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Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 15
Volume 15, Number 1, January / February 2008
- John D. Halamka, Kenneth D. Mandl, Paul C. Tang:
Viewpoint Paper: Early Experiences with Personal Health Records. 1-7 - George Demiris
, Lawrence B. Afrin, Stuart M. Speedie, Karen L. Courtney
, Manu Sondhi, Vivian Vimarlund, Christian Lovis
, William Goossen, Cecil Lynch:
White Paper: Patient-centered Applications: Use of Information Technology to Promote Disease Management and Wellness. A White Paper by the AMIA Knowledge in Motion Working Group. 8-13
- Özlem Uzuner
, Ira Goldstein
, Yuan Luo
, Isaac S. Kohane:
Viewpoint Paper: Identifying Patient Smoking Status from Medical Discharge Records. 14-24 - Guergana K. Savova, Philip V. Ogren, Patrick H. Duffy, James D. Buntrock, Christopher G. Chute:
Technical Brief: Mayo Clinic NLP System for Patient Smoking Status Identification. 25-28 - Richard Wicentowski, Matthew R. Sydes
Technical Brief: Using Implicit Information to Identify Smoking Status in Smoke-blind Medical Discharge Summaries. 29-31 - Aaron M. Cohen:
Case Report: Five-way Smoking Status Classification Using Text Hot-Spot Identification and Error-correcting Output Codes. 32-35 - Cheryl Clark, Kathleen Good, Lesley Jezierny, Melissa Macpherson, Brian Wilson, Urszula Chajewska:
Case Report: Identifying Smokers with a Medical Extraction System. 36-39 - Daniel T. Heinze, Mark L. Morsch, Brian C. Potter, Ronald E. Sheffer Jr.:
Implementation Brief: Medical i2b2 NLP Smoking Challenge: The A-Life System Architecture and Methodology. 40-43
- Dorothy Curtis, Esteban J. Pino
, Jacob Bailey, Eugene Shih, Jason Waterman, Staal Amund Vinterbo, Thomas O. Stair, John V. Guttag, Robert A. Greenes, Lucila Ohno-Machado
Application of Information Technology: SMART - An Integrated Wireless System for Monitoring Unattended Patients. 44-53
- Stephen B. Johnson
, Suzanne Bakken, Daniel Dine, Sookyung Hyun
, Eneida A. Mendonça, Frances P. Morrison, Tiffani J. Bright
, Tielman Van Vleck, Jesse O. Wrenn
, Peter D. Stetson:
Model Formulation: An Electronic Health Record Based on Structured Narrative. 54-64 - S. Trent Rosenbloom, Randolph A. Miller, Kevin B. Johnson, Peter L. Elkin, Steven H. Brown:
Model Formulation: A Model for Evaluating Interface Terminologies. 65-76 - Sean Patrick Murphy, Howard S. Burkom
Research Paper: Recombinant Temporal Aberration Detection Algorithms for Enhanced Biosurveillance. 77-86 - Elizabeth S. Chen, George Hripcsak, Hua Xu, Marianthi Markatou, Carol Friedman:
Research Paper: Automated Acquisition of Disease-Drug Knowledge from Biomedical and Clinical Documents: An Initial Study. 87-98
- Li Zhou, Simon Parsons, George Hripcsak:
Research Paper: The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System in Processing Clinical Discharge Summaries. 99-106
- Jolt Roukema, Ewout W. Steyerberg
, Johan van der Lei, Henriëtte A. Moll:
Research Paper: Randomized Trial of a Clinical Decision Support System: Impact on the Management of Children with Fever without Apparent Source. 107-113 - Amy A. Vogelsmeier
, Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben
, Jill R. Scott-Cawiezell:
Research Paper: Technology Implementation and Workarounds in the Nursing Home. 114-119
Volume 15, Number 2, March / April 2008
- Donald W. Simborg:
Viewpoint Paper: Promoting Electronic Health Record Adoption. Is It the Correct Focus? 127-129
- Douglas B. Fridsma, Julie Evans, Smita Hastak, Charles N. Mead:
Model Formulation: The BRIDG Project: A Technical Report. 130-137 - Scott Oster, Stephen Langella, Shannon Hastings, David Ervin, Ravi K. Madduri
, Joshua Phillips, Tahsin M. Kurç, Frank Siebenlist, Peter A. Covitz, Krishnakant Shanbhag, Ian T. Foster, Joel H. Saltz:
Model Formulation: caGrid 1.0: An Enterprise Grid Infrastructure for Biomedical Research. 138-149
- Clark C. Freifeld, Kenneth D. Mandl, Ben Y. Reis, John S. Brownstein:
Model Formulation: HealthMap: Global Infectious Disease Monitoring through Automated Classification and Visualization of Internet Media Reports. 150-157 - James M. Wilson V, Marat G. Polyak, Jane W. Blake, Jeff Collmann:
Model Formulation: A Heuristic Indication and Warning Staging Model for Detection and Assessment of Biological Events. 158-171
- Christopher G. Chute:
Editorial Comments: Biosurveillance, Classification, and Semantic Health Technologies. 172-173
- Omar Bouhaddou, Pradnya Warnekar, Fola Parrish, Nhan Do
, Jack Mandel, John Kilbourne, Michael J. Lincoln:
Application of Information Technology: Exchange of Computable Patient Data between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense (DoD): Terminology Mediation Strategy. 174-183 - Dominik Aronsky, Ian Jones, Kevin Lanaghan, Corey M. Slovis:
Application of Information Technology: Supporting Patient Care in the Emergency Department with a Computerized Whiteboard System. 184-194 - Lisa M. Korst
, Jordana M. K. Signer, Carolyn E. Aydin, Arlene Fink:
Implementation Brief: Identifying Organizational Capacities and Incentives for Clinical Data-sharing: The Case of a Regional Perinatal Information System. 195-197 - Serguei V. S. Pakhomov, Penny L. Hanson, Susan S. Bjornsen, Steven A. Smith:
Technical Brief: Automatic Classification of Foot Examination Findings Using Clinical Notes and Machine Learning. 198-202
- Shelagh A. Mulvaney
, Leonard Bickman
, Nunzia B. Giuse
, E. Warren Lambert, Nila A. Sathe, Rebecca N. Jerome:
Research Paper: A Randomized Effectiveness Trial of a Clinical Informatics Consult Service: Impact on Evidence-based Decision-making and Knowledge Implementation. 203-211 - Abel N. Kho, Larry Lemmon, Marie Commiskey, Stephen J. Wilson, Clement J. McDonald:
Research Paper: Use of a Regional Health Information Exchange to Detect Crossover of Patients with MRSA between Urban Hospitals. 212-216 - Tsai-Ya Lai, Elaine L. Larson, Maxine L. Rockoff, Suzanne Bakken:
Research Paper: User Acceptance of HIV TIDES - Tailored Interventions for Management of Depressive Symptoms in Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. 217-226 - Marion Verduijn, Niels Peek, Nicolette de Keizer, Erik-Jan van Lieshout, Anne-Cornelie J. M. de Pont, Marcus J. Schultz, Evert de Jonge
, Bas A. de Mol:
Research Paper: Individual and Joint Expert Judgments as Reference Standards in Artifact Detection. 227-234 - Jens Kaltschmidt, Simon P. W. Schmitt, Markus G. Pruszydlo, Walter E. Haefeli
Case Report: Characteristics of Effective Electronic Mail Messages Distributed to Healthcare Professionals in a Hospital Setting. 235-239 - Roland M. Grad, Pierre Pluye, Jay Mercer, Bernard Marlow, Marie-Eve Beauchamp
, Michael Shulha, Janique Johnson-Lafleur, Sharon Wood-Dauphinee:
Case Report: Impact of Research-based Synopses Delivered as Daily E-mail: A Prospective Observational Study. 240-245 - Erik M. van Mulligen
, Montserrat Cases, Kristina M. Hettne
, Eva Molero, Marc Weeber, Kevin A. Robertson, Baldomero Oliva, Guillermo de la Calle
, Victor Maojo:
Model Formulation: Training Multidisciplinary Biomedical Informatics Students: Three Years of Experience. 246-254 - Joanne L. Callen, Jeffrey Braithwaite
, Johanna I. Westbrook
Model Formulation: Contextual Implementation Model: A Framework for Assisting Clinical Information System Implementations. 255-262
- Patricia Flatley Brennan:
Editorial: Standing in the Shadows of Theory. 263-264
Volume 15, Number 3, May / June 2008
- John P. Glaser:
Viewpoint Paper: Seven Durable Ideas. 267-271 - James M. Walker, Pascale Carayon, Nancy G. Leveson, Ronald A. Paulus, John Tooker, Homer L. Chin, Albert Bothe Jr., Walter F. Stewart:
Viewpoint Paper: EHR Safety: The Way Forward to Safe and Effective Systems. 272-277 - Donald W. Simborg:
Viewpoint Paper: Healthcare Fraud: Whose Problem is it Anyway? 278-280
- Eta S. Berner
Viewpoint Paper: Implementation Challenges for Clinical and Research Information Systems: Recommendations from the 2007 Winter Symposium of the American College of Medical Informatics. 281-282 - Joan S. Ash, Nicholas R. Anderson
, Peter Tarczy-Hornoch
Viewpoint Paper: People and Organizational Issues in Research Systems Implementation. 283-289 - Nancy M. Lorenzi, Laurie L. Novak, Jacob B. Weiss, Cynthia S. Gadd, Kim M. Unertl
Viewpoint Paper: Crossing the Implementation Chasm: A Proposal for Bold Action. 290-296 - Julie J. McGowan, Caitlin M. Cusack, Eric G. Poon
Viewpoint Paper: Formative Evaluation: A Critical Component in EHR Implementation. 297-301 - Daniel R. Masys, Donald Ellison, William W. Stead
Special Feature: Presentation of the 2007 Morris F. Collen Award to William W. Stead, MD, including comments from recipient. 302-306 - Daniel R. Masys:
Special Feature: American College of Medical Informatics Fellows and International Associates, 2007. 307-310
- Judith W. Dexheimer, Thomas R. Talbot
, David L. Sanders, S. Trent Rosenbloom, Dominik Aronsky:
Review Paper: Prompting Clinicians about Preventive Care Measures: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. 311-320 - Juan P. Wachs, Helman I. Stern, Yael Edan
, Michael Gillam, Jonathan A. Handler, Craig Feied, Mark S. Smith:
Technical Brief: A Gesture-based Tool for Sterile Browsing of Radiology Images. 321-323 - Catherine J. Staes, R. Scott Evans, Beatriz H. S. C. Rocha, John B. Sorensen, Stanley M. Huff, Joan Arata, Scott P. Narus:
Application of Information Technology: Computerized Alerts Improve Outpatient Laboratory Monitoring of Transplant Patients. 324-332 - Leonard W. D'Avolio, Alex A. T. Bui:
Application of Information Technology: The Clinical Outcomes Assessment Toolkit: A Framework to Support Automated Clinical Records-based Outcomes Assessment and Performance Measurement Research. 333-340
- Leonard W. D'Avolio, Mark S. Litwin
, Selwyn O. Rogers Jr., Alex A. T. Bui:
Research Paper: Facilitating Clinical Outcomes Assessment through the Automated Identification of Quality Measures for Prostate Cancer Surgery. 341-348 - Qing Zeng-Treitler, Sergey Goryachev, Tony Tse
, Alla Keselman, Aziz A. Boxwala
Research Paper: Estimating Consumer Familiarity with Health Terminology: A Context-based Approach. 349-356 - David A. Leiman, Nancy M. Lorenzi, Jeremy C. Wyatt
, Alex S. F. Doney
, S. Trent Rosenbloom:
Research Paper: US and Scottish Health Professionals' Attitudes toward DNA Biobanking. 357-362 - Stephen Langella, Shannon Hastings, Scott Oster, Tony Pan
, Ashish Sharma, Justin Permar, David Ervin, Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Tahsin M. Kurç, Joel H. Saltz:
Model Formulation: Sharing Data and Analytical Resources Securely in a Biomedical Research Grid Environment. 363-373 - Craig E. Kuziemsky, Jens H. Weber-Jahnke, Francis Y. Lau, G. Michael Downing:
Model Formulation: An Interdisciplinary Computer-based Information Tool for Palliative Severe Pain Management. 374-382 - Heather E. Finlay-Morreale
, Clifton Louie, Pearl Toy:
Case Report: Computer-generated Automatic Alerts of Respiratory Distress after Blood Transfusion. 383-385 - Monika M. Wahi, David V. Parks, Robert C. Skeate, Steven B. Goldin:
Case Report: Reducing Errors from the Electronic Transcription of Data Collected on Paper Forms: A Research Data Case Study. 386-389
Volume 15, Number 4, July / August 2008
- John Glaser, Douglas E. Henley, Gregory J. Downing
, Kristin M. Brinner:
White Paper: Advancing Personalized Health Care through Health Information Technology: An Update from the American Health Information Community's Personalized Health Care Workgroup. 391-396 - Peter M. Kilbridge, David C. Classen:
Viewpoint Paper: The Informatics Opportunities at the Intersection of Patient Safety and Clinical Informatics. 397-407
- Ross Koppel
, Tosha B. Wetterneck, Joel Leon Telles, Ben-Tzion Karsh:
Technology Evaluation: Workarounds to Barcode Medication Administration Systems: Their Occurrences, Causes, and Threats to Patient Safety. 408-423 - Michael E. Matheny
, Thomas D. Sequist, Andrew C. Seger, Julie M. Fiskio, Michael Sperling, Donald Bugbee, David W. Bates, Tejal K. Gandhi:
Research Paper: A Randomized Trial of Electronic Clinical Reminders to Improve Medication Laboratory Monitoring. 424-429 - Robyn Tamblyn, Allen Huang, Laurel Taylor, Yuko Kawasumi, Gillian Bartlett, Roland M. Grad, André Jacques, Martin Dawes
, Michal Abrahamowicz
, Robert Perreault, Nancy Winslade, Lise Poissant, Alain Pinsonneault:
Research Paper: A Randomized Trial of the Effectiveness of On-demand versus Computer-triggered Drug Decision Support in Primary Care. 430-438 - Heleen van der Sijs, Jos Aarts, Teun van Gelder, Marc Berg, Arnold Vulto
Research Paper: Turning Off Frequently Overridden Drug Alerts: Limited Opportunities for Doing It Safely. 439-448 - Alexander Turchin, Claus Hamann, Jeffrey L. Schnipper, Erin Graydon-Baker, Sally G. Millar, Patricia C. McCarthy, Christopher M. Coley, Tejal K. Gandhi, Carol A. Broverman:
Implementation Brief: Evaluation of an Inpatient Computerized Medication Reconciliation System. 449-452 - Pascal Bonnabry, Christelle Despont-Gros, Damien Grauser, Pierre Casez, Magali Despond, Deborah Pugin, Claire Rivara-Mangeat, Magali Koch, Martine Vial, Anne Iten, Christian Lovis
Model Formulation: A Risk Analysis Method to Evaluate the Impact of a Computerized Provider Order Entry System on Patient Safety. 453-460 - Ross Koppel
, Charles E. Leonard, A. Russell Localio, Abigail Cohen, Ruthann Auten, Brian L. Strom:
Case Report: Identifying and Quantifying Medication Errors: Evaluation of Rapidly Discontinued Medication Orders Submitted to a Computerized Physician Order Entry System. 461-465 - Terry S. Field, Paula Rochon
, Monica Lee, Linda Gavendo, Sujha Subramanian, Sonia Hoover, Joann L. Baril, Jerry H. Gurwitz:
Application of Information Technology: Costs Associated with Developing and Implementing a Computerized Clinical Decision Support System for Medication Dosing for Patients with Renal Insufficiency in the Long-term Care Setting. 466-472
- Alla Keselman, Robert Logan, Catherine Arnott-Smith, Gondy Leroy, Qing Zeng-Treitler:
White Paper: Developing Informatics Tools and Strategies for Consumer-centered Health Communication. 473-483 - Alla Keselman, Allen C. Browne, David R. Kaufman:
Research Paper: Consumer Health Information Seeking as Hypothesis Testing. 484-495 - Alla Keselman, Catherine Arnott-Smith, Guy Divita, Hyeoneui Kim
, Allen C. Browne, Gondy Leroy, Qing Zeng-Treitler:
Research Paper: Consumer Health Concepts That Do Not Map to the UMLS: Where Do They Fit? 496-505
- R. Scott Evans, Carrie Jane Wallace, James F. Lloyd, Caroline W. Taylor, Rouett H. Abouzelof, Sharon Sumner, Kyle V. Johnson, Amyanne Wuthrich, Stephan Harbarth, Matthew H. Samore:
Application of Information Technology: Rapid Identification of Hospitalized Patients at High Risk for MRSA Carriage. 506-512 - Jeffrey L. Schnipper, Jeffrey A. Linder, Matvey B. Palchuk, Jonathan S. Einbinder, Qi Li, Anatoly Postilnik, Blackford Middleton:
Application of Information Technology: "Smart Forms" in an Electronic Medical Record: Documentation-based Clinical Decision Support to Improve Disease Management. 513-523 - Adrian H. Zai
, Richard W. Grant
, Greg Estey
, William T. Lester
, Carl T. Andrews, Ronnie Yee, Elizabeth Mort, Henry C. Chueh:
Application of Information Technology: Lessons from Implementing a Combined Workflow-Informatics System for Diabetes Management. 524-533
- Peter D. Stetson, Frances P. Morrison, Suzanne Bakken, Stephen B. Johnson
Research Paper: Preliminary Development of the Physician Documentation Quality Instrument. 534-541 - Enrico W. Coiera
, Victor Vickland:
Research Paper: Is Relevance Relevant? User Relevance Ratings May Not Predict the Impact of Internet Search on Decision Outcomes. 542-545 - Sunghwan Sohn, Won Kim, Donald C. Comeau, W. John Wilbur:
Research Paper: Optimal Training Sets for Bayesian Prediction of MeSH® Assignment. 546-553 - Madhu C. Reddy, Sandeep Purao
, Mary Kelly:
Case Report: Developing IT Infrastructure for Rural Hospitals: A Case Study of Benefits and Challenges of Hospital-to-Hospital Partnerships. 554-558 - E. Patrick Shironoshita, Yves R. Jean-Mary, Ray M. Bradley
, Mansur R. Kabuka:
Model Formulation: semCDI: A Query Formulation for Semantic Data Integration in caBIG. 559-568
Volume 15, Number 5, September / October 2008
- Soumitra Sengupta, Neil S. Calman, George Hripcsak:
Viewpoint Paper: A Model for Expanded Public Health Reporting in the Context of HIPAA. 569-574 - Ivan Shcherbatykh, Anne Holbrook, Lehana Thabane, Lisa R. Dolovich
Model Formulation: Methodologic Issues in Health Informatics Trials: The Complexities of Complex Interventions. 575-580 - Daijin Kim, Steven E. Labkoff, Samuel H. Holliday:
Case Report: Opportunities for Electronic Health Record Data to Support Business Functions in the Pharmaceutical Industry - A Case Study from Pfizer, Inc. 581-584
- Elske Ammenwerth
, Petra Schnell-Inderst
, Christof Machan, Uwe Siebert
Review Paper: The Effect of Electronic Prescribing on Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events: A Systematic Review. 585-600 - F. Jeff Friedlin, Clement J. McDonald:
Application of Information Technology: A Software Tool for Removing Patient Identifying Information from Clinical Documents. 601-610 - Sheldon H. Jacobson
, Edward C. Sewell:
Application of Information Technology: A Web-based Tool for Designing Vaccine Formularies for Childhood Immunization in the United States. 611-619
- Ching-Ping Lin, Thomas H. Payne, W. Paul Nichol, Patricia J. Hoey, Curtis L. Anderson, John H. Gennari
Research Paper: Evaluating Clinical Decision Support Systems: Monitoring CPOE Order Check Override Rates in the Department of Veterans Affairs' Computerized Patient Record System. 620-626 - Khaled El Emam, Fida Kamal Dankar
Research Paper: Protecting Privacy Using k-Anonymity. 627-637 - Enrico W. Coiera
, Johanna I. Westbrook
, Kris Rogers:
Research Paper: Clinical Decision Velocity is Increased when Meta-search Filters Enhance an Evidence Retrieval System. 638-646 - Ashish K. Jha, Julia Laguette, Andrew C. Seger, David W. Bates:
Research Paper: Can Surveillance Systems Identify and Avert Adverse Drug Events? A Prospective Evaluation of a Commercial Application. 647-653 - Miranda Tromp, Nora Méray, Anita C. J. Ravelli
, Johannes B. Reitsma, Gouke J. Bonsel:
Research Paper: Ignoring Dependency between Linking Variables and Its Impact on the Outcome of Probabilistic Record Linkage Studies. 654-660 - Stuart M. Speedie, Adel Taweel
, Ida Sim, Theodoros N. Arvanitis
, Brendan Delaney
, Kevin A. Peterson
Model Formulation: The Primary Care Research Object Model (PCROM): A Computable Information Model for Practice-based Primary Care Research. 661-670 - Jörg Niggemann, Andreas Gebert, Stefan Schulz:
Model Formulation: Modeling Functional Neuroanatomy for an Anatomy Information System. 671-678 - Lori L. DuBenske
, Ming-Yuan Chih
, Susan Dinauer, David H. Gustafson, James F. Cleary:
Model Formulation: Development and Implementation of a Clinician Reporting System for Advanced Stage Cancer: Initial Lessons Learned. 679-686 - Ferishta Bakhshi-Raiez, Ronald Cornet
, Nicolette de Keizer:
Model Formulation: Development and Application of a Framework for Maintenance of Medical Terminological Systems. 687-700 - Stewart Wells, Chris Bullen
Case Report: A Near Miss: The Importance of Context in a Public Health Informatics Project in a New Zealand Case Study. 701-704
- Thomas G. Savel, Leslie Lenert, Jonathan C. Silverstein
, Kenneth E. Hall:
Comment: In Response to: What Is a Grid? 705-706 - Titus Schleyer
Comment: A Salient Problem in Informatics? 707
- Isaac S. Kohane, Özlem Uzuner:
Letters to the Editor: No Structure Before Its Time. 708
Volume 15, Number 6, November / December 2008
- Atul J. Butte:
Viewpoint Paper: Translational Bioinformatics: Coming of Age. 709-714 - Meryl Bloomrosen, Don E. Detmer:
White Paper: Advancing the Framework: Use of Health Data - A Report of a Working Conference of the American Medical Informatics Association. 715-722 - W. Gregory Feero, Mary Beth Bigley, Kristin M. Brinner:
Position Paper: New Standards and Enhanced Utility for Family Health History Information in the Electronic Health Record: An Update from the American Health Information Community's Family Health History Multi-Stakeholder Workgroup. 723-728 - David C. Kaelber
, Ashish K. Jha, Douglas Johnston, Blackford Middleton
, David W. Bates:
Viewpoint Paper: A Research Agenda for Personal Health Records (PHRs). 729-736 - Fabienne C. Bourgeois, Patrick L. Taylor, S. Jean Emans
, Daniel J. Nigrin, Kenneth D. Mandl:
Viewpoint Paper: Whose Personal Control? Creating Private, Personally Controlled Health Records for Pediatric and Adolescent Patients. 737-743 - Alan L. Rector, Sebastian Brandt:
Viewpoint Paper: Why Do It the Hard Way? The Case for an Expressive Description Logic for SNOMED. 744-751
- Guilherme Del Fiol
, Peter J. Haug, James J. Cimino
, Scott P. Narus, Chuck Norlin, Joyce A. Mitchell:
Research Paper: Effectiveness of Topic-specific Infobuttons: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 752-759 - David L. Buckeridge, Anna Okhmatovskaia, Samson W. Tu, Martin J. O'Connor, Csongor Nyulas, Mark A. Musen
Model Formulation: Understanding Detection Performance in Public Health Surveillance: Modeling Aberrancy-detection Algorithms. 760-769 - Marion C. J. Biermans, Geert H. Elbers, Robert A. Verheij, Willem Jan van der Veen, Gerhard A. Zielhuis, Pieter de Vries Robbé:
Research Paper: External Validation of EPICON: A Grouping System for Estimating Morbidity Rates Using Electronic Medical Records. 770-775 - Mary N. Gerard, William E. Trick
, Krishna Das, Marjorie Charles-Damte, Gregory A. Murphy, Irene M. Benson:
Case Report: Use of Clinical Decision Support to Increase Influenza Vaccination: Multi-year Evolution of the System. 776-779 - Jacqueline Merrill
, George Hripcsak:
Case Report: Using Social Network Analysis within a Department of Biomedical Informatics to Induce a Discussion of Academic Communities of Practice. 780-782 - Matthew Scotch
, Kevin Y. Yip
, Kei-Hoi Cheung:
Case Report: Development of Grid-like Applications for Public Health Using Web 2.0 Mashup Techniques. 783-786 - Jacob S. Tripp, Scott P. Narus, Michael K. Magill, Stanley M. Huff:
Case Report: Evaluating the Accuracy of Existing EMR Data as Predictors of Follow-up Providers. 787-790 - Susan Matney
, Rebecca DaDamio, Carmela Couderc, Mary Dlugos, Jonathan L. Evans, Gay Gianonne, Robert E. Haskell, Nicholas R. Hardiker
, Amy Coenen, Virginia K. Saba:
Case Report: Translation and Integration of CCC Nursing Diagnoses into ICNP. 791-793 - Carlos López
, Marylène Lejeune
, Patricia Escrivà, Ramón Bosch
, Maria Teresa Salvadó
, Lluis E. Pons, Jordi Baucells, Xavier Cugat, Tomás Álvaro, Joaquín Jaén:
Case Report: Effects of Image Compression on Automatic Count of Immunohistochemically Stained Nuclei in Digital Images. 794-798

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