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WSC 2000: Orlando, FL, USA
- Paul A. Fishwick, Keebom Kang, Jeffrey A. Joines, Russell R. Barton:
Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation, WSC 2000, Wyndham Palace Resort & Spa, Orlando, FL, USA, December 10-13, 2000. WSC 2000, ISBN 0-7803-6582-8
Doctoral colloquium keynote address
- Robert G. Sargent:
Being a professional. 3-7
Keynote address
- Richard Kidd:
The changing face of entertainment and the driving force behind it: computer simulation. 6
Tutorial Session: Introductory tutorials
- Jerry Banks:
Simulation fundamentals: simulation fundamentals. 9-16 - Lawrence Leemis:
Input modeling. 17-25 - Deborah A. Sadowski, Mark R. Grabau:
Simulation practice: tips for successful practice of simulation. 26-31 - W. David Kelton:
Design of experiments: experimental design for simulation. 32-38 - David Goldsman, Gamze Tokol:
Output analysis: output analysis procedures for computer simulations. 39-45 - Averill M. Law, Michael G. McComas:
Simulation-based optimization. 46-49 - Robert G. Sargent:
Verification, validation, and accreditation: verification, validation, and accreditation of simulation models. 50-59 - S. Narayanan:
Web-based simulation: web-based modeling and simulation. 60-62 - Scott A. Miller, Claude Dennis Pegden:
Manufacturing simulation: introduction to manufacturing simulation. 63-66
Tutorial Session: Advanced tutorials
- Susan M. Sanchez:
Design of experiments: robust design: seeking the best of all possible worlds. 69-76 - Marvin S. Seppanen:
Modeling for application: developing industrial strength simulation models using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). 77-82 - Simon J. E. Taylor
Groupware and the simulation consultant. 83-89 - Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner:
Inside simulation software: inside discrete-event simulation software: how it works and why it matters. 90-100 - Christos Alexopoulos, Andrew F. Seila:
Output analysis: output analysis for simulations. 101-108 - Stephen E. Chick:
Bayesian methods: bayesian methods for simulation. 109-118 - James R. Swisher, Paul Hyden, Sheldon H. Jacobson, Lee Schruben:
Simulation optimization: a survey of simulation optimization techniques and procedures. 119-128 - H. Gonda Neddermeijer, Gerrit J. van Oortmarssen, Nanda Piersma, Rommert Dekker:
A framework for Response Surface Methodology for simulation optimization. 129-136 - Shane G. Henderson:
Mathematics and hybrid modeling: mathematics for simulation. 137-146 - Nico M. van Dijk:
On hybrid combination of queueing and simulation. 147-150 - John M. Charnes:
Options pricing: using simulation for option pricing. 151-157 - Bernard P. Zeigler, Hessam S. Sarjoughian:
Distributed simulation: creating distributed simulation using DEVS M&S environments. 158-160
Tutorial Session: Software/modelware tutorials I
- Vivek Bapat, Nancy Swets:
Arena: the Arena product family: enterprise modeling solutions. 163-169 - Matthew W. Rohrer:
AutoMod product suite: AutoMod tutorial. 170-176 - James O. Henriksen, Robert C. Crain:
GPSS/H, SLX, proof: GPSS/H: a 23-year retrospective view. 177-182 - James O. Henriksen:
SLX: the X is for extensibility. 183-190 - James O. Henriksen:
Adding animation to a simulation using ProofTM. 191-196 - Charles R. Harrell, Rochelle N. Price:
ProModel/MedModel: simulation modeling and optimization using ProModel. 197-202 - Charles R. Harrell, Rochelle N. Price:
Healthcare simulation modeling and optimization using MedModel. 203-207 - Richard A. Phelps, David J. Parsons, Andrew J. Siprelle:
SDI industry product suite: the SDI Industry Product Suite: simulation from the production line to the supply chain. 208-214 - Dursun Delen, Perakath C. Benjamin:
Enterprise modeling and analysis: an enterprise modeling and analysis toolkit. 215-223 - Robert G. Brown:
Digital manufacturing: driving digital manufacturing to reality. 224-228 - Matthias U. Heinicke, Alan Hickman:
eM-Plant: eliminate bottlenecks with integrated analysis tools in eM-Plant. 229-231 - Camille Alain Rabbath, M. Abdoune, Jay Belanger:
Real-time simulations: effective real-time simulations of event-based systems. 232-238
Tutorial Session: Software/modelware tutorials II
- Arvind Mehta:
Smart modeling: smart modeling - basic methodology and advanced tools. 241-245 - Richard A. Kilgore:
Silk, Java and object-oriented simulation. 246-252 - Averill M. Law, Michael G. McComas:
Expert fit: how the ExpertFit distribution-fitting package can make your simulation models more valid. 253-258 - Kendra E. Moore, Jack C. Chiang:
ALPHA/Sim: ALPHA/Sim simulation software tutorial. 259-267 - Herbert D. Schwetman:
CSIM18/OptQuest: optimizing simulations with CSIM18/OptQuest: finding the best configuration. 268-273 - Daniel W. Schunk:
Micro saint: modeling with the Micro Saint simulation package. 274-279 - David Krahl:
Extend: the Extend simulation environment. 280-289
Modeling methodology
- Paul K. Davis:
Dealing with complexity: exploratory analysis enabled by multiresolultion, multiperspective modeling. 293-302 - John B. Gilmer Jr.:
Circumstance descriptors: a method for generating plan modifications and fragmentary orders. 303-311 - Felix Breitenecker, Martin Lingl, Erwin Rybin:
The ARGESIM-Comparisons on discrete simulation: results and evaluation. 312-315 - Paul K. Davis, James H. Bigelow, Jimmie McEver:
Model abstraction techniques and applications: informing and calibrating a multiresolution exploratory analysis model with high resolution simulation: the interdiction problem as a case history. 316-325 - Robert M. McGraw, Richard A. MacDonald:
Abstract modeling for engineering and engagement level simulations. 326-334 - Christos G. Panayiotou, Christos G. Cassandras, Weibo Gong:
Model abstraction for discrete event systems using neural networks and sensitivity information. 335-341 - Bernhard J. Angerhofer, Marios C. Angelides:
System dynamics modelling in supply chain management: research review. 342-351 - Michael W. Barnett, Charles J. Miller:
Analysis of the virtual enterprise using distributed supply chain modeling and simulation: an application of e-SCOR. 352-355 - Rajeev Sudra, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Tharumasegaram Janahan:
Distributed supply chain simulation in GRIDS. 356-361 - Ricki G. Ingalls, Douglas J. Morrice:
Graph-based modeling: PERT scheduling with resources using qualitative simulation graphs. 362-370 - Gert Zülch, Jörg Fischer, Uwe Jonsson:
An integrated object model for activity network based simulation. 371-380 - Lee Schruben:
Mathematical programming models of discrete event system dynamics. 381-385 - Antonio Diaz-Calderon, Christiaan J. J. Paredis, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Architectures and languages for model building and reuse: organization and selection of reconfigurable models. 386-393 - Hendrik Richter, Lothar März:
Toward a standard process: the use of UML for designing simulation models. 394-398 - Henk de Swaan Arons, Eelco van Asperen:
Computer assistance for model definition. 399-408 - Vittorio Cortellessa, Francesco Quaglia:
Techniques for optimizing model execution I: aggressiveness/risk effects based scheduling in Time Warp. 409-417 - Kevin G. Jones, Samir Ranjan Das:
Parallel execution of a sequential network simulator. 418-424 - David M. Nicol, L. Felipe Perrone
Cost/benefit analysis of interval jumping in power-control simulation. 425-431 - David H. Withers:
Some fundamental issues in model building: software engineering Best Practices applied to the modeling process. 432-439 - Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Bernard P. Zeigler:
Models and representation of their ownership. 440-448 - Leonardo Chwif, Marcos Ribeiro Pereira Barretto, Ray J. Paul:
On simulation model complexity. 449-455 - Tony Dean:
Advances in modeling and analysis: a method for achieving stable distributions of wireless mobile location in motion simulations. 456-463 - Marc S. Atkin, Paul R. Cohen:
Using simulation and critical points to define states in continuous search spaces. 464-470 - Niki C. Thornock, J. Kelly Flanagan:
Facilitating level three cache studies using set sampling. 471-479 - Hossein Salehfar, Nagy Bengiamin, Jun Huang:
Techniques for optimizing model execution II: a systematic approach to linguistic fuzzy modeling based on input-output data. 480-486 - Kah Leong Tan, Ian Li-Jin Thng:
SNOOPy Calendar Queue. 487-495 - Helen D. Karatza:
A simulation model of backfilling and I/O scheduling in a partitionable parallel system. 496-505
Analysis methodology I
- Christiane Lemieux, Pierre L'Ecuyer:
Quasi-random numbers and their applications: using lattice rules for variance reduction in simulation. 509-516 - Michael G. Hilgers:
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in cash flow testing simulations. 517-526 - Shane G. Henderson, Belinda A. Chiera, Roger M. Cooke:
Generating "dependent" quasi-random numbers. 527-536 - Justin Boesel:
Ranking, selection, and multiple comparisons in simulation: adaptively choosing the best procedure for selecting the best system. 537-543 - David Goldsman, William S. Marshall, Seong-Hee Kim
, Barry L. Nelson:
Ranking and selection for steady-state simulation. 544-553 - Stephen E. Chick, Koichiro Inoue:
New results on procedures that select the best system using CRN. 554-561 - Michael E. Kuhl, Prashant S. Bhairgond:
New frontiers in input modeling: nonparametric estimation of Nonhomogeneous Poisson processes using wavelets. 562-571 - Michael J. Evans, Tim B. Swartz:
Simulation from non-standard distributions using envelope methods. 572-576 - Diane L. Evans, Lawrence M. Leemis:
Input modeling using a computer algebra system. 577-586 - Yi Su, Michael C. Fu:
Simulation in financial engineering: importance sampling in derivative securities pricing. 587-596 - Harriet Black Nembhard, Leyuan Shi, Mehmet Aktan:
A real options design for quality control charts. 597-603 - Paul Glasserman, Philip Heidelberger, Perwez Shahabuddin:
Variance reduction techniques for value-at-risk with heavy-tailed risk factors. 604-609 - Michael C. Fu, Sigrún Andradóttir, John S. Carson II, Fred W. Glover, Charles R. Harrell, Yu-Chi Ho, James P. Kelly, Stephen M. Robinson:
Integrating optimization and simulation: research and practice. 610-616 - E. Jack Chen, W. David Kelton:
Batching methods for simulation output analysis: a stopping procedure based on phi-mixing conditions. 617-626 - Natalie M. Steiger, James R. Wilson:
Experimental performance evaluation of batch means procedures for simulation output analysis. 627-636 - Yingchieh Yeh, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Simulation output analysis via dynamic batch means. 637-645 - Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, Victor F. Nicola, Reuven Y. Rubinstein:
Techniques for simulating difficult queueing problems: adaptive importance sampling simulation of queueing networks. 646-655 - Nam Kyoo Boots, Perwez Shahabuddin:
Simulating GI/GI/1 queues and insurance risk processes with subexponential distributions. 656-665 - Robert Geist, James Westall:
Practical aspects of simulating systems having arrival processes with long-range dependence. 666-674 - Wolfgang Hörmann, Josef Leydold:
Random-number and random-variate generation: automatic random variate generation for simulation input. 675-682 - Pierre L'Ecuyer, Renée Touzin:
Fast combined multiple recursive generators with multipliers of the form a = ±2q ±2r. 683-689 - Pierre L'Ecuyer, François Panneton:
A new class of linear feedback shift register generators. 690-696 - Russell C. H. Cheng, Owen D. Jones:
Methods for comparing and optimizing simulated systems: analysis of simulation factorial experiments by EDF resample statistics. 697-703 - Theodore Allen, Liyang Yu:
Low cost response surface methods for and from simulation optimization. 704-714 - S. J. Abspoel, L. F. P. Etman, J. Vervoort, Jacobus E. Rooda:
Simulation optimization of stochastic systems with integer variables by sequential linearization. 715-723
Analysis methodology II
- E. Jack Chen, W. David Kelton:
Comparing systems via stochastic simulation: an enhanced two-stage selection procedure. 727-735 - Sigurdur Ólafsson, Nithin Gopinath:
Optimal selection probability in the two-stage nested partitions method for simulation-based optimization. 736-742 - Paul Hyden, Lee Schruben:
Improved decision processes through simultaneous simulation and time dilation. 743-748 - Linda Trocine, Linda C. Malone:
Statistical tools for simulation design and analysis I: finding important independent variables through screening designs: a comparison of methods. 749-754 - K. Preston White, Michael J. Cobb, Stephen C. Spratt:
A comparison of five steady-state truncation heuristics for simulation. 755-760 - Edjair de Souza Mota
, Adam Wolisz, Krzysztof Pawlikowski:
A perspective of batching methods in a simulation environment of multiple replications in parallel. 761-766 - Yun Bae Kim, Deok Seon Roh, Myeong Yong Lee:
Statistical tools for simulation design and analysis II: nonparametric adaptive importance sampling for rare event simulation. 767-772 - Maria de los A. Irizarry, Michael E. Kuhl, Emily K. Lada, Sriram Subramanian, James R. Wilson:
Analyzing transformation-based simulation metamodels. 773-781 - Andrés Suárez-González, Cándido López-García, José C. López-Ardao, Manuel Fernández-Veiga:
On the use of control variates in the simulation of medium access control protocols. 782-787 - Felipe F. Baesler, José A. Sepúlveda:
Simulation optimization: multi-response simulation optimization using stochastic genetic search within a goal programming framework. 788-794 - Michael C. Ferris, Todd S. Munson, Krung Sinapiromsaran:
A practical approach to sample-path simulation optimization. 795-804 - Berna Dengiz, Cigdem Alabas-Uslu:
Simulation optimization using tabu search. 805-810
Verification, validation and accreditation
- Jennifer Chew, Cindy Sullivan:
VV&A; I: verification, validation, and accreditation in the life cycle of models and simulations. 813-818 - Candace L. Conwell, Rosemary Enright, Marcia A. Stutzman:
Capability maturity models support of modeling and simulation verification, validation, and accreditation. 819-828 - Osman Balci, William F. Ormsby, John T. Carr III, Said D. Saadi:
Planning for verification, validation, and accreditation of modeling and simulation applications. 829-839 - Dirk Brade:
VV&A; II: enhancing modeling and simulation accreditation by structuring Verification and Validation results. 840-848 - Osman Balci, William F. Ormsby:
Well-defined intended uses: an explicit requirement for accreditation of modeling and simulation applications. 849-854 - Michael L. Metz:
Joint Warfare System (JWARS) verification and validation lessons learned. 855-858 - James D. Arthur, Richard E. Nance:
V&A; III: verification and validation without independence: a recipe for failure. 859-865 - John T. Carr III, Osman Balci:
Verification and validation of object-oriented artifacts throughout the simulation model development life cycle. 866-871 - Don Caughlin:
An integrated approach to verification, validation, and accredition of models and simulations. 872-881 - Jack P. C. Kleijnen, Russell C. H. Cheng, Bert Bettonvil:
VV&A; IV: validation of trace-driven simulation models: more on bootstrap tests. 882-892 - Harald Schludermann, Thomas Kirchmair, Markus Vorderwinkler:
Soft-commissioning: hardware-in-the-loop-based verification of controller software. 893-899 - Fernando G. Gonzalez, Alicia Helton, Douglas Helton, Jeffrey S. Smith, Eileen Thompson, Gerry Walterscheild:
The design of a solid-state physical model of an automated system to be used as a test bed for control applications. 900-908 - Robert G. Sargent, Priscilla A. Glasow, Jack P. C. Kleijnen, Averill M. Law, Ian McGregor, Simone Youngblood:
Strategic directions in VV&A; research: strategic directions in Verification, Validation, and Accreditation research. 909-916
Military applications
- David Alberts:
Military keynote address: information superiority and simulation models. 919 - Brett Walters, Jon French, Michael J. Barnes:
Attrition and fatigue: modeling the effects of crew size and crew fatigue on the control of Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (TUAVS). 920-924 - James G. Taylor, Ugur Ziya Yildirim, William S. Murphy Jr.:
Hierarchy-of-models approach for aggregated-force attrition. 925-932 - Brent Heeringa, Paul R. Cohen:
An underlying model for defeat mechanisms. 933-939 - Colin R. Mason, James Moffat:
Decision making support: representing the C2 process in simulations: modelling the human decision-maker. 940-949 - John R. Surdu, John M. D. Hill, Udo W. Pooch:
Anticipatory Planning Support System. 950-957 - John B. Gilmer Jr., Frederick J. Sullivan:
Recursive simulation to aid models of decision making. 958-963 - Arnold H. Buss:
Architecture initiatives: component-based simulation modeling. 964-971 - Donald D. Dudenhoeffer, Michael P. Jones:
A formation behavior for large-scale micro-robot force deployment. 972-982 - Kenneth Y. Jo, Christopher Munk:
Simulation methods for analysis of traffic processes in ATM networks. 983-990 - Iain H. McKenna, Stephen Little:
Military concept development: developing tactics using low cost, accessible simulations. 991-1000 - Simon A. Colby, D. Lee Beetham:
Long range artillery simulation using component based development techniques and the high level architecture. 1001-1005 - Mark R. Grabau, Michael D. Payne:
Predicting enemy force closure with simulation. 1006-1009 - Mary Albert, George Koenig, George Mason:
Winter simulation: development of a fast all-seasons model for the state of the ground. 1010-1019 - Gary Phetteplace:
Integrating cold weather impacts on human performance into army M&S applications. 1020-1024 - James Lacombe:
Tire model for simulations of vehicle motion on high and low friction road surfaces. 1025-1034 - Harold S. Balaban, Robert T. Brigantic, Samuel A. Wright, Anthony F. Papatyi:
Military resource scheduling: a simulation approach to estimating aircraft mission capable rates for the United States Air Force. 1035-1042 - Brandee L. Murphy:
High resolution satellite communication simulation. 1043-1049 - Nancy Brown, Steve Powers:
Simulation in a box: a generic reusable maintenance model. 1050-1056 - Phillip Barry, Philomena M. Zimmerman, Jim Metzger, Fred Hartman, Cindy Porubcansky, Joseph S. Stewart II:
DoD initiatives in distributed simulation technology: a panel discussion. 1057-1060 - Wayne J. Davis:
Military logistics: simulation-based acquisition: an impetus for change. 1061-1067 - Marcelo B. Rodrigues, Mario Karpowicz, Keebom Kang:
A readiness analysis for the Argentine Air Force and the Brazilian Navy A-4 fleet via consolidated logistics support. 1068-1074 - William R. Gates, Mitchell J. McCarthy:
United States Marine Corps aerial refueling requirements analysis. 1075-1081
Logistics/transportation applications
- Janis Trone, Angela Guerin, Amber D. Clay:
Simulation of large supply chains: simulation of waste processing, transportation, and disposal operations. 1085-1089 - David J. Parsons, Andrew J. Siprelle:
A supply chain case study of a food manufacturing merger. 1090-1094 - Daniel W. Schunk, Beth M. Plott:
Using simulation to analyze supply chains. 1095-1100 - Cathy J. Barnard, David H. Van Haaften:
Simulation of logistics systems: simulation model for shipment of waste to the waste isolation pilot plant. 1101-1106 - Charles R. Standridge, David R. Heltne:
An MSE-based simulation capability for strategic and tactical logistics. 1107-1113 - José A. Díaz, Ileana G. Pérez:
Simulation and optimization of sugar cane transportation in harvest season. 1114-1117 - Jay M. Rosenberger
, Andrew J. Schaefer
, David Goldsman, Ellis L. Johnson, Anton J. Kleywegt, George L. Nemhauser:
Air transportation simulation: SimAir: a stochastic model of airline operations. 1118-1122 - Alex J. Ruiz-Torres, Edgar Zapata:
Simulation based operational analysis of future space transportation systems. 1123-1131 - Amy R. Pritchett, Seungman Lee, David Huang, David Goldsman:
Hybrid-system simulation for National Airspace System safety analysis. 1132-1142 - Larry E. Owen, YunLong Zhang, Lei Rao, Gene McHale:
Street and traffic simulation: traffic flow simulation using CORSIM. 1143-1147 - Willi Bernhard, Peter Portmann:
Traffic simulation of roundabouts in Switzerland. 1148-1153 - Marco C. van Burgsteden
, Paul E. Joustra, Michiel R. Bouwman, Mark Hullegie:
Modeling road traffic on airport premises. 1154-1163 - Beth C. Kulick, James T. Sawyer:
Inter-modal transportation: the use of simulation modeling for intermodal capacity assessment. 1164-1167 - Ali S. Kiran, Tekin Cetinkaya, Serafettin Og:
Simulation modeling and analysis of a new international terminal. 1168-1172 - Janice P. Li:
Train station passenger flow study. 1173 - Soemon Takakuwa, Hiroki Takizawa, Kumiko Ito, Shinichiro Hiraoka:
Simulation of distribution systems: simulation and analysis of non-automated distribution warehouses. 1177-1184 - C. Ann Goodsell, Thomas J. Van Kley:
Inventory management simulations at Cat Logistics. 1185-1190 - Harald Krueger, Eric Vaillancourt, Ann M. Drummie, Steve J. Vucko, Joe Bekavac:
Simulation within the railroad environment. 1191-1200 - Raymond L. Smith III, Stephen D. Roberts:
General topics: a voice assisted simulation-animation architecture. 1201-1210 - Matthew W. Rohrer:
Seeing is believing: the importance of visualization in manufacturing simulation. 1211-1216 - K. Guus C. de Ruiter, Joost M. Sluijs, Wilbert B. Stoutjesdijk:
Simulation for recurring decisions. 1217-1221 - Michael J. Engiles, Edward R. Stephan:
Large-scale applications: system sizing using modeling and simulation. 1222-1226 - Bronislava M. Sigal, Ajay Singhal, Kai Pan, Pasan Seneviratna, Masoud M. Zadeh:
Simulation of the tornado hazard in the U.S. 1227-1234 - Hala ElAarag, Mostafa A. Bassiouni:
Simulation of transport protocols over wireless communication networks. 1235-1241
Manufacturing applications
- Boon-Ping Gan, Li Liu, Sanjay Jain, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Wen-Jing Hsu:
Manufacturing sypply chain management: distributed supply chain simulation across enterprise boundaries. 1245-1251 - Young Hae Lee, Sook Han Kim:
Optimal production-distribution planning in supply chain management using a hybrid simulation-analytic approach. 1252-1259 - James Ritchie-Dunham, Douglas J. Morrice, Judy E. Scott, Edward G. Anderson Jr.:
A strategic supply chain simulation model. 1260-1264 - Frank S. Cheng:
Design and optimization of cellular manufacturing systems: a methodology for developing robotic workcell simulation models. 1265-1271 - Kambiz Farahmand:
Using simulation to support implementation of flexible manufacturing Cell. 1272-1281 - Susumu Fujii, Hiroshi Morita, Takeshi Tanaka:
A basic study on autonomous characterization of square array machining cells for agile manufacturing. 1282-1289 - Peter W. Mullarkey, Srinagesh Gavirneni
, Douglas J. Morrice:
Strategies for successful simulation of manufacturing systems: dynamic output analysis for simulations of manufacturing environments. 1290-1296 - J. Michael Knoll, Joseph A. Heim:
Ensuring the successful adoption of discrete event simulation in a manufacturing environment. 1297-1304 - John R. Clymer:
Optimizing production work flow using OpEMCSS. 1305-1314 - Pär Klingstam, Bengt-Goran Olsson:
Application of simulation for manufacturing processes improvements: using simulation techniques for continuous process verification in industrial system development. 1315-1321 - Lisete Silva, Ana Luisa Ramos, Pedro M. Vilarinho:
Using simulation for manufacturing process reengineering: a practical case study. 1322-1328 - Travis A. Dahl, Brian F. Jacob:
Confident decision making and improved throughput for cereal manufacturing with simulation. 1329-1332 - Igor Paprotny, Jiun-Yan Shiau
, Yo Huh, Gerald T. Mackulak:
Material handling: simulation based comparison of semiconductor AMHS alternatives: Continuous Flow vs. Overhead Monorail. 1333-1338 - Kok Kiong Tan, Kok-Zuea Tang:
Simulation of an evolutionary tuned fuzzy dispatching system for automated guided vehicles. 1339-1343 - Namdar Bahri, Robert J. Gaskins:
Automated material handling system traffic control by means of node balancing. 1344-1346 - Robert G. Kyle Jr., Christopher R. Ludka:
Case studies in applicatin of simulation to manufacturing systems: simulating the furniture industry. 1347-1350 - Jeff Fields, Dennis Davis, Alfred Taylor:
Simulation of the remote unit assembly and test: a case study. 1351-1354 - Rohit A. Khanolkar:
Reducing gauging lead times and optimizing layout design at GM Powertrain with 3D workcell simulation. 1355-1358 - Michael X. Weng:
Simulation in production scheduling: scheduling flow-shops with limited buffer spaces. 1359-1363 - Durk-Jouke van der Zee:
Look-ahead strategies for controlling batch operations in industry: overview, comparison and exploration. 1364-1373 - Qiang Sun:
An analytical model and an optimal scheduling heuristic for collective resource management. 1374-1379 - Gordon D. Rehn:
Simulation of factory operations: simulation in daily factory operation: 'setting the line bogey in Augusta'. 1380-1384 - Raid Al-Aomar:
Product-mix analysis with Discrete Event Simulation. 1385-1392 - Thomas Schulze, Marco Schumann, Gordon D. Rehn:
Language based simulation models as management tools for assembly lines. 1393-1401 - Clyde R. Wetteland, Jeff L. Miller, Jonathan French, Kelly O'Brien, Daniel J. Spooner:
Simulation in shipbuilding: the human simulation: resolving manning issues onboard DD21. 1402-1406 - Joseph Hugan:
Using simulation to evaluate cargo ship design on the LPD17 program. 1407-1410 - Deborah J. Medeiros, Mark T. Traband, April Tribble, Rebekah Lepro, Kenneth Fast, Daniel Williams:
Simulation based design for a shipyard manufacturing process. 1411-1414
Semiconductor manufacturing
- Todd LeBaron, Ruth Ann Hendrickson:
Semiconductor process equipment modeling: using emulation to validate a cluster tool simulation model. 1417-1422 - Mark Pool, Robert Bachrach:
Productivity modeling of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. 1423-1427 - Elif Akçali, Reha Uzsoy
, David G. Hiscock, Anne L. Moser, Timothy J. Teyner:
Alternative loading and dispatching policies for furnace operations in semiconductor manufacturing: a comparison by simulation. 1428-1435 - Mathias A. Dümmler:
Cycle time and capacity planning: analysis of the instationary behavior of a wafer fab during product mix changes. 1436-1442 - Sarayuth Poolsup, Salil Deshpande:
Cluster tool simulation assists the system design. 1443-1448 - Azzedine Boukerche, Alessandro Fabbri:
Partitioning parallel simulation of wireless networks. 1449-1457 - Scott J. Mason, John W. Fowler
Semiconductor manufacturing scheduling: maximizing delivery performance in semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities. 1458-1463 - Appa Iyer Sivakumar:
Simulation based cause and effect analysis of cycle time distribution in semiconductor backend. 1464-1471 - Lixin Wang, Francis Eng Hock Tay, Loo Hay Lee:
Scheduling MEMS manufacturing. 1472-1480 - Oliver Rose:
General simulation applications in semiconductor manufacturing: why do simple wafer fab models fail in certain scenarios? 1481-1490 - Jeffrey W. Herrmann, Brian F. Conaghan, Laurent Henn-Lecordier, Praveen Mellacheruvu, Manh-Quan Nguyen, Gary W. Rubloff, Rock Z. Shi:
Understanding the impact of equipment and process changes with a heterogeneous semiconductor manufacturing simulation environment. 1491-1498 - Dima Nazzal
, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, Linda C. Malone:
Evaluation of the effectiveness of group screening methods as compared to no group screening. 1499-1504 - Chad D. DeJong, Seth A. Fischbein:
Semiconductor manufacturing material handling systems: integrating dynamic fab capacity and automation models for 300mm semiconductor manufacturing. 1505-1509 - Shari Murray, Gerald T. Mackulak, John W. Fowler, Theron Colvin:
A simulation-based cost modeling methodology for evaluation of interbay material handling in a semiconductor wafer fab. 1510-1517 - Mathias Schulz, Timothy D. Stanley, Bernhard Renelt, Roland Sturm, Oliver Schwertschlager:
Simulation based decision support for future 300mm automated material handling. 1518-1522
Future of simulation
- Martin Rohrmeier:
Interactive simulation using virtual systems: web based robot simulation using VRML. 1525-1528 - Hansoo Kim, Chen Zhou, Hua X. Du:
Virtual machines for message based, real-time and interactive simulation. 1529-1532 - Cristian Luciano, Pat P. Banerjee:
Avatar kinematics modeling for telecollaborative virtual environments. 1533-1538 - Charles R. McLean, Frank Riddick:
Simulation in the international IMS MISSION project: the IMS MISSION architecture for distributed manufacturing simulation. 1539-1548 - Kai Mertins, Markus Rabe
, Frank-Walter Jaekel:
Neutral template libraries for efficient distributed simulation within a manufacturing system engineering platform. 1549-1557 - Young-Jun Son
, Albert T. Jones, Richard A. Wysk:
Automatic generation of simulation models from neutral libraries: an example. 1558-1567 - Jerry Banks:
Simulation in the future. 1568-1576 - Stephen Kasputis, Henry C. Ng:
Model composability: formulating a research thrust: composable simulations. 1577-1584 - Paul C. Davis, Paul A. Fishwick, C. Michael Overstreet, Claude Dennis Pegden:
Model composability as a research investment: responses to the featured paper. 1585-1591
Simulation education
- Richard E. Nance:
Keynote address: simulation education: past reflections and future directions. 1595-1601 - Ingolf Ståhl:
Teaching methods: how should we teach simulation? 1602-1612 - Agostino G. Bruzzone, Pietro Giribone, Roberto Revetria:
Simulation as educational support for production and logistics in industrial engineering. 1613-1618 - Katherine L. Morse:
Simulation education: taking HLA education to the web. 1619-1623 - Andrew F. Seila:
Medical education as a model for simulation education. 1624-1629 - Charles R. Standridge:
Teaching simulation using case studies. 1630-1634 - Helena Szczerbicka, Jerry Banks, Ralph V. Rogers, Tuncer I. Ören, Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Bernard P. Zeigler:
Conceptions of curriculum for simulation education: panel. 1635-1644 - Krzysztof Pawlikowski, Wolfgang Kreutzer:
Tools for teaching simulation: integrating modelling and data analysis in teaching discrete event simulation. 1645-1650 - Michael Syrjakow, Jörg Berdux, Helena Szczerbicka:
Interactive Web-based animations for teaching and learning. 1651-1659 - Thomas Wiedemann:
A virtual textbook for modeling and simulation. 1660-1665 - Roy E. Crosbie:
Simulation curriculum: a model curriculum in modeling and simulation: do we need it? Can we do it? 1666-1668 - Jörg Desel:
Teaching system modeling, simulation and validation. 1669-1675 - Vlatka Hlupic:
Simulation software: an Operational Research Society survey of academic and industrial users. 1676-1683 - Heimo H. Adelsberger, Markus Bick, Jan M. Pawlowski:
Learning environments for simulation education: design principles for teaching simulation with explorative learning environments. 1684-1691 - João Rafael Galvão, Paulo Garcia Martins, Mário Rui Gomes:
Modeling reality with simulation games for a cooperative learning. 1692-1698 - Connie Nott, Graham Nott, C. Christopher Lee:
Simply Simulation: an interactive CD-ROM-based approach for learning simulation concepts. 1699-1702
Agent-based modeling and simulation
- Boleslaw K. Szymanski
, Gilbert Chen:
Simulation using software agents I: linking spatially explicit parallel continuous and discrete models. 1705-1712 - Linda F. Wilson, Daniel J. Burroughs, Jeanne Sucharitaves, Anush Kumar:
An agent-based framework for linking distributed simulations. 1713-1721 - Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Bernd G. Kullick:
"Plug and test": software agents in virtual environments. 1722-1729 - Marc S. Atkin, David L. Westbrook, Paul R. Cohen:
Simulation using software agents II: domain-general simulation and planning with physical schemas. 1730-1738 - Richard K. Bullock, Gregory A. McIntyre, Raymond R. Hill:
Using agent-based modeling to capture airpower strategic effects. 1739-1746 - Robert W. Brennan, William O:
A simulation test-bed to evaluate multi-agent control of manufacturing systems. 1747-1756 - Tuncer I. Ören, Susan K. Numrich, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Linda F. Wilson, Erol Gelenbe:
Agent-directed simulation: challenges to meet defense and civilian requirements. 1757-1762 - Yonghui Fu, Rajesh Piplani, Robert de Souza, Jingru Wu:
Agent-based simulation applications: multi-agent enabled modeling and simulation towards collaborative inventory management in supply chains. 1763-1771 - Hideyuki Mizuta, Kenneth Steiglitz:
Agent-based simulation of dynamic online auctions. 1772-1777 - Shubhabrata Biswas, Sara Merchawi:
Use of discrete event simulation to validate an agent based scheduling engine. 1778-1782
Web-based and Java-based simulation
- Yuh-Chuyn Luo, Chun-Hung Chen, Enver Yücesan, Insup Lee:
Distributed web-based simulation optimization. 1785-1793 - Iosif Legrand, Harvey B. Newman:
The MONARC toolset for simulating large network-distributed processing systems. 1794-1801 - Richard A. Kilgore, Emmett Burke:
Object-oriented simulation of distributed systems using Java® and Silk®. 1802-1809 - Ashu Guru, Paul A. Savory, Robert Williams:
Web-based simulation management: a web-based interface for storing and executing simulation models. 1810-1814 - Charles Marr, Christopher M. Storey, William E. Biles, Jack P. C. Kleijnen:
A Java-based simulation manager for web-based simulation. 1815-1822 - Lee A. Belfore II, Suresh Chitithoti:
An interactive land use VRML application (ILUVA) with servlet assist. 1823-1830 - Perakath C. Benjamin, Dursun Delen, Richard J. Mayer, Timothy O'Brien:
Distributed web-based component architectures: a model-based approach for component simulation development. 1831-1839 - Dhananjai Madhava Rao, Philip A. Wilsey:
Dynamic component substitution in web-based simulation. 1840-1848 - John A. Miller, Andrew F. Seila, Junxiu Tao:
Finding a substrate for federated components on the web. 1849-1854 - Manuel D. Rossetti
, Ben Aylor, Ryan Jacoby, Alyson Prorock, Antoine White:
Simulation modeling and the web: Simfone': an object-oriented simulation framework. 1855-1864 - Thomas Wiedemann:
VisualSLX: an open user shell for high-performance modeling and simulation. 1865-1871 - Jasna Kuljis, Ray J. Paul:
A review of web based simulation: whither we wander? 1872-1881 - Lisa A. Schaefer, Philip M. Wolfe:
Java applications: issues in Java-based continuous time step physical modelling. 1882-1887 - Andrei Borshchev, Yuri B. Kolesov, Yuri B. Senichenkov:
Java engine for UML based hybrid state machines. 1888-1894
Construction engineering and project management
- Tarek M. Zayed, Daniel W. Halpin:
Construction engineering I: simulation as a tool for resource management. 1897-1906 - Simaan M. AbouRizk, Yasser Mohamed:
Simphony: an integrated environment for construction simulation. 1907-1914 - Erwin Rybin, Felix Breitenecker:
Simulation of a production plant in the brick industry. 1915-1918 - Anil Sawhney, Hemant Deshpande, André Mund:
Construction engineering II: JavaBeans-based framework for construction simulation. 1919-1925 - Mohamed M. Marzouk, Osama Moselhi:
Optimizing earthmoving operations using object-oriented simulation. 1926-1932 - Vineet R. Kamat
, Julio C. Martínez:
3D visualization of simulated construction operations. 1933-1937 - Jonathan Jingsheng Shi:
Construction engineering III: object-oriented technology for enhancing activity-based modeling functionality. 1938-1944 - Kannan Govindan, Luc Schmitz, Christian Larsen:
An industry perspective on the role of equipment-based earthmoving simulation. 1945-1952
Business process, health care and service industry applications
- Ann M. Harper, Sarah E. Taranto, Erick B. Edwards, O. Patrick Daily:
Organ transplantation policies: an update on a successful simulation project: the Unos Liver Allocation Model. 1955-1962 - Lynne P. Baldwin, Tillal Eldabi
, Ray J. Paul, Andrew K. Burroughs:
Using simulation for the economic evaluation of liver transplantation. 1963-1970 - Sarah E. Taranto, Ann M. Harper, Erick B. Edwards, John D. Rosendale, Maureen A. McBride, O. Patrick Daily, Dan Murphy, Bill Poos, Janet S. Reust, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Developing a national allocation model for cadaveric kidneys. 1971-1977 - Martha A. Centeno, Cristina Albacete, Diego O. Terzano, Manuel Carrillo, Tom Ogazon:
Project and process improvements in healthcare organizations: a simulation study of the radiology department at JMH. 1978-1984 - Daniel C. Barth-Jones, Andrew L. Adams, James S. Koopman:
Monte Carlo simulation experiments for analysis of HIV vaccine effects and vaccine trial design. 1985-1994 - Russell W. Workman:
Simulation of the drug development process: a case study from the pharmaceutical industry. 1995-1998 - Susan M. Sanchez, David M. Ferrin, Tom Ogazon, José A. Sepúlveda, Timothy J. Ward:
Emerging issues in healthcare simulation. 1999-2003 - Andrew Greasley
Process and enterprise improvement: effective uses of business process simulation. 2004-2009 - Milind M. Datar:
Enterprise Simulation: framework for a strategic application. 2010-2014 - Simon Dennis, Ben C. King, Martin Hind, Stewart Robinson
Applications of business process simulation and lean techniques in British Telecommunications PLC. 2015-2021 - Wendy Currie, Vlatka Hlupic:
Strategic management support in changing environments: simulation modelling: the link between change management panaceas. 2022-2028 - John M. Petrakis, Michael J. Engiles:
Creating a paperless municipal court. 2029-2035 - Gregory R. Clay:
Venture launch: use of simulation to support strategic operational decisions. 2036-2039 - Jerry Flatto, L. Leslie Gardner:
Financial decision-making: using information generated by a discrete event simulation to evaluate real options in a research and development environment. 2040-2047 - Ulrich von Beck, John W. Nowak:
The merger of discrete event simulation with activity based costing for cost estimation in manufacturing environments. 2048-2054 - David M. Ferrin, Martin J. Miller, Gustavo Giron:
Electronic workflow for transaction-based work cells in a financial services firm. 2055-2058

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