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Neural Networks, Volume 15
Volume 15, Number 1, January 2002
- Stephen Grossberg, Mitsuo Kawato, John G. Taylor:
Editorial for 2002: A Time of Exuberant Development. 1- - Neural Networks referees in 2001. 3-4
- Manuel G. Velarde
, Vladimir I. Nekorkin, Viktor B. Kazantsev
, Vladimir I. Makarenko, Rodolfo R. Llinás:
Modeling inferior olive neuron dynamics. 5-10 - Paulo J. G. Lisboa:
A review of evidence of health benefit from artificial neural networks in medical intervention. 11-39 - Hiroyuki Nakahara
, Shun-ichi Amari:
Attention modulation of neural tuning through peak and base rate in correlated firing. 41-55 - David A. Sprecher, Sorin Draghici:
Space-filling curves and Kolmogorov superposition-based neural networks. 57-67 - Gee-Hyuk Lee, Nabil H. Farhat:
The Bifurcating Neuron Network 2: an analog associative memory. 69-84 - Simone G. O. Fiori:
Hybrid independent component analysis by adaptive LUT activation function neurons. 85-94 - Jigen Peng, Hong Qiao, Zongben Xu:
A new approach to stability of neural networks with time-varying delays. 95-103 - Yongqiang Cao, Jianhong Wu:
Projective ART for clustering data sets in high dimensional spaces. 105-120 - Seungjin Choi, Andrzej Cichocki
, Shun-ichi Amari:
Equivariant nonstationary source separation. 121-130 - Billur Barshan
, Birsel Ayrulu:
Fractional Fourier transform pre-processing for neural networks and its application to object recognition. 131-140
Volume 15, NUmber 2, March 2002
- Wolfgang Maass, Henry Markram:
Synapses as dynamic memory buffers. 155-161 - Joost C. Dessing, Daniel Bullock, C. (Lieke) E. Peper, Peter Jan Beek
Prospective control of manual interceptive actions: comparative simulations of extant and new model constructs. 163-179 - Stephen Grossberg, Alexander Grunewald:
Temporal dynamics of binocular disparity processing with corticogeniculate interactions. 181-200 - Tadashi Yamazaki
A mathematical analysis of the development of oriented receptive fields in Linsker's model. 201-207 - Elia Biganzoli
, Patrizia Boracchi
, Ettore Marubini:
A general framework for neural network models on censored survival data. 209-218 - Kai Keng Ang
, Hiok Chai Quek
, Abdul Wahab
MCMAC-CVT: a novel on-line associative memory based CVT transmission control system. 219-236 - Raphaël Féraud, Fabrice Clérot:
A methodology to explain neural network classification. 237-246 - Sukumar Chakraborty
, Kuhu Pal, Nikhil R. Pal:
A neuro-fuzzy framework for inferencing. 247-261 - Stephen A. Billings, Kian L. Lee:
Nonlinear Fisher discriminant analysis using a minimum squared error cost function and the orthogonal least squares algorithm. 263-270 - Mikio Hasegawa
, Tohru Ikeguchi, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Solving large scale traveling salesman problems by chaotic neurodynamics. 271-283 - Xijin Ge
, Shuichi Iwata:
Learning the parts of objects by auto-association. 285-295
Volume 15, Number 3, April 2002
- Amir Karniel:
Three creatures named 'forward model'. 305-307 - John G. Taylor, M. Rogers:
A control model of the movement of attention. 309-326 - Gopalasamy Athithan:
A local and neurobiologically plausible method of learning correlated patterns. 327-335 - Jiann-Ming Wu, Zheng-Han Lin:
Learning generative models of natural images. 337-347 - Masashi Sugiyama, Hidemitsu Ogawa:
Optimal design of regularization term and regularization parameter by subspace information criterion. 349-361 - Pedro M. Talaván, Javier Yáñez
Parameter setting of the Hopfield network applied to TSP. 363-373 - Richard Stuart Neville, Stephen E. Eldridge:
Transformations of sigma-pi nets: obtaining reflected functions by reflecting weight matrices. 375-393 - Sorin Draghici
On the capabilities of neural networks using limited precision weights. 395-414 - Lin Wang
, Xingfu Zou:
Exponential stability of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks. 415-422 - Ke Chen
, DeLiang L. Wang:
A dynamically coupled neural oscillator network for image segmentation. 423-439 - Chuangyin Dang
, Liping He, Ip Kee Hui:
A deterministic annealing algorithm for approximating a solution of the max-bisection problem. 441-458 - B. Yegnanarayana, S. Prahallad Kishore:
AANN: an alternative to GMM for pattern recognition. 459-469
Volume 15, Number 4-6, June - July 2002
- Kenji Doya
, Peter Dayan
, Michael E. Hasselmo
Introduction for 2002 Special Issue: Computational Models of Neuromodulation. 475-477 - Eve Marder
, Vatsala Thirumalai
Cellular, synaptic and network effects of neuromodulation. 479-493 - Kenji Doya
Metalearning and neuromodulation. 495-506 - John N. J. Reynolds, Jeffery R. Wickens
Dopamine-dependent plasticity of corticostriatal synapses. 507-521 - Roland E. Suri
TD models of reward predictive responses in dopamine neurons. 523-533 - Daphna Joel
, Yael Niv, Eytan Ruppin:
Actor-critic models of the basal ganglia: new anatomical and computational perspectives. 535-547 - Sham M. Kakade, Peter Dayan
Dopamine: generalization and bonuses. 549-559 - Daniel Durstewitz, Jeremy K. Seamans:
The computational role of dopamine D1 receptors in working memory. 561-572 - Shoji Tanaka:
Dopamine controls fundamental cognitive operations of multi-target spatial working memory. 573-582 - Jean-Claude Dreher
, Yves Burnod:
An integrative theory of the phasic and tonic modes of dopamine modulation in the prefrontal cortex. 583-602 - Nathaniel D. Daw
, Sham M. Kakade, Peter Dayan
Opponent interactions between serotonin and dopamine. 603-616 - Rudolf N. Cardinal
, Nathaniel D. Daw
, Trevor W. Robbins
, Barry J. Everitt
Local analysis of behaviour in the adjusting-delay task for assessing choice of delayed reinforcement. 617-634 - Marius Usher, Eddy J. Davelaar
Neuromodulation of decision and response selection. 635-645 - Mark S. Gilzenrat, Benjamin D. Holmes, Janusz Rajkowski, Gary Aston-Jones, Jonathan D. Cohen:
Simplified dynamics in a model of noradrenergic modulation of cognitive performance. 647-663 - Shin Ishii
, Wako Yoshida
, Junichiro Yoshimoto
Control of exploitation-exploration meta-parameter in reinforcement learning. 665-687 - Michael E. Hasselmo
, Jonathan Hay, Maxim Ilyn
, Anatoli Gorchetchnikov:
Neuromodulation, theta rhythm and rat spatial navigation. 689-707 - Christiane Linster, Thomas A. Cleland
Cholinergic modulation of sensory representations in the olfactory bulb. 709-717 - Angela J. Yu, Peter Dayan
Acetylcholine in cortical inference. 719-730 - Yasushi Kobayashi
, Tadashi Isa:
Sensory-motor gating and cognitive control by the brainstem cholinergic system. 731-741 - Noboru Murata
, Motoaki Kawanabe, Andreas Ziehe, Klaus-Robert Müller
, Shun-ichi Amari:
On-line learning in changing environments with applications in supervised and unsupervised learning. 743-760 - Olaf Sporns
, William H. Alexander:
Neuromodulation and plasticity in an autonomous robot. 761-774
Volume 15, Number 7, September 2002
- Tony Vladusich, Jack Broerse:
Color constancy and the functional significance of McCollough effects. 775-809 - Xiaoxing Wang, Jesse S. Jin, Marwan A. Jabri:
Neural network models for the gaze shift system in the superior colliculus and cerebellum. 811-832 - Iku Nemoto, Kei Saito:
A complex-valued version of Nagumo-Sato model of a single neuron and its behavior. 833-853 - Xiaofeng Liao, Guanrong Chen
, Edgar N. Sánchez:
Delay-dependent exponential stability analysis of delayed neural networks: an LMI approach. 855-866 - Yuming Chen:
Global stability of neural networks with distributed delays. 867-871 - Christelle Godin
, Mirta B. Gordon, Jean-Dennis Muller:
SpikeCell: a deterministic spiking neuron. 873-879 - Roelof K. Brouwer:
A feed-forward network for input that is both categorical and quantitative. 881-890 - Chris Christodoulou
, Guido Bugmann, Trevor G. Clarkson:
A spiking neuron model: applications and learning. 891-908 - Ren Jie Kuo, P. C. Wu, C. P. Wang:
An intelligent sales forecasting system through integration of artificial neural networks and fuzzy neural networks with fuzzy weight elimination. 909-925
Volume 15, Number 8-9, October - November 2002
- Abstracts for: 15/9-10. 937-942
- Nigel M. Allinson
, Hujun Yin
, Klaus Obermayer:
Introduction: new developments in self-organising maps. 943- - Teuvo Kohonen, Panu Somervuo:
How to make large self-organizing maps for nonvectorial data. 945-952 - Janne Nikkilä, Petri Törönen
, Samuel Kaski, Jarkko Venna, Eero Castrén
, Garry Wong:
Analysis and visualization of gene expression data using Self-Organizing Maps. 953-966 - Eric de Bodt, Marie Cottrell, Michel Verleysen:
Statistical tools to assess the reliability of self-organizing maps. 967-978 - Thomas Voegtlin:
Recursive self-organizing maps. 979-991 - John Aldo Lee
, Michel Verleysen:
Self-organizing maps with recursive neighborhood adaptation. 993-1003 - Hujun Yin
Data visualisation and manifold mapping using the ViSOM. 1005-1016 - Michaël Aupetit
, Pierre Couturier, Pierre Massotte:
gamma-Observable neighbours for vector quantization. 1017-1027 - Marc M. Van Hulle
Kernel-based topographic map formation achieved with an information-theoretic approach. 1029-1039 - Stephen Marsland, Jonathan Shapiro
, Ulrich Nehmzow:
A self-organising network that grows when required. 1041-1058 - Barbara Hammer
, Thomas Villmann:
Generalized relevance learning vector quantization. 1059-1068 - José Carlos Príncipe, Neil R. Euliano
, Shayan Garani:
Principles and networks for self-organization in space-time. 1069-1083 - Michel Haritopoulos, Hujun Yin
, Nigel M. Allinson
Image denoising using self-organizing map-based nonlinear independent component analysis. 1085-1098 - Daniel Pullwitt:
Integrating contextual information to enhance SOM-based text document clustering. 1099-1106 - Andrew James Smith:
Applications of the self-organising map to reinforcement learning. 1107-1124 - Lei Xu:
BYY harmony learning, structural RPCL, and topological self-organizing on mixture models. 1125-1151
Volume 15, Number 10, December 2002
- Mukund Balasubramanian, Jonathan R. Polimeni
, Eric L. Schwartz:
The V1-V2-V3 complex: quasiconformal dipole maps in primate striate and extra-striate cortex. 1157-1163 - Shigeru Shinomoto
, Keisetsu Shima, Jun Tanji:
New classification scheme of cortical sites with the neuronal spiking characteristics. 1165-1169 - Motoharu Yoshida, Hatsuo Hayashi, Katsumi Tateno
, Satoru Ishizuka:
Stochastic resonance in the hippocampal CA3-CA1 model: a possible memory recall mechanism. 1171-1183 - Pierre Courrieu:
Straight monotonic embedding of data sets in Euclidean spaces. 1185-1196 - Hugues Bersini, Pierre Sener:
The connections between the frustrated chaos and the intermittency chaos in small Hopfield networks. 1197-1204 - Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos, Michael Georgiopoulos:
Category regions as new geometrical concepts in Fuzzy-ART and Fuzzy-ARTMAP. 1205-1221 - Naonori Ueda, Zoubin Ghahramani:
Bayesian model search for mixture models based on optimizing variational bounds. 1223-1241 - Patrick C. McGuire
, Henrik Bohr, John W. Clark, Robert Haschke
, Chris L. Pershing, Johann Rafelski
Threshold disorder as a source of diverse and complex behavior in random nets. 1243-1258 - Nicolás García-Pedrajas, César Hervás-Martínez, José Muñoz-Pérez
Multi-objective cooperative coevolution of artificial neural networks (multi-objective cooperative networks). 1259-1278 - Kazumi Saito, Ryohei Nakano:
Extracting regression rules from neural networks. 1279-1288 - Pallapa Venkataram, Sudip Ghosal, B. P. Vijay Kumar:
Neural network based optimal routing algorithm for communication networks. 1289-1298 - Changyin Sun:
A comment on "Global stability analysis in delayed Hopfield neural network models". 1299-1300 - Jiye Zhang:
A comment on "Global stability analysis in delayed Hopfield neural network models". 1301-

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