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Information Processing Letters, Volume 116
Volume 116, Number 1, January 2016
- Rui Wang
, Yongquan Zhou, Shilei Qiao, Kang Huang:
Flower Pollination Algorithm with Bee Pollinator for cluster analysis. 1-14 - Defu Zhang, Leyuan Shi, Stephen C. H. Leung, Tao Wu:
A priority heuristic for the guillotine rectangular packing problem. 15-21 - Najmeh Sadat Jaddi, Salwani Abdullah, Abdul Razak Hamdan:
A solution representation of genetic algorithm for neural network weights and structure. 22-25 - Robert Janczewski, Krzysztof Turowski
On the hardness of computing span of subcubic graphs. 26-32 - Zheng Yang
, Shuangqing Li:
On security analysis of an after-the-fact leakage resilient key exchange protocol. 33-40 - Zhi Hu, Guoliang Zhang, Maozhi Xu:
Some techniques for faster scalar multiplication on GLS curves. 41-46 - David J. Pearce:
A space-efficient algorithm for finding strongly connected components. 47-52 - Minh Tan Nguyen, Quang Hai Truong, Tran Khanh Dang
Enhance fuzzy vault security using nonrandom chaff point generator. 53-64 - Yan Lan, Xin Han, Zongtao Wu
, He Guo, Xin Chen:
Complexity of problem TF2|v=1, c=2|Cmax. 65-69
Volume 116, Number 2, 2016
- Tamanna Chhabra, Jorma Tarhio
A filtration method for order-preserving matching. 71-74 - Patricia Bouyer, Patrick Gardy, Nicolas Markey
On the semantics of Strategy Logic. 75-79 - Wantao Ning:
The super connectivity of exchanged crossed cube. 80-84 - Martin Manak
, Ivana Kolingerová
Extension of the edge tracing algorithm to disconnected Voronoi skeletons. 85-92 - Shuliang Sun
A novel edge based image steganography with 2k correction and Huffman encoding. 93-99 - Warut Suksompong, Charles E. Leiserson, Tao B. Schardl:
On the efficiency of localized work stealing. 100-106 - Xie-Bin Chen:
Paired 2-disjoint path covers of multidimensional torus networks with faulty edges. 107-110 - Christoph Haase
, Stefan Kiefer:
The complexity of the Kth largest subset problem and related problems. 111-115 - Chik How Tan, Theo Fanuela Prabowo
, Duc-Phong Le
Breaking an ID-based encryption based on discrete logarithm and factorization problems. 116-119 - Ilario Bonacina
, Navid Talebanfard
Improving resolution width lower bounds for k-CNFs with applications to the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis. 120-124 - Pawel Parys
Weak containment for partial words is coNP-complete. 125-127 - Mohamed Tolba, Amr M. Youssef:
Generalized MitM attacks on full TWINE. 128-135 - Cihangir Tezcan
, Ali Aydin Selçuk
Improved improbable differential attacks on ISO standard CLEFIA: Expansion technique revisited. 136-143 - Jethro G. Beekman:
A Denial of Service attack against fair computations using Bitcoin deposits. 144-146 - Robert Bredereck
, Nimrod Talmon
NP-hardness of two edge cover generalizations with applications to control and bribery for approval voting. 147-152 - Vladimir Edemskiy
, A. Palvinskiy:
The linear complexity of binary sequences of length 2p with optimal three-level autocorrelation. 153-156 - Sergey Kitaev
, Vincent Vajnovszki:
Mahonian STAT on words. 157-162 - Jun Yuan
, Aixia Liu
Sufficient conditions for triangle-free graphs to be super k-restricted edge-connected. 163-167 - Mun-Kyu Lee, Pierre Michaud
, Jeong Seop Sim, DaeHun Nyang:
A simple proof of optimality for the MIN cache replacement policy. 168-170 - Gelin Zhou:
Two-dimensional range successor in optimal time and almost linear space. 171-174 - Yuki Kobayashi, Yuya Higashikawa, Naoki Katoh, Adnan Sljoka
Characterizing redundant rigidity and redundant global rigidity of body-hinge graphs. 175-178 - Meena Mahajan
, Nitin Saurabh, Sébastien Tavenas:
VNP=VP in the multilinear world. 179-182 - Wen-Chung Kuo, Chun-Cheng Wang, Hong-Ching Hou:
Signed digit data hiding scheme. 183-191 - Oualid Benamara, Fatiha Merazka
, Kamel Betina:
An improvement of a cryptanalysis algorithm. 192-196 - Sukhamay Kundu, Subhashis Majumder
A linear time algorithm for optimal k-hop dominating set of a tree. 197-202 - Sheng-Yi Jiang, Lian-xi Wang
Efficient feature selection based on correlation measure between continuous and discrete features. 203-215 - Alexander Chane Shiau, Tzong-Huei Shiau, Yue-Li Wang:
Corrigendum to "Incidence coloring of Cartesian product graphs" [Inf. Process. Lett. (2015) 765-768]. 216
Volume 116, Number 3, 2016
- Giuseppe Liotta, Fabrizio Montecchiani
L-visibility drawings of IC-planar graphs. 217-222 - Gregory Z. Gutin, Magnus Wahlström
Tight lower bounds for the Workflow Satisfiability Problem based on the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis. 223-226 - Chien Chin Chen
, Yu-Chun Sun:
Exploring acquaintances of social network site users for effective social event recommendations. 227-236 - Hans Ulrich Simon
Efficient computation of approximate isomorphisms between Boolean functions. 237-240 - Dmitry Kosolobov
Computing runs on a general alphabet. 241-244 - Gabriele Fici
, Tomasz Kociumaka
, Jakub Radoszewski, Wojciech Rytter, Tomasz Walen:
On the greedy algorithm for the Shortest Common Superstring problem with reversals. 245-251 - Leah Epstein, Hanan Zebedat-Haider:
Online scheduling of unit jobs on three machines with rejection: A tight result. 252-255 - Meena Mahajan
, Anil Shukla:
Level-ordered Q-resolution and tree-like Q-resolution are incomparable. 256-258 - Yu Liu, Kai Fu, Wei Wang, Ling Sun, Meiqin Wang:
Linear cryptanalysis of reduced-round SPECK. 259-266
Volume 116, Number 4, April 2016
- Peter Damaschke:
Sufficient conditions for edit-optimal clusters. 267-272 - Ján Katrenic:
A faster FPT algorithm for 3-path vertex cover. 273-278 - Robin Fay:
Introducing the counter mode of operation to Compressed Sensing based encryption. 279-283 - Georg Struth:
On the expressive power of Kleene algebra with domain. 284-288 - Shaoquan Jiang:
On message authentication with a correlated setup. 289-293 - Simone Dantas, Luérbio Faria, Celina M. H. de Figueiredo
, Rafael B. Teixeira:
The (k, ℓ) unpartitioned probe problem NP-complete versus polynomial dichotomy. 294-298 - Cheng-Nan Lai:
On the construction of all shortest node-disjoint paths in star networks. 299-303 - Salvatore Pontarelli, Pedro Reviriego, Juan Antonio Maestro
Improving counting Bloom filter performance with fingerprints. 304-309 - Yahui Wu, Su Deng, Hongbin Huang
Capacity and delay analysis in delay tolerant network with multiple communities. 310-315 - Fang Xie
, Yuzhong Zhang, Qingguo Bai, Zhe Xu:
Inefficiency analysis of the scheduling game on limited identical machines with activation costs. 316-320
Volume 116, Number 5, May 2016
- Mansour J. Algefari, Khalid A. Alsatami, Hong-Jian Lai, Juan Liu:
Supereulerian digraphs with given local structures. 321-326 - Mahdi Amani
, Kevin A. Lai
, Robert E. Tarjan:
Amortized rotation cost in AVL trees. 327-330 - Jiyou Li, Chu Luo
The simplified weighted sum function and its average sensitivity. 331-336 - Pedro Henrique Del Bianco Hokama
, Flávio Keidi Miyazawa
, Rafael Crivellari Saliba Schouery
A bounded space algorithm for online circle packing. 337-342 - Xie-Bin Chen:
Hamiltonicity of hypercubes with faulty vertices. 343-346 - Xiaoqing Tan, Xiaoqian Zhang, Junbin Fang:
Perfect quantum teleportation by four-particle cluster state. 347-350 - Huawang Qin, Yuewei Dai:
Verifiable (t, n) threshold quantum secret sharing using d-dimensional Bell state. 351-355 - Szabolcs Iván
Complexity of atoms, combinatorially. 356-360 - Ananda Swarup Das, Prosenjit Gupta:
Linear space adaptive data structures for planar range reporting. 361-366 - Mohammad Ehdaie, Nikos Alexiou, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari, Mohammad Reza Aref, Panos Papadimitratos
2D Hash Chain robust Random Key Distribution scheme. 367-372 - Baraka Jacob Maiseli
, Huijun Gao:
Robust edge detector based on anisotropic diffusion-driven process. 373-378 - Alberto Caprara, Fabio Furini
, Enrico Malaguti, Emiliano Traversi
Solving the Temporal Knapsack Problem via Recursive Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation. 379-386 - Ali Reza Ashrafi, Jernej Azarija, Azam Babai, Khadijeh Fathalikhani, Sandi Klavzar
The (non-)existence of perfect codes in Fibonacci cubes. 387-390
Volume 116, Number 6, June 2016
- Ekkehard Köhler, Lalla Mouatadid:
A linear time algorithm to compute a maximum weighted independent set on cocomparability graphs. 391-395 - Chao Yang
, Bing Yao, Han Ren:
A note on graph proper total colorings with many distinguishing constraints. 396-400 - Enqiang Zhu
, Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao
, Jin Xu:
Acyclically 4-colorable triangulations. 401-408 - Cinzia Bernardeschi
, Andrea Domenici
Verifying safety properties of a nonlinear control by interactive theorem proving with the Prototype Verification System. 409-415 - Zhen Qin, Chen Yuan, Yilei Wang, Hu Xiong
On the security of two identity-based signature schemes based on pairings. 416-418 - Meirav Zehavi
A randomized algorithm for long directed cycle. 419-422 - Eike Best, Javier Esparza
Existence of home states in Petri nets is decidable. 423-427 - Tobias Storch
Black-box complexity: Advantages of memory usage. 428-432 - Florian Barbero, Gregory Z. Gutin, Mark Jones, Bin Sheng, Anders Yeo
Linear-vertex kernel for the problem of packing r-stars into a graph without long induced paths. 433-436 - Xavier Molinero
, Martin Olsen
, Maria J. Serna
On the complexity of exchanging. 437-441
Volume 116, Number 7, July 2016
- Frederik Harwath:
A note on the size of prenex normal forms. 443-446 - Bin Yang, Jie Luo, Ling Guo, Fang Cheng:
Simultaneous image fusion and demosaicing via compressive sensing. 447-454 - Ke Chen
Improved neural dynamics for online Sylvester equations solving. 455-459 - Jou-Ming Chang
, Xiang-Rui Chen, Jinn-Shyong Yang, Ro-Yu Wu:
Locally exchanged twisted cubes: Connectivity and super connectivity. 460-466 - Egor V. Kostylev
, Juan L. Reutter
, Domagoj Vrgoc:
Static analysis of navigational XPath over graph databases. 467-474 - Sourav Chakraborty, Akshay Kamath, Rameshwar Pratap
Testing whether the uniform distribution is a stationary distribution. 475-480 - Khodakhast Bibak
, Bruce M. Kapron
, Venkatesh Srinivasan:
MMH⁎ with arbitrary modulus is always almost-universal. 481-483 - Yonah Cherniavsky, Avraham Goldstein, Vadim E. Levit
, Robert Shwartz
Enumeration of balanced finite group valued functions on directed graphs. 484-488 - Peter Sanders
, Christian Schulz
Scalable generation of scale-free graphs. 489-491 - Syh-Yuan Tan
, Wun-She Yap
Cryptanalysis of a CP-ABE scheme with policy in normal forms. 492-495
Volume 116, Number 8, August 2016
- Xinyin Xiang, Hui Li, Mingyu Wang, Xingwen Zhao:
Efficient multi-party concurrent signature from lattices. 497-502 - Jinwen Ou, Xueling Zhong, Chung-Lun Li
Faster algorithms for single machine scheduling with release dates and rejection. 503-507 - Yao Chen
, Kang G. Shin, Huagang Xiong:
Generalizing fixed-priority scheduling for better schedulability in mixed-criticality systems. 508-512 - Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz
, Christopher Expósito Izquierdo
, Belén Melián-Batista, J. Marcos Moreno-Vega
A Hybrid Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. 513-520 - Gillat Kol, Ran Raz
Bounds on 2-query Locally Testable Codes with affine tests. 521-525 - Yang Fang, Xiwen Lu:
Online parallel-batch scheduling to minimize total weighted completion time on single unbounded machine. 526-531 - Jin Xu, Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu:
On purely tree-colorable planar graphs. 532-536 - Shiteng Chen
, Periklis A. Papakonstantinou:
Correlation lower bounds from correlation upper bounds. 537-540 - Konstantinos A. Draziotis
(EC)DSA lattice attacks based on Coppersmith's method. 541-545
Volume 116, Number 9, September 2016
- Yasuaki Kobayashi
, Hisao Tamaki:
A faster fixed parameter algorithm for two-layer crossing minimization. 547-549 - Kenjiro Takazawa
A 7/6-approximation algorithm for the minimum 2-edge connected subgraph problem in bipartite cubic graphs. 550-553 - Haisheng Tan, Hongyu Liang, Rui Wang
, Jipeng Zhou:
Computing Roman domatic number of graphs. 554-559 - Omar Darwish, Kurt Mehlhorn
Improved balanced flow computation using parametric flow. 560-563 - Dániel Gerbner
, Balázs Keszegh, Cory Palmer
, Dömötör Pálvölgyi
Topological orderings of weighted directed acyclic graphs. 564-568 - Masashi Kiyomi
, Yota Otachi
Finding a chain graph in a bipartite permutation graph. 569-573 - Shiying Wang, Weiping Han:
The g-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability of n-dimensional hypercubes under the MM⁎ model. 574-577 - Kaito Fujii:
Faster approximation algorithms for maximizing a monotone submodular function subject to a b-matching constraint. 578-584 - Y-Chuang Chen, Tsung-Han Tsai:
Hamiltonian decomposition of generalized recursive circulant graphs. 585-589 - Mehdy Roayaei
, Mohammadreza Razzazi
An FPT-algorithm for modifying a graph of bounded treewidth to decrease the size of its dominating set using minimum modification. 590-594
Volume 116, Number 10, October 2016
- Fan Guo
, Hui Peng
, Jin Tang:
Genetic algorithm-based parameter selection approach to single image defogging. 595-602 - Jia Sun, Shiheng Wang, Ke Wang:
Zhang neural networks for a set of linear matrix inequalities with time-varying coefficient matrix. 603-610 - Jong-Min Park, Hyung-Jeong Yang, Jae-Dong Yang, Dong-Hoon Choi:
A technique for the concept-based detection of functional modules in an interaction network. 611-617 - Hoda Jannati
, Behnam Bahrak:
Security analysis of an RFID tag search protocol. 618-622 - Liang Yang
, Bing Liu, Hongfei Lin, Yuan Lin:
Combining local and global information for product feature extraction in opinion documents. 623-627 - Michele Borassi
A note on the complexity of computing the number of reachable vertices in a digraph. 628-630 - Divesh Aggarwal, Chandan K. Dubey:
Improved hardness results for unique shortest vector problem. 631-637 - Arnaud Carayol, Olivier Serre:
Marking shortest paths on pushdown graphs does not preserve MSO decidability. 638-643 - Xia Hong, Qinghai Liu:
Degree condition for completely independent spanning trees. 644-648 - Gregory J. Puleo:
Complexity of a disjoint matching problem on bipartite graphs. 649-652
Volume 116, Number 11, November 2016
- Yalin Song, Yaoru Sun, Hong Zhang, Fang Wang:
Activity testing model for automatic correction of hand pointing. 653-659 - Ali Dehghan
, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi
On the algorithmic complexity of zero-sum edge-coloring. 660-667 - Junqing Cai, Yuzhong Zhang:
Fan-type implicit-heavy subgraphs for hamiltonicity of implicit claw-heavy graphs. 668-673 - Lingfeng Liu, Suoxia Miao, Mengfan Cheng
, Xiaojing Gao:
A pseudorandom bit generator based on new multi-delayed Chebyshev map. 674-681 - Michael Mitzenmacher, Vikram Nathan:
Hardness of peeling with stashes. 682-688 - Kung-Jui Pai, Jou-Ming Chang
, Jinn-Shyong Yang:
Vertex-transitivity on folded crossed cubes. 689-693 - Tero Laihonen
The metric dimension for resolving several objects. 694-700 - Alexandre Mota
, Juliano Iyoda, Heitor Maranhão:
Program synthesis by model finding. 701-705 - Ehab Morsy
An extension of Hall's theorem for partitioned bipartite graphs. 706-709 - Rafal Kapelko
, Evangelos Kranakis
On the displacement for covering a unit interval with randomly placed sensors. 710-717 - Anke van Zuylen, James C. Bieron, Frans Schalekamp, Gexin Yu:
A tight upper bound on the number of cyclically adjacent transpositions to sort a permutation. 718-722 - Chao Wang, René Sitters:
On some special cases of the restricted assignment problem. 723-728 - Christopher S. Henry:
The (nested) word problem. 729-734
Volume 116, Number 12, December 2016
- Chuan Guo, Jeffrey O. Shallit, Arseny M. Shur:
Palindromic rich words and run-length encodings. 735-738 - Faisal N. Abu-Khzam
, Pinar Heggernes:
Enumerating minimal dominating sets in chordal graphs. 739-743 - Toan Thang Ta
, Cheng-Yao Lin, Chin Lung Lu:
An efficient algorithm for computing non-overlapping inversion and transposition distance. 744-749 - Meng Zhang, Yi Zhang, Chen Hou:
Compact representations of automata for regular expression matching. 750-756 - Zohir Bouzid
, Damien Imbs, Michel Raynal:
A necessary condition for Byzantine k-set agreement. 757-759

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