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Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 9
Volume 9, Number 1, February 2006
- Alexis Parente, Rick Parente:
Mind-Operated Devices: Mental Control of a Computer Using Biofeedback. 1-4 - Valerie Priscilla Goby
Personality and Online/Offline Choices: MBTI Profiles and Favored Communication Modes in a Singapore Study. 5-13 - Grand H. L. Cheng
, Darius K. S. Chan, Po Yee Tong:
Qualities of Online Friendships with Different Gender Compositions and Durations. 14-21 - Al Cooper, Marilyn P. Safir, Amir Rosenmann:
Workplace Worries: A Preliminary Look at Online Sexual Activities at the Office - Emerging Issues for Clinicians and Employers. 22-29 - Thomas Baumgartner
, Lilian Valko, Michaela Esslen, Lutz Jäncke
Neural Correlate of Spatial Presence in an Arousing and Noninteractive Virtual Reality: An EEG and Psychophysiology Study. 30-45 - Wen-Bin Chiou
, Chin-Sheng Wan:
Sexual Self-Disclosure in Cyberspace among Taiwanese Adolescents: Gender Differences and the Interplay of Cyberspace and Real Life. 46-53 - Avner Caspi, Paul Gorsky:
Online Deception: Prevalence, Motivation, and Emotion. 54-59 - Azy Barak, Nili Bloch:
Factors Related to Perceived Helpfulness in Supporting Highly Distressed Individuals through an Online Support Chat. 60-68 - Andrew J. Campbell
, Steven R. Cumming
, Ian Hughes:
Internet Use by the Socially Fearful: Addiction or Therapy? 69-81 - Ching-Jui Keng, Hung-Yuan Lin:
Impact of Telepresence Levels on Internet Advertising Effects. 82-94 - Gert-Jan Meerkerk
, Regina J. J. M. van den Eijnden, Henk F. L. Garretsen:
Predicting Compulsive Internet Use: It's All about Sex! 95-103 - Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 104-109 - Giuseppe Riva, Alessandra Preziosa:
CyberEurope. 110-111
Volume 9, Number 2, April 2006
- Albert A. Rizzo:
State of the Art in Virtual Rehabilitation. 113
- Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss, Rochelle Kedar, Meir Shahar:
TIES that BIND: An Introduction to Domain Mapping as a Visualization Tool for Virtual Rehabilitation. 114-122 - C. Bryanton, J. Bossé, Marie Brien, Jennifer Mclean, Anna McCormick, Heidi Sveistrup:
Feasibility, Motivation, and Selective Motor Control: Virtual Reality Compared to Conventional Home Exercise in Children with Cerebral Palsy. 123-128 - Uri Feintuch, Liat Raz, Jane Hwang, Naomi Josman, Noomi Katz, Rachel Kizony
, Debbie Rand
, Albert A. Rizzo, Meir Shahar, Yongseok Jang
, Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss:
Integrating Haptic-Tactile Feedback into a Video-Capture-Based Virtual Environment for Rehabilitation. 129-132 - Assaf Y. Dvorkin, Meir Shahar, Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss:
Reaching within Video-Capture Virtual Reality: Using Virtual Reality as a Motor Control Paradigm. 133-136 - Jacqui Crosbie, Sheila Lennon
, M. D. J. McNeill, S. M. McDonough
Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb after Stroke: The User's Perspective. 137-141 - Jeffrey A. Lewis, Judith E. Deutsch, Grigore C. Burdea:
Usability of the Remote Console for Virtual Reality Telerehabilitation: Formative Evaluation. 142-147 - Manjuladevi Kuttuva, Rares F. Boian
, Alma S. Merians
, Grigore C. Burdea, Mourad Bouzit, Jeffrey A. Lewis, Devin Fensterheim:
The Rutgers Arm, a Rehabilitation System in Virtual Reality: A Pilot Study. 148-152 - Susan L. Whitney
, Patrick J. Sparto
, Larry F. Hodges, Sabarish V. Babu, Joseph M. Furman, Mark S. Redfern:
Responses to a Virtual Reality Grocery Store in Persons with and without Vestibular Dysfunction. 152-156 - Joyce Fung, Carol L. Richards
, Francine Malouin, Bradford J. McFadyen
, Anouk Lamontagne
A Treadmill and Motion Coupled Virtual Reality System for Gait Training Post-Stroke. 157-162 - Emily A. Keshner, Kalpana Dokka, Robert V. Kenyon:
Influences of the Perception of Self-Motion on Postural Parameters. 163-166 - Craig D. Murray
, Emma Patchick
, Stephen Pettifer
, Fabrice Caillette, Toby Howard:
Immersive Virtual Reality as a Rehabilitative Technology for Phantom Limb Experience: A Protocol. 167-170 - Igor Goncharenko, Mikhail M. Svinin, Yutaka Kanou, Shigeyuki Hosoe:
Motor Training in the Manipulation of Flexible Objects in Haptic Environments. 171-174 - Orly Lahav:
Using Virtual Environment to Improve Spatial Perception by People Who Are Blind. 174-177 - Heidi Sugarman, Ehud Dayan, Aviva Weisel-Eichler, Joseph Tiran:
The Jerusalem TeleRehabilitation System, a New Low-Cost, Haptic Rehabilitation Approach. 178-182 - Cali M. Fidopiastis, Christopher B. Stapleton, Janet D. Whiteside, Charles E. Hughes
, Stephen M. Fiore
, Glenn A. Martin, Jannick P. Rolland, Eileen M. Smith:
Human Experience Modeler: Context-Driven Cognitive Retraining to Facilitate Transfer of Learning. 183-187 - Semyon Slobounov, Elena Slobounov, Karl M. Newell:
Application of Virtual Reality Graphics in Assessment of Concussion. 188-191 - Kenji Baheux, Makoto Yoshizawa, Kazunori Seki, Yasunobu Handa:
Virtual Reality Pencil and Paper Tests for Neglect: A Protocol. 192-195 - Eva Petersson
, Anthony Lewis Brooks
Virtual and Physical Toys: Open-Ended Features for Non-Formal Learning. 196-199 - Jaime Sánchez, Mauricio Sáenz:
Three-Dimensional Virtual Environments for Blind Children. 200-206 - Jeffrey I. Gold, Seok Hyeon Kim, Alexis J. Kant
, Michael H. Joseph, Albert A. Rizzo:
Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Pediatric Pain Distraction during IV Placement. 207-212 - Cheryl Trepagnier, Marc M. Sebrechts, Andreas Finkelmeyer
, Willie Stewart, Jordana Woodford, Maya Coleman:
Simulating Social Interaction to Address Deficits of Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Children. 213-217 - Narcís Parés
, Anna Carreras, Jaume Durany, Jaume Ferrer, Pere Freixa
, David Gómez, Orit Kruglanski, Roc Parés
, J. Ignasi Ribas, Miquel Soler, Àlex Sanjurjo:
Starting Research in Interaction Design with Visuals for Low-Functioning Children in the Autistic Spectrum: A Protocol. 218-223 - Elizabeth K. Baker, Matthew Kurtz, Robert Astur:
Virtual Reality Assessment of Medication Compliance in Patients with Schizophrenia. 224-229 - Yvonne de Kort
, Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn
Reality Check: The Role of Realism in Stress Reduction Using Media Technology. 230-233 - Robert Astur, Sarah A. St. Germain, David F. Tolin, Julian Ford, David Russell, Mike Stevens
Hippocampus Function Predicts Severity of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 234-240 - Naomi Josman, Eli Somer
, Ayelet Reisberg, Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss, Azucena García-Palacios
, Hunter G. Hoffman:
BusWorld: Designing a Virtual Environment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Israel: A Protocol. 241-244 - Michael J. Roy
, Deborah L. Sticha, Patricia L. Kraus, Dale E. Olsen:
Simulation and Virtual Reality in Medical Education and Therapy: A Protocol. 245-247 - Georgina Cárdenas
, Sandra Muñoz
, Maribel González, Guillermo Uribarren:
Virtual Reality Applications to Agoraphobia: A Protocol. 248-250
- Albert A. Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 251-257
- Giuseppe Riva
, Alessandra Preziosa:
CyberEurope. 258-260
Volume 9, Number 3, June 2006
- Chang-Hoan Cho, Jaewon Kang, Hongsik John Cheon:
Online Shopping Hesitation. 261-274 - M. Kyle matsuba:
Searching for Self and Relationships Online. 275-284 - Clyde A. Warden
, Wann-Yih Wu, Dungchun Tsai:
Online Shopping Interface Components: Relative Importance as Peripheral and Central Cues. 285-296 - Kausar Suhail, Zobia Bargees:
Effects of Excessive Internet Use on Undergraduate Students in Pakistan. 297-307 - Justin R. Chumbley, Mark D. Griffiths
Affect and the Computer Game Player: The Effect of Gender, Personality, and Game Reinforcement Structure on Affective Responses to Computer Game-Play. 308-316 - Chin-Sheng Wan, Wen-Bin Chiou
Psychological Motives and Online Games Addiction: ATest of Flow Theory and Humanistic Needs Theory for Taiwanese Adolescents. 317-324 - Murugan Anandarajan, Narasimha Paravastu
, Claire A. Simmers:
Perceptions of Personal Web Usage in the Workplace: AQ-Methodology Approach. 325-335 - Carlos M. Coelho
, Jorge A. Santos
, Jorge Silvério, Carlos F. Silva
Virtual Reality and Acrophobia: One-Year Follow-Up and Case Study. 336-341 - Evelyne Klinger, Isabelle Chemin, Sophie Lebreton, Rose-Marie Marié:
Virtual Action Planning in Parkinson's Disease: AControl Study. 342-347 - Maressa Hecht Orzack, Andrew C. Voluse
, David Wolf, John Hennen:
An Ongoing Study of Group Treatment for Men Involved in Problematic Internet-Enabled Sexual Behavior. 348-360 - John Graham, Liya Zheng, Cleotilde Gonzalez:
ACognitive Approach to Game Usability and Design: Mental Model Development in Novice Real-Time Strategy Gamers. 361-366
- Ook Lee:
Psychological Barriers to Maintaining Knowledge Management Systems. 367-368
- Skip Rizzo:
Cybersightings. 369-373
- Giuseppe Riva
, Daniela Villani:
Cybereurope. 374-376
Volume 9, Number 4, August 2006
- Karen M. Cornetto, Kristine L. Nowak
Utilizing Usernames for Sex Categorization in Computer-Mediated Communication: Examining Perceptions and Accuracy. 377-387 - Lars Nyberg, Lillemor Lundin-Olsson, Björn Sondell, Anders Backman, Kenneth Holmlund, Staffan Eriksson, Michael Stenvall, Erik Rosendahl, Marcus Maxhall, Gustaf Bucht:
Using a Virtual Reality System to Study Balance and Walking in a Virtual Outdoor Environment: APilot Study. 388-395 - Pei-Luen Patrick Rau
, Shu-Yun Peng, Chin-Chow Yang:
Time Distortion for Expert and Novice Online Game Players. 396-403 - Fabrizio Schifano
, Paolo Deluca
, Alex Baldacchino
Online Availability of Dextropropoxyphene over Time, 2003-2005. 404-409 - Richard W. Joiner
, Jeff Gavin
, Mark J. Brosnan
, Charles K. Crook
, Jill Duffield, Alan Durndell, Jane Guiller, Pam Maras, Adrian J. Scott
Internet Identification and Future Internet Use. 410-414 - Kwan Min Lee:
Effects of Internet Use on College Students' Political Efficacy. 415-422 - Valerie Priscilla Goby
Online Purchases in an Infocomm Sophisticated Society. 423-431 - Stacy E. Thayer, Sukanya Ray:
Online Communication Preferences across Age, Gender, and Duration of Internet Use. 432-440 - Ying-Tien Wu
, Chin-Chung Tsai
University Students' Internet Attitudes and Internet Self-Efficacy: AStudy at Three Universities in Taiwan. 441-450 - Yao-Chung Chuang
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game-Induced Seizures: A Neglected Health Problem in Internet Addiction. 451-456 - Giuseppe Riva, Monica Bacchetta, Gianluca Cesa, Sara Conti, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Fabrizia Mantovani, Enrico Molinari:
Is Severe Obesity a Form of Addiction?: Rationale, Clinical Approach, and Controlled Clinical Trial. 457-479 - Jennifer Tichon
, Jasmine Banks
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy: 150-Degree Screen to Desktop PC. 480-489
- Adekola O. Alao, Maureen Soderberg, Elyssa L. Pohl, Abosede Lola Alao:
Cybersuicide: Review of the Role of the Internet on Suicide. 489-493 - Matthew S. Eastin, Natalie M. Guinsler:
Worried and Wired: Effects of Health Anxiety on Information-Seeking and Health Care Utilization Behaviors. 494-498
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 499-503
- Giuseppe Riva, Daniela Villani:
CyberEurope. 504-505
Volume 9, Number 5, October 2006
- José Gutiérrez-Maldonado
, Marta Ferrer-García
, Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar
, Alex Letosa-Porta:
Assessment of Emotional Reactivity Produced by Exposure to Virtual Environments in Patients with Eating Disorders. 507-513 - Mann Hyung Hur:
Demographic, Habitual, and Socioeconomic Determinants of Internet Addiction Disorder: An Empirical Study of Korean Teenagers. 514-525 - Jochen Peter, Patti M. Valkenburg
, Alexander P. Schouten
Characteristics and Motives of Adolescents Talking with Strangers on the Internet. 526-530 - Jeonghun Ku, Hee Jeong Jang, Kwanguk Kim, Sung Hyouk Park, Jae-Jin Kim
, Chan-Hyung Kim, Sang-Won Nam, In-Young Kim, Sun I. Kim:
Pilot Study for Assessing the Behaviors of Patients with Schizophrenia towards a Virtual Avatar. 531-539 - Hsiu-Fen Lin
Understanding Behavioral Intention to Participate in Virtual Communities. 540-547 - David P. Redpath, Grace L. Reynolds, Adi Jaffe, Dennis G. Fisher, Jordan W. Edwards, Nettie Deaugustine:
Internet Access and Use among Homeless and Indigent Drug Users in Long Beach, California. 548-551 - Stefan Stieger
, Anja S. Göritz
Using Instant Messaging for Internet-Based Interviews. 552-559 - Chuen-Tsai Sun, Holin Lin
, Cheng-Hong Ho:
Sharing Tips with Strangers: Exploiting Gift Culture in Computer Gaming. 560-570 - Ya-Rong Huang:
Identity and Intimacy Crises and Their Relationship to Internet Dependence among College Students. 571-576 - Hung-Yi Lu, Philip C. Palmgreen, Rick S. Zimmerman, Derek R. Lane, Linda J. Alexander:
Personality Traits as Predictors of Intentions to Seek Online Information about STDs and HIV/AIDS among Junior and Senior College Students in Taiwan. 577-583 - Patti M. Valkenburg
, Jochen Peter, Alexander P. Schouten
Friend Networking Sites and Their Relationship to Adolescents' Well-Being and Social Self-Esteem. 584-590 - Lisa K. Simone, Maria T. Schultheis
, Jose Rebimbas, Scott R. Millis:
Head-Mounted Displays for Clinical Virtual Reality Applications: Pitfalls in Understanding User Behavior while Using Technology. 591-602 - Daniel Z. Lieberman
Effects of a Personified Guide on Adherence to an Online Program for Alcohol Abusers. 603-607 - Penny J. Standen, David J. Brown
, Nicola Anderton, Steven Battersby:
Systematic Evaluation of Current Control Devices Used by People with Intellectual Disabilities in Non-Immersive Virtual Environments. 608-613
- Bryan Leighton Dawson, William D. McIntosh:
Sexual Strategies Theory and Internet Personal Advertisements. 614-617 - Dominic Madell, Steven Muncer:
Internet Communication: An Activity that Appeals to Shy and Socially Phobic People? 618-622 - Nils-Günter Schultze:
Success Factors in Internet-Based Psychological Counseling. 623-626 - Mel Slater
, David-Paul Pertaub, Chris Barker
, David M. Clark
An Experimental Study on Fear of Public Speaking Using a Virtual Environment. 627-633 - Chris Fullwood
, Niall Galbraith
, Neil Morris:
Impulsive Nonconformity in Female Chat Room Users. 634-637 - Jeroen S. Lemmens, Brad Bushman, Elly A. Konijn:
The Appeal of Violent Video Games to Lower Educated Aggressive Adolescent Boys from Two Countries. 638-641
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 642-647
- Giuseppe Riva, Daniela Villani:
CyberEurope. 648-649
Volume 9, Number 6, December 2006
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
CyberTherapy 2006. 651-652
- Abstracts from CyberTherapy 2006. 653-729
- Paul Mastrangelo, Wendi J. Everton, Jeffrey Jolton:
Personal Use of Work Computers: Distraction versus Destruction. 730-741 - D. O. Adebayo, Idayat Bolarinwa Udegbe, A. M. Sunmola:
Gender, Internet Use, and Sexual Behavior Orientation among Young Nigerians. 742-752 - James G. Phillips
, Sarah Butt, Alex Blaszczynski:
Personality and Self-Reported Use of Mobile Phones for Games. 753-758
- Veronica M. Scott, Karen E. Mottarella, Maria J. Lavooy:
Does Virtual Intimacy Exist? A Brief Exploration into Reported Levels of Intimacy in Online Relationships. 759-761 - Chin-Sheng Wan, Wen-Bin Chiou
Why Are Adolescents Addicted to Online Gaming? An Interview Study in Taiwan. 762-766 - Chin-Chung Tsai
What Is the Internet? Taiwanese High School Students' Perceptions. 767-771 - Nick Yee:
Motivations for Play in Online Games. 772-775
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 776-779
- Giuseppe Riva, Daniela Villani:
CyberEurope. 780-781

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