umberto Ravaioli, Karl Hess:
Simulation of Si-MOSFETs with the Mutation Operator Monte Carlo Method. 343-347 - Lutfi Albasha, Christopher M. Snowden, Roger D. Pollard:
A New HEMT Breakdown Model Incorporating Gate and Thermal Effects. 349-353 - Stephen Bennett, Christopher M. Snowden, Stavros Iezekiel:
Rate Equation Modelling of Nonlinear Dynamics in Directly Modulated Multiple Quantum Well Laser Diodes. 355-360 - Susanna Reggiani, Maria Cristina Vecchi, Massimo Rudan:
Temperature Dependence of the Electron and Hole Scattering Mechanisms in Silicon Analyzed through a Full-Band, Spherical-Harmonics Solution of the BTE. 361-365 - Robert W. Kelsall:
Monte Carlo Simulations of Intersubband Hole Relaxation in a GaAs/AlAs Quantum Well. 367-373 - A. Marrocco, Philippe Montarnal:
Bi-Dimensional Simulation of the Simplified Hydrodynamic and Energy-Transport Models Heter junction Semiconductors Devices Using Mixed Finite Elements. 375-379 - Alfredo J. Piazza, Can E. Korman:
Semiconductor Device Noise Computation Based on the Deterministic Solution of the Poisson and Boltzmann Transport Equations. 381-385 - Burkhard Neinhüs, Stefan Decker, Peter Graf, Fabian M. Bufler, Bernd Meinerzhagen:
Consistent Hydrodynamic and Monte-Carlo Simulation of SiGe HBTs Based on Table Models the Relaxation Times. 387-391 - Elizabeth J. Brauer, Marek Turowski, James M. McDonough:
Additive Decomposition Applied to the Semiconductor Drift-Diffusion Model. 393-399 - Manfred Dür, Stephen M. Goodnick, Martin Reigrotzki, Ronald Redmer:
Monte Carlo Simulations of High Field Transport in Electroluminescent Devices. 401-405 - Kate A. Remley, Andreas Weisshaar, V. K. Tripathi, Stephen M. Goodnick:
Modeling of Radiation Fields in a Sub-Picosecond Photo-Conducting System. 407-412 - John Stanley, Neil Goldsman:
New "Irreducible Wedge" for Scattering Rate Calculations in Full-Zone Monte Carlo Simulations. 413-417 - S. Ramey, R. Khoie:
Formulation of a Self-Consistent Model for Quantum Well pin Solar Cells: Dark Behavior. 419-422 - Haihong Wang, Wei-Kai Shih, Susan Green, Scott Hareland, Christine M. Maziar, A. F. Tasch Jr.:
Hydrodynamic (HD) Simulation of N-Channel MOSFET's with a Computationally Efficient Inversion Layer Quantization Model. 423-428 - Wei-Kai Shih, Srinivas Jallepalli, Mahbub Rashed, Christine M. Maziar, A. F. Tasch Jr.:
Study of Electron Velocity Overshoot in NMOS Inversion Layers. 429-435 - Tadayuki Okada, Kazushige Horio:
Study on Possible Double Peaks in Cutoff Frequency Characteristics of AlGaAs/GaAs HBTs by Energy Transport Simulation. 437-442 - Massimo Macucci, Karl Hess:
Shell-Filling Effects in Circular Quantum Dots. 443-447 - Giuseppe Iannaccone, Massimo Macucci, B. Pellegrini:
Modeling of Shot Noise in Resonant Tunneling Structures. 449-453 - Paul E. Hasler, Andreas G. Andreou, Chris Diorio, Bradley A. Minch, Carver A. Mead:
Impact Ionization and Hot-Electron Injection Derived Consistently from Boltzmann Transport. 454-461 - F. Oyafuso, Paul von Allmen, Matt Grupen, Karl Hess:
Inclusion of Bandstructure and Many-Body Effects in a Quantum Well Laser Simulator. 463-468 - Andrea Reale, Aldo Di Carlo, Sara Pescetelli, Marco Paciotti, Paolo Lugli:
Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor 2D Nanosystems: Self-consistent Tight-binding Calculations. 469-473 - Michael S. Obrecht, Edwin L. Heasell, Jirí Vlach, Mohamed I. Elmasry:
Transient Phenomena in High Speed Bipolar Devices. 475-480 - V. A. Kochelap, B. A. Glavin, V. V. Mitin:
Transverse Patterns in the Bistable Resonant Tunneling Systems Under Ballistic Lateral Transport. 481-487 - Hans Kosina, C. Troger:
SPIN - A Schrödinger-Poisson Solver Including Nonparabolic Bands. 489-493 - S. M. Sohel Imtiaz, Samir El-Ghazaly, Robert O. Grondin:
Advantages of Semiconductor Device Simulator Combining Electromagnetic and Electron Transport Models. 495-500 - Jen-Fin Lin, D. Z.-Y. Ting:
Quantum Transport and Thermoelectric Properties of InAs/GaSb Superlattices. 501-505 - Geng-Chiau Liang, Yiping A. Lin, David Z.-Y. Ting, Yia-Chung Chang:
Multiband Quantum Transmitting Boundary Method for Non-orthogonal Basis. 507-513 - Orazio Muscato, S. Rinaudo, P. Falsaperla:
Calibration of a One Dimensional Hydrodynamic Simulator with Monte Carlo Data. 515-520 - Angelo Marcello Anile, Vittorio Romano, Giovanni Russo:
Hyperbolic Hydrodynamical Model of Carrier Transport in Semiconductors. 521-525 - P. Falsaperla, Massimo Trovato:
A Hydrodynamic Model for Transport in Semiconductors without Free Parameters. 527-532 - Edwin C. Kan, Robert W. Dutton:
Modeling of Poly-Silicon Carrier Transport with Explicit Treatment of Grains and Grain Boundaries. 533-537 - Kausar Banoo, F. Assad, Mark S. Lundstrom:
Formulation of the Boltzmann Equation as a Multi-Mode Drift-Diffusion Equation. 539-544 - Gyula Veszely:
A 3D Nonlinear Poisson Solver. 545-548 - Paul G. Krause, Rachel M. Mueller, P. Douglas Tougaw, Janelle M. Weidner:
An Alternative Geometry for Quantum Cellular Automata. 549-553 - Per Hyldgaard, Henry K. Harbury, Wolfgang Porod:
Electrostatic Formation of Coupled Si/SiO2 Quantum Dot Systems. 555-558 - Zhen-Li Ji, D. W. L. Sprung:
Electron Transport In One-Dimensional Magnetic Superlattices. 559-565 - Joseph W. Parks Jr., Kevin F. Brennan:
Boundary Condition for the Modeling of Open-circuited Devices in Non-equilibrium. 567-572
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