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GRAPP 2008: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
- José Braz, Nuno Jardim Nunes, João Madeiras Pereira:
GRAPP 2008, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 22-25, 2008. INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication 2008, ISBN 978-989-8111-20-3
Invited Speakers
Keynote Lectures
- José L. Encarnação:
Augmented Reality for Industrial Applications in Design, Production and Maintenance. VISAPP (1) 2008: 5-6 - Geneviève Lucet:
Virtual Reality - A Knowledge Tool for Cultural Heritage. VISAPP (1) 2008: 7-8 - Peter F. Sturm:
General Imaging - Design, Modelling and Applications. VISAPP (1) 2008: 9-10 - Adrian Hilton:
Video-Based Animation of People. VISAPP (1) 2008: 11-12 - Russell Bobbitt, Jonathan H. Connell, Myron Flickner, Norman Haas, Arun Hampapur, Dick Harris, Charles Kurtz, Bill Lloyd, Charles Otto, Sharath Pankanti, Unsang Park, Jason Payne:
Retail Vision-Based Self-checkout - Exploring Real Time Real Purpose General Vision System. VISAPP (1) 2008: 13-14
Geometry and Modeling
Full Papers
- Susana Mata, Luis Pastor, Angel Rodríguez:
Mesh Simplification Using Distance Labels for View-Independent Silhouette Preservation. GRAPP 2008: 5-14 - Darko Dimitrov, Mathias Holst, Christian Knauer, Klaus Kriegel:
Experimental Study of Bounding Box Algorithms. GRAPP 2008: 15-22 - Eng-Wee Chionh:
Surface-Surface Intersection by Hermite Interpolation. GRAPP 2008: 23-30 - Dina Reda Khattab, Yasser M. Abd El-Latif, Mohammad S. Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed F. Tolba:
Efficient Face-Based Non-Split Connectivity Compression for Quad and Triangle-Quad Meshes. GRAPP 2008: 31-38 - Yingbin Liu, Stephen Mann:
Approximate G1 Cubic Surfaces for Data Approximation. GRAPP 2008: 39-44 - Rupesh N. Shet, Helmut E. Bez, Eran A. Edirisinghe:
Control Polygon Based Texture Synthesis on Biquadratic Bézier Rational Surfaces. GRAPP 2008: 45-52
Short Papers
- Nadjet Talbi, Pierre Joli, Zhi-Qiang Feng, Abderrahmane Kheddar:
HAPCO: Real Time Simulation of Interaction between Deformable Objects with Haptic Feedback for Solving Friction Multiple Contacts. GRAPP 2008: 55-61 - Jesús Gumbau, Carlos González, Miguel Chover:
GPU-Based Normal Map Generation. GRAPP 2008: 62-67 - Brian D. Maisler, Hong Liu, J. E. McKisson, Yishi Li, Eric Kvam:
Voronoi Diagram and its Application to Spatial Calibration for Gamma Camera Images. GRAPP 2008: 68-73 - Frutuoso G. M. Silva, Samuel S. Silva:
Quality Perception of Simplified Models: NSA vs. QSLIM. GRAPP 2008: 74-79 - Jesus Alonso Alonso, Robert Joan-Arinyo:
The Grounded Heightmap Tree - A New Data Structure for Terrain Representation. GRAPP 2008: 80-85 - Leila De Floriani, Marianna Facinoli, Paola Magillo, Debora Dimitri:
A Hierarchical Spatial Index for Triangulated Surfaces. GRAPP 2008: 86-91 - Youngjun Kim, Kunwoo Lee, Wontae Kim:
Image-Based 3D Torso Body Modeling - 3D Female Body Modeling for Breast Surgery Simulation. GRAPP 2008: 92-98 - Dietmar Hildenbrand, Eckhard M. S. Hitzer:
Analysis of Point Clouds - Using Conformal Geometric Algebra. GRAPP 2008: 99-106 - Antonio J. Rueda Ruiz, Lidia M. Ortega:
Geometric Algorithms on CUDA. GRAPP 2008: 107-112 - Oscar E. Ruiz, Eliana Vásquez, Sebastián Peña Serna, Miguel Granados:
Geometrical Degeneracy Removal by Virtual Disturbances - An Application to Surface Reconstruction from Point Slice Samples. GRAPP 2008: 113-118 - Glenn McCord, Burkhard Wünsche, Beryl Plimmer, Greg Gilbert, Christian Hirsch:
A Pen and Paper Metaphor for Orchid Modeling. GRAPP 2008: 119-124
- Neeta Nain, Vijay Laxmi, Bhavitavya Bhadviya:
Corner Detection on Curves. GRAPP 2008: 127-133 - Hidetoshi Nonaka:
Detection of Faces in Wire-Frame Polyhedra - Interactive Modelling of Uniform Polyhedra. GRAPP 2008: 134-137 - Mohammed Mostefa Mesmoudi, Leila De Floriani, Paola Magillo:
Visualizing Multiple Scalar Fields on a Surface. GRAPP 2008: 138-142 - Andreas Savva, Vasso Stylianou, George Portides:
An Extension to the Bezier Sub-Division Method to Completely Approximate Curves and Surfaces. GRAPP 2008: 143-146 - Jean-Yves Blaise, Iwona Dudek:
Beyond Graphics: Information - An Overview of Infovis Practices in the Field of the Architectural Heritage. GRAPP 2008: 147-150
Full Papers
- Martin Kraus:
Quasi-Convolution Pyramidal Blurring. GRAPP 2008: 155-162 - Matthias Trapp, Jürgen Döllner:
A Generalization Approach for 3D Viewing Deformations of Single-Center Projections. GRAPP 2008: 163-170 - João Proença, Joaquim A. Jorge, Mario Costa Sousa:
Suggestive Contours Over Point-Set Implicits. GRAPP 2008: 171-180 - Yotam Livny, Gilad Bauman, Jihad El-Sana:
Displacement Patches for GPU-Oriented View-Dependent Rendering. GRAPP 2008: 181-190 - Rosana Montes, Carlos Ureña, Rubén Jesús García, Miguel Lastra:
Generic BRDF Sampling - A Sampling Method for Global Illumination. GRAPP 2008: 191-198 - Felix Manke, Burkhard Wünsche:
A Direct Volume Rendering Framework for the Interactive Exploration of Higher-Order and Multifield Data. GRAPP 2008: 199-206 - Veronica Sundstedt:
A Psychophysical Study of Foveal Gradient Based Selective Rendering. GRAPP 2008: 207-214
Short Papers
- Guillaume Gilet, Jean-Michel Dischler, Luc Soler:
From Volume Splatting to Raycasting - A Smooth Transition. GRAPP 2008: 217-222 - Pascual Abellán, Sergi Grau, Dani Tost:
Time-Varying Multimodal Volume Rendering with 3D Textures. GRAPP 2008: 223-230 - Claus B. Madsen, Bjarne K. Mortensen, Jens R. Andersen:
Real-Time View-Dependent Visualization of Real World Glossy Surfaces. GRAPP 2008: 231-240 - Tom Jehaes, Wim Lamotte, Klaas Tack:
Objective Quality Selection for Hybrid LOD Models. GRAPP 2008: 241-248 - Tobias Alexander Franke, Yvonne Jung:
Real-Time Mixed Reality with GPU Techniques. GRAPP 2008: 249-252
- Claus B. Madsen, Michael Nielsen:
Towards Probe-Less Augmented Reality - A Position Paper. GRAPP 2008: 255-261 - João M. F. Rodrigues, Daniel Almeida, Samuel Nunes, João Carvalho, Vera Brito, J. M. Hans du Buf:
Fine Arts Edutainment- The Amateur Painter. GRAPP 2008: 262-267
Animation and Simulation
Full Papers
- Yoshiki Mizukami, Katsuhiro Sasaki, Katsumi Tadamura:
Realistic Rain Rendering. GRAPP 2008: 273-280 - Yuedong Yang, Qinping Zhao, Aimin Hao, Weihe Wu:
DTW-Curve for Classification of Logically Similar Motions. GRAPP 2008: 281-289
Short Papers
- Everton Hermann, François Faure, Bruno Raffin:
Ray-Traced Collision Detection for Deformable Bodies. GRAPP 2008: 293-299 - Dietmar Hildenbrand, Holger Lange, Florian Stock, Andreas Koch:
Efficient Inverse Kinematics Algorithm Based on Conformal Geometric Algebra - Using Reconfigurable Hardware. GRAPP 2008: 300-307 - Timo Ropinski, Borislav Petkov, Larissa Fabritz, Klaus H. Hinrichs:
Interactive Reconstruction and Visualization of Dynamic 3D Ultrasound Data Sets. GRAPP 2008: 308-315 - Yosuke Kazama, Eiji Sugisaki, Shigeo Morishima:
Directable and Stylized Hair Simulation. GRAPP 2008: 316-321 - Asako Soga, Bin Umino:
Automatic Composition of Dramatic Movement - Analysis and Algorithm for Creating Contemporary Dance Sequences. GRAPP 2008: 322-325 - Alcínia Zita Sampaio, Pedro Gameiro Henriques:
Simulation of Construction Processes Within Virtual Environments. GRAPP 2008: 326-331
- Oliver Kutter, Christian Hilker, Alexander Simon, Bärbel Mertsching:
Modeling and Simulating Mobile Robot Environments. GRAPP 2008: 335-341 - Álvaro del Monte, Roberto Torres, Pedro J. Martín, Antonio Gavilanes:
A Fully GPU-Implemented Rigid Body Simulator. GRAPP 2008: 342-349
Interactive Environments
Full Papers
- Yue Zheng, Yulia Hicks, A. David Marshall, Darren Cosker:
Generating Human Interactive Behaviours Using the Windowed Viterbi Algorithm. GRAPP 2008: 353-358 - Frank Steinicke, Jörg Mensmann, Klaus H. Hinrichs, Jan de Buhr, Kai Rothaus, Antonio Krüger:
Augmenting 3D City Models with Visualization of Real-Time Meteorological Phenomena. GRAPP 2008: 359-366 - Joan De Boeck, Chris Raymaekers, Karin Coninx:
A Tool Supporting Model Based User Interface Design in 3D Virtual Enviroments. GRAPP 2008: 367-375 - Lambros Makris, Nikolaos Karatzoulis, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Evangelos Bekiaris:
A DIYD (Do it Yourself Design) System for Vehicle Design Based on 3D Visualization and Ontologies. GRAPP 2008: 376-382
Short Papers
- Yvonne Jung:
Animating and Rendering Virtual Humans - Extending X3D for Real Time Rendering and Animation of Virtual Characters. GRAPP 2008: 387-394 - Christos Bouras, Vasileios Triglianos, Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos:
A SIP Spatial Audio Server for the EVE Platform. GRAPP 2008: 395-402 - Matteo Campana, Barbara Rizzi, Camilo Melani, Paul Bourgine, Nadine Peyriéras, Alessandro Sarti:
A Framework for 4-D Biomedical Image Processing, Visualization and Analysis. GRAPP 2008: 403-408 - Eriko Touma, Satomi Hara, Mari Kurumi, Yuri Shirakawa, Chisato Ishikawa, Masami Takata, Takeshi Horinouchi, Kazuki Joe:
An Interactive 3D Visualization Model by Live Streaming for Remote Scientific Visualization. GRAPP 2008: 409-414 - Robert Spence:
A Science of Interaction - A Multidimensional Canvas. GRAPP 2008: 415-418 - Luca Bianchi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi:
The Future of Parallel Computing: GPU vs Cell - General Purpose Planning against Fast Graphical Computation Architectures, which is the Best Solution for General Purposes Computation? GRAPP 2008: 419-425 - Katharina Pentenrieder, Peter Meier:
Registration Approaches for Augmented Reality - A Crucial Aspect for Successful Industrial Application. GRAPP 2008: 426-431
- Juan José Jiménez-Delgado, Francisco R. Feito, Rafael Jesús Segura:
Localization in an Interactive System. GRAPP 2008: 435-438 - Filippo Speranza, Akshay Bhatia, Robert Laganière:
Image Quality in Image-Based Representations of Real-World Environments - Perceived Smoothness of Viewpoint Transitions. GRAPP 2008: 439-442 - Tom Cuypers, Cedric Vanaken, Yannick Francken, Frank Van Reeth, Philippe Bekaert:
A Multi-Camera Framework for Interactive Video Games. GRAPP 2008: 443-449 - Lucio Tommaso De Paolis, Giovanni Aloisio, Marco Pulimeno:
A 3D Simulation of a Game of Billiards Using a Haptic Device. GRAPP 2008: 450-455 - Florian Echtler, Manuel J. Huber, Daniel Pustka, Peter Keitler, Gudrun Klinker:
Splitting the Scene Graph - Using Spatial Relationship Graphs Instead of Scene Graphs in Augmented Reality. GRAPP 2008: 456-459
Special Session on Art, Science and Technology, Virtual Tools for Cultural Heritage
- Sylvain Dumazet, Patrick Callet, Ariane Genty:
Virtual Restoration of a Medieval Polychrome Sculpture - Experimentation, Modelization, Validation and Visualization in Spectral Ray-tracing. GRAPP 2008: 463-470 - Pedro Miguel Semião, Maria Beatriz Carmo:
Virtual Art Gallery Tool. GRAPP 2008: 471-476 - Karina Rodriguez-Echavarria, Craig Moore, David C. Morris, David Arnold, Aidan J. Delaney, Robin Heath:
Studying Users' Acceptability Towards 3D Immersive Environments - Virtual Tours: A Case Study. GRAPP 2008: 477-484 - Pierre Drap, David Scaradozzi, Pamela Gambogi, F. Gauch:
Underwater Photogrammetry for Archaeology- The Venus Project Framework. GRAPP 2008: 485-491 - Denis Pitzalis, Philippe Colantoni, Ruven Pillay, Genevieve Aitken:
GPU Spectral Viewer - A Tool for an Enhanced Colorimetric Perspective of Cultural Heritage. GRAPP 2008: 492-496
Special Session on Multimedia Collaborative Virtual Environments
- Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos, Andreas Konstantinidis:
A Review of Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) Evaluation Methodologies. GRAPP 2008: 499-504 - Lina M. Pestana Leão de Brito, Laura Margarita Rodríguez Peralta:
A Model for Wireless Sensor Networks Supported Cooperative Work. GRAPP 2008: 505-511 - Paulo Nazareno Maia Sampaio, Laura Margarita Rodríguez Peralta, João Pedro D. Pereira:
Presenting Interactive Multimedia Documents within Virtual Environments. GRAPP 2008: 512-518 - Milán Horváth, Csaba Dániel, Jacqueline Stark, Cecilia Sik-Lányi:
Development of the Virtual ELA-House. GRAPP 2008: 519-523 - Paulo Nazareno Maia Sampaio, Roberto Ivo C. de Freitas, Gonçalo Nuno P. Cardoso:
Embedding Multimedia Content Within Virtual Environments - The OGRE Approach. GRAPP 2008: 524-532

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