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AlgoSyn 2010: Dagstuhl, Germany
- Kai Bollue, Dominique Gückel, Ulrich Loup, Jacob Spönemann, Melanie Winkler:
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, Algorithmic synthesis of reactive and discrete-continuous systems, AlgoSyn 2010, May 31 - June 2, 2010. Verlagshaus Mainz, Aachen, Germany 2010, ISBN 3-86130-146-6
GRK 643: Software for Mobile Communication Systems
- Vaishak Belle:
Multi-Agent Only-Knowing Revisited. 16 - Arnd Hannemann:
Multipath Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks. 18 - Di Li:
Cluster-based Channel Assignment for Multi-radio Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Networks. 19 - Mónica Alejandra Lora Girón:
QoE in Cooperative Wireless Networks. 20 - Cem Mengi:
Integrated Design and Configuration of Versatile Software Documents in Automotive Software Engineering. 21 - Andriy Panchenko:
Anonymous Communication. 22 - Manh Cuong Pham:
Knowledge Discovery in Digital Libraries. 23 - Torsten Sattler:
Localize Me!. 24 - Florian Schmidt:
Improving Performance in Corruption-susceptible Networks. 25 - Xiang Xu:
Factor-graph Based Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 27
GRK 1042: Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces
- Vladimir Bondarenko:
Adaptive Thinning Algorithms of Atmospheric Observations in Data Assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction. 30 - Thorsten Dahmen:
Simulation and Optimization of Race-Bike Training on Realistic Tracks. 31 - Mathias Heilig:
Novel Interaction Techniques for Information Seeking. 32 - Mahsa Jenabi:
Cross-Display Input Device for Co-located Collaborative Work. 33 - Slava Kisilevich:
Visual Spatiotemporal Analysis of Movement and Event Data. 35 - Stefan Klinger:
XML Full-Text Retrieval. 36 - Milos Krstajic:
Visual Analytics Methods for Large-Scale Analysis of Information Dynamics in News Streams. 37 - Martin Mader:
Network Visualization: Dynamics, Modes, and Collections. 38 - Uwe Nagel:
Analysis of Network Ensembles. 39 - Sören Pirk:
Real-Time Rendering and Modeling of Vegetation. 40 - Mirco Richter:
High-Dimensional Methods for Dementia Analysis. 41 - Andreas Stoffel:
Document Structure Analysis for Large Document Collections. 42 - Hendrik Strobelt:
Advanced Visualizations of Large Document Collections. 43
GRK 1076/3: TrustSoft
- Amna Asif:
Multimodal User Interfaces for a Car Navigation System. 46 - Ahmad El Maamoun:
Achieving Fault Tolerance for Arithmetic Circuits with a Mutable RNS Monitor. 48 - Muhammad Imran Asad Gul:
Self-Managed Resource Consumption Optimization by Near-Future User Behavior Prediction at Application Level. 50 - Christian Jakob:
Gesellschaftsrechtliche Anforderungen an Risikomanagementsysteme. 51 - Kinga Kiss Iakab:
Dependable Data Management in Dynamic Distributed Systems. 52 - Sven Linker:
Diagrammatic Specification and Verification of Mobile Real-Time Systems. 53 - Nils Müllner:
Unmasking Fault Tolerance: Masking vs. Non-masking Fault-tolerant Systems. 54 - Felix Jonathan Oppermann:
End-User-Requirement-Driven Design of Wireless Sensor Networks. 55 - Hendrik Radke:
Correctness of Graph Programs Relative to Hyperedge Replacement Conditions. 56 - Bernd Schmidt:
Compliance in Kapitalgesellschaften. 57 - André van Hoorn:
Online Capacity Management for Increased Resource Efficiency of Software Systems. 58
GRK 1194: Self-organizing Sensor-Actuator-Networks
- Martin Heine:
Privacy and Reciprocity in Sensor-Networks. 60 - Jens Horneber:
Managing Energy Efficient and Reliable Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks. 61 - Chih-Ming Hsieh:
Nature-Inspired Wireless Sensor-Actuator-Networks. 62 - Alexander Kettler:
Decentral Task Processing by Cooperation and Interaction: Models Assisting in Local Algorithm Design. 63 - Daniel Lyons:
Scheduling and Ressource Allocation in Decentralized Sensor-actor-networks. 64 - Benjamin Noack:
Decentralized Reconstruction of Continuous Distributed Phenomena based on Discrete Measurements. 65 - Christoph Roth:
V2X Simulation Environment for Comprehensive Design Space Exploration Verification and Test. 66 - Dennis Schieferdecker:
Lifetime Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks. 68 - Johannes Schmid:
Infrastructureless Localization in WSN. 69 - Tessa Tielert:
Information Dissemination in Urban Wireless Vehicular Networks. 71 - Markus Völker:
Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor Networks - Scheduling, Localization and Topology Control. 72
GRK 1298: Algorithmic Synthesis of Reactive and Discrete-Continuous Systems (AlgoSyn)
- Kai Bollue:
Synthesis of Behavioral Controllers for Discrete Event Systems with Augmented Petri Net Models. 74 - Diana Fischer:
Logics for Quantitative Systems. 75 - Dominique Gückel:
Synthesis of Hardware Simulators for Use in Model Checking. 76 - Paul Hänsch:
Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems. 77 - Michael Holtmann:
The Complexity of Winning Strategies in Infinite Games. 79 - Ulrich Loup:
Decision Problems over the Domain of the Real Numbers. 80 - Alexandru Mereacre:
Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Chains and Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes. 81 - Michaela Slaats:
Aspects of Higher-Order Pushdown Systems - Infinite Regular Games and Strategies. 82 - Jacob Spönemann:
The Network Design Problem for Railway Infrastructure. 83 - Sabrina von Styp:
Symbolic and Timed Testing. 84 - Melanie Winkler:
Synthesis and Probabilistic Analysis of Online Algorithms for Online Buffering Problems. 85
GRK 1324: Model-Based Development of Self-Organizing Information-Systems for Disaster Management (METRIK)
- Jan Calta:
Formal Verification of Self-Organizing Systems. 87 - Andreas Dittrich:
Self-Aware Adaptive Service Networks with Dependability Guarantees. 88 - Joanna Geibig:
Self-Organized Data Replication in Wireless Multihop Ad-Hoc Networks. 90 - Siamak Haschemi:
Testing Dynamic Component Systems. 92 - Frank Kühnlenz:
A Model-based Approach for Transparent Experimentation Workflows. 93 - Jens Nachtigall:
Wireless Routing Protocols for Earthquake Early Warning Systems. 94 - Jarungjit Parnjai:
Analysis of Behavioral Exchangeability of Services. 95 - Henryk Plötz:
Security in Self-Organizing Systems. 96 - Andreas W. Reimer:
Analysis and Construction of Chorematic Diagrams. 97 - Falko Theisselmann:
Model-driven Engineering for Environmental Modeling with Cellular Automata. 98 - Christoph Wagner:
Verifying Data-Dependent Services. 99 - Arif Wider:
Metamodel-based Technologies for the Development of Optical Nanostructures. 100
GRK 1362: Cooperative, Adaptive and Responsive Monitoring in Mixed-Mode Environments
- Mykhaylo Andriluka:
People Detection in Challenging Real-World Scenes. 104 - Dominik Haumann:
State Estimation in Distributed Systems. 105 - Arthur Herzog:
Device-Agent Based Middleware Approach for Mixed Mode Environments. 106 - Daniel Jacobi:
Scopes - A Framework for Multi-Purpose Wireless Sensor Networks. 107 - Matthias Kropff:
Multi-Modal Sensor Monitoring for Context-Aware Assistance. 108 - Kim Listmann:
Synchronization of Multi-agent Systems. 109 - Matthias Majuntke:
Large Scale Replication and Data Consistency. 110 - Johannes Meyer:
Real-time Obstacle and Terrain Mapping for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 111 - Karen Petersen:
General Concepts for the Support of Autonomous Teams of Robots by a Human Operator. 112 - Katayon Radkhah:
Design, Actuation, and Control for Biologically Inspired Four-Legged and Two-Legged Robots. 113 - Christian Reinl:
Trajectory Planning and Task Allocation of Cooperating Vehicles: Discrete-Continuous Modeling and Optimization. 114 - Vinay Sachidananda:
Quality of Information in Wireless Sensor networks. 115 - Paul Schnitzspan:
Conditional Random Fields for Detection of Visual Object Classes. 116 - Marco Serafini:
Fault Characterization and Diagnosis in Distributed Systems. 117 - Armin Strobel:
Distributed and Predictive Control of UAV Swarms for Measurement of Scalar Fields in Lower Airspace. 118 - Farid Zaid:
Towards Enablement of Mobile Orientation-aware Services. 119
GRK 1387/1: dIEM oSiRiS - Integrative Development of Modeling and Simulation Methods for Regenerative Systems
- Fiete Haack:
Brownian Dynamics Simulations for Cell Biological Applications. 122 - Ron Henkel:
Distributed Information Retrieval of Computational Biological Models. 123 - Matthias Jeschke:
Efficient Non-spatial and Spatial Simulation of Biochemical Reaction Networks. 124 - Stefan Leye:
Experimental Model Validation. 125 - Carsten Maus:
Multi-Level Modelling for Systems Biology. 127 - Géraldine Ruddeck:
Tutoring System for Modelling and Simulation for Biologists. 128 - Yvonne Schmitz:
Mathematical Modeling of Cell Signalling: Kinetic Properties of the Wnt Pathway. 129 - Hans-Jörg Schulz:
Explorative Graph Visualization. 130
GRK 1424: Multimodal Smart Appliance Ensembles for Mobile Applications(MuSAMA)
- Christian Bünnig:
Smart Privacy Management in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 134 - Christoph Burghardt:
Synthesizing Probabilistic Generative Models for Intention Analysis. 135 - David Gassmann:
Distribution Strategies of Data and Functionality in a Spontaneous Linked-up Sensor Network. 136 - Enrico Heinrich:
Development of a Flexible, Locatable and Safe Radio Platform. 137 - Anke Lehmann:
Interaction in High-resolution Display Environments. 138 - Philipp Lehsten:
Intelligent Integration and Dissemination of Services in a Smart Environment. 139 - Andre Peters:
Query Processing in Ad-hoc Environments. 140 - Axel Radloff:
User-driven Visual Interfaces for Smart Meeting Rooms. 141 - Henry Ristau:
Intelligent and Distributed Content Addressable Memory. 142 - Alexander Steiniger:
Component-based Modeling and Simulation for Smart Environments. 143 - Maik Wurdel:
An Integrated Approach for Task Specification for Smart Environments. 144
GRK 1480: Programm- und Modell-Analyse (PUMA)
- Lukas Bulwahn:
Counterexample Generation for Higher-order Logic Using Logic Programming. 146 - Chih-Hong Cheng:
GAVS: Game Arena Visualization and Synthesis. 147 - Andreas Gaiser:
Probabilistic Verification Techniques and Probabilistic Program Analysis. 148 - Johannes Hölzl:
Quantitative Information Flow Analysis in Isabelle. 150 - Jan Hoffmann:
An Automatic Amortized Analysis of the Resource Consumption of Functional Programs. 151 - Aleksandr Karbyshev:
Verified Generic Local Fixpoint Algorithms. 153 - Christian Kern:
Automatic Error Correction of Java Programs. 155 - Máté Kovács:
Information Flow Analysis in Business Processes. 156 - Markus Latte-Freiberger:
Automata for Program and Model Analysis (working title). 157 - Andreas Reuß:
Program Analysis with Horn Clauses. 158 - Dulma Rodriguez:
A Type System for Amortised Heap-Space Analysis of Object-Oriented Programs. 159
GRK 1487: Self-organized Mobile Communication Systems for Disaster Scenarios
- Abutaleb Abdelmohdi Turky:
Routing Optimization Using Traffic Prediction. 162 - Md. Akbar Hossain:
Optimization of Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks. 163 - Christian Brosch:
Self-Organized Service Placement in Mobile Communication Networks. 164 - Markus Brückner:
A Framework for Robust and Efficient Movement-Based Message Forwarding. 165 - Michael Grimm:
Cognitive Control of a FPGA-based RF Interface for Cognitive Radio in Disaster Scenarios. 167 - Alexander Krah:
Electromagnetic Wave Field Synthesis for an Over-the-Air Test of Radios in the Graduate School. 168 - Pavlo Krasovsky:
Monitor and Control System of Distributed Data Exchange in MANETs for Dissaster Scenarious. 169 - Omar Ahmed:
Self-Organized Routing in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. 170 - Liz Ribe-Baumann:
Robust, Decentralized Information Management. 171 - Saleh Hussin:
Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. 173 - Dominik Schulz:
Parameters for Distributed MIMO Systems. 174 - Tobias Simon:
Self-organized Mission Planning and Control for UAV Communication Platforms. 175 - Mikhail Tarasov:
Self-Organized Network Optimization via Placement of Additional Nodes. 176 - Tatsiana Ulazniuk:
Car-to-X Communications. 177 - Jin Yang:
Self-organization Data Harvesting and Fusion for Building a Resource Map. 178 - Bilal Zafar:
Control of Distributed Heterogenous MIMO. 179
International Graduate School: Dynamic Intelligent Systems
- Roman Dumitrescu:
Developing Cognitive Functions in Self-Optimizing Systems with Solution Patterns. 182 - Christian Gerth:
A Framework for Change Management of Business Process Models. 182 - Thomas Kemmerich:
Knowledge-Based Agent Societies. 185 - Emi Mathews:
Maintaining Connectivity of Autonomous Agents Using Mobile Ad-hoc Robotic Network. 187
Research College: Service-Oriented Systems Engineering
- Mohammed AbuJarour:
Information Integration in Service-oriented Computing. 190 - Rehab Alnemr:
Context-aware Reputation Framework. 191 - Malte Appeltauer:
Context-oriented Service Computing. 192 - Basil Becker:
Modeling and Verification of Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems. 193 - Frank Feinbube:
Programming Models for Multicore Computers. 194 - Regina Hebig:
Mega-modeling the Development of Service-Oriented Enterprise Systems. 195 - Uwe Hentschel:
Services for Real-Time Computing. 196 - Dieter Hildebrandt:
Service-Oriented Visualization of 3D Geovirtual Environments based on Standards and Images. 197 - Stephan Kluth:
Quantitative Modeling and Analysis with FMC-QE. 198 - Thomas Kowark:
Towards a Service Landscape for a Project Management Dashboard. 199 - Johannes Lorey:
Data Placement Strategies for Cloud Platforms. 200 - Michael Menzel:
Model-driven Generation of Security Policies for Service-oriented Architectures. 201 - Andreas Meyer:
Resource Management in BPMN. 202 - Emilian Pascalau:
Web Systems Design with Process-based Self Adaptive Behavior. 203 - Michael Perscheid:
Dynamic Service Analysis. 204 - Artem Polyvyanyy:
Abstraction of Process Specifications. 206 - Alexander Schmidt:
Operating System Support for Monitoring Parallel Software Systems. 207 - Jan-Arne Sobania:
Reuse of Legacy Software Components via Decompilation. 208 - Ivonne Thomas:
Reliable Digital Identities for SOA and the Web. 209 - Jonas Trümper:
Visualization of Complex Software Systems. 210 - Thomas Vogel:
Models and Infrastructure Support for Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Software Systems. 211 - Tobias Vogel:
Dynamically Adaptive Data Quality Web Services. 213

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