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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 47, 2001
Volume 47, Number 1, January 2001
- Vladimir I. Levenshtein:
Efficient reconstruction of sequences. 2-22 - Howard M. Heys
Information leakage of Feistel ciphers. 23-35 - Iwan M. Duursma:
Preparata codes through lattices. 36-44 - Norifumi Kamiya
On algebraic soft-decision decoding algorithms for BCH codes. 45-58 - Ilya Dumer
Soft-decision decoding using punctured codes. 59-71 - Chunxuan Ye, Raymond W. Yeung:
Some basic properties of fix-free codes. 72-87 - Andrew Turpin, Alistair Moffat
On-line adaptive canonical prefix coding with bounded compression loss. 88-98 - Ram Zamir, Kenneth Rose:
Natural type selection in adaptive lossy compression. 99-111 - Takeshi Hashimoto:
Block-definition approaches to source coding with a fidelity citerion. 112-125 - En-Hui Yang, Zhen Zhang:
The redundancy of source coding with a fidelity criterion - Part II: Coding at a fixed rate level with unknown statistics. 126-145 - Zoran Cvetkovic, Martin Vetterli
On simple oversampled A/D conversion in L2(IR). 146-154 - Helmut Bölcskei, Franz Hlawatsch:
Noise reduction in oversampled filter banks using predictive quantization. 155-172 - Muhammad K. Habib:
Digital representations of operators on band-limited random signals. 173-177 - Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Spyridon Vassilaras:
On the estimation of buffer overflow probabilities from measurements. 178-191 - Christopher King, Mary Beth Ruskai:
Minimal entropy of states emerging from noisy quantum channels. 192-209 - Uri Erez, Ram Zamir:
Error exponents of modulo-additive noise channels with side information at the transmitter. 210-218 - Andrea J. Goldsmith, Michelle Effros:
The capacity region of broadcast channels with intersymbol interference and colored Gaussian noise. 219-240 - Pramod Viswanath, David N. C. Tse, Venkat Anantharam:
Asymptotically optimal water-filling in vector multiple-access channels. 241-267 - Ralf R. Müller:
Multiuser receivers for randomly spread signals: Fundamental limits with and without decision-feedback. 268-283 - Wei Luo, Anthony Ephremides:
Indecomposable error sequences in multiuser detection. 284-294 - Artur Russ, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Noncoherent multiuser detection for nonlinear modulation over the Rayleigh-fading channel. 295-307 - Suhas N. Diggavi:
On achievable performance of spatial diversity fading channels. 308-325
- Alexey Fedotov, Boris Ryabko:
The estimated cost of a search tree on binary words. 326-329 - Po-Ning Chen
, Fady Alajaji:
Csiszár's cutoff rates for arbitrary discrete sources. 330-338 - Zhiyi Chi:
The first-order asymptotic of waiting times with distortion between stationary processes. 338-347 - Chaoping Xing
Algebraic-geometry codes with asymptotic parameters better than the Gilbert-Varshamov and the Tsfasman-Vladut-Zink bounds. 347-352 - Warwick de Launey, Daniel M. Gordon:
A remark on Plotkin's bound. 352-355 - Tim Blackmore, Graham H. Norton:
On a family of Abelian codes and their state complexities. 355-361 - Alexander Barg
, Jørn Justesen, Christian Thommesen:
Concatenated codes with fixed inner code and random outer code. 361-365 - Christian Weiß, Christian Bettstetter
, Sven Riedel:
Code construction and decoding of parallel concatenated tail-biting codes. 366-386 - Jon-Lark Kim:
New extremal self-dual codes of lengths 36, 38, and 58. 386-393 - Vwani P. Roychowdhury, Farrokh Vatan:
Bounds for the weight distribution of weakly self-dual codes. 393-396 - YoungJu Choie
, Namshik Kim:
The complete weight enumerator of type II codes over Z2m and Jacobi forms. 396-399 - Steven T. Dougherty, Keisuke Shiromoto:
Maximum distance codes over rings of order 4. 400-404 - Mitsuru Hamada:
The burst weight distributions of maximum-hamming-distance-separable codes. 404-406 - Anne Canteaut:
On the weight distributions of optimal cosets of the first-order Reed-Muller codes. 407-413 - Tsonka Stefanova Baicheva
On the covering radius of ternary negacyclic codes with length up to 26. 413-416 - Alexander A. Davydov
, Patric R. J. Östergård:
Linear codes with covering radius R = 2, 3 and codimension tR. 416-421 - Pascale Charpin, Aimo Tietäväinen, Victor A. Zinoviev:
On binary cyclic codes with codewords of weight three and binary sequences with the trinomial property. 421-425 - Thomas W. Cusick, Guang Gong:
A conjecture on binary sequences with the "Trinomial property". 426-427 - Cunsheng Ding
, Tor Helleseth, Halvard Martinsen:
New families of binary sequences with optimal three-level autocorrelation. 428-433 - Bruce E. Moision, Alon Orlitsky, Paul H. Siegel:
On codes that avoid specified differences. 433-442 - Kenji Nakagawa:
On the optimal Markov chain of IS simulation. 442-446 - Wei Shi, Thomas W. Sun, Richard D. Wesel:
Quasi-convexity and optimal binary fusion for distributed detection with identical sensors in generalized Gaussian noise. 446-450 - George V. Moustakides, H. Vincent Poor:
On the relative error probabilities of linear multiuser detectors. 450-456 - Sundeep Rangan, Vivek K. Goyal
Recursive consistent estimation with bounded noise. 457-464 - Yann Meurisse, Jean Pierre Delmas:
Bounds for sparse planar and volume arrays. 464-468 - Alfredo De Santis
, Antonio Giorgio Gaggia, Ugo Vaccaro:
Bounds on entropy in a guessing game. 468-473 - Rudolf Ahlswede, Peter Löber:
Quantum data processing. 474-478
- Christoph Haslach, A. J. Han Vinck:
Correction to "A decoding algorithm with restrictions for array codes". 479
Volume 47, Number 2, February 2001
- Brendan J. Frey, Ralf Koetter, G. David Forney Jr., Frank R. Kschischang
, Robert J. McEliece, Daniel A. Spielman
Introduction to the special issue on codes on graphs and iterative algorithms. 493-497
- Frank R. Kschischang
, Brendan J. Frey, Hans-Andrea Loeliger:
Factor graphs and the sum-product algorithm. 498-519 - G. David Forney Jr.:
Codes on graphs: Normal realizations. 520-548 - Stuart Geman, Kevin Kochanek:
Dynamic programming and the graphical representation of error-correcting codes. 549-568 - Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi, Daniel A. Spielman
Efficient erasure correcting codes. 569-584 - Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi, Daniel A. Spielman
Improved low-density parity-check codes using irregular graphs. 585-598 - Thomas J. Richardson, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
The capacity of low-density parity-check codes under message-passing decoding. 599-618 - Thomas J. Richardson, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
Design of capacity-approaching irregular low-density parity-check codes. 619-637 - Thomas J. Richardson, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
Efficient encoding of low-density parity-check codes. 638-656 - Sae-Young Chung, Thomas J. Richardson, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
Analysis of sum-product decoding of low-density parity-check codes using a Gaussian approximation. 657-670 - Hesham El Gamal, A. Roger Hammons Jr.:
Analyzing the turbo decoder using the Gaussian approximation. 671-686 - Matthew C. Davey, David J. C. MacKay:
Reliable communication over channels with insertions, deletions, and substitutions. 687-698 - Dakshi Agrawal, Alexander Vardy
The turbo decoding algorithm and its phase trajectories. 699-722 - Assaf Sella, Yair Be'ery
Convergence analysis of turbo decoding of product codes. 723-735 - Yair Weiss, William T. Freeman:
On the optimality of solutions of the max-product belief-propagation algorithm in arbitrary graphs. 736-744 - Paat Rusmevichientong, Benjamin Van Roy:
An analysis of belief propagation on the turbo decoding graph with Gaussian densities. 745-765 - Brendan J. Frey, Ralf Koetter, Alexander Vardy
Signal-space characterization of iterative decoding. 766-781 - David Burshtein, Gadi Miller:
Expander graph arguments for message-passing algorithms. 782-790 - Li Ping
, Keying Wu:
Concatenated tree codes: A low-complexity, high-performance approach. 791-799 - Li Ping
, Xiaoling Huang, Nam Phamdo:
Zigzag codes and concatenated zigzag codes. 800-807 - Robert Michael Tanner:
Minimum-distance bounds by graph analysis. 808-821 - Amir H. Banihashemi, Frank R. Kschischang
Tanner graphs for group block codes and lattices: Construction and complexity. 822-834
- Gilles Zémor
On expander codes. 835-837 - Hans-Andrea Loeliger, Felix Lustenberger, Markus Helfenstein, Felix Tarköy:
Probability propagation and decoding in analog VLSI. 837-843 - Andrew P. Worthen, Wayne E. Stark:
Unified design of iterative receivers using factor graphs. 843-849
Volume 47, Number 3, March 2001
- 2000 Information theory society paper award. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 47(3): 857 (2001)
- Yonina C. Eldar, G. David Forney Jr.:
On quantum detection and the square-root measurement. 858-872 - Alexander J. Grant
, Bixio Rimoldi, Rüdiger L. Urbanke, Philip A. Whiting:
Rate-splitting multiple access for discrete memoryless channels. 873-890 - Mehdi Alasti, Kamran Sayrafian-Pour
, Anthony Ephremides, Nariman Farvardin:
Multiple description coding in networks with congestion problem. 891-902 - Alon Orlitsky, James R. Roche:
Coding for computing. 903-917 - Luis A. Lastras, Toby Berger:
All sources are nearly successively refinable. 918-926 - Masayuki Goto
, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa:
An analysis of the difference of code lengths between two-step codes based on MDL principle and Bayes codes. 927-944 - Onur G. Guleryuz, Michael T. Orchard:
On the DPCM compression of Gaussian autoregressive sequences. 945-956 - Dennis Hui, David L. Neuhoff:
Asymptotic analysis of optimal fixed-rate uniform scalar quantization. 957-977 - Haralabos C. Papadopoulos, Gregory W. Wornell, Alan V. Oppenheim:
Sequential signal encoding from noisy measurements using quantizers with dynamic bias control. 978-1002 - Sony Akkarakaran, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Results on principal component filter banks: Colored noise suppression and existence issues. 1003-1020 - Mamoru Hoshi, Te Sun Han:
Interval algorithm for homophonic coding. 1021-1031 - Jovan Dj. Golic:
Edit distances and probabilities for correlation attacks on clock-controlled combiners with memory. 1032-1041 - Jessica Staddon, Douglas R. Stinson, Ruizhong Wei:
Combinatorial properties of frameproof and traceability codes. 1042-1049 - Alexei E. Ashikhmin, Alexander Barg
, Simon Litsyn:
Estimates of the distance distribution of codes and designs. 1050-1061 - Qi Wang, Lei Wei:
Graph-based iterative decoding algorithms for parity-concatenated trellis codes. 1062-1074 - Donald Geman, Bruno Jedynak:
Model-based classification trees. 1075-1082 - Lifang Li, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Capacity and optimal resource allocation for fading broadcast channels - Part I: Ergodic capacity. 1083-1102 - Lifang Li, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Capacity and optimal resource allocation for fading broadcast channels - Part II: Outage capacity. 1103-1127 - Junshan Zhang
, Edwin K. P. Chong
, David N. C. Tse:
Output MAI distributions of linear MMSE multiuser receivers in DS-CDMA systems. 1128-1144 - Predrag Spasojevic
, Costas N. Georghiades
Complementary sequences for ISI channel estimation. 1145-1152 - Younggyun Kim, Jaekyun Moon:
Signal space detection for recording channels with jitter noise. 1153-1165
- Ron M. Roth, Paul H. Siegel, Jack K. Wolf:
Efficient coding schemes for the hard-square model. 1166-1176 - Andrew Thangaraj
, Steven W. McLaughlin:
Quantum codes from cyclic codes over GF(4m). 1176-1178 - Markus Grassl
New binary codes from a chain of cyclic codes. 1178-1181 - Ruhua He, Irving S. Reed, Trieu-Kien Truong, Xuemin Chen:
Decoding the (47, 24, 11) quadratic residue code. 1181-1186 - Antonio Cossidente
, Alessandro Siciliano:
A geometric construction of an optimal [67, 9, 30] binary code. 1187-1189 - Peter Kazakov:
Fast calculation of the number of minimum-weight words of CRC codes. 1190-1195 - Victor V. Zyablov
, Sergo Shavgulidze
, Rolf Johannesson:
On the error exponent for woven convolutional codes with inner warp. 1195-1199 - Pål K. Frenger, Pål Orten, Tony Ottosson
Comments and additions to recent papers on new convolutional codes. 1199-1201 - Tolga M. Duman
, Erozan M. Kurtas:
Performance bounds for high rate linear codes over partial-response channels. 1201-1205 - Robert J. McEliece, Claude Le Dantec, Philippe Piret:
Permutations preserving divisibility. 1206-1207 - Pierre Loidreau, Nicolas Sendrier:
Weak keys in the McEliece public-key cryptosystem. 1207-1211 - Daniele Micciancio
The hardness of the closest vector problem with preprocessing. 1212-1215 - Yuliang Zheng
, Xian-Mo Zhang:
On plateaued functions. 1215-1223 - Bruce J. McKenzie, Timothy C. Bell:
Compression of sparse matrices by blocked rice coding. 1223-1230 - Amir Dembo, Ioannis Kontoyiannis:
Critical behavior in lossy source coding. 1230-1236 - Paolo Carbone
, Dario Petri
Marginal probability density function of granular quantization error in uniform quantizers. 1237-1242 - Houcem Gazzah, Phillip A. Regalia, Jean Pierre Delmas:
Asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of block Toeplitz matrices and application to blind SIMO channel identification. 1243-1251 - Yariv Ephraim, William J. J. Roberts:
On preprocessing for mismatched classification of Gaussian signals. 1251-1256 - Yi Li, Philip M. Long, Aravind Srinivasan:
The one-inclusion graph algorithm is near-optimal for the prediction model of learning. 1257-1261
Volume 47, Number 4, May 2001
- Ezio Biglieri, Giuseppe Caire, Giorgio Taricco
Limiting performance of block-fading channels with multiple antennas. 1273-1289 - Ibrahim C. Abou-Faycal, Mitchell D. Trott, Shlomo Shamai:
The capacity of discrete-time memoryless Rayleigh-fading channels. 1290-1301 - Shlomo Shamai, Sergio Verdú:
The impact of frequency-flat fading on the spectral efficiency of CDMA. 1302-1327 - Stephen V. Hanly
, David N. C. Tse:
Resource pooling and effective bandwidths in CDMA networks with multiuser receivers and spatial diversity. 1328-1351 - Eugene Visotsky, Upamanyu Madhow:
Noncoherent multiuser detection for CDMA systems with nonlinear modulation: A non-Bayesian approach. 1352-1367 - Qing Yan, Rick S. Blum
Distributed signal detection under the Neyman-Pearson criterion. 1368-1377 - Xiang-Gen Xia:
Dynamic range of the detectable parameters for polynomial phase signals using multiple-lag diversities in high-order ambiguity functions. 1378-1384 - Michael L. Stein
Local stationarity and simulation of self-affine intrinsic random functions. 1385-1390 - Richard G. Baraniuk, Patrick Flandrin, Augustus J. E. M. Janssen, Olivier J. J. Michel:
Measuring time-Frequency information content using the Rényi entropies. 1391-1409 - Yossef Steinberg
, Neri Merhav:
Identification in the presence of side information with application to watermarking. 1410-1422 - Brian Chen, Gregory W. Wornell
Quantization index modulation: A class of provably good methods for digital watermarking and information embedding. 1423-1443 - Navin Kashyap, David L. Neuhoff:
Data synchronization with timing. 1444-1460 - Karthik Visweswariah, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Sergio Verdú:
Universal variable-to-fixed length source codes. 1461-1472 - Hans Dobbertin, Tor Helleseth, P. Vijay Kumar, Halvard Martinsen:
Ternary m-sequences with three-valued cross-correlation function: New decimations of Welch and Niho type. 1473-1481 - K. T. Arasu, Warwick de Launey:
Two-dimensional perfect quaternary arrays. 1482-1493 - Anne Canteaut, Claude Carlet, Pascale Charpin, Caroline Fontaine:
On cryptographic properties of the cosets of R(1, m). 1494-1513 - Trajano Pires da Nóbrega Neto, J. Carmelo Interlando, Osvaldo Milaré Favareto, Michele Elia, Reginaldo Palazzo Júnior:
Lattice constellations and codes from quadratic number fields. 1514-1527
- Jacob Ziv:
A universal prediction lemma and applications to universal data compression and prediction. 1528-1532 - William Douglas Withers:
A rapid probability estimator and binary arithmetic coder. 1533-1536 - Kiminori Iriyama:
Probability of error for the fixed-length source coding of general sources. 1537-1543 - Ioannis Kontoyiannis:
Sphere-covering, measure concentration, and source coding. 1544-1552 - Ziad Rached, Fady Alajaji, L. Lorne Campbell:
Rényi's divergence and entropy rates for finite alphabet Markov sources. 1553-1561 - Boris Tsybakov:
One stochastic process and its application to multiple access in supercritical region. 1561-1569 - Vitaly Maiorov, Ron Meir:
Lower bounds for multivariate approximation by affine-invariant dictionaries. 1569-1575 - Jon-Lark Kim:
New self-dual codes over GF(4) with the highest known minimum weights. 1575-1580 - San Ling
, Patrick Solé:
Duadic codes over Z2k. 1581-1588 - Tor Helleseth, Victor A. Zinoviev:
Codes with the same coset weight distributions as the Z4-linear Goethals codes. 1589-1595 - Iwan M. Duursma, Marcus Greferath, Simon Litsyn, Stefan E. Schmidt:
A Z8-linear lift of the binary Golay code and a nonlinear Binary (96, 237, 24)-code. 1596-1598 - N. Suresh Babu, Karl-Heinz Zimmermann:
Decoding of linear codes over Galois rings. 1599-1603 - Jørn Justesen, Tom Høholdt:
Bounds on list decoding of MDS codes. 1604-1609 - Venkatesan Guruswami, Madhu Sudan:
On representations of algebraic-geometry codes. 1610-1613 - Ilia Aleshnikov, P. Vijay Kumar, Kenneth W. Shum, Henning Stichtenoth:
On the splitting of places in a tower of function fields meeting the Drinfeld-Vladut bound. 1613-1619 - Joaquim Borges
, Josep Rifà
, Victor A. Zinoviev:
Nonexistence of completely transitive codes with error-correcting capability e>3. 1619-1621 - Sergey V. Avgustinovich, Antoine Lobstein, Faina I. Solov'eva:
Intersection matrices for partitions by binary perfect codes. 1621-1624 - Karin Engdahl, Kamil Sh. Zigangirov:
Tighter bounds on the error probability of fixed convolutional codes. 1625-1630 - Josh Hogan, Ron M. Roth, Gitit Ruckenstein:
Nested block decodable runlength-limited codes. 1630-1638 - Jong-Seon No, Habong Chung, Hong-Yeop Song, Kyeongcheol Yang, Jung-Do Lee, Tor Helleseth:
New construction for binary sequences of period pm-1 with Optimal autocorrelation using (z+1)d+azd+b. 1638-1644 - Xiaohu Tang, Pingzhi Z. Fan:
A class of pseudonoise sequences over GF(P) with low correlation zone. 1644-1649 - Girish Ganesan, Petre Stoica:
Space-Time block codes: A maximum SNR approach. 1650-1656 - Venugopal V. Veeravalli:
Decentralized quickest change detection. 1657-1665 - Jun Hu, Rick S. Blum
On the optimality of finite-level quantizations for distributed signal detection. 1665-1671 - Juan Carlos Ruiz-Molina, Jesús Navarro-Moreno, Antonia Oya
Signal detection using approximate Karhunen-Loève expansions. 1672-1680 - Jean Pierre Delmas:
Asymptotic normality of sample covariance matrix for mixed spectra time series: Application to sinusoidal frequencies estimation. 1681-1687 - Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
Generalizing Carathéodory's uniqueness of harmonic parameterization to N dimensions. 1687-1690
Volume 47, Number 5, July 2001
- Shun-ichi Amari:
Information geometry on hierarchy of probability distributions. 1701-1711 - Jorma Rissanen:
Strong optimality of the normalized ML models as universal codes and information in data. 1712-1717 - Vinay A. Vaishampayan
, Neil J. A. Sloane, Sergio D. Servetto:
Multiple-description vector quantization with lattice codebooks: Design and analysis. 1718-1734 - C. Sinan Güntürk, J. C. Lagarias, Vinay A. Vaishampayan
On the robustness of single-loop sigma-Delta modulation. 1735-1744 - Francine Blanchet-Sadri:
On unique, multiset, set decipherability of three-word codes. 1745-1757 - Tor Helleseth, Victor A. Zinoviev:
On coset weight distributions of the Z4-linear Goethals codes. 1758-1772 - Jacques Wolfmann:
Binary images of cyclic codes over Z4. 1773-1779 - Judy L. Walker:
Constructing critical indecomposable codes. 1780-1795 - Gitit Ruckenstein, Ron M. Roth:
Lower bounds on the anticipation of encoders for input-constrained channels. 1796-1812 - Eric K. Hall, Stephen G. Wilson:
Stream-oriented turbo codes. 1813-1831 - William Turin:
MAP Symbol decoding in channels with error bursts. 1832-1838 - Adriaan J. de Lind van Wijngaarden
, Hiroyoshi Morita:
Partial-prefix synchronizable codes. 1839-1848 - Tsachy Weissman, Neri Merhav, Anelia Somekh-Baruch:
Twofold universal prediction schemes for achieving the finite-state predictability of a noisy individual binary sequence. 1849-1866 - Igor Vajda, Edward C. van der Meulen:
Optimization of Barron density estimates. 1867-1883 - Jean-Philippe Vert:
Adaptive context trees and text clustering. 1884-1901 - Vladimir Koltchinskii:
Rademacher penalties and structural risk minimization. 1902-1914 - Ewa Skubalska-Rafajlowicz:
Pattern recognition algorithms based on space-filling curves and orthogonal expansions. 1915-1927 - Michael L. Honig, Weimin Xiao:
Performance of reduced-rank linear interference suppression. 1928-1946 - Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Eric Moreau
Cumulant-based independence measures for linear mixtures. 1947-1956 - D. Richard Brown III, Mehul Motani
, Venugopal V. Veeravalli, H. Vincent Poor, C. Richard Johnson Jr.:
On the performance of linear parallel interference cancellation. 1957-1970 - Giuseppe Caire, Daniela Tuninetti
The throughput of hybrid-ARQ protocols for the Gaussian collision channel. 1971-1988 - Sennur Ulukus, Roy D. Yates:
Iterative construction of optimum signature sequence sets in synchronous CDMA systems. 1989-1998 - Shraga I. Bross, Marat V. Burnashev, Shlomo Shamai:
Error exponents for the two-user Poisson multiple-access channel. 1999-2018 - Ken-ichi Kanatani, Daniel D. Morris
Gauges and gauge transformations for uncertainty description of geometric structure with indeterminacy. 2017-2028
- Harish Viswanathan, Ram Zamir:
On the whiteness of high-resolution quantization errors. 2029-2038 - Peter Harremoës:
Binomial and Poisson distributions as maximum entropy distributions. 2039-2041 - Nader B. Ebrahimi:
Families of distributions characterized by entropy. 2042-2044 - Roxana Smarandache, Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, Joachim Rosenthal
Constructions of MDS-convolutional codes. 2045-2049 - José Felipe Voloch
On the duals of binary BCH codes. 2050-2051 - K. T. Arasu, T. Aaron Gulliver:
Self-dual codes over Fp and weighing matrices. 2051-2055 - Hao Chen, San Ling
, Chaoping Xing
Asymptotically good quantum codes exceeding the Ashikhmin-Litsyn-Tsfasman bound. 2055-2058 - Hao Chen:
Some good quantum error-correcting codes from algebraic-Geometric codes. 2059-2061 - Fang-Wei Fu, Torleiv Kløve, Luo Yuan, Victor K. Wei:
On the Svanström bound for ternary constant-weight codes. 2061-2064 - Stavros Konstantinidis
Relationships between different error-correcting capabilities of a code. 2065-2069 - Suparna Datta, Steven W. McLaughlin:
Optimal block codes for M-ary runlength-constrained channels. 2069-2078 - Girish Ganesan, Petre Stoica:
Achieving optimum coded diversity with scalar codes. 2078-2080 - Yuhong Yang
Minimax rate adaptive estimation over continuous hyper-parameters. 2081-2085 - Tomasz Przebinda, Victor E. DeBrunner, Murad Özaydin:
The optimal transform for the discrete Hirschman uncertainty principle. 2086-2090 - Cornelia Rößing, Vahid Tarokh:
A construction of OFDM 16-QAM sequences having low peak powers. 2091-2094 - Jeong-Heon Kim, Hong-Yeop Song:
On the linear complexity of Hall's sextic residue sequences. 2094-2096 - Ron Aharoni, Delman Lee:
On the achievability of the Cramér-Rao bound for Poisson distribution. 2096-2100
- David J. C. MacKay:
Errata for "Good error-correcting codes based on very sparse matrices". 2101
Volume 47, Number 6, September 2001
- Michelle Effros:
Universal multiresolution source codes. 2113-2129 - En-Hui Yang, Alexei Kaltchenko, John C. Kieffer
Universal lossless data compression with side information by using a conditional MPM grammar transform. 2130-2150 - Tsachy Weissman, Neri Merhav:
Universal prediction of individual binary sequences in the presence of noise. 2151-2173 - Hirosuke Yamamoto
, Hidetoshi Yokoo:
Average-sense optimality and competitive optimality for almost instantaneous VF codes. 2174-2184 - Ruy Luiz Milidiú, Artur Alves Pessoa
, Eduardo Sany Laber:
Three space-economical algorithms for calculating minimum-redundancy prefix codes. 2185-2198 - Vivek K. Goyal
, Jelena Kovacevic:
Generalized multiple description coding with correlating transforms. 2199-2224 - Kenneth W. Shum, Ilia Aleshnikov, P. Vijay Kumar, Henning Stichtenoth, Vinay Deolalikar:
A low-complexity algorithm for the construction of algebraic-geometric codes better than the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. 2225-2241 - Koichi Betsumiya, T. Aaron Gulliver, Masaaki Harada, Akihiro Munemasa:
On type II codes over F4. 2242-2248 - Marc Lalaude-Labayle:
On binary linear codes supporting t-designs. 2249-2255 - Fabio Fagnani, Sandro Zampieri
System-theoretic properties of convolutional codes over rings. 2256-2274 - Igal Sason, Shlomo Shamai:
On improved bounds on the decoding error probability of block codes over interleaved fading channels, with applications to turbo-like codes. 2275-2299 - Ba-Zhong Shen, Ara Patapoutian, Peter A. McEwen:
Punctured recursive convolutional encoders and their applications in turbo codes. 2300-2320 - Hesham El Gamal, A. Roger Hammons Jr.:
A new approach to layered space-Time coding and signal processing. 2321-2334 - Amin Shokrollahi, Babak Hassibi, Bertrand M. Hochwald, Wim Sweldens:
Representation theory for high-rate multiple-antenna code design. 2335-2367 - Christopher Rose
CDMA Codeword optimization: Interference avoidance and convergence via class warfare. 2368-2382 - Matthias Brehler, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Asymptotic error probability analysis of quadratic receivers in Rayleigh-fading channels with applications to a unified analysis of coherent and noncoherent space-Time receivers. 2383-2399 - Alfred O. Hero III, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Cutoff rate and signal design for the quasi-static Rayleigh-fading space-Time channel. 2400-2416 - Richard D. Wesel, Xueting Liu, John M. Cioffi, Christos Komninakis:
Constellation labeling for linear encoders. 2417-2431 - Bixio Rimoldi:
Generalized time sharing: A low-complexity capacity-achieving multiple-access technique. 2432-2442 - Péter Gács, John Tromp, Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Algorithmic statistics. 2443-2463 - Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Quantum Kolmogorov complexity based on classical descriptions. 2464-2479 - Stefan Wegenkittl:
Entropy estimators and serial tests for ergodic chains. 2480-2489 - Robert J. Valkenburg, Ramakrishna Kakarala:
Lower bounds for the divergence of orientational estimators. 2490-2504 - Marat V. Burnashev, Yury A. Kutoyants:
On minimal a-mean error parameter transmission over a Poisson channels. 2505-2515 - Robert C. Williamson, Alexander J. Smola, Bernhard Schölkopf:
Generalization performance of regularization networks and support vector machines via entropy numbers of compact operators. 2516-2532
- Tamás Linder, Gábor Lugosi
A zero-delay sequential scheme for lossy coding of individual sequences. 2533-2538 - Navin Kashyap, David L. Neuhoff:
On quantization with the Weaire-Phelan partition. 2538-2543 - Chien-Wu Tsai, Ja-Ling Wu
Modified symmetrical reversible variable-length code and its theoretical bounds. 2543-2548 - Xianping Ge, David Eppstein, Padhraic Smyth
The distribution of loop lengths in graphical models for turbo decoding. 2549-2553 - Tuvi Etzion:
Constructions for perfect 2-burst-correcting codes. 2553-2555 - Patric R. J. Östergård, Uri Blass:
On the size of optimal binary codes of length 9 and covering radius 1. 2556-2557 - Oliver D. King:
The mass of extremal doubly-even self-dual codes of length 40. 2558-2560 - Ofer Amrani, Yair Be'ery
Reed-Muller codes: Projections onto GF (4) and multilevel construction. 2560-2565 - Douglas A. Leonard:
Finding the defining functions for one-point algebraic-geometry codes. 2566-2573 - Shoichi Kondo, Tomokazu Katagiri, Takao Ogihara:
Automorphism groups of one-point codes from the curves yq+y = xqr+1. 2573-2579 - Xin-Wen Wu
, Paul H. Siegel:
Efficient root-finding algorithm with application to list decoding of Algebraic-Geometric codes. 2579-2587 - Alain P. Hiltgen, Kenneth G. Paterson:
Single-track circuit codes. 2587-2595 - Ara Patapoutian, Ba-Zhong Shen, Peter A. McEwen:
Event error control codes and their applications. 2595-2603 - Jun Cheng, Yoichiro Watanabe:
A multiuser k-ary code for the noisy multiple-access adder channel. 2603-2607 - Hans-Dieter Lüke:
Almost-perfect quadriphase sequences. 2607-2608 - Wei Sun, Andrew Klapper, Yixian Yang:
On correlations of a family of generalized geometric sequences. 2609-2618 - Dakshi Agrawal, Thomas J. Richardson, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
Multiple-antenna signal constellations for fading channels. 2618-2626 - Hamid Jafarkhani
, Vahid Tarokh:
Multiple transmit antenna differential detection from generalized orthogonal designs. 2626-2631 - Eugene Visotsky, Upamanyu Madhow:
Space-Time transmit precoding with imperfect feedback. 2632-2629 - Ola Wintzell, Dmitri K. Zigangirov, Kamil Sh. Zigangirov:
On the capacity of a pulse-position-hopped CDMA system. 2639-2644 - Akio Fujiwara:
Quantum birthday problems: Geometrical aspects of quantum random coding. 2644-2649 - Vera Kurková
, Marcello Sanguineti
Bounds on rates of variable-basis and neural-network approximation. 2659-2665
- Kiran Tse, David N. C. Tse:
Correction to "Effective interference and effective bandwidth of linear multiuser receivers in asynchronous CDMA systems". 2666
Volume 47, Number 7, November 2001
- Robert G. Gallager:
Claude E. Shannon: A retrospective on his life, work, and impact. 2681-2695 - Gadi Miller, David Burshtein:
Bounds on the maximum-likelihood decoding error probability of low-density parity-check codes. 2696-2710 - Yu Kou, Shu Lin
, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Low-density parity-check codes based on finite geometries: A rediscovery and new results. 2711-2736 - Marco Breiling
, Johannes B. Huber:
Combinatorial analysis of the minimum distance of turbo codes. 2737-2750 - San Ling
, Patrick Solé:
On the algebraic structure of quasi-cyclic codes I: Finite fields. 2751-2760 - Bertrand M. Hochwald, Thomas L. Marzetta, Babak Hassibi:
Space-Time autocoding. 2761-2781 - Gerd Beyer, Karin Engdahl, Kamil Sh. Zigangirov:
Asymptotical analysis and comparison of two coded modulation schemes using PSK signaling - Part I. 2782-2792 - Gerd Beyer, Karin Engdahl, Kamil Sh. Zigangirov:
Asymptotical analysis and comparison of two coded modulation schemes using PSK signaling - Part II. 2793-2806 - Wilfried Meidl, Arne Winterhof
Lower bounds on the linear complexity of the discrete logarithm in finite fields. 2807-2811 - Zsolt Kukorelly:
The Piling-up approximation in linear cryptanalysis. 2812-2823 - Radha Poovendran
, John S. Baras:
An information-theoretic approach for design and analysis of rooted-tree-based multicast key management schemes. 2824-2834 - Barbara Masucci
, Douglas R. Stinson:
Efficient metering schemes with pricing. 2835-2844 - David L. Donoho, Xiaoming Huo:
Uncertainty principles and ideal atomic decomposition. 2845-2862 - Elias Masry:
Local linear regression estimation under long-range dependence: Strong consistency and rates. 2863-2875 - Sam Efromovich, Vladimir Koltchinskii:
On inverse problems with unknown operators. 2876-2894 - Andrew B. Nobel, Terrence M. Adams
Estimating a function from ergodic samples with additive noise. 2895-2902 - Natalia A. Schmid, Joseph A. O'Sullivan
Thresholding method for dimensionality reduction in recognition systems. 2903-2920 - Eric M. Rains:
A semidefinite program for distillable entanglement. 2921-2933 - K. T. Arasu, Cunsheng Ding
, Tor Helleseth, P. Vijay Kumar, Halvard Martinsen:
Almost difference sets and their sequences with optimal autocorrelation. 2934-2943 - Peter Harremoës, Flemming Topsøe:
Inequalities between entropy and index of coincidence derived from information diagrams. 2944-2960 - Vivek K. Goyal
, Serap A. Savari, Wei Wang:
On optimal permutation codes. 2961-2971 - Sangsin Na, David L. Neuhoff:
On the support of MSE-optimal, fixed-rate, scalar quantizers. 2972-2982 - Gianfranco L. Cariolaro, Tomaso Erseghe, Lorenzo Vangelista
Exact spectral evaluation of the family of digital pulse interval modulated signals. 2983-2992
- Long Duan, Bixio Rimoldi:
The iterative turbo decoding algorithm has fixed points. 2993-2995 - Garry Hughes:
A Vandermonde code construction. 2995-2998 - Gennian Ge, Jianxing Yin:
Constructions for optimal (v, 4, 1) optical orthogonal codes. 2998-3004 - Erik Agrell, Alexander Vardy
, Kenneth Zeger:
A table of upper bounds for binary codes. 3004-3006 - Michael Yung Chung Wei, Lei Wei:
Construction of fast recovery codes using a new optimal importance sampling method. 3006-3019 - Yan Xin, Ivan J. Fair:
Algorithms to enumerate codewords for DC2-constrained channels. 3020-3025 - Chan Vee Chong, Vahid Tarokh:
A simple encodable/Decodable OFDM QPSK code with low peak-to-mean envelope power ratio. 3025-3029 - Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Yejing Wang:
New results on frame-proof codes and traceability schemes. 3029-3033 - Joseph A. O'Sullivan
, Natalia A. Schmid:
Performance analysis of physical signature authentication. 3034-3039 - Jovan Dj. Golic:
Iterative optimum symbol-by-symbol decoding and fast correlation attacks. 3040-3049 - Wing-Kin Ma
, Kon Max Wong, Pak-Chung Ching:
On computing Verdu's upper bound for a class of maximum-likelihood multiuser detection and sequence detection problems. 3049-3053 - Michael Kohler, Adam Krzyzak:
Nonparametric regression estimation using penalized least squares. 3054-3059 - Andreas J. Winter
The capacity of the quantum multiple-access channel. 3059-3065 - Alexei E. Ashikhmin, Emanuel Knill:
Nonbinary quantum stabilizer codes. 3065-3072 - Suhas N. Diggavi, Thomas M. Cover:
The worst additive noise under a covariance constraint. 3072-3081 - Tomohiko Uyematsu:
An algebraic construction of codes for Slepian-Wolf source networks. 3082-3088 - Dror Baron
, Andrew C. Singer
On the cost of worst case coding length constraints. 3088-3090 - Oliver M. Collins, Nambakam Vasudev:
The effect of redundancy on measurement. 3090-3096

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