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IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, January 2001
- Alejandro F. Frangi
, Wiro J. Niessen
, Max A. Viergever:
Three-Dimensional Modeling for Functional Analysis of Cardiac Images: A Review. 2-5
- Victor Solo, Patrick L. Purdon, Emery N. Brown, Robert M. Weisskoff:
A Signal Estimation Approach to Functional MRI. 26-35 - Fred Godtliebsen, Chih-Kang Chu, Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye, Geir Torheim:
An Estimator for Functional Data with Application to MRI. 36-44 - Yongyue Zhang, Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith
Segmentation of Brain MR Images through a Hidden Markov Random Field Model and the Expectation Maximization Algorithm. 45-57
- Alexandre Guimond, Alexis Roche
, Nicholas Ayache, Jean Meunier:
Three-Dimensional Multimodal Brain Warping using the Demons Algorithm and Adaptive Intensity Corrections. 58-69
- Bruce Fischl, Arthur K. Liu, Anders M. Dale:
Automated Manifold Surgery: Constructing Geometrically Accurate and Topologically Correct Models of the Human Cerebral Cortex. 70-80
Volume 20, Number 2, February 2001
- Andres Fco. Solé, Shing-Chung Ngan
, Guillermo Sapiro, Xiaoping Hu
, Antonio M. López
Anisotropic 2D and 3D Averaging of fMRI Signals. 86-93 - Amir A. Amini, Yasheng Chen, Mohamed Elayyadi, Petia Radeva
Tag Surface Reconstruction and Tracking of Myocardial Beads from SPAMM-MRI with Parametric B-Spline Surfaces. 94-103
- Paul M. Meaney, Keith D. Paulsen, Brian W. Pogue
, Michael I. Miga:
Microwave Imaging Utilitizing Phase Unwrapping to Reduce Recovered Object Ambiguity. 104-116
- Francis K. H. Quek, Cemil Kirbas:
Vessel Extraction in Medical Images by Wave Propagation and Traceback. 117-131
Volume 20, Number 3, March 2001
- Michael W. Vannier
, Ge Wang:
Book Reviews, NIBIB, and IOM Breast Cancer Report. 145-146
- Margaret J. Eppstein, David E. Dougherty, Daniel J. Hawrysz, Eva M. Sevick-Muraca:
3-D Bayesian Optical Image Reconstruction with Domain Decomposition. 147-163
- Hiroshi Watabe
, Michael A. Channing, Cyril Riddell, Frederic Jousse, Stephen K. Libutti, Jorge A. Carrasquillo
, Stephen L. Bacharach, Richard E. Carson:
Noninvasive Estimation of the Aorta Input Function for Measurement of Tumor Blood Flow with [15O] Water. 164-174
- Yanxi Liu, Robert T. Collins, William E. Rothfus:
Robust Midsagittal Plane Extraction from Normal and Pathological 3D Neuroradiology Images. 175-192
- Matthias Otte:
Elastic Registration of fMRI Data Using Bezier-Spline Transformations. 193-206 - Brian Dale, Michael Wendt, Jeffrey L. Duerk
A Rapid Look-up Table Method for Reconstructing MR Images from Arbitrary K-space Trajectories. 207-217
- Andrzej Król, James E. Bowsher, Stephen H. Manglos, David H. Feiglin, Martin P. Tornai, F. Deaver Thomas:
An EM Algorithm for Estimating SPECT Emission and Transmission Parameters from Emission Data Only. 218-232
- Harald Ganster, Axel Pinz, Reinhard Röhrer, Ernst Wildling, Michael Binder, Harald Kittler
Automated Melanoma Recognition. 233-239 - Siegfried Peer, Ulrich Neitzel, Salvatore M. Giacomuzzi, Regina Peer, Eva Gassner, Iris Steingruber, Werner Jaschke
Comparison of Low-Contrast Detail Perception on Storage Phosphor Radiographs and Digital Flat Panel Detector Images. 239-242 - Matthew K. Belmonte
, Deborah A. Yurgelun-Todd:
Permutation Testing Made Practical for Functional Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis. 243-248
- Milan Sonka, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
Handbook of Medical Imaging - Processing and Analysis I.N.. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 20(3): 249-250 (2001)
Volume 20, Number 4, April 2001
- Dinggang Shen, Edward Herskovits, Christos Davatzikos
An Adaptive-Focus Statistical Shape Model for Segmentation and Shape Modeling of 3D Brain Structures. 257-270 - Abbas Samani
, Jonathan Bishop, Martin J. Yaffe, Donald B. Plewes:
Biomechanical 3D Finite Element Modeling of the Human Breast Using MRI Data. 271-279
- Alvaro R. De Pierro, Michel E. B. Yamagishi
Fast EM-like Methods for Maximum 'A Posteriori' Estimates in Emission Tomography. 280-288
- Huai Li, Yue Joseph Wang, K. J. Ray Liu, Shih-Chung Ben Lo, Matthew T. Freedman:
Computerized Radiographic Mass Detection - Part I: Lesion Site Selection by Morphological Enhancement and Contextual Segmentation. 289-301 - Huai Li, Yue Joseph Wang, K. J. Ray Liu, Shih-Chung Ben Lo, Matthew T. Freedman:
Computerized Radiographic Mass Detection - Part II: Decision Support by Featured Database Visualization and Modular Neural Networks. 302-313
- Uwe Schmitt, Alfred K. Louis, Felix Darvas, Helmut Buchner, Manfred Fuchs:
Numerical Aspects of Spatio-Temporal Current Density Reconstruction from EEG-/MEG-Data. 314-324 - Jorma O. Ollikainen, Marko Vauhkonen, Pasi A. Karjalainen
, Jari P. Kaipio
A New Computational Approach for Cortical Imaging. 325-332
- Bryan F. Jones, Mustafa Oral
, C. W. Morris, E. F. J. Ring:
A Proposed Taxonomy for Nailfold Capillaries Based on their Morphology. 333-341
- Manoj V. Narayanan, Charles L. Byrne, Michael A. King:
An Interior Point Iterative Maximum-Likelihood Reconstruction Algorithm Incorporating Upper and Lower Bounds with Application to SPECT Transmission Imaging. 342-353
- Brian C. Porter, Deborah J. Rubens, John G. Strang, Jason Smith, Saara M. S. Totterman, Kevin J. Parker:
3D Registration and Fusion of Ultrasound and MRI Using Major Vessels as Fiducial Markers. 354-359
Volume 20, Number 5, May 2001
- Johan Nuyts
, Christian Michel, Patrick Dupont
Maximum-Likelihood Expectation-Maximization Reconstruction of Sinograms with Arbitrary Noise Distribution Using NEC-Transformations. 365-375
- Pierre Hellier, Christian Barillot, Étienne Mémin, P. Perex:
Hierarchical Estimation of a Dense Deformation Field for 3D Robust Registration. 388-402
- Eero Salli, Hannu J. Aronen, Sauli Savolainen
, Antti Korvenoja
, Ari Visa:
Contextual Clustering for Analysis of Functional MRI Data. 403-414 - Steven C. Mitchell, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt
, Rob J. van der Geest, Johan G. Bosch, Johan H. C. Reiber, Milan Sonka
Multistage Hybrid Active Appearance Model Matching: Segmentation of Left and Right Ventricles in Cardiac MR Images. 415-423 - Vassili A. Kovalev
, Frithjof Kruggel, Hermann Josef Gertz, D. Yves von Cramon:
3D Texture Analysis of MRI Brain Datasets. 424-433
- Rafal Kustra, Stephen C. Strother
Penalized Discriminant Analysis of [15O]-water PET Brain Images with Prediction Error Selection of Smoothness and Regularization. 376-387
- R. A. Blechschmidt, Roland Werthschützky, U. Lörcher:
Automated CT Image Evaluation of the Lung - A Morphology Based Concept. 434-442 - Rachid Jennane
, William J. Ohley, Sharmila Majumdar, Gérald Lemineur:
Fractal Analysis of Bone X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy Projections. 443-449
Volume 20, Number 6, June 2001
- Elsa D. Angelini
, Andrew Laine, Shin Takuma, Jeffrey W. Holmes
, Shunichi Homma:
LV Volume Quantification via Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Real-Time 3D Echocardiography. 457-469
- Vasilis Ntziachristos
, Andreas H. Hielscher, Arjun G. Yodh, Britton Chance:
Diffuse Optical Tomography of Highly Heterogeneous Media. 470-478
- Margaret Yam, Michael Highnman, Christian P. Behrenbruch, Ruth E. English, Yasuyo Kita
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Microcalcification Clusters from Two Mammographic Views. 479-489
- Shiying Hu, Eric A. Hoffman
, Joseph M. Reinhardt
Automatic Lung Segmentation for Accurate Quantitation of Volumetric X-ray CT Images. 490-498
- Yu-Ping Wang, Yasheng Chen, Amir A. Amini:
Fast LV Motion Estimation Using Subspace Approximation Techniques. 499-513
- Byoung-moon You, Pepe Siy, William Anderst, Scott Tashman
In-vivo Measurement of 3D Skeletal Kinematics from Sequences of Biplane Radiographs: Application to Knee Kinematics. 514-525
- Karl Rohr, H. Siegfried Stiehl, Rainer Sprengel, Thorsten M. Buzug
, Jürgen Weese, M. H. Kuhn:
Landmark-Based Elastic Registration Using Approximating Thin-Plate Splines. 526-534 - Vincent Schmithorst, Bernard J. Dardzinski
, Scott K. Holland
Simultaneous Correction of Ghost and Geometric Distortion Artifacts in EPI Using a Multi-Echo Reference Scan. 535-539 - Mark A. Anastasio, Xiaochuan Pan, Eric Clarkson:
Comments on the Filtered Backprojection Algorithm, Range Conditions, and the Pseudoinverse Solution. 539-542
Volume 20, Number 7, July 2001
- Vincent Barra
, Jean-Yves Boire:
Automatic Segmentation of Subcortical Brain Structure in MR Images Using Information Fusion. 549-558
- Lie Zheng, Andrew K. Chan, Steve Liu:
Tumor Detection for Screening Mammograms Using Fractal Analysis and Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Markov Random Field Segmentation Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 20(7): 559-567 (2001)
- Gary E. Christensen, Hans J. Johnson
Consistent Image Registration. 568-582
- Juzhong Dong, Yuukou Horita, Tadakuni Murai:
An Algorithm Using Projection onto Subspace of Prior Distributions for Long Wavelength Sound Wave CT. 583-594
- Yongbum Lee
, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita:
Automated Detection of Pulmonary Nodules in Helical CT Images Based on an Improved Template-matching Technique. 595-604
- James P. Helferty, Chao Zhang, Geoffrey McLennan, William E. Higgins:
Videoendoscopic Distortion Correction and Its Application to Virtual Guidance of Endoscopy. 605-617
- Kathleen Schmidt, Louis Sokoloff:
A Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Determining Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Heterogeneous Tissues by Position Emission Tomography. 618-632 - Ron Lekkvkovitz, Dmitry Falikman, Michael Zibulevsky, Aharon Ben-Tal, Arkadi Nemirovski
The Design and Implementation of COSEM, an Iterative Algorithm for Fully 3D Listmode Data. 633-642
- Eric Debreuve, Michel Barlaud, Gilles Aubert, Ivan Laurette, Jacques Darcourt:
Space-Time Segmentation Using Level Set Active Contours Applied to Myocardial Gated SPECT. 643-659
- Thomas Martin Lehmann, Claudia Gönner, Klaus Spitzer:
Addendum: Spline Interpolation in Medical Image Processing. 660-665
- S. A. Hojjatoleslami, Frithjof Kruggel:
Segmentation of Large Brain Lesions. 666-669
Volume 20, Number 8, August 2001
- Koen Van Leemput
, Frederik Maes
, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Alan C. F. Colchester, Paul Suetens:
Automated Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions by Model Outlier Detection. 677-688 - Tianhu Lei, Jayaram K. Udupa, Punam K. Saha
, Dewey Odhner:
Artery-Vein Separation via MRA - An Image Processing Approach. 689-703 - Vinzenz von Tscharner, Keith R. Thulborn
Specified Resolution Wavelet Analysis of Activation Patterns from BOLD Contrast fMRI. 704-714
- Ewa Pietka, Arkadiusz Gertych
, Sylwia Pospiech, Fei Cao, H. K. Huang, Vicente Gilsanz:
Computer Assisted Bone Age Assessment: Image Preprocessing and Epiphyseal/Metaphyseal ROI Extraction. 715-729
- Scott D. Metzler, James E. Bowsher, Mark F. Smith, Ronald J. Jaszczak:
Analytic Determination of Pinhole Collimator Sensitivity with Penetration. 730-750
- Kenneth S. Kump, Gerald M. Saidel
, David L. Wilson
Comparison of Algorithms for Combining X-ray Angiography Images. 742-750
- R. Ravhon, Dan Adam, L. Zelmanovitch:
Validation of Utrasonic Image Boundary Recognition in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. 751-763 - Alin Achim
, Anastasios Bezerianos
, Panagiotis Tsakalides
Novel Bayesian Multiscale Method for Speckle Removal in Medical Ultrasound Images. 772-783 - Gabriella Cincotti
, Giovanna Loi, Massimo Pappalardo:
Frequency Decomposition and Compounding of Ultrasound Medical Images wit Wavelet Packets. 764-771
- Xiaoqiang Zhou, H. K. Huang, Shieh-Liang Lou:
Authenticity and Integrity of Digital Mammography Images. 784-791 - Punam K. Saha
, Jayaram K. Udupa, Emily F. Conant, Dev P. Chakraborty:
Breast Tissue Density Quantification via Digitized Mammograms. 792-803
- Xuan Liu, Claude Comtat, Christian Michael, Paul E. Kinahan
, Michel Defrise, David W. Townsend:
Comparison of 3D Reconstruction with OSEM and with FORE+OSEM for PET. 804-814 - Jinyi Qi
, Ronald H. Huesman:
Theoretical Study of Lesion Detectability of MAP Reconstruction using Computer Observers. 815-822
- Janice Z. Turlington, William E. Higgins:
New Techniques for Efficient Sliding Thin-Slab Volume Visualization. 823-835
- Christos Davatzikos
, Dinggang Shen, Ashraf Mohamed
, Stelios K. Kyriacou:
A Framework for Predictive Modeling of Anatomical Deformations. 836-843 - Mark B. Skouson, Quji Guo, Zhi-Pei Liang:
A Bound on Mutual Information for Image Registration. 843-846
Volume 20, Number 9, September 2001
- Michael W. Vannier
Medical Imaging Research and Development Programs. 853-
- Richard A. Robb:
The Biomedical Imaging Resource at Mayo Clinic. 854-867
- Yun Gao, Stanley J. Reeves:
Fast k-Space Sample Selection in MRSI with a Limited Region of Support. 868-876 - Abbas Samani
, Jonathan Bishop, Donald B. Plewes:
A Constrained Modulus Reconstruction Technique for Breast Cancer Assessment. 877-885
- Matthew A. Kupinski, Darrin C. Edwards, Maryellen L. Giger
, Charles E. Metz:
Ideal Observer Approximation Using Bayesian Classification Neural Networks. 886-899
- Dara Koozekanani, Kim L. Boyer, Cynthia Roberts:
Retinal Thickness Measurements from Optical Coherence Tomography Using a Markov Boundary Model. 900-916
- J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Jay B. West:
The Distribution of Target Registration Error in Rigid-body, Point-based Registration. 917-927
- Hayit Greenspan, Moshe Laifenfeld, Shmuel Einav, Ofer Barnea
Evaluation of Center-line Extraction Algorithms in Quantitative Coronary Angiography. 928-941
- François Chabat, Xiaopeng Hu, David M. Hansell, Guang-Zhong Yang:
ERS Transform for the Automated Detection of Bronchial Abnormalities on CT of the Lungs. 942-952
- Ricardo José Ferrari
, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, J. E. Leo Desautels, Annie France Frère:
Analysis of Asymmetry in Mammograms via Directional Filtering with Gabor Wavelets. 953-964
- Nicolaos B. Karayiannis, Seshadri Srinivasan, Rishi Bhattacharya, Merrill S. Wise, James D. Frost Jr., Eli M. Mizrahi:
Extraction of Motion Strength and Motor Activity Signals from Video Recordings of Neonatal Seizures. 965-980
Volume 20, Number 10, Ocotber 2001
- Michael W. Vannier:
Manuscript CentralTM. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 20(10) (2001)
- Robert A. Close, Craig K. Abbey, Craig A. Morioka, James S. Whiting:
Accuracy Assessment of Layer Decomposition Using Simulated Angiographic Image Sequences. 990-998
- Bruno De Man, Johan Nuyts
, Patrick Dupont
, Guy Marchal, Paul Suetens:
An Iterative Maximum-Likelihood Polychromatic Algorithm for CT. 999-1008 - Donald L. Snyder, Joseph A. O'Sullivan
, Bruce R. Whiting, Ryan J. Murphy, Jasenka Benac, J. Adam Cataldo, Jeffrey F. Williamson:
Deblurring Subject to Nonnegativity Constraints when Known Functions are Present, with Application to Object-Constrained Computerized Tomography. 1009-1017
- Osama A. Ahmed, Moustafa M. Fahmy:
NMR Signal Enhancement Via a New Time-Frequency Transform. 1018-1025
- Remko van der Weide, Chris J. G. Bakker, Max A. Viergever:
Localization of Intravascular Devices with Paramagnetic Markers in MR Images. 1061-1071
- Christophoros Nikou, Fabrice Heitz, Jean-Paul Armspach:
A Physically-based Statistical Deformable Model for Brain Image Analysis. 1026-1037 - Alexis Roche
, Xavier Pennec
, Grégoire Malandain
, Nicholas Ayache:
Rigid Registration of 3D Ultrasound with MR Images: A New Approach Combining Intensity and Gradient Information. 1038-1049
- Yair Censor
, Dan Gordon, Rachel Gordon:
BICAV: An Inherently Parallel Algorithm for Sparse Systems with Pixel-Dependent Weighting. 1050-1060
- Claire Pellot-Barakat, Marija Ivanovic
, Alain Herment, Kjell Erlandsson, David K. Shelton:
Detection of Motion in Hybrid PET/SPECT Imaging Based on Correlation of Partial Sinograms. 1072-1083 - Charles L. Byrne:
Likelihood Maximization for List-Mode Emission Tomographic Image Reconstruction. 1084-1092
- Yasushi Hirogaki, Taiji Sohmura, Junzo Takahashi, Kenji Takada, Hiroshi Satoh:
Complete 3-D Reconstruction of Dental Cast Shape Using Perceptual Grouping Theory. 1093-1101
Volume 20, Number 11, November 2001
- Norma C. Linney, Peter H. Gregson:
Organ Motion Detection in CT Images using Opposite Rays in Fan Beam Projection Systems. 1109-1122
- Barry J. Fetics, Eddy Y. Wong, Taizo Murabayashi, Gregory S. Nelson, Moshe-Meir Cohen, Carlos E. Rochitte
, James L. Weiss, David A. Kass, Erez Nevo:
Enhancement of Contrast Echocardiography by Image Variability Analysis. 1123-1130
- Daniel C. Alexander
, Carlo Pierpaoli, Peter J. Basser, James C. Gee:
Spatial Transformations of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images. 1131-1139 - Punam K. Saha
, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Scale-based Diffusive Image Filtering Preserving Boundary Sharpness and Fine Structures. 1140-1155 - Maria I. Altbach, Theodore P. Trouard, Rik Van de Walle, Rebecca J. Theilman, Eric Clarkson, Harrison H. Barrett, Arthur F. Gmitro:
Chemical-shift Imaging Utilizing the Positional Shifts along the Readout Gradient Direction. 1156-1166 - David W. Shattuck, Richard M. Leahy:
Automated Graph Based Analysis and Correction of Cortical Volume Topology. 1167-1177
- Jeffrey Tsao:
Extension of Finite-support Extrapolation using the Generalized Series Model for MR Spectroscopic Imaging. 1178-1183 - Jonathan Bishop, Abbas Samani
, Justin Sciarretta, Chris Luginbuhl, Donald B. Plewes:
A Signal/Noise Analysis of Quasi-Static MR Elastography. 1183-1187 - Yong Choi, Ja-Yong Koo, Nam-Yong Lee:
Image Reconstruction using the Wavelet Transform for Positron Emission Tomography. 1188-1193 - Marc Lalonde, Mario Beaulieu, Langis Gagnon:
Fast and Robust Optic Disc Detection using Pyramidal Decomposition and Hausdorff-based Template Matching. 1193-1200
Volume 20, Number 12, December 2001
- Maryellen L. Giger
, Nico Karssemeijer, Samuel G. Armato III:
Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging. 1205-1208 - Yuji Hatanaka, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Satoshi Kasai, Tokiko Endo, Takuji Iwase:
Development of an Automated Method for Detection Mammographic Masses with a Partial Loss of Region. 1209-1214 - Naga R. Mudigonda, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, J. E. Leo Desautels:
Detection of Breast Masses in Mammograms by Density Slicing and Texture Flow-field Analysis. 1215-1227 - Bram van Ginneken
, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny
, Max A. Viergever:
Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Chest Radiography: A Survey. 1228-1241 - Matthew S. Brown, Michael F. McNitt-Gray
, Jonathan G. Goldin
, Robert D. Suh, James W. Sayre, Denise R. Aberle
Patient-Specific Models for Lung Nodule Detection and Survellience in CT Images. 1242-1250 - Salih Burak Göktürk, Carlo Tomasi, Burak Acar
, Christopher F. Beaulieu, David S. Paik, R. Brooke Jeffrey Jr., Judy Yee, Sandy Napel:
A Statistical 3D Pattern Processing Method for Computer Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography. 1251-1260 - Hiroyuki Yoshida, Janne Näppi
Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Diagnosis Scheme for Detection of Colonic Polyps. 1261-1274 - Berkman Sahiner, Nicholas Petrick, Heang-Ping Chan
, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski
, Chintana Paramagul, Mark A. Helvie, Metin N. Gurcan
Computer-Aided Characterization of Mammographic Masses: Accuracy of Mass Segmentation and Its Effect on Characterization. 1275-1284 - Zhimin Huo, Maryellen L. Giger
, Carl J. Vyborny:
Computerized Analysis of Multiple-Mammographic Views: Potential Usefulness of Special View Mammograms in Computer-Aided Diagnosis. 1285-1292 - Geir Torheim, Fred Godtliebsen, David Axelson, Kjell Arne Kvistad, Olav Haraldseth, Peter A. Rinck:
Feature Extraction and Classification of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced T2-weighted Breast Image Data. 1293-1301 - Faiza Behloul, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt
, Abdel-Ouahab Boudraa
, Marc Janier
, Didier Revel, Johan H. C. Reiber:
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems for Computer-Aided Myocardial Viability Assessment. 1302-1313 - Hyoungseop Kim, Seiji Ishikawa, Yoshinori Otsuka, Hisashi Shimizu, Takashi Shinomiya, Max A. Viergever:
Automatic Scoliosis Detection Based on Local Centroids Evaluation on Moire' Topographic Images of Human Backs. 1314-1320
- Zakaria Ben Sbeh, Laurent D. Cohen, Gerard Mimoun, Gabriel Coscas:
A New Approach for Drusen Segmentation and Tracking in Angiographic Eye Fundus Images. 1321-1333 - Huabei Jiang, Yong Xu, Nicusor Iftimia, Julie Eggert, Karin Klove, Lisa Baron, Laurie Fajardo:
Three-Dimensional Optical Tomographic Imaging of Breast in a Human Subject. 1334-1340
- Laurent Sarry
, Jean-Yves Boire:
Three-Dimensional Tracking of Coronary Arteries from Biplane Angiographic Sequences using Parametrically Deformable Models. 1341-1351 - Joonmi Oh, Sandra I. Woolley
, Theodoros N. Arvanitis
, John N. Townsend:
A Multi-stage Perceptual Quality Assessment for Compressed Digital Angiogram Images. 1352-1361
- Stéphane Vial, David Gibon, Christian Vasseur, Jean Rousseau:
Volume Delineation by Fusion of Fuzzy Sets Obtained from Multiplanar Tomographic Images. 1362-1372
- Hao Xiaohui, C. J. Bruce, Cristina Pislaru
, James F. Greenleaf:
Segmenting High Frequency Intracardiac Ultrasound Images of Myocardium into Infarcted, Ischemic and Normal Regions. 1373-1383
- Matthieu Ferrant, Arya Nabavi, Benoît Macq, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Ron Kikinis, Simon K. Warfield
Registration of 3D Intraoperative MR Images of the Brain Using a Finite Element Biomechanical Model. 1384-1397 - Bostjan Likar, Max A. Viergever, Franjo Pernus:
Retrospective Correction of MR Intensity Inhomogeneity by Information Minimization. 1398-1410 - Peter J. Yim, Juan R. Cebral, Rakesh Mullick, Peter L. Choyke:
Vessel Surface Reconstruction with a Tubular Deformable Model. 1411-1421
- Juerg Tschirren, Ronald M. Lauer, Milan Sonka
Automated Analysis of Doppler Ultrasound Velocity Flow Diagrams. 1422-1425
- Wiro J. Niessen:
Geometric Partial Differential Equations and Image Analysis. 1426-1427

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