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IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Volume 5
Volume 5, Number 1, February 1993
- Benjamin W. Wah:
Editorial. 1-3
- Brian R. Gaines, Mildred L. G. Shaw:
Eliciting Knowledge and Transferring It Effectively to a Knowledge-Based System. 4-14
- Attilio Giordana, Lorenza Saitta, Francesco Bergadano
, Filippo Brancadori, Davide De Marchi:
ENIGMA: A System That Learns Diagnostic Knowledge. 15-28 - Jiawei Han, Yandong Cai, Nick Cercone:
Data-Driven Discovery of Quantitative Rules in Relational Databases. 29-40
- Minkoo Kim, Anthony S. Maida:
Reliability Measure Theory: A Nonmonotonic Semantics. 41-51
- Christoph F. Eick, Paul Werstein:
Rule-Based Consistency Enforcement for Knowledge-Based Systems. 52-64
- Dan I. Moldovan, Wing Lee, Changhwa Lin:
Parallel Knowledge Processing in SNAP. 65-75
- Gautam Bhargava, Shashi K. Gadia:
Relational Database Systems with Zero Information Loss. 76-87
- Knuth Stener Grimsrud, James K. Archibald, Brent E. Nelson:
Multiple Prefetch Adaptive Disk Caching. 88-103
- Wolfgang Nejdl
, Stefano Ceri, Gio Wiederhold:
Evaluating Recursive Queries in Distributed Databases. 104-121
- Yoshikane Takahashi:
Fuzzy Database Query Languages and Their Relational Completeness Theorem. 122-125
- Divyakant Agrawal, Soumitra Sengupta:
Modular Synchronization in Distributed, Multiversion Databases: Version Control and Concurrency Control. 126-137
- Benjamin W. Wah, Thomas S. Huang, Aravind K. Joshi, Dan I. Moldovan, Yiannis Aloimonos, Ruzena Bajcsy, Dana H. Ballard, Doug DeGroot, Kenneth A. De Jong, Charles R. Dyer, Scott E. Fahlman, Ralph Grishman, Lynette Hirschman, Richard E. Korf, Stephen E. Levinson, Daniel P. Miranker, N. H. Morgan, Sergei Nirenburg, Tomaso A. Poggio, Edward M. Riseman, Craig Stanfil, Salvatore J. Stolfo, Steven L. Tanimoto, Charles C. Weems:
Report on Workshop on High Performance Computing and Communications for Grand Challenge Applications: Computer Vision, Speech and Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence. 138-154
- Chin-Wan Chung, Kenneth E. McCloskey:
Access to Indexed Hierarchical Databases Using a Relational Query Language. 155-161 - Chaitanya K. Baru, Sriram Padmanabhan:
Join and Data Redistribution Algorithms for Hypercubes. 161-168
Volume 5, Number 2, April 1993
- Amit Basu:
A Knowledge Representation Model for Multiuser Knowledge-Based Systems. 177-189 - William M. Honig:
Logical Organization of Knowledge with Inconsistent and Undecidable Algorithms Using Imaginary and Transfinite Exponential Number Forms in a Non-Boolean Field: Part One - Basic Principles. 190-203
- Giovanni Guida
, Giancarlo Mauri
Evaluating Performance and Quality of Knowledge-Based Systems: Foundation and Methodology. 204-224
- Takushi Tanaka:
Parsing Electronic Circuits in a Logic Grammar. 225-239
- Timos K. Sellis
, Chih-Chen Lin, Louiqa Raschid:
Coupling Production Systems and Database Systems: A Homogeneous Approach. 240-256
- Aloke Gupta, W. Kent Fuchs:
Garbage Collection in a Distributed Object-Oriented System. 257-265
- Liwu Li:
Fast In-Place Verification of Data Dependencies. 266-281
- Edward P. F. Chan:
A Possible World Semantics for Disjunctive Databases. 282-292
- Adegbeniga Ola, Gultekin Özsoyoglu:
Incomplete Relational Database Models Based on Intervals. 293-308
- Jian Tang, N. Natarajan:
Obtaining Coteries That Optimize the Availability of Replicated Databases. 309-321
- Marguerite C. Murphy, Doron Rotem:
Multiprocessor Join Scheduling. 322-338
- Jang-Jong Fan, Keh-Yih Su:
An Efficient Algorithm for Matching Multiple Patterns. 339-351
- Lin Yu, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz:
Ancestor Controlled Submodule Inclusion in Design Databases. 352-362
- Goa Ji:
Representing Inference Control by Hypothesis-Based Association. 363-367
Volume 5, Number 3, June 1993
- Silvano Mussi:
A Method for Putting Common Sense into an Expert Systems. 369-385
- Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat, Rudi Studer:
Knowledge Representation for Natural Language Understanding: The LLILOG Approach. 386-401
- Derek L. Nazareth:
Investigating the Applicability of Petri Nets for Rule-Based System Verification. 402-415
- Chuang Lin, Abhijit Chaudhury, Andrew B. Whinston, Dan C. Marinescu:
Logical Inference of Horn Clauses in Petri Net Models. 416-425
- Dick B. Simmons, Newton C. Ellis, Terry D. Escamilla:
Manager Associate. 426-438
- Giuseppe Di Battista, Maurizio Lenzerini
Deductive Entity-Relationship Modeling. 439-450
- Rafiul Ahad, Bing Yao:
RQL: A Recursive Query Language. 451-461
- Karl J. Lieberherr, Cun Xiao:
Formal Foundations for Object-Oriented Data Modeling. 462-478 - Song Bong Yoo, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu
Evaluation and Optimization of Query Programs in an Object-Oriented and Symbolic Information System. 479-495
- Himawan Gunadhi, Arie Segev:
Efficient Indexing Methods for Temporal Relations. 496-509
- Jörg Liebeherr, Edward Omiecinski, Ian F. Akyildiz:
The Effect of Index Partitioning Schemes on the Performance of Distributed Query Processing. 510-522
- Ouri Wolfson
, Aya Ozeri:
Parallel and Distributed Processing of Rules by Data Reduction. 523-530 - Kikuo Fujimura, Pankaj Jalote:
On Robustness of B-Trees. 530-534 - Ming-Syan Chen
, Philip S. Yu:
Combining Join and Semi-Join Operations for Distributed Query Processing. 534-542
Volume 5, Number 4, August 1993
- P. Bruce Berra, Forouzan Golshani, Rajiv Mehrotra, Olivia R. Liu Sheng:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Multimedia Information Systems. 545-550 - Thomas D. C. Little
, Arif Ghafoor:
Interval-Based Conceptual Models for Time-Dependent Multimedia Data. 551-563 - P. Venkat Rangan, Harrick M. Vin:
Efficient Storage Techniques for Digital Continuous Multimedia. 564-573 - K. Ravindran, Vivek Bansal:
Delay Compensation Protocols for Synchronization of Multimedia Data Streams. 574-589 - Taieb Znati, Brian Field:
A Network Level Channel Abstraction for Multimedia Communication in Real-Time Networks. 590-599 - John Riedl, Vahid Mashayekhi, James A. Schnepf, Mark Claypool, Dan Frankowski:
SuiteSound: A System for Distributed Collaborative Multimedia. 600-610 - Franz G. Amador, Deborah Berman, Alan Borning, Tony DeRose, Adam Finkelstein, Dorothy Neville, David Notkin, David Salesin, Michael Salisbury, Joe Sherman, Ying Sun, Daniel S. Weld, Georges Winkenbach:
Electronic "How Things Work" Articles: Two Early Prototypes. 611-618 - Jeffrey R. Bach, Santanu Paul, Ramesh C. Jain:
A Visual Information Management System for the Interactive Retrieval of Faces. 619-628 - Eitetsu Oomoto, Katsumi Tanaka:
OVID: Design and Implementation of a Video-Object Database System. 629-643 - Alfonso F. Cardenas, Ion Tim Ieong, Ricky K. Taira, Roger Barker, Claudine M. Breant:
The Knowledge-Based Object-Oriented PICQUERY+ Language. 644-657 - Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Luis Ramos:
Continuous Retrieval of Multimedia Data Using Parallelism. 658-669
- Maurizio Rafanelli, Fabrizio L. Ricci:
Mefisto: A Functional Model for Statistical Entities. 670-681
- Yasuaki Nakamura, Shigeru Abe, Yutaka Ohsawa, Masao Sakauchi:
A Balanced Hierarchical Data Structure for Multidimensional Data with Highly Efficient Dynamic Characteristics. 682-694
- Robert P. Cheetham, B. John Oommen
, David T. H. Ng:
Adaptive Structuring of Binary Search Trees Using Conditional Rotations. 695-704
- Bruce Abramson, Keung-Chi Ng:
Towards and Art and Science of Knowledge Engineering. 705-712 - Paolo Ciaccia
Block Access Estimation for Clustered Data. 712-718
Volume 5, Number 5, October 1993
- Munindar P. Singh
, Michael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens:
Declarative Representations of Multiagent Systems. 721-739
- Albert Croker, Vasant Dhar:
A Knowledge Representation for Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 740-752
- Jun-Tae Kim, Dan I. Moldovan:
Classification and Retrieval of Knowledge on Parallel Marker Passing Architecture. 753-761
- Nick Roussopoulos, Nikos Economou, Antony Stamenas:
ADMS: A Testbed for Incremental Access Methods. 762-774
- Stanley Y. W. Su, Mingsen Guo, Herman Lam:
Association Algebra: A Mathematical Foundation for Object-Oriented Databases. 775-798
- Shaul Dar, Rakesh Agrawal:
Extending SQL with Generalized Transitive Closure Functionality. 799-812
- Alfs T. Berztiss:
The Query Language Vizla. 813-825 - Richard T. Snodgrass, Santiago Gómez
, L. Edwin McKenzie:
Aggregates in the Temporal Query Language TQuel. 826-842 - Lil Mohan, Rangasami L. Kashyap:
A Visual Query Language for Graphical Interaction with Schema-Intensive Databases. 843-858
- O. T. Satyanarayanan, Divyakant Agrawal:
Efficient Execution of Read-Only Transactions in Replicated Multiversion Databases. 859-871
- F. Bukhari, Sylvia L. Osborn:
Two Fully Distributed Concurrency Control Algorithms. 872-881
- Doron Rotem, Gerhard A. Schloss, Arie Segev:
Data Allocation for Multi-Disk Databases. 882-887 - G. Sudhakar, Ahmed Karmouch, Nicolas D. Georganas:
Design and Performance Evaluation Considerations of a Multimedia Medical Database. 888-894
- Stephen T. C. Wong, John L. Wilson:
Design Guidelines for Object-Oriented Deductive Systems. 895-900
- Jang-Jong Fan, Keh-Yih Su:
Corrections to "An Efficient Algorithm for Matching Multiple Patterns". 900
Volume 5, Number 6, December 1993
- Nick Cercone, Mas Tsuchiya:
Guest Editors' Introduction. 901-902 - Christopher J. Matheus, Philip K. Chan
, Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro:
Systems for Knowledge Discovery in Databases. 903-913 - Rakesh Agrawal, Tomasz Imielinski
, Arun N. Swami:
Database Mining: A Performance Perspective. 914-925 - Vasant Dhar, Alexander Tuzhilin:
Abstract-Driven Pattern Discovery in Databases. 926-938 - Saso Dzeroski
, Nada Lavrac:
Inductive Learning in Deductive Databases. 939-949 - Shashi Shekhar, Babak Hamidzadeh, Ashim Kohli, Mark Coyle:
Learning Transformation Rules for Semantic Query Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach. 950-964 - David A. Bell:
From Data Properties to Evidence. 965-969 - Francesco Bergadano
Inductive Database Relations. 969-972 - Jong P. Yoon, Larry Kerschberg:
A Framework for Knowledge Discovery and Evolution in Databases. 973-979 - Özden Gür-Ali, William A. Wallace:
Induction of Rules Subject to a Quality Constraint: Probabilistic Inductive Learning. 979-984 - Darrell Conklin, Suzanne Fortier, Janice I. Glasgow:
Knowledge Discovery in Molecular Databases. 985-987 - Tzi-cker Chiueh, Randy H. Katz:
A History Approach of Automatic Relationships Establisment for VLSI Design Database. 987-990 - Brian R. Gaines, Paul Compton
Induction of Meta-knowledge about Knowledge Discovery. 990-992 - Lawrence B. Holder, Diane J. Cook:
Discovery of Inexact Concepts from Structural Data. 992-994 - Andrea S. Hemerly, Marco A. Casanova
, António L. Furtado:
Avoiding Misconstruals in Database Systems: A Default Logic Approach. 994-996 - Lisa F. Rau:
Calculating Salience and Breath of Knowledge. 996-998
- Amitava Dutta, Sabyasachi Mitra:
Integrating Heuristic Knowledge and Optimization Models for Communications Network Design. 999-1017
- Gultekin Özsoyoglu, Aladdin Hafez:
Near-Optimum Storage Models for Nested Relations Based on Workload Information. 1018-1038
- Thomas F. Keefe, Wei-Tek Tsai, Jaideep Srivastava
Database Concurrency Control in Multilevel Secure Database Management Systems. 1039-1055
- Susan V. Vrbsky, Jane W.-S. Liu:
APPROXIMATE - A Query Processor that Produces Monotonically Improving Approximate Answers. 1056-1068

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