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IGARSS 2017: Fort Worth, TX, USA
- 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, TX, USA, July 23-28, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5090-4951-6
- Fahong Zhang, Qi Wang, Xuelong Li
Hyperspectral image band selection via global optimal clustering. 1-4 - Bharath Bhushan Damodaran, Nicolas Courty, Romain Tavenard:
Randomized nonlinear component analysis for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images. 5-8 - Tomohiro Nishikawa, Yuichi Tanaka
Colors in multimodal data: Dominant line extraction inspired by computer vision techniques. 9-12 - Fubiao Feng, Wei Li, Qian Du
, Qiong Ran:
Sparse graph embedding dimension reduction for hyperspectral image with a new spectral similarity metric. 13-16 - David Malmgren-Hansen, Valero Laparra
, Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Spatial noise-aware temperature retrieval from infrared sounder data. 17-20 - Lu Yi, Wanchang Zhang:
WRF simulation for a heavy rainfall event over the huaihe river basin, China - An evaluation using remote sensing and ground observations. 21-24 - Lin Sun, Xueying Zhou
, Renli Wang, Jing Wei
, Yikun Yang, Quan Wang:
A comparison of the cloud detection results between the UDTCDA mask and MOD35 cloud products. 25-28 - Srikanth Madala
, Santo V. Salinas
, Jun Wang
, Soo Chin Liew
Sensitivity experiments of WRF-ARW PBL schemes over Singapore region: Impact of land use, land cover and model resolution. 29-32 - Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez, Quanhua (Mark) Liu, Antonia Gambacorta, Christopher D. Barnet, Nicholas R. Nalli
, Changyi Tan, Silvia Regina Santos da Silva:
Using averaging kernels to study the vertical resolution of nucaps temperature and water vapor. 33-35 - Remata S. Reddy, Duanjun Lu, Francis Tuluri, Mehri Fadavi:
Simulation and prediction of hurricane Lili during landfall over the central gulf states using MM5 modeling system and satellite data. 36-39 - Xie Hu, Zhong Lu, Thomas Oommen, Teng Wang, Jinwoo Kim
Monitoring and modeling tailings impoundment settlement near Great Salt Lake (UTAH) using multi-platform time-series InSAR observations. 40-43 - Jean-Claude Roger, Eric F. Vermote, Sergii Skakun, Emilie Murphy, Brent Holben, Christopher Justice:
Evaluation of the land surface reflectance fundamental climate data record. 44-47 - Daoyu Lin, Yang Wang, Guangluan Xu, Kun Fu:
Synthesizing remote sensing images by conditional adversarial networks. 48-50 - Yuan Zhou, Dongdong Wang, Yunyue Yu, Shunlin Liang:
VIIRS land surface albedo product: Algorithm development and validation. 51-54 - Qingsheng Liu, Gaohuan Liu, Chong Huang, Yunjie Zhang, Yushan Guo:
Remotely sensed surface characteristics of three deserts in the Alxa Plateau, Inner Mongolia, China. 55-58 - Junmei Tang, Liping Di, Jingfeng Xiao:
Spatial heterogeneity and socioeconomic patterns: Identifying the impact of urban center on forest fragmentation. 59-62 - Ya'nan Zhou, Li Feng, Yuehong Chen, Jun Li:
Object-based land cover mapping using adaptive scale segmentation from ZY-3 satellite images. 63-66 - Jin-Woo Kim
, Zhong Lu:
Temporal deformation of wink sinkholes in west texas observed by spaceborne SAR imagery. 67-70 - Feifei Qu
, Zhong Lu, Jin-Woo Kim
New faults detection by multi-temporal InSAR over Greater Houston, Texas. 71-74 - Linjun Yu, Zhijun Song:
A multi-angle analysis on development of modern peri-urban agricultural areas in China: A case study of Beijing. 75-78 - Lei Zhao, Erxue Chen, Zengyuan Li, Wangfei Zhang
, Xinzhi Gu, Yaxiong Fan:
Terrain effect correction method for Insar ILU image. 79-82 - Tomoharu Shimada, Akira Hirose:
Proposal of pixel-by-pixel optimization of scattering mechanism vectors in PolInSAR to generate accurate digital elevation model. 83-86 - Ludivine Libert, Dominique Derauw
, Christian Barbier:
Optimum split-band parameters for phase offset retrieval. 87-90 - Mark A. Sletten, Jakov V. Toporkov:
An interferometric approach to ocean surface velocity imaging using multi-channel SAR. 91-94 - Huazeng Deng, Gordon Farquharson
, Mikhail Balaban
, Aleksey Korovotniy, Yuriy V. Goncharenko:
Analysis of velocity and attitude error in along-track interferometric FMCW SAR. 95-98 - Hao Chen, Shane R. Cloude, David G. Goodenough, David A. Hill
, Andrea Nesdoly:
TANDEM-X forest height in mountainous terrain of BC, Canada. 99-102 - Gerald Baier, Cristian Rossi
, Marie Lachaise, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Richard Bamler:
Nonlocal InSAR filtering for high resolution DEM generation from TanDEM-X interferograms. 103-106 - Helmut Rott, Paco López-Dekker
, Svein Solberg, Lars M. H. Ulander, Thomas Nagler, Gerhard Krieger
, Pau Prats, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Mariantonietta Zonno, Alberto Moreira
SESAME: A single-pass interferometric SEntinel-1 companion SAR mission for monitoring GEO- and biosphere dynamics. 107-110 - Mario Azcueta, Stefano Tebaldini
SAOCOM-CS bistatic phase calibration and tomographic performance analysis. 111-114 - Cheng Hu, Bin Zhang, Xichao Dong, Chang Cui, Feifeng Liu:
Experimental design and data processing of twin GEO SAR interferometry based on Beidou IGSO satellites. 115-118 - Paco López-Dekker
, Helmut Rott, Svein Solberg, Mariantonietta Zonno, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Pau Prats-Iraola, Alberto Moreira
Companion SAR constellations for single-pass interferometric applications: The SESAME mission. 119-122 - Klaus Scipal, Malcolm Davidson
The SAOCOM-CS mission: ESA's first bistatic and tomographic L-band mission. 123-124 - Nazzareno Pierdicca
, Leila Guerriero, Davide Comite
, Marco Brogioni, Simonetta Paloscia:
Bistatic radar with large baseline for bio-geophysucal parameter retrieval. 125-128 - Matteo Nannini, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli
, Pau Prats-Iraola, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Alberto Moreira
Spaceborne demonstration of coherent SAR tomography for future companion satellite SAR missions. 129-132 - Stefano Tebaldini
, Laurent Ferro-Famil:
SAR tomography from bistatic single-pass interferometers. 133-136 - Andres Solana, Alberto Zurita, Fernando Monjas, Paula Saameno, Josep Closa, Isabel Martin:
Passive receive-only SAR payload for SAOCOM CS mission. 137-140 - Paco López-Dekker
, Pau Prats, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Bernardo Carnicero Domínguez:
Companion SAR missions: Scientific rationale and technical challenges. 141-144 - Pau Prats-Iraola, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Paco López-Dekker
, Mariantonietta Zonno, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Matteo Nannini:
Technical aspects in SAR image formation and interferometric processing of companion satellite SAR missions. 145-148 - Gerhard Krieger
, Mariantonietta Zonno, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Paco López-Dekker
, Josef Mittermayer, Marwan Younis
, Sigurd Huber, Michelangelo Villano
, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Pau Prats-Iraola, Alberto Moreira
MirrorSAR: A fractionated space radar for bistatic, multistatic and high-resolution wide-swath SAR imaging. 149-152 - Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Pau Prats-Iraola, Mariantonietta Zonno, Matteo Nannini, Paco López-Dekker
, Bernardo Carnicero Domínguez, Björn Rommen, Alberto Moreira
End-to-end performance analysis of companion SAR missions. 153-156 - Zhao Chen, Bin Yang
, Bin Wang, Guohua Liu, Wei Xia:
Change detection in hyperspectral imagery based on spectrally-spatially regularized low-rank matrix decomposition. 157-160 - Daniele Marinelli
, Francesca Bovolo, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
A novel change detection method for multitemporal hyperspectral images based on a discrete representation of the change information. 161-164 - Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Egidio Arai, Erone Ghizoni dos Santos, Anderson Jorge:
Monitoring deforestation and forest degradation using multi-temporal fraction images derived from Landsat sensor data in the Brazilian Amazon. 165-168 - Sicong Liu, Qian Du
, Xiaohua Tong, Alim Samat
, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Francesca Bovolo:
A spectral-spatial multiscale approach for unsupervised multiple change detection. 169-172 - Sicong Liu, Xiaohua Tong, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Peijun Du:
A novel semisupervised framework for multiple change detection in hyperspectral images. 173-176 - Olaniyi A. Ajadi, Franz J. Meyer, Anna Liljedahl:
Detection of aufeis-related flood areas in a time series of high resolution SAR images using curvelet transform and unsupervised classification. 177-180 - Huai Yu, Yan Liu, Li Li, Wen Yang, Mingsheng Liao
Stable feature point extraction for accurate multi-temporal SAR image registration. 181-184 - Na Li, Fang Liu, Lei Qiu:
Change detection approach on multitemporal Radarsat-1 SAR imagery for port surveillance. 185-188 - Jungkyo Jung, Duk-jin Kim, Sang-Ho Yun
, Marco Lavalle:
Damage mapping based on coherence model using multi-temporal polarimetric-interferometric UAVSAR data. 189-192 - Sandro Martinis:
Improving flood mapping in arid areas using SENTINEL-1 time series data. 193-196 - Andrea Marinoni, Paolo Gamba:
On the direct assessment of endmember fractions in hyperspectral images. 197-200 - McKay D. Williams, Kelly A. Patterson, John P. Kerekes
, Jan van Aardt:
An introduction to abundance map reference data, with applications in spectral unmixing. 201-204 - Yuanchao Su, Andrea Marinoni, Jun Li, Antonio Plaza
, Paolo Gamba:
Nonnegative sparse autoencoder for robust endmember extraction from remotely sensed hyperspectral images. 205-208 - Ying Qu, Rui Guo, Hairong Qi:
Spectral unmixing through part-based non-negative constraint denoising autoencoder. 209-212 - Rob Heylen
, Mario Parente, Paul Scheunders
Pixel purity vertex component analysis. 213-216 - Jakob Sigurdsson
, Magnus O. Ulfarsson
, Johannes R. Sveinsson
Fast multitemporal hyperspectral unmixing. 217-220 - Sumit Chakravarty, Madhushri Banerjee, Chih-Cheng Hung:
Kalman particle filtering algorithm and its comparison to Kalman based linear unmixing. 221-224 - Shaoquan Zhang, Jun Li, Javier Plaza
, Heng-Chao Li, Antonio Plaza
Spatial weighted sparse regression for hyperspectral image unmixing. 225-228 - Jakob Sigurdsson
, Magnus O. Ulfarsson
, Johannes R. Sveinsson
Sparse and low rank hyperspectral unmixing. 229-232 - Théo Masson, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Marie Dumont, Jocelyn Chanussot:
Using time series to improve endmembers estimation on multispectral images for snow monitoring. 233-236 - Mark J. Andrews, Hongkun Li, Joel T. Johnson, Kenneth C. Jezek, Alexandra Bringer, Caglar Yardim, Chi-Chih Chen
, Domenic Belgiovane, Vladimir Ye. Leuski, Michael Durand, Yuna Duan, Giovanni Macelloni
, Marco Brogioni, Shurun Tan, Leung Tsang:
The Ultra-Wideband Software Defined Microwave Radiometer (UWBRAD) for Ice sheet subsurface temperature sensing: Calibration and campaign results. 237-240 - Sidharth Misra, Shannon T. Brown:
Polarimetric calibration of the SMAP L-band radiometer using cold-sky calibration maneuvers. 241-243 - Jun Zhou, Hu Yang, Fuzhong Weng:
Validate and improve ATMS geolocation accuracy by using lunar observations. 244-247 - Wesley K. Berg:
Towards developing a long-term high-quality intercalibrated TRMM/GPM radiometer dataset. 248-250 - Sayak K. Biswas, Daniel J. Cecil, Mark W. James:
Calibration of hurricane imaging radiometer C-band receivers. 251-254 - Manuel Martín-Neira, Roger Oliva, Ignasi Corbella, Francesc Torres, Nuria Duffo, Israel Durán, Juha Kainulainen, Josep Closa, Alberto Zurita, François Cabot, Ali Khazaal, Eric Anterrieu
, José Barbosa, Goncalo Lopes, Joe Tenerelli, Raul Diez-Garcia, Jorge Fauste, Verónica González-Gambau, Antonio Turiel, Steven Delwart, Raffaele Crapolicchio
, Martin Suess, Susanne Mecklenburg, Matthias Drusch, Roberto Sabia, Elena Daganzo-Eusebio, Yann Kerr, Nicolas Reul
Lessons learnt from SMOS after 7 years in orbit. 255-258 - Ahmed Kiyoshi Sugihara El Maghraby
, Angelo Grubisic
, Camilla Colombo, Adrian Tatnall:
Geostationary atmospheric sounding1 by formation flight aperture synthesis. 259-262 - Hyuk Park
, Adriano Camps, Verónica González-Gambau, Mercè Vall-Llossera
Feasibility of RFI mitigation in synthetic aperture radiometery based on subspace spatial filtering. 263-266 - William J. Blackwell:
Radiometer development for small satellite microwave atmospheric remote sensing. 267-270 - Joseph W. Sapp
, Suleiman Alsweiss, Zorana Jelenak, Paul S. Chang:
Stepped frequency microwave radiometer retrieval error characterization. 271-274 - Paul Griffith, John Van Naarden, Luke Roop, Daniel Gall:
GOES-R ABI on-orbit performance. 275-278 - Scott D. Rudlosky, Steven J. Goodman, William J. Koshak, Richard J. Blakeslee
, Dennis E. Buechler, Douglas M. Mach, Monte Bateman:
Characterizing the GOES-R (GOES-16) Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) on-orbit performance. 279-282 - Scott Lindstrom, Timothy J. Schmit, Mathew M. Gunshor, Jaime Daniels, Kaba Bah, Steven J. Goodman:
Latest assessment of GOES-R (16) Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) data quality from an application and training perspective. 283-285 - Xi Shao, Xiangqian Wu, Fangfang Yu:
Stray light performance comparison between Himawari-8 AHI and GOES-16 ABI. 286-289 - Xiaolei Zou, Fuzhong Weng, Zhengkun Qin:
Direct assimilation of AHI and ABI infrared radiances in NWP models. 290-292 - Fuzhong Weng, Taeyoung Choi, Changyong Cao, Bin Zhang
Reprocessing of SUOMI NPP VIIRS sensor data records and impacts on environmental applications. 293-296 - Constantine Lukashin, Daniel Goldin, C. Hutchinson, Carlos M. Roithmayr, Wenbo Sun, Kurtis J. Thome, Bruce A. Wielicki, Aisheng Wu, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
CLARREO Pathfinder: On-orbit data matching and sensor inter-calibration. 297-300 - Francis Padula, Steven J. Goodman, Aaron Pearlman, Changyong Cao:
GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) calibration/validation from a field campaign perspective. 301-304 - Xiangqian Wu, Fangfang Yu, Vladimir Kondratovich, Boryana Efremova, Xi Shao, Robert Iacovazzi
, Changyong Cao:
Evaluation of GOES-16 ABI on-orbit performance using GSICS. 305-307 - Philippe Goryl, Jens Nieke, Steffen Dransfeld, Susanne Mecklenburg, Bruno Berruti, Craig Donlon, Ferran Gascon, Bianca Hoersch:
Status of copernicus Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-3A optical calibration and validation activities. 308-310 - Yuan Xue, Barton A. Forman
Integration of satellite-based passive microwave brightness temperature observations and an ensemble-based land data assimilation framework to improve snow estimation in forested regions. 311-314 - Caroline Dolant, Alexandre Langlois, Ludovic Brucker, Alain Royer, Alexandre Roy, Benoit Montpetit:
Meteorological inventory of rain-on-snow events and detection assessment in the Canadian arctic archipelago using passive microwave radiometry. 315-318 - Kari Luojus
, Elisabeth Ripper, Jouni Pulliainen
, Juval Cohen
, Jaakko Ikonen, Matias Takala, Juha Lemmetyinen, Thomas Nagler, Gabriele Schwaizer, Chris Derksen
, Bojan Bojkov, Michael Kern:
Long term changes in Northern hemisphere snow cover from SWE timeseries constrained with SE data. 319-321 - Jiyue Zhu, Shurun Tan, Chuan Xiong, Leung Tsang, Juha Lemmetyinen, Chris Derksen
, Joshua King:
Validation of physical model and radar retrieval algorithm of snow water equivalent using SnowSAR data. 322-325 - Delwyn Moller, Scott Hensley, Kat J. Bormann, Jeffrey Deems, Konstantinos Andreadis, Thomas H. Painter:
Mapping snow-depth using KA-band InSAR: Calibration and validation during SnowEx. 326-329 - Denis Demchev
, Vladimir Volkov, Eduard Kazakov
, Stein Sandven
Feature tracking for sea ice drift retrieval from SAR images. 330-333 - Temesgen Gebrie Yitayew, Anthony P. Doulgeris, Torbjørn Eltoft, Wolfgang Dierking, Camilla Brekke, Anja Rösel:
Sea ice segmentation using Tandem-X pursuit monostatic and alternative bistatic modes. 334-337 - Suman Singha:
Evaluation of polarimetric features for sea ice characterization at X, C and L-band SAR. 338-341 - Anja Frost, Sven Jacobsen, Suman Singha:
High resolution sea ice drift estimation using combined TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 data: First tests. 342-345 - Vishnu Nandan
, Torsten Geldsetzer, Mallik Mahmud
, John J. Yackel, Mark Christopher Fuller, Jagvijay P. S. Gill, Saroat Ramjan:
Multi-frequency microwave backscatter indices from saline snow covers on smooth first-year sea ice. 346-349 - Abdulrahman Alaqeel, Amr A. Ibrahim, Adib Y. Nashashibi, Kamal Sarabandi, Hussein Nasser Shaman
The phenomenology of radar backscattering response of vehicles at 222 GHz. 350-352 - Fabio Del Frate, Josiane Mothe, C. Barbier, Matthias Becker, Robert Olszewski
, Dimitrios Soudris:
FabSpace 2.0: The open-innovation network for geodata-driven innovation. 353-356 - Seyed Mohammad Amjadi, Kamal Sarabandi:
A novel telemetry technique for empowering smart directional borehole drilling systems. 361-364 - Jose Oliverio Alvarez
, David Jacobi, Greg Bernero:
Dielectric characterization of geochemical properties of crude oils and gas condensate at 25°C. 365-368 - Rahul Ramachandran
, Katie Baynes, Kevin J. Murphy, Alireza Jazayeri, Ian Schuler, Dan Pilone:
CUMULUS: NASA's cloud based distributed active archive center prototype. 369-372 - Boyi Shangguan, Peng Yue, Zhaoyan Wu:
A stream computing based apporach for updating waterlogging infomation on remote sensing images. 373-375 - Siri Jodha S. Khalsa
, Chris A. Mattmann, Ruth E. Duerr
Deep web crawling for insights from polar data. 376-379 - George Percivall, Trevor Taylor:
Advances in fusion of big geospatial data. 380-383 - Weiguo Han, Matthew Jochum:
Latency analysis of large volume satellite data transmissions. 384-387 - Frank M. Monaldo, Christopher R. Jackson, Xiaofeng Li:
On the use of Sentinel-1 cross-polarization imagery for wind speed retrieval. 392-395 - Scott Gleason, Valery U. Zavorotny
, Edward J. Walsh, Dennis M. Akos, Sara J. Hrbek, Dallas Masters
, Ivan Popstefanija, Michael S. Grant:
Asymmetrical wind and surface mean square slope correlation observed in Hurricane Ike. 396-397 - Alexander G. Fore, Simon Yueh, Wenqing Tang, Bryan W. Stiles, Akiko Hayashi:
Validation of SMAP radiometer extreme wind speed data product with rapid scatterometer and stepped frequency microwave radiometer. 398-401 - Wenming Lin, Marcos Portabella
, Ad Stoffelen, Giovanna De Chiara
, Justino Martínez
On the improvement of ASCAT wind data assimilation in global NWP. 402-405 - Ronan Fablet, Manuel Lopez-Radcenco, Jacques Verron, Baptiste Mourre
, Bertrand Chapron
, Ananda Pascual
Learning multi-tracer convolutional models for the reconstruction of high-resolution SSH fields. 406-409 - Shadi Aslebagh, Gordon Farquharson
, Ernesto Rodríguez, Dragana Perkovic-Martin:
Nearshore ocean surface current estimation comparison in C-band and KA-band. 410-413 - Magdalena D. Anguelova
, Michael H. Bettenhausen, William F. Johnston, Peter W. Gaiser:
Passive remote sensing of oceanic whitecaps: Updated geophysical model function. 418-420 - Robert O. Green:
Global coverage imaging spectroscopy. 424-426 - Lifu Zhang, Changping Huang, Xuejian Sun, Hang Yang, Xun Jian:
Perspectives on Chinese developments in spaceborne imaging spectroscopy: What's new in 2016. 427-430 - Rocchina Guarini, Rosa Loizzo, Francesco Longo, Silvia Mari, Tiziana Scopa, Giancarlo Varacalli:
Overview of the prisma space and ground segment and its hyperspectral products. 431-434 - José F. Moreno, Roberto Colombo, Alexander Damm
, Yves Goulas
, Elizabeth M. Middleton, Franco Miglietta
, Gina Mohammed, Matti Mottus
, Peter R. J. North
, Uwe Rascher
, Christiaan van der Tol
, Matthias Drusch:
Quantitative global mapping of terrestrial vegetation photosynthesis: The Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) mission. 435-438 - Uta Heiden
, Andreas Müller, Luis Guanter, Tobias Storch
, Sebastian Fischer, Godela Rossner, Martin Habermeyer, Saskia Foerster, Karl Segl, Christian Chlebek, Hermann Kaufmann:
Preparatory activities for the German spaceborne imaging spectrometer mission EnMAP. 439-442 - Tsuneo Matsunaga
, Akira Iwasaki, Satoshi Tsuchida, Koki Iwao, Jun Tanii, Osamu Kashimura, Ryosuke Nakamura, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Soushi Kato
, Kenta Obata
, Koichiro Mouri, Tetsushi Tachikawa:
Current status of Hyperspectral Imager Suite (HISUI) onboard International Space Station (ISS). 443-446 - Shen-En Qian, Martin Bergeron, Oleg Djazovski, Michael Maszkiewicz, Ralph Girard, Mary Kappus, Jeffrey Bowles, Antonio Mannino, Adam Matuszeski, Michael Furlong, Jean-Pierre Ardouin, Georges Fournier, Josée Lévesque, Louis Moreau, Jean-Francois Lavigne, Julie Mandar, Jennifer Busler, Gary Buttner:
A spaceborne coastal and inland water color hyperspectral imager. 447-450 - Daniel O'Connell, Derek R. Peddle, Stewart Bain, Douglas W. Bancroft, Kjell Stakkestad:
The NorthStar system - A new era in Earth Observation. 451-454 - Qingqing Feng, Huaping Xu, Zhefeng Wu, Yanan You:
Interferometric processing of TerraSAR data from Yunnan mountainous area. 459-462 - Xikai Fu, Maosheng Xiang, Bingnan Wang, Shuai Jiang, Jie Wang:
Preliminary result of a novel yaw and pitch error estimation method for UAV-based FMCW InSAR. 463-465 - Hui Kuang, Jie Chen, Wei Yang, Wei Liu
, Xia Zhu:
Fully three-dimensional UAV SAR imaging with multi-azimuth-angle observation. 470-473 - Yuya Yokota, Shohei Nakamura, Akira Karasawa, Masakazu Taniguchi, Shota Katayama, Yoshihiro Okada:
Digital beam forming of azimuth direction for SAR image processing. 474-476 - Fang Wang, Lei Liu, Yesheng Gao, Xingzhao Liu:
A high-speed and high-precision optical system of phased array radar beamforming. 477-480 - Yuenan Li, Zhuo Chen, Jonathan Li
How many people died due to PM2.5 and where the mortality risks increased? A case study in Beijing. 485-488 - Xiaozhen Wang, Huaguo Zhang
, Weibing Guan, Bin Fu, Peng Chen:
The effect of skew underwater topography on unidirectional tidal current. 489-491 - Ya Ma, Guihuan Liu:
Study of spatio-temperal revolution of urban heat island and its cloud effect using modis observations. 492-495 - Konstantin Dragomiretskiy, Igor Yanovsky:
Destriping pushbroom satellite imaging systems with total variation-L1/-L2 method. 496-499 - Aili Zhang, Hao Liu, Ji Wu, Lin Wu:
Antenna pattern error calibration for L-band synthetic aperture radiometer. 500-503 - Jin Zhao, Dehai Zhang, Zhenzhan Wang, Yun Li:
Recalibration of HY-2A atmospheric correction microwave radiometer. 504-507 - Stephanie Artigues, Daniel Greslou, Simon Baillarin:
Pleiades-HR image products 5 years after launch. 508-511 - Thomas J. Kopp, Leslie O. Belsma, Andrew K. Mollner, Ziping Frank Sun, Frank J. De Luccia:
Development of level 2 calibration and validation plans for GOES-R; What is a RIMP? 512-514 - Hu Yang, Fuzhong Weng:
Assessing calibration stability using moon observations from microwave instruments. 515-517 - Takaaki Ishikawa, Tatsuhiro Noguchi, Shinichi Yokobori, Takeshi Ito, Masakazu Taniguchi, Yu Okada, Marehito Kasahara:
On-orbit performance of High Temperature Noise Source (HTS) for advanced microwave scanning radiometer 2 (AMSR2) onboard the GCOM-W satellite. 522-525 - Bustanul Arifin, Irwan Priyanto, Andi Mukhtar Tahir:
The development and design of LAPAN's IR camera equipped with micro bolometer sensor. 530-533 - Ke Xu, Peng Liu, Yueying Tang, Xiufen Yu:
The improved design for HY-2B radar altimeter. 534-537 - Congliang Liu, Gottfried Kirchengast
, Yueqiang Sun, Qifei Du, Weihua Bai, Veronika Proschek, Xianyi Wang, Junming Xia, Xiangguang Meng
, Dongwei Wang, Yuerong Cai, Danyang Zhao
, Chunjun Wu, Wei Li, Cheng Liu:
Study on LEO-LEO microwave occultation. 538-541 - Caiyun Wang, Hao Liu, Xiangkun Zhang, Di Zhu:
Development and integration of the ground based MICAP scatterometer demonstrator. 542-545 - Jinhu Bian
, Ainong Li, Wei Zhao, Gaofei Yin:
An automatic orthorectification approach for the time series GF-4 geostationary satellite images in Mountainous area. 546-549 - Ruanyu Zhang, Zhenzhan Wang, Lanjie Zhang, Yun Li:
Rainfall retrieval of tropical cyclones using FY-3B microwave radiation imager (MWRI). 550-553 - Juan Felipe Hernandez Albarracin
, Edemir Ferreira de Andrade Jr., Jefersson A. dos Santos, Ricardo da Silva Torres:
Fusion of genetic-programming-based indices in hyperspectral image classification tasks. 554-557 - Chao Wang
, Hong Zhang, Fan Wu, Bo Zhang, Sirui Tian:
Ship classification with deep learning using COSMO-SkyMed SAR data. 558-561 - Gülsen Taskin Kaya, Melba M. Crawford:
Extending out-of-sample manifold learning via meta-modelling techniques. 562-565 - Andreea Griparis
, Florin-Andrei Georgescu, Mihai Datcu:
Visual data mining applied on earth observation datasets. 566-569 - Sahel Mahdavi, Bahram Salehi
, Meisam Amani
, Jean Granger, Brian Brisco, Weimin Huang
A dynamic hierarchical feature selection method for object-based classification of wetlands. 570-573 - Cheng-Hsuan Li
, Pei-Jyun Hsieh, Bor-Chen Kuo:
Multiple SVMS based on random subspaces from kernel feature importance for hyperspectral image classification. 574-577 - Wenjin Wu, Xinwu Li, Huadong Guo, Yue Fang:
A new texture feature set for ultra-high resolution SAR images. 578-581 - Bin Yang
, Bin Wang, Zongmin Wu, Qiyong Lu:
Bilinear mixture models based unsupervised nonlinear unmixing using constrained nonnegative matrix factorization. 582-585 - Yulei Wang, Bai Xue, Lin Wang, Hsiao-Chi Li, Li-Chien Lee, Chunyan Yu, Meiping Song, Sen Li, Chein-I Chang:
Iterative anomaly detection. 586-589 - Risheng Huang, Xiaorun Li, Liaoying Zhao:
Nonnegative matrix factorization with data-guided constraints. 590-593 - Hao Chen, Qinglong Ren, Ye Zhang:
A hierarchical support tensor machine structure for target detection on high-resolution remote sensing images. 594-597 - Ruyi Feng, Lizhe Wang, Yanfei Zhong, Liangpei Zhang:
Differentiable sparse unmixing based on Bregman divergence for hyperspectral remote sensing imagery. 598-601 - Da He, Yanfei Zhong, Ailong Ma, Liangpei Zhang:
Sub-pixel intelligence mapping considering spatial-temoporal attraction for remote sensing imagery. 602-605 - Ying Zhang
, Xinhua Mao, He Yan, Daiyin Zhu, Xiaochen Hu:
A novel approach to moving targets shadow detection in VideoSAR imagery sequence. 606-609 - Youngjoo Kwak, Jonggeol Park, Yoichi Iwami:
Large flood mapping using syncro water index coupling with hydro data and time series modis images. 610-611 - Jie Geng
, Jianchao Fan, Hongyu Wang, Xiaorui Ma:
Change detection of marine reclamation using multispectral images via patch-based recurrent neural network. 612-615 - Jorge Antonio Silva Centeno, Edson Aparecido Mitishita, Regina Tiemy Kishi:
Assessing snow extent variations of Illimani mountain with Landsat NDSI. 616-619 - Zexi Chen, Bharathkumar Ramachandra
, Ranga Raju Vatsavai
Hierarchical change detection framework for biomass monitoring. 620-623 - Ernesto Reyes, Rita Jakelyn Abad, Julio Diaz, Vidya B. Manian:
Change detection assessment in a tropical forest using multispectral and hyperspectral images. 624-627 - Dacheng Wang, Xiaojing Yao, Shaolong Cui, Tianhe Chi, Lin Peng:
Semi-analytical approach combined & neural network technology model chlorophyll-a concentration by remote sensing. 628-631 - Mohammed Q. Alkhatib
, Miguel Velez-Reyes
Segmentation-based cNMF for hyperspectral unmixing. 632-635 - Bai Xue, Shih-Yu Chen, Chunyuan Yu, Yulei Wang, Lin Wang, Meiping Song, Sen Li, Chein-I Chang:
Kernel automatic target generation process. 636-639 - Qiupeng Sun, Junping Zhang, Xiaochen Lu, Tianming Jin:
Hyperspectral target detection based on kernel sparse and spatial constraint. 640-643 - Bin Yang
, Bin Wang, Zongmin Wu, Qiyong Lu:
Abundance estimation for hyperspectral images based on bilinear mixture models. 644-647 - Dandan Ma, Yuan Yuan, Qi Wang:
A sparse dictionary learning method for hyperspectral anomaly detection with capped norm. 648-651 - Hsiao-Chi Li:
Geometric N-finder algorithm for finding endmembers in hyperspectral imagery. 652-655 - Divyesh Varade
, Anudeep Sure, Onkar Dikshit:
Evaluation of multi-spectral cube from multi-sensor imagery corresponding to hyperspectral imagery. 656-659 - Nan Xia, Manchun Li
, Liang Cheng:
Demarcation of prime farmland protection areas from high-resolution satellite imagery. 660-663 - Yang Yu, Ping Zhong, Zhiqiang Gong:
Balanced data driven sparsity for unsupervised deep feature learning in remote sensing images classification. 668-671 - Gongxue Wang, Lingmei Jiang
, Shirui Hao, Xiaojing Liu, Huizhen Cui:
Improving snow and cloud discrimination in MODIS snow cover products. 672-675 - Caizheng Guo, Ling Tong
, Yan Chen, Xun Yang:
Snow extraction using X-band multi-temporal coherence based on InSAR technology. 676-679 - Satya Prakash
, Hamidreza Norouzi, Marzi Azarderakhsh
, Reginald A. Blake
Fine temporal resolution freeze and thaw states using combination of microwave land surface emissivity estimated. 680-682 - Yu Jen Lee, Kee Choon Yeong, Hong Tat Ewe:
An inverse model for sea ice physical parameter retrieval using simulated annealing. 683-686 - Dorothy K. Hall, Josefino C. Comiso, Richard I. Cullather, Nicolo E. DiGirolamo, Sophie M. Nowicki, Brooke C. Medley:
Development of a multilayer modis IST-albedo product of Greenland. 694-696 - Roselena Rubino, Francesc Torres, Nuria Duffo, Verónica González-Gambau, Ignasi Corbella, Manuel Martín-Neira:
Direct faraday rotation angle retrieval in SMOS field of view. 697-698 - Israel Durán, Marc Vizcarro, Francesc Torres, Nuria Duffo, Verónica González-Gambau, Ignasi Corbella, Roger Oliva, Manuel Martín-Neira:
The ocean as a calibration target to trim SMOS visibility denormalization errors. 699-702 - Rongchuan Lv, Pengfei Li, Guangnan Song, Yinan Li, Hailiang Lu, Xiaojiao Yang, Pengju Dang:
Study on data processing method of synthetic aperture microwave radiometer. 703-706 - Roger Oliva, Joseph Tenerelli, Manuel Martín-Neira, Ignasi Corbella, Josep Closa, Juha Kainulainen:
Data analytics to improve SMOS calibration. 707-710 - Hao Liu, Lijie Niu, Cheng Zhang, Donghao Han, Hao Lu, Xin Zhao, Ji Wu:
Preliminary results of GIMS-II (Geostationary interferometric microwave sounder-second generation) demonstrator. 711-714 - Cheng Zhang, Hao Liu, Lijie Niu, Ji Wu:
System design and preliminary tests of an L-band clock scan microwave interferometric radiometer. 715-718 - Chun-Sik Chae, Andreas Colliander, Mariko Burgin, Emmanuel P. Dinnat
Intercomparison of brightness temperature measurements from SMAP and SMOS radiometers. 719-720 - Yury A. Titchenko
, Vladimir Yu. Karaev:
Sea surface waves parameters retrieval method based on the measurement of the Doppler spectrum at small incident angle. 721-724 - Tran Vu La, Ali Khenchaf
, Fabrice Comblet, Carole E. Nahum:
Comparison of empirical and electromagnetic geophysical model function for near-surface wind speed retrieval. 728-731 - Monique F. M. A. Albert, Magdalena D. Anguelova
, Astrid M. M. Manders
, Martijn Schaap
, Gerrit de Leeuw:
Parameterization of oceanic whitecap fraction based on satellite observations. 732-734 - Qing Xu, Guosheng Zhang, Shuangshang Zhang, Yongcun Cheng, William Perrie:
Evolution of typhoon soudelor observed by RADARSAT-2 SAR. 735-738 - Maria A. Panfilova, Vladimir Yu. Karaev:
The precipitation radar as an instrument for measurement of sea waves slopes. 739-742 - Svetlana Karimova:
An approach to automated spiral eddy detection in SAR images. 743-746 - Minh-Tan Pham, Sébastien Lefèvre
, Erchan Aptoula
, Bharath Bhushan Damodaran:
Classification of VHR remote sensing images using local feature-based attribute profiles. 747-750 - Christopher Wecklich, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli
, José-Luis Bueso-Bello, Carolina González, Gerhard Krieger
Production of a global forest/non-forest map utilizing TanDEM-X interferometric SAR data. 751-754 - Frosti Palsson, Jakob Sigurdsson
, Johannes R. Sveinsson
, Magnus O. Ulfarsson
Neural network hyperspectral unmixing with spectral information divergence objective. 755-758 - Shaohui Mei, Yanfu Chen, Jingyu Ji, Junhui Hou
, Qian Du
Fusing different levels of deep features by deep stacked neural network for hyperspectral images. 759-762 - Adrian Perez-Suay
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Causal inference in geosciences with kernel sensitivity maps. 763-766 - Dalton D. Lunga, Hsiu-Han Lexie Yang
, Jiangye Yuan, Budhendra L. Bhaduri:
Hashed binary search sampling for convolutional network training with large overhead image patches. 767-770 - Yang-Jun Deng, Heng-Chao Li, Lei Pan, William J. Emery:
Tensor locality preserving projection for hyperspectral image classification. 771-774 - Gabriele Cavallaro, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Morris Riedel, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Tree-based supervised feature extraction method based on self-dual attribute profiles. 775-778 - Chi Liu, Wenzhi Liao, Heng-Chao Li, Wilfried Philips:
Non-negative matrix factorization with mixture of Itakura-Saito divergence for SAR images. 779-782 - Miguel Penalver, Fabio Del Frate, Mercedes Eugenia Paoletti
, Juan Mario Haut
, Javier Plaza
, Antonio J. Plaza
Onboard payload-data dimensionality reduction. 783-786 - Na Li, Fang Liu, Jing Li, Junfeng Yang, Tuanjie Zheng:
A variational method using Riemannian metric for SAR image segmentation. 787-790 - Huiguo Yi, Jie Yang, Pingxiang Li, Lei Shi, Weidong Sun:
Scattering modelbased segmentation of polarimetric SAR images. 791-794 - Shiyu Luo
, Kamal Sarabandi, Ling Tong
An unsupervised segmentation method based on the variational model for fully polarimetric SAR images. 795-798 - Biao Hou, Xiaohua Zhang, Dezhao Gong, Shuang Wang, Xiangrong Zhang, Licheng Jiao
Fast graph-based SAR image segmentation via simple superpixels. 799-802 - Hao Hu, Bin Liu, Weiwei Guo, Zenghui Zhang
, Wenxian Yu:
Superpixel generation for SAR images based on DBSCAN clustering and probabilistic patch-based similarity. 803-806 - Yi Liu, José M. Bioucas-Dias, Jun Li, Antonio Plaza
Multi-superpixelization-based convex formulation for joint classification of hyperspectral and lidar data. 807-810 - Dimo Dimov, Fabian Löw, Mirzahayot Ibrakhimov, Galina Stulina, Christopher Conrad:
SAR and optical time series for crop classification. 811-814 - Lu Wang, Fang Fang, Xiaohui Yuan
, Zhongwen Luo, Yuanyuan Liu, Bo Wan, Yishi Zhao:
Urban function zoning using geotagged photos and openstreetmap. 815-818 - Meiling Zhang, Tianzhu Liu, Guoming Gao, Yanfeng Gu:
Multi-temporal images classification with evidential fusion of manifold alignment. 819-822 - Jie Geng
, Hongyu Wang, Jianchao Fan, Xiaorui Ma:
Classification of fusing SAR and multispectral image via deep bimodal autoencoders. 823-826 - Jian Yang, Yuhong He, John Caspersen:
Individual tree-based species classification for uneven-aged, mixed-deciduous forests using multi-seasonal WorldView-3 images. 827-830 - Soushi Kato
, Ryosuke Nakamura:
Detection of thermal anomaly using Sentinel-2A data. 831-833 - Jingjing Peng, Wenjie Fan, Lizhao Wang, Jvcai Li, Dingfang Tian, Xiru Xu:
Modeling and validation of the angular clumping index of forest canopy. 834-837 - Hongga Li, Yarong Zou, Xiaoxia Huang, Renrong Jiang, Xia Li, Xin Du, Yilan Liu:
Projection pursuit learning network algorithm for plant classification. 838-841 - Jianhao Du, Yan Chen, Ling Tong
, Guang Li, Caizheng Guo:
A region-based method of vegetation coverage extracting in complex terrain areas using polarmetric SAR data. 842-845 - Weijia Li, Haohuan Fu, Le Yu:
Deep convolutional neural network based large-scale oil palm tree detection for high-resolution remote sensing images. 846-849 - Youyou Li, Binbin He, Teng Long
, Xiaojing Bai:
Evaluation the performance of fully convolutional networks for building extraction compared with shallow models. 850-853 - Sirui Tian, Chao Wang
, Hong Zhang:
Hierarchical feature exttratction for object recogition in complex SAR image using modified convolutional auto-encoder. 854-857 - Zhipeng Deng, Hao Sun, Shilin Zhou, Juanping Zhao, Lin Lei, Huanxin Zou:
Fast multiclass object detection in optical remote sensing images using region based convolutional neural networks. 858-861 - Bowen Cai, Zhiguo Jiang, Haopeng Zhang, Yuan Yao, Jie Huang:
Training deep convolution neural network with hard example mining for airport detection. 862-865 - Benjamin Kellenberger, Michele Volpi
, Devis Tuia:
Fast animal detection in UAV images using convolutional neural networks. 866-869 - Hsiuhan Lexie Yang
, Dalton D. Lunga, Jiangye Yuan:
Toward country scale building detection with convolutional neural network using aerial images. 870-873 - Jordan M. Malof, Leslie M. Collins, Kyle Bradbury
A deep convolutional neural network, with pre-training, for solar photovoltaic array detection in aerial imagery. 874-877 - Igor Zakharov, Thomas Puestow, Andrew Fleming, Janaka Deepakumara, Desmond Power:
Detection and discrimination of icebergs and ships using satellite altimetry. 882-885 - Davide Cozzolino
, Gerardo Di Martino
, Giovanni Poggi, Luisa Verdoliva:
A fully convolutional neural network for low-complexity single-stage ship detection in Sentinel-1 SAR images. 886-889 - Kefeng Ji, Xiangguang Leng, Haibo Wang, Shilin Zhou, Huanxin Zou:
Ship detection using weighted SVM and M-CHI decomposition in compact polarimetric SAR imagery. 890-893 - Quentin Oliveau, Hichem Sahbi:
Transductive attributes for ship category recognition. 894-897 - Fanghong Xiao, Yan Chen, Ling Tong
, Xun Yang:
Coherence estimation in the low-backscattering area using multitemporal TerraSAR-X images and its application on road detection. 898-901 - Zhichao Xia, Yu Zang, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li
Road width measurement from remote sensing images. 902-905 - Manfred Zink, Alberto Moreira
, Markus Bachmann, Paola Rizzoli
, Thomas Fritz, Irena Hajnsek
, Gerhard Krieger
, Birgit Wessel
The global TanDEM-X DEM - A unique data set. 906-909 - Irena Hajnsek
, Thomas Busche:
TanDEM-X: Science activities. 910-913 - Wenlu Qi
, Ralph O. Dubayah:
Forest structure modeling of a coniferous forest using TanDEM-X InSAR and simulated GEDI lidar data. 914-917 - Andrea Pulella
, Polyanna da Conceição Bispo, Matteo Pardini, Florian Kugler, Victor Cazcarra-Bes, Marivi Tello, Kostas Papathanassiou, Heiko Balzter, Igor G. Rizaev
, Maiza Nara dos-Santos, João Roberto dos Santos, Luciana Spinelli de Araujo, Kevin Tansey:
Tropical forest structure observation with TanDEM-X data. 918-921 - Anis Elyouncha
, Leif E. B. Eriksson
, Roland Romeiser, Lars M. H. Ulander:
Phase calibration of TanDEM-X ATI-SAR data for sea surface velocity measurements. 922-925 - Juan Manuel López-Sánchez, Fernando Vicente-Guijalba, Alejandro Mestre-Quereda
, Noelia Romero-Puig
, Esra Erten
Influence of incidence angle and baseline on the retrieval of biophysical parameters of rice fields by means of polarimetric SAR interferometry with TanDEM-X data. 926-929 - Sun Yong Yoon, Seung-Kuk Lee, Joong-Sun Won
Rice paddy height estimation from single-polarization TanDEM-X science phase data. 930-933 - Silvan Leinss
, Vanessa Round
, Irena Hajnsek
Single pass InSAR missions for monitoring hazardous surging glaciers. 934-937 - Igor Zakharov, Desmond Power, Thomas Puestow, Mark Howell, Sherry Warren, Michael Lynch:
3D mapping of icebergs in sea ice with TanDEM-X interferomery. 938-940 - Karlus A. C. de Macedo
, Thiago Luiz Morais Barreto, Leandro Matos, Dieter Lübeck, Carlos T. C. Gamba, Daniel S. N. A. Albarelli
, Pedro R. Crisma, Adalberto A. Azevedo, Joao Bosco, Rafael A. S. Rosa:
Time series of P-band DInSAR and DSM differences for monitoring river bank erosions. 941-944 - Junichi Susaki
, Masahiro Tsujino, Takuma Anahara:
Fusion of different frequency SAR images for DInSAR-based land subsidence monitoring. 945-948 - Charles Werner, Brett Baker, Ryan Cassotto
, Christophe Magnard
, Urs Wegmüller, Mark A. Fahnestock:
Measurement of fault creep using multi-aspect terrestrial radar interferometry at Coyote Dam. 949-952 - Yuxiao Qin, Daniele Perissin, Pietro Milillo
A new era of InSAR applications with Sentinel-1: A case study of severe ground subsidence in California Central Valley. 953-956 - Freek J. van Leijen
, Sami Samiei-Esfahany, Hans van der Marel
, Ramon F. Hanssen
A standardized approach for the integration of geodetic data for deformation analysis. 957-960 - Sina Montazeri, Christoph Gisinger, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Michael Eineder, Richard Bamler:
Automatic positioning of SAR ground control points from multi-aspect TerraSAR-X acquisitions. 961-964 - Mohanad Al-Ibadi
, Jordan Sprick, Sravya Athinarapu, Theresa Stumpf, John Paden, Carl Leuschen, Fernando Rodriguez-Morales, Mingze Xu, David J. Crandall, Geoffrey C. Fox, David Burgess, Martin Sharp, Luke Copland, Wesley Van Wychen
DEM extraction of the basal topography of the Canadian archipelago ICE caps via 2D automated layer-tracker. 965-968 - Roland Perko, Karlheinz Gutjahr, Maria Kruger, Hannes Raggam, Mathias Schardt:
DEM-based epipolar rectification for optimized radargrammetry. 969-972 - Dadi Meng, Chibiao Ding, Donghui Hu, Ning Xu:
Applying chirp-modulated back-projection to very high resolution spaceborne sliding spotlight SAR data processing. 973-975 - Wenjie Shen, Yun Lin, Yue Zhao, Lingjuan Yu, Wen Hong:
Initial result of single channel CSAR GMTI based on background subtraction. 976-979 - Homa Ansari
, Francesco De Zan
, Richard Bamler:
Sequential estimator: A novel approach for efficient high-precision analysis of interferometric time series. 980-983 - Xinyu Wang, Yanfei Zhong, Yao Xu, Liangpei Zhang, Yanyan Xu:
Saliency-based endmember detection for hyperspectral imagery. 984-987 - Changzhe Jiao, Alina Zare
Multiple instance hybrid estimator for learning target signatures. 988-991 - Han Liu
, Lin He, Jun Li:
Remote sensing image classification based on convolutional neural networks with two-fold sparse regularization. 992-995 - Tai Qiao, Leung Tsang, Douglas C. Vandemark
, Simon H. Yueh:
Radar scattering of ocean surfaces at L band based on numerical solutions of maxwell equations in three-dimensions (NMM3D). 996-999 - Yi Liu, José M. Bioucas-Dias, Jun Li, Antonio Plaza
Hyperspectral cloud shadow removal based on linear unmixing. 1000-1003 - Seyedmohammad Mousavi, Roger D. De Roo
, Kamal Sarabandi, Anthony W. England:
Sampling requirements for wideband autocorrelation radiometric (WIBAR) remote sensing of dry snowpack and lake icepack. 1004-1007 - Tianlin Wang, Christopher Ruf
, Scott Gleason, Bruce P. Block, Darren McKague
, Damen Provost:
Development of GPS constellation power monitor system for high accuracy calibration/validation of the cygnss L1B data. 1008-1011 - Omkar Pradhan, Srikumar Sandeep, Albin J. Gasiewski, William Stone:
Design of a forward looking synthetic aperture radar for an autonomous cryobot for subsurface exploration of Europa. 1012-1015 - Michael L. Benson, Leland E. Pierce, Kamal Sarabandi:
Model-based estimation of large area forest canopy height and biomass using radar and optical remote sensing with limited lidar data. 1016-1019 - Camilla Brekke, Stine Skrunes, Martine Mostervik Espeseth
Oil spill dispersion in full-polarimetric and hybrid-polarity SAR. 1020-1023 - Stine Skrunes, Camilla Brekke, Martine Mostervik Espeseth
Assessment of the RISAT-1 FRS-2 mode for oil spill observation. 1024-1027 - Vineet Kumar
, Dipankar Mandal
, Y. S. Rao, Peter Meadows:
Hybrid and dual linear polarimetric RISAT-1 SAR data for classification assessment. 1028-1031 - Xiaodong Huang, Jinfei Wang, Jiali Shang, Jiangui Liu:
A simple target scattering model with geometric features on crop characterization using polsar data. 1032-1035 - Wei Zhai, Chunlin Huang, Wansheng Pei
, Yan Li:
Building damage information investigation from a single post-earthquake PolSAR image based on the fusion of multiple texture features. 1036-1039 - Adriano Meta, Christian Trampuz, Alex Coccia, Marco Ortolani, Rocco Turtolo:
First results of the BelSAR L band airborne bistatic fully polarimetric Synthetic aperture radar campaign. 1040-1042 - Xuezhen Fan, Feifeng Liu, Tian Zhang, Taoyu Lu, Cheng Hu, Weiming Tian:
Passive SAR with GNSS transmitters: Latest results and research progress. 1043-1046 - Qianghui Zhang, Junjie Wu, Jianyu Yang, Yulin Huang, Ke Du, Haiguang Yang:
Extended nonlinear chirp scaling algorithm with topography compensation for maneuvering-platform bistatic forward-looking SAR. 1047-1050 - Andrei Anghel, Remus Cacoveanu, Mihai Datcu:
Phase sensitivity analysis of spaceborne transmitter - Stationary ground-based receiver bistatic sar interferometry with one imaging channel. 1051-1054 - Weibo Huo
, Yulin Huang, Jifang Pei, Jianyu Yang, Yin Zhang:
Bistatic sea clutter returns generation with computational electromagnetic method. 1055-1058 - Pengyuan Lv, Yanfei Zhong, Ji Zhao, Ailong Ma, Liangpei Zhang:
Change detection based on structural conditional random field framework for high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery. 1059-1062 - Clayton Connors, Ranga Raju Vatsavai
Semi-supervised deep generative models for change detection in very high resolution imagery. 1063-1066 - Cyrielle Guérin:
Effect of the DTM quality on the bundle block adjustment and orthorectification process without GCP: Exemple on a steep area. 1067-1070 - Ana C. F. Fabrin, Ricardo Dal Molin, Dimas Irion Alves
, Renato B. Machado
, Fábio M. Bayer
, Mats I. Pettersson
A CFAR optimization for low frequency UWB SAR change detection algorithms. 1071-1074 - Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao
, Xuezhi Feng:
A comparison of separate segmentation strategies to reveal geometric changes of buildings in urban area. 1075-1078 - Keng-Fan Lin, Daniele Perissin:
Hybrid analysis for SAR change detection based on time series data. 1079-1082 - Minh-Tan Pham, Grégoire Mercier, Emmanuel Trouvé, Sébastien Lefèvre
SAR image texture tracking using a pointwise graph-based model for glacier displacement measurement. 1083-1086 - Manuel Bertoluzza
, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Francesca Bovolo:
A novel framework for bi-temporal change detection in image time series. 1087-1090 - Srija Chakraborty, Ayan Banerjee
, Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Philip Christensen:
Estimation of dynamic parameters of MODIS NDVI time series nonlinear model using particle filtering. 1091-1094 - Qingqing Huang, Yu Meng, Jingbo Chen, Anzhi Yue, Lei Lin:
Landslide change detection based on spatio-temporal context. 1095-1098 - Sandro Martinis, Mathilde Caspard, Simon Plank, Stephen Clandillon, Sadri Haouet:
Mapping burn scars, fire severity and soil erosion susceptibility in Southern France using multisensoral satellite data. 1099-1102 - Tobias Landmann, Olena Dubovyk, Gohar Ghazaryan, Jackson Kimani, Elfatih M. Abdel-Rahman:
Wide-area mapping of invasive species propagation and containment zones in somaliland using phenometric trends and generalized linear modelling. 1103-1106 - Lili Xu, Guangming Yu, Zhenfa Tu, Yuke Zhou:
Profile human-induced vegetation change in ArHorqin banner of China using time series datasets. 1107-1110 - Xin Tao, Chengquan Huang, Feng Zhao:
Estimation of forest disturbance intensity from Landsat data in North Carolina and South Carolina. 1111-1114 - Vicky R. Vanthof
, Richard E. J. Kelly
Mapping prosopis juliflora invasion within rainwater harvesting structures in India using Google Earth Engine. 1115-1118 - Son V. Nghiem:
Wetland science and observations. 1119-1121 - Estel Cardellach, Fran Fabra, Weiqiang Li
, Serni Ribo
, Antonio Rius, Rashmi Shah, Clara C. Chew, Son V. Nghiem, Maximilian Semmling:
Wetland GNSS-R measurements from aircraft. 1122-1125 - Cinzia Zuffada, Clara C. Chew, Son V. Nghiem:
Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R) algorithms for wetland observations. 1126-1129 - Eric G. Strauss, Menas C. Kafatos, Seung Hee Kim, Son V. Nghiem, Jeremy Pal
Applying remote sensing to urban ecosystem dynamics: Opportunities for understanding and managing the ballona wetland system in Los Angeles. 1130-1132 - Jing Li, Xiaorun Li, Liaoying Zhao:
Hyperspectral unmixing via projected mini-batch gradient descent. 1133-1136 - Yifan Zhang, Bobo Xie, Jun Sun, Yang Peng:
A hybrid sparsity and constrained energy minimization detector for hyperspectral images. 1137-1140 - Jiahui Dai, Chenwei Deng, Wenzheng Wang, Xun Liu:
Low-rank and sparse tensor recovery for hyperspectral anomaly detection. 1141-1144 - Maofeng Tang
, Lianru Gao, Andrea Marinoni, Bing Zhang:
Nonlinear hyperspectral unmixing based on normalized P-linear algorithm. 1145-1148 - Tongxiang Zhi, Bin Yang
, Zhao Chen, Bin Wang:
Nonnegative matrix factorization with constraints on endmember and abundance for hyperspectral unmixing. 1149-1152 - Fukun Bi, Jing Chen, Yin Zhuang, Chonglei Wang:
A model based hierarchical method for inshore ship detection in high-resolution remote sensing images. 1157-1160 - Rong Liu, Bo Du, Liangpei Zhang:
Multiobjective endmember extraction for hyperspectral image. 1161-1164 - Shanjun Liu, Jianwei Huang
, Wenfei Mao, Qiang Ni, Lixin Wu, Linhui Fu:
Experimental study on possibility of earth surface stress detecting using satellite remote sensing. 1165-1168 - Xiaojiang Guo, Yesheng Gao, Xingzhao Liu:
Moving target detection in HRWS mode. 1169-1172 - Estefany Lancheros, Hyuk Park
, Adriano Camps, Alessio Di Simone
, Hripsime Matevosyan, Ignasi Lluch:
Analysis of the potential of small satellites to cover the sea ice data products gap. 1173-1176 - Ray Perkins, Paul Galloway, Randy Miller, Lewis Graham:
Teledyne's muses mission on the ISS: Enabling flexible and reconfigurable earth observation from space. 1177-1180 - Jacqueline Le Moigne, Philip W. Dabney, Olivier de Weck
, Veronica Foreman, Paul T. Grogan, Matthew Holland, Steven Hughes, Sreeja Nag:
Tradespace analysis tool for designing constellations (TAT-C). 1181-1184 - Giovanni Macelloni
, Marco Brogioni, Francesco Montomoli, Marion Leduc-Leballeur, Giacomo De Carolis
, Lars Kaleschke
, Joel T. Johnson, Kenneth C. Jezek:
Preliminary study for a spaceborne ultrawideband microwave radiometer for the monitoring of cryosphere elements: The cryorad project. 1185-1188 - Yueqiang Sun, Congliang Liu, Qifei Du, Xianyi Wang, Weihua Bai, Gottfried Kirchengast
, Junming Xia, Xiangguang Meng
, Dongwei Wang, Yuerong Cai, Danyang Zhao
, Chunjun Wu, Wei Li, Cheng Liu:
Global Navigation Satellite System Occultation Sounder II (GNOS II). 1189-1192 - Bertrand Le Saux:
Placeholder: Not to be reviewed (Data fusion contest 2017). 1193-1196 - Naoto Yokoya
, Pedram Ghamisi, Junshi Xia:
Multimodal, multitemporal, and multisource global data fusion for local climate zones classification based on ensemble learning. 1197-1200 - Sergey Sukhanov, Ivan Tankoyeu, Jérôme Louradour, Roel Heremans, Darya Trofimova, Christian Debes:
Multilevel ensembling for local climate zones classification. 1201-1204 - Camila Souza dos Anjos, Marielcio Goncalves Lacerda, Leidiane do Livramento Andrade, Roberto Neves Salles:
Classification of urban environments using feature extraction and random forest. 1205-1208 - Yong Xu
, Fan Ma, Deyu Meng, Chao Ren
, Yee Leung:
A co-training approach to the classification of local climate zones with multi-source data. 1209-1212 - Sharmila Padmanabhan, Todd C. Gaier, Steven C. Reising, Boon H. Lim, Robert Stachnik, Robert Jarnot, Wesley K. Berg, Christian D. Kummerow, Venkatachalam Chandrasekar:
Radiometer payload for the temporal experiment for storms and tropical systems technology demonstration mission. 1213-1215 - Rachael Kroodsma, Stephen Bilanow, Yimin Ji, Darren McKague
TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) updates for final data version release. 1216-1219 - Igor V. Cherny, Grigory M. Chernyavsky, Leonid M. Mitnik, Vladimir Kuleshov, Maia L. Mitnik:
Advanced microwave imager/sounder MTVZA-GY-MP for new Russian meteorological satellite. 1220-1223 - Michael H. Bettenhausen, Magdalena D. Anguelova
An updated geophysical model for WindSat observations. 1224-1226 - Ruiyao Chen
, Faisal Alquaied, Hamideh Ebrahimi, W. Linwood Jones:
Radiometric validation of the TRMM Microwave Imager 1B11 V8 brightness temperature product. 1227-1230 - Sandra Cruz-Pol:
Tutorial: An introduction to RF spectrum management and its relevance for geosciences and remote sensing. 1231-1233 - Jasmeet Judge
, Liese van Zee, William J. Blackwell, Sandra Cruz-Pol, Todd Gaier, Namir Kassim, David M. Le Vine, Amy Lovell
, James Moran, Scott Ransom, Gabriel M. Rebeiz, Paul Siqueira:
Potential impacts of WRC-2019 agenda items on scientific services. 1234-1235 - Daniel Czech, Amit Kumar Mishra, Michael Inggs:
Distinguishing between pulsars and transient RFI in the time domain. 1236-1239 - Tobias Bollian, Batuhan Osmanoglu, Rafael F. Rincon
, Seung-Kuk Lee, Temilola Fatoyinbo:
Subtraction of radio frequency interference with digital beamforming in EcoSAR flight data. 1240-1242 - Alexandra Bringer, Joel T. Johnson, Priscilla N. Mohammed, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier:
Performance of SMAP radiometer RFI detection algorithms and analysis of residual RFI sources. 1243-1246 - Niels Skou, Steen S. Kristensen
, Sten S. Søbjærg
, Arhippa Kovanen, Janne Lahtinen:
Simulated and measured performance of a real-time processor for RFI detection and mitigation on-board spaceborne microwave radiometers. 1247-1250 - Sidharth Misra, Jonathan Kocz, Carl Felten, Robert Jarnot, Rudi Bendig, Shannon T. Brown, Joel T. Johnson:
The CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology (CubeRRT) validation mission: Performance and development of the Digital Backend technology. 1251-1254 - Phaneendra Bikkina, Qingjun Fan, Wenlan Wu, Jinghong Chen, Esko Mikkola:
RFI mitigating receiver back-end for radiometers. 1255-1258 - Jeffrey Piepmeier, Manuel Vega, Matthew A. Fritts, Cornelis F. Du Toit, Joseph J. Knuble, Yao-Cheng Lin, Benjamin Nold, James L. Garrison
The radio frequency environment at 240-270 MHz with application to signal-of-opportunity remote sensing. 1259-1262 - Mark J. Andrews, Hongkun Li, Joel T. Johnson, Alexandra Bringer:
The ultra-wideband software defined microwave radiometer (UWBRAD) for ice sheet subsurface temperature sensing: RFI algorithms and performance. 1263-1265 - Jorge Querol
, Raul Onrubia
, Daniel Pascual
, Hyuk Park
, Adriano Camps:
A radio-frequency interference detector for GNSS navigation and GNSS-reflectometry applications. 1266-1269 - Adam J. Schoenwald, Seung-Jun Kim, Priscilla N. Mohammed:
Radio frequency interference detection for passive remote sensing using eigenvalue analysis. 1270-1273 - Zhongjun Zhang, Tianjie Zhao:
A method to detect and mitigate radio frequency interference of aquarius data. 1274-1276 - Hao Hu, Fei Hu, Feng He, Jun Li, Tao Zheng, Xiaohui Peng:
Fast RFI localization using virtual array in synthetic aperture interferometric radiometers. 1277-1280 - Lihang Zhou, Murty Divakarla, Xingpin Liu, Fuzhong Weng, Changyong Cao, Ivan Csiszar, Mitchell D. Goldberg:
Overview of cal val and environment data product performance derived from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). 1281-1284 - Shobha Kondragunta, Istvan Laszlo
, Pubu Ciren, Hai Zhang, Hongqing Liu, Jingfeng Huang, Amy K. Huff:
Exceptional events monitoring using S-NPP VIIRS aerosol products. 1285-1287 - Xiwu Zhan, Rui Zhang, Panshi Wang
, Chengquan Huang, Ivan Csiszar, Lihang Zhou, Fuzhong Weng:
Monitoring surface type changes with S-NPP/JPSS VIIRS observations. 1288-1291 - Menghua Wang, Lide Jiang
, Xiaoming Liu, SeungHyun Son, Junqiang Sun, Wei Shi, Karlis Mikelsons
, Liqin Tan, Xiaolong Wang, Mike Chu, Veronica Lance:
VIIRS mission-long ocean color data reprocessing: Evaluations of data product and sensor performance. 1292-1295 - Stephen Mills, Sirish Uprety:
The impact and mitigation of airglow on VIIRS DNB calibration and geophysical retrievals. 1296-1299 - Juan Carlos Fernandez Diaz, Jennifer W. Telling, Craig L. Glennie, Ramesh L. Shrestha, William E. Carter:
Rapid change detection in a single pass of a multichannel airborne lidar. 1304-1307 - Fabricio Galhardo Muller, Luiz Gonzaga Jr.
, Fabiane Bordin
, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Fernando Marson, Marco Scaioni:
A new approach to minimize border effect for terrestrial laser scanning. 1308-1311 - Parvin Kalantari, Sylvie Daniel
, Simon Turbide, Linda Marchese, Alain Bergeron:
Study of the heterogeneous matching potential between 3D lidar point clouds and 2D SAL images. 1312-1315 - Sahar Ben Hmida, Abdelaziz Kallel
, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry
, Jean-Louis Roujean, Mehrez Zribi:
Lidar full waveform inversion to estimate maize and wheat crops biophysical properties. 1316-1319 - Emmett J. Ientilucci:
Spectral target detection considerations from a physical modeling perspective. 1320-1323 - Steven M. Adler-Golden, Robert Sundberg, Benjamin St. Peter:
Object classification in hyperspectral imagery based on normalized, whitened reflectance. 1324-1327 - Stefania Matteoli, Marco Diani, Giovanni Corsini
Target detection experiments with a non-parametric detector on a new hyperspectral data set. 1328-1331 - Eric Truslow, Dimitris Manolakis:
Plume detection with emphasis on phenomenology, signal models, and exploitation algorithms. 1332-1335 - Leidy P. Dorado-Muñoz, David W. Messinger:
Global and adaptive K-nearest neighbor graphs in a spectral target detector based on Schroedinger Eigenmaps. 1336-1339 - Cory Lanker, Milton O. Smith:
Enhanced detection of solids from Gaussian spectral features. 1340-1343 - Stanley R. Rotman
, Sapir Ben-Yakar, Dan G. Blumberg
Background characterization for subpixel target detection. 1344-1346 - Amanda Ziemann, James Theiler:
Variable target detection using Simplex ACE. 1347-1350 - Monique Bernier, Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Yannick Duguay
, Guy Séguin:
Snow water equivalent estimation using high resolution SAR data. 1351-1354 - Joshua King, Chris Derksen
, Peter Toose:
Exploring the influence of snow microstructure on dual-frequency radar measurements. 1355-1358 - Jiancheng Shi, Xiaolong Dong
, Di Zhu, Chuan Xiong, Gang Wang, Liling Liu, Yurong Cui:
Snow water equivalent monitoring from dual-frequency scatterometer on WCOM. 1359-1362 - Yurong Cui, Chuan Xiong, Jiancheng Shi:
Estimation of snow wetness by a dual-frequency radar. 1363-1365 - Rashmi Shah, Simon Yueh, Xiaolan Xu, Kelly Elder, Chad Baldi:
Remote sensing of terrestrial snow using signals of opportunity. 1366-1369 - Juha Lemmetyinen, Kimmo Rautiainen, Kari Luojus
, Helmut Rott, Thomas Nagler, Giuseppe Parrella, Irena Hajnsek
, Chris Derksen
, Giovanni Macelloni
, Marco Brogioni, Andreas Wiesmann, Christian Mätzler, Michael Kern:
Future mission concepts for measuring snow mass. 1370-1371 - Emanuele Santi
, Simone Pettinato, Simonetta Paloscia, Paolo Pampaloni, Enrico Palchetti, Chuan Xiong, Andrea Crepaz:
Microwave emission from alpine snow: Experimental data and electromagnetic models. 1372-1375 - Martti T. Hallikainen:
Microwave brightness temperature of snow on terrain and lake ice revisited: Data and simulations. 1376-1379 - Shurun Tan, Jiyue Zhu, Leung Tsang, Son V. Nghiem:
Full wave simulation of snowpack applied to microwave remote sensing of sea ice. 1380-1383 - Roger D. De Roo
, Steven A. Rogacki, Eric Haengel, Chandler Ekins:
Snowpack time-series ground truth via a low-power datalogger. 1384-1387 - Edward Kim
, Charles K. Gatebe, Dorothy K. Hall, Jerry Newlin, Amy Misakonis, Kelly Elder, Hans-Peter Marshall, Christopher A. Hiemstra, Ludovic Brucker, Eugenia DeMarco, Chris Crawford, Do Hyuk Kang, Jared Entin:
NASA's snowex campaign: Observing seasonal snow in a forested environment. 1388-1390 - Ludovic Brucker, Christopher A. Hiemstra, Hans-Peter Marshall, Kelly Elder, Roger D. De Roo
, Mohammad Mousavi, Francis Bliven, Walt Peterson, Jeffrey S. Deems, Peter Gadomski, Arthur Gelvin, Lucas P. Spaete, Theodore B. Barnhart
, Ty Brandt, John F. Burkhart
, Christopher J. Crawford
, Tri Datta, Havard Erikstrod, Nancy F. Glenn, Katherine Hale, Brent Holben, Paul R. Houser, Keith Jennings
, Richard E. J. Kelly
, Jason Kraft, Alexandre Langlois, Daniel McGrath, Chelsea Merriman, Noah P. Molotch, Anne W. Nolin, Chris Polashenski, Mark Raleigh, Karl Rittger, Chago Rodriguez, Alexandre Roy, S. McKenzie Skiles, Eric Small, Marco Tedesco, Chris Tennant, Aaron Thompson, Liuxi Tian, Zach Uhlmann, Ryan Webb, Matt Wingo:
A first overview of SnowEx ground-based remote sensing activities during the winter 2016-2017. 1391-1394 - Elias J. Deeb, Hans-Peter Marshall, Richard R. Forster, Cathleen E. Jones, Christopher A. Hiemstra, Paul R. Siqueira:
Supporting NASA SnowEx remote sensing strategies and requirements for L-band interferometric snow depth and snow water equivalent estimation. 1395-1396 - Charles K. Gatebe, Rajesh Poudyal:
Impact of forests on snow albedo: Lessons from the SnowEx campaign. 1397-1398 - Thomas H. Painter, Kat J. Bormann, Jeffrey S. Deems, Daniel F. Berisford:
The airborne snow observatory during NASA snow experiment (SnowEx) year 1: Mapping of snow water equivalent and snow albedo and constraining understanding of the physical environment. 1399-1402 - Alex Coccia, Christian Trampuz, Marco Ortolani, Rocco Turtolo, Tom Wieffering, Adriano Meta:
Deployment of the SnowSAR sensor in the SnowEx campaign by NASA and preliminary results. 1403-1405 - Dorothy K. Hall, C. Chris Chickadel
, Christopher J. Crawford, Eugenia DeMarco, Donald E. Jennings, Murzy D. Jhabvala, Edward J. Kim
, Jessica D. Lundquist, Allen W. Lunsford:
The infrared sensor suite for SnowEx 2017. 1406-1408 - Leung Tsang, Tien-Hao Liao, Shurun Tan, Huanting Huang, Tai Qiao:
Microwave remote sensing of soil, ocean, snow and vegetation based on 3D Numerical Solutions of Maxwell Equations (NMM3D). 1413-1414 - Richard H. Chen, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Mahta Moghaddam
Retrieval of permafrost active layer properties using P-band airmoss and L-band UAVSAR data. 1415-1418 - Roger H. Lang, Avinash Sharma
, Michael H. Cosh:
Scattering from a layer of vegetation: Enhancement effects. 1419-1421 - Saibun Tjuatja:
A scattering model for inhomogeneous layer with vertical profile: Application to soil scattering. 1422-1425 - Jeonghwan Park, Joel T. Johnson:
A study of wind direction effects on GNSS-R delay Doppler maps near the specular point. 1426-1429 - Jingsong Yang
, Yang Du, Jiancheng Shi, Ruitao Gao:
Numerical study of polarimetric bistatic scattering dependence on sea spectrum at low wind speed at L- and C bands. 1430-1433 - Chan-Fai Lum, Hong Tat Ewe, Fu Xin, Li-Jun Jiang, Hean-Teik Chuah:
An analysis of scattering from snow with relaxed hierachical equivalent source algorithm. 1434-1437 - Xiaolan Xu, Rashmi Shah, Simon Yueh, Kelly Elder:
Reflectivity modeling of signals of opportunity for remote sensing of snow and soil moisture. 1438-1440 - Jiangyuan Zeng, Kun-Shan Chen, Peng Xu, Ming Jin, Yu Liu, Ying Yang:
Rough soil surface scattering and emission modeling: A comprehensive reappraisal of the AIEM model by using numerical and experimental data. 1441-1444 - Scott D. Brown, Adam Goodenough:
Plugin-driven sensor modeling of remote sensing imaging systems. 1445-1448 - Alexander Berk, Steven Richtsmeier, Robert Sundberg:
Limb-viewing hyperspectral image simulation based on a polygonal earth cross-section (PEX) model. 1449-1452 - Alexander Berk, Knut Stamnes, Zhenyi Lin:
MODTRAN® scattering: Extracting spherical-refractive path contributions from plane-parallel disort. 1453-1456 - Luca Martino
, Jorge Vicent
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Automatic emulator and optimized look-up table generation for radiative transfer models. 1457-1460 - Tiangang Yin
, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry
, Leslie K. Norford:
Recent advances of modeling lidar data using dart and radiometric calibration coefficient from LVIS waveforms comparison. 1461-1464 - Qinhuo Liu, Yang Zhang, Wenhan Qin, Guoqing Sun:
A 3D joint simulation platform for multiband remote sensing. 1465-1468 - Jinling Song, Bo Yu, Jindi Wang, Qiaoli Wu
Modifying hybrid GORT model for high-precision forest LAI inversion. 1469-1472 - Chuan Xiong, Jiancheng Shi:
A new snow light scattering model and its application in snow parameter retrieval from satellite remote sensing. 1473-1476 - Charles M. Bachmann, Rehman S. Eon, Brittany Ambeau, Justin Harms, Gregory Badura
, Carrie Griffo, Emily Myers:
Inverting a radiative transfer model for sediment density retrieval from hyperspectral BRDF data. 1477-1479 - Benjamin Holt
, Cathleen E. Jones:
Detection of marine slicks with SAR: Scientific and experimental legacy of werner alpers, his students and colleagues. 1480-1483 - William J. Plant, Vladimir G. Irisov:
A joint active/passive physical model of sea surface microwave signatures. 1484-1486 - Frank M. Monaldo, Christopher R. Jackson, Xiaofeng Li:
From research to operations based on contributions from Werner Alpers. 1487-1490 - David E. Weissman, Steven L. Morey, Mark A. Bourassa:
Studies of the effects of rain on the performance of the SMAP radiometer surface salinity estimates and applications to remote sensing of river plumes. 1491-1494 - John F. Vesecky:
Ocean sensing with decameter and microwave radar: Correspondence and contrast over 40 years. 1495-1498 - Xiaofeng Li:
SAR imaging of internal gravity waves: From atmosphere to ocean. 1499-1501 - Xiaofeng Yang
, Yanlei Du, Ziwei Li, Kun-Shan Chen:
Investigation of bistatic radar scattering from sea surfaces with breaking waves. 1502-1503 - Jakov V. Toporkov, Mark A. Sletten:
Numerical simulations of range-resolved radar backscatter from an evolving sea surface with floating targets. 1504-1507 - Jochen Horstmann
, Michael Stresser
, Rubén Carrasco
Surface currents retrieved from airborne video. 1508-1510 - Yuliya I. Troitskaya, Victor Abramov, Alexeei V. Ermoshkin, Emma Zuikova, Vasilii I. Kazakov, Daniil Sergeev, Alexandr Kandaurov, Olga Ermakova, German Baidakov, Nikita Rusakov
, Evgenii Poplavsky
, Maxim Vdovin:
X-band radar cross-section at GALE force winds: Towards cross-polarization GMF for retrieval of hurricane wind speed and surface stress. 1515-1518 - Paul A. Hwang
, Yalin Fan
Coupled nature of hurricane wind and wave properties derived from simultaneous measurements in hurricane hunter missions. 1519-1521 - Werner Alpers, Benjamin Holt
, Kan Zeng:
Oil spill detection by imaging radars: Challenges and pitfalls. 1522-1525 - Alexander V. Soloviev, Kathryn Howe, Cayla Dean, Aurelien Tartar
, Mahmood Shivji, Brian Haus, William Perrie, Susanne Lehner:
Surfactant-associated bacteria in the near-surface layer of the ocean from in-situ DNA sampling and SAR imaging. 1526-1529 - Alexander G. Voronovich, Valery U. Zavorotny
An evaluation of the HF/VHF synthetic aperture radar system for ocean wave spectra measurement. 1530-1533 - Martin Gade
, Bernhard Mayer, Carolin Meier, Thomas Pohlmann, Mutiara Putri, Agus Setiawan
An assessment of marine oil pollution in Indonesia based on SAR imagery. 1534-1537 - Tran Vu La, Ali Khenchaf
, Fabrice Comblet, Carole E. Nahum:
Pirical approach for C-band VV-polarization wind vector retrieval from Sentinel-1 images. 1538-1541 - Astrid Werkmeister
, Roland Romeiser, Hans Graber:
Significant waveheight retrieval from SAR imagery in typhoon megi. 1542-1545 - Sadra Karimzadeh
, Sergey Samsonov, Masashi Matsuoka
Block-based damage assessment of the 2012 Ahar-Varzaghan, Iran, earthquake through SAR remote senisng data. 1546-1549 - Hisatoshi Toriya, Kenta Senzaki, Masato Tsukada, Minoru Murata:
Estimating three dimensional positions of persistent scatterers and developing a PS-InSAR analysis system. 1550-1553 - Kamara Gombe, Ichio Asanuma, Jong Geol Park:
Characterization of urban heat island (UHI) changes from MODIS times series using principal component analysis (PCA): Case of Dar es Salaam City Tanzania. 1554-1557 - Franz J. Meyer, Olaniyi A. Ajadi, Edward Hoppe
Network-scale pavement roughness mapping using spaceborne high-resolution X-band SAR data. 1558-1561 - Panshi Wang
, Chengquan Huang, James C. Tilton, Bin Tan, Eric C. Brown de Colstoun:
HOTEX: An approach for global mapping of human built-up and settlement extent. 1562-1565 - A. Al-Yaari
, Roberto Fernandez-Moran
, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
, Arnaud Mialon
, Ali Mahmoodi, Ahmad Al Bitar
, Yann Kerr:
First glance on a revised SMOS soil moisture retrieval algorithm: Evaluation with respect to ECMWF soil moisture simulations. 1566-1569 - Roberto Fernandez-Moran
, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
, Gabrielle J. M. De Lannoy
, Ernesto López-Baeza, M. Parrens
, Arnaud Mialon
, Ali Mahmoodi, A. Al-Yaari
, Simone Bircher, Ahmad Al Bitar
, Philippe Richaume, Yann Kerr:
SMOS-IC: A revised SMOS product based on a new effective scattering albedo and soil roughness parameterization. 1570-1573 - Nemesio J. Rodríguez-Fernández
, Veronica de Souza, Yann H. Kerr, Philippe Richaume, Ahmad Al Bitar
Soil moisture retrieval using SMOS brightness temperatures and a neural network trained on in situ measurements. 1574-1577 - Victoria A. Walker
, Brian K. Hornbuckle, Michael H. Cosh:
Impacts of soil surface roughness changes on SMOS soil moisture retrievals. 1578-1580 - Nemesio J. Rodríguez-Fernández
, Philippe Richaume, Yann H. Kerr, Filipe Aires, Catherine Prigent, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Global retrieval of soil moisture using neural networks trained with synthetic radiometric data. 1581-1584 - Abdou Bannari, Shabbir A. Shahid, Ali El-Battay
, Abdullah Alshankiti, Nadir A. Hameid, Fadia M. Tashtoush:
Potential of WorldView-3 for soil salinity modeling and mapping in an arid environment. 1585-1588 - Marco L. Carrera, Stephane Belair, Bernard Bilodeau, Maria Abrahamowicz, Nasim Alavi, Albert Russell, Xihong Wang:
Assimilation of SMAP brightness temperatures in environment and climate change Canada's new land surface parameterization scheme. 1589-1592 - Tong Wang, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu:
Temporal upscaling of remote sensing instantaneous evapotranspiration estimated at two satellite overpass times. 1593-1595 - Xinlu Li, Kaighin Alexander McColl, Haobo Lyu, Xiaolan Xu, Chris Derksen
, Hui Lu
, Dara Entekhabi:
Validation of the SMAP freeze/thaw product using categorical triple collocation. 1596-1598 - Wenxing Hu, Linna Chai
, Shaojie Zhao, Tianjie Zhao, Zheng Lu
Improvement on soil freeze/thaw discriminant algorithm under complex surface conditions in cold regions. 1599-1602 - Brenda So, Cory Nezin, Vishnu Kaimal, Sam Keene, Leslie M. Collins, Kyle Bradbury
, Jordan M. Malof:
Estimating the electricity generation capacity of solar photovoltaic arrays using only color aerial imagery. 1603-1606 - Miguel Angel Gutiérrez-Antuñano
, Jordi Tiana-Alsina
, Francesc Rocadenbosch
, Joaquim Sospedra, Rajai Aghabi, Daniel Gonzalez-Marco:
A wind-lidar buoy for offshore wind measurements: First commissioning test-phase results. 1607-1610 - Sven Jacobsen, Andrey L. Pleskachevsky, Suman Singha, Anja Frost, Domenico Velotto:
SAR-based wind fields over offshore wind farms - A valuable tool for planning, monitoring and optimization. 1611-1613 - Jordi Tiana-Alsina
, Francesc Rocadenbosch
, Miguel Angel Gutiérrez-Antuñano
Vertical Azimuth Display simulator for wind-Doppler lidar error assessment. 1614-1617 - Hongguo Zhang
, Binbin He, Yuwei Guan, Minjie Ma, Youyou Li, Shujun Song:
Assessing the potential for global solar energy utilization. 1618-1621 - Mingdong Yang, Fanqiang Kong, Daiyin Zhu, Xiang Yu:
Efficient motion compensation approach with modified phase correction for airborne SAR. 1622-1625 - Yuebo Zha, Lu Liu, Jianyu Yang, Yulin Huang:
An alternating direction method for angular super-resolution in scanning radar. 1626-1629 - Zengshu Huang, Weixian Tan, Pingping Huang, Jinping Sun, Yaolong Qi, Yanping Wang:
Imaging algorithm study on ARC antenna array ground-based SAR. 1634-1637 - Yue Fang, Jie Chen, Pengbo Wang, Wei Li, Zhirong Men, Baobin Ma, Bing Han:
A novel SAR imaging method based on electromagnetic vortex with orbital-angular-momentum. 1638-1641 - Kaizhi Wang, Hui Chen, Xingzhao Liu:
Optical counterpart of SAR system and its applications. 1642-1644 - Mingdong Yang, Fanqiang Kong, Daiyin Zhu, Xiang Yu:
Sliding spotlight SAR data focusing based on subaperture with line-of-sight motion compensation. 1645-1648 - Eric Hudier:
Snow surface slope and differential snow metamorphosis rate impact on SAR sea ice images interpretation. 1649-1651 - Igor N. Garkusha, Volodymyr V. Hnatushenko
, Volodymyr V. Vasyliev
Using Sentinel-1 data for monitoring of soil moisture. 1656-1659 - Michele Ambrosanio
, Fabio Baselice
, Giampaolo Ferraioli, Emanuele Ferrentino
, Vito Pascazio:
Kolgomorov Smirnov test based approach for SAR automatic target recognition. 1660-1663 - Yue Li, Rong Zhang, Yunfei Wu:
Road network extraction in high-resolution SAR images based CNN features. 1664-1667 - Zhen Wang, Shuang Wang, Caijin Xu, Chengyuan Li, Bo Yue, Xuefeng Liang:
SAR images super-resolution via cartoon-texture image decomposition and jointly optimized regressors. 1668-1671 - Kaiqiang Chen
, Kun Fu, Xin Gao, Menglong Yan, Xian Sun, Huan Zhang:
Building extraction from remote sensing images with deep learning in a supervised manner. 1672-1675 - Zhiqiang Gong, Ping Zhong, Yang Yu, Weidong Hu:
Diversified deep structural metric learning for land use classification in remote sensing images. 1676-1679 - Dinh Ho Tong Minh
, Yen-Nhi Ngo
Tomosar platform supports for Sentinel-1 tops persistent scatterers interferometry. 1680-1683 - Ning Cao, Hyongki Lee
, Evan Zaugg, Ramesh L. Shrestha, William E. Carter, Craig L. Glennie, Guoquan Wang, Zhong Lu, Juan Carlos Fernandez Diaz:
Evaluation of an airborne SAR system for deformation mapping: A case study over the slumgullion landslide. 1684-1687 - Andre Cahyadi Kalia
User driven products in the context of the ground motion service Germany. 1688-1691 - Hiroshi Kimura:
Three-dimensional surface deformation mapping from multi-directional SAR interferograms. 1692-1695 - Shoichiro Kojima, Takeshi Matsuoka, Tatsuharu Kobayashi, Junpei Uemoto, Akitsugu Nadai, Toshihiko Umehara:
Repeat pass radar interferometry by PI-SAR2 with RF-NAVI. 1700-1703 - Wei Li, Xiaochun Ren, Fei Li, Wei Wang:
Study on the method of high-precision vehicle-borne lidar point clouds data acquisition in existing railway survey. 1704-1707 - Guoqing Zhou, Wei Huang, Xiang Zhou, Lieping Zhang, Pengyun Chen, Jingjin Huang, Rongting Zhang:
A new approach to minimize walk error in pulsed laser rangefinding. 1708-1711 - Hongbo Jiang, Qiang Li, Qisong Jiao, Tengfei Xue, Qingyun Zhang:
Quantitative extraction of wall cracks information of earthquake damaged buildings based on ground-based lidar. 1712-1715 - Rodrigo Marques de Figueiredo, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Francisco M. W. Tognoli, Marcio R. da Silva, Fabiane Bordin
, Luiz Gonzaga Jr.
, Ismael É. Koch, Fernando Pinho Marson, Ana Paula Camargo Larocca
Laser scanner intensity calibration based on artificial neural networks. 1716-1719 - Hongbo Jiang, Qisong Jiao:
TLS point cloud segmentation based on points features. 1720-1723 - Lifang Zheng, Shunsheng Zhang, Xiangqian Zhang:
A novel strategy of 3D imaging on GEO SAR based on multi-baseline system. 1724-1727 - Yuhua Guo, Xiaohan Liao, Huanyin Yue, Yan Hao, Yuhong Guo:
Efficient stripmap SAR RAW data generation accounting for trajectory deviation and antenna pointing errors at a nonzero squint angle. 1728-1731 - Xue Lin, Yueting Zhang, Dongsheng Fang, Lingyin Wang, Fangfang Li:
An imaging strategy for high-precision and wide-beam airborne SAR system. 1732-1735 - Brian P. Salmon, Waldo Kleynhans
, J. Corné Olivier, Colin P. Schwegmann:
Improving features used for hyper-temporal land cover change detection by reducing the uncertainty in the feature extraction method. 1740-1743 - Osman Emre Dai, Begüm Demir, Bülent Sankur, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
A novel system for content based retrieval of multi-label remote sensing images. 1744-1747 - Jifang Pei, Yulin Huang, Weibo Huo
, Yin Zhang, Junjie Wu, Jianyu Yang:
Discovering latent manifold for multi-aspect angle SAR imagery. 1748-1751 - Alp Ertürk, Sarp Ertürk:
Seam carving for hyperspectral image size reduction and unmixing. 1752-1755 - Mohamed Yahia, Tej-Albaha Hamrouni, Riadh Abdelfattah
Sarspeckle denoising using iterative filter. 1756-1759 - Clément Rambour, Loïc Denis
, Florence Tupin, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Hélène Oriot, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Charles-Alban Deledalle:
Similarity criterion for SAR tomography over dense urban area. 1760-1763 - Hailun Xu, Bing Sun, Jie Chen, Wei Guo, Zhijun Qiao:
SAR image segmentation based on BMFCM. 1764-1767 - Yu-Ching Lin, Chun-Lin Lin, Ming-Da Tsai, Lin-Sun Chou:
Discretization of object-based lidar features for land cover classification. 1768-1771 - Fang Chen, Xingrui Yu
, Xiangyuan Jiang, Peng Ren:
Level sets with self-guided filtering for marine oil spill segmentation. 1772-1775 - Xin Wei, Yajing Guo, Xin Gao, Menglong Yan, Xian Sun:
A new semantic segmentation model for remote sensing images. 1776-1779 - Adrià Descals
, Luis Alonso
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Predicting year of plantation with hyperspectral and lidar data. 1780-1783 - Yue Zhao, Yun Lin, Wen Hong, Wenjie Shen, Feiteng Xue:
Target aspect feature extraction and application from multi-aspect high resolution SAR. 1784-1787 - Yang-Lang Chang, Lena Chang, Ming-Xiu Xu, Chih-Yuan Chu:
Impurity function band prioritization based on particle swarm optimization and gravitational search algorithm for hyperspectral images. 1788-1791 - Zeyu Liu, Bin Liu, Weiwei Guo, Zenghui Zhang
, Wenxian Yu:
Charaterization of densely arrayed targets patterns in high resolution SAR images: A study case in the Davis-Monthan air force base. 1792-1795 - Mingliang Tao, Feng Zhou, Jia Su, Jian Xie:
Feature extraction for PolSAR image classification using multilinear subspace learning. 1796-1799 - Mateus Habermann, Vincent Frémont, Elcio Hideiti Shiguemori
Problem-based band selection for hyperspectral images. 1800-1803 - Dimo Dimov, Fabian Löw, Mirzahayot Ibrakhimov, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Christopher Conrad:
Feature extraction and machine learning for the classification of active cropland in the Aral Sea Basin. 1804-1807 - Chengchao Li, Shutao Li, Xudong Kang, Ting Lu:
Gabor filtering based deep network for hyperspectral image classification. 1808-1811 - Zhixin Li, Yu Shen, Nan Huang, Liang Xiao:
Supervised classification of hyperspectral images via heterogeneous deep neural networks. 1812-1815 - Jingyu Ji, Shaohui Mei, Junhui Hou
, Xu Li, Qian Du
Learning sensor-specific features for hyperspectral images via 3-dimensional convolutional autoencoder. 1820-1823 - Zilong Zhong, Jonathan Li
, Lingfei Ma, Han Jiang, He Zhao:
Deep residual networks for hyperspectral image classification. 1824-1827 - Zezhong Zheng, Yameng Zhang, Liutong Li, Mingcang Zhu, Yong He, Minqi Li, Zhengqiang Guo, Yue He, Zhenlu Yu, Xiaocheng Yang, Xin Liu, Jianhua Luo, Taoli Yang, Yalan Liu, Jiang Li:
Classification based on deep convolutional neural networks with hyperspectral image. 1828-1831 - Jianfeng Liu, Zhenlong Xiao, Yiping Chen
, Pengdi Huang
, Rongren Wu, Jonathan Li
Automated extraction of urban roadside trees from mobile laser scanning point clouds based on a voxel growing method. 1832-1835 - Hao Chen, Ping Wang
, Ye Zhang:
Efficient detection of vehicle on the road for GF-2 satellite image with 1-meter spatial resolution. 1836-1839 - Bin Du, Long Ma, Yin Zhuang, He Chen, Nouman Qadeer Soomro
Moving target detection via hierarchical spatiotemporal saliency analysis. 1840-1843 - Tianyu Tang, Shilin Zhou, Zhipeng Deng, Lin Lei, Huanxin Zou:
Fast multidirectional vehicle detection on aerial images using region based convolutional neural networks. 1844-1847 - Lanqing Huang
, Bin Liu, Weiwei Guo, Zenghui Zhang
, Wenxian Yu:
Preliminary evaluation of vessel detectability for Sentinel-1 SAR data. 1848-1851 - Guangjiao Zhou, Ye Zhang, Qi Li:
Extraction of inshore vessels in very high resolution SAR images. 1852-1855 - Jie Huang, Zhiguo Jiang, Haopeng Zhang, Bowen Cai, Yuan Yao:
Region proposal for ship detection based on structured forests edge method. 1856-1859 - Bo Zhang, Chao Wang
, Fan Wu, Hong Zhang, Lu Xu, Liu Meng:
Ship detection and velocity estimation in quad polarimetric SAR images from pursuit monostatic mode of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X. 1860-1863 - Tao Zhang, Armando Marino, Huilin Xiong:
A ship detector applying principal component analysis to the Polarimetric Notch Filter. 1864-1867 - Jin Xu, Xinxin Wang, Xueyuan Zhu, Can Cui, Peng Liu, Bo Li:
Research on marine radar oil spill network monitoring technology. 1868-1871 - A. Malin Johansson
, Camilla Brekke, Gunnar Spreen
Multi-frequency polarimetric SAR signatures of lead sea ice and oil spills. 1872-1875 - Xiangguang Leng, Kefeng Ji, Shilin Zhou, Huanxin Zou:
Noncircularity parameters and their potential in ship detection from high resolution SAR imagery. 1876-1879 - Youngjoo Kwak, Sang-Ho Yun
, Yoichi Iwami:
A new approach for rapid urban flood mapping using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 in 2015 Kinu River Flood, Japan. 1880-1883 - Yizhou Liu, Wei Liu
, Shuiping Gou, Licheng Jiao:
Polarimetric SAR image change detection based on low rank and sparse representation with Freeman-Durden decomposition. 1884-1887 - Fengming Hu
, Jicang Wu:
The analysis of reliable ARC solution in the multi-temporal InSAR. 1888-1891 - Mats I. Pettersson
, Viet Thuy Vu, Natanael R. Gomes, Patrik B. G. Dammert, Hans Hellsten:
Incoherent detection of man-made objects obscured by foliage in forest area. 1892-1895 - Jinqi Zhao, Jie Yang, Zhong Lu, Pingxiang Li, Wensong Liu:
Change detection based on similarity measure and joint classification for polarimetric SAR images. 1896-1899 - Moslem Ouled Sghaier, Imen Hammami, Samuel Foucher
, Richard Lepage:
Flood hazard mapping from SAR images using texture analysis and fuzzy logic. 1900-1903 - Yuying Wang, Zhimin Zhang, Wei Xu, Heng Zhang:
Moving target reconstruction approach for the multichannel in Azimuth HRWS SAR system. 1904-1907 - Johannes H. Uhl
, Stefan Leyk:
A framework for radiometric sensitivity evaluation of medium resolution remote sensing time series data to built-up land cover change. 1908-1911 - Kuan-Tsung Chang, Jin-King Liu, Chih-Ping Kuo, Hern Wang, Yu-Sheng Chang:
Combining multi-temporal satellite images and a cloud platform to develop new evaluating procedures for landslide vulnerability study. 1912-1915 - Qingle Guo, Junping Zhang, Tong Li, Xiaochen Lu:
Change detection for high-resolution remote sensing imagery based on multi-scale segmentation and fusion. 1919-1922 - Suhua Liu, Hongbo Su
, Renhua Zhang, Jing Tian, Shaohui Chen, Weimin Wang, Lijun Yang, Hong Liang:
A study on deriving daily evapotranspiration from remotely sensed instantaneous evapotranspiration based on the Gaussian fitting method. 1923-1926 - Chen Wang, Xiaojuan Zhang, Xiaojun Liu, Jiancheng Shi:
A new method of mars ice flow detection based on anisotropy crystal orientation fabrics. 1927-1929 - Yanmei Zhang, Xiao Cheng:
Satellite observation based thermal anomalies detection for 2016 Menyuan MS6.4 earthquake. 1930-1933 - Safa Rejichi, Ferdaous Chaabane
, Florence Tupin:
Comparison between pixel and region based sits analysis approaches. 1934-1937 - Daniela Espinoza-Molina, Reza Bahmanyar, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, Javier Bustamante
, Mihai Datcu:
Land-cover change detection using local feature descriptors extracted from spectral indices. 1938-1941 - Gonzalo Mateo-Garcia
, Jordi Muñoz-Marí, Luis Gómez-Chova
Cloud detection on the Google Earth engine platform. 1942-1945 - Stanley R. Rotman
, Hanoch Shalev:
Evaluating hyperspectral imaging change detection methods. 1946-1949 - Liwei Li, Yixin Wu, Xianfeng Zhou, Linyi Liu, Yunxia Wei, Dailiang Peng, Liping Lei, Wenjiang Huang, Bing Zhang:
Analysis of change detection algorithms with Landsat-8 data on landslide mapping in the Kaikoura earthquake. 1950-1953 - Zhenlei Xie, Ruoming Shi, Ling Zhu, Shu Peng, Linyuan Li:
A change detection method based on cosegmentation. 1954-1957 - Haobo Lyu, Hui Lu
A deep information based transfer learning method to detect annual urban dynamics of Beijing and Newyork from 1984-2016. 1958-1961 - Qingliu Bao, Mingsen Lin, Youguang Zhang, Xiaolong Dong
, Shuyan Lang, Peng Gong:
The ocean surface current inversion mehtod of Doppler scatterometer. 1962-1965 - Lin Ren, Jingsong Yang
, Qingmei Xiao, Gang Zheng, Juan Wang:
On CFOSAT swim wave spectrometer retrieval of ocean waves. 1966-1969 - Mingsen Lin, Youguang Zhang, Qingliu Bao, Peng Gong:
The error transfer of Doppler spectrum model in ocean surface current direct inversion. 1970-1973 - Jianchao Fan, Jianhua Zhao, Xinxin Wang, Xiang Wang, Jialan Chu, Bingnan Li:
Marine reclamation feature analysis based on GF-3 SAR remote sensing imagery. 1974-1977 - Peng Chen, Jingsong Yang
, Juan Wang:
Marine targets detection using GF-3 SAR data. 1978-1980 - Qimao Wang, Chen Chen, Fei Liao, Yuxin Liu, Zhaohui Wang:
Data quality control of sea surface temperature retrieved by spaceborne microwave radiometer. 1981-1984 - José Martínez-Fernández
, Angel Gonzalez-Zamora
, Nilda Sánchez, Miriam Pablos
CCI soil moisture for long-term agricultural drought monitoring: A case study in Spain. 1985-1988 - Yishan Li, Ruzbeh Akbar, Fan Yang, Hui Lu
, Kaighin Alexander McColl, Dara Entekhabi:
Decomposition of the SMAP radar channels and relation to surface soil moisture and vegetation. 1989-1991 - Bin Fang, Venkat Lakshmi, Rajat Bindlish
, Tom Jackson, Michael H. Cosh, Andreas Colliander:
Passive/active microwave soil moisture disaggregation using SMAP data. 1992-1995 - Zhengwei Yang
, Wade T. Crow, Lei Hu, Liping Di, Rick Mueller:
SMAP DATA for cropland soil moisture assessment - A case study. 1996-1999 - Nilda Sánchez, Angel Gonzalez-Zamora
, José Martínez-Fernández
, Maria Piles
, Miriam Pablos
, Brian D. Wardlow
, Tsegaye Tadesse, Mark Svoboda:
Preliminary assessment of an integrated SMOS and MODIS application for global agricultural drought monitoring. 2000-2003 - Hui Lu
, Wei Wang, Fuqiang Tian
, Kun Yang:
Improving satellite rainfall estimates over Tibetan plateau using in situ soil moisture observation and SMAP retrievals. 2004-2007 - Hongtao Jiang, Huanfeng Shen
, Xinghua Li
, Liangpei Zhang:
Generation of SMAP 9 KM soil moisture using a spatio-temporal information fusion model. 2008-2011 - Michael H. Cosh, Thomas J. Jackson, Patrick J. Starks, David D. Bosch, Chandra D. Holifield Collins, Mark S. Seyfried, John H. Prueger, Stanley Livingston, Rajat Bindlish
Strategies for validating satellite soil moisture products using in situ networks: Lessons from the USDA-ARS watersheds. 2015-2018 - Wei Zhao, Ainong Li, Pan Huang, He Juelin, Ma Xianming:
Surface soil moisture relationship model construction based on random forest method. 2019-2022 - Brian K. Hornbuckle, Victoria A. Walker
, Bill Eichinger, Vivian Wallace, Enes Yildirim
Soil surface roughness observed during SMAPVEX16-IA and its potential consequences for SMOS and SMAP. 2027-2030 - Eryan Dai, Albin J. Gasiewski, Aravind Venkitasubramony, Maciej Stachura, Jack Elston:
L-band soil moisture mapping using a small unmanned aerial system. 2031-2034 - Chi Wang, Pingping Huang, Ritu Su, Weixian Tan:
Estimation and analysis soil moisture of hunshandake sandy land from polarimetric SAR data. 2035-2038 - Jiaojing Hu, Lijun Lu, Junyi Xu, Jixian Zhang:
Multi scale C-V model level set method for fast coastline extraction with SAR imagery. 2042-2045 - Hongchao Zheng, Junfeng Wang, Xingzhao Liu, Yesheng Gao:
Detection of targets moving in Azimuth based on variable-boresight multichannel SAR. 2046-2049 - Pasquale Iervolino, Raffaella Guida
, Parivash Lumsdon, Jürgen Janoth, Melanie Clift, Andrea Minchella, Paolo Bianco:
Ship detection in SAR imagery: A comparison study. 2050-2053 - Hongchao Zheng, Junfeng Wang, Xingzhao Liu, Yesheng Gao, Linjian Zhang:
Velocity estimation of the moving target for high-resolution wide-swath SAR systems. 2054-2057 - Maryam Rashed Al-Shehhi, Imen Gherboudj, Hosni Ghedira
Evaluation of the black ocean pixel assumption for MODIS imagery over the Arabian Gulf. 2058-2061 - Silvia Liberata Ullo
, Generoso Giangregorio, Maurizio di Bisceglie, Carmela Galdi, Maria Paola Clarizia, Pia Addabbo
Analysis of GPS signals backscattered from a target on the sea surface. 2062-2065 - Boyu Feng, Jinfei Wang:
Impervious surface area extraction using simulated EnMAP imagery. 2066-2069 - Ailin Liang, Ge Han, Hao Xu, Wei Gong, Tianhao Zhang:
Evaluation of XCO2 from OCO-2 Lite File Product compared with TCCON data. 2070-2073 - Scott Houchin, Brian Porter, Justin Graybill, Philip Slingerland:
Image navigation and registration performance assessment evaluation tools for GOES-R ABI and GLM. 2074-2077 - Yingjie Li, Qingmiao Ma:
Evaluating Sentinel-2A atmospherically corrected reflectance using the 6SV model. 2078-2081 - Xinghua Zhou, Lei Yang, Ning Lei, Qiuhua Tang, Lin Zhu:
Calibration results of multiple satellite altimetry missions from QianliYan permanent CAL/VAL facilities. 2082-2084 - Sounak Kumar Biswas, V. Chandrasekar:
Cross validation of observations from GPM dual-frequnecy precipitation radar with S-band ground radar measurents over the Dallas - Fort worth region. 2085-2088 - Jieying He, Shengwei Zhang, Zhenzhan Wang, Na Li:
Assessment and validation of microwave humidity and temperature sounder onboard FY-3C. 2089-2092 - Yao Liu, Na Li, Huazhong Ren, Tianyuan Zhang
Emissivity image simulation for thermal infrared bands on Gaofen-5 using airborne hyperspectral data. 2093-2096 - Fan Zhang, Hanyuan Tang, Qiang Yin, Jiayin Liu, Xiaolan Qiu, Yuxin Hu:
Multiple mode SAR raw data simulation for GaoFen-3 mission evaluation. 2097-2100 - Yili Zhao, Chuntao Chen, Wu Zhou, Chaofei Ma, Jianhua Zhu, Xiaoqi Huang:
Research of cold sky calibration for Chinese future satellite-based L-band radiometer. 2101-2103 - Faisal Alquaied, W. Linwood Jones:
An emissive antenna correction for the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager (TMI). 2104-2107 - Faisal Alquaied, Ruiyao Chen
, W. Linwood Jones:
Hot load temperature correction for the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager (TMI). 2108-2111 - Craig K. Smith, Edward Kim
, Robert Vincent Leslie, C.-H. Joseph Lyu, Lisa McCormick, Kent Anderson:
Pre-launch radiometric performance characterization of the advanced technology microwave sounder on the joint polar satellite system-1 satellite. 2112-2115 - Tanvir Islam
, Shannon T. Brown, Sidharth Misra:
Intercalibration of Jason-3 advanced microwave radiometer through GPM core and constellation satellite instruments. 2116-2117 - Mustafa Aksoy, Paul E. Racette:
Tracking calibration stability in climate monitoring microwave radiometers using onboard 3-point calibration. 2118-2120 - Saswati Datta, W. Linwood Jones, Branislav Vlahovic:
SHOWmask: A tool to identify homogeneous desert scenes from spaceborne microwave radiometer observations. 2121-2124 - Saleem Sahawneh, W. Linwood Jones:
Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) brightness temperature validation. 2125-2128 - Hongjian Wang:
Shaped space-borne waveguide slots array antenna. 2129-2130 - Chun-Sik Chae, Shannon T. Brown, Andy Fung, Lorene A. Samoska, Todd Gaier, Jason Matthews:
Combined receiver for active and passive microwave remote sensing. 2131-2132 - John Xun Yang
, Hu Yang, Fuzhong Weng:
Rigorous radiative tarnsfer simulation for ATMS 183 GHz with atmospheric water signature from combined radar and radiometer of GPM. 2133-2136 - Lavanya Periasamy, Albin J. Gasiewski:
Prelaunch performance of the 118 GHz polarcube 3utemperature sounding radiometer. 2137-2140 - Sayak K. Biswas, David W. Hyde, Mark W. James, Daniel J. Cecil:
Characteristic of a digital correlation radiometer back end with finite wordlength. 2141-2144 - Isaac Ramos-Pérez, Sidharth Misra:
PALS instrument upgrade, a wide band radiometer. 2145-2147 - Abdusalam Alasgah, Maria Jacob
, Linwood Jones:
Hurricane imaging radiometer (HIRAD) wind speed retrieval using radar rain rate. 2148-2151 - Xiaobin Yin, Chaofei Ma, Congcong Wang, Yinan Li, Tongkui Liao:
In-orbit onboard wind vector rapid reterival using polarimeteric microwave radiometer. 2152-2155 - W. Timothy Liu, Xiaosu Xie:
Wind/stress feedback to mesoscale ocean eddies. 2156-2159 - Ana Trindade
, Marcos Portabella
, Wenming Lin, Ad Stoffelen:
On the development of a scatterometer-based correction for NWP wind forcing systematic errors: Impact of satellite sampling. 2160-2163 - Xingou Xu
, Xiaolong Dong
, Lei Zhang, Di Zhu, Shuyan Lang:
Wind speed retrieving for combined observations of scatterometer and radiometer onboard HY-2A for typhoons using neural network. 2164-2166 - Hagen C. Hodgkins, Tatyana Matthews, Derek L. Morris III, James Boswell, Andrew Brumfield, Robert Y. George, Linda B. Hayden:
Quantifying sargassum boundaries on eastern and western walls of the gulf stream protruding near cape hatteras into Sargasso Sea Bermuda/Azores. 2167-2170 - Yu Liu, Quanan Zheng, Xiaofeng Li:
The impact of oceanographic conditions on fishing ground distribution of flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) in the Western North Pacific using remotely sensed satellite data. 2171-2174 - Lanjie Zhang, Zhenzhan Wang, Ruanyu Zhang, Xiaobin Yin:
A nonlinear optimization algorithm for evaluating the performance of microwave imager combined active/passive. 2175-2178 - Ankita Misra, Balaji Ramakrishnan:
Satellite based observation of enhancement of Chlorophyll-A concentration by typhoon - NARI. 2179-2182 - Zuomin Wang
, Yuji Sakuno, Kazuhiko Koike, Shizuka Ohara:
Sea surface salinity estimation in the center of Seto Inland Sea using in situ reflectance and water quality data from FY2015 to FY2016. 2183-2186 - Ana B. Ruescas
, Martin Hieronymi
, Sampsa S. Koponen
, Kari Y. Kallio, Gustau Camps-Valls
Retrieval of coloured dissolved organic matter with machine learning methods. 2187-2190 - Akshay Malhotra
, Kazi Tanzeem Shahid, Ioannis D. Schizas, Saibun Tjuatja:
Fault tolerant unsupervised kernel-based information clustering in hyperspectral images. 2191-2194 - Aditya Challa
, Sravan Danda, B. S. Daya Sagar, Laurent Najman
Power spectral clustering on hyperspectral data. 2195-2198 - Thomas Reato, Begüm Demir, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
Primitive cluster sensitive hashing for scalable content-based image retrieval in remote sensing archives. 2199-2202 - Ribana Roscher
, Lukas Drees
, Susanne Wenzel
Sparse representation-based archetypal graphs for spectral clustering. 2203-2206 - Claudia Paris
, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Diego Fernández-Prieto:
A novel automatic approach to the update of land-cover maps by unsupervised classification of remote sensing images. 2207-2210 - Sen Jia, Huimin Xie, Lin Deng, Qiang Huang, Jun Li:
Gabor feature based support vector guided dictionary learning for hyperspectral image classification. 2211-2214 - Yiqing Guo, Xiuping Jia
, David Paull:
A domain-transfer support vector machine for multi-temporal remote sensing imagery classification. 2215-2218 - Jianjun Liu, Zebin Wu
, Zhiyong Xiao
, Jinlong Yang:
Hyperspectral image classification via kernel fully constrained least squares. 2219-2222 - Peijun Du, Junshi Xia, Pedram Ghamisi, Akira Iwasaki, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Multiple composite kernel learning for hyperspectral image classification. 2223-2226 - Pablo Morales-Alvarez
, Adrian Perez-Suay
, Rafael Molina
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Efficient remote sensing image classification with Gaussian processes and Fourier features. 2227-2230 - Carolyne Danilla, Claudio Persello
, Valentyn A. Tolpekin, John Ray Bergado
Classification of multitemporal SAR images using convolutional neural networks and Markov random fields. 2231-2234 - Weiwei Song
, Shutao Li, Yi Li:
Hyperspectral images classification with hybrid deep residual network. 2235-2238 - Hongda Shen, W. David Pan, Yuhang Dong, Zhuocheng Jiang:
Golomb-Rice coding parameter learning using deep belief network for hyperspectral image compression. 2239-2242 - Clay Sheppard, Maryam Rahnemoonfar:
Real-time scene understanding for UAV imagery based on deep convolutional neural networks. 2243-2246 - Mercedes Eugenia Paoletti
, Juan Mario Haut
, Javier Plaza
, Antonio Plaza
, Qingshan Liu, Renlong Hang:
Multicore implementation of the multi-scale adaptive deep pyramid matching model for remotely sensed image classification. 2247-2250 - Luis Gómez-Chova
, Gonzalo Mateo-Garcia
, Jordi Muñoz-Marí, Gustau Camps-Valls
Cloud detection machine learning algorithms for PROBA-V. 2251-2254 - Gonzalo Mateo-Garcia
, Luis Gómez-Chova
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Convolutional neural networks for multispectral image cloud masking. 2255-2258 - Wenli Huang, Ben DeVries, Chengquan Huang, John W. Jones
, Megan W. Lang, Irena F. Creed
Automated extraction of inland surface water extent from Sentinel-1 data. 2259-2262 - Colin P. Schwegmann, Waldo Kleynhans
, Brian P. Salmon, L. W. Mdakane, Rory Meyer
Synthetic aperture radar ship discrimination, generation and latent variable extraction using information maximizing generative adversarial networks. 2263-2266 - Nanjun He, Leyuan Fang, Shutao Li, Pedram Ghamisi, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Hyperspectral images classification by fusing extinction profiles feature. 2267-2270 - Corrado Avolio, Miguel Ángel Molero-Armenta, Antonio Jurado-Lucena, Maria Jose Fuertes Suarez, Patrick Vaughan Martin-Mateo, Francisco Lopez Gonzalez, Berta Lucas Verdoy, Andrea Bucarelli, Mario Costantini:
Automatic recognition of targets on very high resolution SAR images. 2271-2274 - Cheng Zhang, Chao Wang
, Hong Zhang, Bo Zhang, Sirui Tian:
An efficient object-oriented method of Azimuth ambiguities removal for ship detection in SAR images. 2275-2278 - Yueting Zhang, Qi Liu, Jiayi Guo, Lei Liu, Zongxu Pan, Fangfang Li, Chibiao Ding, Bin Lei:
An iterative method for shadow enhancement in high resolution SAR images. 2279-2282 - Sylvain Lobry
, Loïc Denis, Florence Tupin, Roger Fjørtoft:
Double MRF for water classification in SAR images by joint detection and reflectivity estimation. 2283-2286 - Yue Zhang
, Xian Sun, Kun Fu, Kaiqiang Chen
, Hongqi Wang:
Flat-roofed building reconstruction based on layover modelling and MCMC method. 2287-2290 - Chaoqun Gao, Dongkai Yang, Xuejing Qiu, Lei Yang, Yao Xu, Yunlong Zhu:
Improved mean clustering algorithm of target detection with GNSS forward-scattering radar. 2291-2293 - Igor Zakharov, Desmond Power, Mark Howell, Sherry Warren:
Improved detection of icebergs in sea ice with RADARSAT-2 polarimetric data. 2294-2297 - Vahid Akbari
, Camilla Brekke:
Iceberg detection in open water and sea ice using C-band radar polarimetry. 2298-2301 - Stefania Matteoli, Laura Zotta, Marco Diani, Giovanni Corsini
A framework for predicting underwater object recognition performance with fluorescence LIDAR. 2302-2305 - Pengfan Zhao, Yongchao Zhang, Yin Zhang, Junjie Wu, Yulin Huang, Jianyu Yang:
Target recognition algorithm based on morphological and spatial features for high-speed forward-looking scanning radar. 2306-2309 - Xiaowen Zhang, Kaizhi Wang, Xingzhao Liu, Lei Liu:
Optimal cognitive radar transmit-receiver design for extended target with unknown target impulse response. 2310-2313 - Ke Tan, Wenchao Li, Yulin Huang, Jianyu Yang:
A regularization imaging method for forward-looking scanning radar via joint L1-L2 norm constraint. 2314-2317 - Xiangqian Zhang, Caiyong Hao, Shunsheng Zhang, Lifang Zheng:
Characterization and identification of active electronically scanned array radar. 2318-2321 - Abdulrahman Alaqeel, Amr A. Ibrahim, Adib Y. Nashashibi, Hussein Nasser Shaman
, Kamal Sarabandi:
Near-grazing radar backscattering measurements of road surfaces at 222 GHz. 2322-2324 - Tao Zhang, Armando Marino, Weilin Zhong, Huilin Xiong:
An Azimuth ambiguities removal method based on Polarimetric Notch Filter. 2325-2328 - Alberto Gotelli, Jacqueline Le Moigne, Gabriele Moser
, Sebastiano B. Serpico:
Planetary crater detection and registration using marked point processes, graph cut algorithms, and wavelet transforms. 2329-2332 - Hongmei Zhu, Jihao Yin, Ding Yuan:
3D lunar craters detection based on stereo matching. 2333-2336 - David Solarna, Gabriele Moser
, Jacqueline Le Moigne, Sebastiano B. Serpico:
Planetary crater detection and registration using marked point processes, multiple birth and death algorithms, and region-based analysis. 2337-2340 - Heng Zhang, Huai Yu, Haijian Zhang, Wen Yang:
Accurate extraction of cracks on the underside of concrete bridges. 2341-2344 - Deniz Kumlu, Isin Erer
Multiscale directional bilateral filter based clutter removal in GPR image analysis. 2345-2348 - Masoud MahdianPari, Bahram Salehi
, Fariba Mohammadimanesh:
A new speckle reduction algorithm of polsar images based on a combined Gaussian random field model and wavelet edge detection approach. 2349-2352 - Sergey K. Abramov
, Oleksii S. Rubel
, Vladimir V. Lukin, Ruslan A. Kozhemiakin, Nataliia Kussul
, Andrii Shelestov, Mykola Lavreniuk:
Speckle reducing for Sentinel-1 SAR data. 2353-2356 - Thiago Luiz Morais Barreto, Rafael A. S. Rosa, Christian Wimmer, João R. Moreira, Leonardo S. Bins, Jurandy Almeida
, Fabio A. M. Cappabianco:
BMINSAR: A novel approach for InSAR phase denoising by clustering and block matching. 2357-2360 - Mingxuan Mei, Ze Yu, Youming Wu, Su Yu:
A new approach for suppressing sidelobe by decomposing chirp signal in CFM space. 2361-2364 - Gerardo Di Martino
, Alessio Di Simone
, Antonio Iodice
, Daniele Riccio
, Giuseppe Ruello:
A comparative sensitivity analysis of scattering-based despeckling algorithms. 2365-2368 - Zhongyu Li, Junjie Wu, Zhichao Sun, Yulin Huang, Haiguang Yang, Jianyu Yang:
An adaptive NLCS technique for large-size moving target imaging with bistatic forward-looking SAR. 2369-2372 - Gang Xu, Wei Hong, Yingrui Yu
Sparse non-ambiguous imaging of SAR moving targets. 2373-2376 - David Alan Garren:
Effects of speed difference on accelerating target imagery signatures for broadside SAR. 2377-2380 - Dingfeng Duan, Yong Wang
, Haitao Lv
, Hong Li, Yuanyuan Yang:
A new PolSAR decomposition algorithm to delineate urban targets. 2381-2384 - Rory Meyer, Colin P. Schwegmann, Waldo Kleynhans
The best of a BAD situation: Optimising an algorithm to match course resolution SAR vessel detections to sparse AIS data. 2385-2388 - Adele Fusco
, Antonio Pepe, Riccardo Lanari
Sentinel-1 TOPS data focusing based on a modified two-step processing approach. 2389-2391 - Iakov Chernyak, Motoyuki Sato:
3D image reconstruction algorithm for a sparse array radar system based on compressive sensing. 2392-2395 - Rui Zhou, Jinping Sun, Jinbin Fu, Jun Wang:
Wavenumber domain imaging algorithm for hypersonic platform SAR with curved trajectory. 2396-2399 - Kebin Hu, Xiaoling Zhang, Jun Shi, Shunjun Wei:
A synthetic bandwidth method based on frequency-domain back projection for stepped-frequency SAR. 2400-2403 - Jon Mitchell, Saibun Tjuatja:
ISAR imaging using filtered compressive sensing. 2404-2407 - Lars M. H. Ulander, Per-Olov Frölind, Anders Gustavsson, Rolf Ragnarsson, Gunnar Stenstrom:
Airborne passive SAR imaging based on DVB-T signals. 2408-2411 - Stefano Tebaldini
, Fabio Rocca:
Multistatic wavenumber tessellation: Ideas for high resolution P-band SAR missions. 2412-2415 - Behzad Yektakhah, Kamal Sarabandi:
All-directions through the wall imaging using a small number of moving omnidirectional transceivers. 2416-2419 - Feng Wang
, Feng Xu, Ya-Qiu Jin:
Simulation of multi-station ISAR imaging for monitoring a space target: A case of Envisat. 2420-2422 - Chibiao Ding, Xingdong Liang, Jie Wang, Longyong Chen:
An novel airborne MIMO-SAR system built in IECAS. 2423-2426 - Takeshi Motohka, Yukihiro Kankaku, Shinichi Suzuki, Masanobu Shimada:
Status of the advanced land observing satellite-2 (ALOS-2) and its follow-on L-band SAR mission. 2427-2429 - Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Jun-Su Kim:
Polarimetric system calibration in the presence of Faraday rotation. 2430-2433 - Ryo Natsuaki
, Masato Ohki, Hiroto Nagai, Takeshi Motohka, Takeo Tadono, Masanobu Shimada, Shinichi Suzuki:
Performance of ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 for disaster response. 2434-2437 - Takuma Anahara, Masanobu Shimada:
Inter-sensor analysis of persistent scatterer L-band SAR interferometry. 2438-2441 - Motofumi Arii, Hiroyoshi Yamada:
Rice paddy monitoring by L-band MIMP SAR approach. 2442-2445 - Manabu Watanabe, Christian N. Koyama, Masato Hayashi, Yutaka Kaneko, Masanobu Shimada:
Development of early-stage deforestation detection algorithm (advanced) with PALSAR-2/ScanSAR for JICA-JAXA program (JJ-FAST). 2446-2449 - Christian N. Koyama, Manabu Watanabe, Masato Hayashi, Masanobu Shimada:
The effect of precipitation and soil moisture variations on (partial) polarimetric L-band SAR backscatter in tropical forest regions. 2450-2453 - Masanobu Shimada, Takuya Itoh, Takeshi Motooka:
Regenerated ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 global mosaics 2016 and 2014/2015 for forest observations. 2454-2457 - Masato Ohki, Masanobu Shimada:
PALSAR-2 polarimetric image mosaic and its application to land cover monitoring. 2458-2459 - Fabrizio Lombardini, Stefano Tebaldini
Multidimensional SAR tomography: Methods and applications. 2460-2463 - Matteo Pardini, Konstantinos Papathanassiou:
Beyond TomoSAR vertical reflectivity profiles in forest scenarios: Ground polarimetric covariance estimation at multiple frequencies. 2464-2467 - Laurent Ferro-Famil, Yue Huang, Stefano Tebaldini
, Marc Azcueta:
Assessment of SAOCOM CS data processing for the characterization of forested areas using polarimetric SAR tomography. 2468-2471 - Othmar Frey
, Charles L. Werner, Rafael Caduff, Andreas Wiesmann:
Inversion of SNOW structure parameters from time series of tomographic measurements with SnowScat. 2472-2475 - Olivier D'Hondt, Carlos López-Martínez
, Stéphane Guillaso
, Olaf Hellwich:
Impact of non-local filtering on 3D reconstruction from tomographic SAR data. 2476-2479 - Giosue Andrey Giardino, Paolo Pasquali, John Peter Merryman Boncori, Josep Roselló, Christopher Buck:
Analysis of bistatic tomography for SAOCOM-CS and Sentinel-1 CS missions. 2480-2482 - Peifeng Ma, Guoqiang Shi
, Hui Lin, Jili Wang, Weixi Wang:
Detection of homogeneous objects in multi-dimensional SAR tomography. 2483-2484 - Marco Lavalle, Brian P. Hawkins, Scott Hensley:
Tomographic imaging with UAVSAR: Current status and new results from the 2016 AfriSAR campaign. 2485-2488 - Gianfranco Fornaro, Antonio Pauciullo
, Diego Reale
, Matthias Weiß, Alessandra Budillon, Gilda Schirinzi
GLRT detection and compressing sensing in SAR tomography: Application to imaging and monitoring of buildings. 2489-2482 - Narendra N. Das, Dara Entekhabi, Seung-Bum Kim, Thomas Jagdhuber, Roy Scott Dunbar, Simon Yueh, Andreas Colliander:
High-resolution enhanced product based on SMAP active-passive approach using Sentinel 1 data and its applications. 2493-2494 - Subit Chakrabarti, Pang-Wei Liu, Jasmeet Judge
, Anand Rangarajan
, Roger D. De Roo
, Rajat Bindlish
, Andreas Colliander, Sidharth Misra, Scott Tripp, Barron Latham, Ross Williamson, Isaac Ramos, Thomas J. Jackson, Anthony W. England, Sanjay Ranka
, Simon Yueh:
A spatio-temporal data fusion algorithm for estimating high-resolution soil moisture in agricultural regions. 2495-2498 - David G. Long, Mary J. Brodzik, Molly A. Hardman:
Enhanced-resolution SMAP soil moisture using image reconstruction. 2499-2502 - Jian Peng
, Alexander Loew:
Soil moisture downscaling using a simple thermal based proxy. 2503-2506 - Olivier Merlin
, Luis Enrique Olivera-Guerra, Bouchra Ait Hssaine, Abdelhakim Amazirh
, Yoann Malbéteau, Vivien Stefan, Beatriz Molero, Zoubair Rafi, Maria José Escorihuela
, Jamal Ezzahar
, Saïd Khabba
, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Yann Kerr, Vincent Simonneaux
, Salah Er-Raki
Evaporation-based disaggregation of surface soil moisture data: The dispatch method, the CATDS product and on-going research. 2507-2510 - Seyed Hamed Alemohammad
, Jana Kolassa
, Catherine Prigent, Filipe Aires, Pierre Gentine
Statistical downscaling of remotely-sensed soil moisture. 2511-2514 - Jiancheng Shi, Panpan Yao, Tianjie Zhao:
L-band brightness temperature disaggregation by using S-band C-band radiometer data. 2515-2518 - Xiwu Zhan, Li Fang, Jicheng Liu, Christopher Hain
, Jifu Yin, Mitchell Schull, Michael H. Cosh, Jun Wen, Tarendra Lakhankar, Kun Yang, Jeffrey P. Walker
Fusing microwave and optical satellite observations for high resolution soil moisture data products. 2519-2522 - Sabah Sabaghy
, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Luigi J. Renzullo, Ruzbeh Akbar, Steven Tsz K. Chan, Julian Chaubell, Narendra N. Das, Roy Scott Dunbar, Dara Entekhabi, Anouk Gevaert, Thomas J. Jackson, Olivier Merlin
, Mahta Moghaddam
, Jinzheng Peng, Jeffrey Piepmeier, Maria Piles
, Gerard Portal
, Christoph Rüdiger
, Vivien Stefan, Xiaoling Wu
, Nan Ye, Simon Yueh:
Comparison of downscaling techniques for high resolution soil moisture mapping. 2523-2526 - Simon Yueh, Dara Entekhabi, Peggy O'Neill, Jared Entin:
Nasa soil moisture active passive mission status and science highlights. 2527-2530 - Julian Chaubell, Steven Tsz K. Chan, Roy Scott Dunbar, Dara Entekhabi, Jinzheng Peng, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Simon Yueh:
Backus-gilbert optimal interpoaltion applied to enhance SMAP data: Implementation and assessment. 2531-2534 - Jinzheng Peng, Sidharth Misra, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Emmanuel P. Dinnat
, Thomas Meissner, David M. Le Vine, Rajat Bindlish
, Giovanni De Amici, Priscilla N. Mohammed, Simon H. Yueh:
ReCalibration and validation of the SMAP L-band radiometer. 2535-2538 - Steven Tsz K. Chan, Rajat Bindlish
, Peggy O'Neill, Thomas J. Jackson, Julian Chaubell, Jeffrey Piepmeier, Roy Scott Dunbar, Andreas Colliander, Fan Chen, Dara Entekhabi, Simon Yueh, Michael H. Cosh, Todd Caldwell, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Xiaoling Wu
, Aaron A. Berg
, Tracy L. Rowlandson, Anna Pacheco, Heather McNairn, Marc Thibeault, José Martínez-Fernández
, Angel Gonzalez-Zamora
, Ernesto López-Baeza, Frederik Uldall
, Mark S. Seyfried, David D. Bosch, Patrick J. Starks, Chandra D. Holifield Collins, John H. Prueger, Zhongbo Su
, Rogier van der Velde, Jun Asanuma
, Michael A. Palecki, Eric E. Small, Marek Zreda, Jean-Christophe Calvet, Wade T. Crow, Yann Kerr:
Development and validation of the SMAP enhanced passive soil moisture product. 2539-2542 - Narendra N. Das, Dara Entekhabi, Seung-Bum Kim, Thomas Jagdhuber, Roy Scott Dunbar, Simon Yueh, Andreas Colliander:
High-resolution enhanced product based on SMAP active-passive approach using sentinel 1A and 1B SAR data. 2543-2545 - Rajat Bindlish
, Thomas J. Jackson, Steven Chan, Andreas Colliander, Yann Kerr:
Integration of SMAP and SMOS L-band observations. 2546-2549 - Xiaolan Xu, Chris Derksen
, Roy Scott Dunbar, Andreas Colliander, John S. Kimball
, Youngwook Kim:
Landscape freeze/thaw standerd and enhanced products from soil moisture active/passive (SMAP) radiometer data. 2550-2553 - Dara Entekhabi, Alexandra Georges Konings, Maria Piles
, Narendra N. Das:
Smap-based retrieval of vegetation opacity and albedo. 2554-2556 - John S. Kimball
, Lucas A. Jones, Joseph Glassy, Nima Madani, Rolf H. Reichle:
Monitoring ecosystem-atmosphere co2 exchange respose to recent (2015-2016) climate variability using the smap l4 carbon product. 2557-2560 - Wenqing Tang, Alexander G. Fore, Simon Yueh, Tong Lee, Akiko Hayashi, Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, Dariusz Baranowski
Validating SMAP SSS with in situ measurements. 2561-2564 - Jacqueline Le Moigne:
Introduction to remote sensing image registration. 2565-2568 - Amina Ben Hamida, Alexandre Benoît, Patrick Lambert, Louis Klein, Chokri Ben Amar, Nicolas Audebert
, Sébastien Lefèvre
Deep learning for semantic segmentation of remote sensing images with rich spectral content. 2569-2572 - Dave Kelbe, Devin White, David Page, Kristin Safi, Andrew Hardin, Amy N. Rose
Employing spaceborne multispectral stereo pairs and pedestrian flow modeling to support disaster response activities in urban environments. 2573-2576 - Chengyue Zhang, Zhiwei Li
, Qing Cheng, Xinghua Li
, Huanfeng Shen
Cloud removal by fusing multi-source and multi-temporal images. 2577-2580 - Giona Matasci, Txomin Hermosilla
, Michael A. Wulder
, Joanne C. White
, Geordie W. Hobart, Harold S. J. Zald, Nicholas C. Coops
A space-time data cube: Multi-temporal forest structure maps from landsat and lidar. 2581-2584 - Hannah Olson, Wojciech Czaja, Jacqueline Le Moigne:
Registration of textured remote sensing images using directional Gabor frames. 2585-2588 - Claudia Paris
, José M. Bioucas-Dias, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
A hierarchical approach to superresolution of multispectral images with different spatial resolutions. 2589-2592 - Yuki Itoh, Mario Parente:
Sparse unmixing with adaptive background. 2593-2596 - Paolo Addesso
, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Laurent Condat
, Rocco Restaino, Gemine Vivone, Daniele Picone
, Jocelyn Chanussot:
Collaborative total variation for hyperspectral pansharpening. 2597-2600 - Fabio Dell'Acqua, Gianni Cristian Iannelli, John P. Kerekes
, Gabriele Moser
, Leland E. Pierce, Emanuele Goldoni:
The IEEE GRSS data and algorithm standard evaluation (DASE) website: Incrementally building a standardized assessment for algorithm performance. 2601-2608 - Yiming Zhang, Xu Li, Ang Gao, Lixin Li, Shigang Yue:
A novel two-stage guided filtering based pansharpening method. 2609-2612 - Jia Liu, Jie Guang, Kaijun Ren, Heng Wang, Junqiang Song, Yong Xue, Cheng Fan
, Shuchang Wang:
Parallel global atmospheric correction for FY3/MERSI data over land on multi-core and many-core architectures. 2613-2615 - Goksu Keskin, Wolfgang Groß, Wolfgang Middelmann:
Color-guided enhancement of airborne laser scanning data. 2617-2620 - Pedram Ghamisi, Behnood Rasti, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Feature fusion of hyperspectral and lidar data using extinction profiles and total variation. 2621-2624 - Igor Yanovsky
, Ali Behrangi, Mathias Schreier, Van Dang, Berry Wen, Bjorn Lambrigtsen:
Fusion of microwave and infrared data for enhancing its spatial resolution. 2625-2628 - Rory Meyer, Colin P. Schwegmann, Waldo Kleynhans
Vessel classification features using spatial Bayesian inference from historical ais data. 2629-2632 - Nina Merkle
, Peter Fischer, Stefan Auer, Rupert Müller:
On the possibility of conditional adversarial networks for multi-sensor image matching. 2633-2636 - Zhen Li, Quan Chen, Bangsen Tian, Ping Zhang:
A SAR knowledge base system integrated model, measurement and imagery for interpretation. 2637-2640 - Christopher Ruf
, Scott Gleason, Aaron J. Ridley, Randall Rose, John Scherrer:
The nasa cygnss mission: Overview and status update. 2641-2643 - Scott Gleason, Christopher Ruf
, Maria Paola Clarizia, Joel T. Johnson, Andrew O'Brien, Paul S. Chang, Zorana Jelenak, Faozi Said, Seubson Soisuvarn
Calibration and validation of the cygnss level 1 data products. 2644-2646 - Maria Paola Clarizia, Christopher S. Ruf
, Scott Gleason, Rajeswari Balasubramaniam, Darren McKague
Generation of cygnss level 2 wind speed data products. 2647-2649 - Paul S. Chang, Seubson Soisuvarn
, Faozi Said, Zorana Jelenak:
Evaluation of cygnss gnss-r signal sensitivity to ocean parameters and wind retrieval assesment. 2650-2653 - Darren S. McKague
, Christopher S. Ruf
Cygnss constellation intercalibration. 2654-2656 - Andrew O'Brien, Joel T. Johnson:
Comparing the cygnss simulator forward scattering model with TDS-1 and cygnss on-orbit DDMS. 2657-2658 - Jeonghwan Park, Joel T. Johnson, Andrew O'Brien, Yuchan Yi:
Investigating "rapid revisit" observations of cygnss. 2659-2660 - Clara C. Chew, Andreas Colliander, Rashmi Shah, Cinzia Zuffada, Mariko S. Burgin:
The sensitivity of ground-reflected GNSS signals to near-surface soil moisture, as recorded by spaceborne receivers. 2661-2663 - Valery U. Zavorotny
, Alexander G. Voronovich:
GNSS-R delay-Doppler maps of ocean surface at weak winds. 2664-2666 - Generoso Giangregorio, Pia Addabbo
, Carmela Galdi, Maurizio di Bisceglie:
Wind retrieval for GNSS reflectometry from techdemosat-1. 2667-2670 - Thomas Hobiger, Joakim Strandberg, Rüdiger Haas:
Inverse modeling of ground-based GNSS-r - Results and new possibilities. 2671-2681 - Adriano Camps, José Barbosa, José Miguel Juan, Estefania Blanch, David Altadill
, Guillermo Gonzalez, Gregori Vázquez
, Jaume Riba
, Raul Orus:
Improved modelling of ionospheric disturbances for remote sensing and navigation. 2682-2685 - Anthony J. Mannucci, Stephen T. Lowe, Jeffrey Dickson, Larry E. Young, Garth W. Franklin, Thomas K. Meehan, Stephan Esterhuizen, Chi O. Ao, Panagiotis Vergados, Clara C. Chew, Son V. Kim, Son V. Nghiem, F. Joseph Turk, Cinzia Zuffada, Rashmi Shah, Attila Komjathy:
High-value remote sensing for the geosciences: Opportunistic use of navigation satellite signals. 2686-2689 - Rashmi Shah, James L. Garrison
, Soon Chye Ho, Priscilla N. Mohammed, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Adam J. Schoenwald, Randeep Pannu, Asmita Korde-Patel, Damon Bradley:
Ocean altimetry using wideband signals of opportunity. 2690-2693 - Weiqiang Li
, Antonio Rius, Fran Fabra, Estel Cardellach, Serni Ribo
, Manuel Martín-Neira:
Prediction of GNSS-R altimetry precision based on waveform statistics. 2694-2697 - Maximilian Semmling, Jan Saynisch
, Florian Zus, Luis Peraza, Jens Wickert:
Challenges in grazing altimetry using reflected GNSS signals. 2698-2701 - Manuel Martín-Neira, Michael Kern, Salvatore D'Addio, Jason Hatton, Antonio Rius, Weiqiang Li
, Serni Ribo
, Fran Fabra, Estel Cardellach
, Jens Wickert, Maximilian Semmling:
Advances in GNSS-R altimetry. 2702-2703 - Gail M. Skofronick-Jackson, George Huffman, Walter A. Petersen:
Three years of the global precipitation measurement (GPM) mission. 2704-2707 - Kinji Furukawa, Tomomi Nio, Riko Oki, Takuji Kubota
, Toshio Iguchi:
Prime mission results of the dual-frequency precipitation radar on the global precipitation measurement core spacecraft. 2708-2711 - Takuji Kubota
, Kazumasa Aonashi, Tomoo Ushio
, Shoichi Shige, Yukari N. Takayabu, Yoriko Arai, Tomoko Tashima, Misako Kachi, Riko Oki:
Recent progress in global satellite mapping of precipitation (GSMAP) product. 2712-2715 - V. Chandrasekar, Minda Le:
Review of dual-frequency profile classification module and further improvements. 2716-2719 - Hamideh Ebrahimi, Ruiyao Chen
, W. Linwood Jones:
Inter-calibration of MHS AND AMSU-B microwave radiometers from TRMM to GPM ERA. 2720-2723 - Gail M. Skofronick-Jackson, Stephen Joseph Munchak, Sarah E. Ringerud, Walter A. Petersen, Benjamin Lott:
Falling snow estimates from the global precipitation measurement (GPM) mission. 2724-2727 - Toshio Iguchi:
Improvement of the minimum detectable precipitation echoes with the TRMM precipitation radar and the GPM dual-frequency precipitation radar. 2728-2730 - David W. Draper, Erich Franz Stocker:
A comparison of radio frequency interference within and outside of allocated passive earth exploration bands at 10.65 GHz and 18.7 GHz using the GPM microwave imager and windsat. 2731-2733 - V. Chandrasekar, Robert M. Beauchamp, Manuel Vega, Haonan Chen
, Mohit Kumar, Shashank S. Joshil, Mathew R. Schwaller, Walter A. Petersen, David B. Wolff:
Meteorological observations and system performance from the nasa D3R's first 5 years. 2734-2736 - Todd Gaier, Vritika Singh, Casey Heeg:
Temporally resolved observations and implications for observing architectures: GEO vs LEO. 2737-2739 - Wyman Williams, Christopher T. Coen, Milad Frounchi
, Nelson Lourenco, John D. Cressler:
Micronimbus: A cubesat temperature profilometer for the earth's atmosphere using a single-chip 60 GHZ sige radiometer. 2740-2743 - Mehmet Ogut
, Xavier Bosch-Lluis
, Steven C. Reising, Yuriy V. Goncharenko, Pekka Kangaslahti, Erich Schlecht, Richard E. Cofield, Nacer E. Chahat, Sharmila Padmanabhan, Jonathan Jiang, Shannon T. Brown, William R. Deal, Alex Zamora, Kevin M. K. H. Leong, Sean Shih, Xiaobing (Gerry) Mei:
Command and data handling (C&DH) subsystem for the tropospheric water and cloud ice (twice) 6u-class satellite instrument. 2744-2747 - Atsunori Kanemura, Toru Kouyama
, Soushi Kato
, Nevrez Imamoglu
, Tetsuya Fukuhara, Ryosuke Nakamura:
Turning a two-dimensional image sensor to an attitude sensor: Image matching for determining satellite attitudes. 2748-2751 - Jordi Castellvi Esturi, Adriano Camps, Jordi Corbera, Ramon Alamus:
3Cat-3/MOTS, an experimental nanosatellite for multispectral and GNSS-r earth observation: Mission concept and analysis. 2752-2755 - Nima Ekhtari
, Craig L. Glennie, Juan Carlos Fernandez Diaz:
Classification of multispectral lidar point clouds. 2756-2759 - Aravind Harikumar
, Francesca Bovolo, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
Subdominant tree detection in multi-layered forests by a local projection of airborne lidar data. 2760-2763 - Antonio Ferraz, Kathryn Bormann, Sassan Saatchi, Thomas H. Painter:
Registration of multiple low resolution nasa airborne snow observatory (ASO) lidar data for forest vegetation structure caracterization. 2764-2767 - Loïc Landrieu, Clément Mallet, Martin Weinmann
Comparison of belief propagation and graph-cut approaches for contextual classification of 3D lidar point cloud data. 2768-2771 - Clément Dechesne, Clément Mallet, Arnaud Le Bris, Valérie Gouet-Brunet:
How to combine lidar and very high resolution multispectral images for forest stand segmentation? 2772-2775 - Mitchell D. Goldberg, Lihang Zhou:
The joint polar satellite system - Overview, instruments, proving ground and risk reduction activities. 2776-2778 - Kenneth Holmlund, Bojan Bojkov, Dieter Klaes, Peter Schlussel
The joint polar system: Towards the second generation eumetsat polar system. 2779-2782 - Arron Layns, Eugene Petrescu:
Jpss support to the NOAA arctic initiative and testbed. 2783-2785 - Ziping Frank Sun, Frank J. De Luccia, Gabriel Moy:
Viirs rsbautocal refinements to allow DNB dark signals & gain ratios transition to automated operation mode. 2786-2789 - Mike DeWeese, Sanmei Li, Donglian Sun, Mitchell D. Goldberg, Bill Sjoberg:
Application of suomi-npp/viirs data in near real time flood detection. 2790-2793 - Menghua Wang, Cara Wilson:
Applications of satellite ocean color products. 2794-2797 - David J. Schneider, Michael J. Pavolonis:
Advances in volcano monitoring: The role of JPSS instruments. 2798-2801 - Christopher D. Elvidge
, Kimberly E. Baugh, Mikhail N. Zhizhin
, Feng-Chi Hsu, Tilottama Ghosh:
Supporting international efforts for detecting illegal fishing and GAS flaring using viirs. 2802-2805 - Ravan Ahmadov, Georg Grell, Eric James
, Ivan Csiszar, Marina Tsidulko, Brad Pierce, Stuart McKeen, Stan Benjamin, Curtis Alexander, Gabriel Pereira, Saulo Ribeiro de Freitas
, Mitchell D. Goldberg:
Using VIIRS fire radiative power data to simulate biomass burning emissions, plume rise and smoke transport in a real-time air quality modeling system. 2806-2808 - Giovanni Macelloni
, Francesco Montomoli, Marion Leduc-Leballeur, Marco Brogioni, Catherine Ritz
, Ghislain Picard:
Retrieval of ice sheet temperature profile in antarctica by using smos data: A combination of glaciological and microwave emission models. 2809-2812 - Batuhan Osmanoglu, Thomas H. Painter, David E. Shean
, Anthony Arendt, Jeffrey S. Kargel, Steven A. Margulis:
Remote sensing of the cryosphere in high mountain ASIA. 2813-2816 - Lukas Krieger
, Dana Floricioiu:
Automatic glacier calving front delineation on terrasar-x and sentinel-1 sar imagery. 2817-2820 - Wael Abdel Jaber, Dana Floricioiu, Erling Johnson
, Helmut Rott:
Recent surface elevation changes of patagonian glaciers derived with tandem-x. 2821-2824 - Niels Skou, Steen S. Kristensen
SMOS brightness data indicate ice thickness hence bedrock topography in east antarctica. 2825-2828 - Marion Leduc-Leballeur, Ghislain Picard, Giovanni Macelloni
, Marco Brogioni
IEEE NS and HM: Snowmelt in antarctica as derived from SMOS observations. 2829-2831 - Mohammadreza Sanamzadeh, Leung Tsang, Joel T. Johnson:
A partial coherent model of brightness temperatures of polar ICE sheets at l band incorporating multi-layer roughness effects based on SPM2 theory. 2832-2835 - Santhosh Kumar Malyala, Jilu Li, Manjish Adhikari, Fernando Rodriguez-Morales:
Estimation of ICE basal reflectivity of byrd glacier using RES data. 2836-2839 - Purushottam Kumar Garg, Aparna Shukla, Avtar Singh Jasrotia:
An integrated field and remote sensing based approach for estimating influence of debris thickness on glacier surface elevation changes. 2840-2843 - Zisis I. Petrou, Yang Xian, Yingli Tian:
Increasing spatial resolution of sea ice motion estimation. 2844-2847 - Tristan Goulden, Bridget Hass, Nathan P. Leisso:
Uncertainty in lidar derived canopy height models in three unique forest ecosystems. 2848-2850 - Chinsu Lin
Deriving a distribution model of forest canopy height at stand level using icesat glas full-waveform data. 2851-2854 - Kailong Hu, Qingwang Liu:
Forest canopy height estimation at footprint scale based on airborne lidar metric in the heterogeneous landscape. 2855-2858 - Bowei Chen
, Zengyuan Li, Yong Pang, Qingwang Liu, Xianlian Gao, Jinping Gao, Anmin Fu:
Forest height estimation based on uav lidar simulated waveform. 2859-2862 - Qingwang Liu, Shiming Li, Kailong Hu, Yong Pang, Zengyuan Li:
Forest canopy cover analysis using UAS lidar. 2863-2866 - Janik Deutscher
, Klaus Granica, Martin Steinegger, Manuela Hirschmugl, Roland Perko, Mathias Schardt:
Updating lidar-derived crown cover density products with sentinel-2. 2867-2874 - Yang Lei, Paul Siqueira, Nathan Torbick, Diya Chowdhury, William Salas, Robert N. Treuhaft:
Large-scale product of forest height using a new approach from spacborne repeat-pass sar interferometry and lidar. 2875-2878 - Wenzhi Liao, Frieke Van Coillie, Liwei Li, Bin Zhao, Lianru Gao, Wilfried Philips, Bing Zhang:
Fusion of multi-scale hyperspectral and lidar features for tree species mapping. 2879-2882 - Akira Kato, Hiroyuki Wakabayashi, Yuichi Hayakawa, Matt Bradford, Manabu Watanabe, Yoshio Yamaguchi:
Tropical forest disaster monitoring with multi-scale sensors from terrestrial laser, UAV, to satellite radar. 2883-2886 - Maciej J. Soja, Henrik J. Persson, Lars M. H. Ulander:
Mapping and modeling of boreal forest change in tandem-x data with the two-level model. 2887-2890 - Martin J. Baur, Thomas Jagdhuber, Moritz Link, Maria Piles
, Dara Entekhabi, Anita Fink:
Estimation of vegetation loss coefficients and canopy penetration depths from smap radiometer and ICESat lidar data. 2891-2894 - Carlos Alberto Pires de Castro-Filho, Rafael Antonio da Silva Rosa:
Brazilian Amazon land mapping project: Status and perspectives. 2895-2898 - Mehrez Zribi, Erwan Motte, Pascal Fanise
, Walid Zouaoui, Nicolas N. Baghdadi:
Estimation of vegetation dynamics using low-cost GPS receiver. 2899-2902 - Huanting Huang, Leung Tsang, Eni G. Njoku, Andreas Colliander:
A new vegetation model based on numerical 3D solutions of maxwell equations. 2903-2906 - Min Yan, Zengyuan Li, Li Zhang, Xin Tian:
Simulation of forest carbon fluxes over greater khingan. 2907-2910 - Zhu Ping, Huang Lin, Tong Xiao, Junbang Wang:
Spatial and temporal variations of habitat in typical nature reserves, china. 2911-2914 - Qingmiao Ma, Jing M. Chen, Yingjie Li, Holly Croft
, Xiangzhong Luo
, Ting Zheng
, Sophia Zamaria
Leaf chlorophyll content estimation from sentinel-2 MSI data. 2915-2918 - Diego Pinheiro de Menezes, Waldir Mantovani, Homero Fonseca Filho
, Luis Amércio Conti, Clayton Bittencourt:
Applying geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) and data mining to identify secondary forests succession on Santarem Region, Para, Brazil. 2919-2922 - Munenori Miura
, Kenta Obata
, Kenta Taniguchi, Hiroki Yoshioka
Optimization technique of asymmetric-order vegetation isoline equations. 2923-2926 - Wenqing Tang, Simon Yueh, Alexander G. Fore, Akiko Hayashi:
L-band microware signature variation with sea surface temperature and its implication on aquarius sea surface salinity retrieval. 2927-2930 - Justino Martínez
, Estrella Olmedo, Verónica González-Gambau, Antonio Turiel, Simon Yueh:
Blended SMOS-SMAP SSS product in marginal seas. 2931-2934 - Hailiang Lu, Yinan Li, Rui Yu, Anzhong Jin, Rongchuan Lv:
A l-band phased array radiometer for sea surface salinity. 2935-2938 - Maria Jacob
, W. Linwood Jones, Kyla Drushka
, Andrea Santos-Garcia, William Asher, Marcelo C. Scavuzzo
Salinity rain impact model (RIM) optimization: Preliminary results. 2939-2942 - Emmanuel P. Dinnat
, David M. Le Vine, Jacqueline Boutin, Thomas Meissner:
Sea surface salinity: Inter-comparison of satellite products, in situ measurements, and impact of differences in retrieval algorithm. 2943-2946 - Xinxin Yue, Biao Zhang, Yijun He, Zhaohui Han:
Investigation of upper ocean response to typhoon kalmaegi (2014) using multiple satellites observation and numerical simulation. 2947-2949 - Tung-Yao Hsu, Yi Chang:
Modeling the habitat suitability index of skipjack tuna (katsuwonus pelamis) in the western and central pacific ocean. 2950-2953 - Fan Wu, Peter C. Cornillon, Lei Guan, Lele Li:
Evaluation of the precision in level-2 avhrr sea surface temperature fields. 2954-2957 - Xiang Wang, Xinxin Wang, Jianhua Zhao, Jianchao Fan, Xiu Su, Dejun Zou:
Monitoring the thermal discharge of hongyanhe nuclear power plant with aerial remote sensing technology using a UAV platform. 2958-2961 - Emmanuel P. Dinnat
, Ludovic Brucker
Improved ICE fraction model for l-band remote sensing. 2962-2964 - Sander Rikka
, Andrey L. Pleskachevsky, Rivo Uiboupin
, Sven Jacobsen:
Sea state parameters in highly variable environment of baltic sea from satellite radar images. 2965-2968 - Jochen Horstmann
, Rubén Carrasco
, Jörg Seemann, Michael Stresser
, Jose Carlos Nieto-Borge:
Wave monitoring based on a Dopplerized marine radar. 2969-2970 - Guillaume Sicot, Jordan Ninin
, Marc Lennon, Audrey Minghelli, Adrien Deschamps:
Estimation of the likelihood function for non-linear optimization problems: Applications to the radiative transfer model in shallow water. 2971-2974 - April M. Warnock
, Christopher S. Ruf
, Mary Morris
Storm surge prediction with cygnss winds. 2975-2978 - Redouane Lguensat
, Miao Sun, Ge Chen, Fenglin Tian, Ronan Fablet:
Spatio-temporal interpolation of altimeter-derived SSH fields using analog data assimilation: A case-study in the south china sea. 2979-2982 - Kenneth J. Mackin, Ichio Asanuma, Takashi Yamaguchi, Jong Geol Park, John Mittleman:
Island-building activities detected by DNB on south china sea. 2983-2986 - Duk-jin Kim, Changhyun Choi, Jungkyo Jung, Ki-mook Kang
, Seung Hee Kim, Ji-Hwan Hwang:
Intertidal flat topographies measured by long-baseline airborne sar and tandem-x. 2987-2990 - Svetlana Karimova:
Performance of gridded and along-track altimetry products in eddy manifestation in the western mediterranean. 2991-2998 - Michael J. Starek, Justin Giessel:
Fusion of uas-based structure-from-motion and optical inversion for seamless topo-bathymetric mapping. 2999-3002 - Débora Chan, Andrea A. Rey
, Juliana Gambini, Julia Cassetti
, Alejandro C. Frery:
Methods and frameworks for sampling GI0 data. 3003-3006 - Pedro Achanccaray Diaz
, Raul Queiroz Feitosa, Franz Rottensteiner
, Ieda Del'Arco Sanches, Christian Heipke
Spatial-temporal conditional random field based model for crop recognition in tropical regions. 3007-3010 - Ismael Escobar, Carlos Cardenas
, Carlos López-Martínez
, Dana Floriciou, Erling Johnson
Polarimetric techniques to know the caracteristics of antarctic sea ICE. 3011-3014 - Rafael A. S. Rosa, David Fernandes, Thiago Luiz Morais Barreto, Christian Wimmer, Joao B. Nogueira:
Deforestation detection in Amazon rainforest with multitemporal X-band and p-band sar images using cross-coherences and superpixels. 3015-3018 - Ivan E. Villalon-Turrubiates
Identification model for large remote sensing datasets applied to environmental analysis within mexico. 3019-3022 - Edson A. Mitishita, Marlo Martins, Felipe Andre L. Costa, Jorge Antonio Silva Centeno:
Improvements in the integration of lidar and photogrammetric datasets by in situ camera calibration. 3023-3026 - Tiago M. H. C. Santana, Keiller Nogueira
, Alexei Manso Corrêa Machado, Jefersson A. dos Santos:
Deep contextual description of superpixels for aerial urban scenes classification. 3027-3031 - Jesus Soria-Ruiz, Yolanda M. Fernandez-Ordonez:
Crop discrimination using remote sensing data in a region of high marginalization. 3031-3034 - Yolanda M. Fernandez-Ordonez, Jesus Soria-Ruiz:
Maize crop yield estimation with remote sensing and empirical models. 3035-3038 - Elizabeth M. Middleton, Petya K. E. Campbell
, Lawrence Ong, David R. Landis, Qingyuan Zhang, Christopher S. R. Neigh
, Karl Fred Huemmrich, Stephen G. Ungar, Daniel J. Mandl, Stuart W. Frye, Vuong Ly, Patrice Cappelaere, Steve A. Chien, Shannon Franks, Nathan H. Pollack:
Hyperion: The first global orbital spectrometer, earth observing-1 (EO-1) satellite (2000-2017). 3039-3042 - Philip A. Townsend, Adam Chlus
, Zhihui Wang, Aditya Singh:
Remote sensing spectroscopy to discriminate plant functional types and physiological function. 3043-3046 - Rasmus Houborg, Matthew F. McCabe
, Yoseline Angel
, Elizabeth M. Middleton:
Time series from hyperion to track productivity in pivot agriculture in saudi arabia. 3047-3050 - Kevin R. Turpie, Steven Ackleson, Thomas Bell, Heidi M. Dierssen, James Goodman, Robert O. Green, Liane S. Guild, Eric J. Hochberg
, Victor V. Klemas, Samantha J. Lavender
, Christine Lee, Tiffany Moisan, Frank E. Müller-Karger, Joseph D. Ortiz
, Sherry Palacios, David R. Thompson, Richard Zimmerman:
Spectroscopy for global observation of coastal and inland aquatic habitats. 3051-3054 - Kurtis Thome:
Importance of calibration/validation traceability for multi-sensor imaging spectrometry applications. 3055-3058 - Cindy Ong
, Michael Caccetta
, Ian C. Lau
, Lawrence Ong, Elizabeth M. Middleton:
Compositional characterisation of the pinnacles vicarious calibration site. 3059-3062 - David R. Thompson, Brian D. Bue, Robert O. Green, Vijay Natraj:
On optimal estimation theory for atmospheric correction in vswir imaging spectroscopy. 3063-3065 - Robert O. Green, Campaign Team:
New measurements of the earth's spectroscopic diversity acquired during the aviris-ng campaign to India. 3066-3069 - Thomas H. Painter, S. McKenzie Skiles, Robert O. Green, Felix C. Seidel, Anne W. Nolin:
Imaging spectroscopy to understand the controls on cryospheric melting in a changing world. 3070-3073 - Jinping Sun, Xuwang Zhang, Rui Zhou, Jinbin Fu, Jun Wang:
L1/2 regularization based azimuth resolution enhancement for multi-channel radar forward-looking imaging. 3074-3077 - Yan Zhang, Chao Wang
, Shigang Wang, Hong Zhang, Meng Liu:
Sar image change detection method based on visual attention. 3078-3081 - Yanjiao Yang, Zegang Ding, Jingyun Liu, Qiang Gao, Xinzhe Yuan, Xiaojun Lu:
An adaptive sar image speckle reduction algorithm based on wavelet transform and diffusion equations for marine scenes. 3082-3085 - Jia Su, Mingliang Tao, Ling Wang, Jian Xie, Xin Yang, Wei Zhang:
RPCA based time-frequency signal separation algorithm for narrow-band interference suppression. 3086-3089 - Yangyang Li, Linhao Zhou, Gao Lu, Biao Hou, Licheng Jiao:
Change detection in synthetic aperture radar images based on log-mean operator and stacked auto-encoder. 3090-3096 - Baobin Ma, Jie Chen, Pengbo Wang, Yue Fang, Bing Han:
An efficient time-sequential sar image formation algorithm based on subaperture combination. 3097-3100 - Chu He, Gong Han, Xinlong Liu, Huai Yu:
A low-rank fully convolutional network for classification based on a multi-dimensional description primitive of time series polarimetric sar images. 3101-3104 - Xinyi Wang, Qiming Zeng, Ye Yun, Kaili Han, Jian Jiao:
The reliability inspection of water vapor from WRF utilized for InSAR atmospheric correction in different areas. 3105-3108 - Xiaojian Gan, Yong Wang
, Taoli Yang, Hong Li:
Influence of azimuth angle and water surface roughness on sar imagery of a bridge. 3109-3112 - L. W. Mdakane, Waldo Kleynhans
, Colin P. Schwegmann, Rory Meyer:
Image segmentation-based oil slick detection using sar radarsat-2 OSVN maritime data. 3113-3116 - Abdullah Algafsh, Michael Inggs, Amit Kumar Mishra:
Measurements of signal penetration for p-band SAR system through trees using two trihedral corner reflectors. 3117-3120 - Pooja Shah, Tanish Zaveri, Raj Kumar, Shubham Sharma, Darshan Patel:
Research oriented foss solution for automatic oil spill detection using risat-1 sar data. 3121-3124 - Reihaneh Peiman, Husam Ali, Brian Brisco, Chris Hopkinson:
Performance evaluation of sar texture algorithms for surface water body extraction through an open source python-based engine. 3125-3127 - Hao Shi, Liang Chen, Yin Zhuang, Jian Yang
, Zhu Yang:
A novel method of speckle reduction and enhancement for SAR image. 3128-3131 - Feinan Xu, Weizhen Wang, Jiemin Wang, Yuan Qi, Yang Su:
Estimation of area-averaged evapotranspiration in ejina oasis base on EC matrix flux measurements and footprint analysis. 3132-3135 - Changyong Cao, Francis Padula, Aaron Pearlman, Xi Shao:
Realtime infrared sensing with IoT and UAS for satellite validation and environmental intelligence. 3136-3139 - Robert M. Beauchamp, V. Chandrasekar:
Using a wind turbine's state to suppress its signature in radar observations. 3140-3143 - Hu Zhang, Pengfei Liu, Long He, Yi Lian, Tiejun Cui:
Effects of reflectance anisotropy on albedo retrieval from satellite observations. 3144-3154 - Ryo Natsuaki
, Takeshi Motohka, Takeo Tadono, Shinichi Suzuki:
Polarimetric characteristics of temporarily coherent RFI in alos-2 palsar-2. 3155-3158 - Fariba Mohammadimanesh, Bahram Salehi
, Masoud MahdianPari, Mahdi Motagh
X-band interferometric sar observations for wetland water level monitoring in newfoundland and labrador. 3159-3162 - Gerardo Di Martino
, Antonio Iodice
, Davod Poreh, Daniele Riccio
, Giuseppe Ruello:
Physical models for evaluating the interferometric coherence of potential persistent scatterers. 3163-3166 - Zhongbo Hu, Jordi J. Mallorquí
, Giuseppe Centolanza, Javier Duro:
Insar atmospheric delays compensation: Case study in tenerife island. 3167-3170 - Kui Zhang, Di Wu, Guojie Meng, Ruiqing Song:
A universal TOPS insar processing scheme for mapping large scale ground displacement. 3171-3173 - Jordi J. Mallorquí
, Zhongbo Hu, Jordi Corominas, Jose Antonio Gili
Landslide monitoring with staring-spotlight data: Canillo case study. 3174-3177 - Linyuan Li, Guangjian Yan
, Xihan Mu, Suhong Liu, Yiming Chen, Kai Yan, Jinghui Luo, Wanjuan Song:
Estimation of fractional vegetation cover using mean-based spectral unmixing method. 3178-3180 - Fumio Yamazaki
, Kasumi Kubo, Ryoto Tanabe, Wen Liu:
Damage assessment and 3d modeling by UAV flights after the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan earthquake. 3182-3185 - Zhaoyu Cui, John P. Kerekes
, John R. Schott:
Validation of landsat-8 OLI image simulation. 3186-3189 - Dongyan Zhang, Xingen Zhou, Jian Zhang, Linsheng Huang, Jinling Zhao:
Developing a small UAV platform to detect sheath blight of rice. 3190-3193 - Chunmei Zhang, Junyan Wang, Yunbin Zhang, Yaoyao Liu:
Small-sample classification of hyperspectral data in a graph-based semi-supervision framwork. 3194-3197 - Junling Shen, Zekun Kang, Zebin Wu
, Zhihui Wei, Yaoqin Zhu:
Distributed parallel optimization of hyperspectral image classification based on spatial correlation regularized sparse representation. 3198-3201 - Jinhuan Xu, Nan Huang, Liang Xiao:
Spectral-spatial subspace clustering for hyperspectral images VIA modulated low-rank representation. 3202-3205 - Zhi He, Jun Li, Lin Liu:
Hyperspectral classification based on kernel low-rank multitask learning. 3206-3209 - Shakti Sharma
, Krishna Mohan Buddhiraju, Gaurav Kumar Dashondhi:
Hyperspectral image classification using ant colony optimization algorithm based on joint spectral-spatial parameters. 3210-3213 - Leila Kalantari, Paul D. Gader:
Cross-validating Gaussian process methods for hyperspectral data from tree crowns. 3214-3217 - Wei Liu, Zebin Wu
, Jie Wei, Weishi Deng, Yang Xu, Lu Du, Zhihui Wei:
Multiple features fusion for hyperspectral image classification based on extreme learning machine. 3218-3221 - Mariane Souza Reis
, Sidnei J. S. Sant'Anna, Luciano Vieira Dutra, Maria Isabel Sobral Escada
, Eliana Pantaleão
The use of land cover change likelihood for improving land cover classification. 3222-3225 - Emmanuel Maggiori
, Yuliya Tarabalka, Guillaume Charpiat, Pierre Alliez:
Can semantic labeling methods generalize to any city? the inria aerial image labeling benchmark. 3226-3229 - Hongli Liu, Zhoumiqi Yuan, Jinshui Zhang, Guanyuan Shuai:
Highly efficient paddy classification using UAV-based orthorectified image. 3230-3233 - Victor-Emil Neagoe, Catalina-Elena Neghina
, Vlad Chirila-Berbentea:
A genetic algorithm approach to purify the classifier training labels for the analysis of remote sensing imagery. 3234-3237 - Yang-Lang Chang, Lena Chang, Tzu-Wei Tseng, Chih-Yuan Chu:
A modified adaptable nearest feature space classifier for remote sensing images. 3238-3241 - Xiaoyong Bian, Chen Chen, Yuxia Sheng, Yan Xu, Qian Du
Fusing two convolutional neural networks for high-resolution scene classification. 3242-3245 - Akash Ashapure
, Anand Mehta, Onkar Dikshit, Jinha Jung
Ensemble classifier based training data refinement technique for classification of remotely sensed optical images. 3246-3249 - Jiayi Guo, Bin Lei, Chibiao Ding, Yueting Zhang:
Improving the metric for evaluating cnns in SAR ATR applications by saliency maps. 3250-3253 - Jingliang Hu, Yuanyuan Wang, Pedram Ghamisi, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Evaluation of polsar similarity measures with spectral clustering. 3254-3257 - Antara Dasgupta
, Stefania Grimaldi
, R. Ramsankaran
, Jeffrey P. Walker
Optimized glcm-based texture features for improved SAR-based flood mapping. 3258-3261 - Yan Xu, Katharine Andrea Scott:
Sea ice and open water classification of sar imagery using cnn-based transfer learning. 3262-3265 - Yue Zhang, Huanxin Zou, Ningyuan Shao, Shilin Zhou, Kefeng Ji:
Unsupervised classification of polsar imagery based on consensus similarity network fusion. 3266-3269 - Xiaofang Xu, Bin Zou, Lamei Zhang:
Polsar image classification based on polarimetric object-based morphological profiles. 3270-3273 - Juanping Zhao, Weiwei Guo, Bin Liu, Zenghui Zhang
, Wenxian Yu, Shiyong Cui:
Preliminary exploration of SAR image land cover classification with noisy labels. 3274-3277 - Weidong Sun, Pingxiang Li, Jie Yang, Lei Shi, Lingli Zhao:
Domain adaptation for polsar land classification using linear discriminative laplacian eigenmaps. 3278-3281 - Wentao An, Mingsen Lin, Chunhua Xie:
Compensation of the positioning shift cauesd by inaccurate geodetic terrain heights for radarsat-2 data. 3282-3285 - Xiaowen Zhang, Kaizhi Wang, Xingzhao Liu, Lei Liu:
A flexible waveform optimization method for cognitive radar. 3286-3289 - Xian Liu, Yulin Huang, Jifang Pei, Junjie Wu, Jianyu Yang:
Kernel marginal sample discriminant embedding for SAR automatic target recognition. 3290-3293 - Bruce Chapman
, Scott Hensley, Yunling Lou, Brian P. Hawkins, Ronald Muellerschoen, Thierry Michel:
Analysis of multi-aspect and fully polarimetric L-band SAR data from uavsar over spacex rocket debris site. 3294-3296 - Sifei Wang, Zongyong Cui, Zongjie Cao:
Target recognition in large scene SAR images based on region proposal regression. 3297-3300 - Ming Liu, Shichao Chen, Jie Wu, Fugang Lu, Jun Wang, Taoli Yang:
Sar target configuration recognition using class-dependent locality preserving projections. 3301-3304 - Huai Yu, Wen Yang, Heng Zhang, Wanjun He:
A UAV-based crack inspection system for concrete bridge monitoring. 3305-3308 - Maria Vakalopoulou, Norbert Bus, Konstantinos Karantzalos
, Nikos Paragios:
Integrating edge/boundary priors with classification scores for building detection in very high resolution data. 3309-3312 - Jonggeol Park, Ippei Harada, Youngjoo Kwak:
A determination of the earthquake disaster area by object-based analysis using a single satellite image. 3313-3316 - Xiwei Fan, Gaozhong Nie, Na Gao, Yan Deng, Jiwen An, Huayue Li:
Building extraction from UAV remote sensing data based on photogrammetry method. 3317-3320 - Viet Thuy Vu, Thomas K. Sjögren, Mats I. Pettersson
, Mattias Dahl:
Measurement of traffic flows with SAR - Field test on the swedish road network. 3321-3324 - Jinxing Chen, Chao Wang
, Fan Wu, Hong Zhang:
Building classification from single TerraSAR-X ST image by fusing structure features in the pyramid framework. 3325-3328 - Yuan Yao, Zhiguo Jiang, Haopeng Zhang, Bowen Cai, Gang Meng, Deshan Zuo:
Chimney and condensing tower detection based on faster R-CNN in high resolution remote sensing images. 3329-3332 - Yihua Tan, Feifei Ren, Shengzhou Xiong
Automatic extraction of built-up area based on deep convolution neural network. 3333-3336 - Adnan Farooq, Jiankun Hu
, Xiuping Jia
Efficient object proposals extraction for target detection in VHR remote sensing images. 3337-3340 - Xu Lei, Jinwang Wang, Kaimin Fu, Huai Yu, Wen Yang:
Accurate object matching for UAV imagery using multi-scale best-buddies similarity. 3341-3344 - Ashutosh Mishra
, N. S. Rajput, Keshava P. Singh, Dharmendra Singh:
An object linked intelligent classification method for hyperspectral images. 3345-3348 - Xiaoli Li
, Zhiqiang Li, Bo Fu, Bing Wu, Yaohui Liu
A mini consumer grade unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for small scale terrace detection. 3349-3352 - Xiaobing Han, Yanfei Zhong, Ruyi Feng, Liangpei Zhang:
Robust geospatial object detection based on pre-trained faster R-CNN framework for high spatial resolution imagery. 3353-3356 - Chunyan Yu, Bai Xue, Yulei Wang, Meiping Song, Lin Wang, Sen Li, Shih-Yu Chen, Chein-I Chang:
Multi-class constrained background suppression approach to hyperspectral image classification. 3357-3360 - Xiao Wang, Craig L. Glennie, Zhigang Pan:
Adaptive noise filtering for single photon Lidar observations. 3361-3364 - Yanqing Xie, Yong Xue, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, Cheng Fan
, Yahui Che, Lu She:
Image fusion of MODIS AOD (collection 6) in China based on uncertainty. 3365-3368 - Hossein Bagheri
, Michael Schmitt, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Fusion of TanDEM-X and Cartosat-1 DEMS using TV-norm regularization and ANN-predicted weights. 3369-3372 - Jamila Mifdal, Bartomeu Coll
, Nicolas Courty, Jacques Froment
, Béatrice Vedel:
Hyperspectral and multispectral wasserstein barycenter for image fusion. 3373-3376 - Bo Ping, Yunshan Meng, Fenzhen Su:
An enhanced spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model based on optimal window. 3377-3380 - Chiman Kwan
, Bulent Ayhan, Bence Budavari:
Fusion of themis and TES for accurate Mars surface characterization. 3381-3384 - Chuntao Chen, Yili Zhao, Jianyong Xing, Jianhua Zhu, Jiajia Liu, Xiaoqi Huang, Qinglong Yu, He Wang:
Validation of the wave model SWAN against altimeter data from Jason-2 satellite. 3385-3388 - Harshula Tulapurkar
, B. Krishna Mohan, Vinayak Ashok Bharadi
Invisible watermarking algorithm for GIS data using Curvelet transform - Comparitive study with wavelet. 3389-3392 - Xiaochen Lu, Junping Zhang, Ye Zhang:
An improved non-subsampled contourlet transform-based hybrid pan-sharpening algorithm. 3393-3396 - Mei Zhou, Hongcan Guan
, Chuanrong Li, Ge-Er Teng, Lian Ma:
An improved IDW method for linear array 3D imaging sensor. 3397-3400 - Kenta Taniguchi, Munenori Miura
, Kenta Obata
, Hiroki Yoshioka
Analysis of the scaling effect present in the relative differences between NDVIs obtained from multiple sensors, based on the soil isoline equation. 3401-3404 - Xianliang Yin, Zebin Wu
, Wenzhi Liao, Zhihui Wei, Chao Tan:
Cloud implementation of hyperspectral image restoration with PCA and total variation based on Spark. 3405-3408 - Dan Yao, Lina Zhuang, Lianru Gao, Bing Zhang, José M. Bioucas-Dias:
Hyperspectral image inpainting based on low-rank representation: A case study on Tiangong-1 data. 3409-3412 - Yancong Wei, Qiangqiang Yuan, Xiangchao Meng, Huanfeng Shen
, Liangpei Zhang, Michael Kwok-Po Ng:
Multi-scale-and-depth convolutional neural network for remote sensed imagery pan-sharpening. 3413-3416 - Xun Yang, Yan Chen, Ling Tong
, Fanghong Xiao:
Full polarimetric radar backscattering measurement of oil spilling indoor experiment. 3417-3420 - Kezhu Song, Yang Yang, Yonghong Guo, Shengqun Tong, Lei Dong:
A low-frequency geophone designed by genetic algorithms. 3421-3424 - Luxin Yan, Wenshan Liao, Yi Chang, Chunan Luo:
Joint local and non-local priors for ground-based astronomical image denoising. 3425-3428 - Xingjian Chen, Paul Siqueira:
A ground-based L-band synthetic aperture radar system for forest temporal dynamics monitoring. 3429-3432 - Man Chung Chim, Daniele Perissin:
Motion compensation of L-band SAR using GNSS-INS. 3433-3436 - Adrian Focsa, Stefan Adrian Toma
, Mihai Datcu:
Maximum entropy image reconstruction applied to C-band ground based synthetic aperture radar. 3437-3440 - Li Li, Fang Huang, Yinjie Chen, Jian Tao, Ji Zhou, Guangsong Fan:
Study on parallelization of components' proportion calculation for three dimensional thermal anisotropy modelof urban targets based on Linux cluster. 3441-3444 - Adrian-Septimiu Moldovan, Stefan Adrian Toma
, Valentin Ioan Poncos
, Delia Cosmina Teleaga, Florin Serban:
Outdoor measurements with ground based C-band synthetic aperture radar. 3445-3447 - Xiaohui Peng, Fei Hu, Feng He, Dong Zhu, Yayun Cheng, Hao Hu, Tao Zheng:
An improved clean algorithm for RFI mitigation in aperture synthesis radiometers. 3448-3451 - Priscilla N. Mohammed, Asmita Korde-Patel, Armen Gholian, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Adam J. Schoenwald, Damon Bradley:
An RFI detection algorithm for microwave radiometers using sparse component analysis. 3452-3454 - John Marino, Albin J. Gasiewski:
A broker based scheme for spectrum sharing. 3455-3458 - Paolo de Matthaeis, David M. Le Vine:
RFI statistical distribution and missed detection in Aquarius radiometer measurements. 3459-3460 - Xiongbin Zhu, Xiaoqin Wang, Shujiao Zeng, Weidong Zhou:
Simulation of runoff and sediment yield in Zhuxi watershed in changting county of China based on SWAT model. 3461-3463 - Shujiao Zeng, Xiaoqin Wang
, Xiongbin Zhu, Zhenping Wang, Zuocheng Wu:
Soil erosion analysis of Fujian Province, China in 2015. 3464-3470 - Long Wei, Weizhen Wang, Chunfeng Ma, Yueru Wu:
Comparison and analysis of dielectric models towards soil moisture and salinity estimations. 3471-3474 - Hong Sun, Xin Tian, Zengyuan Li, Erxue Chen, Wei Wang:
Remotely sensed monitoring forest changes-a case study in the Jinhe town of Inner Mongolia. 3475-3478 - Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yulun Song, Shudong Wang, Lifu Zhang, Xia Zhang:
A method for extracting vegetation information of Urban underlaying surface oriented to ECO-environmental quality assessment. 3479-3486 - Houzhi Jiang, Chunxiang Cao, Wei Chen, Yuxing Zhang, Yongfeng Dang, Xuejun Wang, Wei Wang, Shengrui Zhang:
Prediction and analysis of Sudden Oak Death (SOD) risk in the west coast of America based on Maxent model. 3487-3490 - Changming Yin, Binbin He, Xingwen Quan
, Xueting Zhang, Jinsong Ge, Zhijun Zhang:
Estimation of grassland biophysical variables for Lake Qinghai watershed: Moving towards remote sensing products. 3491-3494 - Yuanheng Sun, Huazhong Ren, Gongqi Zhou, Tianyuan Zhang
, Chengye Zhang, Qiming Qin:
The estimation and validation of fractional vegetation cover based on GaoFen-4 satellite imagery. 3495-3498 - Feng Chen, Jonathan Li
, Cheng Wang:
Post-typhoon assessment of surface greenness disturbance using Landsat series observations. 3499-3502 - Hsueh-Ching Wang, Andrew Friend
, Cho-ying Huang:
Simulating the effects of typhoon-induced defoliation on forest dynamics using a process-based model in a subtropical forest. 3503-3506 - Nathan P. Leisso, Tristan Goulden:
Sensitivity of NEON's airborne remote sensing instrumentation to cloud and illumination conditions. 3507-3509 - Samara Calçado de Azevedo
, Ramesh P. Singh, Erivaldo Antonio da Silva
Assessing 2016 drought progression over India using remote sensing data for the period 2006-2015. 3510-3513 - Lacina Coulibaly, Ognel Pierre Louis, Eric Hervet:
Estimating forest stands vigor from airborne images and neural networks. 3514-3516 - Lei Chen, Hongxin Zhang, Hu Zhang, Long He, Yi Lian, Tiejun Cui:
Calibration for FISS image data based on PROSAIL model. 3517-3520 - Jianbo Tan, Ainong Li, Guangbin Lei, Huaan Jin, Wei Zhao, Gaofei Yin, Jinhu Bian
Identify the risk of environmental degradation with ecological model and remote sensing: A case study of natural forest in xishuangbanna. 3521-3524 - Ling Hu, Wenjie Fan
, Suhong Liu, Peng Zhao, Huazhong Ren:
Temporal and spatial distribution and variation of GPP in MOHE, China. 3525-3528 - Toru Kouyama
, Ryosuke Nakamura, Soushi Kato
, Motoki Kimura:
Moon observations for small satellite radiometric calibration. 3529-3532 - Jingjin Huang, Guoqing Zhou, Rongting Zhang:
On-board detection and matching of remotely sensing imagery. 3533-3536 - Jonathan P. Olson, Sounak Kumar Biswas
, V. Chandrasekar, Steven C. Reising:
Evaluation of the use of CubeSats in atmospheric profiling. 3537-3540 - Yanmei Zhang, Xiao Cheng:
Analysis of the imageries from a Chinese cube satellite for polar observations. 3541-3543 - Xiaobin Yin, Wu Zhou, Mingsen Lin, Ting Liu, Yuxiang Zhu, Yanwei He, Tongkui Liao:
End to end study of the Chinese salinity mission. 3544-3547 - Fahad Khan Khadim
, Hongbo Su
, Jason Blankenship, Frederick Bloetscher, Weimin Wang:
Salinity mapping for Florida bay using Landsat TM images and in-situ observations. 3548-3551 - Dongliang Shen, Xiaofeng Li, Leonard J. Pietrafesa, Shaowu Bao:
Geostationary satellite observations and numerical simulation of typhoon-induced upwelling to the Northeast of Taiwan. 3552-3555 - Hong Zhao, Changjun Li, Hongping Li, Xiao Han:
Bayesian statistical models of sea surface salinity based on SMOS satellite data. 3556-3559 - Yinan Li, Rongchuan Lv, Guangnan Song, Xiaojiao Yang, Hailiang Lu, Pengfei Li, Qinggui Tan:
FPASMR: A new instrument for future sea surface salinity measurement. 3560-3563 - Hongping Li, Xiao Han, Changjun Li, Hong Zhao:
A new SMOS sea surface salinity retrieval method. 3564-3567 - Guangnan Song, Xiaojiao Yang, Yinan Li, Pengfei Li, Hailiang Lu:
The stability test of radiometer. 3568-3571 - Roger H. Lang, Yiwen Zhou
, Emmanuel P. Dinnat
, David M. Le Vine:
The dielectric constant model function and implications for remote sensing of salinity. 3572-3574 - Pietro Milillo
, Eric J. M. Rignot, Jérémie Mouginot
, Bernd Scheuchl, Xin Li, Jacqueline T. Salzer:
Antarctic ICE sheet grounding line migration monitoring using COSMO-SkyMed very short repeat-time SAR interferometry. 3575-3577 - Hoonyol Lee
, Soojeong Han, Hyorim Jin, Hyangsun Han:
Tidal deflection of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, observed by Sentinel-1A double-differential interferometric SAR. 3578-3580 - Georg Fischer, Giuseppe Parrella, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Irena Hajnsek
Sensitivity of polarimetric SAR interferometry data to different vertical subsurface structures of the Greenland ice sheet. 3581-3584 - Jeffrey S. Budge, David G. Long:
Estimating sizes and rotation angles of antarctic icebergs utilizing scatterometer data. 3585-3588 - Cheng Kou, Chunyang Zhao, Fan Yang, Jonathan Li
, Yikun Liu, Fei Zeng:
Combining optial-thermal remote sensing data and topographic slope for the identification of debris-covered glaciers. 3589-3594 - Saswati Deb, Huijie Xue:
Storm surge modeling of Saco-Casco Bays: A FVCOM based study on winter storm Juno. 3595-3602 - Supratik Deb, Saswati Deb, Bhaskar Das:
Numerical simulation of sediment dynamics in the Hooghly Estuary. 3603-3606 - Jin Ah Eom, Changwook Lee, Jiwon Jang, Jong-Kuk Choi, Sungjae Park:
Study on environmental change monitoring between shoreline change and suspended sediment concentration using Landsat images in Nakdong river, Korea. 3607-3609 - Jen-Han Yang, Yi Chang:
Feasibility study of RFID-Mounted drone application in management of oyster farms. 3610-3613 - Kuniaki Uto, Haruyuki Seki, Genya Saito, Yukio Kosugi, Teruhisa Komatsu:
Coastal observation using new hyperspectral imager for UAVs. 3614-3617 - Yi Chang, Ming-Chee Wu:
Satellite observation on coastal change in the Western Hunching Peninsula, Southern Taiwan. 3618-3620 - Shuangshang Zhang, Qing Xu, Yongcun Cheng, Jie Yang, Wenhao Zhang:
Shallow water topography of Subei bank imaged by SAR. 3621-3624 - Jie Yu, Honghui Huang, Pimao Chen, Guobao Chen:
Study on the influentce of Dongjiakou Harbor construction on suspended sediment concentration. 3625-3628 - Samantha Ballard, Hans Graber, Michael J. Caruso:
Coastal surface wind measurements derived from SAR. 3629-3631 - Xudong Kang, Shutao Li, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Hyperspectral image classification: A benchmark. 3632-3639 - Xiong Zhou, Saurabh Prasad:
Transformation learning based domain adaptation for robust classification of disparate hyperspectral data. 3640-3643 - Yanli Sun, José M. Bioucas-Dias, Xia Zhang, Yi Liu, Antonio Plaza
A new classification-oriented endmember extraction and sparse unmixing approach for hyperspectral data. 3644-3647 - Andrey Bicalho Santos, Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo, Jefersson A. dos Santos, William Robson Schwartz
, David Menotti:
Combination techniques for hyperspectral image interpretation. 3648-3651 - Junshi Xia, Naoto Yokoya
, Akira Iwasaki:
Hyperspectral image classification with partial least square forest. 3652-3655 - Long Tian, Qian Du
, Nicolas H. Younan, Ivica Kopriva:
Tensor-based offset-sparsity decomposition for hyperspectral image classification. 3656-3659 - Ying Zhan, Haifeng Tian, Wei Liu, Zhaoying Yang, Kang Wu, Guian Wang, Ping Chen, Xianchuan Yu:
A new hyperspectral band selection approach based on convolutional neural network. 3660-3663 - Ting Lu, Shutao Li, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Iterative clustering based active learning for hyperspectral image classification. 3664-3667 - Jie Feng, Liguo Liu, Xiangrong Zhang, Rongfang Wang, Hongying Liu:
Hyperspectral image classification based on stacked marginal discriminative autoencoder. 3668-3671 - Ronny Hänsch, Andreas Ley, Olaf Hellwich:
Correct and still wrong: The relationship between sampling strategies and the estimation of the generalization error. 3672-3675 - Charlotte Pelletier
, Silvia Valero, Jordi Inglada, Gérard Dedieu, Nicolas Champion:
New iterative learning strategy to improve classification systems by using outlier detection techniques. 3676-3679 - M. Shahbaz Memon, Gabriele Cavallaro
, Morris Riedel, Helmut Neukirchen:
Facilitating efficient data analysis of remotely sensed images using standards-based parameter sweep models. 3680-3683 - Laxmi Narayana Eeti, Krishna Mohan Buddhiraju:
Comparison of AdaBoost.M2 and perspective based model ensemble in multispectral image classification. 3684-3687 - John E. Vargas-Munoz, Devis Tuia, Jefersson A. dos Santos, Alexandre X. Falcão
Post classification smoothing in sub-decimeter resolution images with semi-supervised label propagation. 3688-3691 - Utsav B. Gewali, Sildomar T. Monteiro:
Using Bayesian optimization to jointly tune the classifier and the random field for spatial-spectral hyperspectral classification. 3692-3695 - Andrii Shelestov, Mykola Lavreniuk, Nataliia Kussul
, Alexei Novikov, Sergii Skakun
Large scale crop classification using Google earth engine platform. 3696-3699 - Shuai Yang, Qianqian Zhang, Xiaohui Yuan
, Qihao Chen, Xiuguo Liu:
Superpixel-based classification using semantic information for polarimetric SAR imagery. 3700-3703 - Rongting Zhang, Guoqing Zhou, Jingjin Huang, Xiang Zhou:
Maximum variance unfolding based co-location decision tree for remote sensing image classification. 3704-3707 - Dasari Arun Kumar, K. Padma Kumari, Saroj K. Meher
Dynamic granular neural networks for remote sensing image classification. 3708-3711 - Kou-Yuan Huang, Wen-Hsuan Hsieh:
Seismic pattern recognition using cellular neural network. 3712-3715 - Shengxin Qian, Sravya Chelikani, Patrick Wang, Leslie M. Collins, Kyle Bradbury
, Jordan M. Malof:
Trading spatial resolution for improved accuracy when using detection algorithms on remote sensing imagery. 3716-3719 - Sylvain Lobry
, Florence Tupin, Roger Fjørtoft:
Unsupervised detection of thin water surfaces in SWOT images based on segment detection and connection. 3720-3723 - Wei Fu, Shutao Li, Leyuan Fang, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Spectral-spatial online dictionary learning for hyperspectral image classification. 3724-3727 - Riadh Abdelfattah
, Karem Chokmani
A semi automatic off-roads and trails extraction method from Sentinel-1 data. 3728-3731 - Mark A. Reed, Waymond R. Scott:
Analysis of double-D induction coil performance in magnetic soils using new coil metrics. 3732-3735 - Yue Yu, Chi-Chih Chen
A method for obtaing fully polarimetric scattering data from single-polarization ground penetrating radars (GPR). 3736-3738 - Mahdi Khodadadzadeh, Ana-Maria Ilisei, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
A technique based on adaptive windows for the classification of radar sounder data. 3739-3742 - Maryam Rahnemoonfar, Amin Abbasi Habashi, John Paden, Geoffrey C. Fox:
Automatic Ice thickness estimation in radar imagery based on charged particles concept. 3743-3746 - Michele Ambrosanio
, Gilda Schirinzi
, Vito Pascazio:
A mixed L2 - L1 norm minimization procedure for the data processing of ground penetrating radar. 3747-3750 - Hao Sun, Alina Zare
Map-guided hyperspectral image superpixel segmentation using proportion maps. 3751-3754 - Han Zhai, Hongyan Zhang, Liangpei Zhang, Pingxiang Li:
Total variation regularized collaborative representation clustering with a locally adaptive dictionary for hyperspectral remote sensing imagery. 3755-3758 - Massimo Zanetti, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
A class-wise spatial-contextual approach based on a free discontinuity model for change detection in multispectral images. 3759-3762 - Penglin Wang, Yin Zhuang, He Chen, Liang Chen, Hao Shi, Fukun Bi:
Pyramid integral image reconstruction algorithm for infrared remote sensing sea-land segmentation. 3763-3766 - Bingnan Han
, Jihao Yin, Xiaoyan Luo, Hui Qv:
A hierarchical superpixel aggregation model for hyperspectral image. 3767-3770 - Jiao Shi, Yu Lei, Jing Bai, Jiaji Wu:
Gradually evolved fuzzy active contour model for auroral oval segmentation. 3771-3774 - Yufan Huang, Xudong Kang, Shutao Li, Ting Lu, Hui Lin:
Shadow detection in very high-resolution satellite images by extended random walker. 3775-3778 - Dalton D. Lunga, Dilip R. Patlolla, Hsiuhan Lexie Yang
, Jeanette E. Weaver, Budhendra L. Bhaduri:
Exploiting convolutional representations for multiscale human settlement detection: Preliminary results. 3779-3782 - Prajowal Manandhar
, Zeyar Aung
, Prashanth Reddy Marpu:
Segmentation based building detection in high resolution satellite images. 3783-3786 - Keiller Nogueira
, Jefersson A. dos Santos, Leonardo Cancian, Bruno D. Borges, Thiago S. F. Silva
, Leonor Patricia C. Morellato
, Ricardo da Silva Torres:
Semantic segmentation of vegetation images acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles using an ensemble of ConvNets. 3787-3790 - Antonio Pepe, Pietro Mastro:
On the use of directional statistics for the adaptive spatial multi-looking of sequences of differential SAR interferograms. 3791-3794 - Kui Zhang, Di Wu, Hui Wang, Ruiqing Song, Guojie Meng:
Simplified coherence network phase reconstruction method and its applications on Sentinel-1 data. 3795-3797 - Antonio Pepe, Riccardo Lanari
DEM correction and mean surface displacement rate retrieval from a stack of wrapped multi-temporal DInSAR interferograms. 3798-3801 - Scott Hensley:
An analytic expression for the phase noise properties of the Goldstein-Werner power spectral filter. 3802-3805 - Franz J. Meyer, Piyush S. Agram:
Modeling ionospheric phase noise for NISAR mission data. 3806-3809 - Yuanyuan Wang, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Robust blind scatterer separation in multibaseline InSAR. 3810-3813 - Ovidiu-Marius Moaca, Andrei Anghel, Mihai Datcu:
Investigation of displacement measurements performed with a ground-based fixed receiver bistatic SAR simulator. 3814-3817 - Masanori Miyawaki, Tomoko Ishii, Shouhei Ohno, Takashi Fujimura, Tsunekazu Kimura, Kenya Harada, Masato Ohki:
Evaluation of detection capability of crustal movement by airborne SAR (PI-SAR-L2) repeat-pass interferometry. 3818-3821 - Won-Kyung Baek, Hyung-Sup Jung, Sung-Ho Chae:
Precise three-dimensional mapping of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake through the integration of SAR interferometry and offset tracking. 3822-3823 - Hanwen Yu
, Hyongki Lee
A convex hull algorithm based fast large-scale two-dimensional phase unwrapping method. 3824-3827 - Michael Ludwig, Jean-Christophe Angevain, Christopher Buck, Daniele Petrolati:
Multi-channel synthetic aperture radar in Europe. 3828-3831 - Paul Rosen, Scott Hensley, Scott Shaffer, Wendy N. Edelstein, Yunjin Kim, Raj Kumar, Tapan Misra, Rakesh Bhan, Raju Sagi:
The NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) mission dual-band radar instrument preliminary design. 3832-3835 - Klaus Scipal:
The Biomass mission - ESA'S P-band polarimetric, interferomtric SAR mission. 3836-3837 - Rafael F. Rincon
, Lynn M. Carter
, Daniel Lu:
Next generation P-band planetary synthetic aperture radar. 3838-3840 - Robert Wang
, Yunkai Deng, Pei Wang, Nan Wang:
Airborne X-band SAR for demonstrating two-dimensional digital beamforming. 3841-3843 - Christian Römer:
Introduction to a new wide area sar mode using the F-SCAN principle. 3844-3847 - José Márquez Martínez, Martin Cohen, Sam Doody, Pedro Lau-Semedo, Andrew Larkins:
Next generation low cost SAR payloads: Novasar-S and beyond. 3848-3851 - Paula Saameno, Fernando Monjas, Josep Closa, Andres Solana, Alberto Zurita, Isabel Martin, Bernardo Carnicero:
Antenna technology developments for a bi-static passive receive-only synthetic aperture radar companion satellite. 3852-3855 - Svein Solberg, Lars M. H. Ulander, Johan E. S. Fransson:
Testing C-band convoy mission for forest monitoring. 3856-3857 - Keith Beckett, George Tyc, Peter Fox:
Innovative technological advancements in the development and exploitation of a dual-band spaceborne SAR-XL system. 3858-3861 - Siheng Wang, Lifu Zhang, Changping Huang, Na Qiao:
Ground-based long-term remote sensing of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: Methods, challenges and opportunities. 3862-3865 - Gaofei Yin, Ainong Li:
PLC-P: A canopy reflectance model for sloping terrain based on path length correction and P-theory. 3866-3869 - Chinsu Lin
Applying a logistic-Gaussian complex signal model to restore surface hyperspectral reflectance of an old-growth tree species in cool temperate forest. 3870-3873 - Shengbiao Wu, Jianguang Wen, Yong Tang, Dongqin You, Jun Zhao:
Modeling anisotropic bidirectional reflectance of sloping forest. 3874-3877 - Rongyuan Liu, Huazhong Ren, Suhong Liu, Bokun Yan, Fuping Gan:
A generalized FPAR retrieval method from different satellite sensors. 3878-3881 - Manuele Pichierri, Bernhard Rabus, Irena Hajnsek
Single-baseline polarimetric SAR interferometry for characterizing the biophysical properties of agricultural crops. 3882-3889 - Domenico Velotto, Armando Marino, Ferdinando Nunziata
Backscattering analysis of offshore platforms in gulf of Mexico via multi-polarization TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X data. 3890-3893 - Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou:
Structure parameter estimation of natural scatteres by means of multi-baseline Pol-InSAR techniques: Status and challenges. 3894-3896 - Armando Marino, Pasquale Iervolino:
Ship detection with Cosmo-SkyMed PINGPONG data using the dual-pol ratio anomaly detector. 3897-3900 - Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen
, Morton J. Canty, Henning Skriver
, Knut Conradsen
Change detection in multi-temporal dual polarization Sentinel-1 data. 3901-3908 - Soumyashree Kar, Dipankar Mandal
, Avik Bhattacharya, J. Adinarayana:
Temporal analysis of Touzi parameters for wheat crop characterization using L-band AgriSAR 2006 data. 3909-3912 - Fang Shang, Akira Hirose:
Combination use of multiple window sizes for stokes vector based polsar data interpretation. 3913-3916 - Gerardo Di Martino
, Antonio Iodice
, Davod Poreh, Daniele Riccio
A fully polarimetric SAR raw signal simulator. 3917-3920 - Haixia Bi, Lin Xu, Xiangyong Cao, Zongben Xu:
Polsar image classification based on three-dimensional wavelet texture features and Markov random field. 3921-3928 - Lu Xu, Hong Zhang, Chao Wang
Comparative analysis of classification results between compact and fully polarimetric SAR images in random forest classifier. 3929-3932 - Dong-Xiao Yue
, Feng Xu, Zhimian Zhang, Ya-Qiu Jin:
Quad-pol reconstruction with wishart-Bayesian regularization. 3933-3936 - Wenqiang Hua, Shuang Wang, Yang Zhao, Bo Yue, Yanhe Guo:
Semi-supervised PolSAR Classification Based on Improved Tri-training. 3937-3940 - Peggy O'Neill, Steven Tsz K. Chan, Rajat Bindlish
, Thomas J. Jackson, Andreas Colliander, Roy Scott Dunbar, Fan Chen, Jeffrey Piepmeier, Simon Yueh, Dara Entekhabi, Michael H. Cosh, Todd Caldwell, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Xiaoling Wu
, Aaron A. Berg
, Tracy L. Rowlandson, Anna Pacheco, Heather McNairn, Marc Thibeault, José Martínez-Fernández
, A. Gonzalez-Zamora
, Ernesto López-Baeza, Frederik Uldall
, Mark S. Seyfried, David D. Bosch, Patrick J. Starks, Chandra D. Holifield Collins, John H. Prueger, Zhongbo Su, Rogier van der Velde, Jun Asanuma
, Michael A. Palecki, Eric E. Small, Marek Zreda, Jean-Christophe Calvet, Wade T. Crow, Yann Kerr:
Assessment of version 4 of the SMAP passive soil moisture standard product. 3941-3944 - Ying Gao, Andreas Colliander, Mariko S. Burgin, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Chun-Sik Chae, Emmanuel P. Dinnat
, Michael H. Cosh:
Multi-frequency radiometer-based soil moisture retrieval algorithm parametrization using in situ validation sites. 3945-3948 - Andreas Colliander, Thomas J. Jackson, Michael H. Cosh, Sidharth Misra, Rajat Bindlish
, Jarrett Powers, Heather McNairn, Paul Bullock, Aaron Berg
, Ramata Magagi, Peggy O'Neill, Simon Yueh:
Soil moisture retrieval with airborne PALS instrument over agricultural areas in SMAPVEX16. 3949-3952 - Pang-Wei Liu, Jasmeet Judge
, Subit Chakrabarti, Roger DeRoo
, Susan C. Steele-Dunne, Brian K. Hornbuckle, Andreas Colliander, Sidharth Misra, Scott Tripp, Barron Latham, Ross Williamson, Isaac Ramos, Simon Yueh, Anthony W. England:
Spatial variability in microwave radiometric signatures of growing corn and soybean during SMAPVEX16-microwex. 3953-3956 - Carsten Montzka, Heye R. Bogena, Marek Zreda, Alessandra Monerris
, Ross Morrison
, Muddu Sekhar, Harry Vereecken
Cosmic-ray neutron probes for satellite soil moisture validation. 3957-3960 - Han Ma, Shunlin Liang:
Consistent estimations of land surface temperature, emissivity and upwelling longwave radiation from suomi NPP viirs data. 3961-3964 - Yu-Ze Zhang, Sibo Duan
, Xiaoguang Jiang, Hua Wu, Yazhen Jiang, Zhao-Xia Liu, Cheng Huang:
Complement analysis for the wavelet transform method for separating temperature and emissivity. 3965-3968 - Yonggang Qian, Kun Li
, Ning Wang, Lingling Ma, Yaokai Liu, Wei Li, Lu Ren, Shi Qiu, Chuanrong Li, Lingli Tang:
Land surface temperature retrieved from combined mid-infrared and thermal infrared data. 3969-3972 - Shunlin Liang, Zhiqiang Xiao, Hanyu Shi
, Han Ma:
A data assimilation approach for simultaneously estimating a suite of land surface variables from satellite data. 3973-3975 - Fang-Cheng Zhou, Zhao-Liang Li, Hua Wu, Bo-Hui Tang, Ronglin Tang, Xiaoning Song, Guangjian Yan
, Sibo Duan
An algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature from AMSR-E data over the desert regions. 3976-3979 - Daniel Heestermans Svendsen, Luca Martino
, Manuel Campos-Taberner
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Joint Gaussian processes for inverse modeling. 3980-3983 - James Theiler, Amanda Ziemann:
Segmented regression for spatio-spectral background estimation. 3984-3987 - Gabriel Martín, José M. Bioucas-Dias:
Spatial-spectral hyperspectral image compressive sensing. 3988-3991 - Weitong Ruan, Adam B. Milstein, William J. Blackwell, Eric L. Miller:
Multiple output Gaussian process regression algorithm for multi-frequency scattered data interpolation. 3992-3995 - Thomas Jagdhuber, Dara Entekhabi, Narendra N. Das, Moritz Link, Carsten Montzka, Seung-Bum Kim, Simon Yueh:
Microwave covariation modeling and retrieval for the dual-frequency active-passive combination of sentinel-1 and SMAP. 3996-3999 - Abdou Bannari, Abdulaziz M. A. Mohamed, Ali El-Battay
Water stress detection as an indicator of red palm weevil attack using worldview-3 data. 4000-4003 - Yazhen Jiang, Xiaoguang Jiang, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Yuze Zhang, Cheng Huang, Chen Ru:
Estimation of daily evapotranspiration using MODIS data to calculate instantaneous decoupling coefficient and resistances. 4004-4007 - Alba Germãn
, Carolina Tauro, Marcelo C. Scavuzzo
, Anabella Ferral
Detection of algal blooms in a eutrophic reservoir based on chlorophyll-a time series data from MODIS. 4008-4011 - Deyong Hu, Shanshan Chen, Fuzhou Duan:
Estimation of the anthropogenic heat flux distribution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region based on Suomi-NPP/VIIRS nighttime light image. 4012-4015 - Ziyang Zhang, Bo-Hui Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Ronglin Tang, Ruofei Zhong:
Estimation of leaf water content using new vegetation indices combined by near- and middle infrared spectral reflectances. 4016-4019 - Anthony Ortiz, Dalton S. Rosario, Olac Fuentes, Simon Blair:
Image-based 3D model and hyperspectral data fusion for improved scene understanding. 4020-4023 - Ramona Pelich
, Marco Chini
, Renaud Hostache
, Patrick Matgen
, Jose Manuel Delgado, Giovanni Sabatino:
Towards a global flood frequency map from SAR data. 4024-4027 - Mayank Goyal, Krishnan Sundara Rajan
Object based fusion of multi-sensor imagery while preserving spectrally significant information. 4028-4031 - Abeer Mazher, Peijun Li
Correlated probabilities based decision fusion method for multi-sensor data. 4032-4035 - Qiangqiang Yuan, Michael K. Ng, Huanfeng Shen
, Liangpei Zhang, Jie Li:
Miss data reconstruction in remote sensing images with a double weighted tensor low rank model. 4036-4039 - Jingsong Yang
, Lin Ren, Juan Wang, Gang Zheng, Xiaohui Li:
Preliminary retrieval of ocean winds and waves from Chinese newly launched spaceborne microwave sensors. 4040-4045 - Susanne Mecklenburg, Jens Nieke, Philippe Goryl, Bruno Berruti:
Sentinel-3: Mission status and performance after one year in orbit. 4046-4051 - Tonje Nanette Arnesen Hannevik, Kjell O. Viken, Richard B. Olsen, Øyvind K. Lensjø:
Arctic maritime surveillance with sentinel-1 data using a norwegian collaborative ground segment. 4052-4055 - James C. Tilton, Robert E. Wolfe
, Guoqing Gary Lin, Zhangshi Albert Yin:
On-orbit measurement of the focal length of the SNPP VIIRS instrument. 4056-4059 - David Moyer, Frank De Luccia, Gabriel Moy:
S-NPP VIIRS thermal emissive band thermal calibration errors and their impact on blackbody warm up and cool down f factors. 4060-4063 - David Kunkee, Robert W. Farley, Betty P. Kwan
, James H. Hecht, Richard L. Walterscheid, Seth G. Claudepierre
, Rebecca L. Bishop, Lynette J. Gelinas, Tamitha M. Skov, Frank J. De Luccia:
Development of level 1b calibration and validation readiness, implementation and management plans for GOES-R. 4064-4067 - Evan Haas, Frank J. De Luccia:
Improvements in VIIRS reflective band calibration accuracy and stability provided by RSBAutoCal. 4068-4071 - Spencer Farrar, Tim Wilkinson, Frank J. De Luccia:
S-NPP VIIRS day-night band calibration and status update. 4072-4075 - Valeria Gracheva, Franz J. Meyer, Scott A. Arko, Paul A. Rosen:
New applications of spaceborne imaging RADAR-C (SIR-C) data. 4076-4080 - Marc Fernández Usón, Roger M. Fuster, Antoni Broquetas Ibars:
Phase ambiguity resolution for orbit determination interferometry. 4080-4083 - Caiyun Wang, Hao Liu, Xiangkun Zhang, Di Zhu, Xin Zhao:
Experimental performance analysis of the DBF technique on MICAP scatterometer demonstartor. 4084-4087 - Christopher Wecklich, Carolina González, Paola Rizzoli
TANDEM-X height performance and data coverage. 4088-4091 - Christopher R. Williams:
Precipitation variability across satellite field-of-views derived from ground-based radar observations. 4092-4094 - Hugo Carreno-Luengo
, Stephen T. Lowe, Cinzia Zuffada, Stephan Esterhuizen, Shadi Oveisgharan:
Spaceborne GNSS-R from the SMAP mission: First assessment of polarimetric scatterometry. 4095-4098 - Matthew Buchanan, Andrew O'Brien:
Investigation of spaceborne polarimetric GNSS-R using the SMAP radar instrument. 4099-4101 - Alessio Di Simone
, Hyuk Park
, Daniele Riccio
, Adriano Camps:
Ocean target monitoring with improved revisit time using constellations of GNSS-R instruments. 4102-4105 - Erwan Motte, Mehrez Zribi, Pascal Fanise
, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Frédéric Baup, Sahar Ben Hmida, Sylvia Dayau, Rémy Fieuzal, Dominique Guyon, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Results from the GLORIE GNSS-R airborne campaign: Agricultural areas. 4106-4109 - Yongchao Zhu, Kegen Yu
, Jingui Zou, Jens Wickert:
Sea ice detection using GNSS-R delay-Doppler maps from UK TechDemoSat-1. 4110-4113 - Serni Ribo
, Fran Fabra, Estel Cardellach, Weiqiang Li, Antonio Rius:
Calibration aspects of the software PARIS interferometric receiver. 4114-4116 - Rajeswari Balasubramaniam, Christopher S. Ruf
, Darren McKague
, Maria Paola Clarizia, Scott Gleason:
Calibration and validation processing for the CYGNSS wind speed retrieval algorithm. 4117-4120 - Stefano Principe, Tiziana Beltramonte, Maurizio di Bisceglie, Carmela Galdi:
Statistical modeling and simulation of delay-Doppler maps in the time-varying regime. 4121-4124 - Fran Fabra, Estel Cardellach, Weiqiang Li
, Antonio Rius:
WAVPY: A GNSS-R open source software library for data analysis and simulation. 4125-4128 - Hong-cheng Zeng, Jie Chen, Hao-jie Zhang, Wei Yang, Pengbo Wang:
A modified imaging formation algorithm for bistatic SAR based on GPS-L5 signal. 4129-4132 - Shangnan Li, Ruzbeh Akbar, Tianjie Zhao, Hui Lu
, Somayyeh Talebi, Haiteng Weng, Zengyan Wang, Kaighin McColl, Jiancheng Shi, Dara Entekhabi:
Decomposition of SMAP polarization ratio into surface soil moisture and vegetation dynamics. 4133-4135 - Mariko S. Burgin, Jakob J. van Zyl:
Regression-based soil moisture estimation from SMAP polarimetric radar data with Aquarius derived coefficients. 4136-4138 - Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Mohammad Choker, Mehrez Zribi, Mohammad El-Hajj, Simonetta Paloscia, Niko E. C. Verhoest, Hans Lievens
, Frédéric Baup, Francesco Mattia
New empirical model for radar scattering from bare soils. 4139-4142 - Moritz Link, Dara Entekhabi, Thomas Jagdhuber, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Leila Guerriero, Martin J. Baur, Ralf Ludwig:
Simulating L/L-band and C/L-band active-passive microwave covariation of crops with the Tor Vergata scattering and emission model for a SMAP-Sentinel 1 combination. 4143-4146 - Qi Gao, Mehrez Zribi, Maria José Escorihuela
, Nicolas N. Baghdadi:
Comparison of two methods for soil moisture mapping at 1KM resolution from Sentinel-1 and MODIS synergy. 4147-4150 - Gerard Portal
, Mercè Vall-llossera
, Maria Piles
, Adriano Camps, David Chaparro
, Miriam Pablos
, Luciana Rossato:
A spatially consistent downscaling approach for SMOS using an adaptive moving window. 4151-4153 - Fabio Fascetti, Nazzareno Pierdicca
, Luca Pulvirenti, Raffaele Crapolicchio
Error characterization of SMOS, ASCAT, SMAP, ERA and ISMN soil moisture products: Automatic detection of cross-correlation error through extended quadruple collocation. 4154-4157 - James L. Garrison
, Yao-Cheng Lin, Benjamin Nold, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Manuel A. Vega, Matthew A. Fritts, Cornelis F. Du Toit, Joseph J. Knuble:
Remote sensing of soil moisture using P-band signals of opportunity (SoOp): Initial results. 4158-4161 - Zhiqu Liu, Pingxiang Li, Jie Yang, Minyi Li:
Evaluate Sentinel-1A soil moisture from global products and ground measurements at site Dahra in Senegal. 4162-4165 - Jiangyuan Zeng, Ruzbeh Akbar, Kun-Shan Chen, Tianjie Zhao, Panpan Yao, Huizhen Cui, Hui Lu
, Dara Entekhabi:
Covariation of SMAP active and passive measurements with respect to vegetation and surface roughness. 4166-4169 - Rajendra Bhatt, David R. Doelling, Benjamin R. Scarino, Arun Gopalan, Patrick Minnis
, Kristopher M. Bedka, Conor O. Haney:
Consistent radiometric scaling of the multi-temporal AVHRR satellite record. 4170-4173 - Graziela R. Keller, Zhipeng Wang
, Aisheng Wu, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Aqua MODIS electronic crosstalk on SMWIR bands 20 to 26. 4174-4177 - Yong Chen, Yong Han, Fuzhong Weng:
Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS sensor data records and impacts on radiometric and spectral long-term accuracy and stability. 4178-4181 - Allen M. Larar, Daniel K. Zhou, Xu Liu, Jialin Tian, William L. Smith:
An update on NAST-I results from SNPP airborne campaign underflights. 4182-4184 - Fadi Kizel
, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Simultaneous empirical line calibration of multiple spectral images. 4185-4188 - Youkyung Han:
Fine geometric alignment of very high resolution optical images using registration noise and quadtree structure. 4189-4192 - Yi Chang, Luxin Yan, Sheng Zhong:
Hyperspectral image denoising via spectral and spatial low-rank approximation. 4193-4196 - Vincent Kwofu Chiang, Jeffrey McIntire, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
VIIRS thermal emissive bands L1B calibration uncertainty. 4197-4200 - Geng-Ming Jiang, Guicai Li, Wen-Xia Li:
Intercalibration of advanced Himawari-8 Imager's infrared channels with IASI/Metop-B 1C data. 4201-4204 - Brian L. Markham
, Julia A. Barsi:
Landsat-8 operational land imager on-orbit radiometric calibration. 4205-4207 - George J. Komar:
Technology advancement and challenges in spaceborne Lidar for earth science. 4208-4211 - Upendra N. Singh, Tamer F. Refaat, Mulugeta Petros:
Triple-pulse integrated path differential absorption lidar for carbon dioxide measurement - Novel lidar technologies and techniques with path to space. 4212-4215 - Floyd Hovis, Michael Albert, Fran Fitzpatrick, Kent Puffenburger, Tom Schum, Darrell Jones Joe Rudd, Slava Litvinovitch:
Recent progress on UV lasers for airborne and space-based applications. 4216-4219 - G. David Emmitt, Michael J. Kavaya, Upendra N. Singh:
Integrating a Doppler wind lidar into a network of wind observing systems: Capitalizing on synergisms with a high precision, cloud scene penetrating lidar. 4220-4223 - Carl Weimer, Mike Lieber, Reuben Rohrschneider, Lyle Ruppert:
A spaceborne adaptive lidar for earth imaging. 4224-4227 - Toshiyoshi Kimura, Tadashi Imai, Daisuke Sakaizawa, Jumpei Murooka, Rei Mitsuhashi:
The overview and status of vegetation Lidar mission, MOLI. 4228-4230 - Linda Mondin, Denny Wernham, Anders Elfving, Anne Grete Straume, Alain Culoma, Thomas Kanitz, Olivier Le Crenier, Jean-Claude Barthes, Dominique Thibault, Phil McGoldrick:
ESA space wind lidar mission: Approaching launch. 4231-4233 - Alain Lefebvre, Arnaud Hélière, Kotska Wallace, Hirotaka Nakatsuka, Eiichi Tomita:
The ESA EarthCARE mission development status. 4234-4237 - Shoken Ishii
, Kozo Okamoto, Philippe Baron
, Toshiyuki Ishibashi, Taichu Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Sekiyama, Takashi Maki, Takuji Kubota
, Yohei Satoh, Daisuke Sakaizawa, Koji Yamashita, Kyoka Gamo, Satoshi Ochiai, Motoaki Yasui, Riko Oki, Masaki Satoh, Toshiki Iwasaki
Study on measurement performance of future space-based Doppler wind lidar in Japan. 4238-4245 - Sari Metsämäki
, Elisabeth Ripper, Olli-Pekka Mattila
, Richard Fernandes, Gabriele Schwaizer, Kari Luojus
, Thomas Nagler, Bojan Bojkov, Michael Kern:
Evaluation of Northern Hemisphere and regional snow extent products within ESA SnowPEx-project. 4246-4249 - Shirui Hao, Lingmei Jiang
, Gongxue Wang, Xiaojing Liu:
The effect of scale and snow fragmentation on the accuracy of fractional snow cover data over the Tibetan Plateau. 4250-4253 - Simone Pettinato, Emanuele Santi
, Simonetta Paloscia, Mauro Valt:
Investigation of alpine snow features using COSMO-SkyMed images. 4254-4257 - Tianjie Zhao, Jiancheng Shi, Shaojie Zhao, Pingkai Wang, Shangnan Li, Chuan Xiong, Qing Xiao:
Multi-frequency microwave radiometric measurements of soil freeze-thaw process over seasonally frozen ground. 4258-4261 - Alexander S. Komarov
, Jack C. Landy
, Sergey A. Komarov, David G. Barber
Quantifying C-band scattering mechanisms from snow-covered first-year sea ice at the winter-spring transition. 4262-4265 - Masashi Sonobe, Hideki Hashiba:
Evaluation of damage and volcanic Hazard in Kuchinoerabu Island, Japan, by using high-resolution satellite images. 4266-4269 - Valerie Graw
, Carsten Oldenburg, Olena Dubovyk, Ruben Piroska:
Bush encroachment detection in Africa - A multi-scale approach. 4270-4273 - Jeanine Engelbrecht, Andre Theron
, Lufuno M. Vhengani:
A normalised difference alpha-angle approach to burn scar extraction on multiple-polarisation sar data. 4274-4277 - Markus Möller
, Henning Gerstmann, Thorsten Christian Dahms:
Phenological NDVI time series for the dynamic derivation of soil coverage information. 4278-4281 - Liangyun Liu
, Xiao Zhang, Yong Hu, Yingjie Wang:
Automatic land cover mapping for Landsat data based on the time-series spectral image database. 4282-4285 - Lola Fatoyinbo, Naiara Pinto, Michelle A. Hofton, Marc Simard, J. Bryan Blair, Sassan Saatchi, Yunling Lou, Ralph Dubayah, Scott Hensley, John Armston, Laura Duncanson
, Marco Lavalle:
The 2016 NASA AfriSAR campaign: Airborne SAR and Lidar measurements of tropical forest structure and biomass in support of future satellite missions. 4286-4287 - Matteo Pardini, Jun Su Kim, Kostas Papathanassiou, Irena Hajnsek
3-D structure observation of African tropical forests with multi-baseline SAR: Results from the AfriSAR campaign. 4288-4291 - Seung-Kuk Lee, Temilola Fatoyinbo, Batuhan Osmanoglu, David Lagomasino
, Emanuelle Feliciano:
3D forest structure parameter retrieval: Polarimetric SAR interferometry and waveform lidar airborne data. 4292-4293 - Michelle A. Hofton, James Blair, David Rabine, Colleen Brooks, Helen G. Cornejo:
Canopy height and structure measurements of Gabon from medium-footprint waveform lidar. 4294-4295 - Batuhan Osmanoglu, Rafael F. Rincon
, Seung-Kuk Lee, Tobias Bollian, Temilola Fatoyinbo:
Forest structure retrieval from EcoSAR P-band single-pass interferometry. 4296-4305 - Guillaume Brigot, Marc Simard, Elise Colin Koeniguer
, Cedric Taillandier:
Prediction of forest canopy structure from PolInSAR dataset. 4306-4309 - Lars M. H. Ulander, Albert R. Monteith
Time series of P- and L-band forest backscatter from BorealScat. 4310-4313 - Michael Denbina, Marc Simard:
Kapok: An open source python library for polinsar forest height estimation using uavsar data. 4314-4317 - Yang Lei, Robert N. Treuhaft, Michael Keller, Richard M. Lucas
, Paul Siqueira, Michael Schmidt:
LARGE-scale fine-resolution products of forest disturbance using new approaches from spacborne sar interferometry. 4318-4321 - Thomas Jagdhuber, Martin J. Baur, Moritz Link, Maria Piles
, Dara Entekhabi, Carsten Montzka, Jaakko Seppänen
, Oleg Antropov
, Jaan Praks
, Alexander Löw:
PHYSICS-based retrieval of scattering albedo and vegetation optical depth using multi-sensor data integration. 4322-4325 - Tracy Adole
, Jadunandan Dash
, Peter M. Atkinson:
RECENT trends in the land surface phenology of africa observed at a fine spatial scale. 4326-4329 - Ramses A. Molijn
, Lorenzo Iannini, Ramon F. Hanssen
, Freek J. van Leijen
, Rubens A. C. Lamparelli, Alexandre Camargo Coutinho:
Integration of sar and optical dense time series for land cover monitoring. 4330-4333 - Longfei Tan, Ling Tong
, Yan Chen, Yalin Zhu, Chongdi Duan:
Estimation of underlying submerge based on microwave model and dynamic programming algorithm. 4334-4337 - Tianxing Chu, Michael J. Starek, Michael J. Brewer, Seth C. Murray
MULTI-platform uas imaging for crop height estimation: Performance analysis over an experimental maize field. 4338-4341 - Chuanqi Zhong, Yunping Chen, Ling Tong
, Jia Huang, Jiaming Liang:
A new method of leaf area index measurement based on the digital images. 4342-4345 - Maria Piles
, Gustavo Camps-Valls
, David Chaparro
, Dara Entekhabi, Alexandra Georges Konings, Thomas Jagdhuber:
Remote sensing of vegetation dynamics in agro-ecosystems using smap vegetation optical depth and optical vegetation indices. 4346-4349 - Anjin Chang, Jinha Jung
, Junho Yeom, Murilo M. Maeda, Juan Landivar:
Sorghum panicle extraction from unmanned aerial system data. 4350-4353 - Heather McNairn, Saeid Homayouni
, Mehdi Hosseini, Jarrett Powers, Keith Beckett, William Parkinson:
Compact polarimetric synthetic aperture radar for monitoring crop condition. 4358-4361 - David Chaparro
, Mercè Vall-Llossera
, Adriano Camps, Maria Piles
, Alexandra Georges Konings, Dara Entekhabi:
SMAP Multi-Temporal vegetation optical depth retrieval as an indicator of crop yield trends and crop composition. 4362-4365 - Lingli Zhao, Jie Yang, Pingxiang Li, Jinqi Zhao, Lei Shi, Zhaoxiang Yuan:
Detection of the lodged area of wheat by the use of radarsat-2 polarimetric sar imagery. 4366-4369 - Virginia Brancato, Irena Hajnsek
Agricultural biomass maps based on polarimetric differential SAR interferometry. 4370-4373 - Thorsten Dahms, Christopher Conrad, Dinesh Kumar Babu, Marco Schmidt
, Erik Borg:
Derivation of biophysical parameters from fused remote sensing data. 4374-4377 - Claire G. Boryan, Zhengwei Yang
, Robert Seffrin, Patrick Willis:
Evaluating the impact of training data pixel level buffering on area sampling frame stratification results and crop estimates. 4378-4381 - Shelley Haupt, Jeanine Engelbrecht, Jaco Kemp
Predicting modis EVI from SAR parameters using random forests algorithms. 4382-4385 - Shan Lu
Imapcts of leaf surfaces on the estimation of leaf chlorophyll content using spectral indices. 4386-4389 - Roberto Luciani, Giovanni Laneve, Munzer Jahjah, Mito Collins:
Crop species classification: A phenology based approach. 4390-4393 - Yan Li, Chunlin Huang, Juan Gu:
Mapping daily evapotranspiration using ASTER and MODIS images based on data fusion over irrigated agricultural areas. 4394-4397 - Friedhelm Rostan, Dieter Ulrich, Sebastian Riegger, Allan Østergaard:
Metop-sg sca wind scatterometer: Development status and results. 4398-4401 - Christopher Buck, Rolv Midthassel, Damiano Trenta:
Wivern: Status of the Doppler wind and precipitation concept. 4406-4408 - Taoli Yang, Yong Wang
, Haitao Wang, Yan Jiang:
High resolution rotating fan-beam scatterometer imaging based on sparse recovery. 4409-4412 - Shashank S. Joshil, Robert M. Beauchamp, V. Chandrasekar:
Recent advancements on range ambiguity characterization and mitigation for the NASA D3R. 4413-4416 - Volkan Akgül
, Shuanggen Jin
, Gokhan Gurbuz
Assessment of high-order ionopsheric effects on GPS-estimated precipitable water vapor. 4417-4420 - Wei Guo, Jie Chen, Wei Yang, Shaun Quegan:
Impact of vertical electron density distribution on ionospheric total electron content measurements based on spaceborne low-frequency SAR. 4421-4424 - Ednofri, Falin Wu
, Yan Zhao, Dessi Marlia, Yuichi Otsuka
, Mamoru Ishii:
Statistical analysis of the occurrences of mstids observed by all-sky imager in low magnetic latitude. 4425-4428 - Zijin Zhang, Xiaolong Dong
Retrieval of sea surface barometric pressure under clear sky by passive microwave measurements. 4429-4432 - Thomas Sievert, Mats I. Pettersson
, Viet Thuy Vu, Joel Rasch, Anders Carlström:
Determining the refractivity at the bottom of the atmosphere using radio occultation. 4433-4436 - Olivier Boisot
, Sébastien Angélliaume, Charles-Antoine Guérin, Veronique Miegebielle:
Introduction to oil quantification on sea surface from microwaves polarimetric SAR measurements. 4437-4440 - Alexander G. Voronovich, Valery U. Zavorotny
Diffuse bistatic scattering in the case of small-to-moderate ocean surface roughness. 4445-4448 - Zaynab Guerraou, Sébastien Angélliaume, Charles-Antoine Guérin:
Multifrequency analysis of radar sea clutter directionnal asymmetries. 4453-4455 - Mostafa Zaky, Kamal Sarabandi:
Electromagnetic scattering full-wave solver for snowpacks. 4456-4458 - Ying Yang, Kun-Shan Chen, Peng Xu, Yu Liu:
An update of AIEM model with multiple scattering of rough surface. 4459-4462 - DaHan Liao:
Application of discrete scatterer technique for scene response estimation in fopen radar simulations. 4463-4466 - Yang Wu, Yin Zhang, Yongchao Zhang, Deqing Mao, Yulin Huang, Yuebo Zha:
The regularization method based on tsvd for forward-looking radar angular superresolution. 4467-4470 - Ines Fenni, Ziad S. Haddad, Helene Roussel, Raj Mittra:
Efficient calculation of orientationally averaged scattering from complex-geometry ice particles. 4471-4474 - Stéphane Chevrel, Michael Abrams, Cindy Ong:
The geo community activity "earth observations for managing mineral and non-renewable energy resources": History, present and future activities. 4475-4476 - Michael Abrams:
Global geoscience maps from ASTER data. 4477-4478 - Marc-Andre Gagnon, Pierre Tremblay, Simon Savary, Vince Morton, Vincent Farley, Martin Chamberland:
Direct imaging of shale gas leaks using passive thermal infrared hyperspectral imaging. 4479-4481 - Ian C. Lau
, Cindy C. H. Ong
, Carsten Laukamp, Patrice de Caritat, Matilda Thomas:
The acquisition and processing of voluminous spectral reflectance measurements of soils and powders for national datasets. 4482-4484 - Laure Capar, Anne Bourguignon
, Cedric Duee, Xavier Bourrat, Stéphane Chevrel, Valerie Laperche
, Nicolas Maubec
, Sebastien Montech, Beate Orberger, Anne Salaün, Celine Rodriguez:
Determination of spectra characteristics of laterite drill-core for "on line-on site" real-time automated mineralogy detection. 4485-4488 - Anne Papenfua, Michaela Frei, Uwe Meyer, Malte Ibs-von Seht:
Hyperspectral and geophysical survey for the development of new exploration approaches in the Iberian Pyrite Belt/Spain. 4489-4492 - John C. Mars, Jane M. Hammarstrom, Gilpin R. Robinson, Steve Ludington
, Lukas Zurcher, Helen Folger, Mark E. Gettings, Federico Solano
, Tom Kress:
New method to integrate remotely sensed hydrothermal alteration mapping into quantitative mineral resource assessments. 4493-4496 - Derek M. Rogge, Julian Zeidler, Agnes Bauer, Andreas Müller, Thomas Esch, Uta Heiden
The Landsat soil composite mapping processor (SCMAP): AN OPUS product. 4497-4500 - Pilong Shi, Bihong Fu, Thomas Cudahy, Qiang Guo, Huan Xu, Xiuyan Chen, Yuanxu Ma
, Guoliang Xue:
Desertification monitoring using the ASTER global emissivity dataset. 4501-4504 - Na Li, Jieying He, Shengwei Zhang, Naimeng Lu:
Rainfall retrievals using 118GHz and 183GHz channels of MWHS-II on FY-3C Meteorological satellite. 4505-4508 - Ian Stuart Adams, Justin Bobak:
The feasibility of detecting supercooled liquid with a forward-looking radiometer. 4509-4511 - Kun Zhang, Albin J. Gasiewski:
Symmetry analysis of DDSCAT-based phase matrix for 3-D microwave RT model development. 4512-4515 - Hye-Won Kim, Jong-Min Yeom, Sun-Hee Woo:
Study on the cloud masking method of geostationary ocean color imager utilizing a model-based surface reflectance over land surface. 4516-4518 - Steven Ryan Gooch
, Venkatachalam Chandrasekar:
Integration of real-time weather radar data and Internet of Things with cloud-hosted real-time data services for the geosciences (CHORDS). 4519-4521 - Abel Morales-Fernandez, Sandra Cruz-Pol:
Sub-daily rainfall variability on the west of Puerto Rico using TRMM and goes satellite and tropinet ground-based radar data. 4522-4525 - Joseph Waldinger, Thomas Hartley, William Heberling, Stephen J. Frasier, Robin Tanamachi
S-band FMCW boundary layer profiler: System upgrades and results. 4526-4529 - Boon H. Lim, Rudi Bendig, Richard F. Denning, Prashanth Pandian, William Read, Alan B. Tanner:
The microwave temperature and humidity profiler instrument airborne shakeout performance. 4530-4533 - Asi Zhang, Sheng Chen, Shaojia Fan:
Comparison of extreme precipitation estimation from GPM dual-frequency radar and ground-based radar network in Southern China. 4534-4537 - Haonan Chen
, V. Chandrasekar:
Characterization and estimation of precipitation over the olympic mountains experiment (OLYMPEx) region. 4538-4541 - Varsha Turkar
, Y. S. Rao, Anup Das:
Land cover classification for various features using optimum Touzi decomposition parameters. 4542-4545 - Liping Yang, Xiaohui Sun, Xiaodong Feng, Fei Liu:
A case study of scattering characteristics detection using polsar data in Northwest arid China. 4546-4549 - Lamei Zhang, Baolong Duan, Yan Cheng:
An improved hybrid inversion method for polarimetric SAR interferometry. 4550-4553 - Davide Pirrone
, Shaunak De, Avik Bhattacharya, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Francesca Bovolo:
Unsupervised change detection in built-up areas by multi-temporal polarimetric SAR images. 4554-4557 - Gopal Singh Phartiyal, Kundan Kumar, Dharmendra Singh, Keshav P. Singh:
Optimal use of polarimetric signature on PALSAR-2 data for land cover classification. 4558-4561 - Bin Zou, Chengyi Wang, Chengyi Wang, Lamei Zhang:
Coastline detection based on polarimetric characteristics and mathematical morphology using PolSAR images. 4562-4565 - Debo Li, Yu Gu, Shuiping Gou, Licheng Jiao:
Full polarization SAR image classification using deep learning with shallow feature. 4566-4569 - Wei Wang, Qinglin Zhai, Yifang Ban, Jun Zhang, Jianwei Wan:
PolSAR image segmentation based on hierarchical region merging and segment refinement with WMRF model. 4574-4577 - Lamei Zhang, Cuijuan Han, Yan Cheng:
Improved SLIC superpixel generation algorithm and its application in polarimetric SAR images classification. 4578-4581 - Mohammed Dabboor, Suman Singha, Konstantinos N. Topouzelis, Dean Flett:
Oil spill detection using simulated radarsat constellation mission compact polarimetric SAR data. 4582-4585 - Mohammed Dabboor, Brian Brisco, Sarah N. Banks, Kevin Murnaghan, Lori White:
Multitemporal monitoring of wetlands using simulated radarsat constellation mission compact polarimetric SAR data. 4586-4589 - Wensheng Wang, Martin Gade
, Xiaofeng Yang
A new approach to use dual-polarized SAR imagery for the detection of bivalve beds on exposed intertidal flats. 4590-4593 - Xiaofeng Zhou, Shuang Wang, Wenqiang Hua, Yang Zhao, Chuang Liu:
Unsupervised classification of PolSAR data based on a novel polarization feature. 4594-4597 - Lijun Lu, Guoman Huang, Wenxiang Liu, Qianxiang Xu:
The dual-aspect radiometric terrain correction with PolSAR images. 4598-4601 - Mario Costantini, Fabio Malvarosa, Federico Minati, Francesco Trillo, Francesco Vecchioli:
Complementarity of high-resolution COSMO-SkyMed and medium-resolution Sentinel-1 SAR interferometry: Quantitative analysis of real target displacement and 3D positioning measurement precision, and potential operational scenarios. 4602-4605 - Joshua Cohen, Piyush Shanker Agram, Sean Buckley, Paul Rosen, Eric Gurrola:
Leveraging GPUs for handling large SAR data volumes for the NISAR mission. 4606-4609 - Zheyuan Du
, Linlin Ge, Alex Hay-Man Ng
, Xiaojing Li:
An innovative distributed scatterer based time-series InSAR method over underground mining region. 4610-4613 - Zheyuan Du
, Linlin Ge, Alex Hay-Man Ng
, Xiaojing Li:
Ground deformation monitoring in Beijing using both Sentinel and ALOS. 4614-4617 - Taichi Tanaka, Osamu Hoshuyama:
Persistent scatterer clustering for structure displacement analysis based on phase correlation network. 4618-4621 - Colin P. Schwegmann, Waldo Kleynhans
, Jeanine Engelbrecht, L. W. Mdakane, Rory Meyer:
Subsidence feature discrimination using deep convolutional neural networks in synthetic aperture radar imagery. 4626-4629 - Lamei Zhang, Ligang Zou:
Polarimetric SAR images classification via FCM-based selective ensemble learning. 4630-4633 - Yeseul Kim, No-Wook Park:
Comparison of regression models for spatial downscaling of coarse scale satellite-based precipitation products. 4634-4637 - Ling Li, Sheng Chen, Xiong-Fa Mai:
Sub-pixel precipitation nowcasting over Guangdong Province using optical flow algorithm. 4638-4641 - Delbert Willie:
Assessment of quantitative precipitation estimation over the four corners region. 4642-4643 - Masahiro Nishio, Masatoshi Mori:
X-band MP radar data in analysis of heavy rain disaster due to Typhoon number 18. 4644-4647 - Dabin Ji
, Jiancheng Shi:
A decade of daily total precipitable water dataset in all-weather condition. 4648-4650 - Ke Chen, Albin J. Gasiewski, Kun Zhang, Gongwei Li, Wei Guo, Liang Lang, Anjie Cao:
Simulation analysis of geostionary passive microwave observation for tropical cyclone. 4651-4654 - Jieying He, Shengwei Zhang, Jin Zhao:
Analysis of total precipitable water and cloud liquid water from MWHTS and ACMR observations. 4655-4658 - Yuanyuan Yang, Yong Wang
, Hong Li:
Analysis of methane emission using sciamachy data coupled with temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture in alpine wetland of Zoige, China. 4659-4662 - Cheng Fan
, Yong Xue, Jie Guang, Lu She, Ying Li, Yahui Che
Moon-based occultation observation for atmospheric phenomena. 4663-4665 - Jie Zhan, Yesheng Gao, Xingzhao Liu:
Measuring the optical scattering characteristics of large particles in visible remote sensing. 4666-4669 - Hui Chen, Yesheng Gao, Xingzhao Liu:
Scattering property measurements with adaptive algorithm. 4670-4672 - Yili Zhao, Yubao Chen, Bai Li, Chuntao Chen, Jianhua Zhu, Xiaoqi Huang:
A study on detecting water vapor profile using ground based microwave radiometer and cloud radar. 4673-4676 - Haitao Lv
, Yong Wang
, Yuanyuan Yang:
Thin cloud detection using spectral similarity in coastal and blue bands of Landsat-8 data. 4677-4680 - Tianxing Wang
, Jiancheng Shi, Husi Letu, Tianjie Zhao, Dabin Ji
, Chuan Xiong, Ya Ma, Wang Zhou
, Yuechi Yu
, Rui Zhao:
New progress in deriving cloudy-sky land surface longwave radiation based on multiple remotely sensed data. 4681-4683 - Ronghua Liu, Yingzhao Ma, Yuan Yang
, Zhongying Han, Guoqiang Tang
, Qi Liu, Yang Hong
Error analysis of ensemble multi-satellite precipitation datasets over the Tibetan Plateau. 4684-4687 - Sheng Wang, Qiang Zhang, Yaohui Li, Lijuan Wang, Jianhua Zhao, Ping Yue, Xing Wang, Xiaocui Hao:
Study on dew characteristics in Loess Plateau, China. 4688-4691 - Soo Chin Liew
, Wee Juan Tan, Leong Keong Kwoh:
Post-launch radiometric calibration of TeLEOS-1 satellite imaging sensor. 4692-4694 - Xiaoxiong Xiong, Amit Angal, Aisheng Wu, Zhipeng Wang
, William L. Barnes, Vincent V. Salomonson:
15 Years of Aqua MODIS on-orbit operation, calibration, and performance. 4695-4698 - Yaokai Liu, Chuanrong Li, Lingling Ma, Ning Wang, Yonggang Qian, Lingli Tang:
An automatic reflectance-based approach to vicarious radiometric calibrate the Landsat8 operational land imager. 4699-4702 - Tao He, Yi Zhang
, Shunlin Liang, Yunyue Yu:
Devalopping hourly surface albedo product for GOES-R ABI. 4703-4706 - Yuerong Cai, Xianyi Wang, Yueqiang Sun, Qifei Du, Lipeng Yue, Jianjun Zhang, Weihua Bai, Dongwei Wang, Chunjun Wu, Yusen Tian, Xiangguang Meng
, Junming Xia, Congliang Liu, Danyang Zhao
, Cheng Liu, Wei Li:
GOPA: A radiation hardened GNSS baseband asic for GNOS series. 4707-4709 - Jingli Wang, Xulin Liu:
A new visiometer system via automatic observation. 4710-4713 - Gokhan Gurbuz
, Shuanggen Jin
GPS observations of tropospheric disturbances following the 2010 MW=8.8 Chile earthquake. 4718-4721 - Dessi Marlia, Falin Wu
, Sri Ekawati
, Sefria Anggarani, Wasiu Akande Ahmed, Ed Nofri, Byambakhuu Gantumur
Ionospheric scintillation mapping at low latitude: Over Indonesia. 4722-4725 - Sirish Uprety, Changyong Cao, Yalong Gu, Xi Shao:
Improving the low light radiance calibration of S-NPP VIIRS day/night band in the NOAA operations. 4726-4729 - Victor-Emil Neagoe, Vlad Chirila-Berbentea:
A novel approach for semi-supervised classification of remote sensing images using a clustering-based selection of training data according to their GMM responsibilities. 4730-4733 - Yifan Zhang, Duanguang Zhang, Jun Sun, Yang Peng:
Hyperspectral image subpixel mapping based on spatial-spectral endmember dictionary with collaborative representation. 4734-4737 - Yan Xu, Qian Du
, Wei Li, Chen Chen, Nicolas H. Younan:
Nonlinear classification of multispectral imagery using representation-based classifiers. 4738-4741 - Qi Liu, Yawen Zhang, Qin Lv, Li Shang:
Data quality screening for high-resolution satellite imagery via spectral clustering. 4742-4745 - Anzhi Yue, Yu Meng, Jiansheng Chen, Qingqing Huang, Chengyi Wang, Jingbo Chen, Dong-xu He:
Decision tree coupled with feature optimization for object-based classification of ZY-1-02C satellite images. 4746-4749 - Yao Liu, Wenjuan Zhang, Bing Zhang, Yingzhao Ma:
A reflectance image simulation method for atmospheric absorption bands centered at 2.7 micron. 4750-4753 - Yanfei Liu, Yanfei Zhong, Ji Zhao, Ailong Ma, Qianqing Qin:
Scene semantic classification based on scale invariance convolutional neural networks. 4754-4757 - Le Sun, Byeungwoo Jeon
, Yuhui Zheng, Yang Xu, Zebin Wu
Homogeneous region based low rank representation in hidden field for hyperspectral classification. 4758-4761 - Junshi Xia, Naoto Yokoya
, Akira Iwasaki:
Ensemble of transfer component analysis for domain adaptation in hyperspectral remote sensing image classification. 4762-4765 - Tao Wu, Xi Chen
, Lei Xie, Zhongquan Qiu:
An optimized K-means clustering algorithm based on BC-QPSO for remote sensing image. 4766-4769 - Shailesh Deshpande, Shamsuddin Ladha, Hemant Aggarwal
, Piyush Yadav:
Extraction of themes from aerial imagery using latent dirichlet allocation. 4770-4773 - Shuang Zhu, Jinshui Zhang, Guanyuan Shuai, Zhoumiqi Yuan:
Support vector domain description model to map specific land cover with optimal parameters determined from window-based validation set. 4774-4777 - Peng Wang
, Liguo Wang:
Producing fine resolution thematic map using interpolation then classification. 4778-4781 - Min Wang, Jiru Huang, Qi Cui, Jie Wang:
An object-based image analysis system based on region-line primitive association framework. 4782-4785 - Shi He, Hong Tang, Haitao Jing, Tianjie Lei, Jiehai Cheng:
Weakly supervised landslide detection using medlda regression model. 4786-4789 - Tao Sun, Yu Zhao, Changjun Liu, Gang Fu, Rong Zhou, Fangxiao Chen, Daming Lu, Yaguang Gong, Wenbo Fu, Lei Wang:
Monitoring of disturbed land based on convolution neural network. 4790-4793 - Dengkai Chi
, Hong Wang:
Study on variations of growing season for different vegetation types in Xilingol League, China. 4794-4797 - Xiangrong Zhang, Xiang Li, Jinliang An, Li Gao, Biao Hou, Chen Li:
Natural language description of remote sensing images based on deep learning. 4798-4801 - Kenneth-Yeonkong Ma, Yi-Mei Kuo, Yen-Chieh Ouyang
, Chein-I Chang:
Improving pesticide residues detection using band prioritization and constrained energy minimization. 4802-4805 - Abdelmounaime Safia, Kalifa Goita:
Mapping ash trees from WorldView-2 and 3 data. 4806-4809 - Yikun Yang, Lin Sun, Jinshan Zhu, Renli Wang, Qinghua Su, Jing Wei
, Fangwei Liu, Chen Jia:
Detection and validation of dust storm from NPP VIIRS. 4810-4812 - Fabio Giovanneschi, Kumar Vijay Mishra, María Antonia González-Huici, Yonina C. Eldar, Joachim H. G. Ender:
Online dictionary learning aided target recognition in cognitive GPR. 4813-4816 - Ülo Suursaar
, Kadri Vilumaa
, Hannes Tõnisson, Are Kont:
Marks of past storminess on baltic uplifting coasts and the perspective of future climate change. 4817-4820 - Zhiyou Hong, Zhipeng Luo, Jonathan Li
, Zhenmiao Deng, Yiping Chen
, Yu Zhang:
Use of ground penetrating radar for detecting underground holes in urban areas: XMU's experience. 4821-4824 - Samuel C. Carey, Waymond R. Scott:
Software defined radio for stepped-frequency, ground-penetrating radar. 4825-4828 - Jonathan E. Gabbay, Waymond R. Scott:
The eigendecomposition of the eddy current problem in thin conducting shells. 4829-4832 - Eyyup Temlioglu, Isin Erer
, Deniz Kumlu:
A least mean square approach to buried object detection in ground penetrating radar. 4833-4836 - Shanshan Li, Geng-Ming Jiang:
Land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat-8 data. 4837-4840 - Chuan Zhan, Bo-Hui Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Hua Wu, Ruofei Zhong:
Extension of the generalized split-window algorithm for land surface temperature retrieval to atmospheres with air temperature inversion. 4841-4844 - Xiaodong Zhang, Ji Zhou, Changming Yin:
Direct estimation of 1-KM land surface temperature from AMSR2 brightness temperature. 4845-4847 - Salim Malek
, Farid Melgani:
Autoencoding approach to the cloud removal problem. 4848-4850 - Meng Liu, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Yunjun Yao, Guangjian Yan
Global land surface evapotranspiration estimation from MERRA dataset and MODIS product using the support vector machine. 4851-4854 - Chunlei Wang, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li:
Estimation of downwelling surface longwave radiation under thin cirrus cloud Sky with artificial neural network method. 4855-4858 - Ji Zhou, Xiaodong Zhang, Fengnan Dai, Changming Yin:
An enhanced semi-empirical method to estimate land surface temperature from AMSR2 observation. 4859-4861 - Yongmin Kim, Soo Bong Lee, Hyewon Yun, Jinyoung Kim, Youngjin Park:
A drought analysis method based on modis satellite imagery and AWS data. 4862-4865 - Yaqin Ye, Zejun Zuo, Xiaohui Yuan
, Siyu Zhang, Xiu Zeng, Ying An, Bo Chen:
Geographically weighted regression model for urban traffic black-spot analysis. 4866-4869 - Ying Li, Yong Xue, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, Lu She, Cheng Fan
, Guili Chen:
Estimating ground-level PM2.5 concentration in beijing using BP ANN model from satellite data. 4870-4873 - Soo Bong Lee, Hien Phu La, Yongmin Kim, Lee Dalgeun
, Jinyoung Kim, Youngjin Park:
Improvement on image simulation from multitemporal Landsat images. 4874-4877 - Hanning Chen, Yong Wang
, Shuxu Gao:
Assessing relationship of air quality index and vegetation type using hyperspectral remote sensing. 4878-4881 - Marcelo Kehl de Souza, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Francisco M. W. Tognoli, Luiz Gonzaga Jr.
, Lais V. de Souza, Marcus V. L. Kochhann
, Nadine G. da Silva, Fernando P. Marson, Joice Cagliari:
Identification and quantification of kaolinite in mixtures with goethite using short-wave infrared (SWIR) reflectance spectroscopy. 4882-4885 - Yin Gao, Guofeng Wu, Faliang Wang, Wei Li
, Yinru Lei, Baodi Sun, Lijuan Cui:
Feasibility of estimating heavy metal concentrations in wetland soil using hyperspectral technology. 4886-4889 - Yu Liu, Kun-Shan Chen, Zhao-Liang Li:
Modeling microwave bistatic scattering from rice canopy based on radiative transfer equation and antenna array theory. 4890-4893 - Mehmet Kurum, Manohar Deshpande, Alicia T. Joseph, Peggy E. O'Neill, Roger H. Lang, Orhan Eroglu:
Development of a coherent bistatic vegetation model for signal of opportunity applications at VHF/UHF-bands. 4894-4896 - Esmaeil Khedri, Mahdi Hasanlou
, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad:
Semi-analytical soil moisture retrieval using PolSAR imagery. 4897-4900 - Alejandro Monsivais-Huertero
, Pang-Wei Liu, Jasmeet Judge
, Subit Chakrabarti:
Scattering modeling of dynamic soybean during SMAPVEX16-MicroWEX. 4901-4903 - Chen Guo, Hang Dong, Gary Mavko, Richard C. Liu:
An ultra-wideband measurement method of rock permittivity. 4904-4907 - Alejandro Monsivais-Huertero
, Pang-Wei Liu, Jasmeet Judge
, Subit Chakrabarti:
Backscattering model for dynamic corn during SMAPVEX16-MicroWEX. 4908-4911 - Aymeric Mainvis, Vincent Fabbro, Henri-José Mametsa, Christophe Bourlier, Philippe Lattes, Veronique Miegebielle:
Statistical study of radar backscattering from sea surfaces with oil slicks. 4912-4914 - Yanlei Du, Xiaofeng Yang
, Kun-Shan Chen, Ziwei Li:
A L-band semi-empirical ocean backscattering model. 4915-4918 - Jinshen Wang, Fugen Zhou:
Electromagnetic scattering from 2-D sea surface with 3-D electrically large ship by parallel MLFMA. 4922-4925 - Ya-Qiu Jin, Niutao Liu:
Inversion of dielectric properties of Lunar PSR regions using UHF radar range pol-echoes. 4926-4927 - Peng Xu, Kun-Shan Chen:
Circularly polarized bistatic scattering from sastrugi surfaces. 4928-4931 - Ruijing Sun, Xiuzhen Han, Yeping Zhang:
Comparison of the soil moisture products from FY-3B/MWRI and CLDAS-V1.0 over China. 4932-4934 - Tao Zhang, Yunqing Li, Shaojie Zhao, Bing Lei, Shirui Hao:
Component soil moisture retrieval using observations of different wheat row-structures from a truck-mounted microwave radiometer. 4935-4938 - Luca Cenci, Luca Pulvirenti, Giorgio Boni, Marco Chini
, Patrick Matgen
, Simone Gabellani
, Giuseppe Squicciarino, Valerio Basso, Flavio Pignone, Nazzareno Pierdicca
Exploiting Sentinel 1 data for improving (flash) flood modelling via data assimilation techniques. 4939-4942 - Seyed Hamed Alemohammad
, Jana Kolassa
, Catherine Prigent, Filipe Aires, Pierre Gentine
Statistical retrieval of surface and root zone soil moisture using synergy of multi-frequency remotely-sensed observations. 4943-4946 - Hongquan Wang, Ramata Magagi, Kalifa Goita:
Polarimetric decomposition of multi-angular SAR data for soil moisture retrieval over agricultural fields. 4947-4950 - Huizhen Cui, Lingmei Jiang
, Zheng Lu
, Gongxue Wang, Jian Wang:
Improvement and validation of QP model with dual-channel soil moisture retrieval algorithm in Genhe, China. 4951-4954 - Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Morteza Sadeghi, Mahta Moghaddam
, Markus Tuller
, Scott B. Jones:
Retrieval of AirMOSS root-zone soil moisture profile with a richards' equation-based approach. 4955-4958 - Maheshwari Neelam, Andreas Colliander, Binayak P. Mohanty, Thomas J. Jackson, Michael H. Cosh, Sidharth Misra:
Multi-scale surface roughness model for soil moisture retrieval. 4963-4965 - Quan Chen, Haoran Tao, Wei Zhang, Zhen Li, Ping Zhang:
Experiment and analysis of retrieving land surface parameters using polarization radar images in Genhe area of China. 4968-4971 - Chen Guo, Yan Chen, Hang Dong, Wei Li, Lidong Liu, Richard C. Liu:
Soil moisture content measurement using GPR data inversion. 4972-4975 - Lele Li, Haihua Chen, Lei Guan:
Retrieval of snow depth on sea ice in the arctic from FY3B/MWRI. 4976-4979 - Hiroyuki Wakabayashi, Kohei Cho:
Polarimetric characteristics of ice on lake saroma observed by PI-SAR-L2. 4980-4983 - Ludovic Brucker
, Guillaume Vernières:
A novel approach to retrieve arctic sea ice thickness for prediction and analysis. 4984-4986 - Alexander S. Komarov
, Mark Buehner:
Use of sequential SAR images for detecting ice and water in view of data assimilation. 4987-4990 - Lei Wang, Katharine Andrea Scott, David A. Clausi, Yan Xu:
Ice concentration estimation in the gulf of St. Lawrence using fully convolutional neural network. 4991-4994 - Zhizhong Chen, Linna Chai
, Wenxing Hu, Xiaojing Liu:
Multiscale retrieval of winter wheat water content. 4999-5002 - Huiling Long, Chunjiang Zhao, Guijun Yang, Haikuan Feng, Yanan Wang:
Remote estimation of maize carbon sequestration capacity based on eddy covariance flux measurements. 5003-5006 - Nataliia Kussul
, Mykola Lavreniuk, Sergii Skakun
, Andrii Shelestov:
Cropland productivity assessment for Ukraine based on time series of optical satellite images. 5007-5010 - Gabriel de Oliveira, Nathaniel A. Brunsell
Use of MODIS products to assess the impacts of the 2012 drought on ET and GPP in a perennial agriculture system in Kansas. 5011-5014 - Shuhe Zhao, Qiangfei Fang, Kexun He, Zhihao Qin:
Drought distribution and its effects on wheat yields in China using MODIS data. 5015-5018 - Hugo Carreno-Luengo
, Stephen T. Lowe, Cinzia Zuffada, Stephan Esterhuizen, Shadi Oveisgharan:
GNSS-R from the SMAP and CyGNSS missions: Application to polarimetric scatterometry and ocean altimetry. 5019-5021 - Daniel Pascual
, Raul Onrubia
, Jorge Querol
, Hyuk Park
, Adriano Camps:
Calibration of GNSS-R receivers with PRN signal injection: Methodology and validation with the microwave interferometric reflectometer (MIR). 5022-5025 - Raul Onrubia
, Daniel Pascual
, Jorge Querol
, Hyuk Park
, Adriano Camps:
Beamformer characterization of the MIR instrument: The microwave interferometric reflectometer. 5026-5029 - Chaoqun Gao, Dongkai Yang, Xuejing Qiu, Lei Yang, Yao Xu, Yunlong Zhu:
First experiment about traffic flow detection by using GNSS-R. 5030-5033 - Shuigen Wang, Chenwei Deng, Xun Liu, Zhenzhen Li, Fan Feng, Baojun Zhao:
Cloud-cover assessment: From spectral properties to spatial domain natural scene statistic. 5034-5037 - Liling Liu, Xiaolong Dong
, Wenming Lin, Jintai Zhu, Di Zhu:
Analysis of Backus-Gilbert approach on resolution enhancement of dual-frequency polarized scatterometer. 5038-5041 - Fugang Lu, Shichao Chen, Jun Wang, Ming Liu, Taoli Yang:
A millimeter wave seeker performance evaluation method based on differential global position system. 5042-5045 - Huanjun Liu, Zhengchao Qiu, Linghua Meng, Mengyuan Xu
, Yue Pan, Xinle Zhang:
Delineation of site-specific management zone based on SPOT6/7 remote sensing image in black soil area, Northeast China. 5046-5049 - Junho Yeom, Jinha Jung
, Anjin Chang, Murilo M. Maeda, Juan Landivar:
Cotton growth modeling using unmanned aerial vehicle vegetation indices. 5050-5052 - Linsheng Huang, Shasha Zhang, Jinling Zhao, Wenjiang Huang, Jinyang Huang
, Xiaobo Qi:
Multi-temporal MOD09A1-based detecting of major growth stages of paddy rice on a provincial scale. 5053-5056 - Haikuan Feng
, Haojie Pei, Fuqin Yang, Guijun Yang, Zhenhai Li
, Xiaodong Yang, Huiling Long, Xiuliang Jin
Estimation of leaf nitrogen content of maize based on Akaike's information criterion in Beijing. 5057-5060 - Huiling Long, Chunjiang Zhao, Guijun Yang, Haikuan Feng, Qingyun Xu:
Cropland production potential monitoring using long-term crop dynamics. 5065-5068 - Yanbo Huang, Haibo Yao
, Feng Zhao, Krishna N. Reddy
Detection of crop herbicide injury through plant hyperspectral remote sensing of chlorophyll fluorescence. 5069-5072 - Chinatsu Yonezawa
, Manabu Watanabe:
Airborne L-band SAR observation for paddy rice fields in semi-mountainous region. 5073-5076 - Dorj Ichikawa, Koji Wakamori, Naohiro Oguri:
Agricultural monitoring using multi-satellite data. 5077-5080 - Mohanad Albughdadi, Denis Kouame, Guillaume Rieu, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Missing data reconstruction and anomaly detection in crop development using agronomic indicators derived from multispectral satellite images. 5081-5084 - Jinling Zhao, Junjie Guo, Chuang Liu, Dongyan Zhang, Linsheng Huang:
Monitoring of powdery mildew on Winter wheat using multi-temporal HJ-CCD imagery on a regional scale. 5085-5088 - Koji Wakamori, Dorj Ichikawa, Naohiro Oguri:
Estimation of rice growth status, protein content and yield prediction using multi-satellite data. 5089-5092 - Xie Hu, Zhong Lu, Teng Wang, Thomas C. Pierson, Jinwoo Kim
, Thomas H. Cecere:
Time-series InSAR analysis of Cascade landslide complex, Washington, USA. 5093-5096 - Ying Liu, Hui Yue:
Dynamic monitoring of drought conditons in Henan province based on LAI-TS space. 5097-5100 - Cong Wang, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu
Analysis on difference of phenology extracted from EVI and LAI. 5101-5104 - Tao Zhang, Bing Lei, Yuhang Gan, Ke Liu, Jianhua Guo, Xiaohong Liu, Shirui Hao:
Evaluation of small watershed management efforts using ZY-3 satellite images - A case stduy in the water source area of middle route of south to North Water Diversion project. 5105-5108 - Qixia Man, Quanyuan Wu, Pinliang Dong, Xinming Yang:
Analysis of urban land expansion and simulation of urban land use in Loukou City. 5109-5112 - Yuki Sofue, Buho Hoshino, Eunice Nduati, Akihiko Kondoh, Kenji Kai, Tsedendamba Purevsuren, Kenji Baba:
Remote sensing methodology for detection of environmental regime shifts in semi-arid region. 5113-5116 - Chiman Kwan
, Bence Budavari, Minh Dao, Bulent Ayhan, James F. Bell:
Pansharpening of Mastcam images. 5117-5120 - Yanan Gao, Xu Li, Ang Gao, Lixin Li, Shigang Yue:
A scale-aware pansharpening method with rolling guidance filter. 5121-5124 - Jiahui Qu, Yunsong Li, Wenqian Dong:
A new hyperspectral pansharpening method based on guided fliter. 5125-5128 - Jing Hu, Yunsong Li, Xi Zhao, Weiying Xie:
A spatial constraint and deep learning based hyperspectral image super-resolution method. 5129-5132 - Nie Li, Nan Huang, Liang Xiao:
PAN-Sharpening via residual deep learning. 5133-5136 - Azubuike Okorie
, Sokratis Makrogiannis
Automated feature-based registration techniques for satellite imagery. 5137-5140 - Yuanxin Ye, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Jie Shan
, Li Shen:
Fast and robust structure-based multimodal geospatial image matching. 5141-5144 - Pierre Minvielle:
Fast mutual information-based map model matching. 5149-5152 - Shuhan Chen, Xiaorun Li, Liaoying Zhao:
A novel local pettern based self-similarity descriptor for multisource remote sensing image registration. 5153-5156 - Emmanuel Maggiori
, Yuliya Tarabalka, Guillaume Charpiat, Pierre Alliez:
High-resolution image classification with convolutional networks. 5157-5160 - Michael Kampffmeyer, Arnt-Børre Salberg, Robert Jenssen:
Urban land cover classification with missing data using deep convolutional neural networks. 5161-5164 - Dimitrios Marmanis, Konrad Schindler, Jan Dirk Wegner, Mihai Datcu, Uwe Stilla:
Semantic segmentation of aerial images with explicit class-boundary modeling. 5165-5168 - Nicholus Mboga, Claudio Persello
, John Ray Bergado
, Alfred Stein:
Detection of informal settlements from VHR satellite images using convolutional neural networks. 5169-5172 - Shivangi Srivastava
, Michele Volpi
, Devis Tuia:
Joint height estimation and semantic labeling of monocular aerial images with CNNS. 5173-5176 - Wei Li, Guodong Wu, Qian Du
Transferred deep learning for hyperspectral target detection. 5177-5180 - Lichao Mou, Pedram Ghamisi, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Fully conv-deconv network for unsupervised spectral-spatial feature extraction of hyperspectral imagery via residual learning. 5181-5184 - Mario Parente, Ian Gemp, Ishan P. Durugkar:
Unmixing in the presence of nuisances with deep generative models. 5189-5192 - Shaunak De, Davide Pirrone
, Francesca Bovolo, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Avik Bhattacharya:
A novel change detection framework based on deep learning for the analysis of multi-temporal polarimetric SAR images. 5193-5196 - Mary J. Brodzik, Molly A. Hardman, David G. Long:
Leveraging metadata conventions to improve usability of an ease-grid 2.0 passive microwave data product. 5197-5200 - John L. Schnase, Mark L. Carroll, Roger Gill, Margaret Wooten
, Keith T. Weber
, Kindra Blair, Jeffrey May, William Toombs:
NASA Wrangler: Automated cloud-based data assembly in the recover wildfire decision support system. 5201-5204 - Sonam Singh, Sudeshna Sarkar
, Pabitra Mitra:
A deep learning based approach with adversarial regularization for Doppler weather radar ECHO prediction. 5205-5208 - Luiz Gonzaga Jr.
, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Demetrius Nunes Alves, Fabiane Bordin
, Gabriel Lanzer Kannenberg, Fernando P. Marson, Francisco M. W. Tognoli, Leonardo Campos Inocencio
MOSIS - Multi-outcrop sharing & interpretation system. 5209-5212 - Kuldeep R. Kurte
, Surya S. Durbha, Roger L. King, Nicolas H. Younan, Abhishek V. Potnis
A spatio-temporal ontological model for flood disaster monitoring. 5213-5216 - Weixin Zhai, Chengyu Qi, Chengqi Cheng, Shuang Li:
Spatial data management method with GeoSOT grid. 5217-5220 - Quan Zou, Guoqing Li, Wenyang Yu:
An integrated disaster rapid cloud service platform using remote sensing data. 5221-5224 - Xiaojie Yao, Fan Zhang, Xiong Sun, Qiang Yin, Wei Li:
Comparison of distributed GPU computing frameworks for SAR raw data simulation. 5225-5228 - Zheng-Shu Zhou, Peter Caccetta
, Drew Devereux, Mike Caccetta, Robert Woodcock, Matt Paget, Alex Held:
Preparation of analysis ready polsar data for the Australian Geoscience Data Cube. 5229-5232 - Qiang Zhu, Fang Huang, Jun Lu, Jian Tao, Jinjun Zheng, Li Li, Bo Lan:
Research on the implementation of multi-source remote sensing image management system based on B/S architecture. 5233-5236 - Simonetta Paloscia, Simone Pettinato, Emanuele Santi
, Claudia Notarnicola
, Felix Greifeneder
, Giovanni Cuozzo
COSMO-SkyMed and radarsat image integration for soil moisture and vegetation biomass monitoring. 5237-5240 - Byung-Hun Choe, Gordon R. Osinski
, Catherine D. Neish, Michael Zanetti
, Livio L. Tornabene, Jinfei Wang:
A multifrequency SAR study of the Haughton impact structure, Arctic Canada. 5241-5244 - Nazzareno Pierdicca
, Luca Pulvirenti, Giorgio Boni, Giuseppe Squicciarino, Marco Chini
Radar multispectral and polarimetric signature of rice fields: An investigation on the double bounce mechanism in flooded vegetation. 5245-5248 - Fabio Del Frate, Daniele Latini, Valentina Scappiti:
On neural networks algorithms for oil spill detection when applied to C- and X-band SAR. 5249-5251 - Andrea Garzelli, Gabriele Moser
, Sebastiano B. Serpico:
Robust change detection from COSMO-SkyMed and RADARSAT-2 multitemporal images. 5252-5255 - Larry Schneider, W. Linwood Jones:
Analysis of spatially and temporally disjoint precipitation datasets to estimate the 3D distribution of rain. 5256-5259 - Mohit Kumar, Shashank S. Joshil, V. Chandrasekar, Robert M. Beauchamp, Manuel Vega, John W. Zebley:
Performance trade-offs and upgrade of NASA D3R weather radar. 5260-5263 - Jia Sun, Shuo Shi, Biwu Chen, Lin Du, Jian Yang, Wei Gong:
Combined application of 3D spectral features from multispectral LiDAR for classification. 5264-5267 - Ailin Liang, Ge Han, Xin Ma, Chengzhi Xiang, Yuxin Zheng, Teng Zhang, Hao Xu, Wei Gong:
Development of differential absorption LiDAR system at 1.57 μm for sensing carbon dioxide in China. 5268-5271 - Sergii Skakun
, Jean-Claude Roger, Eric F. Vermote, Christopher Justice, Jeffrey G. Masek:
Automatic co-registration of multi-temporal Landsat-8/OLI and sentinel-2A/MSI images. 5272-5274 - Unmesh Khati, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Gulab Singh:
First demonstration of space-borne Tomosar using Terrasar-x/Tandem-x Full-polarimetric acquisitions. 5275-5276 - Sang-Eun Park:
Application of polarimetric SAR to monitoring permafrost ecosystem in central Yakutia, Eastern Siberia. 5277-5279 - Feng Xu:
POLSAR image factorization and its extended applications. 5280-5281 - Yi Cui, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Hiroyoshi Yamada, Jian Yang:
Target decomposition in polarimetric interferometric SAR. 5282-5283 - Thomas L. Ainsworth, Jong-Sen Lee, Yanting Wang:
Robustness of model-based polsar decomposition techniques. 5284-5286 - Yanting Wang, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Jong-Sen Lee:
MRF modeling of textured speckle for polarimetric SAR image classification. 5287-5290 - Anthony Paul Doulgeris, Dingsheng Hu:
Speeding up Non-Gaussian POLSAR image analysis. 5291-5294 - Wen Hong, Luyi Shao, Qiang Yin:
Decision hierarchical classification by FLD for vegetation application using PolSAR features. 5295-5298 - Marco Lavalle:
A new automated algorithm for detecting forest disturbances with the dual-polarimetric SAR alpha angle. 5299-5302 - Jong-Sen Lee, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Yanting Wang:
A review of polarimetric SAR speckle filtering. 5303-5306 - Gabriela Palacio
, Susana Ferrero
, Alejandro C. Frery:
Information content in SAR images: A classification accuracy viewpoint. 5307-5310 - Samuel Foucher
, Mario Beaulieu, Mohamed Dahmane, François Cavayas:
Deep speckle noise filtering. 5311-5314 - Armando Marino, Alberto Alonso-González
An optimization of the difference of covariance matrices for PolSAR change detection. 5315-5318 - Gulab Singh, Yoshio Yamaguchi:
Model-based and six component scattering power decomposition. 5319-5322 - Hiroyoshi Yamada, Masanori Gocho, Motofumi Arii, Shoichiro Kojima, Ryoichi Sato, Yoshio Yamaguchi:
Model-based polarimetric scattering decomposition for TomoSAR. 5323-5325 - Leandro Pralon, Gabriel Vasile
, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Jocelyn Chanussot:
Information extraction by blind source separation from polarimetric SAR data. 5326-5329 - Manabu Watanabe, Christian N. Koyama, Masanobu Shimada:
Polarimetric characteristics of L-band SAR images of early-stage deforestation areas. 5330-5333 - Junjun Yin, Jian Yang
A change detector based on the optimization of polarimetric contrast. 5334-5337 - Kazuo Ouchi, Chang-Su Yang:
Direct evidence and implications of Brewster's angle damping observed by synthetic aperture radar images. 5338-5341 - Tracy Whelen, Paul Siqueira:
Time series analysis of L-Band SAR for agricultural landcover classification. 5342-5345 - Zihang Zhao, Wenhui Lang, Anthony Paul Doulgeris, Lu Chen:
Improved LLM methods using linear regression. 5350-5353 - Mariane Souza Reis
, Sidnei J. S. Sant'Anna, Eliana Pantaleão
Change detection using polarimetric L band synthetic aperture radar data. 5354-5357 - Rémy Abergel
, Saïd Ladjal, Florence Tupin, Jean-Marie Nicolas:
A complex spectrum based SAR image resampling method with restricted target sidelobes and statistics preservation. 5358-5361 - Weike Feng, Li Yi
, Motoyuki Sato:
Near range radar imaging by SFCW linear sparse array based on block sparsity. 5362-5365 - Takehiro Hoshino, Teruyuki Hara, Yuya Yokota, Hideki Hasegawa, Yu Okada:
Experimental studies of compressive sensing for SAR with Ka-band chamber room and Ku-band airplane SAR data. 5366-5369 - Lin-Dian Zuo, Xiaoling Zhang, Shun-Jun Wei, Li-Wei Dang:
SAR 3-D imaging algorithm via Threshold Gradient Pursuit. 5370-5373 - Evgeny Shiro:
A new method of high resolution SAR image synthesis reducing speckle noise. 5374-5377 - Nicolas Gebert, Dennis Schobert, Bernardo Carnicero Domínguez, Mike Gibbons, Elia Di Salvo, Fernando Monjas:
Instrument pre-development activities for L-band SAR. 5378-5381 - Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo
, Nobuyoshi Imura, Shunsuke Onishi, Tetsuo Yasaka, Robertus Heru Triharjanto
, Koichi Ito, Steven Gao, Kazuteru Namba, Katsumi Hattori
, Fumio Yamazaki
, Chiharu Hongo, Akira Kato, Daniele Perissin:
L band circularly polarized SAR onboard microsatellite. 5382-5385 - Marwan Younis
, Tobias Rommel
, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Sigurd Huber, Michele Martone, Michelangelo Villano
, Gerhard Krieger
Investigations on the internal calibration of multi-channel SAR. 5386-5389 - Zhen Xu
, Kun-Shan Chen, Peng Xu, Huadong Guo:
Ionospheric effects on the lunar-based radar imaging. 5390-5393 - Aifang Liu, Fan Wang, Hui Xu:
N-SAR: A new multi-channel multi-mode polarimetric airborne SAR. 5394-5397 - Hongda Chen, Ning Lei, Chengbo Sun, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
Calibration uncertainty of retrieved toa radiance for Suomi-NPP VIIRS day-night band. 5398-5401 - Yuta Izumi, Sevket Demirci, Mohd Zafri bin Baharuddin, Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo
Applying the point target-based calibration approach to ground-based circularly polarized synthetic aperture radar. 5402-5405 - Mohammad El-Hajj, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Mehrez Zribi, Sébastien Angélliaume:
Assessment of sentinel-1 radiometric stability and quality. 5406-5409 - Xiaolei Han, Qingjun Zhang, Jie Liu:
Precise ambiguity analysis method for spaceborne SAR. 5410-5413 - Takashi Nonaka, Tomohito Asaka, Keishi Iwashita, Fumitaka Ogushi:
Estimation of phase noise by time series analysis of ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data. 5414-5417 - Madhuri Nagare, Hirofumi Aoki, Eiji Kaneko:
A unified method of cloud detection and removal robust to spectral variability. 5418-5421 - Zisis I. Petrou, Yingli Tian
Prediction of sea ice motion with recurrent neural networks. 5422-5425 - Linjian Zhang, Yesheng Gao, Xingzhao Liu, Lei Liu:
A novel method for estimating the baseband Doppler centroid of conventional synthetic aperture radar. 5426-5429 - Yuanheng Sun, Huazhong Ren, Tianyuan Zhang
, Juan Sui, Zihao Wang, Qiming Qin:
A novel LAI retrieval method based on the combination of 2 vegetation indexes. 5430-5433 - Huiyun Jiao, Risheng Huang, Xiaorun Li, Liaoying Zhao:
A novel Bayesian lasso model based on spatial-correlated sparsity for semisupervised hyperspectral unmixing. 5434-5437 - Giovanni Chierchia, Davide Cozzolino
, Giovanni Poggi, Luisa Verdoliva:
SAR image despeckling through convolutional neural networks. 5438-5441 - Zhihong Huang, Shutao Li, Fang Hu:
Hyperspectral image denoising with multiscale low-rank matrix recovery. 5442-5445 - Tianyuan Zhang
, Huazhong Ren, Yuanheng Sun, Chengye Zhang, Qiming Qin:
Simultaneous retrieval of leaf area index and fractional canopy cover using SAIL model and PSO algorithm. 5446-5449 - Valero Laparra
, Jordi Muñoz-Marí, Luis Gómez-Chova
, Xavier Calbet
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Nonlinear statistical retrieval of surface emissivity from IASI data. 5450-5453 - Yansong Liu, Sankaranarayanan Piramanayagam, Sildomar T. Monteiro, Eli Saber:
Semantic segmentation of remote sensing data using Gaussian processes and higher-order CRFS. 5454-5457 - Michael Schmitt, Florence Tupin, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Fusion of SAR and optical remote sensing data - Challenges and recent trends. 5458-5461 - Chunping Qiu, Michael Schmitt, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Comparative evaluation of signal-based and descriptor-based similarity measures for SAR-optical image matching. 5462-5465 - Stefan Auer, Michael Schmitt, Peter Reinartz:
Automatic alignment of high resolution optical and SAR images for urban areas. 5466-5469 - Raffaele Gaetano, Davide Cozzolino
, Luca D'Amiano, Luisa Verdoliva, Giovanni Poggi:
Fusion of sar-optical data for land cover monitoring. 5470-5473 - Gianni Cristian Iannelli, Paolo Gamba:
Improving the HBDT framework fusing HR and VHR SAR and optical data for image classification. 5474-5477 - Jian Kang
, Yuanyuan Wang, Marco Körner, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Improve multi-baseline InSAR parameter retrieval by semantic information from optical images. 5478-5481 - Lichao Mou, Michael Schmitt, Yuanyuan Wang, Xiao Xiang Zhu:
Identifying corresponding patches in SAR and optical imagery with a convolutional neural network. 5482-5485 - Ron Hagensieker, Björn Waske:
Synergetic potentials of C-band SAR and multi-spectral imagery for tropical classifications in Northern Mato Grosso (BR). 5486-5489 - Chu He, Xinlong Liu, Gong Han, Chenyao Kang, Yu Chen:
Fusion of statistical and learnt features for SAR images classification. 5490-5493 - Glynn C. Hulley, Simon J. Hook, Joshua B. Fisher, Christine Lee:
ECOSTRESS, A NASA Earth-Ventures Instrument for studying links between the water cycle and plant health over the diurnal cycle. 5494-5496 - Xuehui Ye, Yuxia Li, Ling Tong
, Ling He:
Remote sensing retrieval of suspended solids in Longquan Lake based on GA-SVM model. 5501-5504 - Sabyasachi Swain, Pratiman Patel
, Saswata Nandi
Application of SPI, EDI and PNPI using MSWEP precipitation data over Marathwada, India. 5505-5507 - Josué Medellín-Azuara, U. Kyaw Tha Paw, Yufang Jin, Eric Kent, Jenae' Clay, Andy Wong, Michelle M. Leinfelder-Miles, Jay R. Lund:
Comparing methods to estimate consumptive use with remote sensing in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 5508-5509 - Hector Nieto
, Joaquim Bellvert, William P. Kustas, Joseph G. Alfieri, Feng Gao
, John H. Prueger, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua
, Lawrence Hipps, Manal Elarab, Lisheng Song:
Unmanned airborne thermal and mutilspectral imagery for estimating evapotranspiration in irrigated vineyards. 5510-5513 - Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu:
Temporal upscaling of remote sensing instantaneous evapotranspiration using an improved constant evaporative fraction method. 5514-5516 - Yves-Louis Desnos, Michael Foumelis
, Marcus E. Engdahl, Pierre-Philippe Mathieu, Francesco Palazzo, Fabrizio Ramoino:
Sentinel-1 mission scientific exploitation activities. 5521-5524 - Pierre Potin, Betlem Rosich, Nuno Miranda, Patrick Grimont, Pier Bargellini, Eric Monjoux, Jolyon Martin, Yves-Louis Desnos, Johannes Roeder, Ian Shurmer, Alistair O'Connell, Ramon Torres, Mike Krassenburg, Jean-Baptiste Gratadour:
Sentinel-1 mission status. 5525-5528 - Ivana Zinno, Manuela Bonano
, Sabatino Buonanno, Francesco Casu
, Claudio De Luca
, Adele Fusco
, Riccardo Lanari
, Michele Manunta
, Mariarosaria Manzo, Antonio Pepe:
Sentinel-1 data exploitation for automatic surface deformation time-series generation through the SBAS-DInSAR parallel processing chain. 5529-5532 - Francesco Mattia
, Anna Balenzano
, Giuseppe Satalino, Francesco P. Lovergine, Alexander Loew, Jian Peng
, Urs Wegmüller, Maurizio Santoro, Oliver Cartus, Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska
, Jan Pawel Musial
, Malcolm W. J. Davidson
, Simon Yueh, Seung-Bum Kim, Narendra N. Das, Andreas Colliander, Joel T. Johnson, Jeffrey Ouellette, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Xiaoling Wu
, Heather McNairn, Amine Merzouki, Jarrett Powers, Todd Caldwell
, Dara Entekhabi, Michael H. Cosh, Thomas J. Jackson:
Sentinel-1 high resolution soil moisture. 5533-5536 - Pau Prats-Iraola, Matteo Nannini, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Muriel Pinheiro, Jun-Su Kim, Francesco Vecchioli, Federico Minati, Mario Costantini, Sven Borgstrom
, Prospero De Martino
, Valeria Siniscalchi
, Michael Foumelis
, Yves-Louis Desnos:
Interferometric investigations with the Sentinel-1 constellation. 5537-5540 - Nuno Miranda, Peter J. Meadows, Riccardo Piantanida, Andrea Recchia, David Small
, Adrian Schubert, Pauline Vincent, Dirk Geudtner, Ignacio Navas Traver, Francisco Ceba Vega:
The Sentinel-1 constellation mission performance. 5541-5544 - Yngvar Larsen, Petar Marinkovic, John F. Dehls
, Zbigniew Perski
, Andy J. Hooper
, Tim J. Wright
The Sentinel-1 constellation for InSAR applications: Experiences from the InSARAP project. 5545-5548 - Ramon Torres, Svein Lokas, Gianluigi Di Cosimo, Dirk Geudtner, David Bibby:
Sentinel 1 evolution: Sentinel-1C and -1D models. 5549-5550 - Xiaojing Yao, Dacheng Wang, Ling Peng, Tianhe Chi:
An adaptive maximal co-location mining algorithm. 5551-5554 - Michal Shimoni
, Juanfran Lopez, Jan Walstra
, Pierre-Yves Declercq
, Leidy Bejarano-Urrego, Els Verstrynge, Dominique Derauw
, Roald Hayen, Koen Van Balen
GEPATAR: A geotechnical based PS-InSAR toolbox for architectural conservation in Belgium. 5555-5558 - Daichao Li, Yingjie Wang, Sheng Wu, Junhui Qi, Tingting Wang:
An visual analytics approach to explore criminal patterns based on multidimensional data. 5563-5566 - H. M. Rajashekara, Kannan Nagajothi, Ashok Vardhan Sanda, B. S. Daya Sagar:
Categorization of hierarchically partitioned waterbody-spread via Moran's index. 5567-5570 - Peter Baumann
Big data meets Internet of Things: A standards-based perspective. 5571-5573 - Lianlian He, Peng Yue, Mingda Zhang:
An open standards based method for integrated environmental modelling. 5574-5576 - George Percivall, Trevor Taylor:
Connecting the Internet of Things to the eo community and the geospatially enabled web using OGC standards. 5577-5580 - Matthew B. J. Purss
, Steve H. L. Liang, Robert G. Gibb, Faramarz Samavati, Perry R. Peterson, Clinton Dow, Jin Ben, Sara Saeedi:
Applying discrete global grid systems to sensor networks and the Internet of Things. 5581-5583 - Yann H. Kerr, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
, Ali Mahmoodi, Ahmad Al Bitar
, Arnaud Mialon
, Simone Bircher, Beatriz Molero, Philippe Richaume, François Cabot, Nemesio J. Rodríguez-Fernández
, Marie Parrens
, Amen Al-Yaari
, Roberto Fernandez
SMOS and applications: First glance at synergistic and new results. 5584-5587 - Wade T. Crow:
Hydrologic applications for SMAP and SMOS surface soil moisture retrieval products. 5588-5590 - Gokhan Kayan, Esra Erten
, Huseyin Mercan, Orkan Özcan
Understanding of cyprus total water storage under climate change. 5591-5594 - Guy J.-P. Schumann:
Improving flood resilience through effective integration of earth observation data and modeling over large scales. 5595-5597 - Chandan Pradhan
, Rishikesh Bharti
, Subashisa Dutta:
Assessment of post-impoundment geomorphic variations along Brahmani River using remote sensing. 5598-5601 - Anh-Kim Nguyen
, Yuei-An Liou, Ming-Hsu Li
, Anh Van Tran
, Binh Van Do:
Groundwater Arsenic contamination and land subsidence in Hanoi City, Vietnam. 5602-5605 - Robert Cifelli, Haonan Chen
, V. Chandrasekar:
Comparison of precipitation forecasts from NOAA's high resolution rapid refresh (HRRR) model with polarimetric radar observations in the San Francisco Bay Area. 5606-5608 - Anoop Kumar Shukla
, C. S. P. Ojha
, R. D. Garg
Surface water quality assessment of Ganga River Basin, India using index mapping. 5609-5612 - Huilin Gao, Shuai Zhang:
A reservoir storage estimation algorithm using digital elevation data and image classifications. 5613-5616 - Luca Cenci, Giorgio Boni, Luca Pulvirenti, Giuseppe Squicciarino, Simone Gabellani
, Fabio Gardella, Nazzareno Pierdicca
, Marco Chini
Monitoring reservoirs' water level from space for flood control applications. A case study in the Italian Alpine region. 5617-5620 - Haruhisa Shimoda:
GCOM science overview. 5621-5624 - Paul S. Chang, Zorana Jelenak, Suleiman Alsweiss, Seubson Soisuvarn
, Patrick C. Meyers, Ralph R. Ferraro:
An overview of NOAA's GCOM-W1/AMSR-2 product processing and utilization. 5625-5628 - Elena S. Lobl, Dawn Conway:
AMSR-E and unified AMSR (AMSR-U) products. 5629-5632 - Naoto Ebuchi:
Evaluation of improved marine surface wind products from AMSR2 on GCOM-W. 5633-5363 - Rajat Bindlish
, Thomas J. Jackson, Michael H. Cosh, Toshio Koike, X. Fuiji, Richard de Jeu, Steven Tsz K. Chan, Jun Asanuma
, Aaron A. Berg
, David D. Bosch, Todd Caldwell, C. Holyfield Collins, Heather McNairn, José Martínez-Fernández
, John H. Prueger, Mark S. Seyfried, Patrick J. Starks, Zhongbo Su, Marc Thibeault, Jeffrey P. Walker
AMSR2 soil moisture product validation. 5637-5640 - Misako Kachi, Takashi Maeda, Hiroyuki Tsutsui, Nodoka Ono, Marehito Kasahara, Masaaki Mokuno:
Five years observations of global water cycle by GCOM-W/AMSR2. 5641-5643 - Yoshiaki Honda, Koji Kajiwara:
Overview of GCOM-C1/SGLI ILand team activites. 5644-5647 - Kazunori Ogata, Mitsuhiro Toratani, Hiroshi Murakami:
GCOM-C/SGLI Level-2 ocean color products generation. 5648-5649 - Kazuhito Ichii, Wei Yang, Hideki Kobayashi
, Yuji Yanagi, Hiroaki Takayama, Tomohiro Hajima, Manabu Abe, Kaoru Tachiiri:
Development and application of GCOM-C LAI and GPP/NPP research products. 5650-5651 - Sheng-Ye Jin, Junichi Susaki
A micro-topography considered Monte Carlo ray-tracing solution for open forest BRF estimation. 5652-5655 - Takeo Tadono, Junichi Takaku, Fumi Ohgushi, Masanori Dotsu, Ken-ichiro Kobayashi:
Updates of 'AW3D30' 30 M-MESH global digital surface model dataset. 5656-5657 - Mahendra K. Pal
, Alok Porwal:
Topographic correction using brightness normalization approach from hyperspectral remote sensing images. 5658-5661 - Shota Hishinuma, Koichi Ito, Takafumi Aoki, Jyunpei Uemoto, Seiho Uratsuka:
Elevation measurement from single-pass SAR images. 5662-5665 - Junichi Takaku, Takeo Tadono:
Quality updates of 'AW3D' global DSM generated from ALOS PRISM. 5666-5669 - Guido Staub, Carlos Vargas:
Accuracy assessment of different digital elevation models available for Fildes Peninsula. 5670-5673 - Joice Cagliari, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Farlei Heinen, Luiz Gonzaga Jr.
, Francisco M. W. Tognoli, Debora P. Gallon, Fernando P. Marson:
Digital field book for geosciences. 5674-5677 - Guoqing Zhou, Bin Jia
, Guoqing Gao, Zhiliang Wu, Yajun Fan, Pengyun Chen, Wei Huang, Jingjin Huang, Rongting Zhang:
Carbon sink estimation of surface carbonate karstification in global karst area. 5678-5681 - Jeanine Engelbrecht, Andre Theron
, Shelley Haupt:
Evidence of roof collapse detected on South African coal mines using sentinel-1 interferometry. 5682-5684 - Qiming Zeng, Xiaojie Zhang, Jian Jiao:
Research on fusion strategy of ascending and descending multi-baseline multi-frequency insar results to generate high quality DEM. 5685-5688 - Cristian Rossi
, Gerald Baier, Paola Rizzoli
, José-Luis Bueso-Bello:
Topographical changes caused by the 2016 central Italy earthquake series. 5689-5692 - Seung-Bum Kim, Brian Brisco, Valentin Poncos
Inundation extent monitoring with smap data for carbon studies. 5693-5696 - Wenxi Cao, Sandro Martinis, Simon Plank:
Automatic SAR-based flood detection using hierarchical tile-ranking thresholding and fuzzy logic. 5697-5700 - Luca Pulvirenti, Marco Chini
, Nazzareno Pierdicca
, Giorgio Boni:
Detection of flooded urban areas using sar: An approach based on the coherence of stable scatterers. 5701-5704 - Simon Plank, Martin Jussi, Sandro Martinis, André Twele
Combining polarimetric sentinel-1 and ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 imagery for mapping of flooded vegetation. 5705-5708 - Mehwish Ghulam Zuhra, Junichi Susaki
, Masayuki Tamura:
Mangrove forest mapping using shortwave infrared reflectance and image subset techniques using proximity measure. 5709-5712 - Thierry Erudel, Sophie Fabre, Xavier Briottet, Thomas Houet:
Classification of peatland vegetation types using in situ hyperspectral measurements. 5713-5716 - Ping Chen, Soo Chin Liew
, Leong Keong Kwoh:
Mangrove mapping and change detection using satellite imagery. 5717-5720 - Guozhuang Shen, Jingjuan Liao
, Tao Xu, Zhongchang Sun:
Study on the relationship between polarimetric parameters and vegetation biomass and its use in wetland vegetation biomass inversion. 5721-5724 - Jongpil Kim, Hyewon Yun, Dalgeun Lee, Jin Young Kim, Youngjin Park:
Rainfall-Runoff simulation using geostationary satellite rain rate in a small mountainous watershed. 5725-5728 - Qi Gao, Maria José Escorihuela
, Albert Garcia-Mondéjar, Bernat Martinez Val, Mehrez Zribi, Pere Quintana-Seguí
Inland water level retrieval over western africa with radar altimeters. 5729-5731 - Xin Pan, Yuanbo Liu, Xingwang Fan, Guojing Gan, Yingbao Yang, Yuehong Chen:
Quantifying the contributions of environmental parameters to satellite-retrieved surface net longwave radiation error: An examination on ceres dataset in China. 5732-5735 - Yuwei Guan, Binbin He, Xing Li, Changming Yin, Shi Qiu:
Desertification assessment and trend analysis using modis data. 5739-5742 - Li Feng, Song Guo, Liujun Zhu
, Xiuqin Fang, Ya'nan Zhou:
Urban vegetation phenology analysis and the response to the temperature change. 5743-5746 - Ming-An Lee, Ali Haghi Vayghan
, De-Cheng Liu, Wan-Chen Yang:
Potential and prospective seasonal distribution of hotspot habitat of albacore tuna (thunnus alalunga) in the South Indian Ocean using the satellite data. 5747-5750 - Sébastien Angélliaume, Brent Minchew, Sophie Chataing, Philippe Martineau, Olivier Boisot, Veronique Miegebielle:
Multifrequency radar imagery and characterization of hazardous and noxious substances at sea. 5751-5754 - Hanlin Ye
, Huadong Guo, Guang Liu:
Observation parameters design of moon-based earth observation sensors for monitoring three-polar regions. 5755-5758 - Bingwei Tian, Ling Wang:
Spatial-Temporal patterns of vagetation damage and recovery after the wenchuan earthquake. 5759-5762 - Motoaki Mouri, Ichi Takumi, Hiroshi Yasukawa:
Implementation of valid and stable algorithm of QL1-NMF for analyzing environmental elf magnetic signals. 5763-5766 - Shiming Li, Qingwang Liu, Zengyuan Li, Erxue Chen, Jianbing Zhang:
Building height extraction from overlapping airborne images in urban environment using computer vision approach. 5767-5769 - Xin Tian, Zengyuan Li, Erxue Chen, Min Yan, Zongtao Han, Qingwang Liu:
Modeling of forest above-ground biomass dynamics using multi-source data and incorporated models: A case study over the Qilian mountains. 5770-5773 - Kaili Liu, Jindi Wang, Weisheng Zeng, Jinling Song:
Comparison of three modeling methods for estimating forest biomass using TM, GLAS and field measurement data. 5774-5777 - Antonio Mollfulleda, Francisco Martín, Simonetta Paloscia, Emanuele Santi
, Leila Guerriero, Nazzareno Pierdicca
, Nicolas Floury:
GNSSBio: Forest biomass retrieval based on GNSS ground receiver. 5778-5781 - Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska
, Maria Budzynska
, Martyna Gatkowska
, Wanda Kowalik, Maciej Bartold
, Wojciech Kiryla:
Importance of grasslands monitoring applying optical and radar satellite data in perspective of changing climate. 5782-5785 - Mohammad El-Hajj, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Ibrahim Fayad, Ghislain Vieilledent, Jean-Stéphane Bailly, Dinh Ho Tong Minh
Integration of spaceborne lidar data to improve the forest biomass map in madagascar. 5786-5789 - Shihua Li, Zuqin Liang, Sen Lin, Adu Gong, Jianwei Yue:
Estimating clumping index of woody canopy with terrestrial lidar data. 5790-5793 - Wei Li, Kaixin Yang, Haiying Mao, Fei Li, Ruohan Yang:
Construction of tree growth model based cusp catastrophe theory model. 5794-5797 - Gordon Staples, Graham Green, Ji Chen, Shane Gravelle, David G. Goodenough:
Detection and validation of forest distubances using radarsat 2 data. 5798-5801 - Chao-Cheng Wu, Hsuan-Tsung Chang, Shao-An Tsai, Chinsu Lin
Least square fitting of pollock model for tree detection and crown delineation. 5802-5805 - Chao-Cheng Wu, You-Lun Wu, Chung-Yu Wu, Chinsu Lin
A gradient vector flow snake based multi-level morphological active contour algorithm. 5806-5809 - Zongtao Han, Wei Wang, Zengyuan Li, Erxue Chen, Qiuping Wang, Hong Jiang, Xin Tian:
A fast iterative features selection for the K-nearest neighbor. 5810-5813 - Michael L. Benson, Leland E. Pierce, Kamal Sarabandi:
Estimating the three dimensional structure of the harvard forest using a database driven multi-modal remote sensing technique. 5814-5817 - Ivan Huuva
, Johan E. S. Fransson, Henrik J. Persson
, Jörgen Wallerman, Lars M. H. Ulander, Erik Blomberg, Maciej J. Soja:
Measurements of forest biomass change using L- and P-band sar backscatter. 5818-5821 - Gabriel de Oliveira, Nathaniel A. Brunsell
, Elisabete C. Moraes
, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Gabriel Bertani, Thiago V. dos Santos, Luiz E. O. C. Aragão:
Gross primary productivity in the northern region of Para state, Brazilian Amazon, from MOD17 data. 5822-5825 - Neus Sabater
, Elizabeth M. Middleton, Zbynek Malenovský
, Luis Alonso
, Jochem Verrelst
, Karl Fred Huemmrich, Petya K. E. Campbell
, William P. Kustas, Jorge Vicent
, Shari Van Wittenberghe
, José F. Moreno:
Oxygen transmittance correction for solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence measured on proximal sensing: Application to the NASA-GSFC fusion tower. 5826-5829 - Longfei Tan, Ling Tong
, Yan Chen, Yalin Zhu, Chongdi Duan:
Analysis of methane emissions from paddy rice using Bayesian assimilation. 5830-5833 - Giovanni Laneve, Pablo Marzialetti, Roberto Luciani, Lorenzo Fusilli, Betty Mulianga:
Sugarcane biomass estimate based on sar imagery: A radar systems comparison. 5834-5837 - Abdallah Zeggada, Alessandro Stella, Gennaro Caliendo, Farid Melgani, Maurizio Barazzuol, Nicola La Porta
, Rino Goller:
Leaf development index estimation using UAV imagery for fighting apple scab. 5838-5841 - Nataliia Kussul
, Andrii Kolotii
, Andrii Shelestov, Mykola Lavreniuk, Nicolas Bellemans, Sophie Bontemps
, Pierre Defourny, Benjamin Koetz:
Sentinel-2 for agriculture national demonstration in ukraine: Results and further steps. 5842-5845 - Wangfei Zhang
, Erxue Chen, Zengyuan Li, Lei Zhao, Yongjie Ji, Yahong Zhang:
Using compact polarimetric parameters for rape (brassica napus L.) LAI inversion. 5846-5849 - Muhammad Adnan Siddique
, Irena Hajnsek
, Othmar Frey
A case study on the use of differential SAR tomography for measuring deformation in layover areas in rugged alpine terrain. 5850-5853 - Andreas Ley, Olivier D'Hondt, Olaf Hellwich:
Regularization and completion of tomosar point clouds in a projected height map domain. 5854-5857 - Julien Michel, Myriam Cournet, Jean-Marc Delvit, Florie Languille, Angélique Gaudel-Vacaresse, David Youssefi, Christophe Palmann, Vincent Poulain:
High latitude multi-temporal digital surface models from sentinel-2 data: A proof of concept. 5858-5861 - Dinh Ho Tong Minh
, Ludovic Villard, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Stefano Tebaldini
, Thuy Le Toan:
P-Band SAR tomography for the characterization of tropical forests. 5862-5865 - Stefano Tebaldini
, Mauro Mariotti d'Alessandro
, Jun Su Kim, Kostas Papathanassiou:
Ionosphere vertical profiling from biomass multi-squint InSAR. 5866-5869 - Ranran Shang, Zhongchang Sun, Junyi Xu, Guozhuang Shen:
Comparisons of impervious surface mapping using multiple indices from TM, ETM+ and OLI-TIRS. 5870-5873 - Weimin Wang, Hong Liang, Lijun Yang, Kai Liu, Hongbo Su
, Xueke Li:
Analyzing the urban heat island using time series land surface temperature (LST) data. 5874-5876 - Xiaolong Ma, Xiaohua Tong, Sicong Liu, Zhaoting Ma:
Extraction of built-up areas in Chinese silk road economic belt based on DMSP-OLS data. 5877-5880 - Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair
, Akshay Jindal:
Using gradients and tensor voting in 3D local geometric descriptors for feature detection in airborne lidar point clouds in urban regions. 5881-5884 - Tiangang Yin
, Simone Kotthaus
, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry
, William Morrison
, Leslie K. Norford, Sue Grimmond
, Nicolas Lauret, Nektarios Chrysoulakis, Ahmad Al Bitar
, Lucas Landier:
Atmospheric correction of ground-based thermal infrared camera through dart model. 5885-5888 - Cathleen E. Jones, David Bekaert, Karen An:
From flood to drought: Utilizing sar to assess the status of levees and aqueducts. 5889-5892 - Yunling Lou, Scott Hensley, Brian P. Hawkins, Cathleen E. Jones, Marco Lavalle, Thierry Michel, Delwyn Moller, Ronald Muellerschoen, Naiara Pinto, Xiaoqing Wu, Yang Zheng:
Uavsar program: Recent upgrades to support vegetation structure studies and land ICE topography mapping. 5893-5895 - Josias Jacobus de Witt, Kevin Hugh Kloke, Willem Andries Jacobus Nel, Johanna Mathilde Steyn:
Progressing the South African SAR technology base through the development of a dual-band, fully polarised, airborne SAR sensor. 5896-5899 - Shawn Shahriar Keshmiri, Emily J. Arnold, Aaron Blevins, Mark S. Ewing, Rick Hale, Carl Leuschen, Jonathan Lyle, Ali Mahmood, John Paden, Fernando Rodriguez-Morales
, Stephen Yan:
Radar ECHO sounding of russell glacier at 35 MHz using compact radar systems on small unmanned aerial vehicles. 5900-5903 - Haojie Pei, Peng Wan, Changchun Li, Haikuan Feng
, Guijun Yang, Bo Xu, Qinglin Niu:
Accuracy analysis of UAV remote sensing imagery mosaicking based on structure-from-motion. 5904-5907 - Yanfei Zhong, Xinyu Wang, Yao Xu, Tianyi Jia
, Song Cui, Lifei Wei, Ailong Ma, Liangpei Zhang:
MINI-UAV borne hyperspectral remote sensing: A review. 5908-5911 - Ning Lei, Kevin A. Twedt
, Jeffrey McIntire, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
SNPP VIIRS RSB earth view reflectance uncertainty. 5916-5919 - John Musinsky
, Mitch Haynes, Tristan Goulden:
Time series analysis of vegetation phenology and cloud cover conditions affecting airborne remote sensing operations and data products from the national ecological observatory network (NEON). 5920-5923 - Sathishkumar Samiappan
, Gray Turnage, Lee Hathcock, Haibo Yao
, Russell Kincaid, Robert J. Moorhead II, Steve Ashby:
Classifying common wetland plants using hyperspectral data to identify optimal spectral bands for species mapping using a small unmanned aerial systems - A case study. 5924-5927 - Bjorn Lambrigtsen, F. Joseph Turk, Hui Su
All-Weather tropospheric 3D wind from microwave sounders. 5928-5930 - Steven C. Reising, Todd C. Gaier, Christian D. Kummerow, Sharmila Padmanabhan, Boon H. Lim, Cate Heneghan, Wesley K. Berg, V. Chandrasekar, Jonathan P. Olson, Shannon T. Brown, John Carvo, Matthew Pallas:
Global measurement of temporal signatures of precipitation: Development of the temporal experiment for storms and tropical systems technology demonstration mission. 5931-5933 - William J. Blackwell:
An overview of the NASA tropics earth venture mission. 5934-5937 - Shannon T. Brown, Bjorn Lambrigtsen, Boon H. Lim, Todd Gaier:
Demonstraging the impact of rapid repeat passive microwave observations from the global hawk: Implications for future smallsat or GEO missions. 5938-5941 - Christopher D. Ball, Chi-Chih Chen
, Andrew O'Brien, Graeme E. Smith, Christa McKelvey, Mark J. Andrews, Joseph Landon Garry, Joel T. Johnson, Sidharth Misra, Shannon T. Brown, Robert Jarnot, Jonathan Kocz, Damon Bradley, Priscilla N. Mohammed, Jared F. Lucey
, Kevin Horgan, Quenton Bonds, Carlos Duran-Aviles, Michael Solly, Jeffrey Piepmeier, Matthew Pallas, Ervin Krauss:
Development of the cubesat radiometer radio frequency interference technology validation (cuberrt) system. 5942-5945 - Makiko Nakata, Itaru Sano, Sonoyo Mukai:
Response of the climate system to anthropogenic aerosols. 5946-5949 - Ramesh P. Singh, Sudipta Sarkar
Methane and carbon monoxide emissions associated with aliso canyon ground storage blowout. 5950-5953 - Ana M. C. Ilie
, Carmela Vaccaro
Design of a smart gas detection system in areas of natural gas storage. 5954-5957 - Sonoyo Mukai, Makiko Nakata, Itaru Sano, Masayoshi Yasumoto, Toshiyuki Fujito:
Regional and seasonal effects on biomass burning aerosols. 5958-5961 - Lu She, Yong Xue, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, Yahui Che
, Ying Li, Chen Fan:
Aerosol optical and physical properties over beijing. 5962-5965 - Tomoo Ushio
, Shigeharu Shimamura
, Hiroshi Kikuchi, Fumihiko Mizutani, Kenichi Naito, Takahiro Watanabe, Masakazu Wada, Nobuhiro Takahashi:
Osaka urban phased array radar network experiment. 5966-5968 - Haonan Chen
, V. Chandrasekar:
Evaluation of the rainfall nowcasting system for a dense radar network over dallas-fort worth (DFW). 5969-5972 - Brenda Philips, Ted Ryan, V. Chandrasekar, Eric Lyons, Tom Bradshaw, Mark Fox, Francesc Junyent, Apoorva Bajaj:
Tracking tornados down streets: Using casa radars in real time severe weather warning operations in north central texas. 5973-5976 - Eric J. Lyons, Michael Zink
, Brenda Philips:
Efficient data processing with exogeni for the casa dfw urban testbed. 5977-5980 - Eiichi Yoshikawa, Tomoo Ushio
, V. Chandrasekar:
Multi-Doppler processing for accurate estimation of updraft at low altitudes. 5981-5982 - Krzysztof Orzel
, Stephen J. Frasier:
Polarimetric observations by a phase-tilt weather radar in the DFW network. 5983-5986 - Elena Willmot, Shane Bussmann, Nicole Homeier, Alex Kubicek:
Examples of ground-based hail, rain, and wind sensor networks operating in real-time. 5987-5989 - Sheng Chen, Haonan Chen
, V. Chandrasekar, Junjun Hu, Asi Zhang, Wenping Yuan:
High resolution quantitative precipitation estimation derived from measurement of S-band dual-polarization radar network over southern China. 5990-5993 - Rui Li, Jianxin He, Zhao Shi, Xingang Fan, Shunxian Tang, Xuehua Li:
Performance analyses of XY-A solid-state weather radar. 5994-5997 - Sanghun Lim, V. Chandrasekar, Bong-Joo Jang, Hyunjung Kim, Gyuwon Lee:
Operational and research radar networks in Korea. 5998-5999 - Ülo Suursaar
, Tarmo Kall
Interpretation of relative sea level variations at tide gauges using results from four estonian precise levellings and land uplift models. 6000-6003 - Yan Wang, Jian Yang
, Jingwen Li:
Data acquisition for a novel spaceborne azimuth-range sweep synthetic aperture radar. 6004-6007 - Heein Yang, Yuta Izumi, Agus Hendra, Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo
Novel chirp phase error compensation algorithm using polynomial chirp modeling for high resolution synthetic aperture radar. 6012-6015 - Guoqing Zhou, Yajun Fan, Rongting Zhang, Na Liu, Jingjin Huang, Xiang Zhou:
Onboard ortho-rectification for remotely sensed images. 6016-6019 - Cosmin Danisor, Gianfranco Fornaro, Mihai Datcu:
Non-Linear least squares algorithm for detection of simple and double persistent scatterers. 6020-6023 - Alessandra Budillon, Michele Crosetto, Giampaolo Ferraioli, Angel Caroline Johnsy, Oriol Monserrat, Gilda Schirinzi
Scatterer detection in urban environment using persistent scatterer interferometry and SAR tomography. 6024-6027 - Akira Iwasaki, Mario Rodriguez:
Cross-Track stereovision using aster. 6028-6031 - Hossein Aghababaee
, Alessandra Budillon, Giampaolo Ferraioli, Vito Pascazio, Gilda Schirinzi
On the role of non-local filtering in forest vertical structure characterization using SAR tomography. 6032-6035 - Wei Li, Cheng Wang, Dawei Zai, Pengdi Huang
, Weiquan Liu, Jonathan Li
An efficiently volumetric fusing method for structure-frome-motion and terrestrial point cloud. 6036-6039 - Gen Li, Yiping Chen
, Chenglu Wen
, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li
, JinYong Chen:
Quality evaluation of point cloud model for interior structure of a common building. 6040-6043 - Yingjie Li, Jane Liu
, Qingmiao Ma, David W. Tarasick
, Mohammed K. Osman:
Temporal and spatial variations in ozone over Asian free troposphere. 6044-6047 - Akshansha Chauhan
, Ramesh P. Singh:
Poor air quality and dense haze/smog during 2016 in the indo-gangetic plains associated with the crop residue burning and diwali festival. 6048-6051 - Weihong Han, Ling Tong
, Yunping Chen:
A new algorithm for high temporal and spatial resolution aerosol retrieval using gaofen-4 and landsat-8 data. 6052-6055 - Guili Chen, Jie Guang, Yong Xue, Ying Li, Yahui Che
, Shaoqi Gong:
Retrieval of PM2.5 using ground-based data in beijing area. 6059-6062 - Kwon-Ho Lee, Sang-Woo Kim:
Monitoring and visualizing the transport of atmospheric aerosols using satellite and ground based observations. 6063-6066 - Kun Qi, Yi'na Hu, Shuang Li, Weixin Zhai, Chengqi Cheng:
An improved method for the unique code of spatial entity based on global subdivision grid. 6067-6070 - Guiyun Zhou, Junjie Zhou, Youyou Li:
Filling depressions based on sub-watersheds in raster digital elevation models. 6071-6074 - Pengfei Liu, Wei Zhang, Qian Wang, Jiaying Yang:
The sharing services of map location based on network API. 6075-6078 - Sheng Guo, Hanjiang Xiong, Xianwei Zheng, Yan Zhou:
Indoor pedestrian trajectory tracking based on activity recognition. 6079-6082 - Wenjiao Shi, Tianxiang Yue, Zong Wang:
High accuracy surface modeling method combined with auxiliary variables for soil mapping. 6083-6086 - Jiayin Liu, Bing Han, Chibiao Ding, Dadi Meng, Fangfang Li:
The preliminary results about positioning accuracy of GF-3 SAR satellite system. 6087-6089 - Yi Lian, Long He, Jinsong Ping, Hu Zhang, Xiaoming Zeng, Chenglei Wang, Lei Chen:
Research and implementation on the WEB3D visualization of digtal moon based on WebGL. 6094-6097 - Zhuojian Xiao, Qiang Qiu, Jinyun Fang, Shaolong Cui:
A vector map overlay algorithm based on distributed queue. 6098-6101 - Qiang Qiu, Zhuojian Xiao, Jinyun Fang:
A memory computing based method for vector spatial analysis. 6102-6105 - Nivedita Nukavarapu
, Surya S. Durbha:
GEO-Visual analytics for healthcare critical infrastructure simulation model. 6106-6109 - Sangita Zope-Chaudhari
, Parvatham Venkatachalam, Krishna Mohan Buddhiraju:
Copyright protection of vector data using vector watermark. 6110-6113 - Lichun Yang, Yingyan Gu, Dan Yang, Jinjun Zheng:
Research on the storage and management system for large amount of multi-sources raster images based on GIS. 6114-6117 - Mingsong Li, Ji Zhou, Yong Wang
, Yuanyuan Yang:
Validation method of moderate resolution remotely sensed land surface temperature using landsat-8 and in situ measured data on heterogeneous surface. 6118-6121 - Yongquan Zhao
, Bo Huang
Integrating modis and MTSAT-2 to generate high spatial-temporal-spectral resolution imagery for real-time air quality monitoring. 6122-6125 - Guoqing Zhou, Pengyun Chen, Xiang Zhou, Lieping Zhang, Bin Jia, Guoqing Gao, Yajun Fan, Zhiliang Wu, Wei Huang, Jingjin Huang, Rongting Zhang:
FPGA-Based N×N adaptive channel for array lidar imager. 6126-6129 - Ying Qu, Hairong Qi, Bulent Ayhan, Chiman Kwan
, Richard Kidd:
DOES multispectral / hyperspectral pansharpening improve the performance of anomaly detection? 6130-6133 - Chi Zhang, Huifang Li, Huanfeng Shen
, Jie Li:
A spatial - Spectral adaptive haze removal method for remote sensing images. 6134-6137 - Yin Zhang, Deqing Mao, Yongchao Zhang, Yulin Huang, Jianyu Yang:
Multi-Beam Doppler beam sharpening approach for airborne forward-looking radar imaging. 6142-6145 - Peng Wang, Wenshuai Chen, Shuiping Gou, Xiangrong Zhang, Xiaofeng Li, Licheng Jiao
A weighted joint sparse of three channels method for full POL-SAR data classification. 6146-6149 - Shanning Bao, Chunxiang Cao, Xiliang Ni, Min Xu, Hongrun Ju, Qisheng He, Si Zhou:
Crop yield variation trend and distribution pattern in recent ten years. 6150-6153 - Zhou Zhang, Ali Masjedi
, Jieqiong Zhao
, Melba M. Crawford:
Prediction of sorghum biomass based on image based features derived from time series of UAV images. 6154-6157 - Jindong Yu, Ze Yu, Chunsheng Li, Jingwen Li, Mingxuan Mei:
Estimation of parameters of the moving target with micro motion in geosar. 6158-6161 - Haein Shin, Jaehyung Yu, Ji Hye Shin, Yongsik Jeong, Seyoung Kim, Gilljae Lee:
Spectral response of romaine lettuce by uptake of ZN. 6162-6165 - Ji Hye Shin, Jaehyung Yu, Seyoung Kim, Haein Shin, Sang-Mo Koh:
Relationship between spectral reflectance and metal content of Korean pine needles as a metal contamination indicator. 6166-6169 - Zihua Wu, Huazhong Ren, Tianyuan Zhang
, Qiming Qin, Jiaji Dong, Xin Ye:
A modified method to prevent false minimums occurring in iterative spectrally smooth temperature emissivity separation. 6170-6173 - Xiangyang Liu
, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Guangjian Yan
Evaluation of two kernel-driven models for estimating directional brightness temperature in the thermal infrared. 6174-6177 - Ping Wang, Fang Huang
, Xiangnan Liu:
Assessment of heavy metal stress using hyperspectral data. 6178-6181 - Manish Pandey, P. K. Sharma:
Remote sensing and GIS based watershed prioritization. 6182-6185 - Leland E. Pierce:
Efficiently dealing with the variety of sar data formats. 6186-6188 - Jiexiong Duan, Weixin Zhai, Chengqi Cheng:
A spatial grid index based on inverted index and its query method. 6189-6192 - Weixin Zhai, Kun Qi, Jiexiong Duan, Chengqi Cheng:
Merkle quad-tree based remote sensing image analysis. 6193-6196 - Yuzhi Tang, Quanqin Shao, Jiyuan Liu, Jiangwen Fan, Wei Cao, Lin Huang, Fan Yang, Xingjian Guo:
The assessment of ecological effectiveness in the region implemented grain for green programme in China in 1990-2010. 6197-6200 - Anand Kakarla
, Asif Qureshi, Thatikonda Shashidhar
, Swades De, Shiv Govind Singh, Soumya Jana:
Source localization via aermod-based simulation under mean squared error criterion: Demonstration using field data. 6201-6204 - Reginald A. Blake
, Janet Liou-Mark, Hamidreza Norouzi, Laura Yuen-Lau, Satya Prakash:
The role of mentorship in a remote sensing research program for undergraduate minority students. 6205-6208 - Junjie Zhou, Guiyun Zhou, Youyou Li:
Above-Ground biomass estimation of larch based on terrestrial laser scanning data. 6209-6212 - Mei Xue, Yunzhi Chen, Liangliang Jia, Xiaoqin Wang, Min Yan, Xin Tian:
Estimation of net primary productivity by beps model-a case study in fujian province. 6213-6216 - Changping Huang, Lifu Zhang, Na Qiao, Siheng Wang:
Interpretation and implication of canopy diurnal fluorescence by the field automatic measurment system. 6217-6220 - Yuke Zhou, Shuli Niu
, Lili Xu, Xizhang Gao:
Spatial analysis of growing season peak control over gross primary production in northern ecosystems using modis-GPP dataset. 6221-6224 - Yunqing Li, Jiancheng Shi, Tao Zhang, Tianjie Zhao:
Retrieve vegetation effective optical depth using time-series AMSR-E brightness temperature data at C band - A case study. 6225-6228 - Meisam Amani
, Bahram Salehi
, Sahel Mahdavi, Jean Granger, Brian Brisco:
Evaluation of multi-temporal landsat 8 data for wetland classification in newfoundland, Canada. 6229-6231 - Chao Wang, Wei Wang, Nengcheng Chen
Building an ontology for hydrologic monitoring. 6232-6234 - Vladimir Yu. Karaev, Maria Panfilova, Yury A. Titchenko
, Eugeny Meshkov, Galina Balandina, Zoya Andreeva:
First view on the flood detection by the dual-frequency precipitation radar. 6235-6238 - Esra Erten
, Cristian Rossi
, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez, Mehmet Furkan Celik
Interferometric SAR for characterization of wetland lakes as a function of suspending sediment cover and depth. 6239-6242 - Musaab Khalid
, Lionel Pénard
, Étienne Mémin:
Application of optical flow for river velocimetry. 6243-6246 - Haiyun Bi, Wenjun Zheng, Jiangyuan Zeng, Xiwei Fan:
Modeling the topography of fault zone based on structure from motion photogrammetry. 6251-6254 - Zhaoqiang Huang, Jianchun Zheng:
Distribution of micas using aster data and field sample in nuri deposit of tibet. 6255-6258 - Nouha Mezned, Wejdane Bouzidi, Belgacem Dkhala
, Saadi Abdeljaouad:
Cascade sub-pixel unmixing of aster SWIR data for mapping alteration minerals in tamra sidi-driss SITE, NW Tunisia. 6267-6270 - Changbin You, Chenglu Wen
, Huan Luo, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li
Rapid traffic sign damage inspection in natural scenes using mobile laser scanning data. 6271-6274 - Kuan-Tsung Chang, Ge-Wen Lee, Long-Shin Liang, Jin-King Liu, Feng-Chi Yu:
Estimating surface temperature and land cover change in Hsinchu City. 6275-6278 - Pietro Milillo
, Maria Cristina Porcu
, Paul Lundgren, Fabio Soccodato, Jacqueline T. Salzer
, Eric J. Fielding, Roland Burgmann
, Giovanni Milillo, Daniele Perissin, Filippo Biondi
The ongoing destabilization of the mosul dam as observed by synthetic aperture radar interferometry. 6279-6282 - Changyu Zhu, Shaoquan Zhang, Javier Plaza
, Jun Li, Antonio Plaza
Impervious surface extraction from multispectral images using morphological attribute profiles and spectral mixture analysis. 6283-6286 - Peijun Li
, Yan Chen:
Urban impervious surface extraction from very high resolution imagery using spatial and spectral unmixing and decision tree method. 6287-6289 - Hamidreza Norouzi, Brian Vant-Hull, Prathap Ramamurphy, Reginald A. Blake
, Satya Prakash, Marzi Azarderakhsh
Urban surface energy budget study using flux tower observations and remote sensing measurements. 6290-6292 - Zihao Wang, Yuanheng Sun, Huazhong Ren, Qiming Qin, Guhuai Han:
Downscaling research of remotely sensed land surface temperature. 6293-6296

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