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31st COMPCON 1986: San Francisco, California, USA
- Spring COMPCON'86, Digest of Papers, Thirty-First IEEE Computer Society International Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, March 3-6, 1986. IEEE Computer Society 1986, ISBN 0-8186-0692-4
Unix Portability
- R. M. McClure:
The Portability of UnixTM Applications Programs and Other Modern Folk Tales. COMPCON 1986: 14-17
What Do Copyright and Patents Protect?
- Jack E. Brown:
Copyright Protection of Computer Programs. COMPCON 1986: 18-23 - K. A. Liebman:
Copying of Comparable Programs under the Copyright Law. COMPCON 1986: 24-29 - S. M. Kash:
The Scope of Software Copyright: Is "Program Design" Protectable? COMPCON 1986: 30-33 - Richard H. Stern:
Distinguishing Legitimate Reverse Engineering from Unlawful Chip Piracy under the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act. COMPCON 1986: 34-39
The Next Generation of HP Computers: The Spectrum Program
- Joel S. Birnbaum, William S. Worley Jr.:
Beyond RISC: High-Precision Architecture. COMPCON 1986: 40-47 - Deborah S. Coutant, Carol L. Hammond, Jon W. Kelly:
Compilers for the New Generation of Hewlett-Packard Computers. COMPCON 1986: 48-63
Integrated Services Digital Network
- J. T. LaBanca:
National and International Standards on ISDN. COMPCON 1986: 64-69 - P. E. Weston:
IC Solutions for ISDN. COMPCON 1986: 70-77
Low-cost Typesetting with Microcomputers
- J. Powers:
Personal Computer-Based Pagination Systems. COMPCON 1986: 78-81 - John S. Collins:
Digital Fonts for Low-cost Typesetting Systems. COMPCON 1986: 82-89
The Strategic Defense Initiative: The Software Reliability Issue
- David W. Mizell:
The Spectrum of Design Choices for Strategic Defense. COMPCON 1986: 90 - David Lorge Parnas:
Why We Would Never Trust the SDI Software. COMPCON 1986: 91-93
Early ISDN Applications: The Reality Test
- Joseph W. Miller III, A. A. Knapp:
ISDN Field Trials. COMPCON 1986: 94-97 - Jim Splear:
ISDN Corporate Networking. COMPCON 1986: 98-105 - Robert M. Amy:
ISDN and the Data Communication User. COMPCON 1986: 106-111
Knowledge Processing
- Stephen W. Smoliar:
A View of Goal-Oriented Programming. COMPCON 1986: 112-117 - B. S. Cohen, John L. Cuadrado, K. Kendall:
Intelligent System for Analog Design. COMPCON 1986: 118-120 - Edmond S. Cooley, John L. Cuadrado:
ISSD: An Intelligent Support System for DSP Design. COMPCON 1986: 121-125
The MIPS Microprocessor
- John P. Moussouris, Lester M. Crudele, Danny Freitas, Craig Hansen, Ed Hudson, Roger March, Steven A. Przybylski, Tim Riordan, Chris Rowen, D. Van't Hof:
A CMOS RISC Processor with Integrated System Functions. COMPCON 1986: 126-131 - Fred C. Chow, Mark I. Himelstein, Earl Killian, Larry Weber:
Engineering a RISC Compiler System. COMPCON 1986: 132-137 - M. DeMoney, J. Moore, John R. Mashey:
Operating System Support on a RISC. COMPCON 1986: 138-145
PC Network Operating Systems
- B. D. Johnson:
VIANET®: A Distributed Operating Environment. COMPCON 1986: 146-150 - M. Durr:
Expanding Capabilities in High Performance Networking. COMPCON 1986: 151-154 - Gregory Ennis:
PC Network Services for Distributed System Design. COMPCON 1986: 155-161
USA vs. Japan: Who Will Win and Why
- George E. Lindamood:
The Samurai and the Cowboy: Bushido vs. Macho. COMPCON 1986: 162-167
Fifth Generation Architectures
- Kouichi Kumon, Hideo Masuzawa, Akihiro Itashiki, Ken Satoh, Yukio Sohma:
KABU-WAKE: A New Parallel Inference Method and Its Evaluation. COMPCON 1986: 168-172 - Katsuto Nakajima, Hiroshi Nakashima, Minoru Yokota, Kazuo Taki, Shunichi Uchida, Hiroshi Nishikawa, Akira Yamamoto, Masaki Mitsui:
Evaluation of PSI Micro-Interpreter. COMPCON 1986: 173-177 - Alvin M. Despain, Yale N. Patt, Tep P. Dobry, Jung-Herng Chang, Wayne Citrin:
High Performance Prolog, The Multiplicative Effect of Several Levels of Implementation. COMPCON 1986: 178-185
CLIPPER Microprocessor
- R. J. Ryan:
The CLIPPPERTM CAD System: Integrated Hierarchical VLSI Design. COMPCON 1986: 186-190 - L. Neff:
CLIPPER TM Microprocessor Architecture Overview. COMPCON 1986: 191-195 - D. A. Neff:
C Compiler Implementation Issues on the CLIPPER TM Microprocessor. COMPCON 1986: 196-203
The Next Generation of Powerful Home Computers
- Trip Hawkins:
The Rebirth of Home Computing. COMPCON 1986: 204-205 - Jay G. Miner:
Inside the Amiga Computer. COMPCON 1986: 206-213 - Shiraz Shivji, Leonard Tramiel:
The Design of the Atari ST Computer System. COMPCON 1986: 214-219
Optical Publishing
- A. Mathur:
Full Text Applications on the CD-ROM: Some Design Considerations. COMPCON 1986: 220-221 - M. R. Seigel:
The CVD Format in the Development of the Video Book and the Impact of the Video Book on Electronic Publishing. COMPCON 1986: 222-229
Fifth Generation Languages
- Shinichi Honiden, Naoshi Uchihira, Toshiaki Kasuya:
MENDEL: Prolog Based Concurrent Object Oriented Language. COMPCON 1986: 230-234 - Masashi Niwa, Masanobu Yuhara, Hiromu Hayashi, Akira Hattori:
Garbage Collector with Area Optimization for FACOM ALPHA. COMPCON 1986: 235-240 - Shigeo Abe, Ken-ichi Kurosawa, Kaori Kiriyama:
A New Optimization Technique for a Prolog Computer. COMPCON 1986: 241-245
New Architectures for High-Performance Computer Execution
- Kevin Karplus, Alexandru Nicolau:
Getting High Performance with Slow Memory. COMPCON 1986: 248-253 - Yale N. Patt, Wen-mei W. Hwu, Stephen W. Melvin, Michael Shebanow, Chein Chen, Jiajuin Wei:
Experiments with HPS, a Restricted Data Flow Microarchitecture for High Performance Computers. COMPCON 1986: 254-258 - Andrew R. Pleszkun, Gurindar S. Sohi, Bassam Z. Kahhaleh, Edward S. Davidson:
Features of the Structured Memory Access (SMA) Architecture. COMPCON 1986: 259-265
Low-cost Packet Radio Networking
- Michael J. Flynn, Curtis Spangler, Andrew Zimmerman:
The Stanford Packet Radio Network. COMPCON 1986: 266-268 - Richard Bisbey II, Robert Parker, Randy Cole:
An Inexpensive Megabit Packet Radio System. COMPCON 1986: 269-274 - H. S. Magnuski:
Public Domain Packet Radio Networks. COMPCON 1986: 275-279
CAD/CAM Data Base Management
- H. R. Johnson:
Knowledge Base Management for CAD/CAM. COMPCON 1986: 280-286 - Stanley Y. W. Su, Herman Lam, M. Khatib, Vishu Krishnamurthy, A. Kumar, S. Malik, Mary Mitchell, Edward Barkmeyer:
The Architecture and Prototype Implementation of a Integrated Manufacturing Database Administration System. COMPCON 1986: 287-296 - Gordon Landis:
Design Evolution and History in an Object-Oriented CAD/CAM Database. COMPCON 1986: 297-305
Light Industrial Robotics
- A. Soghikian:
Robotic Workcell Layout. COMPCON 1986: 306-308 - C. S. Jennings:
Flexible Assembly Works. COMPCON 1986: 309-311
Panel Session: The Great RISC vs. CISC Debate
- Nick Tredennick:
Compcon Panel: The RISC vs. CISC Debate. COMPCON 1986: 312 - Edward S. Davidson:
A Broader Range of Possible Answers to the Issues Raised by RISC. COMPCON 1986: 313-315
Nontraditional Applications of the Electronic Spreadsheet Programs
- Blake Hannaford:
The Electronic Spreadsheet: A Workstation Front End for Parallel Processors. COMPCON 1986: 316-323
Object Oriented Databse System
- M. H. Butler:
An Approach to Persistant LISP Objects. COMPCON 1986: 324-329 - Nigel Derrett, Daniel H. Fishman, William Kent, Peter Lyngbæk, T. A. Ryan:
An Object-Oriented Approach to Data Management. COMPCON 1986: 330-335 - Michael Stonebraker:
Object Management in a Relational Data Base System. COMPCON 1986: 336-341
Digital Broadcasting on Radio, Television, and Cable
- D. P. Waters:
Overview of Digital Broadcasting. COMPCON 1986: 344-347
US Efforts Towards Supercomputers
- James F. Decker:
Supercomputer Activities of the Federal Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering, and Technology and the Department of Energy's Supercomputer Program. COMPCON 1986: 348-351 - C. I. Fields, B. G. Kushner:
The DARPA Strategic Computing Initiative. COMPCON 1986: 352-358 - Paul B. Schneck:
The Supercomputing Research Center. COMPCON 1986: 359-361
Panel Session: Software Quality Metrics
- Raghu Singh, Norman F. Schneidewind:
Concept of a Software Quality Metrics Standard. COMPCON 1986: 362-369
Database Machines
- Haran Boral:
Design Considerations for 1990 Database Machines. COMPCON 1986: 370-373 - Philip M. Neches:
The Anatomy of a Data Base Computer System - Revisited. COMPCON 1986: 374-377 - Paula B. Hawthorn, Eric Simon:
A Database Machine for Local Area Networks. COMPCON 1986: 378-381
Designing with Gallium Arsenide Components
- L. R. Tomasetta:
Commercializing GaAs LSI. COMPCON 1986: 382-385 - S. Nelson:
Managing the Multiple Component Problem for Large Gallium Arsenide Systems. COMPCON 1986: 386-389
New Computing Alternatives
- Robert Perron, Craig J. Mundie:
The Architecture of the Alliant FX/8 Computer. COMPCON 1986: 390-393 - Stephen L. Squires:
Applying Parallel Processing. COMPCON 1986: 394-396 - John F. Palmer:
A VLSI Parallel Computer. COMPCON 1986: 397-403
Manufacturing Automation Protocol: Plans, Products, and Applications
- R. B. Keil:
MAP in the Factory. COMPCON 1986: 404-405 - K. H. Muralidhar, A. H. McMillan:
Testing and Its Role in MAP Realization. COMPCON 1986: 406-415
Concurrency Control
- Divyakant Agrawal, Arthur J. Bernstein, Pankaj Gupta, Soumitra Sengupta:
Distributed Multi-Version Optimistic Concurrency Control for Relational Databases. COMPCON 1986: 416-421 - Goker Gursel:
Optimal Processing of Simple Queries in Ring Networks. COMPCON 1986: 422-428 - Anna Hác:
Concurrency Control in a Distributed System and Its Performance for File Migration and Process Migration. COMPCON 1986: 429-435
VLSI Test Capabilities
- David R. Resnick:
Real World Built-in Test for VLSI. COMPCON 1986: 436-440 - Samiha Mourad, Joseph L. A. Hughes, Edward J. McCluskey:
Multiple Fault Detection in Parity Trees. COMPCON 1986: 441-444 - Takashi Aikyo, Y. Hatano, J. Ishii, N. Karasawa, S. Fujii:
An Automatic Test Generation System for Large Scale Gate Arrays. COMPCON 1986: 445-451
The New Wave of Affordable Super-minis/Mini-supers
- Steven J. Wallach:
The CONVEX C-1 64-bit Supercomputer. COMPCON 1986: 452-457 - Steve McGrogan, Robert Olson, Nell Toda:
Parallelizing Large Existing Programs: Methodology and Experiences. COMPCON 1986: 458-466 - Woody Lichtenstein:
The Architecture of the Culler 7. COMPCON 1986: 467-470 - Hanan Potash:
The SCS-40 and Contributing Technologies. COMPCON 1986: 471-479
Impact of Micro Computer Technology on Navigation
- Stanley K. Honey, Walter B. Zavoli:
A Novel Approach to Automotive Navigation and Map Display. COMPCON 1986: 480-484 - C. Ould:
Microprocessor Impact on the Architecture and Performance of GPS User Sets. COMPCON 1986: 485-489
Should Computer Science Curriculum Be Accredited?
- Gerald L. Engel:
Computer Science Program Accreditation and the Liberal Arts College: A Summary of Two Workshops. COMPCON 1986: 490-492 - Taylor L. Booth:
Computing Sciences Accreditation at the Age of One. COMPCON 1986: 493 - J. Dennis Bjornson:
Computer Science - A Profession? COMPCON 1986: 494-497
User's Experience with Silicon Compilers
- M. Sundaramurty, J. R. Southard:
A Custom IC for Linear Detection. COMPCON 1986: 498-502 - Dave Rossum:
Compiling a Music Signal Processor. COMPCON 1986: 503-509 - N. David:
Using Silicon Compilation in a Commercial Product Development Project. COMPCON 1986: 510-513
Late Paper
- Julian Gresser:
Setting-Up in Japan by Leveraging Your Assets: Current Developments. COMPCON 1986: 514-516

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