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Journal Articles
- 2024
- [j11]Emrah Budur, Riza Özçelik
, Dilara Soylu, Omar Khattab, Tunga Güngör
, Christopher Potts:
Building efficient and effective OpenQA systems for low-resource languages. Knowl. Based Syst. 302: 112243 (2024) - 2023
- [j10]Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher D. Manning
, Christopher Potts:
ReCOGS: How Incidental Details of a Logical Form Overshadow an Evaluation of Semantic Interpretation. Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics 11: 1719-1733 (2023) - [j9]Aarohi Srivastava, Abhinav Rastogi, Abhishek Rao, Abu Awal Md Shoeb, Abubakar Abid, Adam Fisch, Adam R. Brown, Adam Santoro, Aditya Gupta, Adrià Garriga-Alonso, Agnieszka Kluska, Aitor Lewkowycz, Akshat Agarwal, Alethea Power, Alex Ray, Alex Warstadt, Alexander W. Kocurek, Ali Safaya, Ali Tazarv, Alice Xiang, Alicia Parrish, Allen Nie, Aman Hussain, Amanda Askell, Amanda Dsouza, Ambrose Slone, Ameet Rahane, Anantharaman S. Iyer, Anders Andreassen, Andrea Madotto, Andrea Santilli, Andreas Stuhlmüller, Andrew M. Dai, Andrew La, Andrew K. Lampinen, Andy Zou, Angela Jiang, Angelica Chen, Anh Vuong, Animesh Gupta, Anna Gottardi, Antonio Norelli, Anu Venkatesh, Arash Gholamidavoodi, Arfa Tabassum, Arul Menezes, Arun Kirubarajan, Asher Mullokandov, Ashish Sabharwal, Austin Herrick, Avia Efrat, Aykut Erdem, Ayla Karakas, B. Ryan Roberts, Bao Sheng Loe, Barret Zoph, Bartlomiej Bojanowski, Batuhan Özyurt, Behnam Hedayatnia, Behnam Neyshabur, Benjamin Inden, Benno Stein, Berk Ekmekci, Bill Yuchen Lin, Blake Howald, Bryan Orinion, Cameron Diao, Cameron Dour, Catherine Stinson, Cedrick Argueta, Cèsar Ferri Ramírez, Chandan Singh, Charles Rathkopf, Chenlin Meng, Chitta Baral, Chiyu Wu, Chris Callison-Burch, Chris Waites, Christian Voigt, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts, Cindy Ramirez, Clara E. Rivera, Clemencia Siro, Colin Raffel, Courtney Ashcraft, Cristina Garbacea, Damien Sileo, Dan Garrette, Dan Hendrycks, Dan Kilman, Dan Roth, Daniel Freeman, Daniel Khashabi, Daniel Levy, Daniel Moseguí González, Danielle Perszyk, Danny Hernandez, Danqi Chen, Daphne Ippolito, Dar Gilboa, David Dohan, David Drakard, David Jurgens, Debajyoti Datta, Deep Ganguli, Denis Emelin, Denis Kleyko, Deniz Yuret, Derek Chen, Derek Tam, Dieuwke Hupkes, Diganta Misra, Dilyar Buzan, Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Diyi Yang, Dong-Ho Lee, Dylan Schrader, Ekaterina Shutova, Ekin Dogus Cubuk, Elad Segal, Eleanor Hagerman, Elizabeth Barnes, Elizabeth Donoway, Ellie Pavlick, Emanuele Rodolà, Emma Lam, Eric Chu, Eric Tang, Erkut Erdem, Ernie Chang, Ethan A. Chi, Ethan Dyer, Ethan J. Jerzak, Ethan Kim, Eunice Engefu Manyasi, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Fanyue Xia, Fatemeh Siar, Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Francesca Happé, François Chollet, Frieda Rong, Gaurav Mishra, Genta Indra Winata, Gerard de Melo, Germán Kruszewski, Giambattista Parascandolo, Giorgio Mariani, Gloria Wang, Gonzalo Jaimovitch-López, Gregor Betz, Guy Gur-Ari, Hana Galijasevic, Hannah Kim, Hannah Rashkin, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Harsh Mehta, Hayden Bogar, Henry Shevlin, Hinrich Schütze, Hiromu Yakura, Hongming Zhang, Hugh Mee Wong, Ian Ng, Isaac Noble, Jaap Jumelet, Jack Geissinger, Jackson Kernion, Jacob Hilton, Jaehoon Lee, Jaime Fernández Fisac, James B. Simon, James Koppel, James Zheng, James Zou, Jan Kocon, Jana Thompson, Janelle Wingfield, Jared Kaplan, Jarema Radom, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Jason Phang, Jason Wei, Jason Yosinski, Jekaterina Novikova, Jelle Bosscher, Jennifer Marsh, Jeremy Kim, Jeroen Taal, Jesse H. Engel, Jesujoba Alabi, Jiacheng Xu, Jiaming Song, Jillian Tang, Joan Waweru, John Burden, John Miller, John U. Balis, Jonathan Batchelder, Jonathan Berant, Jörg Frohberg, Jos Rozen, José Hernández-Orallo, Joseph Boudeman, Joseph Guerr, Joseph Jones, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Joshua S. Rule, Joyce Chua, Kamil Kanclerz, Karen Livescu, Karl Krauth, Karthik Gopalakrishnan, Katerina Ignatyeva, Katja Markert, Kaustubh D. Dhole, Kevin Gimpel, Kevin Omondi, Kory W. Mathewson, Kristen Chiafullo, Ksenia Shkaruta, Kumar Shridhar, Kyle McDonell, Kyle Richardson, Laria Reynolds, Leo Gao, Li Zhang, Liam Dugan, Lianhui Qin, Lidia Contreras Ochando, Louis-Philippe Morency, Luca Moschella, Lucas Lam, Lucy Noble, Ludwig Schmidt, Luheng He, Luis Oliveros Colón, Luke Metz, Lütfi Kerem Senel, Maarten Bosma, Maarten Sap, Maartje ter Hoeve, Maheen Farooqi, Manaal Faruqui, Mantas Mazeika, Marco Baturan, Marco Marelli, Marco Maru, María José Ramírez-Quintana, Marie Tolkiehn, Mario Giulianelli, Martha Lewis, Martin Potthast, Matthew L. Leavitt, Matthias Hagen, Mátyás Schubert, Medina Baitemirova, Melody Arnaud, Melvin McElrath, Michael A. Yee, Michael Cohen, Michael Gu, Michael I. Ivanitskiy, Michael Starritt, Michael Strube, Michal Swedrowski, Michele Bevilacqua, Michihiro Yasunaga, Mihir Kale, Mike Cain, Mimee Xu, Mirac Suzgun, Mitch Walker, Mo Tiwari, Mohit Bansal, Moin Aminnaseri, Mor Geva, Mozhdeh Gheini, Mukund Varma T., Nanyun Peng, Nathan A. Chi, Nayeon Lee, Neta Gur-Ari Krakover, Nicholas Cameron, Nicholas Roberts, Nick Doiron, Nicole Martinez, Nikita Nangia, Niklas Deckers, Niklas Muennighoff, Nitish Shirish Keskar, Niveditha Iyer, Noah Constant, Noah Fiedel, Nuan Wen, Oliver Zhang, Omar Agha, Omar Elbaghdadi, Omer Levy, Owain Evans, Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares, Parth Doshi, Pascale Fung, Paul Pu Liang, Paul Vicol, Pegah Alipoormolabashi, Peiyuan Liao, Percy Liang, Peter Chang, Peter Eckersley, Phu Mon Htut, Pinyu Hwang, Piotr Milkowski, Piyush Patil, Pouya Pezeshkpour, Priti Oli, Qiaozhu Mei, Qing Lyu, Qinlang Chen, Rabin Banjade, Rachel Etta Rudolph, Raefer Gabriel, Rahel Habacker, Ramon Risco, Raphaël Millière, Rhythm Garg, Richard Barnes, Rif A. Saurous, Riku Arakawa, Robbe Raymaekers, Robert Frank, Rohan Sikand, Roman Novak, Roman Sitelew, Ronan LeBras, Rosanne Liu, Rowan Jacobs, Rui Zhang, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Ryan Chi, Ryan Lee, Ryan Stovall, Ryan Teehan, Rylan Yang, Sahib Singh, Saif M. Mohammad, Sajant Anand, Sam Dillavou, Sam Shleifer, Sam Wiseman, Samuel Gruetter, Samuel R. Bowman, Samuel S. Schoenholz, Sanghyun Han, Sanjeev Kwatra, Sarah A. Rous, Sarik Ghazarian, Sayan Ghosh, Sean Casey, Sebastian Bischoff, Sebastian Gehrmann, Sebastian Schuster, Sepideh Sadeghi, Shadi Hamdan, Sharon Zhou, Shashank Srivastava, Sherry Shi, Shikhar Singh, Shima Asaadi, Shixiang Shane Gu, Shubh Pachchigar, Shubham Toshniwal, Shyam Upadhyay, Shyamolima (Shammie) Debnath, Siamak Shakeri, Simon Thormeyer, Simone Melzi, Siva Reddy, Sneha Priscilla Makini, Soo-Hwan Lee, Spencer Torene, Sriharsha Hatwar, Stanislas Dehaene, Stefan Divic, Stefano Ermon, Stella Biderman, Stephanie Lin, Stephen Prasad, Steven T. Piantadosi, Stuart M. Shieber, Summer Misherghi, Svetlana Kiritchenko, Swaroop Mishra, Tal Linzen, Tal Schuster, Tao Li, Tao Yu, Tariq Ali, Tatsu Hashimoto, Te-Lin Wu, Théo Desbordes, Theodore Rothschild, Thomas Phan, Tianle Wang, Tiberius Nkinyili, Timo Schick, Timofei Kornev, Titus Tunduny, Tobias Gerstenberg, Trenton Chang, Trishala Neeraj, Tushar Khot, Tyler Shultz, Uri Shaham, Vedant Misra, Vera Demberg, Victoria Nyamai, Vikas Raunak, Vinay V. Ramasesh, Vinay Uday Prabhu, Vishakh Padmakumar, Vivek Srikumar, William Fedus, William Saunders, William Zhang, Wout Vossen, Xiang Ren, Xiaoyu Tong, Xinran Zhao, Xinyi Wu, Xudong Shen, Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh, Yair Lakretz, Yangqiu Song, Yasaman Bahri, Yejin Choi, Yichi Yang, Yiding Hao, Yifu Chen, Yonatan Belinkov, Yu Hou, Yufang Hou, Yuntao Bai, Zachary Seid, Zhuoye Zhao, Zijian Wang, Zijie J. Wang, Zirui Wang, Ziyi Wu:
Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models. Trans. Mach. Learn. Res. 2023 (2023) - 2021
- [j8]Robert West
, Jure Leskovec
, Christopher Potts:
Postmortem memory of public figures in news and social media. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 118(38): e2106152118 (2021) - [j7]Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia
Relevance-guided Supervision for OpenQA with ColBERT. Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics 9: 929-944 (2021) - 2018
- [j6]Sameer B. Srivastava, Amir Goldberg
, V. Govind Manian, Christopher Potts:
Enculturation Trajectories: Language, Cultural Adaptation, and Individual Outcomes in Organizations. Manag. Sci. 64(3): 1348-1364 (2018) - 2017
- [j5]Will Monroe, Robert X. D. Hawkins, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Colors in Context: A Pragmatic Neural Model for Grounded Language Understanding. Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics 5: 325-338 (2017) - 2016
- [j4]Christopher Potts, Daniel Lassiter, Roger Levy, Michael C. Frank
Embedded Implicatures as Pragmatic Inferences under Compositional Lexical Uncertainty. J. Semant. 33(4): 755-802 (2016) - 2015
- [j3]Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Marta Recasens, Christopher Potts:
Modeling the Lifespan of Discourse Entities with Application to Coreference Resolution. J. Artif. Intell. Res. 52: 445-475 (2015) - 2014
- [j2]Robert West, Hristo S. Paskov, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts:
Exploiting Social Network Structure for Person-to-Person Sentiment Analysis. Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics 2: 297-310 (2014) - 2012
- [j1]Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning
, Christopher Potts:
Did It Happen? The Pragmatic Complexity of Veridicality Assessment. Comput. Linguistics 38(2): 301-333 (2012)
Conference and Workshop Papers
- 2024
- [c90]Jing Huang
, Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher Potts, Mor Geva, Atticus Geiger:
RAVEL: Evaluating Interpretability Methods on Disentangling Language Model Representations. ACL (1) 2024: 8669-8687 - [c89]Tristan Thrush, Jared Moore, Miguel Monares, Christopher Potts, Douwe Kiela:
I am a Strange Dataset: Metalinguistic Tests for Language Models. ACL (1) 2024: 8888-8907 - [c88]Aryaman Arora, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher Potts:
CausalGym: Benchmarking causal interpretability methods on linguistic tasks. ACL (1) 2024: 14638-14663 - [c87]Julie Kallini, Isabel Papadimitriou, Richard Futrell, Kyle Mahowald, Christopher Potts:
Mission: Impossible Language Models. ACL (1) 2024: 14691-14714 - [c86]Atticus Geiger, Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher Potts, Thomas Icard, Noah D. Goodman:
Finding Alignments Between Interpretable Causal Variables and Distributed Neural Representations. CLeaR 2024: 160-187 - [c85]Xuan Guo, Rohit Patki, Dante Everaert, Christopher Potts:
Retrieval Augmented Spelling Correction for E-Commerce Applications. EMNLP (Industry Track) 2024: 73-79 - [c84]Dante Everaert, Rohit Patki, Tianqi Zheng, Christopher Potts:
AmazonQAC: A Large-Scale, Naturalistic Query Autocomplete Dataset. EMNLP (Industry Track) 2024: 1046-1055 - [c83]Krista Opsahl-Ong, Michael J. Ryan, Josh Purtell, David Broman, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia, Omar Khattab:
Optimizing Instructions and Demonstrations for Multi-Stage Language Model Programs. EMNLP 2024: 9340-9366 - [c82]Dilara Soylu, Christopher Potts, Omar Khattab:
Fine-Tuning and Prompt Optimization: Two Great Steps that Work Better Together. EMNLP 2024: 10696-10710 - [c81]Jing Huang, Diyi Yang, Christopher Potts:
Demystifying Verbatim Memorization in Large Language Models. EMNLP 2024: 10711-10732 - [c80]Nandita Naik, Christopher Potts, Elisa Kreiss:
CommVQA: Situating Visual Question Answering in Communicative Contexts. EMNLP 2024: 13362-13377 - [c79]Amir Zur, Elisa Kreiss, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Christopher Potts, Atticus Geiger:
Updating CLIP to Prefer Descriptions Over Captions. EMNLP 2024: 20178-20187 - [c78]Dante Everaert, Christopher Potts:
GIO: Gradient Information Optimization for Training Dataset Selection. ICLR 2024 - [c77]Omar Khattab, Arnav Singhvi, Paridhi Maheshwari, Zhiyuan Zhang, Keshav Santhanam, Sri Vardhamanan, Saiful Haq, Ashutosh Sharma, Thomas T. Joshi, Hanna Moazam, Heather Miller, Matei Zaharia, Christopher Potts:
DSPy: Compiling Declarative Language Model Calls into State-of-the-Art Pipelines. ICLR 2024 - [c76]Elisa Kreiss, Eric Zelikman, Christopher Potts, Nick Haber:
ContextRef: Evaluating Referenceless Metrics for Image Description Generation. ICLR 2024 - [c75]Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Aryaman Arora, Jing Huang
, Zheng Wang, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
pyvene: A Library for Understanding and Improving PyTorch Models via Interventions. NAACL (Demonstrations) 2024: 158-165 - [c74]Jon Saad-Falcon, Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia:
ARES: An Automated Evaluation Framework for Retrieval-Augmented Generation Systems. NAACL-HLT 2024: 338-354 - [c73]Róbert Csordás, Kazuki Irie, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
MoEUT: Mixture-of-Experts Universal Transformers. NeurIPS 2024 - [c72]Zhengxuan Wu, Aryaman Arora, Zheng Wang, Atticus Geiger, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models. NeurIPS 2024 - 2023
- [c71]Daniel N. Sosa, Malavika Suresh, Christopher Potts, Russ B. Altman:
Detecting Contradictory COVID-19 Drug Efficacy Claims from Biomedical Literature. ACL (2) 2023: 694-713 - [c70]Jingyuan Selena She, Christopher Potts, Samuel R. Bowman, Atticus Geiger:
ScoNe: Benchmarking Negation Reasoning in Language Models With Fine-Tuning and In-Context Learning. ACL (2) 2023: 1803-1821 - [c69]Keshav Santhanam, Jon Saad-Falcon, Martin Franz, Omar Khattab, Avi Sil, Radu Florian, Md. Arafat Sultan, Salim Roukos, Matei Zaharia, Christopher Potts:
Moving Beyond Downstream Task Accuracy for Information Retrieval Benchmarking. ACL (Findings) 2023: 11613-11628 - [c68]Jing Huang
, Zhengxuan Wu, Kyle Mahowald, Christopher Potts:
Inducing Character-level Structure in Subword-based Language Models with Type-level Interchange Intervention Training. ACL (Findings) 2023: 12163-12180 - [c67]Jing Huang
, Atticus Geiger, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher Potts:
Rigorously Assessing Natural Language Explanations of Neurons. BlackboxNLP@EMNLP 2023: 317-331 - [c66]Ben Prystawski, Paul H. Thibodeau, Christopher Potts, Noah D. Goodman:
Psychologically-informed chain-of-thought prompts for metaphor understanding in large language models. CogSci 2023 - [c65]Erika Petersen, Christopher Potts:
Lexical Semantics with Large Language Models: A Case Study of English "break". EACL (Findings) 2023: 490-511 - [c64]Jingfen Zhang, Xuan Guo, Sravan Bodapati, Christopher Potts:
Multi-teacher Distillation for Multilingual Spelling Correction. EMNLP (Industry Track) 2023: 142-151 - [c63]Jon Saad-Falcon, Omar Khattab, Keshav Santhanam, Radu Florian, Martin Franz, Salim Roukos, Avirup Sil, Md. Arafat Sultan, Christopher Potts:
UDAPDR: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via LLM Prompting and Distillation of Rerankers. EMNLP 2023: 11265-11279 - [c62]Karel D'Oosterlinck, François Remy, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder, Klim Zaporojets, Aneiss Ghodsi, Simon Ellershaw, Jack Collins, Christopher Potts:
BioDEX: Large-Scale Biomedical Adverse Drug Event Extraction for Real-World Pharmacovigilance. EMNLP (Findings) 2023: 13425-13454 - [c61]Zexuan Zhong, Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts, Danqi Chen:
MQuAKE: Assessing Knowledge Editing in Language Models via Multi-Hop Questions. EMNLP 2023: 15686-15702 - [c60]Nandita Naik, Christopher Potts, Elisa Kreiss:
Context-VQA: Towards Context-Aware and Purposeful Visual Question Answering. ICCV (Workshops) 2023: 2813-2817 - [c59]Zhengxuan Wu, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Atticus Geiger, Amir Zur, Christopher Potts:
Causal Proxy Models for Concept-based Model Explanations. ICML 2023: 37313-37334 - [c58]Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Thomas Icard, Christopher Potts, Noah D. Goodman:
Interpretability at Scale: Identifying Causal Mechanisms in Alpaca. NeurIPS 2023 - 2022
- [c57]Keshav Santhanam, Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia
PLAID: An Efficient Engine for Late Interaction Retrieval. CIKM 2022: 1747-1756 - [c56]Fei Fang, Kunal Sinha, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts, Elisa Kreiss:
Color Overmodification Emerges from Data-Driven Learning and Pragmatic Reasoning. CogSci 2022 - [c55]Siyan Li, Riley Carlson, Christopher Potts:
Systematicity in GPT-3's Interpretation of Novel English Noun Compounds. EMNLP (Findings) 2022: 717-728 - [c54]Elisa Kreiss, Fei Fang, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Concadia: Towards Image-Based Text Generation with a Purpose. EMNLP 2022: 4667-4684 - [c53]Elisa Kreiss, Cynthia L. Bennett, Shayan Hooshmand, Eric Zelikman, Meredith Ringel Morris, Christopher Potts:
Context Matters for Image Descriptions for Accessibility: Challenges for Referenceless Evaluation Metrics. EMNLP 2022: 4685-4697 - [c52]Ashwin Paranjape, Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia, Christopher D. Manning:
Hindsight: Posterior-guided training of retrievers for improved open-ended generation. ICLR 2022 - [c51]Atticus Geiger, Zhengxuan Wu, Hanson Lu, Josh Rozner, Elisa Kreiss, Thomas Icard, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Inducing Causal Structure for Interpretable Neural Networks. ICML 2022: 7324-7338 - [c50]Keshav Santhanam, Omar Khattab, Jon Saad-Falcon, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia:
ColBERTv2: Effective and Efficient Retrieval via Lightweight Late Interaction. NAACL-HLT 2022: 3715-3734 - [c49]Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Joshua Rozner, Elisa Kreiss, Hanson Lu, Thomas Icard, Christopher Potts, Noah D. Goodman:
Causal Distillation for Language Models. NAACL-HLT 2022: 4288-4295 - [c48]Eldar David Abraham, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Amir Feder, Yair Ori Gat, Atticus Geiger, Christopher Potts, Roi Reichart, Zhengxuan Wu:
CEBaB: Estimating the Causal Effects of Real-World Concepts on NLP Model Behavior. NeurIPS 2022 - [c47]Zhengxuan Wu, Nelson F. Liu, Christopher Potts:
Identifying the Limits of Cross-Domain Knowledge Transfer for Pretrained Models. RepL4NLP@ACL 2022: 100-110 - 2021
- [c46]Christopher Potts, Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Douwe Kiela:
DynaSent: A Dynamic Benchmark for Sentiment Analysis. ACL/IJCNLP (1) 2021: 2388-2404 - [c45]Douwe Kiela, Max Bartolo, Yixin Nie, Divyansh Kaushik, Atticus Geiger, Zhengxuan Wu, Bertie Vidgen, Grusha Prasad, Amanpreet Singh, Pratik Ringshia, Zhiyi Ma, Tristan Thrush, Sebastian Riedel, Zeerak Waseem
, Pontus Stenetorp, Robin Jia
, Mohit Bansal, Christopher Potts, Adina Williams
Dynabench: Rethinking Benchmarking in NLP. NAACL-HLT 2021: 4110-4124 - [c44]Atticus Geiger, Hanson Lu, Thomas Icard, Christopher Potts:
Causal Abstractions of Neural Networks. NeurIPS 2021: 9574-9586 - [c43]Zhiyi Ma, Kawin Ethayarajh, Tristan Thrush, Somya Jain, Ledell Wu, Robin Jia, Christopher Potts, Adina Williams, Douwe Kiela:
Dynaboard: An Evaluation-As-A-Service Platform for Holistic Next-Generation Benchmarking. NeurIPS 2021: 10351-10367 - [c42]Josh Rozner, Christopher Potts, Kyle Mahowald:
Decrypting Cryptic Crosswords: Semantically Complex Wordplay Puzzles as a Target for NLP. NeurIPS 2021: 11409-11421 - [c41]Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei A. Zaharia:
Baleen: Robust Multi-Hop Reasoning at Scale via Condensed Retrieval. NeurIPS 2021: 27670-27682 - [c40]Zhengxuan Wu, Elisa Kreiss, Desmond C. Ong, Christopher Potts:
ReaSCAN: Compositional Reasoning in Language Grounding. NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks 2021 - 2020
- [c39]Atticus Geiger, Kyle Richardson, Christopher Potts:
Neural Natural Language Inference Models Partially Embed Theories of Lexical Entailment and Negation. BlackboxNLP@EMNLP 2020: 163-173 - [c38]Atticus Geiger, Alexandra Carstensen, Michael C. Frank, Christopher Potts:
Relational reasoning and generalization using non-symbolic neural networks. CogSci 2020 - [c37]Elisa Kreiss, Zijian Wang, Christopher Potts:
Modeling Subjective Assessments of Guilt in Newspaper Crime Narratives. CoNLL 2020: 56-68 - [c36]Allen Nie, Reuben Cohn-Gordon, Christopher Potts:
Pragmatic Issue-Sensitive Image Captioning. EMNLP (Findings) 2020: 1924-1938 - [c35]Emrah Budur, Riza Özçelik, Tunga Gungor, Christopher Potts:
Data and Representation for Turkish Natural Language Inference. EMNLP (1) 2020: 8253-8267 - 2019
- [c34]Zijian Wang, Christopher Potts:
TalkDown: A Corpus for Condescension Detection in Context. EMNLP/IJCNLP (1) 2019: 3709-3717 - [c33]Atticus Geiger, Ignacio Cases, Lauri Karttunen, Christopher Potts:
Posing Fair Generalization Tasks for Natural Language Inference. EMNLP/IJCNLP (1) 2019: 4484-4494 - [c32]Ignacio Cases, Clemens Rosenbaum, Matthew Riemer, Atticus Geiger, Tim Klinger, Alex Tamkin, Olivia Li, Sandhini Agarwal, Joshua D. Greene, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher Potts, Lauri Karttunen:
Recursive Routing Networks: Learning to Compose Modules for Language Understanding. NAACL-HLT (1) 2019: 3631-3648 - 2018
- [c31]Benjamin J. Lengerich, Andrew L. Maas, Christopher Potts:
Retrofitting Distributional Embeddings to Knowledge Graphs with Functional Relations. COLING 2018: 2423-2436 - [c30]Y. Alex Kolchinski, Christopher Potts:
Representing Social Media Users for Sarcasm Detection. EMNLP 2018: 1115-1121 - [c29]Nicholas Dingwall, Christopher Potts:
Mittens: an Extension of GloVe for Learning Domain-Specialized Representations. NAACL-HLT (2) 2018: 212-217 - [c28]Reuben Cohn-Gordon, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Pragmatically Informative Image Captioning with Character-Level Inference. NAACL-HLT (2) 2018: 439-443 - [c27]Will Monroe, Jennifer Hu, Andrew Jong, Christopher Potts:
Generating Bilingual Pragmatic Color References. NAACL-HLT 2018: 2155-2165 - 2016
- [c26]Samuel R. Bowman, Jon Gauthier
, Abhinav Rastogi, Raghav Gupta, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
A Fast Unified Model for Parsing and Sentence Understanding. ACL (1) 2016 - [c25]Will Monroe, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Learning to Generate Compositional Color Descriptions. EMNLP 2016: 2243-2248 - 2015
- [c24]Samuel R. Bowman, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
Learning Distributed Word Representations for Natural Logic Reasoning. AAAI Spring Symposia 2015 - [c23]Angel X. Chang, Will Monroe, Manolis Savva
, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
Text to 3D Scene Generation with Rich Lexical Grounding. ACL (1) 2015: 53-62 - [c22]Samuel R. Bowman, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
Recursive Neural Networks Can Learn Logical Semantics. CVSC 2015: 12-21 - [c21]Samuel R. Bowman, Gabor Angeli, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
A large annotated corpus for learning natural language inference. EMNLP 2015: 632-642 - [c20]Samuel R. Bowman, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
Tree-Structured Composition in Neural Networks without Tree-Structured Architectures. CoCo@NIPS 2015 - 2014
- [c19]Adam Vogel, Andrés Goméz Emilsson, Michael C. Frank, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher Potts:
Learning to Reason Pragmatically with Cognitive Limitations. CogSci 2014 - [c18]Moritz Sudhof, Andrés Goméz Emilsson, Andrew L. Maas, Christopher Potts:
Sentiment expression conditioned by affective transitions and social forces. KDD 2014: 1136-1145 - 2013
- [c17]Adam Vogel, Christopher Potts, Dan Jurafsky:
Implicatures and Nested Beliefs in Approximate Decentralized-POMDPs. ACL (2) 2013: 74-80 - [c16]Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Moritz Sudhof, Dan Jurafsky, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts:
A computational approach to politeness with application to social factors. ACL (1) 2013: 250-259 - [c15]Richard Socher, Alex Perelygin, Jean Wu, Jason Chuang, Christopher D. Manning, Andrew Y. Ng, Christopher Potts:
Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank. EMNLP 2013: 1631-1642 - [c14]Marta Recasens, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher Potts:
The Life and Death of Discourse Entities: Identifying Singleton Mentions. HLT-NAACL 2013: 627-633 - [c13]Adam Vogel, Max Bodoia, Christopher Potts, Daniel Jurafsky:
Emergence of Gricean Maxims from Multi-Agent Decision Theory. HLT-NAACL 2013: 1072-1081 - [c12]Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Robert West, Dan Jurafsky, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts:
No country for old members: user lifecycle and linguistic change in online communities. WWW 2013: 307-318 - 2012
- [c11]Jan Overgoor, Ellery Wulczyn, Christopher Potts:
Trust Propagation with Mixed-Effects Models. ICWSM 2012 - 2011
- [c10]Alex Djalali, David Clausen, Sven Lauer, Karl Schultz, Christopher Potts:
Modeling Expert Effects and Common Ground Using Questions Under Discussion. AAAI Fall Symposium: Building Representations of Common Ground with Intelligent Agents 2011 - [c9]Andrew L. Maas, Raymond E. Daly, Peter T. Pham, Dan Huang, Andrew Y. Ng, Christopher Potts:
Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis. ACL 2011: 142-150 - [c8]Alex Djalali, Sven Lauer, Christopher Potts:
Corpus Evidence for Preference-Driven Interpretation. Amsterdam Colloquium on Logic, Language and Meaning 2011: 150-159 - [c7]Mahalia Miller, Conal Sathi, Daniel Wiesenthal, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts:
Sentiment Flow Through Hyperlink Networks. ICWSM 2011 - [c6]Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning
, Christopher Potts:
Veridicality and Utterance Understanding. ICSC 2011: 430-437 - 2010
- [c5]Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
"Was It Good? It Was Provocative." Learning the Meaning of Scalar Adjectives. ACL 2010: 167-176 - [c4]Robert Munro, Steven Bethard, Victor Kuperman, Vicky Tzuyin Lai, Robin Melnick, Christopher Potts, Tyler Schnoebelen, Harry J. Tily:
Crowdsourcing and language studies: the new generation of linguistic data. Mturk@HLT-NAACL 2010: 122-130 - 2009
- [c3]Christopher Davis, Christopher Potts:
Affective Demonstratives and the Division of Pragmatic Labor. Amsterdam Colloquium on Logic, Language and Meaning 2009: 42-52 - [c2]Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Scott Grimm, Christopher Potts:
Not a Simple Yes or No: Uncertainty in Indirect Answers. SIGDIAL Conference 2009: 136-143 - 2006
- [c1]Christopher Potts:
Conversational Implicatures Via General Pragmatic Pressures. JSAI 2006: 205-218
Informal and Other Publications
- 2025
- [i102]Zhengxuan Wu, Aryaman Arora, Atticus Geiger, Zheng Wang, Jing Huang, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
AxBench: Steering LLMs? Even Simple Baselines Outperform Sparse Autoencoders. CoRR abs/2501.17148 (2025) - [i101]Jan Luca Scheerer, Matei Zaharia, Christopher Potts, Gustavo Alonso, Omar Khattab:
WARP: An Efficient Engine for Multi-Vector Retrieval. CoRR abs/2501.17788 (2025) - 2024
- [i100]Emrah Budur, Riza Özçelik, Dilara Soylu, Omar Khattab, Tunga Güngör, Christopher Potts:
Building Efficient and Effective OpenQA Systems for Low-Resource Languages. CoRR abs/2401.03590 (2024) - [i99]Tristan Thrush, Jared Moore
, Miguel Monares, Christopher Potts, Douwe Kiela:
I am a Strange Dataset: Metalinguistic Tests for Language Models. CoRR abs/2401.05300 (2024) - [i98]Julie Kallini, Isabel Papadimitriou, Richard Futrell, Kyle Mahowald, Christopher Potts:
Mission: Impossible Language Models. CoRR abs/2401.06416 (2024) - [i97]Karel D'Oosterlinck, Omar Khattab, François Remy, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder, Christopher Potts:
In-Context Learning for Extreme Multi-Label Classification. CoRR abs/2401.12178 (2024) - [i96]Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Jing Huang, Aryaman Arora, Thomas Icard, Christopher Potts, Noah D. Goodman:
A Reply to Makelov et al. (2023)'s "Interpretability Illusion" Arguments. CoRR abs/2401.12631 (2024) - [i95]Aryaman Arora, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher Potts:
CausalGym: Benchmarking causal interpretability methods on linguistic tasks. CoRR abs/2402.12560 (2024) - [i94]Nandita Shankar Naik, Christopher Potts, Elisa Kreiss:
CommVQA: Situating Visual Question Answering in Communicative Contexts. CoRR abs/2402.15002 (2024) - [i93]Jing Huang, Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher Potts, Mor Geva, Atticus Geiger:
RAVEL: Evaluating Interpretability Methods on Disentangling Language Model Representations. CoRR abs/2402.17700 (2024) - [i92]Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Aryaman Arora, Jing Huang, Zheng Wang, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
pyvene: A Library for Understanding and Improving PyTorch Models via Interventions. CoRR abs/2403.07809 (2024) - [i91]Weixin Liang, Yaohui Zhang, Zhengxuan Wu, Haley Lepp, Wenlong Ji, Xuandong Zhao, Hancheng Cao, Sheng Liu, Siyu He, Zhi Huang, Diyi Yang, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning, James Y. Zou:
Mapping the Increasing Use of LLMs in Scientific Papers. CoRR abs/2404.01268 (2024) - [i90]Zhengxuan Wu, Aryaman Arora, Zheng Wang, Atticus Geiger, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models. CoRR abs/2404.03592 (2024) - [i89]Róbert Csordás, Kazuki Irie, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
MoEUT: Mixture-of-Experts Universal Transformers. CoRR abs/2405.16039 (2024) - [i88]Amir Zur, Elisa Kreiss, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Christopher Potts, Atticus Geiger:
Updating CLIP to Prefer Descriptions Over Captions. CoRR abs/2406.09458 (2024) - [i87]Krista Opsahl-Ong, Michael J. Ryan
, Josh Purtell, David Broman, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia, Omar Khattab:
Optimizing Instructions and Demonstrations for Multi-Stage Language Model Programs. CoRR abs/2406.11695 (2024) - [i86]Jasper Xian, Saron Samuel, Faraz Khoubsirat, Ronak Pradeep, Md. Arafat Sultan, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos, Avirup Sil, Christopher Potts, Omar Khattab:
Prompts as Auto-Optimized Training Hyperparameters: Training Best-in-Class IR Models from Scratch with 10 Gold Labels. CoRR abs/2406.11706 (2024) - [i85]Dilara Soylu, Christopher Potts, Omar Khattab:
Fine-Tuning and Prompt Optimization: Two Great Steps that Work Better Together. CoRR abs/2407.10930 (2024) - [i84]Jing Huang
, Diyi Yang, Christopher Potts:
Demystifying Verbatim Memorization in Large Language Models. CoRR abs/2407.17817 (2024) - [i83]Karel D'Oosterlinck, Winnie Xu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester, Amanpreet Singh, Christopher Potts, Douwe Kiela, Shikib Mehri:
Anchored Preference Optimization and Contrastive Revisions: Addressing Underspecification in Alignment. CoRR abs/2408.06266 (2024) - [i82]Róbert Csordás, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning, Atticus Geiger:
Recurrent Neural Networks Learn to Store and Generate Sequences using Non-Linear Representations. CoRR abs/2408.10920 (2024) - [i81]Tristan Thrush, Christopher Potts, Tatsunori Hashimoto:
Improving Pretraining Data Using Perplexity Correlations. CoRR abs/2409.05816 (2024) - [i80]Xuan Guo, Rohit Patki, Dante Everaert, Christopher Potts:
Retrieval Augmented Spelling Correction for E-Commerce Applications. CoRR abs/2410.11655 (2024) - [i79]Aryaman Arora, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher Potts, Noah D. Goodman:
Bayesian scaling laws for in-context learning. CoRR abs/2410.16531 (2024) - [i78]Julie Kallini, Shikhar Murty, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts, Róbert Csordás:
MrT5: Dynamic Token Merging for Efficient Byte-level Language Models. CoRR abs/2410.20771 (2024) - [i77]Dante Everaert, Rohit Patki, Tianqi Zheng, Christopher Potts:
AmazonQAC: A Large-Scale, Naturalistic Query Autocomplete Dataset. CoRR abs/2411.04129 (2024) - 2023
- [i76]Atticus Geiger, Christopher Potts, Thomas Icard:
Causal Abstraction for Faithful Model Interpretation. CoRR abs/2301.04709 (2023) - [i75]Jon Saad-Falcon, Omar Khattab, Keshav Santhanam, Radu Florian, Martin Franz, Salim Roukos, Avirup Sil, Md. Arafat Sultan, Christopher Potts:
UDAPDR: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via LLM Prompting and Distillation of Rerankers. CoRR abs/2303.00807 (2023) - [i74]Atticus Geiger, Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher Potts, Thomas Icard, Noah D. Goodman:
Finding Alignments Between Interpretable Causal Variables and Distributed Neural Representations. CoRR abs/2303.02536 (2023) - [i73]Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
ReCOGS: How Incidental Details of a Logical Form Overshadow an Evaluation of Semantic Interpretation. CoRR abs/2303.13716 (2023) - [i72]Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Christopher Potts, Noah D. Goodman:
Interpretability at Scale: Identifying Causal Mechanisms in Alpaca. CoRR abs/2305.08809 (2023) - [i71]Elisa Kreiss, Krishna Srinivasan, Tiziano Piccardi, Jesus Adolfo Hermosillo, Cynthia L. Bennett, Michael S. Bernstein, Meredith Ringel Morris, Christopher Potts:
Characterizing Image Accessibility on Wikipedia across Languages. CoRR abs/2305.09038 (2023) - [i70]Karel D'Oosterlinck, François Remy, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder, Klim Zaporojets
, Aneiss Ghodsi, Simon Ellershaw
, Jack Collins, Christopher Potts:
BioDEX: Large-Scale Biomedical Adverse Drug Event Extraction for Real-World Pharmacovigilance. CoRR abs/2305.13395 (2023) - [i69]Zexuan Zhong, Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts, Danqi Chen:
MQuAKE: Assessing Knowledge Editing in Language Models via Multi-Hop Questions. CoRR abs/2305.14795 (2023) - [i68]Jingyuan Selena She, Christopher Potts, Samuel R. Bowman, Atticus Geiger:
ScoNe: Benchmarking Negation Reasoning in Language Models With Fine-Tuning and In-Context Learning. CoRR abs/2305.19426 (2023) - [i67]Dante Everaert, Christopher Potts:
GIO: Gradient Information Optimization for Training Dataset Selection. CoRR abs/2306.11670 (2023) - [i66]Nandita Naik, Christopher Potts, Elisa Kreiss:
Context-VQA: Towards Context-Aware and Purposeful Visual Question Answering. CoRR abs/2307.15745 (2023) - [i65]Jing Huang, Atticus Geiger, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Zhengxuan Wu, Christopher Potts:
Rigorously Assessing Natural Language Explanations of Neurons. CoRR abs/2309.10312 (2023) - [i64]Elisa Kreiss, Eric Zelikman, Christopher Potts, Nick Haber:
ContextRef: Evaluating Referenceless Metrics For Image Description Generation. CoRR abs/2309.11710 (2023) - [i63]Omar Khattab, Arnav Singhvi, Paridhi Maheshwari, Zhiyuan Zhang, Keshav Santhanam, Sri Vardhamanan, Saiful Haq, Ashutosh Sharma, Thomas T. Joshi, Hanna Moazam, Heather Miller, Matei Zaharia
, Christopher Potts:
DSPy: Compiling Declarative Language Model Calls into Self-Improving Pipelines. CoRR abs/2310.03714 (2023) - [i62]Karel D'Oosterlinck, Semere Kiros Bitew, Brandon Papineau, Christopher Potts, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder:
CAW-coref: Conjunction-Aware Word-level Coreference Resolution. CoRR abs/2310.06165 (2023) - [i61]Jon Saad-Falcon, Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia
ARES: An Automated Evaluation Framework for Retrieval-Augmented Generation Systems. CoRR abs/2311.09476 (2023) - [i60]Karel D'Oosterlinck, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder, Christopher Potts:
Flexible Model Interpretability through Natural Language Model Editing. CoRR abs/2311.10905 (2023) - [i59]Jingfen Zhang, Xuan Guo, Sravan Bodapati, Christopher Potts:
Multi-teacher Distillation for Multilingual Spelling Correction. CoRR abs/2311.11518 (2023) - [i58]Arnav Singhvi, Manish Shetty, Shangyin Tan, Christopher Potts, Koushik Sen, Matei Zaharia, Omar Khattab:
DSPy Assertions: Computational Constraints for Self-Refining Language Model Pipelines. CoRR abs/2312.13382 (2023) - 2022
- [i57]Fei Fang, Kunal Sinha, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts, Elisa Kreiss:
Color Overmodification Emerges from Data-Driven Learning and Pragmatic Reasoning. CoRR abs/2205.09172 (2022) - [i56]Keshav Santhanam, Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia
PLAID: An Efficient Engine for Late Interaction Retrieval. CoRR abs/2205.09707 (2022) - [i55]Elisa Kreiss, Cynthia L. Bennett, Shayan Hooshmand, Eric Zelikman, Meredith Ringel Morris, Christopher Potts:
Context Matters for Image Descriptions for Accessibility: Challenges for Referenceless Evaluation Metrics. CoRR abs/2205.10646 (2022) - [i54]Eldar David Abraham, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Amir Feder, Yair Ori Gat, Atticus Geiger, Christopher Potts, Roi Reichart, Zhengxuan Wu:
CEBaB: Estimating the Causal Effects of Real-World Concepts on NLP Model Behavior. CoRR abs/2205.14140 (2022) - [i53]Aarohi Srivastava, Abhinav Rastogi, Abhishek Rao, Abu Awal Md Shoeb, Abubakar Abid, Adam Fisch, Adam R. Brown, Adam Santoro, Aditya Gupta, Adrià Garriga-Alonso, Agnieszka Kluska, Aitor Lewkowycz, Akshat Agarwal, Alethea Power
, Alex Ray, Alex Warstadt, Alexander W. Kocurek, Ali Safaya, Ali Tazarv, Alice Xiang, Alicia Parrish, Allen Nie, Aman Hussain, Amanda Askell, Amanda Dsouza, Ambrose Slone, Ameet Rahane, Anantharaman S. Iyer, Anders Andreassen, Andrea Madotto, Andrea Santilli, Andreas Stuhlmüller, Andrew M. Dai, Andrew La, Andrew K. Lampinen, Andy Zou, Angela Jiang, Angelica Chen, Anh Vuong, Animesh Gupta, Anna Gottardi, Antonio Norelli, Anu Venkatesh, Arash Gholamidavoodi, Arfa Tabassum, Arul Menezes, Arun Kirubarajan, Asher Mullokandov, Ashish Sabharwal, Austin Herrick, Avia Efrat, Aykut Erdem, Ayla Karakas, B. Ryan Roberts, Bao Sheng Loe, Barret Zoph, Bartlomiej Bojanowski, Batuhan Özyurt, Behnam Hedayatnia, Behnam Neyshabur, Benjamin Inden, Benno Stein, Berk Ekmekci, Bill Yuchen Lin, Blake Howald, Bryan Orinion, Cameron Diao, Cameron Dour, Catherine Stinson, Cedrick Argueta, Cèsar Ferri Ramírez, Chandan Singh, Charles Rathkopf, Chenlin Meng, Chitta Baral, Chiyu Wu, Chris Callison-Burch, Chris Waites, Christian Voigt, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts, Cindy Ramirez, Clara E. Rivera, Clemencia Siro, Colin Raffel, Courtney Ashcraft, Cristina Garbacea, Damien Sileo
, Dan Garrette, Dan Hendrycks, Dan Kilman, Dan Roth, Daniel Freeman, Daniel Khashabi, Daniel Levy, Daniel Moseguí González, Danielle Perszyk, Danny Hernandez, Danqi Chen, Daphne Ippolito, Dar Gilboa, David Dohan, David Drakard, David Jurgens, Debajyoti Datta, Deep Ganguli, Denis Emelin, Denis Kleyko, Deniz Yuret, Derek Chen, Derek Tam, Dieuwke Hupkes, Diganta Misra, Dilyar Buzan, Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Diyi Yang, Dong-Ho Lee, Dylan Schrader, Ekaterina Shutova, Ekin Dogus Cubuk, Elad Segal, Eleanor Hagerman, Elizabeth Barnes, Elizabeth Donoway, Ellie Pavlick, Emanuele Rodolà, Emma Lam, Eric Chu, Eric Tang, Erkut Erdem, Ernie Chang, Ethan A. Chi, Ethan Dyer, Ethan J. Jerzak, Ethan Kim, Eunice Engefu Manyasi, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Fanyue Xia, Fatemeh Siar, Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Francesca Happé, François Chollet, Frieda Rong, Gaurav Mishra, Genta Indra Winata, Gerard de Melo, Germán Kruszewski, Giambattista Parascandolo, Giorgio Mariani, Gloria Wang, Gonzalo Jaimovitch-López, Gregor Betz, Guy Gur-Ari, Hana Galijasevic, Hannah Kim, Hannah Rashkin, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Harsh Mehta, Hayden Bogar, Henry Shevlin, Hinrich Schütze, Hiromu Yakura, Hongming Zhang, Hugh Mee Wong, Ian Ng, Isaac Noble, Jaap Jumelet, Jack Geissinger, Jackson Kernion, Jacob Hilton, Jaehoon Lee, Jaime Fernández Fisac, James B. Simon, James Koppel, James Zheng, James Zou, Jan Kocon, Jana Thompson, Janelle Wingfield, Jared Kaplan, Jarema Radom, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Jason Phang, Jason Wei, Jason Yosinski, Jekaterina Novikova, Jelle Bosscher, Jennifer Marsh, Jeremy Kim, Jeroen Taal, Jesse H. Engel, Jesujoba Alabi, Jiacheng Xu, Jiaming Song, Jillian Tang, Joan Waweru, John Burden
, John Miller, John U. Balis, Jonathan Batchelder, Jonathan Berant, Jörg Frohberg, Jos Rozen, José Hernández-Orallo, Joseph Boudeman, Joseph Guerr, Joseph Jones, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Joshua S. Rule, Joyce Chua, Kamil Kanclerz
, Karen Livescu, Karl Krauth, Karthik Gopalakrishnan, Katerina Ignatyeva, Katja Markert, Kaustubh D. Dhole, Kevin Gimpel, Kevin Omondi, Kory W. Mathewson, Kristen Chiafullo, Ksenia Shkaruta, Kumar Shridhar, Kyle McDonell, Kyle Richardson, Laria Reynolds, Leo Gao, Li Zhang, Liam Dugan
, Lianhui Qin, Lidia Contreras Ochando, Louis-Philippe Morency, Luca Moschella, Lucas Lam, Lucy Noble, Ludwig Schmidt, Luheng He, Luis Oliveros Colón, Luke Metz, Lütfi Kerem Senel, Maarten Bosma, Maarten Sap, Maartje ter Hoeve, Maheen Farooqi, Manaal Faruqui, Mantas Mazeika, Marco Baturan, Marco Marelli, Marco Maru, María José Ramírez-Quintana, Marie Tolkiehn, Mario Giulianelli, Martha Lewis, Martin Potthast, Matthew L. Leavitt, Matthias Hagen, Mátyás Schubert, Medina Baitemirova, Melody Arnaud, Melvin McElrath, Michael A. Yee, Michael Cohen, Michael Gu, Michael I. Ivanitskiy, Michael Starritt, Michael Strube, Michal Swedrowski, Michele Bevilacqua, Michihiro Yasunaga, Mihir Kale, Mike Cain, Mimee Xu, Mirac Suzgun, Mitch Walker, Mo Tiwari, Mohit Bansal, Moin Aminnaseri, Mor Geva, Mozhdeh Gheini, Mukund Varma T., Nanyun Peng, Nathan A. Chi, Nayeon Lee, Neta Gur-Ari Krakover, Nicholas Cameron, Nicholas Roberts, Nick Doiron, Nicole Martinez, Nikita Nangia, Niklas Deckers, Niklas Muennighoff, Nitish Shirish Keskar, Niveditha Iyer, Noah Constant, Noah Fiedel, Nuan Wen, Oliver Zhang, Omar Agha, Omar Elbaghdadi, Omer Levy, Owain Evans, Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares, Parth Doshi, Pascale Fung, Paul Pu Liang, Paul Vicol, Pegah Alipoormolabashi, Peiyuan Liao, Percy Liang, Peter Chang, Peter Eckersley, Phu Mon Htut, Pinyu Hwang, Piotr Milkowski, Piyush Patil, Pouya Pezeshkpour, Priti Oli, Qiaozhu Mei, Qing Lyu, Qinlang Chen, Rabin Banjade, Rachel Etta Rudolph, Raefer Gabriel, Rahel Habacker, Ramon Risco, Raphaël Millière, Rhythm Garg, Richard Barnes, Rif A. Saurous, Riku Arakawa, Robbe Raymaekers, Robert Frank, Rohan Sikand, Roman Novak, Roman Sitelew, Ronan LeBras, Rosanne Liu, Rowan Jacobs, Rui Zhang, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Ryan Chi, Ryan Lee, Ryan Stovall, Ryan Teehan, Rylan Yang, Sahib Singh, Saif M. Mohammad, Sajant Anand, Sam Dillavou, Sam Shleifer, Sam Wiseman, Samuel Gruetter, Samuel R. Bowman, Samuel S. Schoenholz, Sanghyun Han, Sanjeev Kwatra, Sarah A. Rous, Sarik Ghazarian, Sayan Ghosh, Sean Casey, Sebastian Bischoff, Sebastian Gehrmann, Sebastian Schuster, Sepideh Sadeghi, Shadi Hamdan, Sharon Zhou, Shashank Srivastava, Sherry Shi, Shikhar Singh, Shima Asaadi, Shixiang Shane Gu, Shubh Pachchigar, Shubham Toshniwal, Shyam Upadhyay, Shyamolima (Shammie) Debnath, Siamak Shakeri, Simon Thormeyer, Simone Melzi, Siva Reddy, Sneha Priscilla Makini, Soo-Hwan Lee, Spencer Torene, Sriharsha Hatwar, Stanislas Dehaene, Stefan Divic, Stefano Ermon, Stella Biderman, Stephanie Lin, Stephen Prasad, Steven T. Piantadosi, Stuart M. Shieber, Summer Misherghi, Svetlana Kiritchenko, Swaroop Mishra, Tal Linzen, Tal Schuster
, Tao Li, Tao Yu, Tariq Ali, Tatsu Hashimoto, Te-Lin Wu, Théo Desbordes, Theodore Rothschild, Thomas Phan, Tianle Wang, Tiberius Nkinyili, Timo Schick, Timofei Kornev, Titus Tunduny, Tobias Gerstenberg, Trenton Chang, Trishala Neeraj, Tushar Khot, Tyler Shultz, Uri Shaham, Vedant Misra, Vera Demberg, Victoria Nyamai, Vikas Raunak, Vinay V. Ramasesh, Vinay Uday Prabhu, Vishakh Padmakumar, Vivek Srikumar, William Fedus, William Saunders, William Zhang, Wout Vossen, Xiang Ren, Xiaoyu Tong, Xinran Zhao, Xinyi Wu, Xudong Shen, Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh, Yair Lakretz, Yangqiu Song, Yasaman Bahri, Yejin Choi, Yichi Yang, Yiding Hao, Yifu Chen, Yonatan Belinkov, Yu Hou, Yufang Hou, Yuntao Bai, Zachary Seid, Zhuoye Zhao, Zijian Wang, Zijie J. Wang, Zirui Wang, Ziyi Wu:
Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models. CoRR abs/2206.04615 (2022) - [i52]Zhengxuan Wu, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Atticus Geiger, Amir Zur, Christopher Potts:
Causal Proxy Models for Concept-Based Model Explanations. CoRR abs/2209.14279 (2022) - [i51]Siyan Li, Riley Carlson, Christopher Potts:
Systematicity in GPT-3's Interpretation of Novel English Noun Compounds. CoRR abs/2210.09492 (2022) - [i50]Keshav Santhanam, Jon Saad-Falcon, Martin Franz, Omar Khattab, Avirup Sil, Radu Florian, Md. Arafat Sultan, Salim Roukos, Matei Zaharia
, Christopher Potts:
Moving Beyond Downstream Task Accuracy for Information Retrieval Benchmarking. CoRR abs/2212.01340 (2022) - [i49]Daniel N. Sosa, Malavika Suresh, Christopher Potts, Russ B. Altman:
Detecting Contradictory COVID-19 Drug Efficacy Claims from Biomedical Literature. CoRR abs/2212.09867 (2022) - [i48]Jing Huang, Zhengxuan Wu, Kyle Mahowald, Christopher Potts:
Inducing Character-level Structure in Subword-based Language Models with Type-level Interchange Intervention Training. CoRR abs/2212.09897 (2022) - [i47]Omar Khattab, Keshav Santhanam, Xiang Lisa Li, David Hall, Percy Liang, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia
Demonstrate-Search-Predict: Composing retrieval and language models for knowledge-intensive NLP. CoRR abs/2212.14024 (2022) - 2021
- [i46]Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia:
Baleen: Robust Multi-Hop Reasoning at Scale via Condensed Retrieval. CoRR abs/2101.00436 (2021) - [i45]Robert West, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts:
Post-mortem memory of public figures in news and social media. CoRR abs/2103.15497 (2021) - [i44]Elisa Kreiss, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Concadia: Tackling image accessibility with context. CoRR abs/2104.08376 (2021) - [i43]Zhengxuan Wu, Nelson F. Liu, Christopher Potts:
Identifying the Limits of Cross-Domain Knowledge Transfer for Pretrained Models. CoRR abs/2104.08410 (2021) - [i42]Josh Rozner, Christopher Potts, Kyle Mahowald:
Decrypting Cryptic Crosswords: Semantically Complex Wordplay Puzzles as a Target for NLP. CoRR abs/2104.08620 (2021) - [i41]Douwe Kiela, Max Bartolo, Yixin Nie, Divyansh Kaushik, Atticus Geiger, Zhengxuan Wu, Bertie Vidgen, Grusha Prasad, Amanpreet Singh, Pratik Ringshia, Zhiyi Ma, Tristan Thrush, Sebastian Riedel, Zeerak Waseem, Pontus Stenetorp, Robin Jia, Mohit Bansal, Christopher Potts, Adina Williams:
Dynabench: Rethinking Benchmarking in NLP. CoRR abs/2104.14337 (2021) - [i40]Atticus Geiger, Hanson Lu, Thomas Icard, Christopher Potts:
Causal Abstractions of Neural Networks. CoRR abs/2106.02997 (2021) - [i39]Zhiyi Ma, Kawin Ethayarajh, Tristan Thrush, Somya Jain, Ledell Wu, Robin Jia, Christopher Potts, Adina Williams
, Douwe Kiela:
Dynaboard: An Evaluation-As-A-Service Platform for Holistic Next-Generation Benchmarking. CoRR abs/2106.06052 (2021) - [i38]Zhengxuan Wu, Elisa Kreiss, Desmond C. Ong, Christopher Potts:
ReaSCAN: Compositional Reasoning in Language Grounding. CoRR abs/2109.08994 (2021) - [i37]Ashwin Paranjape, Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia, Christopher D. Manning:
Hindsight: Posterior-guided training of retrievers for improved open-ended generation. CoRR abs/2110.07752 (2021) - [i36]Atticus Geiger, Zhengxuan Wu, Hanson Lu, Josh Rozner, Elisa Kreiss, Thomas Icard, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Inducing Causal Structure for Interpretable Neural Networks. CoRR abs/2112.00826 (2021) - [i35]Keshav Santhanam, Omar Khattab, Jon Saad-Falcon, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia:
ColBERTv2: Effective and Efficient Retrieval via Lightweight Late Interaction. CoRR abs/2112.01488 (2021) - [i34]Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Josh Rozner, Elisa Kreiss, Hanson Lu, Thomas Icard, Christopher Potts, Noah D. Goodman:
Causal Distillation for Language Models. CoRR abs/2112.02505 (2021) - 2020
- [i33]Allen Nie, Reuben Cohn-Gordon, Christopher Potts:
Pragmatic Issue-Sensitive Image Captioning. CoRR abs/2004.14451 (2020) - [i32]Atticus Geiger, Kyle Richardson, Christopher Potts:
Modular Representation Underlies Systematic Generalization in Neural Natural Language Inference Models. CoRR abs/2004.14623 (2020) - [i31]Emrah Budur, Riza Özçelik, Tunga Güngör, Christopher Potts:
Use of Machine Translation to Obtain Labeled Datasets for Resource-Constrained Languages. CoRR abs/2004.14963 (2020) - [i30]Atticus Geiger, Alexandra Carstensen, Michael C. Frank, Christopher Potts:
Relational reasoning and generalization using non-symbolic neural networks. CoRR abs/2006.07968 (2020) - [i29]Elisa Kreiss, Zijian Wang, Christopher Potts:
Modeling subjective assessments of guilt in newspaper crime narratives. CoRR abs/2006.09589 (2020) - [i28]Omar Khattab, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia:
Relevance-guided Supervision for OpenQA with ColBERT. CoRR abs/2007.00814 (2020) - [i27]Graham Todd, Shane Steinert-Threlkeld, Christopher Potts:
Learning Compositional Negation in Populations of Roth-Erev and Neural Agents. CoRR abs/2012.04107 (2020) - [i26]Christopher Potts, Zhengxuan Wu, Atticus Geiger, Douwe Kiela:
DynaSent: A Dynamic Benchmark for Sentiment Analysis. CoRR abs/2012.15349 (2020) - 2019
- [i25]Bruno Godefroy, Christopher Potts:
Modeling Drug-Disease Relations with Linguistic and Knowledge Graph Constraints. CoRR abs/1904.00313 (2019) - [i24]Benjamin Newman, Reuben Cohn-Gordon, Christopher Potts:
Communication-based Evaluation for Natural Language Generation. CoRR abs/1909.07290 (2019) - [i23]Zijian Wang, Christopher Potts:
TalkDown: A Corpus for Condescension Detection in Context. CoRR abs/1909.11272 (2019) - [i22]Atticus Geiger, Ignacio Cases, Lauri Karttunen, Christopher Potts:
Posing Fair Generalization Tasks for Natural Language Inference. CoRR abs/1911.00811 (2019) - 2018
- [i21]Will Monroe, Jennifer Hu, Andrew Jong, Christopher Potts:
Generating Bilingual Pragmatic Color References. CoRR abs/1803.03917 (2018) - [i20]Nicholas Dingwall, Christopher Potts:
Mittens: An Extension of GloVe for Learning Domain-Specialized Representations. CoRR abs/1803.09901 (2018) - [i19]Reuben Cohn-Gordon, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Pragmatically Informative Image Captioning with Character-Level Reference. CoRR abs/1804.05417 (2018) - [i18]Y. Alex Kolchinski, Christopher Potts:
Representing Social Media Users for Sarcasm Detection. CoRR abs/1808.08470 (2018) - [i17]Christopher Potts:
A case for deep learning in semantics. CoRR abs/1809.03068 (2018) - [i16]Reuben Cohn-Gordon, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
An Incremental Iterated Response Model of Pragmatics. CoRR abs/1810.00367 (2018) - [i15]Atticus Geiger, Ignacio Cases, Lauri Karttunen, Christopher Potts:
Stress-Testing Neural Models of Natural Language Inference with Multiply-Quantified Sentences. CoRR abs/1810.13033 (2018) - [i14]Yifeng Tao, Bruno Godefroy, Guillaume Genthial, Christopher Potts:
Effective Feature Representation for Clinical Text Concept Extraction. CoRR abs/1811.00070 (2018) - 2017
- [i13]Will Monroe, Robert X. D. Hawkins, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Colors in Context: A Pragmatic Neural Model for Grounded Language Understanding. CoRR abs/1703.10186 (2017) - [i12]Benjamin J. Lengerich, Andrew L. Maas, Christopher Potts:
Retrofitting Distributional Embeddings to Knowledge Graphs with Functional Relations. CoRR abs/1708.00112 (2017) - [i11]Ignacio Cases, Minh-Thang Luong, Christopher Potts:
On the Effective Use of Pretraining for Natural Language Inference. CoRR abs/1710.02076 (2017) - 2016
- [i10]Samuel R. Bowman, Jon Gauthier, Abhinav Rastogi, Raghav Gupta, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
A Fast Unified Model for Parsing and Sentence Understanding. CoRR abs/1603.06021 (2016) - [i9]Will Monroe, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts:
Learning to Generate Compositional Color Descriptions. CoRR abs/1606.03821 (2016) - 2015
- [i8]Angel X. Chang, Will Monroe, Manolis Savva, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
Text to 3D Scene Generation with Rich Lexical Grounding. CoRR abs/1505.06289 (2015) - [i7]Samuel R. Bowman, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts:
Tree-structured composition in neural networks without tree-structured architectures. CoRR abs/1506.04834 (2015) - [i6]Samuel R. Bowman, Gabor Angeli, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
A large annotated corpus for learning natural language inference. CoRR abs/1508.05326 (2015) - [i5]Will Monroe, Christopher Potts:
Learning in the Rational Speech Acts Model. CoRR abs/1510.06807 (2015) - 2014
- [i4]Samuel R. Bowman, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
Recursive Neural Networks for Learning Logical Semantics. CoRR abs/1406.1827 (2014) - [i3]Robert West, Hristo S. Paskov, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts:
Exploiting Social Network Structure for Person-to-Person Sentiment Analysis. CoRR abs/1409.2450 (2014) - [i2]Samuel R. Bowman, Christopher Potts, Christopher D. Manning:
Learning Distributed Word Representations for Natural Logic Reasoning. CoRR abs/1410.4176 (2014) - 2013
- [i1]Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Moritz Sudhof, Dan Jurafsky, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Potts:
A Computational Approach to Politeness with Application to Social Factors. CoRR abs/1306.6078 (2013)
Coauthor Index

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