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Robotica, Volume 5
Volume 5, Number 1, January 1987
- Joonhong Lim, Dong H. Chyung:
Resolved position control for two cooperating robot arms. 9-15 - Kenneth H. Hunt:
Special configurations of robot-arms via screw theory. 17-22 - Ahmad Hemami:
On a human-arm-like mechanical manipulator. 23-28 - W. Edward Red, K. H. Kim:
Dynamic direct subspaces for robot path planning. 29-36 - Robert Couderc, Georges Fannechère, Jean-François Poiraudeau, Serge Roux:
A method for the generation and recording of industrial robots continuous trajectories. 37-44 - Evgeny Krustev, Ljubomir Lilov:
Extended kinematic path control of robot arms. 45-53 - Jörg-Rüdiger Sack, Godfried T. Toussaint:
Separability of pairs of polygons through single translations. 55-63
- Alex M. Andrew:
AIRCON 2: Proceedings of Second International Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Conference, Chairmen J.H. Cook and J.P. Lamoureux, 06 10-11 1985, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A. xiv + 455 pp. 77 - Alex M. Andrew:
Turing's Man: Western Culture in The Computer Age by J. David Bolter Pelican Books, Harmondsworth, 1966, xvi + 264 pp. (£3.95). 77-78 - Alex M. Andrew:
Artificial Intelligence: Bibliographic Summaries of the Select Literature, Volume 2, edited by Henry M. Rylko The Report Store, Lawrence, Kansas, 1985 xvii + 574 pp. ($180). 78 - Iain D. Craig:
Programming in Micro-Prolog by Hugh de Saram (Ellis Horwood, Chichester, U.K., 1985 (£11.95). 78 - Iain D. Craig:
Getting Computers to Talk Like You and Me by Rachel Reichman MIT Press, London, 1985 (£19.95). 79 - Iain D. Craig:
A Practical Handbook for Software Development by N.D. Birrell and M.A. Ould Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 1985 (£x20). 79 - Peter B. Scott:
Robots: Planning and Implementation by Charles Morgan IFS (Publications) Ltd, U.K. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984, 195 pp., (£25 U.K.; US $39.50 elsewhere). 79 - Peter B. Scott:
Recent Advances in Robotics Edited by G. Beni and S. Hackwood Advances in Robotics Series, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, U.K., 1985 (£39.30). 79-80 - András Siegler:
Applied Dynamics and Cad of Manipulation Robots by M. Vukobratovic and V. Potkonjak Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1985, In: Scientific Fundamentals of Robotics Vol 6. 80-81 - Alex M. Andrew:
Techniques for 3-D Machine Perception by A. Rosenfeld (ed.), Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition vol 3, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, viii + 320 pp. ($50). 81 - M. W. Thring:
Teleoperated Robotics in Hostile Environments, edited by H. Lee Martin and Daniel P. Kuban. Robotics International of SME (Distributed in the U. K. by American Technical Publishers, Hitchin, Herts.), 1985 (£35). 81 - M. W. Thring:
Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, Proc of Ifac Workshop San Francisco June 1983, edited by I. D. Landau, M. Tomizuka and D. M. Auslander, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1984 ($94). 81-82 - W. K. Taylor:
Modelling and Control, by Phillippe Coiffet Kogan Page, London, 1983, 160 pp, 71 figures (£22.50). 82 - J. A. Esrom:
Government Research Directory, edited by Kay Gill and Susan E. Tufts, third edition (formerly Government Research Centers Directory), Gale Research Co., Detroit, USA, 1985, 675 pp., name and keyword index, geographic index ($325.00). 82 - J. A. Esrom:
International Research Centers Directory 1986-1987, edited by Kay Gill and Darren L. Smith, third edition, Gale Research Co., Detroit, USA, 1110 pp., name and keyword index, country index, subject index ($310.00). 82 - J. A. Esrom:
Program Design with Pseudocode by T. E. Bailey and Kris Lundgaard, second edition, Brooks/Cole Series in Computer Science, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Monterey, California, 1986 (£13.95). 82-83 - Tony Owen:
Book reviews. 83 - Iain D. Craig:
The Design of Interactive Computer Displays by Kate McGee and Catherine Matthews (A guide to selected literature) The Report Store, Lawrence, Kansas, 1985 ($125). 83
Volume 5, Number 2, April 1987
- Alex M. Andrew:
Editorial for special A.I. issue. 87-88
- Masoud Yazdani, Blay Whitby:
Artificial Intelligence: building birds out of beer cans. 89-92 - Peter Mowforth, Ivan Bratko:
AI and Robotics; Flexibility and Integration. 93-98 - Igor Aleksander:
Artificial intelligence for production engineering: a historical approach. 99-110 - Alex M. Andrew:
How robotics expands A.I. 111-115 - Trevor N. Mudge, Jerry L. Turney, Richard A. Volz:
Automatic generation of salient features for the recognition of partially occluded parts. 117-127 - Hubert Emptoz, Michel Lamure:
A systemic approach to pattern recognition. 129-133
- Alex M. Andrew:
New Horizons in Educational Computing, edited by Masoud Yazdani, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1984, 314 pp. (£16.50). 135 - Alex M. Andrew:
Artificial Intelligence: Applications in the Future of Software Engineering by Derek Partridge Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1986, 241 pp. (£25.00). 136 - Alex M. Andrew:
On Machine Intelligence (Second Edition) by Donald Michie Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1986, xii + 271pp. (£29.95). 136-137 - Alex M. Andrew:
Artificial Intelligence and Man-Machine Systems (Vol 80 in Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Series), edited by H. Winter Springer, Berlin, 1986, 211 pp. (DM 41). 137 - Alex M. Andrew:
Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea, by John Haugeland MIT Press, London 1985 and 1986, 287 pp. (£14.95). 137 - Iain D. Craig:
The Design of Interactive Computer Displays II - A Guide to Selected Periodicals, by Kate McGee (Compiling Editor) The Report Store Lawrence, Kansas, 105 pp, 1986 ($25.00). 138 - H. H. Rosenbrock:
Applied Digital Control edited by S.G. Tzafestas, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, xvi + 306pp., 1985 (63.00). 138 - H. H. Rosenbrock:
Control Systems Engineering, By Stephen P. Banks Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead, U.K., 1986 ($13.95). 138 - M. W. Thring:
Robot Grippers, edited by D.T. Pham and W.B. Heginbotham IFS (Publications) UK, 1986 ($59). 138-139 - Alex M. Andrew:
The Scientific Datalink Index to Artificial Intelligence Research 1954-1984, in 4 volumes, edited and published by Scientific Datalink, New York Distributed (outside the United States, its possessions, and Canada) by John Wiley and Sons. Author and Title Indices volume, xii + 363 pp.; Subject Index volume, xii + 1136 pp.; Abstracts volume 1, xii + 634pp.; Abstracts volume 2, x +672 pp. (£685). 139 - Peter B. Scott, Arthur D. Little:
Decision and Intelligence by Igor Aleksander, Henri Farreny & Malik Ghallab, 203 pages, line drawings, Kogan Page, London 1986 (£25). 140 - Robin E. J. Chater:
Automation For Mineral Resource Development edited by A.W. Norrie and D.R. Turner Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1986 ($81.80). 140-141 - Peter B. Scott, Arthur D. Little:
'Is Man A Robot?' by Geoff Simons 316 pages plus xvi, no illustrations, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1986 (£14.95). 141 - P. Martin:
Proceedings International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation Isata 85 Graz, Austria, 23rd-27th September, 1985 Automotive Automation Croydon, England, 1985 (no price given). 141-142 - J. W. Cleaver:
Engineering Thermodynamics by Dwight & Look Jr. and Harry & Jr Saner Prindle, Weber & Schmidt (Van Nostrand Reinhold, U.K.), 1986 (£14.95). 142 - J. D. Parsons:
Cellular and Mobile Communications International Online, Pinner, Middlesex, England, 1985 (£60). 142 - Iain D. Craig:
Computers and Information Processing: An Introduction by Robert Behling Kent Publishing Co., Boston Mass. (Van Nostrand Reinhold U.K.), 1986 (£14.95). 142-143 - Iain D. Craig:
Introductory Ada: Packages for Programming by Putnam P. Texel Wadsworth International, Belmont California (Van Nostrand Reinhold U.K.), 1986 (£14.95).Introduction to Ada: A Top-Down Approach for Programmers by, Phillip Caverly and Philip Goldstein Wadsworth International, Belmont California (Van Nostrand Reinhold U.K.), 1986 (£14.95). 143 - Iain D. Craig:
Modula-2 by J. Beider and P. Jackowitz PWS Engineering and Computer Science, Boston (Van Nostrand Reinhold U.K.), 1986 (£15.95).Modula-2: Programming With Data Structures by B.K. Walker Wadsworth International, Belmont, California (Van Nostrand Reinhold U.K.), 1986 (£15.95). 143 - Iain D. Craig:
Turbo Pascal for The Ibm Pc by Loren E. Radford and Roger W. Haigh Wadsworth International, Belmont, California (Van Nostrand Reinhold U.K.), (1986) (£12.95). 143-144 - J. A. Rose:
Iankey Vicar for Basic (£49 FOR Microsoft/IBM/GW/Quick Basic on the IBM PC and IBM clones, £49 for BBC Basic under CP/M, £26 on the Amstrad CPC)Iankey Vicar for Pascal (£49 for Turbo Pascal on the IBM PC and IBM clones, £79 for Pro/MT/MS Pascal on the IBM PC and clones, £26 for Pro/MT/MS/ Turbo Pascal on the Amstrad CPC) (Iansyst Ltd, Omnibus Buildings, 41 North Road, London N7 9DP). 144 - Peter B. Scott, Arthur D. Little:
Intelligent Machinery-Theory and Practice edited by Ian Benson, 168 pages, black & white figures Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, 168 pp ($34.50). 144
- Hyung Suck Cho, Hans-Jürgen Warnecke, D. G. Gweon:
Robotic assembly: a synthesizing overview. 153-165 - Keith E. McKee:
Machine tool technology: an extended view. 167-172
Volume 5, Number 3, July 1987
- J. A. Rose:
World Organization of General Systems & Cybernetics. 186
- B. John Oommen, Irwin Reichstein:
On the problem of translating an elliptic object through a workspace of elliptic obstacles. 187-196 - Li-de Yu, Neil F. Stewart:
Distance estimation in a system with a mobile camera. 197-200 - Joseph Ciccotelli, Michel Dufaut, René Husson:
Control of tracking systems by image correlation. 201-206 - Simon D. Hill, Richard J. Vaccaro:
Cartesian control of robotic manipulators with joint compliance. 207-215 - Robert Harrison, Richard H. Weston, Philip R. Moore, Terence William Thatcher:
A study of application areas for modular robots. 217-221 - Benjamin W. Mooring, T. J. Pack:
Aspects of robot repeatability. 223-230 - Edward T. Lee, P. Chu, C. Peng Wu:
Applications of entity-relationship model to picture description. 231-234 - Maria L. Gini:
The future of robot programming. 235-246 - Claude Vibet:
Work-space robot controllers. 247-250 - P. L. Primrose, R. Leonard:
An approach for negating the view that technology 'competes' with humans. 251-255
- P. L. Primrose:
Automation and Industrial Workers A Cross-National Comparison of Fifteen Countries, Volume 2 Parts 1 and 2. Edited by F. Adler et al. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1986 ($100.00). 257 - S. Hall:
Computer Aided Electronic Engineering by W. P. O'Reilly Van Nostrand Reinhold (U.K.) Co. Ltd, Wokingham, Berks., 1986 (£8.95). 257-258 - Peter B. Scott:
Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Edited by H.-J. Warnecke Professor and R. Steinhilper, 319 pp. b/w photos and line diagrams IFS Publications, UK and Springer Verlag, Berlin 1985 (DM 148.). 258 - Peter B. Scott:
Recent Trends in Flexible Manufacturing by the Economic Commission for Europe United Nations, New York, XV + 314 pp 1986 ($33). 258 - Peter B. Scott:
Fundamentals of Robot Technology - an Introduction to industrial robots, Teleoperators and robot Vehicles by D.G. Todd, 244 pp., line drawings and b/w photos Kogan Page, London, 1986 (£13.95). 258-259 - Peter B. Scott:
Robot Technology - Theory, Design and Applications by Anthony C. MacDonald Prentice-Hall, Hemel Hampstead, UK 1986, (£35.20). 259 - Igor Aleksander:
Industrial Robots by P.L.A.P. Lammineur and O. Cornillie Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1984 ($50.00).Flexible Assembly Systems by A.E. Owen Plenum Publications, New York, 1984 ($42.50). 259-260 - J. A. Rose:
The Art of Prolog by Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. and London, England, 1986 (£19.95). 260 - Igor Aleksander:
Computer Vision and Sensor-Based Robots, by Dodd and Rossol Plenum Press, New York, 1984 ($49.50).Real Time/Parallel Computing (Image Analysis) by Onoe, Preston, and Rosenfeld Plenum Press, New York, 1984 ($52.50). 260 - K. A. Pocock:
Education and training in Robotics edited by Professor T. M. Husband, IPS (Publications) Ltd, Bedford, 1986 (£34.). 260-261 - M. W. Thring:
Design of Work in Automated Manufacturing Systems Edited by T. Martin, published for IFAC by Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1984 ($41.50). 261 - Alex M. Andrew:
Basic Artificial Intelligence, by Mike James Butterworth, London, 1986, 145pp. (£9.50)Robotics and Ai: an Introduction To applied Machine Intelligence, by Andrew C. Staugaard Jr. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1987, x + 373 pp. (£42.75). 261-262
Volume 5, Number 4, October 1987
- András Siegler:
Introduction to the special "CAD in Robotics" issue. 265-266
- Alexandr Klein:
CAD-Based off-line programming of painting robots. 267-271 - R. K. Stobart:
Geometric tools for the off-line programming of robots. 273-280 - András Siegler, Miklos Báthor, Gabor Deri:
A 3-Dimensional computer animation system with robotic applications. 281-290 - Kang Sun, Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Computer simulation of sensor-based robot collision avoidance in an unknown environment. 291-302 - J. Huebener, M. Zecha:
ARC robot programming and control system. 303-307 - Rajko Milovanovic:
Towards sensor-based general purpose robot programming language. 309-316 - V. Braibant, Michel Géradin:
Optimum path planning of robot arms. 323-331 - Luc Van Aken, Hendrik Van Brussel:
A structured geometric database in an off-line robot programming system. 333-339
- Alex M. Andrew:
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Sourcebook by V. Daniel Hunt (Advanced Industrial Technology Series) Chapman and Hall, New York, 1986, xi + 315 pp. (£35). 343 - J. A. Rose:
Artificial Intelligence for Micro-computers by Mickey Williamson, Brady Communications Company Inc, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY10020, U.S.A., 1986 (£15.60). 343-344 - Alex M. Andrew:
Brain Theory, edited by Günther Palm and Ad Aertsen, Springer, Berlin, 1986 ix + 259 pp. (DM 96.)Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures of Cognition. Vol 1: Foundations. David E. Rumelhart, James E. McClelland and the PDF Research Group. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1986, xx + 547 pp. (£27.50)Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures of Cogition. Vol 2: Psychological and Biological Models. Authorship, publisher, length and price all as for Vol 1. 344-345 - Alex M. Andrew:
Research and Development in Expert Systems III, edited by M.A. Bramer, British Computer Society Workghop Series. Cambridge University Press, 1987, 277 pp. ($39.50). 345 - Peter B. Scott:
Robotics: A Manager's Guide by Rex Maus and Randall Allsup, 238 pages, black and white photographs, line drawings. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK 1986 (£16.90). 345-346 - Peter B. Scott:
Performance and Computer Aided Design by Alain Liegeois, Published by Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead, U.K., 268 pages, line drawings and black and white figures, 1985 (£27.50). 346 - Peter B. Scott:
Computers and Human Intelligence by Jean-Dominique Warniea, Published by Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead, U.K., 141 pages, no figures, 1986 (£41.70.). 346-347 - Peter B. Scott:
Robotics and Material Flow Edited by S.Y. Nof, 205 pages, black and white photographs and line drawings, Elsevier. Amsterdam 1986. 347 - Bruno Siciliano:
Scientific Fundamentals of Robotics 3. Kinematics and Trajectory Synthesis of Manipulation Robots, by M. Vukobratović and M. Kirćanski, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 1986, x + 267 pp. (DM 118.00). 347 - P. L. Primrose:
Occupational Health and Safety in Automation and Robotics Edited by Kageyu Noro, Taylor & Francis, London 1987 (£40). 347-348 - J. A. Esrom:
Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence edited by Stuart C. Shapiro and David Eckroth, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, Chichester etc.., two volumes, xxi + 1219 pp., index, 1987 (£142.50). 348 - J. A. Esrom:
Research Centers Directory, eleventh edition, edited by Mary Michelle Watkins, Gale Research Co, Detroit, USA, two volumes, 1770 pages, five indices (Alphabetic index of research centers, Acronyms index of research centers, Institutional index, Special capabilities index and subject index), 1987 ($355 in the USA and Canada: $390.50 elsewhere). 348 - J. A. Esrom:
Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics by Jerry M. Rosenberg, John Wiley and Sons, New York, Chichester etc., 1987 (Paperback £14.75; hardback £31.85). 348 - J. A. Esrom:
Dictionary of Robot Technology by E. Bürger and G. Korzak, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 272 pp., 1986 ($64.75). 349
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