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IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, Volume 2018
Volume 2018, 2018
- Benny Applebaum, Barak Arkis:
Conditional Disclosure of Secrets and d-Uniform Secret Sharing with Constant Information Rate. 1 - Çagdas Çalik, Meltem Sönmez Turan, René Peralta:
The Multiplicative Complexity of 6-variable Boolean Functions. 2 - Moni Naor, Benny Pinkas, Eyal Ronen:
How to (not) share a password: Privacy preserving protocols for finding heavy hitters with adversarial behavior. 3 - Stjepan Picek, Ioannis Petros Samiotis, Annelie Heuser, Jaehun Kim, Shivam Bhasin, Axel Legay:
On the Performance of Deep Learning for Side-channel Analysis. 4 - Xiao Wang, S. Dov Gordon, Jonathan Katz:
Simple and Efficient Two-Server ORAM. 5 - Liran Lerman, Stjepan Picek, Nikita Veshchikov, Olivier Markowitch:
Higher Order Side-Channel Attacks Resilient S-boxes. 6 - Qiong Huang, Hongbo Li:
An Efficient Public-Key Searchable Encryption Scheme Secure against Inside Keyword Guessing Attacks. 7 - Yu-Ao Chen, Xiao-Shan Gao:
Quantum Algorithms for Boolean Equation Solving and Quantum Algebraic Attack on Cryptosystems. 8 - Jérôme Courtois, Lokman A. Abbas-Turki, Jean-Claude Bajard:
Evaluation of Resilience of randomized RNS implementation. 9 - Thomas Agrikola, Dennis Hofheinz:
Interactively Secure Groups from Obfuscation. 10 - Pooya Farshim, Julia Hesse, Dennis Hofheinz, Enrique Larraia:
Graded Encoding Schemes from Obfuscation. 11 - Falk Schellenberg, Dennis R. E. Gnad, Amir Moradi, Mehdi Baradaran Tahoori:
An Inside Job: Remote Power Analysis Attacks on FPGAs. 12 - Benedikt Auerbach, Bertram Poettering:
Hashing solutions instead of generating problems: On the interactive certification of RSA moduli. 13 - Kaiyan Zheng, Peng Wang, Dingfeng Ye:
Ubiquitous Weak-key Classes of BRW-polynomial Function. 14 - Christian Badertscher, Ueli Maurer, Björn Tackmann:
On Composable Security for Digital Signatures. 15 - Murali Godi, Roopa Vishwanathan:
New Techniques for Public Key Encryption with Sender Recovery. 16 - Ben Smyth:
Verifiability of Helios Mixnet. 17 - Ariel Hamlin, Abhi Shelat, Mor Weiss, Daniel Wichs:
Multi-Key Searchable Encryption, Revisited. 18 - Daniel P. Martin, Luke Mather, Elisabeth Oswald:
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Counting and Enumerating Keys Post Side-Channel Attacks Revisited. 19 - Haoyu Li, Renzhang Liu, Yanbin Pan, Tianyuan Xie:
Cryptanalysis of Compact-LWE Submitted to NIST PQC Project. 20 - Yu Chen, Baodong Qin, Haiyang Xue:
Regularly Lossy Functions and Their Applications. 21 - Ali El Kaafarani, Shuichi Katsumata:
Attribute-based Signatures for Unbounded Circuits in the ROM and Efficient Instantiations from Lattices. 22 - Benedikt Auerbach, Mihir Bellare, Eike Kiltz:
Public-Key Encryption Resistant to Parameter Subversion and its Realization from Efficiently-Embeddable Groups. 23 - Federico Giacon, Felix Heuer, Bertram Poettering:
KEM Combiners. 24 - Zhengan Huang, Junzuo Lai, Wenbin Chen, Man Ho Au, Zhen Peng, Jin Li:
Hedged Nonce-Based Public-Key Encryption: Adaptive Security under Randomness Failures. 25 - Christopher Carr, Anamaria Costache, Gareth T. Davies
, Kristian Gjøsteen, Martin Strand:
Zero-Knowledge Proof of Decryption for FHE Ciphertexts. 26 - Martin Strand:
A verifiable shuffle for the GSW cryptosystem. 27 - Muslum Ozgur Ozmen, Rouzbeh Behnia, Attila A. Yavuz:
Compact Energy and Delay-aware Authentication. 28 - Johannes Blömer, Fabian Eidens, Jakob Juhnke:
Practical, Anonymous, and Publicly Linkable Universally-Composable Reputation Systems. 29 - Lin Lyu, Shengli Liu, Shuai Han, Dawu Gu:
Tightly SIM-SO-CCA Secure Public Key Encryption from Standard Assumptions. 30 - Markus Jakobsson:
Secure Remote Attestation. 31 - (Withdrawn) Publicly Verifiable Proofs of Space. 32
- Stanislaw Jarecki, Hugo Krawczyk, Maliheh Shirvanian, Nitesh Saxena:
Two-Factor Authentication with End-to-End Password Security. 33 - San Ling, Khoa Nguyen, Huaxiong Wang, Yanhong Xu:
Constant-size Group Signatures from Lattices. 34 - Lucas Schabhüser, Johannes Buchmann, Patrick Struck:
A Linearly Homomorphic Signature Scheme From Weaker Assumptions. 35 - Peter Scholl:
Extending Oblivious Transfer with Low Communication via Key-Homomorphic PRFs. 36 - Georg Fuchsbauer, Romain Gay:
Weakly Secure Equivalence-Class Signatures from Standard Assumptions. 37 - Yuval Ishai, Manika Mittal, Rafail Ostrovsky:
On the Message Complexity of Secure Multiparty Computation. 38 - Gregor Seiler:
Faster AVX2 optimized NTT multiplication for Ring-LWE lattice cryptography. 39 - Seb Neumayer, Mayank Varia, Ittay Eyal:
An Analysis of Acceptance Policies For Blockchain Transactions. 40 - Takahiro Matsuda, Jacob C. N. Schuldt:
Related Randomness Security for Public Key Encryption, Revisited. 41 - Charanjit S. Jutla, Miyako Ohkubo, Arnab Roy:
Improved (Almost) Tightly-Secure Structure-Preserving Signatures. 42 - Chaya Ganesh, Yashvanth Kondi, Arpita Patra, Pratik Sarkar:
Efficient Adaptively Secure Zero-knowledge from Garbled Circuits. 43 - Tadanori Teruya, Kenji Kashiwabara, Goichiro Hanaoka:
Fast Lattice Basis Reduction Suitable for Massive Parallelization and Its Application to the Shortest Vector Problem. 44 - Jonathan Bootle, Jens Groth:
Efficient Batch Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Low Degree Polynomials. 45 - Eli Ben-Sasson, Iddo Bentov, Yinon Horesh, Michael Riabzev:
Scalable, transparent, and post-quantum secure computational integrity. 46 - Boris Ryabko, Aleksandr Soskov:
The distinguishing attack on Speck, Simon, Simeck, HIGHT and LEA. 47 - Alireza Mehrdad, Farokhlagha Moazami, Hadi Soleimany:
Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis on Deoxys-BC-256. 48 - Alex Biryukov, Aleksei Udovenko:
Attacks and Countermeasures for White-box Designs. 49 - Christian Badertscher, Fabio Banfi, Ueli Maurer:
A Constructive Perspective on Signcryption Security. 50 - Eftychios Theodorakis, John C. Mitchell:
Semantic Security Invariance under Variant Computational Assumptions. 51 - Mohammad Etemad, Mohammad Mahmoody, David Evans:
Optimizing Trees for Static Searchable Encryption. 52 - Emmanuel Prouff, Rémi Strullu, Ryad Benadjila, Eleonora Cagli, Cécile Dumas:
Study of Deep Learning Techniques for Side-Channel Analysis and Introduction to ASCAD Database. 53 - Romain Gay, Dennis Hofheinz, Lisa Kohl, Jiaxin Pan:
More Efficient (Almost) Tightly Secure Structure-Preserving Signatures. 54 - Florian Unterstein, Johann Heyszl, Fabrizio De Santis, Robert Specht, Georg Sigl:
High-Resolution EM Attacks Against Leakage-Resilient PRFs Explained - And An Improved Construction. 55 - François Gérard, Keno Merckx:
Post-Quantum Signcryption From Lattice-Based Signatures. 56 - Foteini Baldimtsi, Sharon Goldberg, Leonid Reyzin, Omar Sagga:
Certifying RSA Public Keys with an Efficient NIZK. 57 - Divesh Aggarwal, Tomasz Kazana, Maciej Obremski:
Leakage-resilient Algebraic Manipulation Detection Codes with Optimal Parameters. 58 - Chen-Dong Ye, Tian Tian:
New Insights into Divide-and-Conquer Attacks on the Round-Reduced Keccak-MAC. 59 - Abhinav Aggarwal, Yue Guo:
A Simple Reduction from State Machine Replication to Binary Agreement in Partially Synchronous or Asynchronous Networks. 60 - Pratish Datta, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Junichi Tomida:
Full-Hiding (Unbounded) Multi-Input Inner Product Functional Encryption from the k-Linear Assumption. 61 - Na-Young Ahn, Dong Hoon Lee:
Countermeasures against a side-channel attack in a kernel memory. 62 - Panos Kampanakis, Peter Panburana, Ellie Daw, Daniel Van Geest:
The Viability of Post-quantum X.509 Certificates. 63 - Sukanya Saha, Krishnendu Rarhi, Abhishek Bhattacharya:
Systematization Of A 256-Bit Lightweight Block Cipher Marvin. 64 - Claude Crépeau, Nan Yang:
New Perspectives on Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs. 65 - Hassan Qahur Al Mahri, Leonie Simpson, Harry Bartlett, Ed Dawson, Kenneth Koon-Ho Wong:
Tweaking Generic OTR to Avoid Forgery Attacks. 66 - Hao Chen, Kyoohyung Han:
Homomorphic Lower Digits Removal and Improved FHE Bootstrapping. 67 - Gregory Maxwell, Andrew Poelstra, Yannick Seurin, Pieter Wuille:
Simple Schnorr Multi-Signatures with Applications to Bitcoin. 68 - Marc Beunardeau, Aisling Connolly, Houda Ferradi, Rémi Géraud, David Naccache, Damien Vergnaud:
Reusing Nonces in Schnorr Signatures. 69 - Craig Gentry, Adam O'Neill, Leonid Reyzin:
A Unified Framework for Trapdoor-Permutation-Based Sequential Aggregate Signatures. 70 - Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Thomas Korak, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, Robert Primas:
Exploiting Ineffective Fault Inductions on Symmetric Cryptography. 71 - Ashrujit Ghoshal, Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
Template-based Fault Injection Analysis of Block Ciphers. 72 - Chiraag Juvekar, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Anantha P. Chandrakasan:
GAZELLE: A Low Latency Framework for Secure Neural Network Inference. 73 - Miran Kim, Yongsoo Song, Shuang Wang, Yuhou Xia, Xiaoqian Jiang:
Secure Logistic Regression based on Homomorphic Encryption. 74 - Wenquan Bi, Xiaoyang Dong, Zheng Li, Rui Zong, Xiaoyun Wang:
MILP-aided Cube-attack-like Cryptanalysis on Keccak Keyed Modes. 75 - Daniel Dinu, Ilya Kizhvatov:
EM Analysis in the IoT Context: Lessons Learned from an Attack on Thread. 76 - Daniele Micciancio, Michael Walter:
On the Bit Security of Cryptographic Primitives. 77 - Alexander Chepurnoy, Vasily Kharin, Dmitry Meshkov:
A Systematic Approach To Cryptocurrency Fees. 78 - Thijs Laarhoven, Artur Mariano:
Progressive lattice sieving. 79 - Benjamin Dowling, Kenneth G. Paterson:
A Cryptographic Analysis of the WireGuard Protocol. 80 - Jintai Ding, Saraswathy RV, Saed Alsayigh, Crystal Clough:
How to validate the secret of a Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) key. 81 - Susan Hohenberger, Brent Waters:
Synchronized Aggregate Signatures from the RSA Assumption. 82 - Maki Yoshida, Satoshi Obana:
Flaws in a Verifiably Multiplicative Secret Sharing Scheme from ICITS 2017. 83 - Gideon Samid:
Threat-Adjusting Security: BitFlip as an AI-Ready, Post-Quantum cipher. 84 - Anubhab Baksi, Shivam Bhasin, Jakub Breier, Mustafa Khairallah, Thomas Peyrin:
Protecting Block Ciphers against Differential Fault Attacks without Re-keying (Extended Version). 85 - Claude Carlet, Xi Chen:
Constructing low-weight dth-order correlation-immune Boolean functions through the Fourier-Hadamard transform. 86 - Alexei Zamyatin, Nicholas Stifter, Aljosha Judmayer, Philipp Schindler, Edgar R. Weippl, William J. Knottenbelt:
(Short Paper) A Wild Velvet Fork Appears! Inclusive Blockchain Protocol Changes in Practice. 87 - Masahiro Yagisawa:
Fully homomorphic public-key encryption with small ciphertext size. 88 - Marcos A. Simplício Jr., Eduardo Lopes Cominetti, Harsh Kupwade Patil, Jefferson E. Ricardini, Marcos V. M. Silva:
The Unified Butterfly Effect: Efficient Security Credential Management System for Vehicular Communications. 89 - Cédric Van Rompay, Refik Molva, Melek Önen:
Secure and Scalable Multi-User Searchable Encryption. 90 - Alessandro De Piccoli, Andrea Visconti, Ottavio Giulio Rizzo:
Polynomial multiplication over binary finite fields: new upper bounds. 91 - Kerem Varici, Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen:
Constructions of S-boxes with uniform sharing. 92 - Kenneth G. Paterson, Jacob C. N. Schuldt:
Statistical Attacks on Cookie Masking for RC4. 93 - Linh Tung Vo:
Parameterization of Edwards curves on the rational field Q with given torsion subgroups. 94 - Cees-Bart Breunesse, Ilya Kizhvatov, Ruben Muijrers, Albert Spruyt:
Towards Fully Automated Analysis of Whiteboxes: Perfect Dimensionality Reduction for Perfect Leakage. 95 - Fan Zhang, Philip Daian, Iddo Bentov, Ari Juels:
Paralysis Proofs: Safe Access-Structure Updates for Cryptocurrencies and More. 96 - Andrea Visconti, Federico Gorla:
Exploiting an HMAC-SHA-1 optimization to speed up PBKDF2. 97 - Louis Goubin, Pascal Paillier, Matthieu Rivain, Junwei Wang:
How to Reveal the Secrets of an Obscure White-Box Implementation. 98 - Ignacio Cascudo, Jaron Skovsted Gundersen, Diego Ruano:
Improved Bounds on the Threshold Gap in Ramp Secret Sharing. 99 - Hart William Montgomery:
A Nonstandard Variant of Learning with Rounding with Polynomial Modulus and Unbounded Samples. 100 - Mustafa A. Mustafa, Sara Cleemput, Abdelrahaman Aly, Aysajan Abidin:
A Secure and Privacy-preserving Protocol for Smart Metering Operational Data Collection. 101 - Laurent Castelnovi, Ange Martinelli, Thomas Prest:
Grafting Trees: a Fault Attack against the SPHINCS framework. 102 - Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen:
Decomposition of Permutations in a Finite Field. 103 - Yonatan Sompolinsky, Aviv Zohar:
PHANTOM: A Scalable BlockDAG Protocol. 104 - Michele Ciampi, Claudio Orlandi:
Combining Private Set-Intersection with Secure Two-Party Computation. 105 - Sebastian Berndt, Maciej Liskiewicz:
On the Gold Standard for Security of Universal Steganography. 106 - Carsten Baum, Huang Lin, Sabine Oechsner:
Towards Practical Lattice-Based One-Time Linkable Ring Signatures. 107 - F. Betül Durak, Serge Vaudenay:
Generic Round-Function Recovery for Feistel Networks over Small Domains. 108 - Soda Diop, Bernard Ousmane Sané, Nafissatou Diarra, Michel Seck:
NTRU-LPR IND-CPA: A New Ideal Lattices-based Scheme. 109 - John Baena, Daniel Cabarcas, Daniel E. Escudero, Karan Khathuria, Javier A. Verbel:
Rank Analysis of Cubic Multivariate Cryptosystems. 110 - Håvard Raddum, Pavol Zajac:
MRHS Solver Based on Linear Algebra and Exhaustive Search. 111 - Benjamin Harsha, Jeremiah Blocki:
Just in Time Hashing. 112 - Lauren De Meyer, Begül Bilgin
Classification of Balanced Quadratic Functions. 113 - Colin Boyd, Gareth T. Davies, Kristian Gjøsteen, Yao Jiang:
Offline Assisted Group Key Exchange. 114 - Itai Dinur:
An Improved Affine Equivalence Algorithm for Random Permutations. 115 - Jie Chen, Junqing Gong, Lucas Kowalczyk, Hoeteck Wee:
Unbounded ABE via Bilinear Entropy Expansion, Revisited. 116 - Shai Halevi, Yuriy Polyakov, Victor Shoup:
An Improved RNS Variant of the BFV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme. 117 - Anja Lehmann, Björn Tackmann:
Updatable Encryption with Post-Compromise Security. 118 - Daniel Genkin, Lev Pachmanov, Eran Tromer, Yuval Yarom:
Drive-by Key-Extraction Cache Attacks from Portable Code. 119 - Benny Pinkas, Thomas Schneider, Christian Weinert, Udi Wieder:
Efficient Circuit-based PSI via Cuckoo Hashing. 120 - Daniel R. L. Brown:
ECC mod 8^91+5. 121 - Massimo Bartoletti, Roberto Zunino:
BitML: a calculus for Bitcoin smart contracts. 122 - Howard M. Heys:
Distributed Time-Memory Tradeoff Attacks on Ciphers (with Application to Stream Ciphers and Counter Mode). 123 - Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Bui Cuong:
Evaluating the indistinguishability of the XTS mode in the proposed security model. 124 - Vlad-Raul Pasca, Emil Simion:
Challenges in cyber security - Ransomware Phenomenon. 125 - Phillip Rogaway, Yusi Zhang:
Onion-AE: Foundations of Nested Encryption. 126 - Robert Künnemann, Deepak Garg, Michael Backes:
Accountability in Security Protocols. 127 - Charanjit S. Jutla:
Authenticated Encryption Mode IAPM using SHA-3's Public Random Permutation. 128 - Tuyet Duong, Alexander Chepurnoy, Hong-Sheng Zhou:
Multi-mode Cryptocurrency Systems. 129 - Mojtaba Zaheri, Babak Sadeghiyan:
SMT-based Cube Attack on Simeck32/64. 130 - Ran Canetti, Yilei Chen, Leonid Reyzin, Ron D. Rothblum:
Fiat-Shamir and Correlation Intractability from Strong KDM-Secure Encryption. 131 - Gora Adj, Omran Ahmadi, Alfred Menezes:
On Isogeny Graphs of Supersingular Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields. 132 - Dan Boneh, Yuval Ishai, Amit Sahai, David J. Wu:
Quasi-Optimal SNARGs via Linear Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs. 133 - Ayan Mahalanobis, Vivek Mallick:
A Las Vegas algorithm to solve the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. 134 - Daniel Jost, Christian Badertscher, Fabio Banfi:
A note on the equivalence of IND-CCA & INT-PTXT and IND-CCA & INT-CTXT. 135 - Priyanka Bose, Viet Tung Hoang, Stefano Tessaro:
Revisiting AES-GCM-SIV: Multi-user Security, Faster Key Derivation, and Better Bounds. 136 - Pratik Soni, Stefano Tessaro:
Naor-Reingold Goes Public: The Complexity of Known-key Security. 137 - Christian Badertscher, Juan A. Garay, Ueli Maurer, Daniel Tschudi, Vassilis Zikas:
But Why does it Work? A Rational Protocol Design Treatment of Bitcoin. 138 - (Withdrawn) Faster Multiplication Triplet Generation from Homomorphic Encryption for Practical Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning under a Narrow Bandwidth. 139
- Tomás Fabsic, Viliam Hromada, Pavol Zajac:
A Reaction Attack on LEDApkc. 140 - Baiyu Li, Daniele Micciancio:
Symbolic security of garbled circuits. 141 - Rui Zong, Xiaoyang Dong, Xiaoyun Wang:
MILP-Aided Related-Tweak/Key Impossible Differential Attack and Its applications to QARMA, Joltik-BC. 142 - Shahram Khazaei:
Conjecturally Superpolynomial Lower Bound for Share Size. 143 - Benny Applebaum, Thomas Holenstein, Manoj Mishra, Ofer Shayevitz:
The Communication Complexity of Private Simultaneous Messages, Revisited. 144 - Bin Zhang, Chao Xu, Willi Meier:
Fast Near Collision Attack on the Grain v1 Stream Cipher. 145 - Léo Ducas, Cécile Pierrot:
Polynomial Time Bounded Distance Decoding near Minkowski's Bound in Discrete Logarithm Lattices. 146 - Joël Alwen, Jeremiah Blocki, Krzysztof Pietrzak:
Sustained Space Complexity. 147 - Amos Beimel, Eyal Kushilevitz, Pnina Nissim:
The Complexity of Multiparty PSM Protocols and Related Models. 148 - Ilan Komargodski, Eylon Yogev:
Another Step Towards Realizing Random Oracles: Non-Malleable Point Obfuscation. 149 - Tim Fritzmann, Thomas Pöppelmann, Johanna Sepúlveda:
Analysis of Error-Correcting Codes for Lattice-Based Key Exchange. 150 - Sanjam Garg
, Akshayaram Srinivasan:
Adaptively Secure Garbling with Near Optimal Online Complexity. 151 - Jung-Keun Lee, Bonwook Koo, Woo-Hwan Kim:
Related-Key Linear Cryptanalysis on SIMON. 152 - Jung Hee Cheon, Kyoohyung Han, Andrey Kim, Miran Kim, Yongsoo Song:
Bootstrapping for Approximate Homomorphic Encryption. 153 - Nuttapong Attrapadung, Takahiro Matsuda, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa:
Constrained PRFs for NC1 in Traditional Groups. 154 - Yuyu Wang, Takahiro Matsuda, Goichiro Hanaoka, Keisuke Tanaka:
Memory Lower Bounds of Reductions Revisited. 155 - Sanjam Garg
, Susumu Kiyoshima, Omkant Pandey:
A New Approach to Black-Box Concurrent Secure Computation. 156 - Bernardo David, Rafael Dowsley, Mario Larangeira:
ROYALE: A Framework for Universally Composable Card Games with Financial Rewards and Penalties Enforcement. 157 - Meicheng Liu, Jingchun Yang, Wenhao Wang, Dongdai Lin:
Correlation Cube Attacks: From Weak-Key Distinguisher to Key Recovery. 158 - Gaëtan Leurent, Ferdinand Sibleyras:
The Missing Difference Problem, and its Applications to Counter Mode Encryption. 159 - Sinisa Matetic, Moritz Schneider, Andrew Miller, Ari Juels, Srdjan Capkun:
DelegaTEE: Brokered Delegation Using Trusted Execution Environments. 160 - Carlos Cid, Tao Huang, Thomas Peyrin, Yu Sasaki, Ling Song:
Boomerang Connectivity Table: A New Cryptanalysis Tool. 161 - Jean Paul Degabriele, Martijn Stam:
Untagging Tor: A Formal Treatment of Onion Encryption. 162 - Stanislaw Jarecki, Hugo Krawczyk, Jiayu Xu:
OPAQUE: An Asymmetric PAKE Protocol Secure Against Pre-Computation Attacks. 163 - Pavel Hubácek, Alon Rosen, Margarita Vald:
An Efficiency-Preserving Transformation from Honest-Verifier Statistical Zero-Knowledge to Statistical Zero-Knowledge. 164 - Jan Camenisch, Manu Drijvers, Tommaso Gagliardoni, Anja Lehmann, Gregory Neven:
The Wonderful World of Global Random Oracles. 165 - Atul Luykx, Bart Preneel:
Optimal Forgeries Against Polynomial-Based MACs and GCM. 166 - Nils Fleischhacker, Vipul Goyal, Abhishek Jain
On the Existence of Three Round Zero-Knowledge Proofs. 167 - Yael Tauman Kalai, Dakshita Khurana, Amit Sahai:
Statistical Witness Indistinguishability (and more) in Two Messages. 168 - Srimanta Bhattacharya, Mridul Nandi:
Full Indifferentiable Security of the Xor of Two or More Random Permutations Using the χ2 Method. 169 - Miruna Rosca, Damien Stehlé, Alexandre Wallet:
On the Ring-LWE and Polynomial-LWE problems. 170 - Yi-Hsiu Chen, Kai-Min Chung, Jyun-Jie Liao:
On the Complexity of Simulating Auxiliary Input. 171 - Felix Wegener, Amir Moradi:
A First-Order SCA Resistant AES without Fresh Randomness. 172 - Benjamin Grégoire, Kostas Papagiannopoulos, Peter Schwabe, Ko Stoffelen:
Vectorizing Higher-Order Masking. 173 - Chen-Dong Ye, Tian Tian:
A New Framework for Finding Nonlinear Superpolies in Cube Attacks against Trivium-Like Ciphers. 174 - Vincent Grosso:
Scalable Key Rank Estimation (and Key Enumeration) Algorithm for Large Keys. 175 - Kamil Kluczniak, Man Ho Au:
Fine-Tuning Decentralized Anonymous Payment Systems based on Arguments for Arithmetic Circuit Satisfiability. 176 - Houssem Maghrebi, Emmanuel Prouff:
On the Use of Independent Component Analysis to Denoise Side-Channel Measurements. 177 - Ken Goss, Wei Jiang:
Efficient and Constant-Rounds Secure Comparison through Dynamic Groups and Asymmetric Computations. 179 - Sanjam Garg
, Peihan Miao, Akshayaram Srinivasan:
Two-Round Multiparty Secure Computation Minimizing Public Key Operations. 180 - Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Lorenzo Grassi, Virginie Lallemand, Gregor Leander, Eik List, Florian Mendel, Christian Rechberger:
Rasta: A cipher with low ANDdepth and few ANDs per bit. 181 - Lorenzo Grassi, Christian Rechberger:
New Rigorous Analysis of Truncated Differentials for 5-round AES. 182 - Bram Cohen, Krzysztof Pietrzak:
Simple Proofs of Sequential Work. 183 - Yongjun Zhao, Sherman S. M. Chow:
Can you find the one for me? Privacy-Preserving Matchmaking via Threshold PSI. 184 - Marcos A. Simplício Jr., Eduardo Lopes Cominetti, Harsh Kupwade Patil, Jefferson E. Ricardini, Leonardo T. D. Ferraz, Marcos V. M. Silva:
A privacy-preserving method for temporarily linking/revoking pseudonym certificates in vehicular networks. 185 - Daniel R. L. Brown:
RKHD ElGamal signing and 1-way sums. 186 - Sean Bowe, Ariel Gabizon:
Making Groth's zk-SNARK Simulation Extractable in the Random Oracle Model. 187 - Stephen D. Miller, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz:
Generalizations of Banaszczyk's transference theorems and tail bound. 188 - Pascal Sasdrich, René Bock, Amir Moradi:
Threshold Implementation in Software - Case Study of PRESENT. 189 - Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
New Lower Bounds on Predicate Entropy for Function Private Public-Key Predicate Encryption. 190 - Michael Backes, Lucjan Hanzlik, Kamil Kluczniak, Jonas Schneider:
Signatures with Flexible Public Key: A Unified Approach to Privacy-Preserving Signatures (Full Version). 191 - Nicola Atzei, Massimo Bartoletti, Tiziana Cimoli, Stefano Lande, Roberto Zunino:
SoK: unraveling Bitcoin smart contracts. 192 - Michael Scott:
A New Family of Pairing-Friendly elliptic curves. 193 - Krzysztof Pietrzak:
Proofs of Catalytic Space. 194 - Ghous Amjad, Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz:
Breach-Resistant Structured Encryption. 195 - Benjamin Timon:
Non-Profiled Deep Learning-Based Side-Channel Attacks. 196 - Philippe Jacquet, Bernard Mans:
Green Mining: toward a less energetic impact of cryptocurrencies. 197 - Ximing Fu, Xiaoyun Wang, Xiaoyang Dong, Willi Meier:
A Key-recovery Attack on 855-round Trivium. 198 - David Derler, Kai Gellert, Tibor Jager, Daniel Slamanig, Christoph Striecks
Bloom Filter Encryption and Applications to Efficient Forward-Secret 0-RTT Key Exchange. 199 - Eugene Pilyankevich, Ignat Korchagin, Andrey Mnatsakanov:
Hermes. A framework for cryptographically assured access control and data security. 200 - Jim Basilakis, Bahman Javadi:
Efficient Parallel Binary Operations on Homomorphic Encrypted Real Numbers. 201 - Jack L. H. Crawford, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Daniel Platt, Victor Shoup:
Doing Real Work with FHE: The Case of Logistic Regression. 202 - Anita Aghaie, Amir Moradi, Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Falk Schellenberg, Tobias Schneider:
Impeccable Circuits. 203 - Serge Fehr, Pierre Karpman, Bart Mennink:
Short Non-Malleable Codes from Related-Key Secure Block Ciphers. 204 - Thaddeus Dryja, Quanquan C. Liu, Sunoo Park:
Static-Memory-Hard Functions and Nonlinear Space-Time Tradeoffs via Pebbling. 205 - Edouard Dufour Sans, Romain Gay, David Pointcheval:
Reading in the Dark: Classifying Encrypted Digits with Functional Encryption. 206 - Marshall Ball
, Dana Dachman-Soled, Siyao Guo, Tal Malkin, Li-Yang Tan:
Non-Malleable Codes for Small-Depth Circuits. 207 - Carmit Hazay, Emmanuela Orsini, Peter Scholl, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez:
TinyKeys: A New Approach to Efficient Multi-Party Computation. 208 - Eleftherios Kokoris-Kogias, Enis Ceyhun Alp, Sandra Deepthy Siby, Nicolas Gailly, Philipp Jovanovic, Linus Gasser, Bryan Ford:
Hidden in Plain Sight: Storing and Managing Secrets on a Public Ledger. 209 - Allison Bishop, Lucas Kowalczyk, Tal Malkin, Valerio Pastro, Mariana Raykova, Kevin Shi:
A Simple Obfuscation Scheme for Pattern-Matching with Wildcards. 210 - Prasanna Ravi, Shivam Bhasin, Anupam Chattopadhyay:
Number "Not" Used Once - Key Recovery Fault Attacks on LWE Based Lattice Cryptographic Schemes. 211 - Thibaut Horel, Sunoo Park, Silas Richelson, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
How to Subvert Backdoored Encryption: Security Against Adversaries that Decrypt All Ciphertexts. 212 - Iain Stewart, Dragos Ioan Ilie, Alexei Zamyatin, Sam Werner, M. F. Torshizi, William J. Knottenbelt:
Committing to Quantum Resistance: A Slow Defence for Bitcoin against a Fast Quantum Computing Attack. 213 - Ahmad Khoureich Ka:
R-MAC - A lightwheight authentication protocol for RFID Tags. 214 - Panagiotis Grontas, Aris Pagourtzis, Alexandros Zacharakis, Bingsheng Zhang:
Towards everlasting privacy and efficient coercion resistance in remote electronic voting. 215 - S. Dov Gordon, Samuel Ranellucci, Xiao Wang:
Secure Computation with Low Communication from Cross-checking. 216 - Mihir Bellare, Wei Dai:
Defending Against Key Exfiltration: Efficiency Improvements for Big-Key Cryptography via Large-Alphabet Subkey Prediction. 217 - Jakub Breier, Xiaolu Hou, Yang Liu:
Fault Resilient Encoding Schemes in Software: How Far Can We Go? 218 - Jakub Breier, Dirmanto Jap, Xiaolu Hou, Shivam Bhasin:
On Side-Channel Vulnerabilities of Bit Permutations: Key Recovery and Reverse Engineering. 219 - Shruti Tople, Yaoqi Jia, Prateek Saxena:
PRO-ORAM: Constant Latency Read-Only Oblivious RAM. 220 - Jeremiah Blocki, Ling Ren, Samson Zhou:
Bandwidth-Hard Functions: Reductions and Lower Bounds. 221 - Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Ben Smyth:
Authentication with weaker trust assumptions for voting systems. 222 - Bertram Poettering:
Shorter double-authentication preventing signatures for small address spaces. 223 - Rhys Carlton, Aleksander Essex, Krzysztof Kapulkin:
Threshold Properties of Prime Power Subgroups with Application to Secure Integer Comparisons. 224 - Ben Smyth:
A foundation for secret, verifiable elections. 225 - Sandro Coretti, Yevgeniy Dodis, Siyao Guo:
Non-Uniform Bounds in the Random-Permutation, Ideal-Cipher, and Generic-Group Models. 226 - Wei-Kai Lin, Elaine Shi, Tiancheng Xie:
Can We Overcome the n log n Barrier for Oblivious Sorting? 227 - Georg Fuchsbauer, Michele Orrù:
Non-interactive zaps of knowledge. 228 - Wei Dai, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang:
Optimizing polynomial convolution for NTRUEncrypt. 229 - Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Angshuman Karmakar, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Frederik Vercauteren:
Saber: Module-LWR based key exchange, CPA-secure encryption and CCA-secure KEM. 230 - Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu:
Remarks on Bell's Inequality. 231 - Masahiro Yagisawa:
Improved fully homomorphic public-key encryption with small ciphertext size. 232 - Charlotte Bonte, Frederik Vercauteren:
Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression Training. 233 - Hagen Sparka, Florian Tschorsch, Björn Scheuermann:
P2KMV: A Privacy-preserving Counting Sketch for Efficient and Accurate Set Intersection Cardinality Estimations. 234 - Julian Loss, Tal Moran:
Combining Asynchronous and Synchronous Byzantine Agreement: The Best of Both Worlds. 235 - Yuval Marcus, Ethan Heilman, Sharon Goldberg:
Low-Resource Eclipse Attacks on Ethereum's Peer-to-Peer Network. 236 - Julia Hesse, Dennis Hofheinz, Lisa Kohl:
On Tightly Secure Non-Interactive Key Exchange. 237 - Brett Hemenway Falk, Daniel Noble, Rafail Ostrovsky:
Private Set Intersection with Linear Communication from General Assumptions. 238 - Jiangshan Yu, David Kozhaya, Jérémie Decouchant, Paulo Jorge Esteves Veríssimo:
RepuCoin: Your Reputation is Your Power. 239 - Ron D. Rothblum, Adam Sealfon, Katerina Sotiraki
Towards Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge for NP from LWE. 240 - Neha Narula, Willy Vasquez, Madars Virza:
zkLedger: Privacy-Preserving Auditing for Distributed Ledgers. 241 - Sudhakar Kumawat, Souradyuti Paul:
A New Constant-size Accountable Ring Signature Scheme Without Random Oracles. 242 - Indra Deep Mastan, Souradyuti Paul:
A New Approach to Deanonymization of Unreachable Bitcoin Nodes. 243 - Shai Halevi, Victor Shoup:
Faster Homomorphic Linear Transformations in HElib. 244 - Adi Akavia, Dan Feldman, Hayim Shaul:
Secure Search via Multi-Ring Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 245 - Chris Culnane, Olivier Pereira, Kim Ramchen, Vanessa Teague:
Universally Verifiable MPC with Applications to IRV Ballot Counting. 246 - Thang Hoang, Muslum Ozgur Ozmen, Yeongjin Jang, Attila A. Yavuz:
Hardware-Supported ORAM in Effect: Practical Oblivious Search and Update on Very Large Dataset. 247 - Peter Gazi, Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russell:
Stake-Bleeding Attacks on Proof-of-Stake Blockchains. 248 - Zhengjun Cao, Jeffrey Uhlmann, Lihua Liu:
Analysis of Deutsch-Jozsa Quantum Algorithm. 249 - Xiong Fan, Qiang Tang:
Making Public Key Functional Encryption Function Private, Distributively. 250 - Rohit Sinha, Mihai Christodorescu:
VeritasDB: High Throughput Key-Value Store with Integrity. 251 - Yongge Wang, Qutaibah M. Malluhi:
The Limit of Blockchains: Infeasibility of a Smart Obama-Trump Contract. 252 - Nadim Kobeissi:
Capsule: A Protocol for Secure Collaborative Document Editing. 253 - Andrey Kim, Yongsoo Song, Miran Kim, Keewoo Lee, Jung Hee Cheon:
Logistic Regression Model Training based on the Approximate Homomorphic Encryption. 254 - Rio LaVigne, Chen-Da Liu Zhang, Ueli Maurer, Tal Moran, Marta Mularczyk, Daniel Tschudi:
Topology-Hiding Computation Beyond Semi-Honest Adversaries. 255 - Edward Eaton, Matthieu Lequesne, Alex Parent, Nicolas Sendrier:
QC-MDPC: A Timing Attack and a CCA2 KEM. 256 - Tore Vincent Carstens, Ehsan Ebrahimi
, Gelo Noel Tabia, Dominique Unruh:
On Quantum Indifferentiability. 257 - Alya Geogiana Buja, Shekh Faisal Abdul-Latip, Rabiah Ahmad:
Fault Analysis of the KTANTAN Family of Block Ciphers: A Revisited Work of Fault Analysis of the KATAN Family of Block Ciphers. 258 - Zheng Yang, Kimmo Järvinen:
The Death and Rebirth of Privacy-Preserving WiFi Fingerprint Localization with Paillier Encryption. 259 - Sébastien Duval, Gaëtan Leurent:
MDS Matrices with Lightweight Circuits. 260 - Dan Boneh, Saba Eskandarian, Ben Fisch:
Post-Quantum Group Signatures from Symmetric Primitives. 261 - Joachim Zahnentferner:
Chimeric Ledgers: Translating and Unifying UTXO-based and Account-based Cryptocurrencies. 262 - (Withdrawn) An Efficient and Secure Attribute-Based Signcryption Scheme for Smart Grid Applications. 263
- Daan Leermakers, Boris Skoric:
Security proof for Quantum Key Recycling with noise. 264 - Ayesha Khalid, James Howe, Ciara Rafferty, Francesco Regazzoni, Máire O'Neill:
Compact, Scalable, and Efficient Discrete Gaussian Samplers for Lattice-Based Cryptography. 265 - Steven D. Galbraith:
Authenticated key exchange for SIDH. 266 - Patrick Longa:
A Note on Post-Quantum Authenticated Key Exchange from Supersingular Isogenies. 267 - Michael A. Raskin, Mark Simkin:
Oblivious RAM with Small Storage Overhead. 268 - Derek Leung, Adam Suhl, Yossi Gilad, Nickolai Zeldovich:
Vault: Fast Bootstrapping for Cryptocurrencies. 269 - Douglas R. Stinson:
A Brief Retrospective Look at the Cayley-Purser Public-key Cryptosystem, 19 Years Later. 270 - Borching Su:
MathCoin: A Blockchain Proposal that Helps Verify Mathematical Theorems In Public. 271 - Sam Kim, David J. Wu:
Multi-Theorem Preprocessing NIZKs from Lattices. 272 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Xiong Fan:
Attribute Based Encryption for RAMs from LWE. 273 - Rachid El Bansarkhani, Rafael Misoczki:
G-Merkle: A Hash-Based Group Signature Scheme From Standard Assumptions. 274 - Rosario Gennaro, Michele Minelli, Anca Nitulescu, Michele Orrù:
Lattice-Based zk-SNARKs from Square Span Programs. 275 - Mark Zhandry:
How to Record Quantum Queries, and Applications to Quantum Indifferentiability. 276 - Sebastian Meiser:
Approximate and Probabilistic Differential Privacy Definitions. 277 - Rémi Géraud, David Naccache:
Mixed-radix Naccache-Stern encryption. 278 - Zvika Brakerski, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Daniel Wichs:
Worst-Case Hardness for LPN and Cryptographic Hashing via Code Smoothing. 279 - Jens Groth, Markulf Kohlweiss, Mary Maller, Sarah Meiklejohn, Ian Miers:
Updatable and Universal Common Reference Strings with Applications to zk-SNARKs. 280 - Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Dakshita Khurana, Amit Sahai, Brent Waters:
Upgrading to Functional Encryption. 281 - Jason T. LeGrow, David Jao, Reza Azarderakhsh:
Modeling Quantum-Safe Authenticated Key Establishment, and an Isogeny-Based Protocol. 282 - Gizem S. Çetin, Berk Sunar:
Homomorphic Rank Sort Using Surrogate Polynomials. 283 - Qichun Wang:
Hadamard Matrices, d-Linearly Independent Sets and Correlation-Immune Boolean Functions with Minimum Hamming Weights. 284 - Iraklis Symeonidis, Gergely Biczók, Fatemeh Shirazi, Cristina Pérez-Solà, Jessica Schroers, Bart Preneel:
Collateral Damage of Facebook Applications: a Comprehensive Study. 285 - Björn Haase, Benoît Labrique:
AuCPace: Efficient verifier-based PAKE protocol tailored for the IIoT. 286 - Atanu Basu, Indranil Sengupta:
Secure Cloud Storage Scheme Based On Hybrid Cryptosystem. 287 - Ke Gu, Na Wu:
Constant Size Traceable Ring Signature Scheme without Random Oracles. 288 - Phillipp Schoppmann, Adrià Gascón, Borja Balle:
Private Nearest Neighbors Classification in Federated Databases. 289 - Vireshwar Kumar, He Li, Noah Luther, Pranav Asokan, Jung-Min "Jerry" Park, Kaigui Bian, Martin B. H. Weiss, Taieb Znati:
Direct Anonymous Attestation with Efficient Verifier-Local Revocation for Subscription System. 290 - Guido Marco Bertoni, Lorenzo Grassi, Filippo Melzani:
Simulations of Optical Emissions for Attacking AES and Masked AES. 291 - Brice Minaud:
Linear Biases in AEGIS Keystream. 292 - Eshan Chattopadhyay, Bhavana Kanukurthi, Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obbattu, Sruthi Sekar:
Privacy Amplification from Non-malleable Codes. 293 - Yang Yu, Léo Ducas:
Learning strikes again: the case of the DRS signature scheme. 294 - Sayandeep Saha, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Pallab Dasgupta:
ExpFault: An Automated Framework for Exploitable Fault Characterization in Block Ciphers. 295 - Bertram Poettering, Paul Rösler:
Ratcheted key exchange, revisited. 296 - Matteo Campanelli, Rosario Gennaro:
Fine-Grained Secure Computation. 297 - Luke Valenta, Nick Sullivan, Antonio Sanso, Nadia Heninger:
In search of CurveSwap: Measuring elliptic curve implementations in the wild. 298 - Stephen Farrell:
Clusters of Re-used Keys. 299 - Pascal Mainini, Rolf Haenni:
Outsourcing Modular Exponentiation in Cryptographic Web Applications. 300 - Estuardo Alpirez Bock, Chris Brzuska, Wil Michiels, Alexander Treff:
On the Ineffectiveness of Internal Encodings - Revisiting the DCA Attack on White-Box Cryptography. 301 - Rafael Pass, Elaine Shi:
Rethinking Large-Scale Consensus. 302 - Bernardo David, Rafael Dowsley, Mario Larangeira:
21 - Bringing Down the Complexity: Fast Composable Protocols for Card Games Without Secret State. 303 - Peizhao Hu, Sherman S. M. Chow, Asma Aloufi:
Geosocial Query with User-Controlled Privacy. 304 - Olivier Bernard, Renaud Dubois, Simon Masson:
Efficient four-dimensional GLV curve with high security. 305 - Chris Brzuska, Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, Konrad Kohbrok, Markulf Kohlweiss:
State-Separating Proofs: A Reduction Methodology for Real-World Protocols. 306 - Travis Scholl:
Isolated Curves and the MOV Attack. 307 - Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky:
On Perfectly Secure 2PC in the OT-hybrid model. 308 - (Withdrawn) Error Estimation of Practical Convolution Discrete Gaussian Sampling. 309
- Yasufumi Hashimoto, Yasuhiko Ikematsu, Tsuyoshi Takagi:
Chosen Message Attack on Multivariate Signature ELSA at Asiacrypt 2017. 310 - Bita Darvish Rouhani, Huili Chen, Farinaz Koushanfar
DeepSigns: A Generic Watermarking Framework for IP Protection of Deep Learning Models. 311 - Chunsheng Gu:
Multilinear maps via secret ring. 312 - Gora Adj, Daniel Cervantes-Vázquez, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Alfred Menezes, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez:
On the cost of computing isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. 313 - Sergiu Carpov, Thibaud Tortech:
Secure top most significant genome variants search: iDASH 2017 competition. 314 - Dahmun Goudarzi, Anthony Journault, Matthieu Rivain, François-Xavier Standaert:
Secure Multiplication for Bitslice Higher-Order Masking: Optimisation and Comparison. 315 - Vipul Goyal, Ashutosh Kumar:
Non-Malleable Secret Sharing. 316 - Dor Fledel, Avishai Wool:
Sliding-Window Correlation Attacks Against Encryption Devices with an Unstable Clock. 317 - Ward Beullens, Simon R. Blackburn:
Practical attacks against the Walnut digital signature scheme. 318 - Philipp Schindler, Aljosha Judmayer, Nicholas Stifter, Edgar R. Weippl:
HydRand: Practical Continuous Distributed Randomness. 319 - Stefan Dziembowski, Sebastian Faust, Kristina Hostáková:
Foundations of State Channel Networks. 320 - David Derler, Stephan Krenn, Thomas Lorünser, Sebastian Ramacher, Daniel Slamanig, Christoph Striecks
Revisiting Proxy Re-Encryption: Forward Secrecy, Improved Security, and Applications. 321 - Huili Chen, Bita Darvish Rohani, Farinaz Koushanfar
DeepMarks: A Digital Fingerprinting Framework for Deep Neural Networks. 322 - Sanaz Taheri Boshrooyeh, Alptekin Küpçü, Öznur Özkasap:
PPAD: Privacy Preserving Group-Based ADvertising in Online Social Networks. 323 - Marcos A. Simplício Jr., Eduardo Lopes Cominetti, Harsh Kupwade Patil, Jefferson E. Ricardini, Marcos V. M. Silva:
ACPC: Efficient revocation of pseudonym certificates using activation codes. 324 - John M. Schanck:
Multi-power Post-quantum RSA. 325 - (Withdrawn) Verifier Non-Locality in Interactive Proofs. 326
- Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu:
A Note On Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof System. 327 - Luk Bettale, Jean-Sébastien Coron, Rina Zeitoun:
Improved High-Order Conversion From Boolean to Arithmetic Masking. 328 - Pasquale Malacaria, M. H. R. Khouzani, Corina S. Pasareanu, Quoc-Sang Phan, Kasper Søe Luckow:
Symbolic Side-Channel Analysis for Probabilistic Programs. 329 - Joseph K. Liu, Tsz Hon Yuen, Peng Zhang, Kaitai Liang:
Time-Based Direct Revocable Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Short Revocation List. 330 - Martin R. Albrecht, Benjamin R. Curtis, Amit Deo, Alex Davidson, Rachel Player, Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Fernando Virdia, Thomas Wunderer:
Estimate all the {LWE, NTRU} schemes! 331 - Ralph Ankele, Eik List:
Differential Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Sparx-64/128. 332 - Tianren Liu, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
Breaking the Circuit-Size Barrier in Secret Sharing. 333 - Dong Yang, Wen-Feng Qi, Hua-Jin Chen:
Impossible Differential Attack on QARMA Family of Block Ciphers. 334 - Nir Drucker, Shay Gueron:
Fast modular squaring with AVX512IFMA. 335 - David Urbanik, David Jao:
SoK: The Problem Landscape of SIDH. 336 - Marc Fischlin, Patrick Harasser:
Invisible Sanitizable Signatures and Public-Key Encryption are Equivalent. 337 - Zvika Brakerski:
Quantum FHE (Almost) As Secure as Classical. 338 - Thomas Debris-Alazard, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
A polynomial attack on a NIST proposal: RankSign, a code-based signature in rank metric. 339 - Johannes Blömer, Jan Bobolz:
Delegatable Attribute-based Anonymous Credentials from Dynamically Malleable Signatures. 340 - William Diehl, Abubakr Abdulgadir, Farnoud Farahmand, Jens-Peter Kaps, Kris Gaj:
Comparison of Cost of Protection Against Differential Power Analysis of Selected Authenticated Ciphers. 341 - Ralph Ankele, Florian Böhl, Simon Friedberger:
MergeMAC: A MAC for Authentication with Strict Time Constraints and Limited Bandwidth. 342 - Duc Viet Le, Mahimna Kelkar, Aniket Kate:
Flexible Signatures: Towards Making Authentication Suitable for Real-Time Environments. 343 - Andrea Cerulli, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Claudio Soriente:
Nothing Refreshes Like a RePSI: Reactive Private Set Intersection. 344 - Md. Mamunur Rashid Akand, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini:
In-region Authentication. 345 - Rishab Goyal, Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters:
Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing from Learning with Errors. 346 - Stanislaw Jarecki, Boyang Wei:
3PC ORAM with Low Latency, Low Bandwidth, and Fast Batch Retrieval. 347 - Dimaz Ankaa Wijaya, Joseph K. Liu, Ron Steinfeld, Dongxi Liu:
Monero Ring Attack: Recreating Zero Mixin Transaction Effect. 348 - Joanne Woodage, Dan Shumow:
An Analysis of the NIST SP 800-90A Standard. 349 - Phuong Ha Nguyen, Durga Prasad Sahoo, Chenglu Jin, Kaleel Mahmood, Ulrich Rührmair, Marten van Dijk:
The Interpose PUF: Secure PUF Design against State-of-the-art Machine Learning Attacks. 350 - Miloslav Homer:
A Chosen Plaintext Attack on Offset Public Permutation Mode. 351 - Kai-Min Chung, Marios Georgiou, Ching-Yi Lai, Vassilis Zikas:
Cryptography with Dispensable Backdoors. 352 - Xin Li:
Non-Malleable Extractors and Non-Malleable Codes: Partially Optimal Constructions. 353 - Nicola Tuveri, Billy Bob Brumley:
Start your ENGINEs: dynamically loadable contemporary crypto. 354 - Leon Groot Bruinderink, Peter Pessl:
Differential Fault Attacks on Deterministic Lattice Signatures. 355 - Jheyne N. Ortiz, Robson R. de Araujo, Ricardo Dahab, Diego F. Aranha, Sueli I. R. Costa:
In Praise of Twisted Canonical Embedding. 356 - Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Hannes Groß, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, Robert Primas:
Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks on Masked AES with Fault Countermeasures. 357 - Yansong Gao, Chenglu Jin, Jeeson Kim, Hussein Nili, Xiaolin Xu, Wayne P. Burleson, Omid Kavehei, Marten van Dijk, Damith Chinthana Ranasinghe, Ulrich Rührmair:
Efficient Erasable PUFs from Programmable Logic and Memristors. 358 - (Withdrawn) Privacy-Preserving Multibiometric Authentication in Cloud with Untrusted Database Providers. 359
- Yilei Chen, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Hoeteck Wee:
GGH15 Beyond Permutation Branching Programs: Proofs, Attacks, and Candidates. 360 - Zheng Yang, Yu Chen, Song Luo:
Two-message Key Exchange with Strong Security from Ideal Lattices. 361 - Marc Fischlin, Christian Janson, Sogol Mazaheri:
Backdoored Hash Functions: Immunizing HMAC and HKDF. 362 - Ariel Hamlin, Rafail Ostrovsky, Mor Weiss, Daniel Wichs:
Private Anonymous Data Access. 363 - T.-H. Hubert Chan, Kartik Nayak, Elaine Shi:
Perfectly Secure Oblivious Parallel RAM. 364 - Ahmad Ahmadi, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Md. Mamunur Rashid Akand:
Anonymous Distance-Bounding Identification. 365 - Ahmad Ahmadi, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini:
Directional Distance-Bounding Identification Protocols. 366 - Alejandro Cabrera Aldaya, Cesar Pereida García, Luis Manuel Alvarez Tapia, Billy Bob Brumley:
Cache-Timing Attacks on RSA Key Generation. 367 - (Withdrawn) Encryption with Untrusted Keys: Security against Chosen Objects Attack. 368
- Hyung Tae Lee, Huaxiong Wang, Kai Zhang:
Security Analysis and Modification of ID-Based Encryption with Equality Test from ACISP 2017. 369 - A. V. Menyachikhin:
Spectral-linear and spectral-differential methods for generating S-boxes having almost optimal cryptographic parameters. 370 - Kirsten Eisenträger, Sean Hallgren, Kristin E. Lauter, Travis Morrison, Christophe Petit:
Supersingular isogeny graphs and endomorphism rings: reductions and solutions. 371 - Alexander R. Block, Divya Gupta, Hemanta K. Maji, Hai H. Nguyen:
Secure Computation using Leaky Correlations (Asymptotically Optimal Constructions). 372 - Sarvar Patel, Giuseppe Persiano, Mariana Raykova, Kevin Yeo:
PanORAMa: Oblivious RAM with Logarithmic Overhead. 373 - Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Lei Wang:
Functional Graphs and Their Applications in Generic Attacks on Iterated Hash Constructions. 374 - Zvika Brakerski, Yael Tauman Kalai:
Monotone Batch NP-Delegation with Applications to Access Control. 375 - Joppe W. Bos, Simon Friedberger:
Arithmetic Considerations for Isogeny Based Cryptography. 376 - Jing Chen, Sergey Gorbunov, Silvio Micali, Georgios Vlachos:
ALGORAND AGREEMENT: Super Fast and Partition Resilient Byzantine Agreement. 377 - Christian Badertscher, Peter Gazi, Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russell, Vassilis Zikas:
Ouroboros Genesis: Composable Proof-of-Stake Blockchains with Dynamic Availability. 378 - Wilson Abel Alberto Torres, Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad, Joseph K. Liu, Veronika Kuchta
, Nandita Bhattacharjee, Man Ho Au, Jacob Cheng:
Post-Quantum One-Time Linkable Ring Signature and Application to Ring Confidential Transactions in Blockchain (Lattice RingCT v1.0). 379 - Jonathan Bootle, Andrea Cerulli, Jens Groth, Sune K. Jakobsen, Mary Maller:
Nearly Linear-Time Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Correct Program Execution. 380 - Gilles Barthe, Sonia Belaïd, Thomas Espitau, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire, Mélissa Rossi, Mehdi Tibouchi:
Masking the GLP Lattice-Based Signature Scheme at Any Order. 381 - Donghoon Chang, Amit Kumar Chauhan, Sandeep Kumar, Somitra Kumar Sanadhya:
Revocable Identity-based Encryption from Codes with Rank Metric. 382 - Wouter Castryck, Tanja Lange, Chloe Martindale, Lorenz Panny, Joost Renes:
CSIDH: An Efficient Post-Quantum Commutative Group Action. 383 - (Withdrawn) Fine-Grained and Application-Ready Distance-Bounding Security. 384
- Justin Holmgren
, Alex Lombardi:
Cryptographic Hashing From Strong One-Way Functions. 385 - Zhaohui Cheng, Liqun Chen:
Certificateless Public Key Signature Schemes from Standard Algorithms. 386 - Ryo Kikuchi, Dai Ikarashi, Takahiro Matsuda, Koki Hamada, Koji Chida:
Efficient Bit-Decomposition and Modulus-Conversion Protocols with an Honest Majority. 387 - Seyed Farhad Aghili, Hamid Mala:
Security Analysis of Fan et al. Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol for Privacy Protection in IoT. 388 - Yotam Harchol, Ittai Abraham, Benny Pinkas:
Distributed SSH Key Management with Proactive RSA Threshold Signatures. 389 - Baoyu Zhu, Xiaoyang Dong, Hongbo Yu:
MILP-based Differential Attack on Round-reduced GIFT. 390 - Romain Gay, Lucas Kowalczyk, Hoeteck Wee:
Tight Adaptively Secure Broadcast Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Keys. 391 - Nir Drucker, Shay Gueron, Vlad Krasnov:
Making AES great again: the forthcoming vectorized AES instruction. 392 - Matvei Kotov, Anton Menshov, Alexander Ushakov:
AN ATTACK ON THE WALNUT DIGITAL SIGNATURE ALGORITHM. 393 - Laasya Bangalore, Ashish Choudhury, Arpita Patra:
Almost-Surely Terminating Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement Revisited. 394 - Alexander R. Block, Hemanta K. Maji, Hai H. Nguyen:
Secure Computation with Constant Communication Overhead using Multiplication Embeddings. 395 - Akira Takahashi, Mehdi Tibouchi, Masayuki Abe:
New Bleichenbacher Records: Practical Fault Attacks on qDSA Signatures. 396 - Jung Hee Cheon, Minki Hhan, Jiseung Kim, Changmin Lee:
Cryptanalysis on the HHSS Obfuscation Arising from Absence of Safeguards. 397 - Massimo Bartoletti, Tiziana Cimoli, Roberto Zunino:
Fun with Bitcoin smart contracts. 398 - Sergey Grebnev:
On the Feasibility of an ECDLP Algorithm. 399 - Nicholas Stifter, Aljosha Judmayer, Philipp Schindler, Alexei Zamyatin, Edgar R. Weippl:
Agreement with Satoshi - On the Formalization of Nakamoto Consensus. 400 - Nada El Kassem, Liqun Chen, Rachid El Bansarkhani, Ali El Kaafarani, Jan Camenisch, Patrick Hough:
L-DAA: Lattice-Based Direct Anonymous Attestation. 401 - Ioana Boureanu, Anda Anda:
Another Look at Relay and Distance-based Attacks in Contactless Payments. 402 - Payman Mohassel, Peter Rindal:
ABY3: A Mixed Protocol Framework for Machine Learning. 403 - José Bacelar Almeida, Manuel Barbosa, Gilles Barthe, Hugo Pacheco, Vitor Pereira, Bernardo Portela:
Enforcing ideal-world leakage bounds in real-world secret sharing MPC frameworks. 404 - Sankhanil Dey, Ranjan Ghosh:
A review of cryptographic properties of S-boxes with Generation and Analysis of crypto secure S-boxes. 405 - Gideon Samid:
"Larger Keys, Less Complexity" A Strategic Proposition. 406 - Cencen Wan, Yuncong Zhang, Chen Pan, Zhiqiang Liu, Yu Long, Zhen Liu, Yu Yu, Shuyang Tang:
Goshawk: A Novel Efficient, Robust and Flexible Blockchain Protocol. 407 - Jung Hee Cheon, Minki Hhan, Jiseung Kim, Changmin Lee:
Cryptanalyses of Branching Program Obfuscations over GGH13 Multilinear Map from NTRU Attack. 408 - Willy Quach, Hoeteck Wee, Daniel Wichs:
Laconic Function Evaluation and Applications. 409 - Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu:
A Note On Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Inequality. 410 - Angela Jäschke, Frederik Armknecht:
Unsupervised Machine Learning on Encrypted Data. 411 - Karl Wüst, Kari Kostiainen, Vedran Capkun, Srdjan Capkun:
PRCash: Centrally-Issued Digital Currency with Privacy and Regulation. 412 - Kevin Lewi, Callen Rain, Stephen A. Weis, Yueting Lee, Haozhi Xiong, Benjamin Yang:
Scaling Backend Authentication at Facebook. 413 - Yunlei Zhao:
Aggregation of Gamma-Signatures and Applications to Bitcoin. 414 - Alexei Zamyatin, Nicholas Stifter, Philipp Schindler, Edgar R. Weippl, William J. Knottenbelt:
Flux: Revisiting Near Blocks for Proof-of-Work Blockchains. 415 - Nadim Kobeissi, Natalia Kulatova:
Ledger Design Language: Towards Formal Reasoning and Implementation for Public Ledgers. 416 - Manu Drijvers, Kasra Edalatnejad, Bryan Ford, Gregory Neven:
Okamoto Beats Schnorr: On the Provable Security of Multi-Signatures. 417 - Vladimir Kiriansky, Ilia A. Lebedev, Saman P. Amarasinghe, Srinivas Devadas, Joel S. Emer:
DAWG: A Defense Against Cache Timing Attacks in Speculative Execution Processors. 418 - Elette Boyle, Geoffroy Couteau, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Michele Orrù:
Homomorphic Secret Sharing: Optimizations and Applications. 419 - Shuichi Katsumata, Takahiro Matsuda, Atsushi Takayasu:
Lattice-based Revocable (Hierarchical) IBE with Decryption Key Exposure Resistance. 420 - Ilaria Chillotti, Nicolas Gama, Mariya Georgieva, Malika Izabachène:
TFHE: Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Torus. 421 - Suyash Kandele, Souradyuti Paul:
Message-locked Encryption with File Update. 422 - Kasper Green Larsen, Jesper Buus Nielsen:
Yes, There is an Oblivious RAM Lower Bound! 423 - Lachlan J. Gunn, Ricardo Vieitez Parra, N. Asokan:
On The Use of Remote Attestation to Break and Repair Deniability. 424 - Martin R. Albrecht, Christian Hanser, Andrea Höller, Thomas Pöppelmann, Fernando Virdia, Andreas Wallner:
Learning with Errors on RSA Co-Processors. 425 - Georg Fuchsbauer, Chethan Kamath, Karen Klein, Krzysztof Pietrzak:
Adaptively Secure Proxy Re-encryption. 426 - Ilia A. Lebedev, Kyle Hogan, Srinivas Devadas:
Secure Boot and Remote Attestation in the Sanctum Processor. 427 - Shobhit Sinha, Sandip Karmakar:
Differential Fault Analysis of Rectangle-80. 428 - Ignacio Cascudo, Ronald Cramer, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan:
Amortized Complexity of Information-Theoretically Secure MPC Revisited. 429 - Faruk Göloglu, Antoine Joux:
A Simplified Approach to Rigorous Degree 2 Elimination in Discrete Logarithm Algorithms. 430 - (Withdrawn) Lightweight ASIC Implementation of AEGIS-128. 431
- Xavier Bonnetain, María Naya-Plasencia:
Hidden Shift Quantum Cryptanalysis and Implications. 432 - Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li:
Achieving Fine-grained Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data. 433 - Bart Mennink:
Towards Tight Security of Cascaded LRW2. 434 - Bingsheng Zhang, Roman Oliynykov, Hamed Balogun:
A Treasury System for Cryptocurrencies: Enabling Better Collaborative Intelligence. 435 - Ashish Choudhury, Gayathri Garimella, Arpita Patra, Divya Ravi, Pratik Sarkar:
Crash-tolerant Consensus in Directed Graph Revisited. 436 - Ben Berger, Zvika Brakerski:
Zero-Knowledge Protocols for Search Problems. 437 - Gaëtan Cassiers, François-Xavier Standaert:
Improved Bitslice Masking: from Optimized Non-Interference to Probe Isolation. 438 - Sonia Belaïd, Dahmun Goudarzi, Matthieu Rivain:
Tight Private Circuits: Achieving Probing Security with the Least Refreshing. 439 - Handan Kilinç, Serge Vaudenay:
Formal Analysis of Distance Bounding with Secure Hardware. 440 - Amos Beimel, Naty Peter:
Optimal Linear Multiparty Conditional Disclosure of Secrets Protocols. 441 - Sameer Wagh, Divya Gupta, Nishanth Chandran:
SecureNN: Efficient and Private Neural Network Training. 442 - Rishab Goyal:
Quantum Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption for Polynomial-Sized Circuits. 443 - Bing Zeng:
Founding Cryptography on Smooth Projective Hashing. 444 - Yang Wang, Mingqiang Wang:
CRPSF and NTRU Signatures over cyclotomic fields. 445 - Hua Dong, Li Yang:
A voting scheme with post-quantum security based on physical laws. 446 - Xiaofeng Xie, Tian Tian:
Improved Distinguisher Search Techniques Based on Parity Sets. 447 - Shoichi Hirose, Junji Shikata:
Non-adaptive Group-Testing Aggregate MAC Scheme. 448 - Bart Mennink:
Key Prediction Security of Keyed Sponges. 449 - David W. Archer, Dan Bogdanov, Yehuda Lindell, Liina Kamm, Kurt Nielsen, Jakob Illeborg Pagter, Nigel P. Smart, Rebecca N. Wright:
From Keys to Databases - Real-World Applications of Secure Multi-Party Computation. 450 - Shuichi Katsumata, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa:
Tighter Security Proofs for GPV-IBE in the Quantum Random Oracle Model. 451 - Panjin Kim, Kyung Chul Jeong, Daewan Han:
Time-Space Complexity of Quantum Search Algorithms in Symmetric Cryptanalysis. 452 - Cecilia Boschini, Jan Camenisch, Gregory Neven:
Floppy-Sized Group Signatures from Lattices. 453 - Mohsen Minaei, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez
, Aniket Kate:
R3C3: Cryptographically secure Censorship Resistant Rendezvous using Cryptocurrencies. 454 - Serdar Boztas:
On Renyi Entropies and their Applications to Guessing Attacks in Cryptography. 455 - Elise Barelli, Alain Couvreur:
An efficient structural attack on NIST submission DAGS. 456 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Aayush Jain, Nathan Manohar, Amit Sahai:
From FE Combiners to Secure MPC and Back. 457 - Ian McQuoid, Trevor Swope, Mike Rosulek:
Characterizing Collision and Second-Preimage Resistance in Linicrypt. 458 - Paulo Barreto, Glaucio Oliveira, Waldyr Benits:
Supersingular Isogeny Oblivious Transfer. 459 - Mahdi Zamani, Mahnush Movahedi, Mariana Raykova:
RapidChain: A Fast Blockchain Protocol via Full Sharding. 460 - Benjamin Fuller, Lowen Peng:
When are Continuous-Source Fuzzy Extractors Possible? 461 - Hao Chen, Ran Gilad-Bachrach, Kyoohyung Han, Zhicong Huang, Amir Jalali, Kim Laine, Kristin E. Lauter:
Logistic regression over encrypted data from fully homomorphic encryption. 462 - Takashi Yamakawa, Shota Yamada, Goichiro Hanaoka, Noboru Kunihiro:
Generic Hardness of Inversion on Ring and Its Relation to Self-Bilinear Map. 463 - Tomer Ashur, Maria Eichlseder, Martin M. Lauridsen, Gaëtan Leurent, Brice Minaud, Yann Rotella, Yu Sasaki, Benoît Viguier:
Cryptanalysis of MORUS. 464 - Geoffroy Couteau:
A Note on the Communication Complexity of Multiparty Computation in the Correlated Randomness Model. 465 - Somnath Panja, Bimal Kumar Roy:
A secure end-to-end verifiable e-voting system using zero knowledge based blockchain. 466 - Nigel P. Smart, Tim Wood:
Error-Detecting in Monotone Span Programs with Application to Communication Efficient Multi-Party Computation. 467 - Yaobin Shen, Lei Wang, Dawu Gu:
ISO/IEC 9797-1 Revisited: Beyond Birthday Bound. 468 - Joachim Zahnentferner:
An Abstract Model of UTxO-based Cryptocurrencies with Scripts. 469 - Thomas Agrikola, Geoffroy Couteau, Dennis Hofheinz:
The Usefulness of Sparsifiable Inputs: How to Avoid Subexponential iO. 470 - Anrin Chakraborti, Adam J. Aviv, Seung Geol Choi, Travis Mayberry, Daniel S. Roche, Radu Sion:
Efficient Range ORAM with 핆(log2N) Locality. 471 - Giulio Malavolta, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez
, Clara Schneidewind, Aniket Kate, Matteo Maffei:
Multi-Hop Locks for Secure, Privacy-Preserving and Interoperable Payment-Channel Networks. 472 - Daniele Friolo, Daniel Masny, Daniele Venturi:
Secure Multi-Party Computation from Strongly Uniform Key Agreement. 473 - Peter Sebastian Nordholt, Meilof Veeningen:
Minimising Communication in Honest-Majority MPC by Batchwise Multiplication Verification. 474 - Jonathan Katz, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Xiao Wang:
Improved Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge with Applications to Post-Quantum Signatures. 475 - Stjepan Picek, Annelie Heuser, Alan Jovic, Shivam Bhasin, Francesco Regazzoni:
The Curse of Class Imbalance and Conflicting Metrics with Machine Learning for Side-channel Evaluations. 476 - Lejla Batina, Shivam Bhasin, Dirmanto Jap, Stjepan Picek:
CSI Neural Network: Using Side-channels to Recover Your Artificial Neural Network Information. 477 - Ali Aydin Selçuk:
On Non-Monotonicity of the Success Probability in Linear Cryptanalysis. 478 - Adrian G. Schipor:
On the security of Jhanwar-Barua Identity-Based Encryption Scheme. 479 - Ilan Komargodski, Eylon Yogev:
On Distributional Collision Resistant Hashing. 480 - Arpita Patra, Divya Ravi:
On the Exact Round Complexity of Secure Three-Party Computation. 481 - Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgård, Daniel Escudero, Peter Scholl, Chaoping Xing:
SPDℤ2k: Efficient MPC mod 2k for Dishonest Majority. 482 - Dan Boneh, Manu Drijvers, Gregory Neven:
Compact Multi-Signatures for Smaller Blockchains. 483 - Chun Guo, Olivier Pereira, Thomas Peters, François-Xavier Standaert:
Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Encryption with Misuse in the Leveled Leakage Setting: Definitions, Separation Results, and Constructions. 484 - Luca De Feo, Jean Kieffer, Benjamin Smith:
Towards practical key exchange from ordinary isogeny graphs. 485 - Ghada Dessouky, Farinaz Koushanfar
, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider, Shaza Zeitouni, Michael Zohner:
Pushing the Communication Barrier in Secure Computation using Lookup Tables. 486 - Edouard Dufour Sans, David Pointcheval:
Unbounded Inner Product Functional Encryption, with Succinct Keys. 487 - Benoît Cogliati, Jooyoung Lee:
Wide Tweakable Block Ciphers Based on Substitution-Permutation Networks: Security Beyond the Birthday Bound. 488 - Changyu Dong, Yilei Wang, Amjad Aldweesh, Patrick McCorry, Aad van Moorsel:
Betrayal, Distrust, and Rationality: Smart Counter-Collusion Contracts for Verifiable Cloud Computing. 489 - Thorben Moos, Amir Moradi, Tobias Schneider, François-Xavier Standaert:
Glitch-Resistant Masking Revisited - or Why Proofs in the Robust Probing Model are Needed. 490 - Matvei Kotov, Anton Menshov, Alex D. Myasnikov, Dmitry Panteleev, Alexander Ushakov:
Conjugacy Separation Problem in Braids: an Attack on the Original Colored Burau Key Agreement Protocol. 491 - Pierre Karpman, Daniel S. Roche:
New Instantiations of the CRYPTO 2017 Masking Schemes. 492 - Lior Rotem, Gil Segev:
Out-of-Band Authentication in Group Messaging: Computational, Statistical, Optimal. 493 - Zvika Brakerski, Renen Perlman:
Order-LWE and the Hardness of Ring-LWE with Entropic Secrets. 494 - Changyu Dong, Grigorios Loukides:
Approximating Private Set Union/Intersection Cardinality with Logarithmic Complexity. 495 - Aydin Abadi, Sotirios Terzis, Roberto Metere, Changyu Dong:
Efficient Delegated Private Set Intersection on Outsourced Private Datasets. 496 - Xiangfu Song, Changyu Dong, Dandan Yuan, Qiuliang Xu, Minghao Zhao:
Forward Private Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Optimized I/O Efficiency. 497 - Qian Guo, Vincent Grosso, François-Xavier Standaert:
Modeling Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks from a Coding Theory Viewpoint. 498 - Jack Doerner, Yashvanth Kondi, Eysa Lee, Abhi Shelat:
Secure Two-party Threshold ECDSA from ECDSA Assumptions. 499 - Nilanjan Datta, Avijit Dutta, Mridul Nandi, Kan Yasuda:
Encrypt or Decrypt? To Make a Single-Key Beyond Birthday Secure Nonce-Based MAC. 500 - (Withdrawn) Secure Grouping and Aggregation with MapReduce. 501
- Helene Haagh, Aleksandr Karbyshev, Sabine Oechsner, Bas Spitters, Pierre-Yves Strub:
Computer-aided proofs for multiparty computation with active security. 502 - Gideon Samid:
Finger Printing Data. 503 - Xiaoyang Dong, Bingyou Dong, Xiaoyun Wang:
Quantum Attacks on Some Feistel Block Ciphers. 504 - Gilles Barthe, Sonia Belaïd, François Dupressoir
, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire, François-Xavier Standaert, Pierre-Yves Strub:
Improved Parallel Mask Refreshing Algorithms: Generic Solutions with Parametrized Non-Interference & Automated Optimizations. 505 - Ran Gelles, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky, Vassilis Zikas:
Secure Two-Party Computation over Unreliable Channels. 506 - Gilad Asharov, Gil Segev, Ido Shahaf:
Tight Tradeoffs in Searchable Symmetric Encryption. 507 - Mriganka Mandal, Ratna Dutta:
Cost-Effective Private Linear Key Agreement With Adaptive CCA Security from Prime Order Multilinear Maps and Tracing Traitors. 508 - (Withdrawn) Improved Collision Attack on Reduced RIPEMD-160. 509
- Dominik Klein:
Key-Secrecy of PACE with OTS/CafeOBJ. 510 - James Bartusek, Jiaxin Guan, Fermi Ma, Mark Zhandry:
Preventing Zeroizing Attacks on GGH15. 511 - Weiqing You, Xiaoming Chen, Wenxi Li:
Provably Secure Integration Cryptosystem on Non-Commutative Group. 512 - Cristina Pérez-Solà, Sergi Delgado-Segura, Guillermo Navarro-Arribas, Jordi Herrera-Joancomartí:
Another coin bites the dust: An analysis of dust in UTXO based cryptocurrencies. 513 - Ben Fisch, Shashwat Silas:
Weak Compression and (In)security of Rational Proofs of Storage. 514 - Osman Biçer, Muhammed Ali Bingöl, Mehmet Sabir Kiraz:
Highly Efficient and Reusable Private Function Evaluation with Linear Complexity. 515 - Atsushi Takayasu, Noboru Kunihiro:
Partial Key Exposure Attacks on RSA: Achieving the Boneh-Durfee Bound. 516 - Dana Dachman-Soled, Mukul Kulkarni:
Upper and Lower Bounds for Continuous Non-Malleable Codes. 517 - Onur Günlü, Tasnad Kernetzky, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, Gerhard Kramer, Rafael F. Schaefer:
Secure and Reliable Key Agreement with Physical Unclonable Functions. 518 - Brandon Broadnax, Alexander Koch
, Jeremias Mechler, Tobias Müller, Jörn Müller-Quade, Matthias Nagel:
Fortified Universal Composability: Taking Advantage of Simple Secure Hardware Modules. 519 - Mridul Nandi:
Bernstein Bound on WCS is Tight - Repairing Luykx-Preneel Optimal Forgeries. 520 - Gil Segev, Ido Shahaf:
Ciphertext Expansion in Limited-Leakage Order-Preserving Encryption: A Tight Computational Lower Bound. 521 - Yosuke Todo, Takanori Isobe, Willi Meier, Kazumaro Aoki, Bin Zhang:
Fast Correlation Attack Revisited -Cryptanalysis on Full Grain-128a, Grain-128, and Grain-v1. 522 - Adam Bobowski, Marcin Slowik:
Reducing Complexity of Pairing Comparisons using Polynomial Evaluation. 523 - Bing Zeng:
New Smooth Projective Hashing For Oblivious Transfer. 524 - Aurélien Dupin, Jean-Marc Robert, Christophe Bidan:
Location-Proof System based on Secure Multi-Party Computations. 525 - Daniel J. Bernstein, Edoardo Persichetti:
Towards KEM Unification. 526 - Achiya Bar-On, Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, Eyal Ronen, Adi Shamir:
Improved Key Recovery Attacks on Reduced-Round AES with Practical Data and Memory Complexities. 527 - Alain Couvreur, Matthieu Lequesne, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Recovering short secret keys of RLCE in polynomial time. 528 - Sanjam Garg
, Mohammad Hajiabadi:
Trapdoor Functions from the Computational Diffie-Hellman Assumption. 529 - Zvika Brakerski, Nico Döttling:
Two-Message Statistical Sender-Private OT from LWE. 530 - Claude Carlet, Abderrahman Daif, Sylvain Guilley, Cédric Tavernier:
Polynomial direct sum masking to protect against both SCA and FIA. 531 - Daniele Micciancio, Jessica Sorrell:
Ring packing and amortized FHEW bootstrapping. 532 - Alice Pellet-Mary:
Quantum Attacks against Indistinguishablility Obfuscators Proved Secure in the Weak Multilinear Map Model. 533 - Kurt M. Alonso, Jordi Herrera-Joancomartí:
Monero - Privacy in the Blockchain. 535 - Long Chen, Zhenfeng Zhang, Zhenfei Zhang:
On the Hardness of the Computational Ring-LWR Problem and its Applications. 536 - Xavier Bonnetain, André Schrottenloher:
Quantum Security Analysis of CSIDH and Ordinary Isogeny-based Schemes. 537 - Aggelos Kiayias, Feng-Hao Liu, Yiannis Tselekounis:
Non-Malleable Codes for Partial Functions with Manipulation Detection. 538 - Daniel Smith-Tone:
Extracting Linearization Equations from Noisy Sources. 539 - Elette Boyle, Ran Cohen, Deepesh Data, Pavel Hubácek:
Must the Communication Graph of MPC Protocols be an Expander? 540 - Gaëtan Leurent, Mridul Nandi, Ferdinand Sibleyras:
Generic Attacks against Beyond-Birthday-Bound MACs. 541 - Rafail Ostrovsky, Giuseppe Persiano, Daniele Venturi, Ivan Visconti:
Continuously Non-Malleable Codes in the Split-State Model from Minimal Assumptions. 542 - Kristian Gjøsteen, Tibor Jager:
Practical and Tightly-Secure Digital Signatures and Authenticated Key Exchange. 543 - Zhengfeng Ji, Yi-Kai Liu, Fang Song:
Pseudorandom Quantum States. 544 - Xiaolu Hou, Jakub Breier, Fuyuan Zhang, Yang Liu:
Fully Automated Differential Fault Analysis on Software Implementations of Cryptographic Algorithms. 545 - Yoshinori Aono, Phong Q. Nguyen, Yixin Shen:
Quantum Lattice Enumeration and Tweaking Discrete Pruning. 546 - Manuel Barbosa, Pooya Farshim:
Indifferentiable Authenticated Encryption. 547 - Itay Berman, Akshay Degwekar, Ron D. Rothblum, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan:
From Laconic Zero-Knowledge to Public-Key Cryptography. 548 - Sanjam Garg
, Rafail Ostrovsky, Akshayaram Srinivasan:
Adaptive Garbled RAM from Laconic Oblivious Transfer. 549 - Liron David, Avishai Wool:
PRank: Fast Analytical Rank Estimation via Pareto Distributions. 550 - Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz, Olga Ohrimenko:
Structured Encryption and Leakage Suppression. 551 - Gilad Asharov, Naomi Ephraim, Ilan Komargodski, Rafael Pass:
On the Complexity of Compressing Obfuscation. 552 - Joseph Jaeger, Igors Stepanovs:
Optimal Channel Security Against Fine-Grained State Compromise: The Safety of Messaging. 553 - Gustavo Banegas, Ricardo Felipe Custódio, Daniel Panario:
A new class of irreducible pentanomials for polynomial based multipliers in binary fields. 554 - Sanjam Garg
, Mohammad Hajiabadi, Mohammad Mahmoody, Ameer Mohammed:
Limits on the Power of Garbling Techniques for Public-Key Encryption. 555 - Viet Tung Hoang, Stefano Tessaro, Ni Trieu:
The Curse of Small Domains: New Attacks on Format-Preserving Encryption. 556 - Shashank Agrawal, Chaya Ganesh, Payman Mohassel:
Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Composite Statements. 557 - Phillip Rogaway, Yusi Zhang:
Simplifying Game-Based Definitions: Indistinguishability up to Correctness and Its Application to Stateful AE. 558 - Marshall Ball
, Alon Rosen, Manuel Sabin, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan:
Proofs of Work from Worst-Case Assumptions. 559 - Carsten Baum, Jonathan Bootle, Andrea Cerulli, Rafaël Del Pino, Jens Groth, Vadim Lyubashevsky:
Sub-Linear Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Arithmetic Circuits. 560 - Emmanuelle Anceaume, Antonella Del Pozzo, Romaric Ludinard, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Sara Tucci Piergiovanni:
Blockchain Abstract Data Type. 561 - Gilles Barthe, Sonia Belaïd, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire:
maskVerif: a formal tool for analyzing software and hardware masked implementations. 562 - Tim van de Kamp, Andreas Peter, Maarten H. Everts, Willem Jonker:
Multi-client Predicate-only Encryption for Conjunctive Equality Tests. 563 - Yuyu Wang, Takahiro Matsuda, Goichiro Hanaoka, Keisuke Tanaka:
Impossibility on Tamper-Resilient Cryptography with Uniqueness Properties. 564 - (Withdrawn) Homomorphic Encryption for Approximate Matrix Arithmetic. 565
- Prabhanjan Ananth, Yuval Ishai, Amit Sahai:
Private Circuits: A Modular Approach. 566 - Aggelos Kiayias, Annabell Kuldmaa, Helger Lipmaa, Janno Siim, Thomas Zacharias:
On the Security Properties of e-Voting Bulletin Boards. 567 - Shixiong Wang, Longjiang Qu, Chao Li, Shaojing Fu:
Finding Small Solutions of the Equation Bx-Ay=z and Its Applications to Cryptanalysis of the RSA Cryptosystem. 568 - Andre Esser, Felix Heuer, Robert Kübler, Alexander May, Christian Sohler
Dissection-BKW. 569 - Koji Chida, Daniel Genkin, Koki Hamada, Dai Ikarashi, Ryo Kikuchi, Yehuda Lindell, Ariel Nof:
Fast Large-Scale Honest-Majority MPC for Malicious Adversaries. 570 - Elette Boyle, Yuval Ishai, Antigoni Polychroniadou:
Limits of Practical Sublinear Secure Computation. 571 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Arka Rai Choudhuri, Aarushi Goel, Abhishek Jain
Round-Optimal Secure Multiparty Computation with Honest Majority. 572 - Farnoud Farahmand, William Diehl, Abubakr Abdulgadir, Jens-Peter Kaps, Kris Gaj:
Improved Lightweight Implementations of CAESAR Authenticated Ciphers. 573 - Yackolley Amoussou-Guenou, Antonella Del Pozzo, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Sara Tucci Piergiovanni:
Correctness and Fairness of Tendermint-core Blockchains. 574 - Itai Dinur:
An Algorithmic Framework for the Generalized Birthday Problem. 575 - Pooya Farshim, Georg Fuchsbauer, Alain Passelègue:
Simpler Constructions of Asymmetric Primitives from Obfuscation. 576 - Tore Kasper Frederiksen, Yehuda Lindell, Valery Osheter, Benny Pinkas:
Fast Distributed RSA Key Generation for Semi-Honest and Malicious Adversaries. 577 - Jonathan Katz, Samuel Ranellucci, Mike Rosulek, Xiao Wang:
Optimizing Authenticated Garbling for Faster Secure Two-Party Computation. 578 - Daniel Demmler, Peter Rindal, Mike Rosulek, Ni Trieu:
PIR-PSI: Scaling Private Contact Discovery. 579 - Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Aayush Jain, Nathan Manohar, Amit Sahai:
Secure MPC: Laziness Leads to GOD. 580 - Patrick McCorry, Alexander Hicks, Sarah Meiklejohn:
Smart contracts for bribing miners. 581 - Patrick McCorry, Surya Bakshi, Iddo Bentov, Andrew Miller, Sarah Meiklejohn:
Pisa: Arbitration Outsourcing for State Channels. 582 - Mugurel Barcau, Vicentiu Pasol:
Ring Homomorphic Encryption Schemes. 583 - Mugurel Barcau, Vicentiu Pasol:
Bounded Fully Homomorphic Encryption from Monoid Algebras. 584 - Jung Hee Cheon, Seungwan Hong, Changmin Lee, Yongha Son:
Polynomial Functional Encryption Scheme with Linear Ciphertext Size. 585 - Yoshinori Aono, Phong Q. Nguyen, Takenobu Seito, Junji Shikata:
Lower Bounds on Lattice Enumeration with Extreme Pruning. 586 - Tapas Pal, Ratna Dutta:
Constructing Witness PRF and Offline Witness Encryption Without Multilinear Maps. 587 - Guilherme Borges, Henrique João L. Domingos, Bernardo Ferreira, João Leitão, Tiago Oliveira, Bernardo Portela:
BISEN: Efficient Boolean Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Verifiability and Minimal Leakage. 588 - Ahmad Al Badawi, Yuriy Polyakov, Khin Mi Mi Aung, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Kurt Rohloff:
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of RNS Variants of the BFV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme. 589 - Xiaoming Chen, Weiqing You:
The Twin Conjugacy Search Problem and Applications. 590 - Sankhanil Dey, Ranjan Ghosh:
4-bit crypto S-boxes: Generation with irreducible polynomials over Galois field GF(24) and cryptanalysis. 591 - Sergey Agievich:
XS-circuits in Block Ciphers. 592 - Anamaria Costache, Brooke Feigon, Kristin E. Lauter, Maike Massierer, Anna Puskás:
Ramanujan graphs in cryptography. 593 - Sadegh Sadeghi, Nasour Bagheri:
Cryptanalysis of SFN Block Cipher. 594 - (Withdrawn) Randomness analysis for multiple-recursive matrix generator. 595
- Ivan Damgård, Tomasz Kazana, Maciej Obremski, Varun Raj, Luisa Siniscalchi:
Continuous NMC Secure Against Permutations and Overwrites, with Applications to CCA Secure Commitments. 596 - Lauren De Meyer, Begül Bilgin
, Oscar Reparaz:
Consolidating Security Notions in Hardware Masking. 597 - Vlad Constantin Craciun, Andrei Mogage, Emil Simion:
Trends in design of ransomware viruses. 598 - Lucas Schabhüser, Denis Butin, Johannes Buchmann:
CHQS: Publicly Verifiable Homomorphic Signatures Beyond the Linear Case. 599 - Gaurav Bansod, Abhijit Patil, Narayan Pisharoty:
GRANULE: An Ultra lightweight cipher design for embedded security. 600 - Dan Boneh, Joseph Bonneau, Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch:
Verifiable Delay Functions. 601 - Kyle Hogan, Hoda Maleki, Reza Rahaeimehr, Ran Canetti, Marten van Dijk, Jason Hennessey, Mayank Varia, Haibin Zhang:
On the Universally Composable Security of OpenStack. 602 - Ignacio Cascudo, René Bødker Christensen, Jaron Skovsted Gundersen:
Actively Secure OT-Extension from q-ary Linear Codes. 603 - Matvei Kotov, Anton Menshov, Alexander Ushakov:
Attack on Kayawood Protocol: Uncloaking Private Keys. 604 - Yin Li, Yu Zhang, Xiaoli Guo, Chuanda Qi:
N-term Karatsuba Algorithm and its Application to Multiplier designs for Special Trinomials. 605 - Antonio Faonio
, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Mark Simkin, Daniele Venturi:
Continuously Non-Malleable Codes with Split-State Refresh. 606 - Melissa Chase, Apoorvaa Deshpande, Esha Ghosh:
Privacy Preserving Verifiable Key Directories. 607 - Hamid Nejatollahi, Nikil D. Dutt
, Indranil Banerjee, Rosario Cammarota:
Domain-specific Accelerators for Ideal Lattice-based Public Key Protocols. 608 - Mengce Zheng:
Improved Results on Factoring General RSA Moduli with Known Bits. 609 - Constantin Catalin Dragan, Daniel Gardham, Mark Manulis:
Hierarchical Attribute-based Signatures. 610 - Ebo van der Laan, Erik Poll, Joost Rijneveld, Joeri de Ruiter, Peter Schwabe, Jan Verschuren:
Is Java Card ready for hash-based signatures? 611 - Tim Ruffing, Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan, Viktoria Ronge, Dominique Schröder:
Burning Zerocoins for Fun and for Profit: A Cryptographic Denial-of-Spending Attack on the Zerocoin Protocol. 612 - Nir Bitansky, Huijia Lin:
One-Message Zero Knowledge and Non-Malleable Commitments. 613 - Daniel P. Martin, Marco Martinoli:
A Note on Key Rank. 614 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Aayush Jain, Dakshita Khurana, Amit Sahai:
Indistinguishability Obfuscation Without Multilinear Maps: iO from LWE, Bilinear Maps, and Weak Pseudorandomness. 615 - Dario Fiore, Elena Pagnin:
Matrioska: A Compiler for Multi-Key Homomorphic Signatures. 616 - Christina Boura, Anne Canteaut, Jérémy Jean, Valentin Suder:
Two Notions of Differential Equivalence on Sboxes. 617 - Reynier Antonio de la Cruz Jiménez:
On some methods for constructing almost optimal S-Boxes and their resilience against side-channel attacks. 618 - Mor Weiss, Daniel Wichs:
Is there an Oblivious RAM Lower Bound for Online Reads? 619 - Debayan Das, Mayukh Nath, Baibhab Chatterjee, Santosh Ghosh, Shreyas Sen:
Ground-up Root-cause Analysis guided Low-Overhead Generic Countermeasure for Electro-Magnetic Side-Channel Attack. 620 - Ben Lapid, Avishai Wool:
Cache-Attacks on the ARM TrustZone implementations of AES-256 and AES-256-GCM via GPU-based analysis. 621 - Sergiu Carpov, Malika Izabachène, Victor Mollimard:
New techniques for multi-value homomorphic evaluation and applications. 622 - Benjamin Wesolowski:
Efficient verifiable delay functions. 623 - Gergei Bana, Rohit Chadha, Ajay Kumar Eeralla:
Formal Analysis of Vote Privacy using Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker. 624 - Mihir Bellare, Joseph Jaeger, Julia Len:
Better Than Advertised: Improved Collision-Resistance Guarantees for MD-Based Hash Functions. 625 - Sergiu Carpov, Oana Stan:
Efficient Evaluation of Low Degree Multivariate Polynomials in Ring-LWE Homomorphic Encryption Schemes. 626 - Krzysztof Pietrzak:
Simple Verifiable Delay Functions. 627 - (Withdrawn) Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption Schemes Supporting Range Queries with Forward (and Backward) Security. 628
- Lucas Schabhüser, Denis Butin, Johannes Buchmann:
Context Hiding Multi-Key Linearly Homomorphic Authenticators. 629 - Gabrielle De Micheli, Nadia Heninger, Barak Shani:
Characterizing overstretched NTRU attacks. 630 - Orr Dunkelman:
Efficient Construction of the Boomerang Connection Table. 631 - Clémentine Gritti, Melek Önen, Refik Molva:
CHARIOT: Cloud-Assisted Access Control for the Internet of Things. 632 - Shweta Agrawal:
New Methods for Indistinguishability Obfuscation: Bootstrapping and Instantiation. 633 - Christopher Patton, Thomas Shrimpton:
Partially specified channels: The TLS 1.3 record layer without elision. 634 - Tomer Ashur, Raluca Posteuca:
On linear hulls in one round of DES. 635 - Daode Zhang, Kai Zhang, Bao Li, Xianhui Lu, Haiyang Xue, Jie Li:
Lattice-Based Dual Receiver Encryption and More. 636 - Shuhong Gao:
Efficient Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme. 637 - Nirvan Tyagi, Muhammad Haris Mughees, Thomas Ristenpart, Ian Miers:
BurnBox: Self-Revocable Encryption in a World Of Compelled Access. 638 - Lucas Schabhüser, Denis Butin, Denise Demirel, Johannes Buchmann:
Function-Dependent Commitments for Verifiable Multi-Party Computation. 639 - Masayuki Abe, Miguel Ambrona, Miyako Ohkubo, Mehdi Tibouchi:
Lower Bounds on Structure-Preserving Signatures for Bilateral Messages. 640 - Michael Backes, Lucjan Hanzlik, Jonas Schneider:
Membership Privacy for Fully Dynamic Group Signatures. 641 - Rami Khalil, Arthur Gervais:
NOCUST - A Non-Custodial 2nd-Layer Financial Intermediary. 642 - Alexei Zamyatin, Dominik Harz, William J. Knottenbelt:
Issue, Trade, Redeem: Crossing Systems Bounds with Cryptocurrency-Backed Tokens. 643 - Osmanbey Uzunkol, Jothi Rangasamy, Lakshmi Kuppusamy:
Hide The Modulus: A Secure Non-Interactive Fully Verifiable Delegation Scheme for Modular Exponentiations via CRT. 644 - Lucas Kowalczyk, Jiahui Liu, Tal Malkin, Kailash Meiyappan:
Mitigating the One-Use Restriction in Attribute-Based Encryption. 645 - Huijia Lin, Christian Matt:
Pseudo Flawed-Smudging Generators and Their Application to Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 646 - Thorsten Kleinjung, Benjamin Wesolowski:
A new perspective on the powers of two descent for discrete logarithms in finite fields. 647 - Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Emmanuela Orsini, Christophe Petit, Nigel P. Smart:
Secure Oblivious Transfer from Semi-Commutative Masking. 648 - Susumu Kiyoshima:
No-signaling Linear PCPs. 649 - Gustavo Banegas, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Edoardo Persichetti, Paolo Santini:
Designing Efficient Dyadic Operations for Cryptographic Applications. 650 - Nicola Tuveri, Sohaib ul Hassan, Cesar Pereida García, Billy Bob Brumley:
Side-Channel Analysis of SM2: A Late-Stage Featurization Case Study. 651 - Fukang Liu:
Efficient Collision Attack Frameworks for RIPEMD-160. 652 - Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Hadjibeyli, Paul Kirchner:
Homomorphic Evaluation of Lattice-Based Symmetric Encryption Schemes. 653 - Ivan Damgård, Chaya Ganesh, Claudio Orlandi:
Proofs of Replicated Storage Without Timing Assumptions. 654 - Lijing Zhou, Licheng Wang, Yiru Sun, Pin Lv:
Loamit: A Blockchain-based Residual Loanable-limit Query System. 655 - Abhishek Bajpai, S. V. Kulgod:
FPGA Cluster based high performance Cryptanalysis framework. 656 - Bin Yu, Joseph K. Liu, Amin Sakzad, Surya Nepal, Paul Rimba, Ron Steinfeld, Man Ho Au:
Platform-independent Secure Blockchain-Based Voting System. 657 - Konstantinos Chalkias, James Brown, Mike Hearn, Tommy Lillehagen, Igor Nitto, Thomas Schroeter:
Blockchained Post-Quantum Signatures. 658 - Sihem Mesnager, Kwang Ho Kim, Junyop Choe, Chunming Tang:
On the Menezes-Teske-Weng's conjecture. 659 - Xun Yi, Kwok-Yan Lam, Dieter Gollmann:
A New Blind ECDSA Scheme for Bitcoin Transaction Anonymity. 660 - Christoph Döpmann, Sebastian Rust, Florian Tschorsch:
Exploring Deployment Strategies for the Tor Network. 661 - Kyoohyung Han, Seungwan Hong, Jung Hee Cheon, Daejun Park:
Efficient Logistic Regression on Large Encrypted Data. 662 - Pradeep Kumar Mishra, Deevashwer Rathee, Dung Hoang Duong, Masaya Yasuda:
Fast Secure Matrix Multiplications over Ring-Based Homomorphic Encryption. 663 - Shafi Goldwasser, Sunoo Park:
Public Accountability vs. Secret Laws: Can They Coexist? 664 - Dan Boneh, Darren B. Glass, Daniel Krashen, Kristin E. Lauter, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Mehdi Tibouchi, Mark Zhandry:
Multiparty Non-Interactive Key Exchange and More From Isogenies on Elliptic Curves. 665 - Paolo Santini, Edoardo Persichetti, Marco Baldi:
Reproducible Codes and Cryptographic Applications. 666 - Mustafa Khairallah, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Bimal Mandal, Subhamoy Maitra:
On Hardware Implementation of Tang-Maitra Boolean Functions. 667 - Takanori Isobe, Kazuhiko Minematsu:
Breaking Message Integrity of an End-to-End Encryption Scheme of LINE. 668 - Cyril Bouvier, Laurent Imbert:
Faster cofactorization with ECM using mixed representations. 669 - Ward Beullens, Bart Preneel, Alan Szepieniec:
Public Key Compression for Constrained Linear Signature Schemes. 670 - Joey Green, Arnab Roy, Elisabeth Oswald:
A Systematic Study of the Impact of Graphical Models on Inference-based Attacks on AES. 671 - Martin R. Albrecht, Amit Deo, Kenneth G. Paterson:
Cold Boot Attacks on Ring and Module LWE Keys Under the NTT. 672 - Matthias J. Kannwischer, Aymeric Genêt, Denis Butin, Juliane Krämer, Johannes Buchmann:
Differential Power Analysis of XMSS and SPHINCS. 673 - Aymeric Genêt, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Hervé Pelletier, Andrew McLauchlan:
Practical Fault Injection Attacks on SPHINCS. 674 - Jeffrey Hoffstein, Joseph H. Silverman, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang:
A signature scheme from the finite field isomorphism problem. 675 - Thorben Moos, Amir Moradi, Bastian Richter:
Static Power Side-Channel Analysis - A Survey on Measurement Factors. 676 - François Gérard:
Module-lattice KEM Over a Ring of Dimension 128 for Embedded Systems. 677 - Ben Fisch:
PoReps: Proofs of Space on Useful Data. 678 - Jiasi Weng, Jian Weng, Ming Li, Yue Zhang, Weiqi Luo:
DeepChain: Auditable and Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning with Blockchain-based Incentive. 679 - Rui Zong, Xiaoyang Dong, Xiaoyun Wang:
Related-Tweakey Impossible Differential Attack on Reduced-Round Deoxys-BC-256. 680 - Jung Hee Cheon, Jinhyuck Jeong, Dongwoo Kim, Jongchan Lee:
A Reusable Fuzzy Extractor with Practical Storage Size. 681 - Angshuman Karmakar, Jose Maria Bermudo Mera, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Saber on ARM CCA-secure module lattice-based key encapsulation on ARM. 682 - Oksana Kulyk, Melanie Volkamer:
Usability is not Enough: Lessons Learned from 'Human Factors in Security' Research for Verifiability. 683 - Ethan Cecchetti, Ian Miers, Ari Juels:
PIEs: Public Incompressible Encodings for Decentralized Storage. 684 - Sven Heiberg, Ivo Kubjas, Janno Siim, Jan Willemson
On Trade-offs of Applying Block Chains for Electronic Voting Bulletin Boards. 685 - James Howe, Tobias Oder, Markus Krausz, Tim Güneysu:
Standard Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation on Embedded Devices. 686 - Joppe W. Bos, Simon Friedberger, Marco Martinoli, Elisabeth Oswald, Martijn Stam:
Assessing the Feasibility of Single Trace Power Analysis of Frodo. 687 - Zahra Eskandari, Andreas B. Kidmose
, Stefan Kölbl, Tyge Tiessen:
Finding Integral Distinguishers with Ease. 688 - Ralph Ankele, Stefan Kölbl:
Mind the Gap - A Closer Look at the Security of Block Ciphers against Differential Cryptanalysis. 689 - Zilong Wang, Honggang Hu:
Efficient KEA-Style Lattice-Based Authenticated Key Exchange. 690 - Howard Wu, Wenting Zheng, Alessandro Chiesa, Raluca Ada Popa, Ion Stoica:
DIZK: A Distributed Zero Knowledge Proof System. 691 - Diana Maimut, George Teseleanu:
New Configurations of Grain Ciphers: Security Against Slide Attacks. 692 - Bernhard Jungk, Richard Petri, Marc Stöttinger:
Efficient Side-Channel Protections of ARX Ciphers. 693 - Kimmo Järvinen, Ágnes Kiss, Thomas Schneider, Oleksandr Tkachenko, Zheng Yang:
Faster Privacy-Preserving Location Proximity Schemes. 694 - Maliheh Shirvanian, Stanislaw Jarecki, Hugo Krawczyk, Nitesh Saxena:
SPHINX: A Password Store that Perfectly Hides Passwords from Itself. 695 - Junichi Tomida, Katsuyuki Takashima:
Unbounded Inner Product Functional Encryption from Bilinear Maps. 696 - Jonathan Frankle, Sunoo Park, Daniel Shaar, Shafi Goldwasser, Daniel J. Weitzner:
Practical Accountability of Secret Processes. 697 - David Cash, Feng-Hao Liu, Adam O'Neill, Mark Zhandry, Cong Zhang:
Parameter-Hiding Order Revealing Encryption. 698 - Raghvendra Rohit, Guang Gong:
Correlated Sequence Attack on Reduced-Round Simon-32/64 and Simeck-32/64. 699 - Hwajeong Seo, Zhe Liu, Patrick Longa, Zhi Hu:
SIDH on ARM: Faster Modular Multiplications for Faster Post-Quantum Supersingular Isogeny Key Exchange. 700 - (Withdrawn) How to Correct More Errors in a Secure Sketch. 701
- Ben Fisch:
Tight Proofs of Space and Replication. 702 - Niek J. Bouman, Niels de Vreede:
New Protocols for Secure Linear Algebra: Pivoting-Free Elimination and Fast Block-Recursive Matrix Decomposition. 703 - Hisham S. Galal, Amr M. Youssef:
Verifiable Sealed-Bid Auction on the Ethereum Blockchain. 704 - Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta:
Optimal Succinct Arguments via Hidden Order Groups. 705 - Paul Bunn, Jonathan Katz, Eyal Kushilevitz, Rafail Ostrovsky:
Efficient 3-Party Distributed ORAM. 706 - Elette Boyle, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai:
Function Secret Sharing: Improvements and Extensions. 707 - Alexandre Adomnicai, Jacques J. A. Fournier, Laurent Masson:
Masking the Lightweight Authenticated Ciphers ACORN and Ascon in Software. 708 - Vanessa Vitse:
Simple oblivious transfer protocols compatible with Kummer and supersingular isogenies. 709 - Megha Byali, Arun Joseph, Arpita Patra, Divya Ravi:
Fast Secure Computation for Small Population over the Internet. 710 - Kallepu Raju, Appala Naidu Tentu, China Venkaiah Vadlamudi:
Cryptanalysis of a Group Key Transfer Protocol Based on Secret Sharing: Generalization and Countermeasures. 711 - Dan Boneh, Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch:
A Survey of Two Verifiable Delay Functions. 712 - Anne Canteaut, Léo Perrin:
On CCZ-Equivalence, Extended-Affine Equivalence, and Function Twisting. 713 - Jean-Charles Faugère, Eliane Koussa, Gilles Macario-Rat, Jacques Patarin, Ludovic Perret:
PKP-Based Signature Scheme. 714 - Mohamed Ahmed Abdelraheem, Tobias Andersson, Christian Gehrmann, Cornelius Glackin:
Practical Attacks on Relational Databases Protected via Searchable Encryption. 715 - Benoît Libert, San Ling, Khoa Nguyen, Huaxiong Wang:
Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Integer Relations. 716 - Heiko Lohrke, Shahin Tajik, Thilo Krachenfels, Christian Boit, Jean-Pierre Seifert:
Key Extraction using Thermal Laser Stimulation: A Case Study on Xilinx Ultrascale FPGAs. 717 - Koji Nuida:
Keeping or Losing Tiny-Error Correctness of Cryptosystems Implemented by Secure Pseudorandom Generators. 718 - Evgenios M. Kornaropoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou, Roberto Tamassia:
Data Recovery on Encrypted Databases With k-Nearest Neighbor Query Leakage. 719 - Paul Crowley, Eric Biggers:
HPolyC: length-preserving encryption for entry-level processors. 720 - Alin Tomescu, Vivek Bhupatiraju, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou, Nikos Triandopoulos, Srinivas Devadas:
Transparency Logs via Append-only Authenticated Dictionaries. 721 - Henning Kopp, Frank Kargl, Christoph Bösch, Andreas Peter:
uMine: a Blockchain based on Human Miners. 722 - Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Sauvik Bhattacharya, Óscar García-Morchón, Ronald Rietman, Ludo Tolhuizen, Zhenfei Zhang:
Shorter Messages and Faster Post-Quantum Encryption with Round5 on Cortex M. 723 - Nele Mentens, Edoardo Charbon, Francesco Regazzoni:
Rethinking Secure FPGAs: Towards a Cryptography-friendly Configurable Cell Architecture and its Automated Design Flow. 724 - Sauvik Bhattacharya, Óscar García-Morchón, Thijs Laarhoven, Ronald Rietman, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Ludo Tolhuizen, Zhenfei Zhang:
Round5: Compact and Fast Post-Quantum Public-Key Encryption. 725 - Kai Hu, Tingting Cui, Chao Gao, Meiqin Wang:
Towards Key-Dependent Integral and Impossible Differential Distinguishers on 5-Round AES. 726 - Shashank Agrawal, Payman Mohassel, Pratyay Mukherjee, Peter Rindal:
DiSE: Distributed Symmetric-key Encryption. 727 - Takeshi Okamoto, Raylin Tso, Michitomo Yamaguchi, Eiji Okamoto:
A k-out-of-n Ring Signature with Flexible Participation for Signers. 728 - (Withdrawn) Towards Lightweight Cryptographic Primitives with Built-in Fault-Detection. 729
- Atsushi Fujioka
, Katsuyuki Takashima, Shintaro Terada, Kazuki Yoneyama:
Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman Authenticated Key Exchange. 730 - Itai Dinur, Nathan Keller, Ohad Klein:
An Optimal Distributed Discrete Log Protocol with Applications to Homomorphic Secret Sharing. 731 - Avradip Mandal, John C. Mitchell, Hart Montgomery, Arnab Roy:
Data Oblivious Genome Variants Search on Intel SGX. 732 - Stanislaw Jarecki, Hugo Krawczyk, Jason K. Resch:
Threshold Partially-Oblivious PRFs with Applications to Key Management. 733 - George Teseleanu:
Random Number Generators Can Be Fooled to Behave Badly. 734 - (Withdrawn) BeeHive: Double Non-interactive Secure Multi-party Computation. 735
- Marina Blanton
, Myoungin Jeong:
Improved Signature Schemes for Secure Multi-Party Computation with Certified Inputs. 736 - Tobias Pulls, Rasmus Dahlberg:
Steady: A Simple End-to-End Secure Logging System. 737 - Sanjit Chatterjee, R. Kabaleeshwaran:
Towards Static Assumption Based Cryptosystem in Pairing Setting: Further Applications of DéjàQ and Dual-Form Signature. 738 - Mahdi Sajadieh, Mohammad Vaziri:
Using MILP in Analysis of Feistel Structures and Improving Type II GFS by Switching Mechanism. 739 - Stefan Dziembowski, Lisa Eckey, Sebastian Faust:
FairSwap: How to fairly exchange digital goods. 740 - Alexander May, Gottfried Herold:
LP Solutions of Vectorial Integer Subset Sums - Cryptanalysis of Galbraith's Binary Matrix LWE. 741 - Hiroaki Anada, Seiko Arita:
Witness-Indistinguishable Arguments with Σ-Protocols for Bundled Witness Spaces and its Application to Global Identities. 742 - Aurélien Dupin, David Pointcheval, Christophe Bidan:
On the Leakage of Corrupted Garbled Circuits. 743 - Leon J. Helsloot, Gamze Tillem, Zekeriya Erkin:
BAdASS: Preserving Privacy in Behavioural Advertising with Applied Secret Sharing. 744 - Jingdian Ming, Wei Cheng, Huizhong Li, Guang Yang, Yongbin Zhou, Qian Zhang:
Achilles' Heel: the Unbalanced Mask Sets May Destroy a Masking Countermeasure. 745 - Fuchun Lin, Mahdi Cheraghchi, Venkatesan Guruswami, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Huaxiong Wang:
Secret Sharing with Binary Shares. 746 - Eyal Ronen, Kenneth G. Paterson, Adi Shamir:
Pseudo Constant Time Implementations of TLS Are Only Pseudo Secure. 747 - Colin Boyd, Gareth T. Davies, Kristian Gjøsteen, Håvard Raddum, Mohsen Toorani:
Definitions for Plaintext-Existence Hiding in Cloud Storage. 748 - Martin R. Albrecht, Jake Massimo, Kenneth G. Paterson, Juraj Somorovsky:
Prime and Prejudice: Primality Testing Under Adversarial Conditions. 749 - Vipul Goyal, Ashutosh Kumar:
Non-Malleable Secret Sharing for General Access Structures. 750 - Assi Barak, Martin Hirt, Lior Koskas, Yehuda Lindell:
An End-to-End System for Large Scale P2P MPC-as-a-Service and Low-Bandwidth MPC for Weak Participants. 751 - David Urbanik:
Isogeny Secrets can be Traded. 752 - Yan Michalevsky, Marc Joye:
Decentralized Policy-Hiding Attribute-Based Encryption with Receiver Privacy. 753 - Juan A. Garay, Aggelos Kiayias:
SoK: A Consensus Taxonomy in the Blockchain Era. 754 - Zhengan Huang, Junzuo Lai, Wenbin Chen, Man Ho Au, Zhen Peng, Jin Li:
Simulation-Based Selective Opening Security for Receivers under Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks. 755 - Craig Gentry, Charanjit S. Jutla:
Obfuscation Using Tensor Products. 756 - Kimmo Halunen, Outi-Marja Latvala:
Cryptography for Human Senses. 757 - Christina Boura, Nicolas Gama, Mariya Georgieva:
Chimera: a unified framework for B/FV, TFHE and HEAAN fully homomorphic encryption and predictions for deep learning. 758 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Alex Lombardi:
Succinct Garbling Schemes from Functional Encryption through a Local Simulation Paradigm. 759 - Xiu Xu, Haiyang Xue, Kunpeng Wang, Song Tian, Bei Liang, Wei Yu:
Strongly Secure Authenticated Key Exchange from Supersingular Isogeny. 760 - Parinaz Mahdion, Hadi Soleimany, Pouya Habibi, Farokhlagha Moazami:
New Single-Trace Side-Channel Attacks on a Specific Class of Elgamal Cryptosystem. 761 - Toshinori Araki, Assi Barak, Jun Furukawa
, Marcel Keller, Yehuda Lindell, Kazuma Ohara, Hikaru Tsuchida:
Generalizing the SPDZ Compiler For Other Protocols. 762 - Tim Beyne:
Block Cipher Invariants as Eigenvectors of Correlation Matrices. 763 - Mathias Hall-Andersen, Philip S. Vejre:
Generating Graphs Packed with Paths. 764 - Gilles Barthe, Xiong Fan, Joshua Gancher, Benjamin Grégoire, Charlie Jacomme, Elaine Shi:
Symbolic Proofs for Lattice-Based Cryptography. 765 - Nadim Kobeissi, Karthikeyan Bhargavan:
Noise Explorer: Fully Automated Modeling and Verification for Arbitrary Noise Protocols. 766 - Joan Daemen, Seth Hoffert, Gilles Van Assche, Ronny Van Keer:
Xoodoo cookbook. 767 - Ameera Salem Al Abdouli, Mohamed Al Ali, Emanuele Bellini, Florian Caullery, Alexandros Hasikos, Marc Manzano, Víctor Mateu:
DRANKULA: a McEliece-like rank metric based cryptosystem implementation. 768 - Lilya Budaghyan, Marco Calderini, Claude Carlet, Robert S. Coulter, Irene Villa:
Constructing APN functions through isotopic shifts. 769 - Balthazar Bauer, Pooya Farshim, Sogol Mazaheri:
Combiners for Backdoored Random Oracles. 770 - Sanjam Garg
, Akshayaram Srinivasan:
A Simple Construction of iO for Turing Machines. 771 - Itai Dinur:
Linear Equivalence of Block Ciphers with Partial Non-Linear Layers: Application to LowMC. 772 - Muhammed F. Esgin, Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad, Joseph K. Liu, Dongxi Liu:
Short Lattice-based One-out-of-Many Proofs and Applications to Ring Signatures. 773 - Brandon Goodell, Sarang Noether:
Thring Signatures and their Applications to Spender-Ambiguous Digital Currencies. 774 - Matilda Backendal, Mihir Bellare, Jessica Sorrell, Jiahao Sun:
The Fiat-Shamir Zoo: Relating the Security of Different Signature Variants. 775 - Yael Kalai, Omer Paneth, Lisa Yang:
On Publicly Verifiable Delegation From Standard Assumptions. 776 - Wei Yin, Qiaoyan Wen, Kaitai Liang, Zhenfei Zhang, Liqun Chen, Hanbing Yan, Hua Zhang:
Delegation of Decryption Rights with Revocability from Learning with Errors. 777 - Katerina Sotiraki
, Manolis Zampetakis
, Giorgos Zirdelis:
PPP-Completeness with Connections to Cryptography. 778 - Rafaël Del Pino, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler:
Lattice-Based Group Signatures and Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Automorphism Stability. 779 - Rajani Singh, Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi, Gautam Srivastava:
Bitcoin Mining: A Game Theoretic Analysis. 780 - Yu Chen, Yuyu Wang, Hong-Sheng Zhou:
Leakage-Resilient Cryptography from Puncturable Primitives and Obfuscation. 781 - Michael Meyer, Steffen Reith:
A faster way to the CSIDH. 782 - Yu Long Chen, Bart Mennink, Mridul Nandi:
Short Variable Length Domain Extenders With Beyond Birthday Bound Security. 783 - ByeongHak Lee, Jooyoung Lee:
Tweakable Block Ciphers Secure Beyond the Birthday Bound in the Ideal Cipher Model. 784 - Carl Bootland, Wouter Castryck, Ilia Iliashenko, Frederik Vercauteren:
Efficiently Processing Complex-Valued Data in Homomorphic Encryption. 785 - Zhongxiang Zheng, Guangwu Xu, Chunhuan Zhao:
Discrete Gaussian Measures and New Bounds of the Smoothing Parameter for Lattices. 786 - Hao Chen, Zhicong Huang, Kim Laine, Peter Rindal:
Labeled PSI from Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Malicious Security. 787 - Marcos A. Simplício Jr., Eduardo Lopes Cominetti, Harsh Kupwade Patil, Jefferson E. Ricardini, Leonardo T. D. Ferraz, Marcos V. M. Silva:
Privacy-preserving linkage/revocation of VANET certificates without LAs. 788 - Vladimir Kolesnikov:
Free IF: How to Omit Inactive Branches and Implement S-Universal Garbled Circuit (Almost) for Free. 789 - David Derler, Sebastian Ramacher, Daniel Slamanig:
Generic Double-Authentication Preventing Signatures and a Post-Quantum Instantiation. 790 - Guilhem Castagnos, Fabien Laguillaumie, Ida Tucker:
Practical Fully Secure Unrestricted Inner Product Functional Encryption modulo p. 791 - Joppe W. Bos, Simon Friedberger:
Faster Modular Arithmetic For Isogeny Based Crypto on Embedded Devices. 792 - Tetsu Iwata, Virginie Lallemand, Gregor Leander, Yu Sasaki:
Universal Forgery and Multiple Forgeries of MergeMAC and Generalized Constructions. 793 - Louis Goubin, Francisco José Vial Prado:
Blending FHE-NTRU keys - The Excalibur Property. 794 - Fangguo Zhang, Shengli Liu:
Solving ECDLP via List Decoding. 795 - Lilya Budaghyan, Marco Calderini, Irene Villa:
On relations between CCZ- and EA-equivalences. 796 - Martin Ekerå:
Quantum algorithms for computing general discrete logarithms and orders with tradeoffs. 797 - Houda Ferradi, Rémi Géraud, Sylvain Guilley, David Naccache, Mehdi Tibouchi:
Recovering Secrets From Prefix-Dependent Leakage. 798 - Fukang Liu:
Finding Ordinary Cube Variables for Keccak-MAC with Greedy Algorithm. 799 - Puwen Wei, Quan Yuan, Yuliang Zheng:
Security of the Blockchain against Long Delay Attack. 800 - Deevashwer Rathee, Pradeep Kumar Mishra, Masaya Yasuda:
Faster PCA and Linear Regression through Hypercubes in HElib. 801 - Masahito Hayashi, Takeshi Koshiba:
Secure Modulo Zero-Sum Randomness as Cryptographic Resource. 802 - Sinisa Matetic, Karl Wüst, Moritz Schneider, Kari Kostiainen, Ghassan Karame, Srdjan Capkun:
BITE: Bitcoin Lightweight Client Privacy using Trusted Execution. 803 - Nilanjan Datta, Avijit Dutta, Mridul Nandi, Goutam Paul:
Double-block Hash-then-Sum: A Paradigm for Constructing BBB Secure PRF. 804 - Avik Chakraborti, Nilanjan Datta, Mridul Nandi, Kan Yasuda:
Beetle Family of Lightweight and Secure Authenticated Encryption Ciphers. 805 - Victor Arribas, Svetla Nikova, Vincent Rijmen:
Guards in Action: First-Order SCA Secure Implementations of Ketje without Additional Randomness. 806 - Nicolas T. Courtois:
On the Existence of Non-Linear Invariants and Algebraic Polynomial Constructive Approach to Backdoors in Block Ciphers. 807 - Jiyong Yu, Lucas Hsiung, Mohamad El Hajj, Christopher W. Fletcher:
Data Oblivious ISA Extensions for Side Channel-Resistant and High Performance Computing. 808 - Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Florian Mendel, Markus Schofnegger:
Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Frit. 809 - Ling Song, Jian Guo:
Cube-Attack-Like Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Keccak Using MILP. 810 - Orr Dunkelman, Senyang Huang:
Reconstructing an S-box from its Difference Distribution Table. 811 - Lior Rotem, Gil Segev:
Injective Trapdoor Functions via Derandomization: How Strong is Rudich's Black-Box Barrier? 812 - Danping Shi, Siwei Sun, Patrick Derbez
, Yosuke Todo, Bing Sun, Lei Hu:
Programming the Demirci-Selçuk Meet-in-the-Middle Attack with Constraints. 813 - Yudi Zhang, Debiao He, Xinyi Huang, Ding Wang, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
White-Box Implementation of the Identity-Based Signature Scheme in the IEEE P1363 Standard for Public Key Cryptography. 814 - Yoshitatsu Matsuda, Tadanori Teruya, Kenji Kashiwabara:
Estimation of the Success Probability of Random Sampling by the Gram-Charlier Approximation. 815 - Chun Guo, Lei Wang:
Revisiting Key-alternating Feistel Ciphers for Shorter Keys and Multi-user Security. 816 - Haiyang Xue, Xianhui Lu, Bao Li, Bei Liang, Jingnan He:
Understanding and Constructing AKE via Double-key Key Encapsulation Mechanism. 817 - Yunhua Wen, Shengli Liu:
Robustly Reusable Fuzzy Extractor from Standard Assumptions. 818 - Ritam Bhaumik, Eik List, Mridul Nandi:
ZCZ - Achieving n-bit SPRP Security with a Minimal Number of Tweakable-block-cipher Calls. 819 - David M. Sommer, Esfandiar Mohammadi, Sebastian Meiser:
Privacy Loss Classes: The Central Limit Theorem in Differential Privacy. 820 - Prasanna Ravi, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
, James Howe, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Shivam Bhasin:
Side-channel Assisted Existential Forgery Attack on Dilithium - A NIST PQC candidate. 821 - Jonathan Bootle, Claire Delaplace, Thomas Espitau, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Mehdi Tibouchi:
LWE Without Modular Reduction and Improved Side-Channel Attacks Against BLISS. 822 - Moni Naor, Lior Rotem, Gil Segev:
The Security of Lazy Users in Out-of-Band Authentication. 823 - Luca De Feo, Steven D. Galbraith:
SeaSign: Compact isogeny signatures from class group actions. 824 - Kostas Papagiannopoulos:
Low Randomness Masking and Shuffling: An Evaluation Using Mutual Information. 825 - Tibor Jager, Rafael Kurek, Jiaxin Pan:
Simple and More Efficient PRFs with Tight Security from LWE and Matrix-DDH. 826 - Sébastien Canard, David Pointcheval, Quentin Santos, Jacques Traoré:
Practical Strategy-Resistant Privacy-Preserving Elections. 827 - Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Michael Riabzev, Nicholas Spooner, Madars Virza, Nicholas P. Ward:
Aurora: Transparent Succinct Arguments for R1CS. 828 - Wutichai Chongchitmate, Rafail Ostrovsky:
Information-Theoretic Broadcast with Dishonest Majority for Long Messages. 829 - Andreas Wiemers:
A remark on a success rate model fpr DPA and CPA. 830 - Keita Xagawa:
Practical Attack on RaCoSS-R. 831 - Ashrujit Ghoshal, Rajat Sadhukhan, Sikhar Patranabis, Nilanjan Datta, Stjepan Picek, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
Lightweight and Side-channel Secure 4x4 S-Boxes from Cellular Automata Rules. 832 - Jie Chen, Junqing Gong, Hoeteck Wee:
Improved Inner-product Encryption with Adaptive Security and Full Attribute-hiding. 833 - Dennis Hofheinz, Dingding Jia, Jiaxin Pan:
Identity-based Encryption Tightly Secure under Chosen-ciphertext Attacks. 834 - Kai Bemmann, Johannes Blömer, Jan Bobolz, Henrik Bröcher, Denis Diemert, Fabian Eidens, Lukas Eilers, Jan Haltermann, Jakob Juhnke, Burhan Otour, Laurens Porzenheim, Simon Pukrop, Erik Schilling, Michael Schlichtig, Marcel Stienemeier:
Fully-Featured Anonymous Credentials with Reputation System. 835 - Aljosha Judmayer, Nicholas Stifter, Philipp Schindler, Edgar R. Weippl:
Pitchforks in Cryptocurrencies: Enforcing rule changes through offensive forking- and consensus techniques. 836 - Yu Ning, Fuyou Miao, Wenchao Huang, Keju Meng, Yan Xiong, Xingfu Wang:
Constructing Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes based on Chinese Remainder Theorem. 837 - Keita Xagawa, Takashi Yamakawa:
(Tightly) QCCA-Secure Key-Encapsulation Mechanism in the Quantum Random Oracle Model. 838 - Hüseyin Hisil, Joost Renes:
On Kummer Lines With Full Rational 2-torsion and Their Usage in Cryptography. 839 - Nico Döttling, Ryo Nishimaki:
Universal Proxy Re-Encryption. 840 - Akinori Hosoyamada, Kan Yasuda:
Building Quantum-One-Way Functions from Block Ciphers: Davies-Meyer and Merkle-Damgård Constructions. 841 - Yusuke Sakai, Shuichi Katsumata, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Goichiro Hanaoka:
Attribute-Based Signatures for Unbounded Languages from Standard Assumptions. 842 - Carmit Hazay, Emmanuela Orsini, Peter Scholl, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez:
Concretely Efficient Large-Scale MPC with Active Security (or, TinyKeys for TinyOT). 843 - Jean Paul Degabriele, Marc Fischlin:
Simulatable Channels: Extended Security that is Universally Composable and Easier to Prove. 844 - Fuyuki Kitagawa, Keisuke Tanaka:
A Framework for Achieving KDM-CCA Secure Public-Key Encryption. 845 - Jia Xu, Jianying Zhou:
Strong Leakage Resilient Encryption by Hiding Partial Ciphertext. 846 - Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters:
Realizing Chosen Ciphertext Security Generically in Attribute-Based Encryption and Predicate Encryption. 847 - Pyrros Chaidos, Olga Fourtounelli, Aggelos Kiayias, Thomas Zacharias:
A Universally Composable Framework for the Privacy of Email Ecosystems. 848 - Masayuki Abe, Charanjit S. Jutla, Miyako Ohkubo, Arnab Roy:
Improved (Almost) Tightly-Secure Simulation-Sound QA-NIZK with Applications. 849 - Craig Costello:
Computing supersingular isogenies on Kummer surfaces. 850 - T.-H. Hubert Chan, Jonathan Katz, Kartik Nayak, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Elaine Shi:
More is Less: Perfectly Secure Oblivious Algorithms in the Multi-Server Setting. 851 - Christoph Dobraunig, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, Robert Primas:
Fault Attacks on Nonce-based Authenticated Encryption: Application to Keyak and Ketje. 852 - Christos Patsonakis, Katerina Samari
, Mema Roussopoulos, Aggelos Kiayias:
Towards a Smart Contract-based, Decentralized, Public-Key Infrastructure. 853 - Saeed Mahloujifar, Mohammad Mahmoody, Ameer Mohammed:
Multi-party Poisoning through Generalized p-Tampering. 854 - Tibor Jager, Saqib A. Kakvi, Alexander May:
On the Security of the PKCS#1 v1.5 Signature Scheme. 855 - Shi Bai, Damien Stehlé, Weiqiang Wen:
Measuring, simulating and exploiting the head concavity phenomenon in BKZ. 856 - Xingye Lu, Man Ho Au, Zhenfei Zhang:
Raptor: A Practical Lattice-Based (Linkable) Ring Signature. 857 - Stephan Krenn, Kai Samelin, Dieter Sommer:
Stronger Security for Sanitizable Signatures. 858 - Christian Rechberger, Hadi Soleimany, Tyge Tiessen:
Cryptanalysis of Low-Data Instances of Full LowMCv2. 859 - Archita Agarwal, Maurice Herlihy, Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz:
Encrypted Databases for Differential Privacy. 860 - Justin Holmgren
, Ron D. Rothblum:
Delegating Computations with (almost) Minimal Time and Space Overhead. 861 - Nils Wisiol, Marian Margraf:
Attacking RO-PUFs with Enhanced Challenge-Response Pairs. 862 - Avi Asayag, Gad Cohen, Ido Grayevsky, Maya Leshkowitz, Ori Rottenstreich, Ronen Tamari, David Yakira:
Helix: A Scalable and Fair Consensus Algorithm Resistant to Ordering Manipulation. 863 - (Withdrawn) Optimistic Mixing, Revisited. 864
- Lauren De Meyer, Oscar Reparaz, Begül Bilgin
Multiplicative Masking for AES in Hardware. 865 - Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Rex Fernando, Venkata Koppula, Amit Sahai, Brent Waters:
Output Compression, MPC, and iO for Turing Machines. 866 - Liron David, Avishai Wool:
Poly-Logarithmic Side Channel Rank Estimation via Exponential Sampling. 867 - Dea Saka Kurnia Putra, Mohamad Ali Sadikin, Susila Windarta:
S-Mbank: Secure Mobile Banking Authentication Scheme Using Signcryption, Pair Based Text Authentication, and Contactless Smartcard. 868 - Andrey Bogdanov, Matthieu Rivain, Philip S. Vejre, Junwei Wang:
Higher-Order DCA against Standard Side-Channel Countermeasures. 869 - George Teseleanu:
Unifying Kleptographic Attacks. 870 - Si Gao, Elisabeth Oswald, Hua Chen, Wei Xi:
Non-profiled Mask Recovery: the impact of Independent Component Analysis. 871 - Sanjam Garg
, Romain Gay, Mohammad Hajiabadi:
New Techniques for Efficient Trapdoor Functions and Applications. 872 - Rouzbeh Behnia, Muslum Ozgur Ozmen, Attila A. Yavuz, Mike Rosulek:
TACHYON: Fast Signatures from Compact Knapsack. 873 - Johannes Blömer, Fabian Eidens, Jakob Juhnke:
Enhanced Security of Attribute-Based Signatures. 874 - Varun Narayanan, Vinod M. Prabhakaran:
Oblivious Transfer in Incomplete Networks. 875 - Haibat Khan, Benjamin Dowling, Keith M. Martin:
Identity Confidentiality in 5G Mobile Telephony Systems. 876 - Behzad Abdolmaleki, Helger Lipmaa, Janno Siim, Michal Zajac:
On QA-NIZK in the BPK Model. 877 - Marc Joye, Yan Michalevsky:
RSA Signatures Under Hardware Restrictions. 878 - Ke Gu, Bo Yin:
Efficient Group Signature Scheme without Pairings. 879 - Christophe Pfeifer, Patrick Haddad:
Spread: a new layer for profiled deep-learning side-channel attacks. 880 - Falk Schellenberg, Dennis R. E. Gnad, Amir Moradi, Mehdi Baradaran Tahoori:
Remote Inter-Chip Power Analysis Side-Channel Attacks at Board-Level. 881 - Benjamin Smith:
Pre- and post-quantum Diffie-Hellman from groups, actions, and isogenies. 882 - Suvradip Chakraborty, C. Pandu Rangan:
Public Key Encryption Resilient to Post-Challenge Leakage and Tampering Attacks. 883 - Alan Szepieniec, Reza Reyhanitabar, Bart Preneel:
Key Encapsulation from Noisy Key Agreement in the Quantum Random Oracle Model. 884 - Shashank Agrawal, Peihan Miao, Payman Mohassel, Pratyay Mukherjee:
PASTA: PASsword-based Threshold Authentication. 885 - Oleg Taraskin, Vladimir Soukharev, David Jao, Jason T. LeGrow:
An Isogeny-Based Password-Authenticated Key Establishment Protocol. 886 - Serge Fehr:
Classical Proofs for the Quantum Collapsing Property of Classical Hash Functions. 887 - Thom Wiggers:
Energy-Efficient ARM64 Cluster with Cryptanalytic Applications: 80 Cores That Do Not Cost You an ARM and a Leg. 888 - F. Betül Durak, Serge Vaudenay:
Bidirectional Asynchronous Ratcheted Key Agreement without Key-Update Primitives. 889 - Alex Davidson, Ryo Nishimaki:
A Bit-fixing PRF with O(1) Collusion-Resistance from LWE. 890 - Seyed Farhad Aghili, Hamid Mala:
Breaking a Lightweight M2M Authentication Protocol for Communications in IIoT Environment. 891 - Gilad Asharov, Ilan Komargodski, Wei-Kai Lin, Kartik Nayak, Elaine Shi:
OptORAMa: Optimal Oblivious RAM. 892 - Manfred Lochter:
Blockchain as cryptanalytic tool. 893 - Benny Applebaum, Zvika Brakerski, Rotem Tsabary:
Perfect Secure Computation in Two Rounds. 894 - Nir Bitansky, Omer Paneth:
Weak Zero-Knowledge Beyond the Black-Box Barrier. 895 - Apoorvaa Deshpande, Yael Kalai:
Proofs of Ignorance and Applications to 2-Message Witness Hiding. 896 - Yilei Chen, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Brent Waters, Hoeteck Wee, Daniel Wichs:
Traitor-Tracing from LWE Made Simple and Attribute-Based. 897 - Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi, Gautam Srivastava:
Differential Cryptanalysis in ARX Ciphers, Applications to LEA. 898 - Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi, Pawel Morawiecki:
Differential cryptanalysis in ARX ciphers, Application to SPECK. 899 - Mohammad Hajiabadi:
Enhancements Are Blackbox Non-Trivial: Impossibility of Enhanced Trapdoor Permutations from Standard Trapdoor Permutations. 900 - Iftach Haitner, Nikolaos Makriyannis, Eran Omri:
On the Complexity of Fair Coin Flipping. 901 - Aritra Dhar, Ivan Puddu, Kari Kostiainen, Srdjan Capkun:
ProximiTEE: Hardened SGX Attestation and Trusted Path through Proximity Verification. 902 - Nina Bindel, Jacqueline Brendel, Marc Fischlin, Brian Goncalves, Douglas Stebila:
Hybrid Key Encapsulation Mechanisms and Authenticated Key Exchange. 903 - Andris Ambainis, Mike Hamburg, Dominique Unruh:
Quantum security proofs using semi-classical oracles. 904 - Andrew Morgan, Rafael Pass:
On the Security Loss of Unique Signatures. 905 - Willy Quach, Daniel Wichs, Giorgos Zirdelis:
Watermarking PRFs under Standard Assumptions: Public Marking and Security with Extraction Queries. 906 - Srinath T. V. Setty, Sebastian Angel, Trinabh Gupta, Jonathan Lee:
Proving the correct execution of concurrent services in zero-knowledge. 907 - Shweta Agrawal, Monosij Maitra:
FE and iO for Turing Machines from Minimal Assumptions. 908 - Sanjam Garg
, Yuval Ishai, Akshayaram Srinivasan:
Two-Round MPC: Information-Theoretic and Black-Box. 909 - Frédéric Dupuis, Serge Fehr, Philippe Lamontagne, Louis Salvail:
Secure Certification of Mixed Quantum States with Application to Two-Party Randomness Generation. 910 - Andrew Morgan, Rafael Pass:
Achieving Fair Treatment in Algorithmic Classification. 911 - Carmit Hazay, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam:
Round-Optimal Fully Black-Box Zero-Knowledge Arguments from One-Way Permutations. 912 - Shai Halevi, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Tal Rabin:
Best Possible Information-Theoretic MPC. 913 - Shuichi Katsumata, Shota Yamada:
Note on Constructing Constrained PRFs from OWFs with Constant Collusion Resistance. 914 - Nasrollah Pakniat:
On the Security of a Certificateless Strong Designated Verifier Signature Scheme. 915 - Elena Andreeva, Reza Reyhanitabar, Kerem Varici, Damian Vizár:
Forking a Blockcipher for Authenticated Encryption of Very Short Messages. 916 - Alex Sangers, Maran van Heesch, Thomas Attema, Thijs Veugen, Mark Wiggerman, Jan Veldsink, Oscar Bloemen, Daniël Worm:
Secure multiparty PageRank algorithm for collaborative fraud detection. 917 - Alejandro Ranchal-Pedrosa, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Sara Tucci Piergiovanni:
Lightning Factories. 918 - Sanjam Garg
, Mohammad Hajiabadi, Mohammad Mahmoody, Ahmadreza Rahimi:
Registration-Based Encryption: Removing Private-Key Generator from IBE. 919 - Loïs Huguenin-Dumittan, Iraklis Leontiadis:
A Message Franking Channel. 920 - Dakshita Khurana, Rafail Ostrovsky, Akshayaram Srinivasan:
Round Optimal Black-Box “Commit-and-Prove”. 921 - Dusan Bozilov, Miroslav Knezevic, Ventzislav Nikov:
Optimized Threshold Implementations: Securing Cryptographic Accelerators for Low-Energy and Low-Latency Applications. 922 - Elizabeth C. Crites, Anna Lysyanskaya:
Delegatable Anonymous Credentials from Mercurial Signatures. 923 - Andreas Hülsing, Christoph Busold, Johannes Buchmann:
Forward Secure Signatures on Smart Cards. 924 - Songze Li, Mingchao Yu, Amir Salman Avestimehr, Sreeram Kannan, Pramod Viswanath:
PolyShard: Coded Sharding Achieves Linearly Scaling Efficiency and Security Simultaneously. 925 - Salim Ali Altug, Yilei Chen:
A Candidate Group with Infeasible Inversion. 926 - Benoît Libert, Damien Stehlé, Radu Titiu:
Adaptively Secure Distributed PRFs from LWE. 927 - Kathrin Hövelmanns, Eike Kiltz, Sven Schäge, Dominique Unruh:
Generic Authenticated Key Exchange in the Quantum Random Oracle Model. 928 - Peter M. R. Rasmussen, Amit Sahai:
Expander Graphs are Non-Malleable Codes. 929 - Gyu-Chol Kim, Su-Chol Li:
A study on the fast ElGamal encryption. 930 - Jung Hee Cheon, Kyoohyung Han, Andrey Kim, Miran Kim, Yongsoo Song:
A Full RNS Variant of Approximate Homomorphic Encryption. 931 - Philipp Koppermann, Eduard Pop, Johann Heyszl, Georg Sigl:
18 Seconds to Key Exchange: Limitations of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman on Embedded Devices. 932 - Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea, Constantin Catalin Dragan:
Asymptotically Ideal CRT-based Secret Sharing Schemes for Multilevel and Compartmented Access Structures. 933 - Yuichi Komano, Hideo Shimizu, Hideyuki Miyake:
Integrative Acceleration of First-Order Boolean Masking for Embedded IoT Devices. 934 - Subhabrata Samajder, Palash Sarkar:
Distinguishing Error of Nonlinear Invariant Attacks. 935 - James Bartusek, Tancrède Lepoint, Fermi Ma, Mark Zhandry:
New Techniques for Obfuscating Conjunctions. 936 - Mathias Wagner, Stefan Heyse:
Improved Brute-Force Search Strategies for Single-Trace and Few-Traces Template Attacks on the DES Round Keys. 937 - Iraklis Leontiadis, Serge Vaudenay:
Private Message Franking with After Opening Privacy. 938 - Marcella Hastings, Nadia Heninger, Eric Wustrow:
The Proof is in the Pudding: Proofs of Work for Solving Discrete Logarithms. 939 - Melissa Chase, Yevgeniy Dodis, Yuval Ishai, Daniel Kraschewski, Tianren Liu, Rafail Ostrovsky, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
Reusable Non-Interactive Secure Computation. 940 - Andreas Lochbihler, S. Reza Sefidgar:
A tutorial introduction to CryptHOL. 941 - Carsten Baum, Bernardo David, Rafael Dowsley:
Insured MPC: Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation with Punishable Abort. 942 - Shuoyao Zhao, Yu Yu, Jiang Zhang, Hanlin Liu:
Valiant's Universal Circuits Revisited: an Overall Improvement and a Lower Bound. 943 - Jeremiah Blocki, Benjamin Harsha, Siteng Kang, Seunghoon Lee, Lu Xing, Samson Zhou:
Data-Independent Memory Hard Functions: New Attacks and Stronger Constructions. 944 - Balthazar Bauer, Jevgenijs Vihrovs, Hoeteck Wee:
On the Inner Product Predicate and a Generalization of Matching Vector Families. 945 - Nicholas Genise, Daniele Micciancio, Yuriy Polyakov:
Building an Efficient Lattice Gadget Toolkit: Subgaussian Sampling and More. 946 - Yasufumi Hashimoto:
On the security of Circulant UOV/Rainbow. 947 - Elnaz Bagherzadeh, Zahra Ahmadian:
MILP-Based Automatic Differential Searches for LEA and HIGHT. 948 - Si Gao, Arnab Roy, Elisabeth Oswald:
Constructing TI-friendly Substitution Boxes using Shift-Invariant Permutations. 949 - Liliya R. Akhmetzyanova, Evgeny K. Alekseev, Stanislav V. Smyshlyaev:
Security bound for CTR-ACPKM internally re-keyed encryption mode. 950 - Alexander Koch
The Landscape of Optimal Card-based Protocols. 951 - Duhyeong Kim, Yongsoo Song:
Approximate Homomorphic Encryption over the Conjugate-invariant Ring. 952 - Dmytro Bogatov, George Kollios
, Leonid Reyzin:
A Comparative Evaluation of Order-Preserving and Order-Revealing Schemes and Protocols. 953 - Daniel Jost, Ueli Maurer, Marta Mularczyk:
Efficient Ratcheting: Almost-Optimal Guarantees for Secure Messaging. 954 - Faraz Haider:
Compact Sparse Merkle Trees. 955 - Zhen Liu, Guomin Yang, Duncan S. Wong, Khoa Nguyen, Huaxiong Wang:
Key-Insulated and Privacy-Preserving Signature Scheme with Publicly Derived Public Key. 956 - Peter Fenteany, Benjamin Fuller:
Non-malleable Digital Lockers. 957 - Dennis Hofheinz, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen
On Tightly Secure Primitives in the Multi-Instance Setting. 958 - Changhai Ou, Xinping Zhou, Siew-Kei Lam:
Information Entropy Based Leakage Certification. 959 - Anne Broadbent, Sevag Gharibian, Hong-Sheng Zhou:
Towards Quantum One-Time Memories from Stateless Hardware. 960 - Shaofeng Zhu, Hua Chen, Limin Fan, Meihui Chen, Wei Xi, Dengguo Feng:
Jitter Estimation with High Accuracy for Oscillator-Based TRNGs. 961 - Sean Bowe, Alessandro Chiesa, Matthew Green, Ian Miers, Pratyush Mishra
, Howard Wu:
Zexe: Enabling Decentralized Private Computation. 962 - Zhen Liu, Duncan S. Wong:
On Enabling Attribute-Based Encryption to Be Traceable against Traitors. 963 - Saud Al Musa, Guangwu Xu:
Fast Scalar Multiplication for Elliptic Curves over Prime Fields by Efficiently Computable Formulas. 964 - Paul Grubbs, Marie-Sarah Lacharité, Brice Minaud, Kenny Paterson:
Pump up the Volume: Practical Database Reconstruction from Volume Leakage on Range Queries. 965 - Carl Bootland, Wouter Castryck, Frederik Vercauteren:
On the Security of the Multivariate Ring Learning with Errors Problem. 966 - Laurent Grémy:
Higher dimensional sieving for the number field sieve algorithms. 967 - Alexander Chepurnoy, Charalampos Papamanthou, Yupeng Zhang:
Edrax: A Cryptocurrency with Stateless Transaction Validation. 968 - Georgios Fotiadis, Chloe Martindale:
Optimal TNFS-secure pairings on elliptic curves with even embedding degree. 969 - Stephan Krenn, Henrich C. Pöhls, Kai Samelin, Daniel Slamanig:
Protean Signature Schemes. 970 - Stephan Krenn, Henrich C. Pöhls, Kai Samelin, Daniel Slamanig:
Chameleon-Hashes with Dual Long-Term Trapdoors and Their Applications. 971 - Yonglin Hao, Lin Jiao, Chaoyun Li, Willi Meier, Yosuke Todo, Qingju Wang:
Observations on the Dynamic Cube Attack of 855-Round TRIVIUM from Crypto'18. 972 - Aayush Jain, Amit Sahai:
How to leverage hardness of constant-degree expanding polynomials over ℝ to build iO. 973 - Fuyuki Kitagawa, Ryo Nishimaki, Keisuke Tanaka, Takashi Yamakawa:
Adaptively Secure and Succinct Functional Encryption: Improving Security and Efficiency, Simultaneously. 974 - Devris Isler, Alptekin Küpçü, Aykut Coskun:
User Study on Single Password Authentication. 975 - Devris Isler, Alptekin Küpçü:
Distributed Single Password Protocol Framework. 976 - Devris Isler, Alptekin Küpçü:
Threshold Single Password Authentication. 977 - Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz:
Encrypted Multi-Maps with Computationally-Secure Leakage. 978 - Carlos Andres Lara-Nino, Arturo Diaz-Perez, Miguel Morales-Sandoval:
FPGA-based Assessment of Midori and GIFT Lightweight Block Ciphers. 979 - T.-H. Hubert Chan, Rafael Pass, Elaine Shi:
PiLi: An Extremely Simple Synchronous Blockchain. 980 - T.-H. Hubert Chan, Rafael Pass, Elaine Shi:
PaLa: A Simple Partially Synchronous Blockchain. 981 - Alex Davidson, Shuichi Katsumata, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada:
Constrained PRFs for Bit-fixing from OWFs with Constant Collusion Resistance. 982 - Ignacio Cascudo, Ivan Damgård, Bernardo David, Nico Döttling, Rafael Dowsley, Irene Giacomelli:
Efficient UC Commitment Extension with Homomorphism for Free (and Applications). 983 - Maciej Skorski
Pseudorandomness Against Mean and Variance Bounded Attackers. 984 - Kaushik Nath, Palash Sarkar:
Efficient Inversion In (Pseudo-)Mersenne Prime Order Fields. 985 - Sam Kim, David J. Wu:
Watermarking PRFs from Lattices: Stronger Security via Extractable PRFs. 986 - Yehuda Lindell, Ariel Nof, Samuel Ranellucci:
Fast Secure Multiparty ECDSA with Practical Distributed Key Generation and Applications to Cryptocurrency Custody. 987 - Daniele Micciancio:
On the Hardness of Learning With Errors with Binary Secrets. 988 - Bohdan Kovalenko, Anton Kudin:
Kleptography trapdoor free cryptographic protocols. 989 - Prastudy Fauzi, Sarah Meiklejohn, Rebekah Mercer, Claudio Orlandi:
QuisQuis: A New Design for Anonymous Cryptocurrencies. 990 - Francesco Berti, Olivier Pereira, Thomas Peters:
Reconsidering Generic Composition: the Tag-then-Encrypt case. 991 - Vivek Kumar Bagaria, Sreeram Kannan, David Tse, Giulia Fanti, Pramod Viswanath:
Deconstructing the Blockchain to Approach Physical Limits. 992 - Viet Tung Hoang, Stefano Tessaro, Aishwarya Thiruvengadam:
The Multi-user Security of GCM, Revisited: Tight Bounds for Nonce Randomization. 993 - Long Chen, Qiang Tang:
People Who Live in Glass Houses Should not Throw Stones: Targeted Opening Message Franking Schemes. 994 - Shuai Zhou, Haiyang Xue, Daode Zhang, Kunpeng Wang, Xianhui Lu, Bao Li, Jingnan He:
Preprocess-then-NTT Technique and Its Applications to KYBER and NEWHOPE. 995 - Thomas Debris-Alazard, Nicolas Sendrier, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Wave: A New Code-Based Signature Scheme. 996 - Leonid Reyzin, Adam D. Smith, Sophia Yakoubov:
Turning HATE Into LOVE: Homomorphic Ad Hoc Threshold Encryption for Scalable MPC. 997 - (Withdrawn) A Key Recovery Attack on Streamlined NTRU Prime. 998
- Ximing Fu, Xiaoyun Wang, Xiaoyang Dong, Willi Meier, Yonglin Hao, Boxin Zhao:
A Refinement of "A Key-recovery Attack on 855-round Trivium" From CRYPTO 2018. 999 - Nuttapong Attrapadung, Takahiro Matsuda, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa:
Adaptively Single-Key Secure Constrained PRFs for NC1. 1000 - Sergiu Carpov, Caroline Fontaine, Damien Ligier, Renaud Sirdey:
Illuminating the Dark or how to recover what should not be seen. 1001 - C. Ashokkumar, Bholanath Roy, M. Bhargav Sri Venkatesh, Bernard L. Menezes:
"S-Box" Implementation of AES is NOT side-channel resistant. 1002 - Adi Akavia, Dan Feldman, Hayim Shaul:
Secure Data Retrieval On The Cloud Homomorphic Encryption Meets Coresets. 1003 - Ran Canetti, Yilei Chen, Justin Holmgren
, Alex Lombardi, Guy N. Rothblum, Ron D. Rothblum:
Fiat-Shamir From Simpler Assumptions. 1004 - Luke Demarest, Benjamin Fuller, Alexander Russell:
Handling Correlated Errors: Hardness of LWE in the Exponent. 1005 - Hannes Groß, Lauren De Meyer, Martin Krenn, Stefan Mangard:
Masking the AES with Only Two Random Bits. 1007 - Xianhui Lu, Yamin Liu, Zhenfei Zhang, Dingding Jia, Haiyang Xue, Jingnan He, Bao Li:
LAC: Practical Ring-LWE Based Public-Key Encryption with Byte-Level Modulus. 1009 - Aggelos Kiayias, Murat Osmanoglu, Alexander Russell, Qiang Tang:
Space Efficient Computational Multi-Secret Sharing and Its Applications. 1010 - Anne Canteaut, Virginie Lallemand, Gregor Leander, Patrick Neumann, Friedrich Wiemer
BISON - Instantiating the Whitened Swap-Or-Not Construction. 1011 - Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen, Seth Hoffert, Michaël Peeters, Gilles Van Assche, Ronny Van Keer:
The authenticated encryption schemes Kravatte-SANE and Kravatte-SANSE. 1012 - Eduardo Chielle, Oleg Mazonka, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos, Michail Maniatakos:
E3: A Framework for Compiling C++ Programs with Encrypted Operands. 1013 - Eduardo Cuevas-Farfan, Miguel Morales-Sandoval, René Cumplido:
An FPGA-based programmable processor for bilinear pairings. 1014 - Marshall Ball
, Dana Dachman-Soled, Mukul Kulkarni, Huijia Lin, Tal Malkin:
Non-Malleable Codes Against Bounded Polynomial Time Tampering. 1015 - Gerben Geltink:
Concealing Ketje: A Lightweight PUF-Based Privacy Preserving Authentication Protocol. 1016 - Georgios Fotiadis, Elisavet Konstantinou:
TNFS Resistant Families of Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves. 1017 - Matthias J. Kannwischer, Joost Rijneveld, Peter Schwabe:
Faster multiplication in ℤ2m[x] on Cortex-M4 to speed up NIST PQC candidates. 1018 - Chloé Hébant, Duong Hieu Phan, David Pointcheval:
Decentralized Evaluation of Quadratic Polynomials on Encrypted Data. 1019 - Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Abhishek Jain
, Rafail Ostrovsky, Ivan Visconti:
Non-Interactive Secure Computation from One-Way Functions. 1020 - Jérémy Chotard, Edouard Dufour Sans, Romain Gay, Duong Hieu Phan, David Pointcheval:
Multi-Client Functional Encryption with Repetition for Inner Product. 1021 - Liang Wang, Gilad Asharov, Rafael Pass, Thomas Ristenpart, Abhi Shelat:
Blind Certificate Authorities. 1022 - Jaehun Kim, Stjepan Picek, Annelie Heuser, Shivam Bhasin, Alan Hanjalic:
Make Some Noise: Unleashing the Power of Convolutional Neural Networks for Profiled Side-channel Analysis. 1023 - Sinisa Matetic, Karl Wüst, Moritz Schneider, Ian Miers, Kari Kostiainen, Srdjan Capkun:
ZLiTE: Lightweight Clients for Shielded Zcash Transactions using Trusted Execution. 1024 - Yanan Bai, Jingwei Chen, Yong Feng, Wenyuan Wu:
Integer Matrices Homomorphic Encryption and Its application. 1025 - Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Chloe Martindale:
Pairing-Friendly Twisted Hessian Curves. 1026 - Diana Maimut, George Teseleanu:
A Unified Security Perspective on Legally Fair Contract Signing Protocols. 1027 - Ittai Abraham, Srinivas Devadas, Danny Dolev, Kartik Nayak, Ling Ren:
Synchronous Byzantine Agreement with Expected O(1) Rounds, Expected O(n2) Communication, and Optimal Resilience. 1028 - Zhe Li, Chaoping Xing, Sze Ling Yeo:
Reducing the Key Size of McEliece Cryptosystem from Goppa Codes via Permutations. 1029 - Sanjam Garg
, Mohammad Hajiabadi, Mohammad Mahmoody, Ahmadreza Rahimi, Sruthi Sekar:
Registration-Based Encryption from Standard Assumptions. 1030 - Roderick Bloem
, Hannes Groß, Rinat Iusupov, Martin Krenn, Stefan Mangard:
Sharing Independence & Relabeling: Efficient Formal Verification of Higher-Order Masking. 1031 - Diego Chialva, Ann Dooms:
Conditionals in Homomorphic Encryption and Machine Learning Applications. 1032 - Atsushi Fujioka
, Katsuyuki Takashima, Kazuki Yoneyama:
One-Round Authenticated Group Key Exchange from Isogenies. 1033 - Michael Kraitsberg, Yehuda Lindell, Valery Osheter, Nigel P. Smart, Younes Talibi Alaoui:
Adding Distributed Decryption and Key Generation to a Ring-LWE Based CCA Encryption Scheme. 1034 - Madalina Bolboceanu:
Relating different Polynomial-LWE problems. 1035 - Anne Canteaut, Léo Perrin, Shizhu Tian:
If a Generalised Butterfly is APN then it Operates on 6 Bits. 1036 - Joël Alwen, Sandro Coretti, Yevgeniy Dodis:
The Double Ratchet: Security Notions, Proofs, and Modularization for the Signal Protocol. 1037 - Michael Scott:
On inversion modulo pseudo-Mersenne primes. 1038 - Georg Fuchsbauer, Michele Orrù, Yannick Seurin:
Aggregate Cash Systems: A Cryptographic Investigation of Mimblewimble. 1039 - Akiko Inoue, Kazuhiko Minematsu:
Cryptanalysis of OCB2. 1040 - Xiaoqian Jiang, Miran Kim, Kristin E. Lauter, Yongsoo Song:
Secure Outsourced Matrix Computation and Application to Neural Networks. 1041 - Brice Colombier, Alexandre Menu, Jean-Max Dutertre, Pierre-Alain Moëllic, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud, Jean-Luc Danger:
Laser-induced Single-bit Faults in Flash Memory: Instructions Corruption on a 32-bit Microcontroller. 1042 - Hao Chen, Ilaria Chillotti, Yongsoo Song:
Improved Bootstrapping for Approximate Homomorphic Encryption. 1043 - Masahito Ishizaka, Kanta Matsuura:
Strongly Unforgeable Signatures Resilient to Polynomially Hard-to-Invert Leakage under Standard Assumptions. 1044 - John Cartlidge, Nigel P. Smart, Younes Talibi Alaoui:
MPC Joins the Dark Side. 1045 - Claude Carlet, Xi Chen, Longjiang Qu:
Constructing Infinite Families of Low Differential Uniformity (n, m)-Functions with m>n/2. 1046 - Seungkwang Lee, Nam-Su Jho, Myungchul Kim:
A Key Leakage Preventive White-box Cryptographic Implementation. 1047 - Aggelos Kiayias, Dionysis Zindros:
Proof-of-Work Sidechains. 1048 - Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russell:
Ouroboros-BFT: A Simple Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus Protocol. 1049 - Easwar Vivek Mangipudi, Krutarth Rao, Jeremy Clark, Aniket Kate:
Automated Penalization of Data Breaches using Crypto-augmented Smart Contracts. 1050 - Giuseppe Persiano, Kevin Yeo:
Lower Bounds for Differentially Private RAMs. 1051 - David Bernhard, Véronique Cortier, Pierrick Gaudry, Mathieu Turuani, Bogdan Warinschi:
Verifiability Analysis of CHVote. 1052 - Jothi Rangasamy, Lakshmi Kuppusamy:
Revisiting Single-server Algorithms for Outsourcing Modular Exponentiation. 1053 - Tanping Zhou, Ningbo Li, Xiaoyuan Yang, Yiliang Han, Wenchao Liu:
Efficient Multi-key FHE with short extended ciphertexts and less public parameters. 1054 - Dongxue Pan, Hongda Li, Peifang Ni:
Candidate Differing-Inputs Obfuscation from Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Auxiliary-Input Point Obfuscation. 1055 - Ahmad Al Badawi, Jin Chao, Jie Lin, Chan Fook Mun, Sim Jun Jie, Benjamin Hong Meng Tan, Xiao Nan, Khin Mi Mi Aung, Vijay Ramaseshan Chandrasekhar:
The AlexNet Moment for Homomorphic Encryption: HCNN, the First Homomorphic CNN on Encrypted Data with GPUs. 1056 - Liliya R. Akhmetzyanova, Cas Cremers, Luke Garratt, Stanislav V. Smyshlyaev:
Security Analysis for Randomness Improvements for Security Protocols. 1057 - Yuzhao Cui, Qiong Huang, Jianye Huang, Hongbo Li, Guomin Yang:
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encrypted Data Equality Test and Classification. 1058 - Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange, Chloe Martindale, Lorenz Panny:
Quantum circuits for the CSIDH: optimizing quantum evaluation of isogenies. 1059 - Alejandro Cabrera Aldaya, Billy Bob Brumley, Sohaib ul Hassan, Cesar Pereida García, Nicola Tuveri:
Port Contention for Fun and Profit. 1060 - Behnam Zahednejad, Majid Bayat, Ashok Kumar Das:
On the Design of a Secure Proxy Signature-based Handover Authentication Scheme for LTEWireless Networks. 1061 - Manuel Zander, Tom Waite, Dominik Harz:
DAGsim: Simulation of DAG-based distributed ledger protocols. 1062 - Mashael AlSabah, Gabriele Oligeri, Ryan Riley:
Your Culture is in Your Password: An Analysis of a Demographically-diverse Password Dataset. 1063 - Nithyashankari Gummidipoondi Jayasankaran, Adriana C. Sanabria-Borbon, Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio, Jiang Hu, Jeyavijayan Rajendran:
Towards Provably-Secure Analog and Mixed-Signal Locking Against Overproduction. 1064 - Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta, Dominique Schröder:
Homomorphic Secret Sharing for Low Degree Polynomials. 1065 - Akinori Hosoyamada, Takashi Yamakawa:
Finding Collisions in a Quantum World: Quantum Black-Box Separation of Collision-Resistance and One-Wayness. 1066 - Xavier Bonnetain, María Naya-Plasencia, André Schrottenloher:
On Quantum Slide Attacks. 1067 - Dana Dachman-Soled, Huijing Gong, Mukul Kulkarni, Aria Shahverdi:
Partial Key Exposure in Ring-LWE-Based Cryptosystems: Attacks and Resilience. 1068 - Eshan Chattopadhyay, Xin Li:
Non-Malleable Extractors and Codes for Composition of Tampering, Interleaved Tampering and More. 1069 - Kwak Wi Song, Kim Chol Un:
A New Batch FHE Scheme over the Integers. 1070 - Murat Yasin Kubilay, Mehmet Sabir Kiraz, Haci Ali Mantar:
CertLedger: A New PKI Model with Certificate Transparency Based on Blockchain. 1071 - Mahdi Sajadieh, Mohsen Mousavi:
Construction of Lightweight MDS Matrices from Generalized Feistel Structures. 1072 - Jung Hee Cheon, Kyoohyung Han, Minki Hhan:
Faster Homomorphic Discrete Fourier Transforms and Improved FHE Bootstrapping. 1073 - Felix Wegener, Amir Moradi:
Yet Another Size Record for AES: A First-Order SCA Secure AES S-box Based on GF(28) Multiplication. 1074 - (Withdrawn) Rectangle and Impossible-differential Cryptanalysis on Versions of ForkAES. 1075
- Kai-Min Chung, Yue Guo, Wei-Kai Lin, Rafael Pass, Elaine Shi:
Game Theoretic Notions of Fairness in Multi-Party Coin Toss. 1076 - Hart Montgomery:
More Efficient Lattice PRFs from Keyed Pseudorandom Synthesizers. 1077 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Arka Rai Choudhuri, Aarushi Goel, Abhishek Jain
Two Round Information-Theoretic MPC with Malicious Security. 1078 - Elaine Shi:
Analysis of Deterministic Longest-Chain Protocols. 1079 - Yiwen Gao, Yongbin Zhou, Wei Cheng:
How Does Strict Parallelism Affect Security? A Case Study on the Side-Channel Attacks against GPU-based Bitsliced AES Implementation. 1080 - Jung Hee Cheon, Wonhee Cho, Minki Hhan, Jiseung Kim, Changmin Lee:
Statistical Zeroizing Attack: Cryptanalysis of Candidates of BP Obfuscation over GGH15 Multilinear Map. 1081 - Chen-Dong Ye, Tian Tian:
Deterministic Cube Attacks: A New Method to Recover Superpolies in Practice. 1082 - Sarvar Patel, Giuseppe Persiano, Kevin Yeo:
Private Stateful Information Retrieval. 1083 - Qianlan Bai, Xinyan Zhou, Xing Wang, Yuedong Xu, Xin Wang, Qingsheng Kong:
A Deep Dive into Blockchain Selfish Mining. 1084 - Vitaly Kiryukhin:
Exact maximum expected differential and linear probability for 2-round Kuznyechik. 1085 - Alexandr Andoni, Tal Malkin, Negev Shekel Nosatzki:
Two Party Distribution Testing: Communication and Security. 1086 - Bertram Poettering:
Breaking the confidentiality of OCB2. 1087 - Nele Mentens, Vojtech Miskovský, Martin Novotný, Jo Vliegen:
High-speed Side-channel-protected Encryption and Authentication in Hardware. 1088 - Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Frederik Vercauteren, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
On the impact of decryption failures on the security of LWE/LWR based schemes. 1089 - Tetsu Iwata:
Plaintext Recovery Attack of OCB2. 1090 - Keisuke Hara, Fuyuki Kitagawa, Takahiro Matsuda, Goichiro Hanaoka, Keisuke Tanaka:
Simulation-based Receiver Selective Opening CCA Secure PKE from Standard Computational Assumptions. 1091 - Felix Wegener, Christian Baiker, Amir Moradi:
Shuffle and Mix: On the Diffusion of Randomness in Threshold Implementations of Keccak. 1092 - Pratish Datta, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Katsuyuki Takashima:
Adaptively Simulation-Secure Attribute-Hiding Predicate Encryption. 1093 - Giuseppe Ateniese, Danilo Francati, David Nuñez, Daniele Venturi:
Match Me if You Can: Matchmaking Encryption and its Applications. 1094 - Wen-Ran Zhang:
Scalable One-Time Pad - From Information Theoretic Security to Information Conservational Security. 1095 - Qipeng Liu, Mark Zhandry:
On Finding Quantum Multi-collisions. 1096 - Michael Schliep, Nicholas Hopper:
End-to-End Secure Mobile Group Messaging with Conversation Integrity and Deniability. 1097 - Tomer Ashur, Siemen Dhooghe:
MARVELlous: a STARK-Friendly Family of Cryptographic Primitives. 1098 - Ágnes Kiss, Masoud Naderpour, Jian Liu, N. Asokan, Thomas Schneider:
SoK: Modular and Efficient Private Decision Tree Evaluation. 1099 - Thijs Veugen:
Correction to "Improving the DGK comparison protocol". 1100 - Lunzhi Deng:
Insecurity of a provably secure and lightweight certificateless signature scheme for IIoT environments. 1101 - Mohammad Ali, Javad Mohajeri, Mohammad-Reza (Rafsanjani) Sadeghi:
A fully distributed revocable ciphertext-policy hierarchical attribute-based encryption without pairing. 1102 - Victoria Vysotskaya:
Some Properties of Modular Addition. 1103 - Dima Grigoriev, Vladimir Shpilrain:
Tropical cryptography II: extensions by homomorphisms. 1104 - Chaya Ganesh, Claudio Orlandi, Daniel Tschudi:
Proof-of-Stake Protocols for Privacy-Aware Blockchains. 1105 - Max Hoffmann, Valerie Fetzer, Matthias Nagel, Andy Rupp
, Rebecca Schwerdt:
P4TC - Provably-Secure yet Practical Privacy-Preserving Toll Collection. 1106 - Cheng Hong, Jonathan Katz, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Wen-jie Lu, Xiao Wang:
Covert Security with Public Verifiability: Faster, Leaner, and Simpler. 1108 - Thomas Decru, Lorenz Panny, Frederik Vercauteren:
Faster SeaSign signatures through improved rejection sampling. 1109 - Dominic Deuber, Nico Döttling, Bernardo Magri, Giulio Malavolta, Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan:
Minting Mechanisms for Blockchain - or - Moving from Cryptoassets to Cryptocurrencies. 1110 - (Withdrawn) Cryptanalysis of the Wave Signature Scheme. 1111
- Tai-Yuan Chen, Wei-Ning Huang, Po-Chun Kuo, Hao Chung, Tzu-Wei Chao:
DEXON: A Highly Scalable, Decentralized DAG-Based Consensus Algorithm. 1112 - Alexander Koch
, Stefan Walzer
Private Function Evaluation with Cards. 1113 - Subhadeep Banik, Francesco Regazzoni, Serge Vaudenay:
Lightweight Circuits with Shift and Swap. 1114 - Remi Clarisse, Olivier Sanders:
Short Group Signature in the Standard Model. 1115 - Joppe W. Bos, Simon Friedberger, Marco Martinoli, Elisabeth Oswald, Martijn Stam:
Fly, you fool! Faster Frodo for the ARM Cortex-M4. 1116 - Felix Wegener, Amir Moradi:
A Note on Transitional Leakage When Masking AES with Only Two Bits of Randomness. 1117 - Yael Tauman Kalai, Dakshita Khurana:
Non-Interactive Non-Malleability from Quantum Supremacy. 1118 - Matthias Fitzi, Peter Gazi, Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russell:
Parallel Chains: Improving Throughput and Latency of Blockchain Protocols via Parallel Composition. 1119 - Masahito Gotaishi, Shigeo Tsujii:
Organizational Cryptography for Access Control. 1120 - Nadim Kobeissi:
An Analysis of the ProtonMail Cryptographic Architecture. 1121 - Akinori Hosoyamada, Yu Sasaki, Seiichiro Tani, Keita Xagawa:
Improved Quantum Multicollision-Finding Algorithm. 1122 - Stjepan Picek, Annelie Heuser, Cesare Alippi, Francesco Regazzoni:
When Theory Meets Practice: A Framework for Robust Profiled Side-channel Analysis. 1123 - Sergiu Costea, Marios O. Choudary, Doru Gucea, Björn Tackmann, Costin Raiciu:
Secure Opportunistic Multipath Key Exchange. 1124 - Massimo Bartoletti, Roberto Zunino:
Verifying liquidity of Bitcoin contracts. 1125 - Dingfeng Ye, Danping Shi, Peng Wang:
Lightweight AE and HASH in a Single Round Function. 1126 - Arun Babu Puthuparambil, Jithin Jose Thomas:
Freestyle, a randomized version of ChaCha for resisting offline brute-force and dictionary attacks. 1127 - Kang Yang, Liqun Chen, Zhenfeng Zhang, Chris Newton, Bo Yang, Li Xi:
Direct Anonymous Attestation with Optimal TPM Signing Efficiency. 1128 - Jean-Sébastien Coron, Hilder V. L. Pereira:
On Kilian's Randomization of Multilinear Map Encodings. 1129 - Ashwin Jha, Mridul Nandi:
Applications of H-Technique: Revisiting Symmetric Key Security Analysis. 1130 - Arinjita Paul, Varshika Srinivasavaradhan, S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, C. Pandu Rangan:
A CCA-secure collusion-resistant Identity-based Proxy Re-encryption Scheme. 1131 - Thomas Kerber, Markulf Kohlweiss, Aggelos Kiayias, Vassilis Zikas:
Ouroboros Crypsinous: Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Stake. 1132 - Vamshi Krishna Kammadanam, Virendra R. Sule, Yi Hong:
A Public Key Exchange Cryptosystem Based on Ideal Secrecy. 1133 - Nicholas Stifter, Philipp Schindler, Aljosha Judmayer, Alexei Zamyatin, Andreas Kern, Edgar R. Weippl:
Echoes of the Past: Recovering Blockchain Metrics From Merged Mining. 1134 - Sébastien Andreina, Jens-Matthias Bohli, Ghassan O. Karame, Wenting Li, Giorgia Azzurra Marson:
PoTS - A Secure Proof of TEE-Stake for Permissionless Blockchains. 1135 - S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, Arinjita Paul, C. Pandu Rangan:
A Provably-Secure Unidirectional Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme Without Pairing in the Random Oracle Model. 1136 - Jasper L. J. Scholten:
Genus 2 curves with given split Jacobian. 1137 - Ashutosh Kumar, Raghu Meka, Amit Sahai:
Leakage-Resilient Secret Sharing. 1138 - Kexin Hu, Zhenfeng Zhang, Kaiwen Guo:
Breaking the Binding: Attacks on the Merkle Approach to Prove Liabilities and its Applications. 1139 - Antonio Faonio
Efficient Fully-Leakage Resilient One-More Signature Schemes. 1140 - Muslum Ozgur Ozmen, Rouzbeh Behnia, Attila A. Yavuz:
Fast Authentication from Aggregate Signatures with Improved Security. 1141 - Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit:
On the (non) obfuscating power of Garside Normal Forms. 1142 - Patrik Ekdahl, Thomas Johansson, Alexander Maximov, Jing Yang:
A new SNOW stream cipher called SNOW-V. 1143 - Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Akshayaram Srinivasan:
Revisiting Non-Malleable Secret Sharing. 1144 - Fenghua Li, Hui Li, Ben Niu, Jinjun Chen:
Privacy Computing: Concept, Computing Framework And Future Development Trends. 1145 - (Withdrawn) Functional Analysis Attacks on Logic Locking. 1146
- Divesh Aggarwal, Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Maciej Obremski, Erick Purwanto, João Ribeiro, Mark Simkin:
Stronger Leakage-Resilient and Non-Malleable Secret-Sharing Schemes for General Access Structures. 1147 - Miroslaw Kutylowski, Lucjan Hanzlik, Kamil Kluczniak:
Towards Practical Security of Pseudonymous Signature on the BSI eIDAS Token. 1148 - Changhai Ou, Chengju Zhou, Siew-Kei Lam:
Compressive Sensing based Leakage Sampling and Reconstruction: A First Study. 1149 - Gorjan Alagic, Christian Majenz, Alexander Russell, Fang Song:
Quantum-secure message authentication via blind-unforgeability. 1150 - Bing Zeng:
Analysis Of The Simulatability Of An Oblivious Transfer. 1151 - Qingzhao Zhang, Yijun Leng, Lei Fan:
Blockchain-based P2P File Sharing Incentive. 1152 - Ittai Abraham, Dahlia Malkhi, Kartik Nayak, Ling Ren:
Dfinity Consensus, Explored. 1153 - Akshayaram Srinivasan, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan:
Leakage Resilient Secret Sharing and Applications. 1154 - Pedro Branco, Jintai Ding, Manuel Goulão, Paulo Mateus:
Universally Composable Oblivious Transfer Protocol based on the RLWE Assumption. 1155 - Eunkyung Kim, Hyang-Sook Lee, Jeongeun Park:
Towards Round-Optimal Secure Multiparty Computations: Multikey FHE without a CRS. 1156 - Douglas Wikström:
Special Soundness Revisited. 1157 - Elette Boyle, Rio LaVigne, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
Adversarially Robust Property Preserving Hash Functions. 1158 - Sihem Mesnager, Kwang Ho Kim, Myong Song Jo:
Improved upper bound on root number of linearized polynomials and its application to nonlinearity estimation of Boolean functions. 1159 - Natalia N. Tokareva:
Algebraic normal form of a bent function: properties and restrictions. 1160 - Ran Cohen, Abhi Shelat, Daniel Wichs:
Adaptively Secure MPC with Sublinear Communication Complexity. 1161 - Geoffroy Couteau, Aurélien Dupin, Pierrick Méaux, Mélissa Rossi, Yann Rotella:
On the Concrete Security of Goldreich's Pseudorandom Generator. 1162 - Joachim Breitner:
More on sliding right. 1163 - Gorjan Alagic, Tommaso Gagliardoni, Christian Majenz:
Can you sign a quantum state. 1164 - Yunlei Zhao:
Identity-Concealed Authenticated Encryption and Key Exchange. 1165 - Jianting Ning, Hung Dang, Ruomu Hou, Ee-Chien Chang:
Keeping Time-Release Secrets through Smart Contracts. 1166 - Ravi Kishore, Ashutosh Kumar, Chiranjeevi Vanarasa, Kannan Srinathan:
On the Price of Proactivizing Round-Optimal Perfectly Secret Message Transmission. 1167 - Shangqi Lai, Sikhar Patranabis, Amin Sakzad, Joseph K. Liu, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Ron Steinfeld, Shifeng Sun, Dongxi Liu, Cong Zuo:
Result Pattern Hiding Searchable Encryption for Conjunctive Queries. 1168 - Benny Applebaum, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan:
Placing Conditional Disclosure of Secrets in the Communication Complexity Universe. 1169 - Nairen Cao, Adam O'Neill, Mohammad Zaheri:
Towards RSA-OAEP without Random Oracles. 1170 - Chenglu Jin, Marten van Dijk, Michael K. Reiter, Haibin Zhang:
PwoP: Intrusion-Tolerant and Privacy-Preserving Sensor Fusion. 1171 - Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Frederik Vercauteren, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
The impact of error dependencies on Ring/Mod-LWE/LWR based schemes. 1172 - Eyal Ronen, Robert Gillham, Daniel Genkin, Adi Shamir, David Wong, Yuval Yarom:
The 9 Lives of Bleichenbacher's CAT: New Cache ATtacks on TLS Implementations. 1173 - John M. Schanck:
A Comparison of NTRU Variants. 1174 - Ravishankar Borgaonkar, Lucca Hirschi, Shinjo Park, Altaf Shaik:
New Privacy Threat on 3G, 4G, and Upcoming 5G AKA Protocols. 1175 - Olivier Blazy, Paul Germouty, Duong Hieu Phan:
Downgradable Identity-based Encryption and Applications. 1176 - Louis Goubin, Geraldine Monsalve, Juan L. Reutter, Francisco José Vial Prado:
Excalibur Key-Generation Protocols For DAG Hierarchic Decryption. 1177 - Mikhail Anokhin:
Pseudo-Free Families of Computational Universal Algebras. 1178 - Ronal Pranil Chand
, Maheswara Rao Valluri:
Elliptic Curves in Generalized Huff's Model. 1179 - Leixiao Cheng, Boru Gong, Yunlei Zhao:
Lattice-Based Signature from Key Consensus. 1180 - Christian Wittke, Ievgen Kabin, Dan Klann, Zoya Dyka, Anton Datsuk, Peter Langendörfer:
Horizontal DEMA Attack as the Criterion to Select the Best Suitable EM Probe. 1181 - (Withdrawn) Code-based Cryptosystem from Quasi-Cyclic Elliptic Codes. 1182
- Benedikt Auerbach, Eike Kiltz, Bertram Poettering, Stefan Schoenen:
Lossy Trapdoor Permutations with Improved Lossiness. 1183 - Nasser Alsalami, Bingsheng Zhang:
Uncontrolled Randomness in Blockchains: Covert Bulletin Board for Illicit Activities. 1184 - Gorjan Alagic, Stacey Jeffery, Maris Ozols, Alexander Poremba:
On Quantum Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks and Learning with Errors. 1185 - Senpeng Wang, Bin Hu, Jie Guan, Kai Zhang, Tairong Shi:
MILP Method of Searching Integral Distinguishers Based on Division Property Using Three Subsets. 1186 - Kai Hu, Meiqin Wang:
Automatic Search for A Variant of Division Property Using Three Subsets (Full Version). 1187 - Dan Boneh, Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch:
Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains. 1188 - Quang Do, Ben Martini, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
The Role of the Adversary Model in Applied Security Research. 1189 - Sanjit Chatterjee, Sayantan Mukherjee:
Large Universe Subset Predicate Encryption Based on Static Assumption (without Random Oracle). 1190 - Rajendra Kumar, Nikhil Mittal, Shashank Singh:
Cryptanalysis of 2-round KECCAK-384. 1191 - Nicolas Aragon, Olivier Blazy, Philippe Gaborit, Adrien Hauteville, Gilles Zémor:
Durandal: a rank metric based signature scheme. 1192 - Gembu Ito, Akinori Hosoyamada, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Yu Sasaki, Tetsu Iwata:
Quantum Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks against Feistel Ciphers. 1193 - Christof Beierle, Alex Biryukov, Aleksei Udovenko:
On Degree-d Zero-Sum Sets of Full Rank. 1194 - Lauren De Meyer, Victor Arribas, Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen:
M&M: Masks and Macs against Physical Attacks. 1195 - Loïc Masure, Cécile Dumas, Emmanuel Prouff:
Gradient Visualization for General Characterization in Profiling Attacks. 1196 - Nicolas Belleville, Damien Couroussé, Karine Heydemann, Henri-Pierre Charles:
Automated software protection for the masses against side-channel attacks. 1197 - Michael Meyer, Fabio Campos, Steffen Reith:
On Lions and Elligators: An efficient constant-time implementation of CSIDH. 1198 - Steven D. Galbraith, Lorenz Panny, Benjamin Smith, Frederik Vercauteren:
Quantum Equivalence of the DLP and CDHP for Group Actions. 1199 - Julian Renner, Sven Puchinger, Antonia Wachter-Zeh:
On a Rank-Metric Code-Based Cryptosystem with Small Key Size. 1200 - Joonsang Baek, Willy Susilo, Jongkil Kim, Yang-Wai Chow:
Subversion in Practice: How to Efficiently Undermine Signatures. 1201 - Jihye Kim, Jiwon Lee, Hankyung Ko, Donghwan Oh, Semin Han, Kwonho Jeong, Hyunok Oh:
AuthCropper: Authenticated Image Cropper for Privacy Preserving Surveillance Systems. 1202 - Gustavo Banegas, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Brice Odilon Boidje, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Gilbert Ndollane Dione, Kris Gaj, Cheikh Thiecoumba Gueye, Richard Haeussler, Jean Belo Klamti, Ousmane Ndiaye, Duc Tri Nguyen, Edoardo Persichetti, Jefferson E. Ricardini:
DAGS: Reloaded Revisiting Dyadic Key Encapsulation. 1203 - Antonis Michalas:
The Lord of the Shares: Combining Attribute-Based Encryption and Searchable Encryption for Flexible Data Sharing. 1204 - Jean-Christophe Deneuville, Philippe Gaborit:
Cryptanalysis of a code-based one-time signature. 1205 - Derek Zhang, Alex Su, Felix Xu, Jiang Chen:
ARPA Whitepaper. 1206 - Nicolas Sendrier, Valentin Vasseur:
On the Decoding Failure Rate of QC-MDPC Bit-Flipping Decoders. 1207 - Jun Xu, Santanu Sarkar, Lei Hu:
Revisiting Orthogonal Lattice Attacks on Approximate Common Divisor Problems and their Applications. 1208 - Min Liang:
Teleportation-based quantum homomorphic encryption scheme with quasi-compactness and perfect security. 1209 - Arijit Dutta, Saravanan Vijayakumaran:
MProve: A Proof of Assets Protocol for Monero Exchanges. 1210 - Suhyeon Lee, Seungjoo Kim:
Countering Block Withholding Attack Effciently. 1211 - Itai Dinur, Niv Nadler:
Multi-Target Attacks on the Picnic Signature Scheme and Related Protocols. 1212 - Yevhenii Zotkin, Francis Olivier, Eric Bourbao:
Deep Learning vs Template Attacks in front of fundamental targets: experimental study. 1213 - Joohee Lee, Dongwoo Kim, Duhyeong Kim, Yongsoo Song, Junbum Shin, Jung Hee Cheon:
Instant Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication for Hamming Distance. 1214 - Suhri Kim, Kisoon Yoon, Jihoon Kwon, Young-Ho Park, Seokhie Hong:
New Hybrid Method for Isogeny-based Cryptosystems using Edwards Curves. 1215 - Thomas Debris-Alazard, Nicolas Sendrier, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
This is Not an Attack on Wave. 1216 - Lilya Budaghyan, Claude Carlet, Tor Helleseth, Nikolay S. Kaleyski:
Changing Points in APN Functions. 1217 - Dan Boneh, Yuval Ishai, Alain Passelègue, Amit Sahai, David J. Wu:
Exploring Crypto Dark Matter: New Simple PRF Candidates and Their Applications. 1218 - Tomer Ashur, Raluca Posteuca:
Cryptanalysis of the Full DES and the Full 3DES Using a New Linear Property. 1219 - Taiga Mizuide, Atsushi Takayasu, Tsuyoshi Takagi:
Tight Reductions for Diffie-Hellman Variants in the Algebraic Group Model. 1220 - Marguerite Delcourt, Thorsten Kleinjung, Arjen K. Lenstra, Shubhojyoti Nath, Dan Page, Nigel P. Smart:
Using the Cloud to Determine Key Strengths - Triennial Update. 1221 - Cheng Chen, Nicholas Genise, Daniele Micciancio, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff:
Implementing Token-Based Obfuscation under (Ring) LWE. 1222 - Alexander Nilsson, Thomas Johansson, Paul Stankovski:
Error Amplification in Code-based Cryptography. 1223 - Essam Ghadafi:
Further Lower Bounds for Structure-Preserving Signatures in Asymmetric Bilinear Groups. 1224 - Wen Wang, Bernhard Jungk, Julian Wälde, Shuwen Deng, Naina Gupta, Jakub Szefer, Ruben Niederhagen:
XMSS and Embedded Systems - XMSS Hardware Accelerators for RISC-V. 1225 - Michael Tunstall, Louiza Papachristodoulou, Kostas Papagiannopoulos:
Boolean Exponent Splitting. 1226 - Louis Cianciullo, Hossein Ghodosi:
Efficient Information Theoretic Multi-Party Computation from Oblivious Linear Evaluation. 1227 - (Withdrawn) Multi-Party Oblivious RAM based on Function Secret Sharing and Replicated Secret Sharing Arithmetic. 1228
- Yingpu Deng, Lixia Luo, Guanju Xiao:
On Some Computational Problems in Local Fields. 1229 - Suhyeon Lee, Seungjoo Kim:
Pooled Mining Makes Selfish Mining Tricky. 1230 - Endre Abraham:
Post-quantum verifiable random functions from ring signatures. 1231 - D. S. V. Madala, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
, Anupam Chattopadhyay:
Certificate Transparency Using Blockchain. 1232 - Suyash Kandele, Souradyuti Paul:
Key Assignment Scheme with Authenticated Encryption. 1233 - Raymond K. Zhao, Ron Steinfeld, Amin Sakzad:
FACCT: FAst, Compact, and Constant-Time Discrete Gaussian Sampler over Integers. 1234 - Adi Akavia, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Max Leibovich:
Setup-Free Secure Search on Encrypted Data: Faster and Post-Processing Free. 1235 - Mark Abspoel, Niek J. Bouman, Berry Schoenmakers, Niels de Vreede:
Fast Secure Comparison for Medium-Sized Integers and Its Application in Binarized Neural Networks. 1236 - Boaz Barak, Samuel B. Hopkins, Aayush Jain, Pravesh Kothari, Amit Sahai:
Sum-of-Squares Meets Program Obfuscation, Revisited. 1237 - Ye Yuan, Kazuhide Fukushima, Junting Xiao, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Tsuyoshi Takagi:
Memory-Constrained Implementation of Lattice-based Encryption Scheme on the Standard Java Card Platform. 1238 - Peter Gazi, Aggelos Kiayias, Dionysis Zindros:
Proof-of-Stake Sidechains. 1239 - (Withdrawn) Jevil's Encryption Systems. 1240
- Foteini Baldimtsi, Ran Canetti, Sophia Yakoubov:
Universally Composable Accumulators. 1241 - Nicolas T. Courtois:
Structural Nonlinear Invariant Attacks on T-310: Attacking Arbitrary Boolean Functions. 1242 - (Withdrawn) Implementation-Level Corruptions in Distance Bounding - Exhibiting Faults and Provably-Secure Fixes in the Electronic Payment Protocol PayPass -. 1243
- Ran Canetti, Sunoo Park, Oxana Poburinnaya:
Fully Bideniable Interactive Encryption. 1244 - Jung Hee Cheon, Andrey Kim, Donggeon Yhee:
Multi-dimensional Packing for HEAAN for Approximate Matrix Arithmetics. 1245 - Dat Le Tien, Frank Eliassen:
Senopra: Reconciling Data Privacy and Utility via Attested Smart Contract Execution. 1246 - Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Jefferson E. Ricardini, Marcos A. Simplício Jr., Harsh Kupwade Patil:
qSCMS: Post-quantum certificate provisioning process for V2X. 1247 - Ran Canetti, Alex Lombardi, Daniel Wichs:
Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge and Correlation Intractability from Circular-Secure FHE. 1248 - Ningbo Li, Tanping Zhou, Xiaoyuan Yang, Yiliang Han, Longfei Liu, Wenchao Liu:
Two round multiparty computation via Multi-key fully homomorphic encryption with faster homomorphic evaluations. 1249 - Sikhar Patranabis, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Somindu C. Ramanna:
Function Private Predicate Encryption for Low Min-Entropy Predicates. 1250 - San Ling, Khoa Nguyen, Huaxiong Wang, Yanhong Xu:
Accountable Tracing Signatures from Lattices. 1251

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