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Neural Networks, Volume 12
Volume 12, Number 1, January 1999
- Daniel Bullock, Raoul M. Bongers, Marnix Lankhorst, Peter Jan Beek
A vector-integration-to-endpoint model for performance of viapoint movements. 1-29 - Michele Rucci
, Jonathan Wray:
Binaural cross-correlation and auditory localization in the barn owl: a theoretical study. 31-42 - Nikolaos Ampazis, Stavros J. Perantonis, John G. Taylor:
Dynamics of multilayer networks in the vicinity of temporary minima. 43-58 - Pierre Chauvet, Gilbert A. Chauvet:
Purkinje local circuits with delays: mathematical conditions of stability for learning and retrieval. 59-77 - Guian Zhou, Jennie Si
Subset-based training and pruning of sigmoid neural networks. 79-89 - Salvatore Cavalieri
, Orazio Mirabella:
A novel learning algorithm which improves the partial fault tolerance of multilayer neural networks. 91-106 - Aleksander Kolcz, Nigel M. Allinson
Basis function models of the CMAC network. 107-126 - Rolf P. Würtz
, Wolfgang Konen
, Kay-Ole Behrmann:
On the performance of neuronal matching algorithms. 127-134 - Youry R. Romanovsky, Egor D. Brovko:
Neural network models in a set selection problem. 135-143 - Ning Qian:
On the momentum term in gradient descent learning algorithms. 145-151 - Kazutaka Someya, Hidekazu Shinozaki, Yoshifumi Sekine:
Pulse-type hardware chaotic neuron model and its bifurcation phenomena. 153-161 - Zsolt Kalmár, Zsolt Marczell, Csaba Szepesvári, András Lörincz
Parallel and robust skeletonization built on self-organizing elements. 163-173 - Gregor P. J. Schmitz, Chris Aldrich:
Combinatorial evolution of regression nodes in feedforward neural networks. 175-189 - Wee Kheng Leow, Rudy Setiono:
Explanation of the "virtual input" phenomenon. 191-192 - Stephen L. Thaler:
No mystery intended. 193-194
Volume 12, Number 2, March 1999
- Richard J. Wood, Eric L. Schwartz:
Topographic shear and the relation of ocular dominance columns to orientation columns in primate and cat visual cortex. 205-210 - Tetsuya Asai
, Tomoki Fukai
, Shigeru Tanaka:
A subthreshold MOS circuit for the Lotka-Volterra neural network producing the winners-share-all solution. 211-216 - Robert F. Hadley, Vlad C. Cardei:
Language acquisition from sparse input without error feedback. 217-235 - Yves Moreau
, Stéphane Louiès, Joos Vandewalle, Léon Brenig:
Embedding recurrent neural networks into predator-prey models. 237-245 - Hideyuki Koyama, Norio Fujie, Hiroyuki Seyama:
Results from the Gardner-Derrida-Mottishaw theory of associative memory. 247-257 - Zhenjiang Miao, Baozong Yuan:
Analysis and optimal design of continuous neural networks with applications to associative memory. 259-271 - Zhi-Hong Guan, Guanrong Chen
On delayed impulsive Hopfield neural networks. 273-280 - Friedrich T. Sommer, Günther Palm:
Improved bidirectional retrieval of sparse patterns stored by Hebbian learning. 281-297 - Peter M. Williams:
Matrix logarithm parametrizations for neural network covariance models. 299-308 - Ulrich Anders, Olaf Korn:
Model selection in neural networks. 309-323 - Ismet Bayraktaroglu, Arif Selçuk Ögrenci
, Günhan Dündar
, Sina Balkir, Ethem Alpaydin
ANNSyS: an Analog Neural Network Synthesis System. 325-338 - Andrew R. Webb:
A loss function approach to model selection in nonlinear principal components. 339-345 - Masahide Nomura:
A comfortable brain-interface to video displays. 347-354 - R. J. Kuo, P. H. Cohen:
Multi-sensor integration for on-line tool wear estimation through radial basis function networks and fuzzy neural network. 355-370 - Stephane Pernot, Claude-Henri Lamarque
Application of neural networks to the modelling of some constitutive laws. 371-392 - Fa-Long Luo, Rolf Unbehauen:
Comments on: A unified algorithm for principal and minor components extraction. 393- - Tianping Chen, Shun-ichi Amari:
Response. 395-
Volume 12, Number 3, April 1999
- Martha A. Carter, Mark E. Oxley:
Evaluating the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of artificial neural networks using the Poincaré polynomial. 403-408 - Odelia Schwartz, John G. Harris, José Carlos Príncipe:
Modeling the precedence effect for speech using the gamma filter. 409-417 - Don J. Torrieri:
The eigenspace separation transform for neural-network classifiers. 419-427 - Aapo Hyvärinen, Petteri Pajunen:
Nonlinear independent component analysis: Existence and uniqueness results. 429-439 - Yakov B. Kazanovich
, Roman Borisyuk
Dynamics of neural networks with a central element. 441-454 - V. Sree Hari Rao, Bh. R. M. Phaneendra:
Global dynamics of bidirectional associative memory neural networks involving transmission delays and dead zones. 455-465 - Maxwell B. Stinchcombe:
Neural network approximation of continuous functionals and continuous functions on compactifications. 467-477 - Jay A. Alexander, Michael Mozer:
Template-based procedures for neural network interpretation. 479-498 - Ennio Mingolla
, William D. Ross, Stephen Grossberg:
A neural network for enhancing boundaries and surfaces in synthetic aperture radar images. 499-511 - Elder Moreira Hemerly, Cairo L. Nascimento Jr.
An NN-based approach for tuning servocontrollers. 513-518 - Frank T. Allen, Jason M. Kinser, H. John Caulfield:
A neural bridge from syntactic to statistical pattern recognition. 519-526 - Qiuming Zhu, Yao Cai, Luzheng Liu:
A global learning algorithm for a RBF network. 527-540 - Rod Adams, Kate Butchart, Neil Davey:
Hierarchical classification with a competitive evolutionary neural tree. 541-551 - D. Dollfus, Luc Beaufort:
Fat neural network for recognition of position-normalised objects. 553-560
Volume 12, Number 4-5, June 1999
- Osamu Watanabe, Kunihiko Fukushima:
Stereo algorithm that extracts a depth cue from interocularly unpaired points. 569-578 - DeLiang Wang:
Object selection based on oscillatory correlation. 579-592 - Hava T. Siegelmann, Maurice Margenstern:
Nine switch-affine neurons suffice for Turing universality. 593-600 - Arndt Klotz, Kurt Bräuer:
A small-size neural network for computing with strange attractors. 601-607 - Fernanda Botelho:
Dynamical features simulated by recurrent neural networks. 609-615 - Tomás Gedeon:
Additive neural networks and periodic patterns. 617-626 - Thomas Elsken:
Smaller nets may perform better: special transfer functions. 627-645 - M. R. Belli, Massimo Conti
, Paolo Crippa
, Claudio Turchetti:
Artificial neural networks as approximators of stochastic processes. 647-658 - Hans-Ulrich Bauer, J. Michael Herrmann, Thomas Villmann:
Neural maps and topographic vector quantization. 659-676 - Dirk Husmeier
, William D. Penny
, Stephen J. Roberts:
An empirical evaluation of Bayesian sampling with hybrid Monte Carlo for training neural network classifiers. 677-705 - Mikko Lehtokangas:
Modelling with constructive backpropagation. 707-716 - Frédéric Maire:
Rule-extraction by backpropagation of polyhedra. 717-725 - Ron Sun, Todd Peterson:
Multi-agent reinforcement learning: weighting and partitioning. 727-753 - Philip M. Long, Apostol Natsev, Jeffrey Scott Vitter
Text compression via alphabet re-representation. 755-765 - George-Peter K. Economou, Dimitris K. Lymberopoulos, Kostas V. Spiropoulos, P. D. Goumas:
A new perspective in learning pattern generation for teaching neural networks. 767-775
Volume 12, Number 6, July 1999
- Shun-ichi Amari, Si Wu:
Improving support vector machine classifiers by modifying kernel functions. 783-789 - Kunihiko Fukushima:
Self-organization of shift-invariant receptive fields. 791-801 - Marc M. Van Hulle:
Faithful representations with topographic maps. 803-823 - Chun-Ying Ho, Hiroaki Kurokawa:
A learning algorithm for oscillatory cellular neural networks. 825-836 - Michael Georgiopoulos, Issam Dagher, Gregory L. Heileman, George Bebis:
Properties of learning of a Fuzzy ART Variant. 837-850 - Gerhard X. Ritter, Juan Luis Díaz-de-León S., Peter Sussner:
Morphological bidirectional associative memories. 851-867 - Amos J. Storkey, Romain Valabrègue
The basins of attraction of a new Hopfield learning rule. 869-876 - William D. Penny
, Stephen J. Roberts:
Bayesian neural networks for classification: how useful is the evidence framework? 877-892 - Cheng-Yuan Liou
, Wen-Pin Tai:
Conformal self-organization for continuity on a feature map. 893-905 - Andrew Chi-Sing Leung
, Lai-Wan Chan:
Design of trellis coded vector quantizers using Kohonen maps. 907-914 - Dasaratha V. Sridhar, Eric B. Bartlett, Richard C. Seagrave:
An information theoretic approach for combining neural network process models. 915-926 - Jie Zhang
Inferential estimation of polymer quality using bootstrap aggregated neural networks. 927-938
Volume 12, Number 7-8, October 1999
- John G. Taylor:
Towards the networks of the brain: from brain imaging to consciousness. 943-959 - Kenji Doya
What are the computations of the cerebellum, the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex? 961-974 - Tomoki Fukai
Sequence generation in arbitrary temporal patterns from theta-nested gamma oscillations: a model of the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loops. 975-987 - Edgar Körner, Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, Ursula Körner, Andreas Richter, Tobias Rodemann:
A model of computation in neocortical architecture. 989-1005 - Shoji Tanaka:
Architecture and dynamics of the primate prefrontal cortical circuit for spatial working memory. 1007-1020 - Shimon Ullman, Sergei Soloviev:
Computation of pattern invariance in brain-like structures. 1021-1036 - Hiroshi Ando, Satoshi Suzuki, Toshifumi Fujita:
Unsupervised visual learning of three-dimensional objects using a modular network architecture. 1037-1051 - Matthew N. Dailey
, Garrison W. Cottrell
Organization of face and object recognition in modular neural network models. 1053-1074 - Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi:
On redundancy in neural architecture: dynamics of a simple module-based neural network and initial-state independence. 1075-1085 - Thomas Bergener, Carsten Bruckhoff, Percy Dahm, Herbert Janßen, Frank Joublin, Rainer Menzner, Axel Steinhage, Werner von Seelen:
Complex behavior by means of dynamical systems for an anthropomorphic robot. 1087-1099 - Horst-Michael Gross, Andrea Heinze, Torsten Seiler, Volker Stephan:
Generative character of perception: a neural architecture for sensorimotor anticipation. 1101-1129 - Jun Tani, Stefano Nolfi:
Learning to perceive the world as articulated: an approach for hierarchical learning in sensory-motor systems. 1131-1141 - Kazuyuki Samejima, Takashi Omori:
Adaptive internal state space construction method for reinforcement learning of a real-world agent. 1143-1155 - Takashi Omori, Akiko Mochizuki, Kentaro Mizutani, M. Nishizaki:
Emergence of symbolic behavior from brain like memory with dynamic attention. 1157-1172 - Pietro G. Morasso, L. Baratto, Roberto Capra, Gino Spada:
Internal models in the control of posture. 1173-1180 - Yutaka Sakai, Shintaro Funahashi, Shigeru Shinomoto
Temporally correlated inputs to leaky integrate-and-fire models can reproduce spiking statistics of cortical neurons. 1181-1190 - Anthony V. Robins, Simon McCallum
The consolidation of learning during sleep: comparing the pseudorehearsal and unlearning accounts. 1191-1206
Volume 12, Number 9, November 1999
- Jinwen Ma:
The asymptotic memory capacity of the generalized Hopfield network. 1207-1212 - Arnaud Tonnelier, Sylvain Meignen
, Holger Bosch, Jacques Demongeot
Synchronization and desynchronization of neural oscillators. 1213-1228 - Ke Chen
, Lei Xu, Huisheng Chi:
Improved learning algorithms for mixture of experts in multiclass classification. 1229-1252 - Wenxin Jiang, Martin A. Tanner:
On the identifiability of mixtures-of-experts. 1253-1258 - Marilyn Lougher Vaughn:
Derivation of the multilayer perceptron weight constraints for direct network interpretation and knowledge discovery. 1259-1271 - Necati Aras
, B. John Oommen
, I. Kuban Altinel:
The Kohonen network incorporating explicit statistics and its application to the travelling salesman problem. 1273-1284 - Sagar V. Kamarthi, Stefan Pittner:
Accelerating neural network training using weight extrapolations. 1285-1299 - Jaesoo Kim, Nikola K. Kasabov
HyFIS: adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems and their application to nonlinear dynamical systems. 1301-1319 - Myron E. Hohil, Derong Liu
, Stanley H. Smith:
Solving the N-bit parity problem using neural networks. 1321-1323 - Markus Lappe, Antje Grigo:
How stereovision interacts with optic flow perception: neural mechanisms. 1325-1329
Volume 12, Number 10, December 1999
- Danilo P. Mandic, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Exploiting inherent relationships in RNN architectures. 1341-1345 - Koichiro Yamauchi, Mikiya Oota, Naohiro Ishii:
A self-supervised learning system for pattern recognition by sensory integration. 1347-1358 - Kuniharu Arai, Sanjoy Das
, Edward L. Keller, Eitaro Aiyoshi:
A distributed model of the saccade system: simulations of temporally perturbed saccades using position and velocity feedback. 1359-1375 - Bruno Crespi:
Storage capacity of non-monotonic neurons. 1377-1389 - Pei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe:
A neural implementation of canonical correlation analysis. 1391-1397 - Yong Liu, Xin Yao
Ensemble learning via negative correlation. 1399-1404 - Dirk Ormoneit:
A regularization approach to continuous learning with an application to financial derivatives pricing. 1405-1412 - Giorgio Metta, Giulio Sandini
, Jürgen Konczak
A developmental approach to visually-guided reaching in artificial systems. 1413-1427 - Rajat K. De, Jayanta Basak, Sankar K. Pal:
Neuro-fuzzy feature evaluation with theoretical analysis. 1429-1455

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