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AuCC 2011: Melbourne, Australia
- 2011 Australian Control Conference, AUCC 2011, Melbourne, Australia, November 10-11, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4244-9245-9
- Ian R. Petersen:
Negative imaginary systems theory in the robust control of highly resonant flexible structures. 1 - Gavan W. Hood:
Challenges for information enabled automation systems. 1 - Ian R. Petersen:
Negative imaginary systems theory in the robust control of highly resonant flexible structures. 1-6 - Gavan W. Hood:
Challenges for information enabled automation systems. 7-13 - Onvaree Techakesari, Jason J. Ford:
Relative entropy rate based design for linear hybrid system models. 14-19 - Hernan Haimovich, María M. Seron:
Componentwise bounds and invariant sets for switched systems with nonlinear delayed-state-dependent perturbations. 20-25 - Matthew W. Fairbairn, S. O. Reza Moheimani, Andrew J. Fleming:
Improving the scan rate and image quality in tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy with piezoelectric shunt control. 26-31 - Alejandro Donaire, Tristan Perez, Christopher Renton:
Manoeuvring control of fully-actuated marine vehicles. A Port-Hamiltonian system approach to tracking. 32-37 - William H. Moase, Ying Tan, Dragan Nesic, Chris Manzie:
Non-local stability of a multi-variable extremum-seeking scheme. 38-43 - Soura Dasgupta, Brian D. O. Anderson, Changbin Yu, Tyler H. Summers:
Controlling rectangular formations. 44-49 - Jiahu Qin, Wei Xing Zheng:
New consensus algorithms for multi-agents systems with second-order dynamics. 50-55 - Daniel E. Quevedo, Vijay Gupta:
Stability of sequence-based anytime control with Markovian processor availability. 56-61 - Guofeng Zhang, Matthew R. James:
On the response of linear quantum stochastic systems to single-photon inputs and pulse shaping of photon wave packets. 62-67 - Hendra I. Nurdin:
Network synthesis of mixed quantum-classical linear stochastic systems. 68-75 - Huan Zhang, Peter M. Dower:
Minimum integral input-to-state stability bounds. 76-81 - Wei Wang, Andrew R. Teel, Dragan Nesic:
Averaging tools for singularly perturbed hybrid systems. 88-93 - Dabo Xu, Valery A. Ugrinovskii:
Vector Lyapunov function approach to measurement feedback stabilization of large-scale nonlinear systems. 94-99 - Fajar Suryawan, José A. De Doná, María M. Seron:
Constrained minimum-time trajectory generation for a laboratory-scale magnetic-levitation system. 100-105 - Ignacio A. Latorre, Mario E. Salgado, Eduardo I. Silva:
On the impact on MIMO zeros and achievable performance of adding additional input channels to square MIMO discrete-time systems. 106-111 - Alan J. Chang, Marcus Brazil, Doreen A. Thomas, J. Hyam Rubinstein:
Optimal curvature-constrained paths with anisotropic costs in the plane. 112-117 - Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis, Augusto Ferrante:
On the closed-form solution of the matrix Riccati differential equation for nonsign-controllable pairs. 118-123 - Robert Schmid, Thang Nguyen, Amit Pandey:
Optimal Pole Placement with Moore's Algorithm. 124-129 - George P. Grodzicki:
Postgraduate Magnetic Levitation Experience. 130-135 - Tomoya Kanada, Yusuke Watanabe, Gan Chen:
Robust H2 control for two-wheeled inverted pendulum using LEGO Mindstorms. 136-141 - Javad Abdi, Azam Famil Khalili, Khalil Inanlosaremi, Ali Askari:
Air fuel ratio control in spark injection engines based on neural network and model predictive controller. 142-147 - Troy S. Bruggemann, Jason J. Ford:
Compensation of unmodeled aircraft dynamics in airborne inspection of linear infrastructure assets. 148-154 - Paul M. Zapotezny-Anderson, Jason J. Ford:
Optimal-stopping control for airborne collision avoidance and return-to-course flight. 155-160 - Md. Apel Mahmud, M. J. Hossain, Hemanshu Roy Pota:
Nonlinear observer design for interconnected power systems. 161-166 - Lorinc Márton:
On-line lubricant health monitoring in robot actuators. 167-172 - Fajar Suryawan, José A. De Doná, María M. Seron:
Integrated minimum-time trajectory generation, fault detection, and reconfiguration for a double-tank system using flatness and B-splines. 173-178 - Søren Hansen, Mogens Blanke:
Control surface fault diagnosis for small autonomous aircraft. 185-190 - Mónica E. Romero, María M. Seron:
Sensor fault tolerant control of doubly fed induction machines using multiple switching mechanisms. 191-197 - P. S. Teh:
Observer-based residual design for nonlinear systems with unknown inputs. 198-204 - Nickens Okello, Minh Pham, Syed Khusro Saleem, Robin J. Evans, Iven Mareels:
Real-time LQ control of Murray-Darling basin networks. 205-210 - Ke Ding, Qing-Long Han:
Outer synchronization between two complex dynamical networks with nonidentical coupling structures via time-varying delay feedback control. 211-216 - Michael Kearney, Michael Cantoni, Peter M. Dower:
Non-iterative distributed MPC for large-scale irrigation channels. 217-223 - Tri Tran, Quang Phuc Ha:
Set-point tracking semi-automatic control of interconnected systems with input disturbances. 224-229 - Agus Hasan, Bjarne A. Foss, Ole Morten Aamo:
Boundary control of long waves in nonlinear dispersive systems. 230-235 - Mohammad Zamani, Jochen Trumpf, Robert E. Mahony:
Minimum-energy filtering on the unit circle. 236-241 - Tomomichi Hagiwara:
A note on separator-type robust stability theorem and well-posedness of linear time-invariant systems. 242-247 - Peter M. Dower, Huan Zhang:
Deterministic optimal stopping via a max-plus method. 248-253 - Robin Hill, Uwe Schwerdtfeger, Michael Baake, Yousong Luo:
Dynamic programming and duality applied to an optimal control problem. 254-259 - Cristian Perfumo, Ernesto Kofman, Julio H. Braslavsky, John K. Ward:
Model-based control on populations of air conditioners: Shaping aggregated power for demand side management. 260-265 - Aaron Dando:
Characterizations of cascaded systems with monomial interconnections and GES inputs. 266-271 - Peter M. Dower, Huan Zhang, Christopher M. Kellett:
A verification theorem for nonlinear systems with nonlinear ℒ2-gain. 272-277 - Nicolas Hudon, J. Bao:
Dissipativity analysis for control affine systems in closed-loop with parameterized Jurdjevic-Quinn feedback controllers. 278-283 - Pierre de Lamberterie, Tristan Perez, Alejandro Donaire:
A low-complexity flight controller for Unmanned Aircraft Systems with constrained control allocation. 284-289 - Michael Kearney, Peter M. Dower, Michael Cantoni:
Model predictive control for flood mitigation: A Wivenhoe Dam case study. 290-296 - Rudaba Khan, Paul Williams, Robin Hill, Cees Bil:
Fault tolerant flight control system design for UAV's using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. 297-302 - Mathias Foo, Erik Weyer:
On reproducing existing controllers as Model Predictive controllers. 303-308 - Shan Chai, Liuping Wang, Eric Rogers:
Cascade model predictive control of a PMSM with periodic disturbance rejection. 309-314 - Emmanuel Koumoundouros, Ken J. Snibson, Iven M. Y. Mareels:
Adaptive control of airway tone in sheep that have asthma-like responses. 315-320 - Xilin Yang, Matt Garratt, Hemanshu Roy Pota:
Monotonous trend estimation using recursive Prony Analysis. 321-326 - Haslinda Zabiri, Marappagounder Ramasamy, Lemma Dendena Tufa, Abdulhalim Shah Maulud:
Integrated OBF-NN models for extrapolation enhancement in conventional neural networks for nonlinear systems. 327-331 - Shahariar Kabir, Victor Sreeram, Tyrone Fernando, Shafishuhaza Sahlan:
On partial-fraction expansion based frequency weighted balanced truncation. 332-337 - Shou-Han Zhou, Denny Oetomo, Ying Tan, Etienne Burdet, Iven Mareels:
Optimal learning gain selection in model reference iterative learning control algorithms for human motor systems. 338-344 - Roman Kuiava, Rodrigo A. Ramos, Hemanshu Roy Pota:
A new procedure for modeling nonlinear systems via norm-bounded linear differential inclusions. 345-350 - Shi Wang, Hendra I. Nurdin, Guofeng Zhang, Matthew R. James:
Implementation of classical linear stochastic systems using quantum optical components. 351-356 - Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen:
A dynamic programming approach to finite-horizon coherent quantum LQG control. 357-362 - Shanon L. Vuglar, Ian R. Petersen:
How many quantum noises need to be added to make an LTI system physically realizable? 363-367 - Maryam Kazerooni, Alireza Khayatian:
Data fusion for autonomous vehicle navigation based on federated filtering. 368-373 - Nicolae E. Marinica, René K. Boel:
Particle filter state estimator for large urban networks. 374-380 - Adrian N. Bishop:
A robust reachability review for control system security. 381-385 - Arne Wahrburg, Jürgen Adamy:
Observer-based synchronization of heterogeneous multi-agent systems by homogenization. 386-391 - Wei Wang, Dragan Nesic, Andrew R. Teel:
Averaging of hybrid dynamical systems with disturbances. 392-397 - Hernan Haimovich, Julio H. Braslavsky:
Conditions for the genericity of feedback stabilisability of discrete-time switching systems based on Lie-algebraic solvability. 398-403 - Klaus Kefferpütz, Michael Jost, Thomas Gussner, Jürgen Adamy:
A saturating set point tracking controller for a class of nonlinear systems subject to input amplitude and rate constraints. 404-409 - Onvaree Techakesari, Jason J. Ford:
Practical stability with respect to model mismatch of approximate discrete-time output feedback control. 410-415 - Ke Ding, Qing-Long Han:
Global synchronization in Lur'e complex dynamical networks with delayed nodes and delayed coupling. 416-421 - Eva Zacekova, Samuel Prívara, Zdenek Vána:
Model predictive control relevant identification using partial least squares for building modeling. 422-427 - Denny Hioe, Jie Bao:
Dissipativity-based analysis for plantwide chemical process systems. 428-433 - Ki Chun Ng, Liuping Wang, Ian D. Peake:
Safety-critical multi-core software architecture for Model Predictive Control. 434-439 - José Ayala-Hoffmann, Marcus Brazil, J. Hyam Rubinstein, Doreen A. Thomas:
Extendibility and path components of admissible paths for the Dubins problem. 440-444 - Troy S. Bruggemann, Jason J. Ford:
Guidance of aircraft in periodic inspection tasks. 445-451 - F. R. Islam, Hemanshu Roy Pota:
V2G technology to improve wind power quality and stability. 452-457 - Md. Apel Mahmud, Md. Jahangir Hossain, Hemanshu Roy Pota:
Selection of output function in nonlinear feedback linearizing excitation control for power systems. 458-463 - S. Syafiie, P. K. Chong, Jing Jing Chang:
Isoflurane inhalation regulated using positive system. 464-468 - Tharindu Patikirikorala, Liuping Wang, Alan Colman:
Towards optimal performance and resource management in web systems via model predictive control. 469-474 - Laven Soltanian, Amir Reza Neshastehriz, Michael Cantoni:
Validating an approach to distributed controller synthesis for irrigation channels via simulation with a PDE model. 475-480 - Branko Ristic:
Bayesian estimation with imprecise likelihoods in the framework of random set theory. 481-486 - Branko Ristic, Sanjeev Arulampalam:
Bearings only tracking in clutter with observer control using the Bernoulli particle filter. 487-492 - Michelle Chong, Romain Postoyan, Dragan Nesic, Levin Kuhlmann, Andrea Varsavsky:
A circle criterion observer for estimating the unmeasured membrane potential of neuronal populations. 493-498 - Jason J. Ford, Valery A. Ugrinovskii, John Lai:
An infinite-horizon robust filter for uncertain hidden Markov models with conditional relative entropy constraints. 499-506 - Iman Shames, Adrian N. Bishop, Matthew Smith, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Analysis of target velocity and position estimation via doppler-shift measurements. 507-512 - Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Tomoki Koga, Sadaaki Kunimatsu:
Asymptotic properties of zeros of multivariable sampled-data systems. 513-518 - Sei Zhen Khong, Michael Cantoni:
On stability analysis with the v-gap metric and integral quadratic constraints. 519-524 - Obaid Ur Rehman, Ian R. Petersen, Baris Fidan:
A minimax linear quadratic Gaussian method for antiwindup control synthesis. 525-530 - Adel Ahmadi T., S. Alireza Mohammadi:
A model free dynamic criterion for online input-output pairing. 531-536 - Ernesto Kofman, José A. De Doná, María M. Seron:
Probabilistic ultimate bounds and invariant sets for LTI systems with Gaussian disturbances. 537-542 - Mohamed Abdalla Mabrok, Abhijit G. Kallapur, Ian R. Petersen, Alexander Lanzon:
A negative imaginary lemma for descriptor systems. 543-546

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