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2nd CSEDU 2010: Valencia, Spain
- José A. Moinhos Cordeiro, Boris Shishkov, Alexander Verbraeck, Markus Helfert:
CSEDU 2010 - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Valencia, Spain, April 7-10, 2010 - Volume 2. INSTICC Press 2010, ISBN 978-989-674-024-5
Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Full Papers
- Carlos López Nozal, David H. Martin, Andrés Bustillo, Raúl Marticorena Sánchez:
Final Year Project Management Process. CSEDU (2) 2010: 5-12 - Rafael del Vado Vírseda:
An Interactive Tool for Data Structure Visualization and Algorithm Animation - Experiences and Results. CSEDU (2) 2010: 13-20 - Marta E. Zorrilla, Diego García-Saiz, Elena Álvarez:
An Approach to Measure Student Activity in Learning Management Systems. CSEDU (2) 2010: 21-28 - Elmara Pereira de Souza, Claudia Pinto Sena, Cláudia Vivien Carvalho de Oliveira Soares:
Epistemological Concepts for Teacher Development in Virtual Environments and in the Teaching-learning Process for Visually Impaired Students. CSEDU (2) 2010: 29-36 - Christian Queinnec:
An Infrastructure for Mechanised Grading. CSEDU (2) 2010: 37-45 - Maria Beatriz Piedade, Maribel Yasmina Santos:
Promoting Students Success with a Business Intelligence System. CSEDU (2) 2010: 46-52 - Gustavo H. S. Alexandre, Simone C. dos Santos, Patrícia C. A. R. Tedesco:
Using Bloom's Cognitive Domain in Web Evaluation Environments. CSEDU (2) 2010: 53-59 - Shirley Hunter-Barnett, Sue Murrin-Bailey:
Should Audio Feedback be used Because it is Easily Available or for Reasons of Pedagogy?. CSEDU (2) 2010: 60-64 - Maria Kordaki, Haris Siempos:
The Jigsaw Collaborative Method within the Online Computer Science Classroom. CSEDU (2) 2010: 65-72
Short Papers
- Antonio Portilla-Figueras, Silvia Jiménez-Fernández, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz:
A Competitive-game Project-based Learning Scheme for Mobile Communications Subjects. CSEDU (2) 2010: 75-78 - M. Angélica Pinninghoff Junemann, Ricardo Contreras Arriagada, Pedro Salcedo Lagos:
Problem-based Learning - A Graph Theory Experience. CSEDU (2) 2010: 79-83 - Diana Pérez-Marín, Ismael Pascual-Nieto:
On the Improvement of Motivation in using a Blended Learning Approach - A Success Case. CSEDU (2) 2010: 84-89 - Pablo Ortega Gil, Francisco Arcos García:
How Blended Learning Closes the Language Gap between Native Students and Spanish Language Learners. CSEDU (2) 2010: 90-95 - Paula Peres, Ana Azevedo:
Developing Soft Skills in a b-Learning Environment. CSEDU (2) 2010: 96-100 - Claude Timsit, Soraya Zertal:
Using Spreadsheets to Teach Computer Architecture. CSEDU (2) 2010: 101-105 - Paola Pisano:
Innovation by Collaboration among Firms. A New Methodology - Building Theory from Case Study Research and Simulation Models. CSEDU (2) 2010: 106-113 - Sébastien Iksal, Christophe Choquet, Diem Pham Thi Ngoc:
A Generic Modeling of Indicator with UTL - The Collaborative Action Function Example. CSEDU (2) 2010: 114-119 - Stelios Xinogalos:
Difficulties with Collection Classes in Java - The Case of the ArrayList Collection. CSEDU (2) 2010: 120-125 - Wolfgang Heiden, Eric Fassbender:
An Edutainment Approach to Academic Teaching based on Storytelling. CSEDU (2) 2010: 126-131 - Giampaolo Bella, Gianpiero Costantino, Salvatore Riccobene:
WATA - A System for Written Authenticated though Anonymous Exams. CSEDU (2) 2010: 132-137 - Giovannina Albano, Giuseppe Maresca:
Personalised e-Learning Process - The Case of Geometry in IWT. CSEDU (2) 2010: 138-143 - Chung Man Tang, Yuen-Tak Yu, Chung Keung Poon:
An Experimental Prototype for Automatically Testing Student Programs using Token Patterns. CSEDU (2) 2010: 144-149 - Virgilijus Sakalauskas, Dalia Kriksciuniene:
The Individual Performance Measurement Framework in Virtual Team Learning. CSEDU (2) 2010: 150-155 - Vicente Rodríguez Montequín, Joaquín Villanueva Balsera, José Manuel Mesa Fernández, Javier De Cos Juez:
Using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) for Assessment Success of Student Groups in Project based Learning. CSEDU (2) 2010: 156-160
- Pablo López-Espí, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Rocio Sánchez-Montero, Antonio Portilla-Figueras:
An Experience to Include Advanced Optimization Techniques in Microwave Undergraduate Laboratories. CSEDU (2) 2010: 163-166 - Stasys Girdzijauskas, Andzela Mialik, Ramunas Mackevicius:
Modeling the Fragile Economic Situations. CSEDU (2) 2010: 167-170 - João Luís Miranda:
Using a Computer-aided PBL Approach in the Design of a Course in Entrepreneurship and Management. CSEDU (2) 2010: 171-176 - Hiroyuki Morita, Masashi Kondo, Tomonori Ishigaki, Nagateru Araki, Yuji Nakayama:
An Enhanced Practical Program on Data Mining Education. CSEDU (2) 2010: 177-180 - Branko Kaucic, Dejan Sraka, Maja Ramsak, Marjan Krasna:
Observations on Plagiarism in Programming Courses. CSEDU (2) 2010: 181-184 - Rumyana Yordanova Papancheva, Krasimira Atanasova Dimitrova, Krasimir Nedelchev Manev:
Teaching IT in the Primary School - Some Aspects of Propaedeutics of Informatics Knowledge . CSEDU (2) 2010: 185-188 - Pablo Gil, Francisco A. Candelas Herías, Jorge Pomares, Santiago T. Puente Méndez, Juan Antonio Corrales, Carlos Alberto Jara, Gabriel J. García, Fernando Torres Medina:
Using Moodle for an Automatic Individual Evaluation of Student's Learning. CSEDU (2) 2010: 189-194 - Yun Gao, Xuejie Zhang:
A Teaching Schema for Multi-core Programming. CSEDU (2) 2010: 195-198
Social Context and Learning Environments
Full Papers
- René Börner, Andreas Uremovic:
Sparking Employees' Interest in Six Sigma - Transferring a Paper-based Simulation to a Workflow Management Application. CSEDU (2) 2010: 203-210
Short Papers
- Viktorija Sulcic:
Business Student Collaborative Work Supported by Moodle Wiki. CSEDU (2) 2010: 213-219 - Andrea Hofmann, Imke Hoppe, Klaus P. Jantke:
The Need for Special Games for Gamers with Special Needs. CSEDU (2) 2010: 220-225 - Ana Luiza Dias, Marcos Alexandre Rose Silva, Júnia Coutinho Anacleto, Luciana Martha Silveira, Rosângela Aparecida Dellosso Penteado:
A Case Study that Shows the Importance of Color in Web Collaborative Educational Environment. CSEDU (2) 2010: 226-231 - Marcos Alexandre Rose Silva, Ana Luiza Dias, Júnia Coutinho Anacleto:
Using Contextualized Narrative Game to Improve Students and Teachers Communication. CSEDU (2) 2010: 232-237 - Adriano Fagali de Souza, Edgar Augusto Lanzer, Carlos Mauricio Sacchelli, Leonidas Cayo M. Gilapa:
An Approach to Teach Mechanical Engineering in Order to Avoid Curriculum Fragmentation Among Technical and Management Classes. CSEDU (2) 2010: 238-245 - Wiebke Schwelgengräber, Ralf Salomon, Ralf Joost:
The Model Railroad as an Example Avoiding Tacit Knowledge in Microelectronics Studies. CSEDU (2) 2010: 246-251 - Marcos Sadao Maekawa, Takehiro Suzuki, Keiko Okawa:
Multicultural Exchange & New Media - Global Education Solution for Children. CSEDU (2) 2010: 252-257
- Tianzhou Chen, Gang Wang, Wei Hu, Qingsong Shi:
Hierarchical Construction of Teaching Faculty in Computer Organization and Design. CSEDU (2) 2010: 261-264 - Sunao Tanimoto, Kiyoshi Yoshida, Jyunichiro Tahara:
Practical Education of Control Engineering - Using Open OS, Free Software and Actual Plant. CSEDU (2) 2010: 265-270 - Arturo Mora-Soto, María Isabel Sánchez Segura, Fuensanta Medina-Domínguez, Antonio de Amescua Seco:
Transactive Memory System Proposal to Foster Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Sharing into Organizations. CSEDU (2) 2010: 271-276 - Mario Massimo Petrone, Eugenio Pasquariello, Roberto Valente, Massimo Brunale:
Learning Methodologies and Their Software Tools - An Approach to Definition of Possible Use Scenarios. CSEDU (2) 2010: 277-283
Legal and Cultural Management Issues
Short Papers
- Dino Mandrioli, Aldo Torrebruno, Luisa Marini:
Computers Foster Education and Education Fosters Computer Science - The Politecnico's Approach. CSEDU (2) 2010: 289-296 - Jitian Xiao, Jie Lu, K. L. Chin, Jun Xu, Juan Yao:
Cross-cultural Learning Challenges and Teaching Strategies for First-year Asian Students in Australian Universities. CSEDU (2) 2010: 297-303
Domain Applications and Case Studies
Full Papers
- Moritz Balz, Michael Goedicke:
Teaching Programming with Formal Models in Greenfoot. CSEDU (2) 2010: 309-316 - Heiko Sturzrehm, Claire Fautsch, Peter G. Kropf:
Field Report on Five Years of eLearning - Observations and Inspirations. CSEDU (2) 2010: 317-324 - Michael May, Peter Munkebo Hussmann, Anne Skov Jensen, Helle Rootzén, Steen Markvorsen, Karsten Schmidt, Kasper Skårhøj, Søren Enemark:
Constraints on Reusability of Learning Objects - Didactic Aspects of Modular e-Learning in Engineering Education. CSEDU (2) 2010: 325-332
Short Papers
- José Javier Astrain, Alberto Córdoba, Jesús E. Villadangos:
MapO2R: Mapping Object Oriented Applications to Relational Databases - A Case of Study. CSEDU (2) 2010: 335-340 - Nicoletta Di Blas, Paolo Paolini, Aldo Torrebruno:
Innovative Technologies and Education - Two Successful Case-studies. CSEDU (2) 2010: 341-348 - Maria Kordaki, Mihai Bîzoi, Gabriel Gorghiu:
Teachers' Computer Supported Constructions within a European Virtual Community Collaborative Space for Sciences Education - An Experience Achieved in a Multinational European Project. CSEDU (2) 2010: 349-356 - Ondrej Kreibich, Radislav Smid:
E-Learning Tools for Education and Training in Diagnostics and Machine Condition Monitoring. CSEDU (2) 2010: 357-361 - Pawel Lenkiewicz, Malgorzata Rzeznik, Lech Banachowski:
An Efficient Tool for Online Assessment at the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology. CSEDU (2) 2010: 362-366 - Stefan Minica:
Implementing Dynamic-epistemic Questioning - Engineering and Teaching Information Seeking via Dynamic Inquiry. CSEDU (2) 2010: 367-372
- Bengt Lennartsson:
Visualization in Education - Support for the Cognitive Processes in Understanding and Learning. CSEDU (2) 2010: 375-379 - Evangelia Krassadaki, Nikolaos F. Matsatsinis, Leonidas A. Zampetakis:
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Pilot Seminar on Cooperative Learning in an Engineering Course. CSEDU (2) 2010: 380-384 - Alfons Juan, Jesús Andrés-Ferrer, Adrià Giménez, Jorge Civera, Roberto Paredes, Enrique Vidal:
The APP Oracle - An Interactive Student Competition on Pattern Recognition. CSEDU (2) 2010: 385-388
Quality, Evaluation and Accreditation Policies
Full Papers
- Bradley S. Barker, Gwen Nugent, Viacheslav I. Adamchuk, Neal Grandgenett:
The Short-term Benefits of Educational Robotics When Paired with Geospatial Technologies in Informal Learning Environments. CSEDU (2) 2010: 393-398
Short Papers
- Philippos Pouyioutas, K. Harald Gjermundrød, Ioanna Dionysiou:
The Development of TunTool - A Software Tool for the Tuning Methodology. CSEDU (2) 2010: 401-406 - Marianne Holzhüter, Dirk Frosch-Wilke, Salvador Sánchez-Alonso:
Discussion of the Benefit Potentials of Process Mining for e-Learning Processes. CSEDU (2) 2010: 407-411 - Francisco J. Martín-Carrasco, Luis Mediero, J. A. Sánchez:
The Internet as a Tool for Improving the Student Evaluation of Teaching. CSEDU (2) 2010: 412-419 - Ruey S. Shieh:
The Impact of Technology-enabled Active Learning on Student Performance, Gender and Achievement Level. CSEDU (2) 2010: 420-425 - Camilo Jiménez, Jorge Villalobos:
Design and Development of an Undergraduate Course on Internet Applications based on an Integral Pedagogical Approach. CSEDU (2) 2010: 426-432 - Michail N. Giannakos:
The Evaluation of an e-Learning Web-based Platform. CSEDU (2) 2010: 433-438
- Dainis Dosbergs, Juris Borzovs:
Concept Classification for Study Programs Quality Evaluation. CSEDU (2) 2010: 441-445 - Christoph Vogler, André Schulz, Andrea Hofmann:
Does Anybody Need Help? Pupils and Teachers in Harmony - Creating an Adaptive Visualisation-module for Teachers to Support their Scheduling and Teaching Processes. CSEDU (2) 2010: 446-450 - Tamara Sliusarenko, Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll:
Canonical Correlation Analysis of Course and Teacher Evaluations. CSEDU (2) 2010: 451-454 - Rosa Cabedo Gallén:
Towards e-Learning Quality - A Proposal of e-Learning Quality Model. CSEDU (2) 2010: 455-460
GPERP - Special Session on Gaming Platforms for Education and Reeducation Purposes
Full Papers
- Jonathan Tremblay, Bruno Bouchard, Abdenour Bouzouane:
Adaptive Game Mechanics for Learning Purposes - Making Serious Games Playable and Fun. CSEDU (2) 2010: 465-470 - Dominique Jaccard, Stefano Riboni:
SimProjet: An Innovative Simulation Platform for Experiential Learning in Project Management . CSEDU (2) 2010: 471-477 - Won Moon, Joong-Ho Lee, Ji-Hyung Park:
Utilizing Interactive Tabletops for Educational Games. CSEDU (2) 2010: 478-483 - Macarena Espinilla, Iván Palomares, Humberto Bustince:
Design and Development of Online Educational Games based on Questions. CSEDU (2) 2010: 484-488 - Francisco Ibañez, James Playfoot, Malena Fabregat, Maria Costa, Sonia Torres, Carmen Cretu:
Replay Project - Gaming Technology Platform for Social Reintegration of Marginalised Youth. CSEDU (2) 2010: 489-495
ESHE - Special Session on Enterprise Systems in Higher Education
Full Papers
- Verena Stein, Robert Neßelrath, Jan Alexandersson:
Improving Spelling Skills for Blind Language Learners - Orthographic Feedback in an Auditory Vocabulary Trainer. CSEDU (2) 2010: 501-506 - Johan Magnusson, Håkan Enquist, Anders Gidlund, Bo Oskarsson:
Get Together - A Case of ERP Implementation and its Transfer to Class. CSEDU (2) 2010: 507-512 - Ahmad D. Jaffar, Piers R. J. Campbell, Faheem Ahmed:
Overcoming Enterprise Systems Education Deficiency - A Simulated Laboratory Pedagogic Approach. CSEDU (2) 2010: 513-520 - Dirk Peters, Liane Haak, Jorge Marx Gómez:
Learner-oriented Approach for Enterprise Systems in Higher Education using Tel-based Concepts - Research Positioning Paper. CSEDU (2) 2010: 521-526

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