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Information Research, Volume 18
Volume 18, Number 1, March 2013
- T. D. Wilson:
- Peter Stokes, Christine Urquhart:
Qualitative interpretative categorisation for efficient data analysis in a mixed methods information behaviour study. - Norman Shaw, Sharm Manwani:
Content validation for level of use of feature rich systems: a Delphi study of electronic medical records systems. - Tzu-Chuan Chou, Pu-Dong Weng, Tzong-Chen Wu:
Exploring design-fits for the strategic alignment of information systems with business objectives. - Basil Alzougool, Shanton Chang, Kathleen Gray:
The nature and constitution of informal carers' information needs: what you don't know you need is as important as what you want to know. - Minsoo Park:
Multi-dimensional analysis of dynamic human information interaction. - Fahimeh Babalhavaeji, Mohammad Reza Farhadpoor:
Information source characteristics and environmental scanning by academic library managers. - Yonghua Cen, Liren Gan, Chen Bai:
Reinforcement learning in information searching. - Tomás Saorín, Fernanda Peset, Antonia Ferrer-Sapena:
Factores para la adopción de linked data e implantación de la web semántica en bibliotecas, archivos y museos. - Pauline Joseph, Shelda Debowski, Peter Goldschmidt:
Search behaviour in electronic document and records management systems: an exploratory investigation and model. - Holmes E. Miller:
Big-data in cloud computing: a taxonomy of risks.
- Lynn Silipigni Connaway, David S. White, Donna Lanclos, Alison Le Cornu:
Visitors and residents: what motivates engagement with the digital information environment? - T. D. Wilson, Elena Maceviciute:
What's newsworthy about 'information seeking'? An analysis of Google's News Alerts. - Jia Tina Du, Ying-Hsang Liu, Qinghua Zhu, Yongjian Chen:
Modelling marketing professionals' information behaviour in the workplace: towards a holistic understanding. - Natalya Godbold:
An information need for emotional cues: unpacking the role of emotions in sense making. - Pauline Joseph, Shelda Debowski, Peter Goldschmidt:
Models of information search: a comparative analysis. - Yusuke Ishimura, Joan C. Bartlett:
Uncovering the research process of international students in North America: are they different from domestic students? - Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson:
Tweens and their in-betweens: giving voice to young people when exploring emerging information practices associated with smart devices. - Isto Huvila:
In Web search we trust? Articulation of the cognitive authorities of Web searching. - Natascha Karlova, Karen E. Fisher:
A social diffusion model of misinformation and disinformation for understanding human information behaviour. - Resúmenes en Español.
- Elena Maceviciute:
Review of: Bentley, Frank & Barrett, Edward. Building mobile experiences. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2013. - T. D. Wilson:
Review of: Carrott, James H. & Johnson, Brian David Vintage tomorrows Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2013. - Ola Pilerot:
Review of: Chowdhury, Gobinda & Foo, Shubert (Eds.). Digital libraries and information access: research perspectives. London: Facet, 2012. - T. D. Wilson:
Review of: Cravens, Jesse & Burtoft, Jeff. HTML5 hacks: tips & tools for creating interactive Web applications. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2013. - Sameer Kumar:
Review of: Kadushin, Charles. Understanding social networks: theories, concepts and findings. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012. - Marija Norvaisaite:
Review of: Markless, Sharon and Streatfield, David Evaluating the impact of your library., 2nd edition. London, UK: Facet Publishing, 2013. - Michael Nycyk:
Review of: Shah, Chirag. Collaborative information seeking: the art and science of making the whole greater than the sum of all. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. - Marija Norvaisaite:
Review of: Spink, Amanda and Heinström Jannica (Eds.). Library and information science trends and research: Europe. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2012.
Volume 18, Number 2, June 2013
- Thomas D. Wilson:
Editorial. - Xiaoli Huang, Dagobert Soergel:
Functional relevance and inductive development of an e-retailing product information typology. - Guido Ongena, Lidwien van de Wijngaert, Erik Huizer:
Acceptance of online audio-visual cultural heritage archive services: a study of the general public. - Monica Lassi, Diane H. Sonnenwald:
The socio-technical design of a library and information science collaboratory. - Chris Kimble:
Knowledge management, codification and tacit knowledge. - Misook Heo:
Assessing user needs of Web portals: a measurement model. - Wee-Kheng Tan, Yu-Chung Chang:
Improving users' credibility perception of travel expert blogs: useful lessons from television travel shows. - Uta Papen:
Conceptualising information literacy as social practice: a study of pregnant women's information practices. - Jaume Nualart, Mario Pérez-Montoro:
Texty, a visualization tool to aid selection of texts from search outputs.
- Paul D. Clough, Mark Sanderson:
Evaluating the performance of information retrieval systems using test collections.
- Resúmenes en Español.
- Thomas D. Wilson:
Review of: Baron, Dennis. A better pencil: readers, writers, and the digital revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. - Elena Maceviciute:
Review of: Basset, Hervé, Stuart, David & Silber, Denise From Science 2.0 to Pharma 3.0 : Semantic search and social media in the pharmaceutical industry and STM publishing.. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2012. - Thomas D. Wilson:
Review of: Derks, Daantje & Bakker, Arnold B., (Eds.). The psychology of digital media at work. Hove, UK: Psychology Press. - Jan Nolin:
Review of: Feather, John. The information society: a study of continuity and change, 6th ed. London, UK: Facet Publishing, 2013. - Thomas D. Wilson:
Review of: Morris, Sally, Barnas, Ed, LaFrenier, Douglas & Reich, Margaret. The handbook of journal publishing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. - Elena Maceviciute:
Review of: Piper, Andrew. Book was there: reading in electronic times. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press, 2012. - Elena Maceviciute:
Review of: Shorley, Deborah and Jubb, Michael (eds.) The future of scholarly communication. London, UK: Facet Publishing, 2013.
Volume 18, Number 3, September 2013
- Thomas D. Wilson:
Editorial. - Rita Marcella, Tracy Pirie, Hayley Rowlands:
The information seeking behaviour of oil and gas industry workers in the context of health, safety and emergency response: a discussion of the value of models of information behaviour. - Heidi P. K. Enwald, Terttu A. K. Kortelainen, Juhani Leppäluoto, Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Timo Jämsä, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Karl-Heinz Herzig, Maija-Leena Huotari:
Perceptions of fear appeal and preferences for feedback in tailored health communication: an explorative study among pre-diabetic individuals. - Wendy M. Duff, Jennifer Carter, Joan M. Cherry, Heather Marie MacNeil, Lynne C. Howarth:
From coexistence to convergence: studying partnerships and collaboration among libraries, archives and museums. - Sérgio Nunes, Cristina Ribeiro, Gabriel David:
The impact of time in link-based Web ranking. - Adam Worrall, Sanghee Oh:
The place of health information and socio-emotional support in social questioning and answering. - Paula Ormandy, Claire Hulme:
Measuring patients' preferences and priorities for information in chronic kidney disease. - Boryung Ju, Tao Jin:
Incorporating nonparametric statistics into Delphi studies in library and information science. - Petros A. Kostagiolas, Konstantina Martzoukou, Georgia Georgantzi, Dimitris Niakas:
Information seeking behaviour of parents of paediatric patients for clinical decision making: the central role of information literacy in a participatory setting.
- Resúmenes en Español.
- Elena Maceviciute:
Review of: Assange, Julian, (Ed.) et al. Cypherpunks: freedom and the future of the internet. New York/London: OR Books. - Nasrine Olson:
Review of: Athique, Adrian. Digital media and society: an introduction.. Cambridge: Polity Press. - Thomas D. Wilson:
Review of: Billig, Michael. Learn to write badly: how to succeed in the social sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. - Jan Nolin:
Review of: Duff, Alastair S. A normative theory of the information society. Oxford: Routledge. - Zinaida Manzuch:
Review of: Hernon, Peter and Matthews, Joseph R. (eds.) Reflection on the future on academic and public libraries. London: Facet. - Elena Maceviciute:
Review of: Moon, David, Ruffini, Patrick and Segal, David (eds.) Hacking politics: how geeks, progressives, the Tea Party, gamers, anarchists and suits teamed up to defeat SOPA and save the internet. New York/London: OR Books, 2013. - Charles Cole:
Review of: Wilson, T. D. (Ed.). Theory in information behaviour research. Sheffield, UK: Eiconics Ltd.
Volume 18, Supplement 3, September 2013
Full papers
- Colleen Addison, Eric M. Meyers:
Perspectives on information literacy: a framework for conceptual understanding. - Ragnar Andreas Audunson, Svanhild Aabø:
From collections to connections: building a revised platform for library and information science. - Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson:
The 4Ps of innovation culture: conceptions of creatively engaging with information. - David Bawden, Lyn Robinson:
"Deep down things": in what ways is information physical, and why does it matter for information science? - John M. Budd, Ashley Anstaett:
Disposal of information seeking and retrieval research: replacement with a radical proposition. - Javier Calzada-Prado, Miguel Ángel Marzal:
Library and information professionals as knowledge engagement specialists. Theories, competencies and current educational possibilities in accredited graduate programmes. - Hanna Carlsson, Fredrik Hanell, Karolina Lindh:
Exploring multiple spaces and practices: a note on the use of ethnography in research in library and information studies. - Sylvain K. Cibangu:
Toward a critique of the information age: Herbert Marcuses contribution to information science's conceptions. - Amanda F. Cossham:
Bibliographic records in an online environment. - Marija Dalbello:
Digitality, epistolarity and reconstituted letter archives. - Kristian Delica, Hans Elbeshausen:
Socio-cultural innovation through and by public libraries in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Denmark: concepts and practices. - Johanna Rivano Eckerdal:
Empowering interviews: narrative interviews in the study of information literacy in everyday life settings. - Catarina A. M. Eriksson, Katarina E. Michnik, Yoshiko Nordeborg:
The public library user and the charter tourist: two travellers, one analogy. - Melanie Feinberg, Julia Bullard, Daniel Carter:
Using design experiments to investigate conceptual issues in knowledge organization: an ongoing study. - Fiorella Foscarini:
Record as social action: understanding organizational records through the lens of genre theory. - Martin Frické:
Facets: ersatz, resource and tag. - Jenna Hartel:
Castles and inverted castles: the work of Marcia J. Bates. - Kim Holmberg, Andrew Tsou, Cassidy R. Sugimoto:
The conceptual landscape of iSchools: examining current research interests of faculty members. - Frances Hultgren, Barbro Johansson:
Making sense of participation in cultural activities for children. - Isto Huvila:
Metagames in information work. - Timothy Jozef Huzar:
The public library, democracy and Rancière's poetics of politics. - Peter Kåhre:
Library and information science's ontological position in the networked society: using new technology to get back to an old practice. - Lai Ma:
Is information still relevant? - María J. López-Huertas:
Transcultural categorization in contextualized domains. - Anna Hampson Lundh, Louise Limberg, Annemaree Lloyd:
Swapping settings: researching information literacy in workplace and in educational contexts. - Tanja Mercun, Katarina Svab, Viktor Harej, Maja Zumer:
Creating better library information systems: the road to FRBR-land. - Stasa Milojevic:
Different traditions in the study of disciplinarity in science - science and technology studies, library and information science and scientometrics. - Camilla Moring, Annemaree Lloyd:
Analytical implications of using practice theory in workplace information literacy research. - Takako Nomura, Nadia Caidi:
Heritage language acquisition and maintenance: home literacy practices of Japanese-speaking families in Canada. - Noorhidawati Abdullah, Fariza Hanum Nasaruddin, N. Zohoorian-Fooladi:
Social tagging in a scholarly digital library environment: users' perspectives. - Michael R. Olsson:
Gently to hear, kindly to judge: the affective information practices of theatre professionals and journalists. - Trine Schreiber:
Questioning a discourse of information literacy practice in web-based tutorials. - Paul Scifleet, Maureen Henninger, Kathryn H. Albright:
When social media are your source. - Olle Sköld:
Tracing traces: a document-centred approach to the preservation of virtual world communities.. - Eero Sormunen, Mikko Tanni, Jannica Heinström:
Students' engagement in collaborative knowledge construction in group assignments for information literacy. - Sonja Spiranec, Denis Kos:
Information literacy practices and student protests: mapping community information landscapes. - Kim Tallerås:
From many records to one graph: concepts of restructuring. - Joseph T. Tennis:
Metaphors of time and installed knowledge organization systems: Ouroboros, Architectonics, or Lachesis? - Gary B. Thompson, Jonathan W. Lathey:
An integrated model of information literacy, based upon domain learning. - Deborah Turner, Warren Allen:
Documents, dialogue and the emergence of tertiary orality. - Zoran Velagic, Damir Hasenay:
Understanding textual authorship in the digital environment: lessons from historical perspectives. - Lin Wang:
Cultural-historical activity theory and domain analysis: metatheoretical implications for information science. - Yuko Yoshida:
Public libraries as places for empowering women through autonomous learning activities. - Guo Zhang, Elin K. Jacob:
Understanding boundaries: physical, epistemological and virtual dimensions.
- John M. Budd:
Scholarly communication's problems: an analysis. - Nicole A. Cooke, Merinda Kaye Hensley:
The critical and continuing role of library and information science curriculum in the teacher training of future librarians. - Chern Li Liew:
Digital cultural heritage 2.0: a meta-design consideration. - Gemma Masó-Maresma, Montserrat Sebastià-Salat:
The integration of folksonomies within a thesaurus in a social science Web portal: SIDBRINT. - Jeppe Nicolaisen, Tove Faber Frandsen:
Core journals in library and information science: measuring the level of specialization over time. - Marie L. Radford, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Stephanie Mikitish, Mark Alpert, Chirag Shah, Nicole A. Cooke:
Conceptualizing collaboration and community in virtual reference and social question and answer services. - Iulian Vamanu:
Hermeneutics: a sketch of a metatheoretical framework for library and information science research. - Katharine Claire Whaite:
New ways of exploring the catalogue: incorporating text and culture. - Anna Ching-Yu Wong:
Using the critical incident technique to evaluate the service quality perceptions of public library users: an exploratory study.
Volume 18, Number 4, December 2013
- Thomas D. Wilson:
Editorial. - Bo Fan:
The impact of information technology capability, information sharing and government process redesign on the operational performance of emergency incident management systems. - Miamaria Saastamoinen, Sanna Kumpulainen, Pertti Vakkari, Kalervo Järvelin:
Task complexity affects information use: a questionnaire study in city administration. - David Jiménez-Castillo, Manuel Sánchez-Pérez:
Market knowledge absorptive capacity: a measurement scale. - Jung Eun Hahm, Suyeon Kim, Meen Chul Kim, Min Song:
Investigation into the existence of the indexer effect in key phrase extraction. - Ola Pilerot:
A practice theoretical exploration of information sharing and trust in a dispersed community of design scholars. - David F. Nettleton, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Mari-Carmen Marcos:
Analysis of the user queries of an e-commerce bookstore in terms of the Library of Congress classification and key publishers. - Mette Skov:
Hobby-related information-seeking behaviour of highly dedicated online museum visitors. - Douglas Edward Abrahamson, Jane Goodman-Delahunty:
The impact of organizational information culture on information use outcomes in policing: an exploratory study. - Melius Weideman:
Comparative analysis of homepage Website visibility and academic rankings for UK universities. - Jenny Bronstein:
Being private in public: information disclosure behaviour of Israeli bloggers. - Luis Miguel Moreno Fernández, Mónica Izquierdo Alonso, Antonio Maurandi López, Javier Valles-Valenzuela:
Consistency between indexers in the LILAC database (Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature).
- Resúmenes en Español.
- Thomas D. Wilson:
Review of: Bentley, Peter J. Digitized: the science of computers and how it shapes the world. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - Elena Maceviciute:
Review of: Brabazon, Tara. Digital dieting: From information obesity to intellectual fitness. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. - Elena Maceviciute:
Review of: Evans, G. Edward and Alire, Camila A. Management basics for information professionals, 3rd. ed. London: Facet, 2013. - Thomas D. Wilson:
Review of: Hawkins, Donald T. Personal archiving: preserving our digital heritage.. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2013. - Thomas D. Wilson:
Review of: Suarez, Michael E. & Woudhuysen, H.R. The book: a global history. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - Michael Nycyk:
Review of: Zheng, Robert Z., Hill, Robert D., & Gardner, Michael K. Engaging older adults with modern technology: internet use and information access needs. Hershey: IGI Global, Information Science Reference, 2013.

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