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Organization Science, Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1, January - February 2016
- Zur Shapira:
From the Editor. 1
- H. Kevin Steensma, Mukund Chari, Ralph A. Heidl
A Comparative Analysis of Patent Assertion Entities in Markets for Intellectual Property Rights. 2-17 - Pamela Adams
, Roberto Fontana, Franco Malerba:
User-Industry Spinouts: Downstream Industry Knowledge as a Source of New Firm Entry and Survival. 18-35 - Stacy E. Lom:
Changing Rules, Changing Practices: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Tight Coupling in Figure Skating. 36-52 - Mary-Hunter McDonnell:
Radical Repertoires: The Incidence and Impact of Corporate-Sponsored Social Activism. 53-71 - Kremena Slavova
, Andrea Fosfuri
, Julio O. De Castro:
Learning by Hiring: The Effects of Scientists' Inbound Mobility on Research Performance in Academia. 72-89 - Christopher C. Liu, Sameer B. Srivastava, Toby E. Stuart:
An Intraorganizational Ecology of Individual Attainment. 90-105 - Soorjith Illickal Karthikeyan
, Stefan Jonsson
, Filippo Carlo Wezel:
The Travails of Identity Change: Competitor Claims and Distinctiveness of British Political Parties, 1970-1992. 106-122 - Eric M. Anicich, Nathanael J. Fast, Nir Halevy, Adam D. Galinsky:
When the Bases of Social Hierarchy Collide: Power Without Status Drives Interpersonal Conflict. 123-140 - Ming-Hong Tsai
, Corinne Bendersky:
The Pursuit of Information Sharing: Expressing Task Conflicts as Debates vs. Disagreements Increases Perceived Receptivity to Dissenting Opinions in Groups. 141-156 - Kathryn L. Heinze
, Klaus Weber
Toward Organizational Pluralism: Institutional Intrapreneurship in Integrative Medicine. 157-172 - Ilya R. P. Cuypers, Ping-Sheng Koh
, Heli Wang
Sincerity in Corporate Philanthropy, Stakeholder Perceptions and Firm Value. 173-188 - Rajiv Krishnan Kozhikode:
Dormancy as a Strategic Response to Detrimental Public Policy. 189-206
- Eric von Hippel, Georg von Krogh
CROSSROADS - Identifying Viable "Need-Solution Pairs": Problem Solving Without Problem Formulation. 207-221 - Teppo Felin
, Todd R. Zenger
CROSSROADS - Strategy, Problems, and a Theory for the Firm. 222-231
Volume 27, Number 2, March - April 2016
- Jutta Wollersheim, Koen H. Heimeriks:
Dynamic Capabilities and Their Characteristic Qualities: Insights from a Lab Experiment. 233-248 - Constance E. Helfat, Miguel A. Campo-Rembado:
Integrative Capabilities, Vertical Integration, and Innovation Over Successive Technology Lifecycles. 249-264 - Andrew J. Nelson
How to Share "A Really Good Secret": Managing Sharing/Secrecy Tensions Around Scientific Knowledge Disclosure. 265-285 - Timothy Gubler
, Ian Larkin, Lamar Pierce:
Motivational Spillovers from Awards: Crowding Out in a Multitasking Environment. 286-303 - Gabriel Szulanski, Dimo Ringov, Robert J. Jensen:
Overcoming Stickiness: How the Timing of Knowledge Transfer Methods Affects Transfer Difficulty. 304-322 - Phanish Puranam, Murali Swamy:
How Initial Representations Shape Coupled Learning Processes. 323-335 - Haemin Dennis Park, Daniel Tzabbar:
Venture Capital, CEOs' Sources of Power, and Innovation Novelty at Different Life Stages of a New Venture. 336-353 - Yu Zhang
, Javier Gimeno
Earnings Pressure and Long-Term Corporate Governance: Can Long-Term-Oriented Investors and Managers Reduce the Quarterly Earnings Obsession? 354-372 - Gavin J. Kilduff
, Robb Willer, Cameron Anderson:
Hierarchy and Its Discontents: Status Disagreement Leads to Withdrawal of Contribution and Lower Group Performance. 373-390 - Jan-Kees Schakel
, Paul C. van Fenema, Samer Faraj
Shots Fired! Switching Between Practices in Police Work. 391-410 - Olga M. Khessina, Samira Reis
The Limits of Reflected Glory: The Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Product Name Similarity in the U.S. Network TV Program Industry, 1944-2003. 411-427 - Tai-Young Kim, Dongyoub Shin, Young-Chul Jeong
Inside the "Hybrid" Iron Cage: Political Origins of Hybridization. 428-445 - Charles Eesley
, Jian Bai Li, Delin Yang:
Does Institutional Change in Universities Influence High-Tech Entrepreneurship? Evidence from China's Project 985. 446-461 - Adam R. Fremeth, Guy L. F. Holburn, Brian K. Richter
Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Organizational Research: Applications of Synthetic Control Methodology in the U.S. Automobile Industry. 462-482 - Christopher Marquis, Michael W. Toffel
, Yanhua Zhou:
Scrutiny, Norms, and Selective Disclosure: A Global Study of Greenwashing. 483-504
Volume 27, Number 3, May - June 2016
- Martha S. Feldman, Brian T. Pentland
, Luciana D'Adderio, Nathalie Lazaric:
Beyond Routines as Things: Introduction to the Special Issue on Routine Dynamics. 505-513
- Curtis LeBaron, Marlys K. Christianson, Lyndon Garrett, Roy Ilan:
Coordinating Flexible Performance During Everyday Work: An Ethnomethodological Study of Handoff Routines. 514-534 - Jeremy Aroles
, Christine McLean
Rethinking Stability and Change in the Study of Organizational Routines: Difference and Repetition in a Newspaper-Printing Factory. 535-550 - Nicholas Berente, Kalle Lyytinen
, Youngjin Yoo
, John Leslie King:
Routines as Shock Absorbers During Organizational Transformation: Integration, Control, and NASA's Enterprise Information System. 551-572 - Stephanie Bertels, Jennifer A. Howard-Grenville
, Simon Pek:
Cultural Molding, Shielding, and Shoring at Oilco: The Role of Culture in the Integration of Routines. 573-593 - Silke Bucher
, Ann Langley
The Interplay of Reflective and Experimental Spaces in Interrupting and Reorienting Routine Dynamics. 594-613 - Patrick S. Cohendet, Laurent O. Simon:
Always Playable: Recombining Routines for Creative Efficiency at Ubisoft Montreal's Video Game Studio. 614-632 - Anja Danner-Schröder
, Daniel Geiger:
Unravelling the Motor of Patterning Work: Toward an Understanding of the Microlevel Dynamics of Standardization and Flexibility. 633-658 - Fleur Deken
, Paul R. Carlile, Hans Berends
, Kristina Lauche
Generating Novelty Through Interdependent Routines: A Process Model of Routine Work. 659-677 - Katharina Dittrich
, Stéphane Guérard, David Seidl:
Talking About Routines: The Role of Reflective Talk in Routine Change. 678-697 - Waldemar Kremser
, Georg Schreyögg:
The Dynamics of Interrelated Routines: Introducing the Cluster Level. 698-721 - Kathrin Sele
, Simon Grand:
Unpacking the Dynamics of Ecologies of Routines: Mediators and Their Generative Effects in Routine Interactions. 722-738 - Scott Sonenshein:
Routines and Creativity: From Dualism to Duality. 739-758 - Paul Spee, Paula A. Jarzabkowski
, Michael Smets:
The Influence of Routine Interdependence and Skillful Accomplishment on the Coordination of Standardizing and Customizing. 759-781 - Sangyoon Yi, Thorbjørn Knudsen
, Markus C. Becker:
Inertia in Routines: A Hidden Source of Organizational Variation. 782-800
Volume 27, Number 4, July - August 2016
- Briana Sell Stenard
, Henry Sauermann:
Educational Mismatch, Work Outcomes, and Entry Into Entrepreneurship. 801-824 - Sharon Koppman
, Elisa Mattarelli, Amar Gupta
Third-World "Sloggers" or Elite Global Professionals? Using Organizational Toolkits to Redefine Work Identity in Information Technology Offshore Outsourcing. 825-845 - Susan K. Cohen, Sean T. Hsu, Kristina B. Dahlin
With Whom Do Technology Sponsors Partner During Technology Battles? Social Networking Strategies for Unproven (and Proven) Technologies. 846-872 - F. Ted Tschang, Gokhan Ertug:
New Blood as an Elixir of Youth: Effects of Human Capital Tenure on the Explorative Capability of Aging Firms. 873-892 - Aleksandra J. Kacperczyk, Matt Marx:
Revisiting the Small-Firm Effect on Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Firm Dissolutions. 893-910 - Christian Geisler Asmussen
, Marcus M. Larsen
, Torben Pedersen:
Organizational Adaptation in Offshoring: The Relative Performance of Home- and Host-Based Learning Strategies. 911-928 - Oliver Hahl
Turning Back the Clock in Baseball: The Increased Prominence of Extrinsic Rewards and Demand for Authenticity. 929-953 - Martina Montauti, Filippo Carlo Wezel:
Charting the Territory: Recombination as a Source of Uncertainty for Potential Entrants. 954-971 - Ken-Hou Lin:
The Rise of Finance and Firm Employment Dynamics. 972-988 - Paul Tracey:
Spreading the Word: The Microfoundations of Institutional Persuasion and Conversion. 989-1009 - Vanessa C. Burbano:
Social Responsibility Messages and Worker Wage Requirements: Field Experimental Evidence from Online Labor Marketplaces. 1010-1028 - Vern L. Glaser
, Peer C. Fiss, Mark Thomas Kennedy:
Making Snowflakes Like Stocks: Stretching, Bending, and Positioning to Make Financial Market Analogies Work in Online Advertising. 1029-1048 - Ajay Bhaskarabhatla:
The Moderating Role of Submarket Dynamics on the Product Customization-Firm Survival Relationship. 1049-1064
Volume 27, Number 5, September - October 2016
- John Joseph, Ronald Klingebiel, Alex James Wilson:
Organizational Structure and Performance Feedback: Centralization, Aspirations, and Termination Decisions. 1065-1083 - Steven J. Kahl, Brayden G. King
, Greg Liegel:
Occupational Survival Through Field-Level Task Integration: Systems Men, Production Planners, and the Computer, 1940s-1990s. 1084-1107 - Ray E. Reagans, Ella Miron-Spektor, Linda Argote:
Knowledge Utilization, Coordination, and Team Performance. 1108-1124 - Andrew M. Carton, Basima A. Tewfik:
Perspective - A New Look at Conflict Management in Work Groups. 1125-1141 - Lu Wang, Lorna Doucet, Mary Waller, Karin Sanders
, Sybil Phillips:
A Laughing Matter: Patterns of Laughter and the Effectiveness of Working Dyads. 1142-1160 - Mari Sako, George Chondrakis
, Paul M. Vaaler
How Do Plural-Sourcing Firms Make and Buy? The Impact of Supplier Portfolio Design. 1161-1182 - Byung-Chul Choi, M. V. Shyam Kumar, Fabio Zambuto:
Capital Structure and Innovation Trajectory: The Role of Debt in Balancing Exploration and Exploitation. 1183-1201 - David Souder, Greg Reilly
, Philip Bromiley, Scott Mitchell:
A Behavioral Understanding of Investment Horizon and Firm Performance. 1202-1218 - Kuo-Pin Yang, Gavin M. Schwarz:
A Multilevel Analysis of the Performance Implications of Excess Control in Business Groups. 1219-1236 - Sebastian Raisch, Michael L. Tushman:
Growing New Corporate Businesses: From Initiation to Graduation. 1237-1257 - Gerald C. Kane, Sam Ransbotham:
Content as Community Regulator: The Recursive Relationship Between Consumption and Contribution in Open Collaboration Communities. 1258-1274 - Andrea Fosfuri
, Marco S. Giarratana
, Esther Roca:
Social Business Hybrids: Demand Externalities, Competitive Advantage, and Growth Through Diversification. 1275-1289 - Charles Eesley
Institutional Barriers to Growth: Entrepreneurship, Human Capital and Institutional Change. 1290-1306 - Jianjun Zhang, Christopher Marquis, Kunyuan Qiao
Do Political Connections Buffer Firms from or Bind Firms to the Government? A Study of Corporate Charitable Donations of Chinese Firms. 1307-1324 - Christopher Marquis, András Tilcsik:
Institutional Equivalence: How Industry and Community Peers Influence Corporate Philanthropy. 1325-1341
Volume 27, Number 6, November - December 2016
- Eric Quintane
, Gianluca Carnabuci
How Do Brokers Broker? Tertius Gaudens, Tertius Iungens, and the Temporality of Structural Holes. 1343-1360 - Rellie Derfler-Rozin, Celia Moore
, Bradley R. Staats:
Reducing Organizational Rule Breaking Through Task Variety: How Task Design Supports Deliberative Thinking. 1361-1379 - Christophe Boone
, Serden Özcan
Ideological Purity vs. Hybridization Trade-Off: When Do Islamic Banks Hire Managers from Conventional Banking? 1380-1396 - Yongwook Paik
, Feng Zhu:
The Impact of Patent Wars on Firm Strategy: Evidence from the Global Smartphone Industry. 1397-1416 - Martin Hohnisch
, Sabine Pittnauer
, Reinhard Selten, Andreas Pfingsten:
Designing for Deliberative Goal-Based Decision Making in Environments with Rare Adverse Events - An Experimental Study. 1417-1434 - Nathan Betancourt, Filippo Carlo Wezel:
The Credibility of Social Climbing: When Does Inter-Firm Mobility [Not] Influence Organizational Status? 1435-1452 - May Al Dabbagh, Hannah Riley Bowles
, Bobbi Thomason:
Status Reinforcement in Emerging Economies: The Psychological Experience of Local Candidates Striving for Global Employment. 1453-1471 - Ethan Mollick:
Filthy Lucre? Innovative Communities, Identity, and Commercialization. 1472-1487 - Emily C. Bianchi, Aharon Mohliver
Do Good Times Breed Cheats? Prosperous Times Have Immediate and Lasting Implications for CEO Misconduct. 1488-1503 - Keyvan Vakili
Collaborative Promotion of Technology Standards and the Impact on Innovation, Industry Structure, and Organizational Capabilities: Evidence from Modern Patent Pools. 1504-1524 - Tom Vanacker
, Daniel P. Forbes:
Disentangling the Multiple Effects of Affiliate Reputation on Resource Attraction in New Firms. 1525-1547 - Rodrigo Canales:
From Ideals to Institutions: Institutional Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Mexican Small Business Finance. 1548-1573

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