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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 37
Volume 37, Number 1, March 1991
- Peter Elias:
Error-correcting codes for list decoding. 5-12 - Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Jennifer Seberry:
Error-correcting codes for authentication and subliminal channels. 13-17 - Imre Csiszár, Prakash Narayan:
Capacity of the Gaussian arbitrarily varying channel. 18-26 - John A. Gubner:
State constraints for the multiple-access arbitrarily varying channel. 27-35 - Elias Masry:
Almost sure convergence analysis of autoregressive spectral estimation in additive noise. 36-42 - Seth Z. Kalson, Kung Yao:
A class of least-squares filtering and identification algorithms with systolic array architectures. 43-52 - Rob Luesink, Arunabha Bagchi:
Krein factorization of covariance operators of 2-parameter random fields and application to the likelihood ratio. 53-59 - Serena M. Zabin, H. Vincent Poor:
Efficient estimation of Class A noise parameters via the EM algorithm. 60-72 - Douglas Sauder, Evaggelos Geraniotis:
Optimal and robust memoryless discrimination from dependent observations. 73-91 - Alfred O. Hero III:
Timing estimation for a filtered Poisson process in Gaussian noise. 92-106 - P. S. Gopalakrishnan, Dimitri Kanevsky, Arthur Nádas, David Nahamoo:
An inequality for rational functions with applications to some statistical estimation problems. 107-113 - Rene L. Cruz:
A calculus for network delay, Part I: Network elements in isolation. 114-131 - Rene L. Cruz:
A calculus for network delay, Part II: Network analysis. 132-141
- James A. Bucklew:
A note on the absolute epsilon entropy. 142-144 - Jianhua Lin:
Divergence measures based on the Shannon entropy. 145-151 - Brian L. Hughes:
On the error probability of signals in additive white Gaussian noise. 151-155 - Nariman Farvardin, Vinay A. Vaishampayan
On the performance and complexity of channel-optimized vector quantizers. 155-160 - Xiaolin Wu:
Optimal bi-level quantization and its application to multilevel quantization. 160-163 - Tadao Kasami, Toyoo Takata, Toru Fujiwara, Shu Lin:
On linear structure and phase rotation invariant properties of block M-PSK modulation codes. 164-167 - Dana J. Taipale, Michael B. Pursley:
An improvement to generalized-minimum-distance decoding. 167-172 - Thomas M. Cover:
On the competitive optimality of Huffman codes. 172-174 - Renato M. Capocelli, Alfredo De Santis:
A note on D-ary Huffman codes. 174-179 - Patric R. J. Östergård:
A new binary code of length 10 and covering radius 1. 179-180 - Alexander Vardy
, Yair Be'ery
On the problem of finding zero-concurring codewords. 180-187 - P. J. N. de Rooij, Jacobus H. van Lint:
More on the minimum distance of cyclic codes. 187-189 - Patrick Solé, Kishan G. Mehrotra:
Generalization of the Norse bounds to codes of higher strength. 190-192 - Daniel Cygan, Elke Offer:
Short linear incremental redundancy codes having optimal weight structure profile. 192-195 - Marcel van der Vlugt:
On the dimension of trace codes. 196-199 - Rick S. Blum, Saleem A. Kassam:
Approximate analysis of the convergence of relative efficiency to ARE for known signal detection. 199-206 - John R. Holm, James A. Ritcey:
The optimality of the censored mean-level detector. 206-209 - John A. Fawcett, Brian H. Maranda:
The optimal power law for the detection of a Gaussian burst in a background of Gaussian noise. 209-214 - Leszek Rutkowski
Identification of MISO nonlinear regressions in the presence of a wide class of disturbances. 214-216 - William A. Gardner:
Two alternative philosophies for estimation of the parameters of time-series. 216-218 - Ernst M. Gabidulin, Alexander A. Davydov
, Leonid M. Tombak:
Linear codes with covering radius 2 and other new covering codes. 219-224 - William A. Gardner:
On 'The optimal linear receiving filter for digital transmission over nonlinear channels' by E. Biglieri, et al.. 219- - Lee K. Jones, Charles L. Byrne:
Correction to 'General Entropy Criteria for Inverse Problems, with Applications to Data Compression, Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis'. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(1): 224 (1991) - Thomas K. Philips, Donald F. Towsley, Jack K. Wolf:
Correction to 'On the Diameter of a Class of Random Graphs'. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(1): 224 (1991) - Henk A. P. Blom, Yaakov Bar-Shalom:
Correction to 'Time-Reversion of a Hybrid State Stochastic Difference System with a Jump-Linear Smoothing Application'. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(1): 225 (1991)
- Robert G. Gallager:
Review of 'Silicon Dreams - Information, Man, and Machine' (Lucky, R.W.; 1989). IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(1): 226 (1991)
Volume 37, Number 2, March 1991
- Charles R. Baker:
Coding capacity for a class of additive channels. 233-243 - Michael R. Frey:
Information capacity of the Poisson channel. 244-256 - John C. Kieffer:
Strong converses in source coding relative to a fidelity criterion. 257-262 - John C. Kieffer:
Sample converses in source coding theory. 263-268 - William H. R. Equitz, Thomas M. Cover:
Successive refinement of information. 269-275 - T. T. Kadota:
An optimum strategy for detection in the presence of random transient disturbance and white Gaussian noise. 276-284 - Ofer Zeitouni
, Michael Gutman:
On universal hypotheses testing via large deviations. 285-290 - Upamanyu Madhow, Michael B. Pursley:
A parallel systems approach to universal receivers. 291-306 - Geoffrey C. Orsak, Behnaam Aazhang:
Constrained solutions in importance sampling via robust statistics. 307-316 - Harold Naparst:
Dense target signal processing. 317-327 - Ron M. Roth:
Maximum-rank array codes and their application to crisscross error correction. 328-336 - Guy Castagnoli, James L. Massey, Philipp A. Schoeller, Niklaus von Seemann:
on repeated-root cyclic codes. 337-342
- Jacobus H. van Lint:
Repeated-root cyclic codes. 343-345 - Charles T. Retter:
The average binary weight-enumerator for a class of generalized Reed-Solomon codes. 346-349 - Øyvind Ytrehus:
Binary [18, 11]2 codes do not exist - Nor do [64, 53]2 codes. 349-351 - Iiro S. Honkala:
Modified bounds for coveting codes. 351-365 - Jens P. Pedersen, Carsten Dahl:
Classification of pseudo-cyclic MDS codes. 365-370 - Klaus-Uwe Koschnick:
Some new constant weight codes. 370-371 - Iiro S. Honkala, Heikki O. Hämäläinen:
Bounds for abnormal binary codes with covering radius one. 372-375 - Patrick Perry:
Necessary conditions for good error detection. 375-378 - Xiang-dong Hou:
Binary linear quasi-perfect codes are normal. 378-379 - Toru Fujiwara, Minoru Ito, Tadao Kasami, Mitsuteru Kataoka, Jun Okui:
Performance analysis of disk allocation method using error-correcting codes. 379-384 - Chung J. Kuo, Harriett B. Rigas:
2-D quasi m -arrays and Gold code arrays. 385-388 - Bruce E. Hajek, Timothy Weller:
On the maximum tolerable noise for reliable computation by formulas. 388-391 - Paul Fortier
On the number of points on shells for shifted Z^4n lattices. 391-393 - Christiane Frougny:
Fibonacci representations and finite automata. 393-399 - Eve A. Riskin:
Optimal bit allocation via the generalized BFOS algorithm. 400-402 - Rick S. Blum, Saleem A. Kassam:
Asymptotically optimum quantization with time invariant breakpoints for signal detection. 402-407 - R. Padmanabha Rao, William A. Pearlman
On entropy of pyramid structures. 407-413 - Brian L. Hughes:
Interleaving and the arbitrarily varying channel. 413-420 - Eric B. Hall, Alan E. Wessel, Gary L. Wise:
Some aspects of fusion in estimation theory. 420-422 - Shimon Peleg, Boaz Porat:
Estimation and classification of polynomial-phase signals. 422-430 - Anastasios T. Bouloutas, George W. Hart, Mischa Schwartz:
Two extensions of the Viterbi algorithm. 430-436 - Charles G. Boncelet Jr.:
Order statistic distributions with multiple windows. 436-442
- John M. Cioffi:
Review of 'Digital Transmission of Information' (Blahut, R.; 1990). IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(2): 443- (1991)
Volume 37, Number 3, May 1991
- Roger S. Cheng
, Sergio Verdú:
Capacity of root-mean-square bandlimited Gaussian multiuser channels. 453-465 - Raymond W. Yeung:
A new outlook of Shannon's information measures. 466-474 - Douglas J. Warren, John B. Thomas:
Asymptotically robust detection and estimation for very heavy-tailed noise. 475-481 - G. R. Dattatreya, Laveen N. Kanal:
Asymptotically efficient estimation of prior probabilities in multiclass finite mixtures. 482-489 - Adam Krzyzak:
On exponential bounds on the Bayes risk of the kernel classification rule. 490-499 - Wu Chou, Robert M. Gray:
Dithering and its effects on sigma-delta and multistage sigma-delta modulation. 500-513 - John S. Sadowsky, Randall K. Bahr:
Direct-sequence spread-spectrum multiple-access communications with random signature sequences: A large deviations analysis. 514-527 - Yoram Baram:
On the capacity of ternary Hebbian networks. 528-534 - Venkat Anantharam:
The stability region of the finite-user slotted ALOHA protocol. 535-540 - José L. Marroquín, Arturo Ramírez:
Stochastic cellular automata with Gibbsian invariant measures. 541-551 - T. Aaron Gulliver, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Some best rate 1/p and rate (p-1)/p systematic quasi-cyclic codes. 552-555 - Neri Merhav:
Universal coding with minimum probability of codeword length overflow. 556-563 - Raymond W. Yeung:
Alphabetic codes revisited. 564-572 - Zhen Zhang:
Linear inequalities for covering codes: Part I: Pair covering inequalities. 573-582 - Ruud Pellikaan, Ba-Zhong Shen, Gerhard J. M. van Wee:
Which linear codes are algebraic-geometric? 583-602 - P. Vijay Kumar
, Oscar Moreno:
Prime-phase sequences with periodic correlation properties better than binary sequences. 603-616 - Jørn M. Jensen, Helge Elbrønd Jensen, Tom Høholdt:
The merit factor of binary sequences related to difference sets. 617-626
- Christian Schlegel:
Evaluating distance spectra and performance bounds of trellis codes on channels with intersymbol interference. 627-634 - Hirosuke Yamamoto
A coding theorem for secret sharing communication systems with two Gaussian wiretap channels. 634-638 - Shirish A. Altekar, Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the tightness of two error bounds for decision feedback equalizers. 638-639 - Nicholas Pippenger, George D. Stamoulis, John N. Tsitsiklis:
On a lower bound for the redundancy of reliable networks with noisy gates. 639-643 - Tony G. Thomas, Brian L. Hughes:
Exponential error bounds for random codes on Gaussian arbitrarily varying channels. 643-649 - Hendrik C. Ferreira
, D. A. Wright, Albertus S. J. Helberg
, Ian S. Shaw, C. R. Wyman:
Some new rate R = k/n (2 leq k leq n-2) systematic convolutional codes with good distance profiles. 649-653 - Kjell Jørgen Hole:
Rate k/(k + 1) punctured convolutional encoders. 653-655 - Te Sun Han, Hajime Sato:
Feedback codes with uniformly bounded codeword lengths and zero-error capacities. 655-660 - Patric R. J. Östergård:
Upper bounds for q-ary covering codes. 660-664 - Warwick de Launey:
A note on N -dimensional Hadamard matrices of order 2t and Reed-Muller codes. 664-667 - Alexander Vardy
, Yair Be'ery
More efficient soft decoding of the Golay codes. 667-672 - Cheng Hua, Guo-Zhen Xiao:
The linear complexity of binary sequences with period (2n-1)k. 672-673 - Chong T. Ong, Cyril S. K. Leung:
On the undetected error probability of triple-error-correcting BCH codes. 673-678 - Gerhard J. M. van Wee, Gérard D. Cohen, Simon Litsyn:
A note on perfect multiple covetings of the Hamming space. 678-682 - Kenneth J. Kerpez:
Runlength codes from source codes. 682-687 - Raymond W. Yeung:
Local redundancy and progressive bounds on the redundancy of a Huffman code. 687-691 - Eric B. Hall, Gary L. Wise:
On optimal estimation with respect to a large family of cost functions. 691-693 - Craig Gotsman
A note on functions governed by Walsh expressions. 694-695 - Jelena Kovacevic, Martin Vetterli
The commutativity of up/downsampling in two dimensions. 695-698 - Ofer Zeitouni, Michael Gutman:
Correction to 'On Universal Hypotheses Testing Via Large Deviations'. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(3): 698- (1991) - Thomas J. Flynn, Robert M. Gray:
Correction to 'Encoding of correlated observations' (Nov 87 773-787). IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(3): 699- (1991)
- A. Robert Calderbank, Paul H. Siegel, Jack K. Wolf:
Introduction to special issue on coding for storage devices. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(3): 709-711 (1991)
- Chris Heegard, Alexandra Duel-Hallen, Rajeev Krishnamoorthy:
On the capacity of the noisy runlength channel. 712-720 - Paul E. Bender, Jack K. Wolf:
New asymptotic bounds and improvements on the Lempel-Ziv data compression algorithm. 721-729 - Gilles Zémor
, Gérard D. Cohen:
Error-correcting WOM-codes. 730-734 - Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar, Martin Hassner:
Multilevel error-control codes for data storage channels. 735-741 - Brian H. Marcus, Ron M. Roth:
Bounds on the number of states in encoder graphs for input-constrained channels. 742-758 - Chris Heegard, Brian H. Marcus, Paul H. Siegel:
Variable-length state splitting with applications to average runlength-constrained (ARC) codes. 759-777 - Victor D. Kolesnik, Victor Yu. Krachkovsky:
Generating functions and lower bounds on rates for limited error-correcting codes. 778-788 - Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar, Jacobus H. Weber:
Bounds and constructions for runlength-limited error-control block codes. 789-800 - Alexander Barg, Simon Litsyn:
DC-constrained codes from Hadamard matrices. 801-807 - Kjell Jørgen Hole:
Punctured convolutional codes for the 1-D partial-response channel. 808-817 - Razmik Karabed, Paul H. Siegel:
Matched spectral-null codes for partial-response channels. 818-855 - Henk D. L. Hollmann
The general solution of write equalization for RLL (d, k) codes. 856-862
- Shlomo Shamai, Ephraim Zehavi
Bounds on the capacity of the bit-shift magnetic recording channel. 863-872 - W. M. C. J. van Overveld:
The four cases of write unidirectional memory codes over arbitrary alphabets. 872-878 - Aaron D. Wyner, Jacob Ziv:
Fixed data base version of the Lempel-Ziv data compression algorithm. 878-880 - Leonid A. Bassalygo, S. I. Gelfand, Mark S. Pinsker:
Coding for partially localized errors. 880-884 - Rodney M. Goodman, Masahiro Sayano:
The reliability of semiconductor RAM memories with on-chip error-correction coding. 884-896 - Alexander A. Davydov
, Leonid M. Tombak:
An alternative to the Hamming code in the class of SEC-DED codes in semiconductor memory. 897-902 - Yuichi Saitoh, Hideki Imai:
Multiple unidirectional byte error-correcting codes. 903-908 - Anthony D. Weathers, Jack K. Wolf:
A new rate 2/3 sliding block code for the (1, 7) runlength constraint with the minimal number of encoder states. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(3): 908- (1991) - Henk D. L. Hollmann
, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink:
Schouhamer Immink. Performance of efficient balanced codes. 913-918 - Lyle J. Frederickson:
On the Shannon capacity of DC- and Nyquist-free codes. 918-923 - Augustus J. E. M. Janssen, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink:
Entropy and power spectrum of asymmetrically DC-constrained binary sequences. 923-927 - Hiroshi Kamabe:
Spectral lines of codes given as functions of finite Markov chains. 927-941 - Øyvind Ytrehus:
Upper bounds on error-correcting runlength-limited block codes. 941-945 - Mario Blaum:
Combining ECC with modulation: Performance comparisons. 945-949 - Gérard D. Cohen, Simon Litsyn:
DC-constrained error-correcting codes with small running digital sum. 949-955 - Giovanni Vannucci, Gerard J. Foschini:
The minimum distance for digital magnetic recording partial responses. 955-960
Volume 37, Number 4, July 1991
- Tadao Kasami, Toyoo Takata, Toru Fujiwara, Shu Lin:
On multilevel block modulation codes. 965-975 - Zhen Zhang:
Limiting efficiencies of burst-correcting array codes. 976-982 - Charles T. Retter:
Orthogonality of binary codes derived from Reed-Solomon codes. 983-994 - Alon Orlitsky:
Worst-case interactive communication - II: Two messages are not optimal. 995-1005 - Mahesh K. Varanasi, Behnaam Aazhang:
Optimally near-far resistant multiuser detection in differentially coherent synchronous channels. 1006-1018 - Stéphane Mallat:
Zero-crossings of a wavelet transform. 1019-1033 - Andrew R. Barron, Thomas M. Cover:
Minimum complexity density estimation. 1034-1054 - Ahmed H. Tewfik, Bernard C. Levy
, Alan S. Willsky:
Internal models and recursive estimation for 2-D isotropic random fields. 1055-1066 - Neri Merhav, Jacob Ziv:
A Bayesian approach for classification of Markov sources. 1067-1071 - Nader Moayeri, David L. Neuhoff:
Theory of lattice-based fine-coarse vector quantization. 1072-1084 - Ian H. Witten
, Timothy C. Bell
The zero-frequency problem: Estimating the probabilities of novel events in adaptive text compression. 1085-1094 - Renato M. Capocelli, Alfredo De Santis
New bounds on the redundancy of Huffman codes. 1095-1104 - Elias Masry:
Multivariate probability density deconvolution for stationary random processes. 1105-1115 - Steven D. Blostein:
Quickest detection of a time-varying change in distribution. 1116-1122 - Guido di Blasio, Alessandro Neri
Modified Q-functions and their use in detection analysis. 1123-1142 - Rudolf Ahlswede, Gábor Simonyi:
Reusable memories in the light of the old arbitrarily varying-and a new outputwise varying channel theory. 1143-1150
- Fumio Kanaya, Kenji Nakagawa:
On the practical implication of mutual information for statistical decisionmaking. 1151-1156 - Jayakumar Ramanathan
, Ofer Zeitouni:
On the wavelet transform of fractional Brownian motion. 1156-1158 - Yoram Baram:
Encoding unique global minima in nested neural networks. 1158-1162 - Bruno Apolloni, Diego de Falco:
Learning by parallel Boltzmann machines. 1162-1165 - George Gabor, Gábor Szekeres, Zoltán Györfi:
On the Gaarder-Slepion 'tracking system' conjecture. 1165-1168 - Timo Koski, Lars-Erik Persson:
On quantizer distortion and the upper bound for exponential entropy. 1168-1172 - Elias Masry:
Flicker noise and the estimation of the Allan variance. 1173-1177 - Sidney Yakowitz:
Some contributions to a frequency location method due to He and Kedem. 1177-1182 - Rolf Johannesson, Andrea Sgarro:
Strengthening Simmons' bound on impersonation. 1182-1185 - Xian-Da Zhang:
Two-dimensional harmonic retrieval and its time-domain analysis technique. 1185-1188 - John T. Barnett, Benjamin Kedem:
Zero-crossing rates of functions of Gaussian processes. 1188-1194 - Jakov Snyders:
Reduced lists of error patterns for maximum likelihood soft decoding. 1194-1200 - Shojiro Sakata:
Decoding binary 2-D cyclic codes by the 2-D Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. 1200-1203 - Iiro S. Honkala:
On (k, t) -subnormal covering codes. 1203-1206 - W. Cary Huffman:
On extremal self-dual quaternary codes of lengths 18 to 28 - II. 1206-1216 - Gadiel Seroussi:
A systolic Reed-Solomon encoder. 1217-1220 - Abraham Lempel, Gadiel Seroussi:
Explicit formulas for self-complementary normal bases in certain finite fields. 1220-1222 - Richard A. Brualdi, Vera Pless:
Weight enumerators of self-dual codes. 1222-1225 - Narao Nakatsu:
Bounds on the redundancy of binary alphabetical codes. 1225-1229 - A. J. van Zanten:
Index system and separability of constant weight Gray codes. 1229-1233 - David A. Shnidman:
Note on 'The calculation of the probability of detection and the generalized Marcum Q-function' (Mar 89 389-400). 1233-
- Shih-Chun Chang:
Review of 'Essentials of Error-Control Coding Techniques' (Imai, H.; 1990). IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(4): 1234- (1991)
Volume 37, Number 5, September 1991
- G. David Forney Jr.:
Geometrically uniform codes. 1241-1260 - A. Robert Calderbank, Philippe Delsarte, Neil J. A. Sloane:
A strengthening of the Assmus-Mattson theorem. 1261-1268 - Richard E. Blahut:
The Gleason-Prange theorem. 1269-1273 - Gui Liang Feng, Kenneth K. Tzeng:
A generalization of the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm for multisequence shift-register synthesis with applications to decoding cyclic codes. 1274-1287 - Toshiyasu Matsushima, Hiroshige Inazumi, Shigeichi Hirasawa:
A class of distortionless codes designed by Bayes decision theory. 1288-1293 - Evangelos Eleftheriou, Roy D. Cideciyan:
On codes satisfying M th-order running digital sum constraints. 1294-1313 - Charles R. Baker, Shunsuke Ihara:
Information capacity of the stationary Gaussian channel. 1314-1326 - Michael L. Honig, Kenneth Steiglitz, Stephen A. Norman:
Optimization of signal sets for partial-response channels - I: Numerical techniques. 1327-1341 - Michael L. Honig:
Optimization of signal sets for partial-response channels - II: Asymptotic coding gain. 1342-1354 - Peter F. Swaszek:
A vector quantizer for the Laplace source. 1355-1365 - David S. Herscovici:
Minimal distance lexicographic codes over an infinite alphabet. 1366-1368 - Yoshiki Takeuchi:
Innovations informational equivalence for a class of observations with independent non-Gaussian noise. 1369-1378 - Edward G. Coffman Jr., B. M. Igelnik, Yakov A. Kogan:
Controlled stochastic model of a communication system with multiple sources. 1379-1387 - Charles Darmet, Jean-Paul Gauthier, François Gourd:
Elliptic and almost hyperbolic symmetries for the Woodward ambiguity function. 1388-1398
- Hendrik C. Ferreira
, Shu Lin:
Error and erasure control (d, k) block codes. 1399-1408 - Toru Fujiwara, Tadao Kasami, Shou-ping Feng:
On the monotonic property of the probability of undetected error for a shortened code. 1409-1411 - Victor K.-W. Wei:
Generalized Hamming weights for linear codes. 1412-1418 - Eva K. Englund:
Nonlinear unequal error-protection codes are sometimes better than linear ones. 1418-1420 - Hirosuke Yamamoto
, Hiroshi Ochi:
A new asymptotically optimal code for the positive integers. 1420-1429 - Chin-Long Chen:
Construction of some binary linear codes of minimum distance five. 1429-1432 - Huy T. Cao, Randall L. Dougherty, Heeralal Janwa:
A [55, 16, 19] binary Goppa code and related codes having large minimum distance. 1432-1433 - Nariman Farvardin, F. Y. Lin:
Performance of entropy-constrained block transform quantizers. 1433-1439 - Tsutomu Kawabata, Hirosuke Yamamoto
A new implementation of the Ziv-Lempel incremental parsing algorithm. 1439-1440 - Raghavan Kannurpatti, George W. Hart:
Memoryless nonlinear system identification with unknown model order. 1440-1450 - Eweda Eweda:
Convergence of the sign algorithm for adaptive filtering with correlated data. 1450-1457 - Arthur E. Frazho, Peter J. Sherman:
On the convergence of the minimum variance spectral estimator in nonstationary noise. 1457-1459 - Meir Feder:
Gambling using a finite state machine. 1459-1465 - Gordon Simons:
Estimating distortion in a binary symmetric channel consistently. 1466-1470 - Philippe Jacquet, Wojciech Szpankowski:
Analysis of digital tries with Markovian dependency. 1470-1475 - Cees J. A. Jansen, Wouter G. Franx, Dick E. Boekee:
An efficient algorithm for the generation of DeBruijn cycles. 1475-1478 - Robert E. Peile:
The analysis of partial truth tables. 1479-1486 - Ralph Lorentzen, Raymond Nilsen:
Application of linear programming to the optimal difference triangle set problem. 1486-1488 - Miodrag V. Zivkovic:
An algorithm for the initial state reconstruction of the clock-controlled shift register. 1488-1490 - Philippe Piret:
On the connectivity of radio networks. 1490-1492
- Jean C. Walrand, George Kesidis:
Review of 'Large Deviation Techniques in Decision, Simulation, and Estimation' (Bucklew, J.A.; 1990). IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(5): 1493- (1991) - Vijay K. Bhargava:
Review of 'An Introduction to Error Correcting Codes With Applications' (Vanstone, S.A., and van Oorschot, P.C.; 1989). IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(5): 1494- (1991)
Volume 37, Number 6, November 1991
- Amir Dembo, Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas:
Information theoretic inequalities. 1501-1518 - Rudolf Ahlswede, Bart Verboven:
On identification via multiway channels with feedback. 1519-1526 - Shlomo Shamai, Lawrence H. Ozarow, Aaron D. Wyner:
Information rates for a discrete-time Gaussian channel with intersymbol interference and stationary inputs. 1527-1539 - Shlomo Shamai:
On the capacity of a direct-detection photon channel with intertransition-constrained binary input. 1540-1550 - Thomas R. Fischer, Michael W. Marcellin, Min Wang:
Trellis-coded vector quantization. 1551-1566 - Anders Bjært Sørensen:
Projective Reed-Muller codes. 1567-1576 - Øyvind Ytrehus:
Runlength-limited codes for mixed-error channels. 1577-1585 - Neri Merhav:
Universal classification for hidden Markov models. 1586-1594 - Santosh S. Venkatesh, Joel Franklin:
How much information can one bit of memory retain about a Bernoulli sequence? 1595-1604 - Paul C. Shields:
Cutting and stacking: A method for constructing stationary processes. 1605-1617 - John K. Goutsias:
A theoretical analysis of Monte Carlo algorithms for the simulation of Gibbs random field images. 1618-1628 - Murk J. Bottema:
Deterministic properties of analog median filters. 1629-1640
- Laura Ekroot, Thomas M. Cover:
The entropy of a randomly stopped sequence. 1641-1644 - Paul C. Shields:
The entropy theorem via coding bounds. 1645-1647 - Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai:
Two proofs of Pinsker's conjecture concerning arbitrarily varying channels. 1647-1649 - Costas N. Georghiades
, Marc Moeneclaey:
Sequence estimation and synchronization from nonsynchronized samples. 1649- - Peter J. Smith
The distribution functions of certain random geometric series concerning intersymbol interference. 1657-1662 - Xiang-Gen Xia, Zhen Zhang:
A note on difference methods for the prediction of band-limited signals from past samples. 1662-1665 - Patrick Headley:
A counterexample to a Voronoi constellation conjecture. 1665-1666 - Kwok-Wai Tam, Yuehua Wu:
On rates of convergence of general information criteria in signal processing when the noise covariance matrix is arbitrary. 1667-1671 - Chen-Yu Chang, Shyang Chang:
Parameter estimator based on a minimum discrepancy criterion: A Bayesian approach. 1671-1675 - Hans-Andrea Loeliger:
Signal sets matched to groups. 1675-1682 - Ulla Holst, Georg Lindgren:
Recursive estimation in mixture models with Markov regime. 1683-1690 - Ji Zhang, Edward J. Coyle
The transient solution of time-dependent M/M/1 queues. 1690-1696 - Tuvi Etzion:
New lower bounds for asymmetric and unidirectional codes. 1696-1704 - Ludo M. G. M. Tolhuizen:
Two new binary codes obtained by shortening a generalized concatenated code. 1705- - Xiang-dong Hou:
On the covering radius of subcodes of a code. 1706-1707 - Miodrag V. Zivkovic:
On two probabilistic decoding algorithms for binary linear codes. 1707-1716 - Gui Liang Feng, Kenneth K. Tzeng:
Decoding cyclic and BCH codes up to actual minimum distance using nonrecurrent syndrome dependence relations. 1716-1723 - Karl-Heinz Zimmermann:
On indecomposable Abelian codes and their vertices. 1723-1731 - Tor Helleseth, Torleiv Kløve:
The number of cross-join pairs in maximum length linear sequences. 1731-1733 - Douglas R. Stinson:
On bit-serial multiplication and dual bases in GF(2m). 1733-1736 - Robert Morelos-Zaragoza
A note on repeated-root cyclic codes. 1736-1737 - Andrew R. Barron, Thomas M. Cover:
Correction to 'Minimum Complexity Density Estimation'. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(6): 1738- (1991) - Patric R. J. Östergård:
Correction to 'Upper Bounds for q-ary Covering Codes'. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(6): 1738- (1991)
- Terry P. Speed:
Review of 'Stochastic Complexity in Statistical Inquiry' (Rissanen, J.; 1989). IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 37(6): 1739- (1991)

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