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3. SPDP 1991: Dallas, Texas, USA
- Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, SPDP 1991, 2-5 December 1991, Dallas, Texas, USA. IEEE Computer Society 1991, ISBN 0-8186-2310-1
- Ferri Abolhassan, Jörg Keller, Wolfgang J. Paul:
On the cost-effectiveness of PRAMs. 2-9 - Joseph Gil:
Fast load balancing on a PRAM. 10-17 - Todd Heywood, Sanjay Ranka
A practical hierarchical model of parallel computation. 18-25 - Peter Mills, Lars S. Nyland, Jan F. Prins, John H. Reif, Robert A. Wagner:
Prototyping parallel and distributed programs in Proteus. 26-34 - Amr El Abbadi:
Adaptive protocols for managing replicated distributed databases. 36-43 - Christopher B. Walton, Alfred G. Dale:
Data skew and the scalability of parallel joins. 44-51 - Norbert Duppel:
Modeling and optimization of complex database queries in a shared-nothing system. 52-59 - David Kotz, Carla Schlatter Ellis:
Caching and writeback policies in parallel file systems. 60-67 - Deb Banerjee, Clifford Walinsky:
An optimizing compiler for FP*-a data-parallel dialect of FP. 70-78 - Guido K. Jouret:
Compiling functional languages for SIMD architectures. 79-86 - David W. N. Sharp, Martin Cripps:
Parallel algorithms that solve problems by communication. 87-94 - Giuseppe Marino, Giancarlo Succi
A new approach to parallel functional programming. 95-102 - Alan S. Wagner:
Embedding all binary trees in the hypercube. 104-111 - Alexander Wang, Robert Cypher, Ernst W. Mayr:
Embedding complete binary trees in faulty hypercubes. 112-119 - Krishnan Padmanabhan:
On the tradeoff between node degree and communication channel width in shuffle-exchange networks. 120-127 - Seshu V. R. Madabhushi, Sivaramakrishnan Lakshmivarahan, Sudarshan K. Dhall:
Analysis of the modified even networks. 128-131 - Soma Chaudhuri, Martha J. Kosa, Jennifer L. Welch:
Upper and lower bounds for one-write multivalued regular registers. 134-141 - Elizabeth B. Weidman, Ivor P. Page, William J. Pervin:
Explicit dynamic exclusion algorithm. 142-149 - Toshihide Ibaraki, Tiko Kameda:
Boolean theory of coteries. 150-157 - David Raymond Lutz
, Doddaballapur Narasimha-Murthy Jayasimha:
What is an effective schedule? 158-161 - Simon F. Wail:
Implementing a conventional language for a dataflow architecture. 164-171 - Paul G. Whiting, Gregory K. Egan:
A comparison of structure accessing techniques in IdA and SISAL on the CSIRAC II dataflow multiprocessor. 172-179 - Jamie E. Hoch, D. M. Davenport, V. Gerald Grafe, K. M. Steele:
Compile-time partitioning of a non-strict language into sequential threads. 180-189 - Herbert H. J. Hum, Guang R. Gao:
Efficient support of concurrent threads in a hybrid dataflow/von Neumann architecture. 190-193 - Honghua Yang:
An NC algorithm for the general planar monotone circuit value problem. 196-203 - Wayne Eberly:
Efficient parallel independent subsets and matrix factorizations. 204-211 - Victor Y. Pan, Elliott Landowne, Akimou Sadikou:
Univariate polynomial division with a remainder by means of evaluation and interpolation. 212-217 - Marc Goodman, Z. George Mou:
DC Transpose: a method for reducing communication in divide-and-conquer algorithms on mesh-based computers. 218-221 - James B. Armstrong, Mark A. Nichols, Howard Jay Siegel, Leah H. Jamieson:
Examining the effects of CU/PE overlap and synchronization overhead when using the complete sums approach to image correlation. 224-232 - Pradeep K. Dubey, George B. Adams III, Michael J. Flynn:
Spectrum of choices: superpipelined, superscalar, or multiprocessor? 233-240 - Davide Anguita, Giancarlo Parodi, Domenico Ponta, Rodolfo Zunino:
Transputer-based architectures for associative image classification. 241-248 - Curt Powley, Chris Ferguson, Richard E. Korf:
Parallel tree search on a SIMD machine. 249-256 - Jeffrey T. Draper, Joydeep Ghosh, William C. Athas:
The M-cache: a message-retrieving mechanism for multicomputer systems. 258-265 - Arup Acharya, B. R. Badrinath:
An efficient protocol for ordering broadcast messages in distributed systems. 266-273 - Anindo Bagchi, Edward F. Schmeichel, S. Louis Hakimi:
Parallel algorithms for information dissemination by packets. 274-281 - Shigeru Chiba, Kazuhiko Kato, Takashi Masuda:
Optimization of distributed communication in multiprotocol Tuple Space. 282-285 - Jehoshua Bruck
, Robert Cypher, Ching-Tien Ho:
Fault-tolerant meshes with minimal numbers of spares. 288-295 - Bogdan S. Chlebus:
Duplicating keys to streamline sorting on a mesh-connected computer. 296-300 - Danny Krizanc, Lata Narayanan:
Off-line routing with small queues on a mesh-connected processor array. 301-304 - Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Mukund Raghavachari:
Optimal randomized algorithms for multipacket and cut through routing on the mesh. 305-311 - Ishfaq Ahmad, Arif Ghafoor, Kishan G. Mehrotra:
A decentralized task scheduling algorithm and its performance modeling for computer networks. 314-321 - Dorina C. Petriu, C. Murray Woodside:
Approximate MVA from Markov model of software client/server systems. 322-329 - Leon Alkalaj:
Performance of multi-threaded execution in a shared-memory multiprocessor. 330-333 - Margaret A. Schaar, Kemal Efe
, Lois M. L. Delcambre:
An analytical model for predicting performance in a heterogeneous system. 334-341 - Mohammad Ghodsi, Krishna Kant:
Well-formed generalized task graphs. 344-351 - Sukumar Ghosh:
Stabilizing Petri nets. 352-356 - Z. P. Tao, M. Goossens:
Pitfalls of Petri net transformation. 357-360 - Raj Yavatkar, Vispi Dumasia:
Reliagram-a communication abstraction for distributed processing. 361-368 - Fang Wan:
New divide-and-conquer techniques for finding disjoint paths. 370-377 - Vijaya Ramachandran, Li-Chung Wang:
Parallel algorithm and complexity results for telephone link simulation. 378-385 - Roberto Tamassia, Ioannis G. Tollis, Jeffrey Scott Vitter
Lower bounds and parallel algorithms for planar orthogonal grid drawings. 386-393 - Ying Zhang, Alan K. Mackworth:
Parallel and distributed algorithms for finite constraint satisfaction problems. 394-397 - Martin Dietzfelbinger
, Seshu Madhavapeddy, Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Three disjoint path paradigms in star networks. 400-406 - Neeraj Suri
, Avi Mendelson, Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
BDG-torus union graph-an efficient algorithmically specializedparallel interconnect. 407-414 - Selim G. Akl, Ke Qiu, Ivan Stojmenovic:
Data communication and computational geometry on the star and pancake interconnection networks. 415-422 - Sivarama P. Dandamudi:
A comparison of task scheduling strategies for multiprocessor systems. 423-426 - Fabrizio Lombardi, Yinan N. Shen, Hannu H. Kari:
On a new approach for enhancing the fault coverage of conformance testing of protocols. 428-435 - Arif Ghafoor, Amrit L. Goel, Jim K. Chan, Tsorng-Ming Chen, Sohail Sheikh:
Reliability analysis of a fault-tolerant multi-bus multiprocessor system. 436-443 - Nita Sharma, Dharma P. Agrawal:
Hierarchical reliability evaluation of large networks. 444-451 - Dali L. Tao, Eugene Foo, Carlos R. P. Hartmann:
A new algorithm-based fault tolerance technique for computing matrix operations. 452-455 - Ming-Yun Horng, Leonard Kleinrock:
Fault-tolerant routing with regularity restoration in Boolean n -cube interconnection networks. 458-465 - Yuh-Dauh Lyuu:
Fast fault-tolerant parallel communication for de Bruijn networks using information dispersal. 466-473 - Chungti Liang, Sourav Bhattacharya, Wei-Tek Tsai:
Distributed fault-tolerant routing on hypercubes algorithms and performance study. 474-481 - Amnon Barak, Eugen Schenfeld:
Embedding classical communication topologies in the OPAM architecture. 482-485 - T. V. Lakshman, Dipak Ghosal:
Performance evaluation of an efficient multiple copy update algorithm. 488-495 - Mats Brorsson:
Local vs. global memory in the IBM RP3: experiments and performance modelling. 496-503 - Gianfranco Ciccarella, Giuliano Paris, Italo Tobia, Giorgio Valent:
Performance evaluation of a local area network for real-time applications. 504-512 - Brent E. Nelson, James K. Archibald, J. Kelly Flanagan:
Performance analysis of inclusion effects in multi-level multiprocessor caches. 513-516 - Qin Huang, William E. Weihl:
An evaluation of concurrent priority queue algorithms. 518-525 - Heinz Mühlenbein:
Asynchronous parallel search by the parallel genetic algorithm. 526-533 - Tevfik Bultan, Cevdet Aykanat:
Circuit partitioning using parallel mean field annealing algorithms. 534-541 - Jochen Heistermann:
A parallel hybrid learning approach to artificial neural nets. 542-545 - Suresh Rai, Jerry L. Trahan
ATARIC: an algebraic technique to analyse reconfiguration for fault tolerance in a hypercube. 548-554 - Pei Ouyang, Krishna V. Palem:
Very efficient cyclic shifts on hypercubes. 556-563 - Steven D. Young, Sudhakar Yalamanchili:
Adaptive routing in generalized hypercube architectures. 564-571 - S. Y. Yoon, Ohan Kang, Hyunsoo Yoon, Seung Ryoul Maeng, Jung Wan Cho:
A heuristic processor allocation strategy in hypercube systems. 574-581 - Shi-Nine Yang, Ruen-Rone Lee:
On mapping Bezier curve and surface subdivision algorithms into a hypercube with geometric adjacency constraint. 582-589 - Mark Crovella, Prakash Das, Cezary Dubnicki, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Evangelos P. Markatos:
Multiprogramming on multiprocessors. 590-597 - Robert Chun, Randy Lichota, Brad Perry, Nael Sabha:
Synthesis of parallel Ada code from a knowledge base of rules. 600-607 - Donna S. Reese, Ed Luke:
Object oriented Fortran for development of portable parallel programs. 608-615 - Kanad Ghose, Der-Chung Cheng:
A high performance barrier synchronizer and its novel applications in highly parallel systems. 616-619 - Alexander D. Stoyenko:
SUPRA-RPC: SUbprogram PaRA meters in Remote Procedure Calls. 620-627 - Hua Lin, Mi Lu, Jesse Zhixi Fang:
An optimal algorithm for the longest common subsequence problem. 630-639 - Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Kenneth Steiglitz:
Explicit construction for reliable reconfigurable array architectures. 640-647 - Chris J. Scheiman, Peter R. Cappello:
A period-processor-time-minimal systolic array for cubical mesh algorithms. 648-655 - Fred S. Annexstein:
SIMD-emulations of hypercubes and related networks. 656-659 - Evangelos P. Markatos, Mark Crovella, Prakash Das, Cezary Dubnicki, Thomas J. LeBlanc:
The effects of multiprogramming on barrier synchronization. 662-669 - Kang G. Shin, Chao-Ju Hou:
Effective load sharing in distributed real-time systems. 670-677 - Williams Ludwell Harrison III, Jyh-Herng Chow:
Dynamic control of parallelism and granularity in executing nested parallel loops. 678-685 - Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien, Friedhelm Ramme:
Load balancing in large networks: a comparative study. 686-689 - Brian Waldecker, Vijay K. Garg:
Detection of strong predicates in distributed programs. 692-699 - E. Calia, Antonio Lioy
Test generation in a distributed environment. 700-707 - Gianpiero Balboni, Gianpiero Cabodi, Silvano Gai, D. Sismondi, Matteo Sonza Reorda
A parallel system for test pattern generation. 708-715 - D. K. Arvind, D. Yokotsuka:
Debugging concurrent programs using static analysis and run-time hardware monitoring. 716-719 - Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc:
Distributed computing on anonymous hypercube networks. 722-729 - Soma Chaudhuri:
Towards a complexity hierarchy of wait-free concurrent objects. 730-737 - Dung T. Huynh, Lu Tian:
The complexity of readiness and failure equivalences for processes. 738-745 - Arch D. Robison:
A group of permutations with edge-disjoint paths on hypercubes. 746-749 - Thomas H. Spencer:
Parallel matching on expanders. 752-758 - Rong Lin, Stephan Olariu:
An optimal parallel matching algorithm for cographs. 759-766 - Pilar de la Torre, Raymond Greenlaw:
Super critical tree numbering and optimal tree ranking are in NC. 767-773 - David J. Haglin:
On a fast deterministic parallel approximate matching algorithm. 774-777 - Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Ashwini K. Nanda:
Multistage bus network (MBN): an interconnection network for cache coherent multiprocessors. 780-787 - Yuanyuan Yang
, Gerald M. Masson:
Broadcast ring sandwich networks. 788-795 - Chandrabhan Chevli, Hee Yong Youn:
Performance enhancement of multistage interconnection network with nonuniform traffic. 796-804 - Francis Chi-Moon Lau, S. W. Lau:
Propagating buffer: a new approach to deadlock freedom in store-and-forward networks. 804-807 - Xiaojing Wang, Z. George Mou:
A divide-and-conquer method of solving tridiagonal systems on hypercube massively parallel computers. 810-817 - Nagarajan Ranganathan, Rajiv Mehrotra, S. Subramaniam:
A high speed systolic architecture for labeling connected components in an image. 818-825 - Jenn-Yang Tien, Ching-Tien Ho, Wei-Pang Yang:
Broadcasting on incomplete hypercubes. 826-833 - Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Sunil M. Shende:
Packet routing on square meshes with row and column buses. 834-837 - José Duato
Deadlock-free adaptive routing algorithms for multicomputers: evaluation of a new algorithm. 840-847 - José M. García, José Duato
An algorithm for dynamic reconfiguration of a multicomputer network. 848-855 - Philip J. Bernhard
Bounds on the performances of message routing heuristics. 856-863 - Shuo-Hsien Hsiao, C. Y. Roger Chen:
Performance analysis of single-buffered multistage interconnection networks. 864-867 - Akira Imai, Evan Tick:
A shared-memory multiprocessor garbage collector and its evaluation for committed-choice logic programs. 870-877 - Roger L. Adema, Carla Schlatter Ellis:
Memory allocation constructs to complement NUMA memory management. 878-885 - Rakesh M. Pathak, Anup Kumar, Yash P. Gupta:
Reliability oriented allocation of files on distributed systems. 886-893 - Wolfgang Küchlin, Nicholas J. Nevin:
On multi-threaded list-processing and garbage collection. 894-897

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