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11th ECAI 1994: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Anthony G. Cohn:
Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 8-12, 1994. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester 1994 - Robert J. Aarts, Stephen F. Smith:
A High Performance Scheduler for an Automated Chemistry Workstation. ECAI 1994: 3-7 - Claude Le Pape, Jean-Francois Puget, Colonel Moreau, Philippe Darneau:
PMFP: The Use of Constraint-Based Programming for Predictive Personnel Management. ECAI 1994: 8-12 - Marco Adinolfi, Amedeo Cesta:
Scheduling Heuristics for the DRS-Sched System. ECAI 1994: 13-17 - George Spanoudakis, Panos Constantopoulos:
Similarity for Analogical Software Reuse: A Computational Model. ECAI 1994: 18-22 - Heribert Kirschfink, Hubert Rehborn:
Classification of Traffic Situations by Using Neural Networks. ECAI 1994: 23-27 - Bhavani Raskutti, Ingrid Zukerman:
Acquisition of Information to Determine a User's Plan. ECAI 1994: 28-32 - Daniel Delahaye, Jean-Marc Alliot, Marc Schoenauer, Jean-Loup Farges:
Genetic Algorithms for Air Traffic Assignment. ECAI 1994: 33-37 - Isabelle Bichindaritz:
A Case-Based Reasoning System Using a Control Case-Base. ECAI 1994: 38-42 - Marc Porcheron, Benoît Ricard, Jean Luc Busquet, Patrice Parent:
DIAPO: A Case Study in Applying Advanced AI Techniques to the Diagnosis of a Complex System. ECAI 1994: 43-47 - Silvia Miksch, Werner Horn, Christian Popow, Franz Paky:
Context-Sensitive Data Validation and Data Abstraction for Knowledge-Based Monitoring. ECAI 1994: 48-52 - Irene S. Y. Koh, Michael S. H. Heng:
A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for Selection Psychologists. ECAI 1994: 53-57 - Kai Finke, Matthias Jarke, Peter Szczurko, Roland Soltysiak:
FAITH in Process Control Expert Systems. ECAI 1994: 58-62 - Ken Satoh:
A Top Down Proof Procedure for Default Logic by Using Abduction. ECAI 1994: 65-69 - Bob Goedhart:
Abduction and Uncertainty in Compositional Reasoning. ECAI 1994: 70-74 - Christian Codognet, Philippe Codognet:
Abduction and Concurrent Logic Languages. ECAI 1994: 75-79 - Thomas Kolbe, Christoph Walther:
Reusing Proofs. ECAI 1994: 80-84 - Tetsuya Yoshida, Alan Bundy, Ian Green, Toby Walsh, David A. Basin:
Coloured Rippling: An Extension of a Theorem Proving Heuristic. ECAI 1994: 85-89 - Peter Baumgartner:
Refinements of Theory Model Elimination and a Variant without Contrapositives. ECAI 1994: 90-94 - Patrick Prosser:
Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Some are Harder than Others. ECAI 1994: 95-99 - Barbara M. Smith:
The Phase Transition and the Mushy Region in Constraint Satisfaction Problems. ECAI 1994: 100-104 - Ian P. Gent, Toby Walsh:
The SAT Phase Transition. ECAI 1994: 105-109 - David Lesaint:
Maximal Sets of Solutions for Constraint Satisfaction Problems. ECAI 1994: 110-114 - Djamila Haroud, Boi Faltings:
Global Consistency for Continuous Constraints. ECAI 1994: 115-119 - Hachemi Bennaceur:
Partial Consistency for Constraint-Satisfaction Problems. ECAI 1994: 120-124 - Daniel Sabin, Eugene C. Freuder:
Contradicting Conventional Wisdom in Constraint Satisfaction. ECAI 1994: 125-129 - Antje Beeringer, Gerd Aschemann, Holger H. Hoos, Michael Metzger, Andreas Weiss:
GSAT versus Simulated Annealing. ECAI 1994: 130-134 - Jin-Kao Hao, Raphaël Dorne:
A New Population-Based Method for Satisfiability Problems. ECAI 1994: 135-139 - José Júlio Alferes, Carlos Viegas Damásio, Luís Moniz Pereira:
Top-Down Query Evaluation for Well-Founded Semantics with Explicit Negation. ECAI 1994: 140-144 - Manfred Kerber:
On the Translation of Higher-Order Problems into First-Order Logic. ECAI 1994: 145-149 - Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
Expressing Independence in a Possibilistic Framework and its Application to Default Reasoning. ECAI 1994: 150-154 - Hermann Kaindl, Angelika Leeb, Harald Smetana:
Improvements on Linear-Space Search Algorithms. ECAI 1994: 155-159 - Mugur M. Tatar:
Combining the Lazy Label Evaluation with Focusing Techniques in an ATMS. ECAI 1994: 160-164 - Thomas Schiex, Gérard Verfaillie:
Stubborness: A Possible Enhancement for Backjumping and Nogood Recording. ECAI 1994: 165-172 - Eric O. Postma, H. Jaap van den Herik, Patrick T. W. Hudson:
Attentional Scanning. ECAI 1994: 173-177 - Ana Paiva, John A. Self, Roger Hartley:
On the Dynamics of Learner Models. ECAI 1994: 178-182 - Aldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Puliti:
Mental States Recognition from Speech Acts through Abduction. ECAI 1994: 183-187 - Jaime Simão Sichman, Rosaria Conte, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Yves Demazeau:
A Social Reasoning Mechanism Based On Dependence Networks. ECAI 1994: 188-192 - Ana Paiva, John A. Self:
A Learner Model Reason Maintenance System. ECAI 1994: 193-196 - Kees de Koning, Bert Bredeweg:
A Framework for Teaching Qualitative Models. ECAI 1994: 197-202 - Boicho N. Kokinov:
The DUAL Cognitive Architecture: A Hybrid Multi-Agent Approach. ECAI 1994: 203-207 - Pasi Koikkalainen:
Progress with the Tree-Structured Self-Organizing Map. ECAI 1994: 211-215 - Khaled Khan:
Advantages of Using Prototypes in a Multi-Layer Perceptron and Comparison to Other Neural Networks. ECAI 1994: 216-220 - Chris Hopkins, Tom Routen, Tim Watson:
Problems with Using Genetic Algorithms for Neural Network Feature Selection. ECAI 1994: 221-225 - Steve G. Romaniuk:
Applying Co-Evolution to the Construction of Neural Networks. ECAI 1994: 226-230 - Shigekazu Ishihara, Keiko Ishihara, Yukihiro Matsubara, Mitsuo Nagamachi:
Self-Organizing Neural Networks in Kansei Engineering Expert System. ECAI 1994: 231-235 - Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan, Eam Khwang Teoh, Dinesh P. Mital:
On Attributed Relational Graph Matching Using Hopfield Network. ECAI 1994: 236-240 - Alexei N. Skurikhin, Alvin J. Surkan:
Alopex Network Algorithm Applied to Predict Gas Usage. ECAI 1994: 241-248 - Taha Khedro, Michael R. Genesereth:
Modeling Multiagent Cooperation as Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solving. ECAI 1994: 249-253 - Hans-Dieter Burkhard:
On Fair Controls in Multi-Agent Systems. ECAI 1994: 254-258 - Jacques H. J. Lenting, Peter J. Braspenning:
An All-Pay Auction Approach to Reallocation. ECAI 1994: 259-263 - Mauro Gaspari, Enrico Motta:
Symbol-Level Requirements for Agent-Level Programming. ECAI 1994: 264-268 - Jacques Wainer:
Yet another Semantics of Goals and Goal Priorities. ECAI 1994: 269-273 - Sviatoslav B. Brainov:
Deviation-Proof Plans in Open Multiagent Environments. ECAI 1994: 274-278 - Michael J. Wooldridge:
Coherent Social Action. ECAI 1994: 279-283 - Paul E. Kearney, Arvindra Sehmi, Robert M. Smith:
Emergent Behaviour in a Multi-Agent Economic Situation. ECAI 1994: 284-288 - Geof Staniford:
Multi-Agent System Design: Using Human Societal Metaphors and Normative Logic. ECAI 1994: 289-293 - Benedita Malheiro, Nicholas R. Jennings, Eugénio Oliveira:
Belief Revision in Multi-Agent Systems. ECAI 1994: 294-298 - Armin Laux:
Beliefs in Multi-Agent Worlds: a Terminological Logics Approach. ECAI 1994: 299-303 - Ioa Gavrila, Jan Treur:
A Formal Model for the Dynamics of Compositional Reasoning Systems. ECAI 1994: 307-311 - Vicente J. Botti, Alfons Crespo, Federico Barber, Ismael Ripoll:
Multiple Access and Coherence Management in a Real-Time Temporal Blackboard. ECAI 1994: 312-316 - Gertjan van Heijst, Wilfried Post, Guus Schreiber:
Knowledge Based Integration of Representation Formalisms. ECAI 1994: 319-323 - Frank P. Coyle, Murat M. Tanik:
Rule Compilation and Optimization For Embedded Systems with Periodic Sensor Data. ECAI 1994: 324-330 - Bernd van Linder, Wiebe van der Hoek, John-Jules Ch. Meyer:
Tests as Epistemic Updates. ECAI 1994: 331-335 - Pierre Marquis:
Possible Models Approach via Independency. ECAI 1994: 336-340 - Bernhard Nebel:
Base Revision Operations and Schemes: Semantics, Representation and Complexity. ECAI 1994: 341-345 - Mary-Anne Williams:
Explanation and Theory Base Transmutations. ECAI 1994: 346-350 - Marie-Hélène Gréboval, Gilles Kassel:
The Production of Explanations, Seen as a Design Task: A Case Study. ECAI 1994: 351-355 - Harmen van den Berg:
Modal Logics for Conceptual Graphs III. ECAI 1994: 356-360 - Luca Chittaro, Angelo Montanari, Alessandro Provetti:
Skeptical and Credulous Event Calculi for Supporting Modal Queries. ECAI 1994: 361-365 - Gerhard Brewka:
A Reconstruction of Rescher' s Theory of Formal Disputation Based on Default Logic. ECAI 1994: 366-370 - Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
Violated Obligations in a Defeasible Deontic Logic. ECAI 1994: 371-375 - Jérôme Mengin:
Prioritized Conflict Resolution for Default Reasoning. ECAI 1994: 376-380 - Yves Moinard:
Reasoning by Cases without Contraposition in Default Logic. ECAI 1994: 381-385 - Nic Wilson, Serafín Moral:
A Logical View of Probability. ECAI 1994: 386-390 - Patrick Fabiani:
A New Approach in Temporal Representation of Belief for Autonomous Observation and Surveillance Systems. ECAI 1994: 391-395 - Fabio Pianesi, Achille C. Varzi:
Mereotopological Construction of Time from Events. ECAI 1994: 396-400 - Patrick Doherty:
Reasoning about Action and Change Using Occlusion. ECAI 1994: 401-405 - Hans-Jürgen Bürckert, Bernhard Hollunder, Armin Laux:
Concept Logics with Function Symbols. ECAI 1994: 406-410 - Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini:
Concept Language with Number Restrictions and Fixpoints, and its Relationship with Mu-calculus. ECAI 1994: 411-415 - Bart Selman:
Domain-Specific Complexity Tradeoffs. ECAI 1994: 416-420 - Brian J. Ross:
The Inductive Inference of Cyclic Synchronized Interleaving. ECAI 1994: 423-427 - Changhwan Lee, Dong-Guk Shin:
A Context-Sensitive Discretization of Numeric Attributes for Classification Learning. ECAI 1994: 428-432 - Achim G. Hoffmann:
Exploiting Causal Domain Knowledge for Learning to Control Dynamic Systems. ECAI 1994: 433-437 - Uwe Hartmann:
Learning in Classifier Systems is Hard. ECAI 1994: 438-442 - Pavel Brazdil, Alípio Jorge:
Learning by Refining Algorithm Sketches. ECAI 1994: 443-447 - Majorie Moulet:
Iterative Model Construction with Regression. ECAI 1994: 448-452 - Johannes Fürnkranz:
Top-Down Pruning in Relational Learning. ECAI 1994: 453-457 - Pierre Brézellec, Henry Soldano:
Improvement of the Exploration of the Search Space of a Top-Down Algorithm: Theoretical and Experimental Results. ECAI 1994: 458-462 - Angi Voß:
The Need for Knowledge Acquisition in Case-Based Reasoning - Some Experiences from an Architectural Domain. ECAI 1994: 463-467 - Gerhard Widmer:
Combining Robustness and Flexibility in Learning Drifting Concepts. ECAI 1994: 468-472 - Manfred Klenner, Udo Hahn:
Concept Versioning: A Methodology for Tracking Evolutionary Concept Drift in Dynamic Concept Systems. ECAI 1994: 473-477 - Hamed Elsimary, Samia Mashali, Ahmed M. Darwish, Samir I. Shaheen:
Performance Evaluation of a Novel Fault Tolerance Training Algorithm. ECAI 1994: 478-482 - Attilio Giordana, Lorenza Saitta, Floriano Zini:
Learning Disjunctive Concept Definitions Using a Genetic Algorithm. ECAI 1994: 483-486 - Philippe Collard, Jean-Philippe Aurand:
DGA: An Efficient Genetic Algorithm. ECAI 1994: 487-492 - André Le Grand, Jean Sallantin:
A Framework to improve Knowledge Acquisition based on Machine Learning. ECAI 1994: 493-497 - Tanja Urbancic, Ivan Bratko:
Reconstructing Human Skill with Machine Learning. ECAI 1994: 498-502 - Herman J. H. van Dompseler, Maarten van Someren:
Using Models of Problem Solving as Bias in Automated Knowledge Acquisition. ECAI 1994: 503-507 - Frank Maurer, Jürgen Paulokat:
Operationalizing Conceptual Models Based on a Model of Dependencies. ECAI 1994: 508-514 - Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy:
Being Concise versus Being Shallow: Two Competing Discourse Planning Paradigms. ECAI 1994: 515-519 - Helmut Horacek:
How to Avoid Explaining Obvious Things (Without Omitting Central Information). ECAI 1994: 520-524 - Stephan Mehl:
Forward Inferences in Text Generation. ECAI 1994: 525-529 - Vibhu O. Mittal, Cécile Paris:
Generating Examples For Use in Tutorial Explanations: Using a Subsumption Based Classifier. ECAI 1994: 530-534 - John Hughes, Eric Atwell:
The Automated Evaluation of Inferred Word Classifications. ECAI 1994: 535-539 - Graham Allport:
Towards an Electronic Dictionary. ECAI 1994: 540-544 - Violaine Prince:
Interpreting Common Words in Context: a Symbolic Approach. ECAI 1994: 545-549 - Uwe Jost, Eric Atwell:
Intrinsic Error Estimation for Corpus-Trained Probabilistic Language Models. ECAI 1994: 550-554 - Vincent Cadoret:
Encoding Syntactical Trees with Labelling Recursive Auto-Associative Memory. ECAI 1994: 555-559 - Wolfgang Menzel:
Parsing of Spoken Language under Time Constraints. ECAI 1994: 560-564 - Sylvie Coste-Marquis:
Hypothetical Reasoning for Automatic Recognition of Continuous Speech. ECAI 1994: 565-572 - Daniel Mack:
A New Formal Model of Belief. ECAI 1994: 573-577 - Aaron Sloman:
Exploration in Design Space. ECAI 1994: 578-584 - Berthe Y. Choueiry, Boi Faltings:
A Decomposition Heuristic for Resource Allocation. ECAI 1994: 585-589 - Hsiao-Lan Fang, Peter Ross, David Corne:
A Promising Hybrid GA/Heuristic Approach for Open-Shop Scheduling Problems. ECAI 1994: 590-594 - András Márkus, József Váncza:
Inference and Optimization Methods for Manufacturing Process Planning. ECAI 1994: 595-599 - Jürgen Eckerle, Thomas Ottmann:
An Efficient Data Structure for Bidirectional Heuristic Search. ECAI 1994: 600-604 - Jana Koehler:
Correct Modification of Complex Plans. ECAI 1994: 605-609 - Dietmar Dengler:
An Adaptive Deductive Planning System. ECAI 1994: 610-614 - Christer Bäckström:
Executing Parallel Plans Faster by Adding Actions. ECAI 1994: 615-619 - Mathias Bauer:
Integrating Probabilistic Reasoning into Plan Recognition. ECAI 1994: 620-624 - Jürgen Dorn:
Hybrid Temporal Reasoning. ECAI 1994: 625-629 - Robert Rodosek:
Combining Constraint Network and Causal Theory to Solve Scheduling Problems from a CSP Perspective. ECAI 1994: 630-634 - W. P. M. Nuijten, Emile H. L. Aarts:
Constraint Satisfaction for Multiple Capacitated Job Shop Scheduling. ECAI 1994: 635-639 - Peng Ye, Derrick Glass, Michael F. McTear, John G. Hughes:
Job Cost and Constraint Relaxation for Scheduling Problem Solving in the CLP Paradigm. ECAI 1994: 640-644 - R. R. Bakker, S. J. M. van Eldonk, P. M. Wognum, Nicolaas J. I. Mars:
The Use of Model-Based Diagnosis in Redesign. ECAI 1994: 647-651 - Frank van Harmelen, Annette ten Teije:
Using Domain Knowledge to Select Solutions in Abductive Diagnosis. ECAI 1994: 652-656 - Igor Mozetic:
Computing Minimal Diagnoses with Critical Set Algorithms. ECAI 1994: 657-661 - Eric Sauthier, Boi Faltings:
Model-Based Control. ECAI 1994: 662-666 - Wolfgang Nejdl, Johann Gamper:
Harnessing the Power of Temporal Abstractions in Model-Based Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems. ECAI 1994: 667-671 - Michael Neitzke, Bernd Neumann:
Simulating Physical Systems with Relative Descriptions of Parameters. ECAI 1994: 672-676 - Oskar Dressler, Peter Struss:
Model-Based Diagnosis with the Default-Based Diagnosis Engine: Effective Control Strategies that Work in Practice. ECAI 1994: 677-681 - Yang Gao, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
Integrating Qualitative Reasoning for Numerical Data Fusion Tasks. ECAI 1994: 682-686 - Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Giovanni Mele:
Performance Assessment of Cognitive Systems: Case of Elementary Mobile Robots. ECAI 1994: 689-693 - Jacques Penders, Lyuba Alboul, Peter J. Braspenning:
The Interaction of Congenial Autonomous Robots. ECAI 1994: 694-698 - Didier Keymeulen, Jo Decuyper:
The Stream Field Method Applied to Mobile Robot Navigation: a Topological Perspective. ECAI 1994: 699-703 - Steffen Förster:
Neural Fuzzy Controller In Behavior-Oriented Architectures. ECAI 1994: 704-708 - Jörg P. Müller, Markus Pischel:
Modelling Interacting Agents in Dynamic Environments. ECAI 1994: 709-713 - Luc Steels:
Equilibrium Analysis of Behavior Systems. ECAI 1994: 714-718 - Eric Dekneuvel, Malik Ghallab, Herve Philippe:
DICK: Distributed Inference on Compiled Knowledge for Real Time Distributed Systems. ECAI 1994: 719-726 - Walter Van de Velde:
A Constructivist View on Knowledge Engineering. ECAI 1994: 727-731 - Kenneth B. Haase:
FRAMER: A Persistent Portable Representation Library. ECAI 1994: 732-738 - Marie-Christine Rousset:
Knowledge Formal Specifications for Formal Verification: a Proposal Based on the Integration of Different Logical Formalisms. ECAI 1994: 739-743 - Jan Treur, Mark Willems:
A Logical Foundation for Verification. ECAI 1994: 745-749 - Antoine Missier, Spyros Xanthakis, Louise Travé-Massuyès:
Qualitative Algorithmics Using Order of Growth Reasoning. ECAI 1994: 750-754 - Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski, Daniel Lehmann:
Categorical Tools for Artificial Perception. ECAI 1994: 757-761 - Franco Callari, Pietro Storniolo:
A New Approach to Shading Flow Analysis and Surface Recovery from Images. ECAI 1994: 762-766 - Fadi Sandakly, Gérard Giraudon:
Multispecialist System for 3D Scene Analysis. ECAI 1994: 767-771 - Andranik Tangian:
Towards an Axiomatic Theory of Artificial Perception. ECAI 1994: 772-778 - Ernest A. Edmonds:
Computers and Creative Thought. ECAI 1994: 779-784 - Jos Schreinemakers, Jean-Paul A. Barthès, David S. Brée, R. van der Spek, Karl M. Wiig:
Knowledge Management. ECAI 1994: 785-788 - Robert Milne, Jean-Paul A. Barthès, Patrick Corsi:
The Future of AI Funding. ECAI 1994: 789-792 - Henrik I. Christensen, Erik Granum:
Active Vision: A Survey. ECAI 1994: 793-798 - Dave Cliff:
AI and A-Life: Never Mind The Blocksworld. ECAI 1994: 799-804 - Patrick Corsi:
Current and Future Trends for Community Research and Development in Artificial intelligence. ECAI 1994: 805-810 - Joachim Hertzberg:
Theoretical Planning and its Contributions to Practical and Applied Planning. ECAI 1994: 811-812 - Leslie Pack Kaelbling:
Learning and intelligent Agents. ECAI 1994: 813 - Carme Torras:
Neural Learning for Robot Control. ECAI 1994: 814-822 - Sarit Kraus:
Interaction and Collaboration in Multi-agent Systems. ECAI 1994: 823-825 - Judea Pearl:
Causation, Action and Counterfactuals. ECAI 1994: 826-828 - Wolfgang Wahlster:
Computational Models of Multimodal Communication. ECAI 1994: 829-830

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