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IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 51
Volume 51, Number 1, 2004
- José Carlos Príncipe:
Editorial. 1-2 - Gabriel A. Silva, David R. Pepperberg:
Step response of mouse rod photoreceptors modeled in terms of elemental photic signals. 3-12 - Hiroyuki Mino, Jay T. Rubinstein, Charles A. Miller
, Paul J. Abbas:
Effects of electrode-to-fiber distance on temporal neural response with electrical stimulation. 13-20 - Nathalie Doriot, Laurence Chèze
A three-dimensional kinematic and dynamic study of the lower limb during the stance phase of gait using an homogeneous matrix approach. 21-27 - Richard H. Clayton
, Arun V. Holden:
Filament behavior in a computational model of ventricular fibrillation in the canine heart. 28-34 - Magda El-Shenawee
Resonant spectra of Malignant breast cancer tumors using the three-dimensional Electromagnetic Fast multipole model. 35-44 - Raoul P. P. P. Grasman, Hilde M. Huizenga, Lourens J. Waldorp, Koen B. E. Böcker, Peter C. M. Molenaar:
Frequency domain simultaneous source and source coherence estimation with an application to MEG. 45-55 - Jack M. Rogers
Combined phase singularity and wavefront analysis for optical maps of ventricular fibrillation. 56-65 - Rohit Dua, Daryl G. Beetner
, William V. Stoecker, Donald C. Wunsch II:
Detection of basal cell carcinoma using electrical impedance and neural networks. 66-71 - Flávio Celso Trigo
, Raul Gonzalez Lima, Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
Electrical impedance tomography using the extended Kalman filter. 72-81 - Eva K. Lee, Richard J. Gallagher, Ann M. Campbell
, Mark R. Prausnitz
Prediction of ultrasound-mediated disruption of cell membranes using machine learning techniques and statistical analysis of acoustic spectra. 82-89 - Kensuke Sekihara, Srikantan S. Nagarajan, David Poeppel, Alec Marantz
Performance of an MEG adaptive-beamformer source reconstruction technique in the presence of additive low-rank interference. 90-99 - Martin Stridh
, Leif Sörnmo, Carl J. Meurling, S. Bertil Olsson:
Sequential characterization of atrial tachyarrhythmias based on ECG time-frequency analysis. 100-114 - Gang Lin, Charles V. Stewart, Badrinath Roysam, Kenneth Fritzsche, Gehua Yang
, Howard L. Tanenbaum:
Predictive scheduling algorithms for real-time feature extraction and spatial referencing: application to retinal image sequences. 115-125 - Birsen Saka
, Atila Yilmaz:
Elliptic cylinder geometry for distinguishability analysis in impedance tomography. 126-132 - Shoji Takeuchi
, Isao Shimoyama
A radio-telemetry system with a shape memory alloy microelectrode for neural recording of freely moving insects. 133-137 - Ruben Rathnasingham, Daryl R. Kipke, Sanford C. Bledsoe Jr., John D. McLaren:
Characterization of implantable microfabricated fluid delivery devices. 138-145 - Almut Branner, Richard B. Stein, Eduardo Fernández
, Yoichiro Aoyagi
, Richard A. Normann:
Long-term stimulation and recording with a penetrating microelectrode array in cat sciatic nerve. 146-157 - Yoonkey Nam, John C. Chang, Bruce C. Wheeler, Gregory J. Brewer:
Gold-coated microelectrode array with thiol linked self-assembled monolayers for engineering neuronal cultures. 158-165 - Marianne Fenech
, Michel Y. Jaffrin:
Extracellular and intracellular volume variations during postural change measured by segmental and wrist-ankle bioimpedance spectroscopy. 166-175 - Leslie A. Geddes:
Accuracy limitations of chronaxie values. 176-181 - Antoni Homs-Corbera
, José Antonio Fiz
, José Morera, Raimon Jané
Time-frequency detection and analysis of wheezes during forced exhalation. 182-186 - Alexander W. Schaefer, J. Joshua Reynolds, Daniel L. Marks, Stephen A. Boppart
Real-time digital signal processing-based optical coherence tomography and Doppler optical coherence tomography. 186-190 - Anne Humeau, Lionel Fizanne, Ambroise Garry, Jean-Louis Saumet, Jean-Pierre L'Huillier:
Signal processing methodology to study the cutaneous vasodilator response to a local external pressure application detected by laser Doppler flowmetry. 190-192 - Yun-Ying Lin Wang, Ming-Yie Jan, Ching-Show Shyu, Chi-Ang Chiang, Wei-Kung Wang:
The natural frequencies of the arterial system and their relation to the heart rate. 193-195 - Alberto V. Panfilov, Peter L. M. Kerkhof
Quantifying ventricular fibrillation: in silico research and clinical implications. 195-196 - Alberto P. Avolio
, Peter L. M. Kerkhof
On tubes, strings, and resonance in the arterial system-what makes the beat go on? 196-197
Volume 51, Number 2, 2004
- Chuan Luo, John W. Clark Jr., Carmen C. Canavier
, Douglas A. Baxter, John H. Byrne:
Multimodal behavior in a four neuron ring circuit: mode switching. 205-218 - Rui Zou, Ki H. Chon:
Robust algorithm for estimation of time-varying transfer functions. 219-228 - Michael A. Moffitt
, Cameron C. McIntyre, Warren M. Grill:
Prediction of myelinated nerve fiber stimulation thresholds: limitations of linear models. 229-236 - Erika J. Dempsey, David T. Westwick
Identification of Hammerstein models with cubic spline nonlinearities. 237-245 - Huiqi Li, Opas Chutatape:
Automated feature extraction in color retinal images by a model based approach. 246-254 - Yuru Zhong, Hengliang Wang, Kihwan Ju, Kung-Ming Jan, Ki H. Chon:
Nonlinear analysis of the separate contributions of autonomic nervous systems to heart rate variability using principal dynamic modes. 255-262 - Saso Jezernik, Ruben G. V. Wassink, Thierry Keller
Sliding mode closed-loop control of FES controlling the shank movement. 263-272 - Bernd Messnarz, Bernhard Tilg, Robert Modre, Gerald Fischer
, Friedrich Hanser:
A new spatiotemporal regularization approach for reconstruction of cardiac transmembrane potential patterns. 273-281 - Lisa G. Huettel, Leslie M. Collins:
Predicting auditory tone-in-noise detection performance: the effects of neural variability. 282-293 - Tom Chau, Kim Parker:
On the robustness of stride frequency estimation. 294-303 - Jérôme Bourien, Jean-Jacques Bellanger, Fabrice Bartolomei, Patrick Chauvel
, Fabrice Wendling
Mining reproducible activation patterns in epileptic intracerebral EEG signals: application to interictal activity. 304-315 - Jinshan Tang
, Scott T. Acton:
Vessel boundary tracking for intravital microscopy via multiscale gradient vector flow snakes. 316-324 - Ehab A. Goldstein, James T. Heaton, James B. Kobler, Garrett B. Stanley
, Robert E. Hillman:
Design and implementation of a hands-free electrolarynx device controlled by neck strap muscle electromyographic activity. 325-332 - Emilia Entcheva
, Yordan Kostov, Elko Tchernev, Leslie Tung:
Fluorescence imaging of electrical activity in cardiac cells using an all-solid-state system. 333-341 - Mario F. Simoni, Gennady S. Cymbalyuk
, Michael Elliott Sorensen, Ronald L. Calabrese, Stephen P. DeWeerth:
A multiconductance silicon neuron with biologically matched dynamics. 342-354 - Benjamin A. Schnitz, Dongxu Guan, Robert A. Malkin
Design of an integrated sensor for in vivo simultaneous electrocontractile cardiac mapping. 355-361 - Xueli Zhao, Yohsuke Kinouchi, Emiko Yasuno, Dayong Gao, Tadamitsu Iritani, Tadaoki Morimoto, Mieko Takeuchi:
A new method for noninvasive measurement of multilayer tissue conductivity and structure using divided electrodes. 362-370 - Jason L. Harris, Jay D. Humphrey:
Kinetics of thermal damage to a collagenous membrane under biaxial isotonic loading. 371-379 - Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente
, Pedro Gómez Vilda
Automatic detection of voice impairments by means of short-term cepstral parameters and neural network based detectors. 380-384 - Yan Wu, Dale H. Mugler
A robust DSP integrator for accelerometer signals. 385-389 - Manuel María Villapecellin-Cid, Francisco Medina
, Laura María Roa
Internodal myelinated segments: delay and RGC time-domain Green function model. 389-391
Volume 51, Number 3, 2004
- Kheng K. Lee, Ee-Chon Teo, Franz Konstantin Fuss
, V. Vanneuville, Tian-Xia Qiu, Hong-Wan Ng, Kai Yang, Ronald J. Sabitzer:
Finite-element analysis for lumbar interbody fusion under axial loading. 393-400 - Niels F. Otani:
Deep entry of defibrillating effects into homogeneous cardiac tissue. 401-407 - VijaySekhar Chellaboina
, Wassim M. Haddad, James M. Bailey, Jayanthy Ramakrishnan:
On nonoscillation and monotonicity of solutions of nonnegative and compartmental dynamical systems. 408-414 - Dario Farina, Luca Mesin
, Simone Martina, Roberto Merletti:
A surface EMG generation model with multilayer cylindrical description of the volume conductor. 415-426 - Cécile Amblard, Ervig Lapalme, Jean-Marc Lina:
Biomagnetic source detection by maximum entropy and graphical models. 427-442 - E. C. Teo, Kheng K. Lee, Tian-Xia Qiu, Hong-Wan Ng, K. Yang:
The biomechanics of lumbar graded facetectomy under anterior-shear load. 443-449 - Antônio-Carlos G. Almeida
, Hewerson Z. Teixeira, Mário A. Duarte, Antonio Fernando C. Infantosi:
Modeling extracellular space electrodiffusion during Leão's spreading depression. 450-458 - Raquel Valdés-Cristerna, Verónica Médina-Bañuelos, Oscar Yáñez-Suárez
Coupling of radial-basis network and active contour model for multispectral brain MRI segmentation. 459-470 - Min Shao, Kenneth E. Barner, Michael H. Goodman:
An interference cancellation algorithm for noninvasive extraction of transabdominal fetal electroencephalogram (TaFEEG). 471-483 - Sylvie Charbonnier, Guillaume Becq
, Loïc Biot:
On-line segmentation algorithm for continuously monitored data in intensive care units. 484-492 - Leonidas D. Iasemidis
, Deng-Shan Shiau, J. Chris Sackellares, Panos M. Pardalos, Awadhesh Prasad
Dynamical resetting of the human brain at epileptic seizures: application of nonlinear dynamics and global optimization techniques. 493-506 - Keith L. Berrier, Danny C. Sorensen, Dirar S. Khoury:
Solving the inverse problem of electrocardiography using a Duncan and Horn formulation of the Kalman filter. 507-515 - Mika P. Tarvainen
, Jaana K. Hiltunen, Perttu O. Ranta-aho, Pasi A. Karjalainen
Estimation of nonstationary EEG with Kalman smoother approach: an application to event-related synchronization (ERS). 516-524 - Erik A. Johannessen
, Lei Wang, Li Cui, Tong Boon Tang
, Mansour Ahmadian, A. Astaras, Stuart W. J. Reid, Philippa S. Yam, Alan F. Murray, Brian W. Flynn, Steve P. Beaumont, David R. S. Cumming
, Jonathan M. Cooper
Implementation of multichannel sensors for remote biomedical measurements in a microsystems format. 525-535 - Selim Elhadj, Riley Chan, Kimberly Forsten-Williams:
Implementation of an optical method for the real-time determination of uniaxial strain and vessel mechanics. 536-538 - Roger C. Barr, Robert Plonsey:
Field stimulation of 2-D sheets of excitable tissue. 539-540 - Rahman Davoodi, Brian J. Andrews:
Fuzzy logic control of FES rowing exercise in paraplegia. 541-543 - Zhong Qing Zhang, Qing Huo Liu
Three-dimensional nonlinear image reconstruction for microwave biomedical imaging. 544-548 - Bronislaw Stec
, Andrzej P. Dobrowolski
, Waldemar Susek
Multifrequency microwave thermograph for biomedical applications. 548-550 - Bao-Liang Lu
, Jonghan Shin, Michinori Ichikawa:
Massively parallel classification of single-trial EEG signals using a min-max Modular neural network. 551-558 - Erratum to "Quantifying Ventricular Fibrillation: In Silico Research and Clinical Implications". 558
Volume 51, Number 4, 2004
- Tran Thong, James McNames, Mateo Aboy
, Brahm Goldstein:
Prediction of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation by analysis of atrial premature complexes. 561-569 - Juan Pablo Martínez, Rute Almeida
, Salvador Olmos
, Ana Paula Rocha
, Pablo Laguna
A wavelet-based ECG delineator: evaluation on standard databases. 570-581 - Stanislaw Osowski
, Tran Hoai Linh, Tomasz Markiewicz
Support vector machine-based expert system for reliable heartbeat recognition. 582-589 - Yifang Xu, Leslie M. Collins:
Predicting the threshold of pulse-train electrical stimuli using a stochastic auditory nerve model: the effects of stimulus noise. 590-603 - Chiara Corno, Gianfranco Beniamino Fiore, Maria Laura Costantino
A mathematical model of neonatal tidal liquid ventilation integrating airway mechanics and gas transfer phenomena. 604-611 - Shinichiro Nishizawa, Hans-Oliver Ruoss, Friedrich M. Landstorfer, Osamu Hashimoto:
Numerical study on an equivalent source model for inhomogeneous magnetic field dosimetry in the low-frequency range. 612-616 - Isabelle Claude, Jean-Luc Daire, Guy Sebag:
Fetal brain MRI: segmentation and biometric analysis of the posterior fossa. 617-626 - Gabriela Voskerician, Rebecca S. Shawgo, P. Anne Hiltner, James M. Anderson, Michael J. Cima, Robert Langer:
In vivo inflammatory and wound healing effects of gold electrode voltammetry for MEMS micro-reservoir drug delivery device. 627-635 - James L. Patton, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi:
Robot-assisted adaptive training: custom force fields for teaching movement patterns. 636-646 - Karen A. Moxon, Steve C. Leiser
, Greg A. Gerhardt, Kenneth A. Barbee, John K. Chapin:
Ceramic-based multisite electrode arrays for chronic single-neuron recording. 647-656 - Kareem A. Zaghloul, Kwabena Boahen:
Optic nerve signals in a neuromorphic chip I: Outer and inner retina models. 657-666 - Kareem A. Zaghloul, Kwabena Boahen:
Optic nerve signals in a neuromorphic chip II: testing and results. 667-675 - Kai Schreiber, Thomas Haslwanter:
Improving calibration of 3-D video oculography systems. 676-679 - Paul H. Schimpf, Jens Haueisen
, Ceon Ramon:
Ellipsoidal refinement of the regularized inverse: performance in an anatomically realistic EEG model. 679-683
Volume 51, Number 5, 2004
- Torben Knudsen
, Henrik Elmer, Morten H. Knudsen, Niels-Henrik Holstein-Rathlou
, Jakob Stoustrup
Dynamic modeling of renal blood flow in Dahl hypertensive and normotensive rats. 689-697 - Aleksandra Vuckovic, Nico J. M. Rijkhoff, Johannes J. Struijk
Different pulse shapes to obtain small fiber selective activation by anodal blocking-a simulation study. 698-706 - Volker Roth
, Tilman Lange:
Bayesian class discovery in microarray datasets. 707-718 - Peter Sykacek, Stephen J. Roberts, Maria Stokes
Adaptive BCI based on variational Bayesian Kalman filtering: an empirical evaluation. 719-727 - Temujin Gautama, Danilo P. Mandic, Marc M. Van Hulle:
A novel method for determining the nature of time series. 728-736 - Selin Aviyente
, Linda A. W. Brakel, Ramesh K. Kushwaha, Michael Snodgrass, Howard Shevrin, William J. Williams:
Characterization of event related potentials using information theoretic distance measures. 737-743 - Hasan Al-Nashash
, Yousef Al-Assaf, Joseph S. Paul, Nitish V. Thakor
EEG signal modeling using adaptive Markov process amplitude. 744-751 - Ning Lan, Kaibao Nie, Shangkai Gao, Fan-Gang Zeng:
A novel speech-processing strategy incorporating tonal information for cochlear implants. 752-760 - Rafael V. Davalos, David M. Otten, Lluis M. Mir, Boris Rubinsky:
Electrical impedance tomography for imaging tissue electroporation. 761-767 - Junichi Hori, Masaaki Aiba, Bin He
Spatio-temporal cortical source imaging of brain electrical activity by means of time-varying parametric projection filter. 768-777 - Hiroyuki Yoshida:
Local contralateral subtraction based on bilateral symmetry of lung for reduction of false positives in computerized detection of pulmonary nodules. 778-789 - G. Elisabeta Marai, David H. Laidlaw, Çagatay Demiralp, Stuart Andrews, Cindy M. Grimm
, Joseph J. Crisco
Estimating joint contact areas and ligament lengths from bone kinematics and surfaces. 790-799 - Ladan Amini, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
, Caro Lucas, Masoumeh Gity:
Automatic segmentation of thalamus from brain MRI integrating fuzzy clustering and dynamic contours. 800-811 - Byung H. Han, In K. Chun, Sang C. Lee, Soo Y. Lee:
Multichannel magnetic stimulation system design considering mutual couplings among the stimulation coils. 812-817 - George Zonios, Uday Shankar, Vijay K. Iyer:
Pulse oximetry theory and calibration for low saturations. 818-822 - Frederico C. Jandre, Alexandre Visintainer Pino
, Ivanir Lacorte, João Henrique S. Neves, Antonio Giannella-Neto:
A closed-loop mechanical ventilation controller with explicit objective functions. 823-831 - Pedram Mohseni, Khalil Najafi:
A fully integrated neural recording amplifier with DC input stabilization. 832-837 - Sun K. Yoo
, Ge Wang
, Fred Collison, Jay T. Rubinstein, Michael W. Vannier
, Hee J. Kim, Nam H. Kim:
Three-dimensional localization of cochlear implant electrodes using epipolar stereophotogrammetry. 838-846 - Tamara N. Fitzgerald
, Dana H. Brooks, John K. Triedman:
Comparative psychometric analysis of vector and isochrone cardiac activation maps. 847-855 - Federica Censi, Giovanni Calcagnini, Sergio Cerutti
Proposed corrections for the quantification of coupling patterns by recurrence plots. 856-859 - Sergio Martinoia
, Paolo Massobrio
, Marco Bove, Giuseppe Massobrio:
Cultured neurons coupled to microelectrode arrays: circuit models, simulations and experimental data. 859-863 - Alireza K. Ziarani, Adalbert Konrad:
A novel method of estimation of DPOAE signals. 864-867 - Malek Adjouadi
, Danmary Sanchez, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Melvin Ayala, Prasanna Jayakar, Ilker Yaylali, Armando Barreto
Interictal spike detection using the Walsh transform. 868-872
Volume 51, Number 6, 2004
- Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, Niels Birbaumer, Klaus-Robert Müller
Editorial. 877-880 - Karen A. Moxon, Nader M. Kalkhoran, Mathew Markert, Marisa A. Sambito, J. L. McKenzie, J. Thomas Webster:
Nanostructured surface modification of ceramic-based microelectrodes to enhance biocompatibility for a direct brain-machine interface. 881-889 - Timothy Fofonoff, Sylvain Martel, Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos, John P. Donoghue, Ian W. Hunter:
Microelectrode array fabrication by electrical discharge machining and chemical etching. 890-895 - Rio J. Vetter, Justin C. Williams, Jamille F. Hetke, Elizabeth A. Nunamaker
, Daryl R. Kipke:
Chronic neural recording using silicon-substrate microelectrode arrays implanted in cerebral cortex. 896-904 - Iyad Obeid
, Patrick D. Wolf:
Evaluation of spike-detection algorithms fora brain-machine interface application. 905-911 - Frank D. Wood, Michael J. Black, Carlos Vargas-Irwin, Matthew Fellows, John P. Donoghue:
On the variability of manual spike sorting. 912-918 - Chad A. Bossetti, Jose M. Carmena, Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, Patrick D. Wolf:
Transmission latencies in a telemetry-linked brain-machine interface. 919-924 - Caleb Kemere
, Krishna V. Shenoy, Teresa H. Meng:
Model-based neural decoding of reaching movements: a maximum likelihood approach. 925-932 - Wei Wu, Michael J. Black, David Mumford, Yun Gao, Elie Bienenstock, John P. Donoghue:
Modeling and decoding motor cortical activity using a switching Kalman filter. 933-942 - Justin C. Sanchez, Jose M. Carmena, Mikhail A. Lebedev
, Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, John G. Harris, José C. Príncipe:
Ascertaining the importance of neurons to develop better brain-machine interfaces. 943-953 - Bernhard Graimann, Jane E. Huggins
, Simon P. Levine, Gert Pfurtscheller:
Toward a direct brain interface based on human subdural recordings and wavelet-packet analysis. 954-962 - Joseph T. Francis
, John K. Chapin:
Force field apparatus for investigating movement control in small animals. 963-965 - Nikolaus Weiskopf, Klaus Mathiak, Simon W. Bock, Frank Scharnowski
, Ralf Veit
, Wolfgang Grodd, Rainer Goebel
, Niels Birbaumer
Principles of a brain-computer interface (BCI) based on real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). 966-970 - Thilo Hinterberger, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Ralf Veit
, Barbara Wilhelm, Elena Betta, Niels Birbaumer
An EEG-driven brain-computer interface combined with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). 971-974 - Ben H. Jansen, Anand Allam, Prashant Kota, Kathleen Lachance, Ayokunle Osho, Karthik Sundaresan:
An exploratory study of factors affecting single trial P300 detection. 975-978 - Reinhold Scherer
, Gernot R. Müller, Christa Neuper, Bernhard Graimann, Gert Pfurtscheller:
An asynchronously controlled EEG-based virtual keyboard: improvement of the spelling rate. 979-984 - Jaimie F. Borisoff, Steven G. Mason, Ali Bashashati, Gary E. Birch:
Brain-computer interface design for asynchronous control applications: improvements to the LF-ASD asynchronous brain switch. 985-992 - Guido Dornhege, Benjamin Blankertz, Gabriel Curio
, Klaus-Robert Müller
Boosting bit rates in noninvasive EEG single-trial classifications by feature combination and multiclass paradigms. 993-1002 - Thomas Navin Lal, Michael Schröder, Thilo Hinterberger, Jason Weston, Martin Bogdan, Niels Birbaumer
, Bernhard Schölkopf:
Support vector channel selection in BCI. 1003-1010 - Thilo Hinterberger, Stefan Schmidt, Nicola Neumann
, Jürgen Mellinger, Benjamin Blankertz, Gabriel Curio
, Niels Birbaumer
Brain-computer communication and slow cortical potentials. 1011-1018 - Yong Li, Xiaorong Gao, Hesheng Liu
, Shangkai Gao:
Classification of single-trial electroencephalogram during finger movement. 1019-1025 - José del R. Millán
, Frédéric Renkens, Josep Mouriño, Wulfram Gerstner
Noninvasive brain-actuated control of a mobile robot by human EEG. 1026-1033 - Gerwin Schalk
, Dennis J. McFarland, Thilo Hinterberger, Niels Birbaumer
, Jonathan R. Wolpaw
BCI2000: a general-purpose brain-computer interface (BCI) system. 1034-1043 - Benjamin Blankertz, Klaus-Robert Müller
, Gabriel Curio
, Theresa M. Vaughan, Gerwin Schalk
, Jonathan R. Wolpaw
, Alois Schlögl
, Christa Neuper, Gert Pfurtscheller, Thilo Hinterberger, Michael Schröder, Niels Birbaumer
The BCI competition 2003: progress and perspectives in detection and discrimination of EEG single trials. 1044-1051 - Brett D. Mensh, Justin Werfel, H. Sebastian Seung:
BCI competition 2003-data set Ia: combining gamma-band power with slow cortical potentials to improve single-trial classification of electroencephalographic signals. 1052-1056 - Vladimir Bostanov
BCI competition 2003-data sets Ib and IIb: feature extraction from event-related brain potentials with the continuous wavelet transform and the t-value scalogram. 1057-1061 - Gilles Blanchard, Benjamin Blankertz:
BCI competition 2003-data set IIa: spatial patterns of self-controlled brain rhythm modulations. 1062-1066 - Neng Xu, Xiaorong Gao, Bo Hong
, Xiaobo Miao, Shangkai Gao, Fusheng Yang:
BCI competition 2003-data set IIb: enhancing P300 wave detection using ICA-based subspace projections for BCI applications. 1067-1072 - Matthias Kaper, Peter Meinicke, Ulf Großekathöfer, Thomas Lingner, Helge J. Ritter:
BCI competition 2003-data set IIb: support vector machines for the P300 speller paradigm. 1073-1076 - Steven Lemm, Christin Schäfer, Gabriel Curio
BCI competition 2003-data set III: probabilistic modeling of sensorimotor μ rhythms for classification of imaginary hand movements. 1077-1080 - Yijun Wang, Zhiguang Zhang, Yong Li, Xiaorong Gao, Shangkai Gao, Fusheng Yang:
BCI competition 2003-data set IV: An algorithm based on CSSD and FDA for classifying single-trial EEG. 1081-1086
Volume 51, Number 7, 2004
- Yanming Huo, Rajeev Bansal, Quing Zhu:
Modeling of noninvasive microwave characterization of breast tumors. 1089-1094 - Szymon Jaroszewicz
, Dan A. Simovici, Winston Patrick Kuo, Lucila Ohno-Machado
The Goodman-Kruskal coefficient and its applications in genetic diagnosis of cancer. 1095-1102 - Behrang Amini
, Akhil Bidani, Joseph B. Zwischenberger, John W. Clark Jr.:
A model of the rat phrenic motor neuron. 1103-1114 - Elisa Magosso
, Mauro Ursino
, Johannes H. van Oostrom
Opioid-induced respiratory depression: a mathematical model for fentanyl. 1115-1128 - Marian Kotas
Projective filtering of time-aligned ECG beats. 1129-1139 - Antônio Maurício Ferreira Leite Miranda de Sá
, Leonardo Bonato Felix
, Antonio Fernando C. Infantosi:
A matrix-based algorithm for estimating multiple coherence of a periodic signal and its application to the multichannel EEG during sensory stimulation. 1140-1146 - Daniel J. Strauss
, Wolfgang Delb, Peter K. Plinkert:
Objective detection of the central auditory processing disorder: A new machine learning approach. 1147-1155 - Luca Faes
, Gian Domenico Pinna
, Alberto Porta
, Roberto Maestri
, Giandomenico Nollo
Surrogate data analysis for assessing the significance of the coherence function. 1156-1166 - Piotr J. Durka
, Jaroslaw Zygierewicz
, Hubert Klekowicz, Józef Ginter
, Katarzyna J. Blinowska
On the statistical significance of event-related EEG desynchronization and synchronization in the time-frequency plane. 1167-1175 - José Joaquín Rieta
, Francisco Castells
, César Sánchez
, Vicente Zarzoso, José Millet
Atrial activity extraction for atrial fibrillation analysis using blind source separation. 1176-1186 - Brigitte H. Boudreau, Kevin B. Englehart
, Adrian D. C. Chan, Philip A. Parker:
Reduction of stimulus artifact in somatosensory evoked potentials: segmented versus subthreshold training. 1187-1195 - Philip de Chazal
, Maria O'Dwyer, Richard B. Reilly
Automatic classification of heartbeats using ECG morphology and heartbeat interval features. 1196-1206 - Jiri Vrba, Stephen E. Robinson, Jack McCubbin, Curtis L. Lowery, Hari Eswaran, James D. Wilson, Pamela Murphy, Hubert Preissl
Fetal MEG redistribution by projection operators. 1207-1218 - Matthew W. Kay
, Philip M. Amison, Jack M. Rogers
Three-dimensional surface reconstruction and panoramic optical mapping of large hearts. 1219-1229 - Smadar Gefen, Oleh J. Tretiak, Louise Bertrand, Glenn D. Rosen
, Jonathan Nissanov:
Surface alignment of an elastic body using a multiresolution wavelet representation. 1230-1241 - Zeng Lertmanorat, Dominique M. Durand
A novel electrode array for diameter-dependent control of axonal excitability: a Simulation study. 1242-1250 - A. E. Hoetink, Theo J. C. Faes, K. R. Visser, Rob M. Heethaar:
On the flow dependency of the electrical conductivity of blood. 1251-1261 - Kerem Ediz, Nejat Olgaç
Microdynamics of the piezo-driven pipettes in ICSI. 1262-1268 - Liang-Yu Shyu, Ying-Hsuan Wu, Weichih Hu:
Using wavelet transform and fuzzy neural network for VPC detection from the holter ECG. 1269-1273 - Noël Bonnet, Manuela Matos, Myriam Polette
, Jean-Marie Zahm, Béatrice Nawrocki-Raby
, Philippe Birembaut:
A density-based cellular automaton model for studying the clustering of noninvasive cells. 1274-1276 - Jaakko Malmivuo, Veikko E. Suihko:
Effect of skull resistivity on the spatial resolutions of EEG and MEG. 1276-1280 - Jacek M. Leski
, Adam Gacek
Computationally effective algorithm for robust weighted averaging. 1280-1284 - David M. Simpson, Ronney B. Panerai, Eloane G. Ramos, José Maria A. Lopes, Monica N. Villar Marinatto, Jurandir Nadal
, David H. Evans:
Assessing blood flow control through a bootstrap method. 1284-1286 - Tang-Kai Yin, Nan-Tsing Chiu:
A computer-aided diagnosis for distinguishing Tourette's syndrome from chronic tic disorder in children by a fuzzy system with a two-step minimization approach. 1286-1295 - Sergio Martinoia
, Paolo Massobrio, Marco Bove, Giuseppe Massobrio:
Correction to "Effect of Skull Resistivity on the Spatial Resolutions of EEG and MEG". 1295
Volume 51, Number 8, 2004
- Uyen D. Nguyen, J. Steven Brown, Isaac A. Chang, Joseph Krycia, Mark S. Mirotznik:
Numerical evaluation of heating of the human head due to magnetic resonance imaging. 1301-1309 - Leon Heller, Douglas M. Ranken, Elaine Best:
The magnetic field inside special conducting geometries due to internal current. 1310-1318 - Marie-Claude Trudel, Bruno Dubé, Mark Potse
, Ramesh M. Gulrajani, L. Joshua Leon:
Simulation of QRST integral maps with a membrane-based computer heart model employing parallel processing. 1319-1329 - Matjaz Mihelj
, Marko Munih
Unsupported standing with minimized ankle muscle fatigue. 1330-1340 - Henrich Mannel, Frédéric Marin
, Lutz Claes, Lutz Dürselen:
Establishment of a knee-joint coordinate system from helical axes analysis-a kinematic approach without anatomical referencing. 1341-1347 - Enrique J. Berjano
, Fernando Hornero:
Thermal-electrical modeling for epicardial atrial radiofrequency ablation. 1348-1357 - Mark A. Kramer, Andrew J. Szeri
Quantitative approximation of the cortical surface potential from EEG and ECoG measurements. 1358-1365 - Daryl G. Beetner
, R. Martin Arthur:
Estimation of heart-surface potentials using regularized multipole sources. 1366-1373 - Peter beim Graben, Stefan Frisch
Is it positive or negative? On determining ERP components. 1374-1382 - Dario Farina, Marco Pozzo, Enrico Merlo, Andrea Bottin, Roberto Merletti:
Assessment of average muscle fiber conduction velocity from surface EMG signals during fatiguing dynamic contractions. 1383-1393 - Jörg Lohscheller
, Michael Döllinger
, Maria Schuster, Raphael Schwarz, Ulrich Eysholdt, Ulrich Hoppe:
Quantitative investigation of the vibration pattern of the substitute voice generator. 1394-1400 - Zhishun Wang, Zhenya He, Jiande D. Z. Chen:
Chaotic behavior of gastric migrating myoelectrical complex. 1401-1406 - Mang I Vai, Li-Gao Zhou:
Beat-to-beat ECG ventricular late potentials variance detection by filter bank and wavelet transform as beat-sequence filter. 1407-1413 - Alfred P. Hallstrom, Phyllis K. Stein
, Raphael Schneider
, Morrison Hodges, Georg Schmidt, Kurt Ulm:
Structural relationships between measures based on heart beat intervals: potential for improved risk assessment. 1414-1420 - Yolocuauhtli Salazar
, Ramon Bragós
, Oscar Casas
, Juan Cinca, Javier Rosell
Transmural versus nontransmural in situ electrical impedance spectrum for healthy, ischemic, and healed myocardium. 1421-1427 - Nael F. Osman, Jerry L. Prince:
Regenerating MR tagged images using harmonic phase (HARP) methods. 1428-1433 - Arash Salarian
, Heike Russmann, François J. G. Vingerhoets, Catherine Dehollain, Yves Blanc, Pierre R. Burkhard, Kamiar Aminian
Gait assessment in Parkinson's disease: toward an ambulatory system for long-term monitoring. 1434-1443 - Enrique Mario Spinelli
, Nolberto H. Martínez, Miguel Angel Mayosky
, Ramon Pallàs-Areny:
A novel fully differential biopotential amplifier with DC suppression. 1444-1448 - Michael S. Morse, Jennifer S. Berg, Rachel L. TenWolde:
Diffuse electrical injury: a study of 89 subjects reporting long-term symptomatology that is remote to the theoretical current pathway. 1449-1459 - Trevor W. Dawson, Maria A. Stuchly, Robert Kavet:
Electric fields in the human body due to electrostatic discharges. 1460-1468 - Keyoor Gosalia, James D. Weiland
, Mark S. Humayun, Gianluca Lazzi:
Thermal elevation in the human eye and head due to the operation of a retinal prosthesis. 1469-1477 - Chanchana Tangwongsan, James A. Will, John G. Webster, Kenneth L. Meredith Jr., David M. Mahvi:
In vivo measurement of swine endocardial convective heat transfer coefficient. 1478-1486 - Sérgio Francisco Pichorim, Paulo José Abatti
Design of coils for millimeter- and submillimeter-sized biotelemetry. 1487-1489 - Martin Wawro, Madjid Fathi-Torbaghan:
A parallel framework for the FE-based simulation of knee joint motion. 1490-1494 - Jong-Min Lee, Uicheul Yoon, Jae-Jin Kim
, In-Young Kim, Dong Soo Lee, Jun Soo Kwon, Sun I. Kim:
Analysis of the hemispheric asymmetry using fractal dimension of a skeletonized cerebral surface. 1494-1498
Volume 51, Number 9, 2004
- Rafal Kus, Maciej Kaminski
, Katarzyna J. Blinowska
Determination of EEG activity propagation: pair-wise versus multichannel estimate. 1501-1510 - Esther Pueyo
, Peter Smetana, Pere Caminal, Antoni Bayés de Luna, Marek Malik, Pablo Laguna
Characterization of QT interval adaptation to RR interval changes and its use as a risk-stratifier of arrhythmic mortality in amiodarone-treated survivors of acute myocardial infarction. 1511-1520 - Luca Mesin
, Dario Farina:
Simulation of surface EMG signals generated by muscle tissues with inhomogeneity due to fiber pinnation. 1521-1529 - Asli Ozdas, Richard G. Shiavi, Stephen E. Silverman, Marilyn K. Silverman, D. Mitchell Wilkes:
Investigation of vocal jitter and glottal flow spectrum as possible cues for depression and near-term suicidal risk. 1530-1540 - Nils Östlund, Jun Yu
, J. Stefan Karlsson:
Improved maximum frequency estimation with application to instantaneous mean frequency estimation of surface electromyography. 1541-1546 - Outi R. M. Ryynänen, Jari A. K. Hyttinen
, Päivi H. Laarne, Jaakko Malmivuo:
Effect of electrode density and measurement noise on the spatial resolution of cortical potential distribution. 1547-1554 - Dario Farina, Cédric Févotte, Christian Doncarli, Roberto Merletti:
Blind separation of linear instantaneous mixtures of nonstationary surface myoelectric signals. 1555-1567 - Petre Stoica, Yngve Selén, Niclas Sandgren, Sabine Van Huffel:
Using prior knowledge in SVD-based parameter estimation for magnetic resonance spectroscopy-the ATP example. 1568-1578 - Sirong Chen, Dagan Feng:
Noninvasive quantification of the differential portal and arterial contribution to the liver blood supply from PET measurements using the 11C-acetate kinetic model. 1579-1585 - Tim A. Wagner, Markus Zahn, Alan J. Grodzinsky, Alvaro Pascual-Leone:
Three-dimensional head model Simulation of transcranial magnetic stimulation. 1586-1598 - María-Elena Algorri, Fernando Flores-Mangas:
Classification of anatomical structures in mr brain images using fuzzy parameters. 1599-1608 - Bernd Messnarz, Michael Seger, Robert Modre, Gerald Fischer
, Friedrich Hanser, Bernhard Tilg:
A comparison of noninvasive reconstruction of epicardial versus transmembrane potentials in consideration of the null space. 1609-1618 - D. Robert Iskander, Michael J. Collins
, Siegfried Mioschek, Martin Trunk:
Automatic pupillometry from digital images. 1619-1627 - Justin Novosad, Farida Cheriet, Yvan Petit
, Hubert Labelle:
Three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of the spine from a single X-ray image and prior vertebra models. 1628-1639 - Conrad D. James, Andrew J. H. Spence, Natalie M. Dowell-Mesfin, Rifat J. Hussain, Karen L. Smith, Harold G. Craighead, Michael S. Isaacson, William Shain, James N. Turner:
Extracellular recordings from patterned neuronal networks using planar microelectrode arrays. 1640-1648 - Daniel K. Leventhal
, Dominique M. Durand
Chronic measurement of the stimulation selectivity of the flat interface nerve electrode. 1649-1658 - Frank Rattay
, Susanne Resatz:
Effective electrode configuration for selective stimulation with inner eye prostheses. 1659-1664 - Murat Sekerli, Christopher A. Del Negro, Robert H. Lee, Robert J. Butera
Estimating action potential thresholds from neuronal time-series: new metrics and evaluation of methodologies. 1665-1672 - Uwe Hampel
, Eckhard Schleicher, Eike Gunter Wustenberg, Karl-Bernd Huttenbrink:
Optical measurement of nasal swellings. 1673-1679 - Rolando Grave de Peralta Menendez, Micah M. Murray
, Sara González Andino:
Improving the performance of linear inverse solutions by inverting the resolution matrix. 1680-1683 - Andriy Bandrivskyy, Alan Bernjak
, Peter V. E. McClintock, Aneta Stefanovska
Role of transdermal potential difference during iontophoretic drug delivery. 1683-1685 - José J. Segura-Juarez, David Cuesta-Frau
, Luis Samblas-Peña, Mateo Aboy
A microcontroller-based portable electrocardiograph recorder. 1686-1690
Volume 51, Number 10, 2004
- Christopher W. Connor, Kullervo Hynynen:
Patterns of thermal deposition in the skull during transcranial focused ultrasound surgery. 1693-1706 - Allison M. Okamura
, Christina Simone, Mark D. O'Leary:
Force modeling for needle insertion into soft tissue. 1707-1716 - Yorgos Goletsis
, Costas Papaloukas
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Aristidis Likas, Lampros K. Michalis
Automated ischemic beat classification using genetic algorithms and multicriteria decision analysis. 1717-1725 - Kensuke Sekihara, Srikantan S. Nagarajan, David Poeppel, Alec Marantz
Asymptotic SNR of scalar and vector minimum-variance beamformers for neuromagnetic source reconstruction. 1726-1734 - Takashi Watanabe, Kajiro Watanabe:
Noncontact method for sleep stage estimation. 1735-1748 - Sanjiv M. Narayan, Valmik Bhargava:
Temporal and spatial phase analyses of the electrocardiogram stratify intra-atrial and intra-ventricular organization. 1749-1764 - Lawrence H. Yu, Moshe Eizenman:
A new methodology for determining point-of-gaze in head-mounted eye tracking systems. 1765-1773 - Itzhak Pinhas, Eran Toledo, Dan Aravot, Solange Akselrod:
Bicoherence analysis of new cardiovascular spectral components observed in heart-transplant patients: statistical approach for bicoherence thresholding. 1774-1783 - Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Peter Alshede Philipsen
, Lars Kai Hansen
, Jan Larsen
, Monika Gniadecka, Hans-Christian Wulf:
Detection of skin cancer by classification of Raman spectra. 1784-1793 - Hesheng Liu
, Xiaorong Gao, Paul H. Schimpf, Fusheng Yang, Shangkai Gao:
A recursive algorithm for the three-dimensional imaging of brain electric activity: shrinking LORETA-FOCUSS. 1794-1802 - Bo Pang, David Zhang
, Naimin Li, Kuanquan Wang:
Computerized tongue diagnosis based on Bayesian networks. 1803-1810 - Wei Geng, Pamela C. Cosman
, Charles C. Berry, Zhaoyang Feng, William R. Schafer
Automatic tracking, feature extraction and classification of C. elegans phenotypes. 1811-1820 - Sennay Ghebreab, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Combining strings and necklaces for interactive three-dimensional segmentation of spinal images using an Integral deformable spine model. 1821-1829 - R. Srinivasan, Megha Singh:
Multislice tomographic imaging and analysis of human breast-equivalent phantoms and biological tissues. 1830-1837 - Kevin Paulson, Michael Pidcock, Chris N. McLeod:
A probe for organ impedance measurement. 1838-1844 - William R. Patterson, Yoon-Kyu Song, Christopher W. Bull, Ilker Ozden, Andrew P. Deangellis, Christopher Lay, J. Lucas McKay, Arto V. Nurmikko, John D. Donoghue, Barry W. Connors
A microelectrode/microelectronic hybrid device for brain implantable neuroprosthesis applications. 1845-1853 - H. M. Yin, Lizhi Sun, Ge Wang
, Michael W. Vannier
Modeling of elastic modulus evolution of cirrhotic human liver. 1854-1857 - Alan W. L. Chiu, Berj L. Bardakjian:
Control of state transitions in an in silico model of epilepsy using small perturbations. 1856-1860 - Yu-Chi Lai, Young Bin Choy, Dieter Haemmerich
, Vicken R. Vorperian, John G. Webster:
Lesion size estimator of cardiac radiofrequency ablation at different common locations with different tip temperatures. 1859-1864
Volume 51, Number 11, 2004
- Guido E. Van Poucke, Louis J. B. Bravo, Steven L. Shafer
Target controlled infusions: targeting the effect site while limiting peak plasma concentration. 1869-1875 - Hui-Hing Lin, Carolyn L. Beck, Marc J. Bloom
On the use of multivariable piecewise-linear models for predicting human response to anesthesia. 1876-1887 - Björn Hammarberg, Erik Stålberg:
Novel ideas for fast muscle action potential simulations using the line source model. 1888-1897 - Jin Keun Seo, Ohin Kwon, Habib Ammari, Eung Je Woo:
A mathematical model for breast cancer lesion estimation: electrical impedance technique using TS2000 commercial system. 1898-1906 - Poman P. M. So, Maria A. Stuchly, John A. Nyenhuis:
Peripheral nerve stimulation by gradient switching fields in magnetic resonance imaging. 1907-1914 - Adam Kapela, Anastasios Bezerianos
A theoretical model of the high-frequency arrhythmogenic depolarization signal following myocardial infarction. 1915-1922 - Espen W. Remme
, Alistair A. Young
, Kevin F. Augenstein, Brett R. Cowan, Peter J. Hunter
Extraction and quantification of left ventricular deformation modes. 1923-1931 - Georgios D. Mitsis
, Marc J. Poulin, Peter A. Robbins
, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis:
Nonlinear modeling of the dynamic effects of arterial pressure and CO2 variations on cerebral blood flow in healthy humans. 1932-1943 - Yasser M. Kadah
Adaptive denoising of event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging data using spectral subtraction. 1944-1953 - Metin Akay, Masaki Sekine:
The effects of maturation on early and late phases of phrenic neurogram during eupnea. 1954-1959 - Rodrigo Weber dos Santos
, Gernot Plank
, Steffen Bauer, Edward J. Vigmond
Parallel multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model. 1960-1968 - D. Robert Iskander, Michael J. Collins
, Mark R. Morelande, Mingxia Zhu:
Analyzing the dynamic wavefront aberrations in the human eye. 1969-1980 - Boris Baryshnikov, Barry D. Van Veen, Ronald T. Wakai
Maximum-likelihood estimation of low-rank signals for multiepoch MEG/EEG analysis. 1981-1993 - Quentin Noirhomme
, Matthieu Ferrant, Yves Vandermeeren
, Etienne Olivier, Benoît Macq, Olivier Cuisenaire
Registration and real-time visualization of transcranial magnetic stimulation with 3-D MR images. 1994-2005 - William V. Nicholson
Object detection by correlation coefficients using azimuthally averaged reference projections. 2006-2012 - Jinshan Tang
, Jeonghoon Kim, Eli Peli
Image enhancement in the JPEG domain for people with vision impairment. 2013-2023 - K. H. Lee, M. C. Cheng, K. C. Chan, K. K. Wong, S. S. M. Yeung, K. C. Lee, Q. Y. Ma, E. S. Yang:
Performance of large-size Superconducting coil in 0.21T MRI system. 2024-2030 - Thomas Degen, Heinz Jäckel:
Enhancing interference rejection of preamplified electrodes by automated gain adaption. 2031-2039 - Yue Li
, Rachid Aissaoui, Michèle Lacoste, Jean Dansereau:
Development and evaluation of a new body-seat interface shape measurement system. 2040-2050 - Jaap van Pelt, Pieter S. Wolters, Michael A. Corner, Wim L. C. Rutten, Ger J. A. Ramakers:
Long-term characterization of firing dynamics of spontaneous bursts in cultured neural networks. 2051-2062 - Scott T. Retterer
, Karen L. Smith, Christopher Björnsson, Keith B. Neeves, Andrew J. H. Spence, James N. Turner, William Shain, Michael S. Isaacson:
Model neural prostheses with integrated microfluidics: a potential intervention strategy for controlling reactive cell and tissue responses. 2063-2073 - Kevin R. Forrester, John Tulip, Catherine Leonard, Cody Stewart, Robert C. Bray:
A laser speckle imaging technique for measuring tissue perfusion. 2074-2084 - Kumari L. Fernando, V. John Mathews, Edward B. Clark:
A mathematical basis for the application of the modified geometric method to maximum frequency estimation. 2085-2088
Volume 51, Number 12, 2004
- Gary A. Pressler, Jeffrey P. Mansfield, Hans Pasterkamp
, George R. Wodicka:
Detection of respiratory sounds at the external ear. 2089-2096 - Peter Aberg, Ingrid Nicander, Johan Hansson, Paul Geladi, Ulf Holmgren, Stig Ollmar:
Skin cancer identification using multifrequency electrical impedance-a potential screening tool. 2097-2102 - Lisa Lazareck, Zahra M. K. Moussavi:
Classification of normal and dysphagic swallows by acoustical means. 2103-2112 - David Gutiérrez
, Arye Nehorai, Carlos H. Muravchik
Estimating brain conductivities and dipole source signals with EEG arrays. 2113-2122 - Jan Casper de Munck
, Fetsje Bijma, Pawel Gaura, Cezary Andrzej Sieluzycki
, Maria Ines Branco, Rob M. Heethaar:
A maximum-likelihood estimator for trial-to-trial variations in noisy MEG/EEG data sets. 2123-2128 - Robert Van Uitert, Chris R. Johnson, Leonid Zhukov:
Influence of head tissue conductivity in forward and inverse magnetoencephalographic Simulations using realistic head models. 2129-2137 - Madeleine M. Lowery
, Nikolay S. Stoykov, Julius P. A. Dewald, Todd A. Kuiken:
Volume conduction in an anatomically based surface EMG model. 2138-2147 - Oana G. Cula, Kristin J. Dana, Frank P. Murphy, Babar K. Rao:
Bidirectional imaging and modeling of skin texture. 2148-2159 - Rajesh Kariya, David L. Mathine, Jennifer K. Barton:
Analog CMOS circuit design and characterization for optical coherence tomography signal processing. 2160-2163 - Eric Quenneville, Jean-Sébastien Binette, Martin Garon, Anne Legare, Michel Meunier
, Michael D. Buschmann
Fabrication and characterization of nonplanar microelectrode array circuits for use in arthroscopic diagnosis of cartilage diseases. 2164-2173 - Filiep J. Vanpoucke
, Andrzej J. Zarowski, Stefaan A. Peeters:
Identification of the impedance model of an implanted cochlear prosthesis from intracochlear potential measurements. 2174-2183 - Takemi Matsui
, Kousuke Hagisawa
, Toshiaki Ishizuka, Bonpei Takase, Masayuki Ishihara, Makoto Kikuchi:
A novel method to prevent secondary exposure of medical and rescue personnel to toxic materials under biochemical hazard conditions using microwave radar and infrared thermography. 2184-2188 - Arantxa Uranga
, Xavier Navarro
, Núria Barniol
Integrated CMOS amplifier for ENG signal recording. 2188-2194 - Trevor W. Dawson, Maria A. Stuchly, Robert Kavet:
Evaluation of interactions of electric fields due to electrostatic discharge with human tissue. 2194-2198 - Mateo Aboy
, James McNames, Tran Thong, Charles R. Phillips, Miles S. Ellenby, Brahm Goldstein:
A novel algorithm to estimate the pulse pressure variation index ΔPP. 2198-2203 - D. Robert Iskander, Mark R. Morelande, Michael J. Collins
, Tobias Buehren:
A refined bootstrap method for estimating the Zernike polynomial model order for corneal surfaces. 2203-2206 - Roger Dzwonczyk, Carlos del-Rio
, David A. Brown, Robert E. Michler, Randal K. Wolf, Michael B. Howie:
Myocardial electrical impedance responds to ischemia and reperfusion in humans. 2206-2209 - Sanjeev D. Nandedkar, D. S. Nandedkar, Paul E. Barkhaus, Erik Stålberg:
Motor unit number index (MUNIX). 2209-2211 - Enric Claverol-Tinturé, Zoltan Nadasdy
Intersection of microwire electrodes with proximal CA1 stratum-pyramidale neurons at insertion for multiunit recordings predicted by a 3-D computer model. 2211-2216 - Nicholas Sperelakis, Bijoy Kalloor:
Effect of variation in membrane excitability on propagation velocity of simulated action potentials for cardiac muscle and smooth muscle in the electric field model for cell-to-cell transmission of excitation. 2216-2219

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