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Discrete Mathematics, Volume 341
Volume 341, Number 1, January 2018
- T. K. Rapke, Karen Seyffarth:
On nice and injective-nice tournaments. 1-19 - Sarah E. Anderson, S. Nagpal, Kirsti Wash:
Domination in the hierarchical product and Vizing's conjecture. 20-24 - Dong Zhang
Topological multiplicity of the maximum eigenvalue of graph 1-Laplacian. 25-32 - Lucélia Kowalski Pinheiro, Vilmar Trevisan
Maximality of the signless Laplacian energy. 33-41 - Jiaao Li
, Rong Luo, Yi Wang:
Nowhere-zero 3-flow of graphs with small independence number. 42-50 - Dennis Clemens
, Mirjana Mikalacki
How fast can Maker win in fair biased games? 51-66 - L. Wang, Haitao Cao
A note on the Hamilton-Waterloo problem with C8-factors and Cm-factors. 67-73 - Bence Csajbók
, Corrado Zanella:
Maximum scattered 픽q-linear sets of PG(1, q4). 74-80 - Yi Wang, Shi-Cai Gong, Yi-Zheng Fan:
On the determinant of the Laplacian matrix of a complex unit gain graph. 81-86 - Sophie Huczynska
, Maura B. Paterson
Existence and non-existence results for strong external difference families. 87-95 - Jeong-Hyun Kang
A new approach to the chromatic number of the square of Kneser graph K(2k+1, k). 96-103 - Michael Tait:
Degree Ramsey numbers for even cycles. 104-108 - Xin Wang, Hengjia Wei, Gennian Ge:
A strengthened inequality of Alon-Babai-Suzuki's conjecture on set systems with restricted intersections modulo p. 109-118 - Michael Gentner, Irene Heinrich
, Simon Jäger, Dieter Rautenbach:
Large values of the clustering coefficient. 119-125 - Xinmin Hou
, Yu Qiu, Boyuan Liu:
Turán number and decomposition number of intersecting odd cycles. 126-137 - Louis Anthony Agong, Carmen Amarra, John S. Caughman IV
, Ari J. Herman, Taiyo S. Terada
On the girth and diameter of generalized Johnson graphs. 138-142 - Fabrício Benevides, Dániel Gerbner
, Cory Palmer
, Dominik K. Vu:
Identifying defective sets using queries of small size. 143-150 - Hui Du, Ralph J. Faudree, Jeno Lehel
, Kiyoshi Yoshimoto:
A panconnectivity theorem for bipartite graphs. 151-154 - Gholamreza Abrishami, Michael A. Henning:
Independent domination in subcubic graphs of girth at least six. 155-164 - Paul Brown, Trevor I. Fenner:
The size of a graph is reconstructible from any n-2 cards. 165-174 - Michael D. Barrus
, Elizabeth A. Donovan
Neighborhood degree lists of graphs. 175-183 - John Haslegrave
, Richard A. B. Johnson, Sebastian Koch:
Locating a robber with multiple probes. 184-193 - Dan McQuillan, James M. McQuillan:
Strong vertex-magic and edge-magic labelings of 2-regular graphs of odd order using Kotzig completion. 194-202 - Ronald J. Gould, Kazuhide Hirohata, Ariel Keller:
On vertex-disjoint cycles and degree sum conditions. 203-212 - Adam Gray, Talmage James Reid, Xiangqian Zhou
Clones in matroids representable over a prime field. 213-216 - S. Morteza Mirafzal
More odd graph theory from another point of view. 217-220 - Gyula Y. Katona
, Daniel Soltész, Kitti Varga:
Properties of minimally t-tough graphs. 221-231 - Dominique Perrin
, Christophe Reutenauer:
Hall sets, Lazard sets and comma-free codes. 232-243 - Haodong Liu, Hongliang Lu:
A degree condition for a graph to have (a, b)-parity factors. 244-252 - Sejeong Bang
Diameter bounds for geometric distance-regular graphs. 253-260 - Ariel Bruner
, Micha Sharir:
Distinct distances between a collinear set and an arbitrary set of points. 261-265 - Sebastián Bustamante, Maya Stein
Monochromatic tree covers and Ramsey numbers for set-coloured graphs. 266-276 - Ebrahim Ghaderpour
Constructions for orthogonal designs using signed group orthogonal designs. 277-285
Volume 341, Number 2, February 2018
- Sukumar Das Adhikari, Luis Boza, Shalom Eliahou
, M. P. Revuelta
, María Isabel Sanz Domínguez
Equation-regular sets and the Fox-Kleitman conjecture. 287-298 - Douglas R. Stinson
Ideal ramp schemes and related combinatorial objects. 299-307 - Jiafu Mi, Xiwang Cao:
Asymptotically good quasi-cyclic codes of fractional index. 308-314 - Aras Erzurumluoglu, C. A. Rodger:
Fair and internally fair (holey) hamiltonian decompositions of. 315-323 - Hai Q. Dinh, Yun Fan, Hualu Liu, Xiusheng Liu, Songsak Sriboonchitta:
On self-dual constacyclic codes of length over. 324-335 - Fedor Petrov
Combinatorial and probabilistic formulae for divided symmetrization. 336-340 - Ken Kamano
Lonesum decomposable matrices. 341-349 - Yan Liu, Minjia Shi, Patrick Solé:
Two-weight and three-weight codes from trace codes over. 350-357 - Yan Zhuang:
A generalized Goulden-Jackson cluster method and lattice path enumeration. 358-379 - Vasilis Chasiotis
, Stratis Kounias, Nikos Farmakis:
The D-optimal saturated designs of order 22. 380-387 - Rui Duarte
, António Guedes de Oliveira
Between Shi and Ish. 388-399 - Xiaofeng Gu
, Hong-Jian Lai:
A property on reinforcing edge-disjoint spanning hypertrees in uniform hypergraphs. 400-404 - Anna A. Taranenko
Transversals in completely reducible multiary quasigroups and in multiary quasigroups of order 4. 405-420 - Kai Fender, Hadi Kharaghani
, Sho Suda:
On a class of quaternary complex Hadamard matrices. 421-426 - John Asplund, N. Bradley Fox:
Enumerating cycles in the graph of overlapping permutations. 427-438 - Seyyed Aliasghar Hosseini, Bojan Mohar
Game of cops and robbers in oriented quotients of the integer grid. 439-450 - Henri Perret du Cray, Ignasi Sau
Improved FPT algorithms for weighted independent set in bull-free graphs. 451-462 - Kathie Cameron, Murilo V. G. da Silva
, Shenwei Huang, Kristina Vuskovic:
Structure and algorithms for (cap, even hole)-free graphs. 463-473 - József Balogh, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Xujun Liu
Packing chromatic number of cubic graphs. 474-483 - Sebastian Milz
, Lutz Volkmann:
Degree sequence conditions for maximally edge-connected and super-edge-connected digraphs depending on the clique number. 484-491 - Jessica De Silva, Kristin Heysse
, Adam Kapilow
, Anna Schenfisch
, Michael Young:
Turán numbers of vertex-disjoint cliques in -partite graphs. 492-496 - Zhanar Berikkyzy
, Steve Butler, Jay Cummings, Kristin Heysse
, Paul Horn
, Ruth Luo
, Brent Moran:
A forest building process on simple graphs. 497-507 - Hamid Reza Daneshpajouh
A topological lower bound for the chromatic number of a special family of graphs. 508-512 - Lili Hu, Xiangwen Li:
Every signed planar graph without cycles of length from 4 to 8 is 3-colorable. 513-519 - Dean Crnkovic
Regular Hadamard matrices constructed from Hadamard 2-designs and conference graphs. 520-524 - Guangkui Xu, Xiwang Cao, Shanding Xu, Jingshui Ping:
Complete weight enumerators of a class of linear codes with two weights. 525-535 - Lingye Wang, R. Julian R. Abel, Dameng Deng, Jinhua Wang:
Existence of incomplete canonical Kirkman packing designs. 536-554 - You Lu, Chong Li, Rong Luo, Zhengke Miao:
List neighbor sum distinguishing edge coloring of subcubic graphs. 555-569 - Fabio Enrique Brochero Martínez
, Sávio Ribas:
Extremal product-one free sequences in Dihedral and Dicyclic Groups. 570-578
Volume 341, Number 3, March 2018
- Adam Kabela:
An update on non-Hamiltonian 54-tough maximal planar graphs. 579-587 - Zhengke Miao, Yingqian Wang, Chuanni Zhang, Huajun Zhang:
Planar graphs without 3-cycles adjacent to cycles of length 3 or 5 are (3,1)-colorable. 588-599 - Mohit Kumbhat, Kevin Moss, Derrick Stolee:
Choosability with union separation. 600-605 - Hiroshi Nishiyama, Yusuke Kobayashi, Yukiko Yamauchi, Shuji Kijima
, Masafumi Yamashita:
The parity Hamiltonian cycle problem. 606-626 - Carl Johan Casselgren, Hrant Khachatrian, Petros A. Petrosyan
Some bounds on the number of colors in interval and cyclic interval edge colorings of graphs. 627-637 - Sebastián González Hermosillo de la Maza
, César Hernández-Cruz
On the existence of 3- and 4-kernels in digraphs. 638-651 - Danila D. Cherkashin
A note on panchromatic colorings. 652-657 - Malgorzata Bednarska-Bzdega, Michael Krivelevich, Viola Mészáros, Clément Requilé
Proper colouring Painter-Builder game. 658-664 - Aaron Berger
, Christopher Chute, Matthew Stone:
Query complexity of mastermind variants. 665-671 - Jeng-Jung Wang
, Lih-Hsing Hsu:
On the spanning connectivity of the generalized Petersen graphs P(n,3). 672-690 - Ik-Pyo Kim
, Michael J. Tsatsomeros:
Inverse relations in Shapiro's open questions. 691-700 - Peter Danziger, S. Park:
Orthogonally Resolvable Matching Designs. 701-704 - Simone Costa, Fiorenza Morini
, Anita Pasotti
, Marco Antonio Pellegrini:
A problem on partial sums in abelian groups. 705-712 - Jessica McDonald, Gregory J. Puleo
The list chromatic index of simple graphs whose odd cycles intersect in at most one edge. 713-722 - Lu Lu
, Qiongxiang Huang, Jiangxia Hou, Xun Chen
A sharp lower bound on Steiner Wiener index for trees with given diameter. 723-731 - Shengxiang Lv, Zihan Yuan:
The smallest surface that contains all signed graphs on K4,n. 732-747 - Yi Zhang, Mei Lu:
d-matching in 3-uniform hypergraphs. 748-758 - Hongwei Liu, Xiaoqiang Wang, Dabin Zheng:
On the weight distributions of a class of cyclic codes. 759-771 - Slobodan Filipovski, Robert Jajcay:
On the excess of vertex-transitive graphs of given degree and girth. 772-780 - Bartlomiej Bosek
, Michal Debski
, Jaroslaw Grytczuk
, Joanna Sokól
, Malgorzata Sleszynska-Nowak, Wiktor Zelazny:
Graph coloring and Graham's greatest common divisor problem. 781-785 - Deqiong Li, Yaoping Hou:
A note on Bartholdi zeta function and graph invariants based on resistance distance. 786-792 - Jonathan Cutler, A. J. Radcliffe:
Minimizing the number of independent sets in triangle-free regular graphs. 793-800 - Damir Vukicevic, Shuang Zhao, Jelena Sedlar
, Shou-Jun Xu, Tomislav Doslic:
Global forcing number for maximal matchings. 801-809 - Rongxing Xu
, Yeong-Nan Yeh, Xuding Zhu:
List colouring of graphs and generalized Dyck paths. 810-819 - Bojan Vuckovic:
Multi-set neighbor distinguishing 3-edge coloring. 820-824 - Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova
, Olesy N. Kazak, Ekaterina I. Vasil'eva:
Heights of minor 5-stars in 3-polytopes with minimum degree 5 and no vertices of degree 6 and 7. 825-829 - Claude Carlet, Cem Güneri, Ferruh Özbudak
, Patrick Solé:
A new concatenated type construction for LCD codes and isometry codes. 830-835 - Daniel A. Jaume
, Gonzalo Molina
Null decomposition of trees. 836-850 - Fabrizio Caselli, Mario Marietti
A simple characterization of special matchings in lower Bruhat intervals. 851-862 - Nóra Frankl, Janos Nagy, Márton Naszódi
Coverings: Variations on a result of Rogers and on the Epsilon-net theorem of Haussler and Welzl. 863-874
Volume 341, Number 4, April 2018
- Kirill Paramonov:
Cores with distinct parts and bigraded Fibonacci numbers. 875-888 - Hiranmoy Pal
More circulant graphs exhibiting pretty good state transfer. 889-895 - Bernhard Gittenberger
, Emma Yu Jin
, Michael Wallner
On the shape of random Pólya structures. 896-911 - Jia-Li Du, Yan-Quan Feng
Pentavalent symmetric graphs admitting transitive non-abelian characteristically simple groups. 912-918 - Carlos Alberto Castillo-Guillén, Carlos Rentería-Márquez, Horacio Tapia-Recillas:
Duals of constacyclic codes over finite local Frobenius non-chain rings of length 4. 919-933 - Yichao Chen, Jonathan L. Gross, Toufik Mansour
On the genus distributions of wheels and of related graphs. 934-945 - Jie Han, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
On hypergraphs without loose cycles. 946-949 - Hui Lei, Yongtang Shi, Zi-Xia Song
, Tao Wang
Star 5-edge-colorings of subcubic multigraphs. 950-956 - Ilkyoo Choi
, Junehyuk Jung
, Minki Kim
On tiling the integers with 4-sets of the same gap sequence. 957-964 - Anuradha Sharma
, Taranjot Kaur:
Enumeration of complementary-dual cyclic Fq-linear Fqt-codes. 965-980 - Ryan Alweiss
Ramsey numbers of odd cycles versus larger even wheels. 981-989 - Seiken Saito:
A proof of Terras' conjecture on the radius of convergence of the Ihara zeta function. 990-996 - Marcin Krzywkowski, Stephan G. Wagner
Graphs with few total dominating sets. 997-1009 - Liantao Lan, Yanxun Chang
Constructions for optimal cyclic ternary constant-weight codes of weight four and distance six. 1010-1020 - Ju Zhou:
Characterization of the induced matching extendable graphs with 2n vertices and 3n edges. 1021-1031 - Dieter Rautenbach, Moritz Schneider:
The cat and the noisy mouse. 1032-1035 - Thiebout Delabie, Matthew C. H. Tointon
The asymptotic dimension of box spaces of virtually nilpotent groups. 1036-1040 - Jimeng Xiao, Jiuqiang Liu, Shenggui Zhang:
Families of vector spaces with r-wise L-intersections. 1041-1054 - Hai Q. Dinh
, Abhay Kumar Singh, Songsak Sriboonchitta:
Negacyclic codes of length 4ps over Fpm+uFpm and their duals. 1055-1071 - Joseph A. Thas
On k-caps in PG(n, q), with q even and n≥4. 1072-1077 - Zoltán Lóránt Nagy
Saturating sets in projective planes and hypergraph covers. 1078-1083 - Thomas Mahoney, Gregory J. Puleo
, Douglas B. West:
Online sum-paintability: The slow-coloring game. 1084-1093 - António Girão, Gábor Mészáros, Stephen G. Z. Smith:
On a conjecture of Gentner and Rautenbach. 1094-1097 - Jakub Przybylo
Distant total irregularity strength of graphs via random vertex ordering. 1098-1102 - Camino Balbuena
, Diego González-Moreno
, Mika Olsen
Vertex disjoint 4-cycles in bipartite tournaments. 1103-1108 - Atsuhiro Nakamoto, Yoshiaki Oda, Mamoru Watanabe, Tomoki Yamashita:
A note on two geometric paths with few crossings for points labeled by integers in the plane. 1109-1113 - Kun Wang, Kejun Chen:
A short disproof of Euler's conjecture based on quasi-difference matrices and difference matrices. 1114-1119 - Yingzhi Tian
, Jixiang Meng, Hong-Jian Lai, Liqiong Xu:
Connectivity keeping stars or double-stars in 2-connected graphs. 1120-1124 - SeungHyun Shin:
Nonexistence of certain pseudogeometric graphs. 1125-1130 - Herman J. Haverkort:
No acute tetrahedron is an 8-reptile. 1131-1135 - Seyyed Aliasghar Hosseini:
A note on k-cop-win graphs. 1136-1137 - Jason I. Brown
, Ben Cameron
On the unimodality of independence polynomials of very well-covered graphs. 1138-1143 - Ping Sun
Enumeration formulas for standard Young tableaux of nearly hollow rectangular shapes. 1144-1149 - Tomasz Dzido
, Andrzej Jastrzebski
Turán numbers for odd wheels. 1150-1154 - Jan Ekstein
, Shinya Fujita, Adam Kabela, Jakub Teska:
Bounding the distance among longest paths in a connected graph. 1155-1159 - Jin Yan, Shaohua Zhang, Junqing Cai:
Fan-type condition on disjoint cycles in a graph. 1160-1165 - Ali Mohammadian, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie:
Star saturation number of random graphs. 1166-1170 - Agelos Georgakopoulos, Konstantinos Tyros
The Bradley-Terry condition is L1-testable. 1171-1177 - Elizabeth Bailey Matson, C. A. Rodger:
More extreme equitable colorings of decompositions of Kv and Kv-F. 1178-1184 - Seungsang Oh
Domino tilings of the expanded Aztec diamond. 1185-1191 - Shengmei Lv
, Liming Xiong
Erratum to "Forbidden pairs for spanning (closed) trails" [Discrete Math. 340 (2017) 1012-1018]. 1192-1193 - Bhaskar Bagchi, N. S. Narasimha Sastry:
Corrigendum to the paper "Ovoidal packings of PG(3, q) for even q". 1194
Volume 341, Number 5, May 2018
- Dong Ye
Maximum matchings in regular graphs. 1195-1198 - Dean Crnkovic
, Ronan Egan
, Andrea Svob
Orbit matrices of Hadamard matrices and related codes. 1199-1209 - I. P. Goulden, Pavel Shuldiner:
Characterizing the number of coloured m-ary partitions modulo m, with and without gaps. 1210-1214 - Claudia Pérez
, Daniel Rivera
Graphical characterization of positive definite non symmetric quasi-Cartan matrices. 1215-1224 - Jiehua Chen, Ugo Paavo Finnendahl
On the number of single-peaked narcissistic or single-crossing narcissistic preference profiles. 1225-1236 - Wayne A. Johnson:
Exponential Hilbert series and the Stirling numbers of the second kind. 1237-1243 - Huimin Song
, Hong-Jian Lai
, Jianliang Wu:
List r-hued chromatic number of graphs with bounded maximum average degrees. 1244-1252 - Zoltán Füredi, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Ruth Luo
, Jacques Verstraëte:
Stability in the Erdős-Gallai Theorem on cycles and paths, II. 1253-1263 - Yi Wang, Arthur L. B. Yang:
Total positivity of Narayana matrices. 1264-1269 - Tomasz Luczak
, Joanna Polcyn
The multipartite Ramsey number for the 3-path of length three. 1270-1274 - Yuanzhi Li, Lingsheng Shi:
Geodesic cycles in random graphs. 1275-1281 - Jiyong Chen
, Binzhou Xia
, Jin-Xin Zhou
An infinite family of cubic nonnormal Cayley graphs on nonabelian simple groups. 1282-1293 - Jineon Baek
, Hayan Nam, Myungjun Yu:
A bijective proof of Amdeberhan's conjecture on the number of (s, s+2)-core partitions with distinct parts. 1294-1300 - Sebastian Czerwinski:
The lonely runner problem for lacunary sequences. 1301-1306 - Thomas Bläsius
, Peter Stumpf
, Torsten Ueckerdt:
Local and union boxicity. 1307-1315 - Meysam Alishahi
, Hossein Hajiabolhassan
Altermatic number of categorical product of graphs. 1316-1324 - Johannes H. Hattingh, Ernst J. Joubert
Some multicolor bipartite Ramsey numbers involving cycles and a small number of colors. 1325-1330 - Peter Borg
Intersecting families, cross-intersecting families, and a proof of a conjecture of Feghali, Johnson and Thomas. 1331-1335 - Wilfried Imrich
, Iztok Peterin
Cartesian products of directed graphs with loops. 1336-1343 - Wei Jin:
The pentavalent three-geodesic-transitive graphs. 1344-1349 - Binlong Li, Hajo Broersma
, Shenggui Zhang:
Conditions for graphs to be path partition optimal. 1350-1358 - Gek Ling Chia:
Self-complementary magic squares of doubly even orders. 1359-1362 - Jianping Liu, Aimei Yu, Keke Wang, Hong-Jian Lai
Degree sum and hamiltonian-connected line graphs. 1363-1379 - Robert Brignall
, David Marchant
The Möbius function of permutations with an indecomposable lower bound. 1380-1391 - Ademir Hujdurovic
, Martin Milanic
, Bernard Ries
Graphs vertex-partitionable into strong cliques. 1392-1405 - Seog-Jin Kim, Boram Park:
List 3-dynamic coloring of graphs with small maximum average degree. 1406-1418 - Aysel Erey:
Maximizing the number of x-colorings of 4-chromatic graphs. 1419-1431 - Chin-Mei Fu, Yu-Fong Hsu:
Equipartite gregarious connected (5, 5)-graph systems. 1432-1438 - Pierre-Louis Giscard
, Paul Rochet, Richard C. Wilson:
A Hopf algebra for counting cycles. 1439-1448 - Frédéric Maffray, Lucas Pastor:
Maximum weight stable set in (P7, bull)-free graphs and (S1, 2, 3, bull)-free graphs. 1449-1458 - Joseph A. Thas
On k-caps in PG(n, q), with q even and n≥3. 1459-1471 - Bojan Vuckovic:
An improved upper bound on the adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number of graphs. 1472-1478 - L. Wang, Haitao Cao
Completing the spectrum of almost resolvable cycle systems with odd cycle length. 1479-1491 - Nicolas Bousquet
, Aurélie Lagoutte
, Frédéric Maffray, Lucas Pastor:
Decomposition techniques applied to the Clique-Stable set separation problem. 1492-1501 - Andrii Arman
, Sergei Tsaturian
A result in asymmetric Euclidean Ramsey theory. 1502-1508
Volume 341, Number 6, June 2018
- Daryl Funk
, Dillon Mayhew:
On excluded minors for classes of graphical matroids. 1509-1522 - Yandong Bai
, Shinya Fujita, Shenggui Zhang:
Kernels by properly colored paths in arc-colored digraphs. 1523-1533 - Akshay Gupte
, Svetlana Poznanovic:
On Dantzig figures from graded lexicographic orders. 1534-1554 - Yoshimi Egawa, Hikoe Enomoto, Naoki Matsumoto
The graph grabbing game on Km, n-trees. 1555-1560 - Amitava Bhattacharya, Anupam Mondal
, T. Srinivasa Murthy:
Problems on matchings and independent sets of a graph. 1561-1572 - Tomoki Nakamigawa, Tadashi Sakuma
The expansion of a chord diagram and the Tutte polynomial. 1573-1581 - Elad Aigner-Horev
, Johannes Carmesin
, Jan-Oliver Fröhlich:
On the intersection of infinite matroids. 1582-1596 - Boris Bukh, Zilin Jiang
Bipartite algebraic graphs without quadrilaterals. 1597-1604 - Donald K. Wagner:
A note on immersion minors and planarity. 1605-1612 - Robert F. Bailey:
On the metric dimension of incidence graphs. 1613-1619 - Jean-Luc Baril, Sergey Kirgizov, Armen Petrossian:
Dyck paths with a first return decomposition constrained by height. 1620-1628 - Ying Wang, Wai Chee Shiu
, Weifan Wang, Min Chen:
Planar graphs with maximum degree 4 are strongly 19-edge-colorable. 1629-1635 - Andrea C. Burgess, Peter Danziger, Tommaso Traetta
On the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem with cycle lengths of distinct parities. 1636-1644 - Gabe Cunningham
, Daniel Pellicer:
Open problems on k-orbit polytopes. 1645-1661 - Petros Hadjicostas, Lingyun Zhang
On cyclic strings avoiding a pattern. 1662-1674 - Lior Goldberg, Aviezri S. Fraenkel:
Patterns in the generalized Fibonacci word, applied to games. 1675-1687 - Baogang Xu, Xiaoya Zha:
Thickness and outerthickness for embedded graphs. 1688-1695 - Roman Cada, Kenta Ozeki
, Liming Xiong
, Kiyoshi Yoshimoto:
Pairs of forbidden subgraphs and 2-connected supereulerian graphs. 1696-1707 - Richard C. Brewster, Jae-Baek Lee, Mark H. Siggers
Recolouring reflexive digraphs. 1708-1721 - Alexandre Fotue Tabue, Christophe Mouaha:
Contraction of cyclic codes over finite chain rings. 1722-1731 - Niranjan Balachandran, Rogers Mathew
, Tapas Kumar Mishra
, Sudebkumar Prasant Pal:
Induced-bisecting families of bicolorings for hypergraphs. 1732-1739 - Bart Litjens:
Semidefinite bounds for mixed binary/ternary codes. 1740-1748 - Glenn Hurlbert
, Vikram Kamat:
New injective proofs of the Erdős-Ko-Rado and Hilton-Milner theorems. 1749-1754 - Yansheng Wu
, Qin Yue, Fengwei Li:
Primitive idempotents of irreducible cyclic codes and self-dual cyclic codes over Galois rings. 1755-1767 - Kexiang Xu
, Xia Li, Sandi Klavzar
On graphs with largest possible game domination number. 1768-1777 - Patric R. J. Östergård, William D. Weakley:
Switching of covering codes. 1778-1788 - Daniela Ferrero
, Leslie Hogben, Franklin H. J. Kenter, Michael Young:
The relationship between k-forcing and k-power domination. 1789-1797 - Jingjun Bao, Lijun Ji, Ruizhong Wei, Yong Zhang
New existence and nonexistence results for strong external difference families. 1798-1805 - Zdenek Ryjácek
, Petr Vrána, Liming Xiong:
Hamiltonian properties of 3-connected {claw, hourglass}-free graphs. 1806-1815 - Yuan Cao, Yonglin Cao, Fang-Wei Fu, Sheng Wang
Left dihedral codes over Galois rings GR(p2, m). 1816-1834
Volume 341, Number 7, July 2018
- Samia Kerdjoudj, Kavita Pradeep
, André Raspaud:
List star chromatic index of sparse graphs. 1835-1849 - Füsun Akman, Papa Amar Sissokho
Subspace partitions of Fqn containing direct sums. 1850-1863 - Kristóf Bérczi
, Attila Bernáth, Tamás Király, Gyula Pap:
Blocking optimal structures. 1864-1872 - Edgar Martínez-Moro
, Kamil Otal, Ferruh Özbudak
Additive cyclic codes over finite commutative chain rings. 1873-1884 - Christian Delhommé, Imed Zaguia:
Countable linear orders with disjoint infinite intervals are mutually orthogonal. 1885-1899 - Kenta Ozeki
, Carol T. Zamfirescu:
Non-hamiltonian triangulations with distant separating triangles. 1900-1902 - Sarthak Sharma
, Manmohan Rana:
Combinatorial interpretations of mock theta functions by attaching weights. 1903-1914 - Francis N. Castro, Robin Chapman, Luis A. Medina
, L. Brehsner Sepúlveda
Recursions associated to trapezoid, symmetric and rotation symmetric functions over Galois fields. 1915-1931 - Irving Dai
Diameter bounds and recursive properties of Full-Flag Johnson graphs. 1932-1944 - Hengzhe Li, Baoyindureng Wu
, Jixiang Meng, Yingbin Ma:
Steiner tree packing number and tree connectivity. 1945-1951 - Chen Zhou, Wen Li, Yong Zhang
, Renwang Su:
Existence of centre-complementary magic rectangles. 1952-1958 - Yiwei Liu, Zihui Liu:
Complete weight enumerators of a new class of linear codes. 1959-1972 - Michael D. Barrus
, John Sinkovic:
On 1-uniqueness and dense critical graphs for tree-depth. 1973-1982 - Seog-Jin Kim, Kenta Ozeki
A sufficient condition for DP-4-colorability. 1983-1986 - Julian Wellman, Seth Pettie
Lower bounds on Davenport-Schinzel sequences via rectangular Zarankiewicz matrices. 1987-1993 - Hiroshi Suzuki
Coverings and homotopy of a graph. 1994-2010 - Dror Aiger, Micha Sharir:
Homotheties and incidences. 2011-2017 - Amine El Sahili, Maria Abi Aad:
Antidirected Hamiltonian paths and directed cycles in tournaments. 2018-2027 - Masayoshi Yoshikawa
On higher indicators of regular association schemes. 2028-2034 - Naoki Matsumoto
, Atsuhiro Nakamoto
, Tsubasa Yamaguchi:
Generating even triangulations on the torus. 2035-2048 - Sandip Das, Swathy Prabhu, Sagnik Sen:
A study on oriented relative clique number. 2049-2057 - Aleksey N. Glebov:
Splitting a planar graph of girth 5 into two forests with trees of small diameter. 2058-2067 - Jorge Garza-Vargas, Isabel Hubard
Polytopality of maniplexes. 2068-2079 - Peter Frankl:
Partition-free families of sets. 2080-2082 - Nina Zubrilina:
On the edge dimension of a graph. 2083-2088 - Francesco Pavese
Ovoids of H(3, q2), q odd, admitting a group of order (q+1)32. 2089-2094 - Andrzej Dudek, Farideh Khoeini, Pawel Pralat
Size-Ramsey numbers of cycles versus a path. 2095-2103 - Zhiwei Guo, Xueliang Li, Chuandong Xu, Shenggui Zhang:
Compatible Eulerian circuits in Eulerian (di)graphs with generalized transition systems. 2104-2112 - S. Ganesamurthy
, P. Paulraja
Existence of a P2k+1-decomposition in the Kneser graph KGt, 2. 2113-2116 - J. Pascal Gollin
, Karl Heuer
Infinite end-devouring sets of rays with prescribed start vertices. 2117-2120
Volume 341, Number 8, August 2018
- Gábor Korchmáros, Gábor Péter Nagy
Group-labeled light dual multinets in the projective plane. 2121-2130 - Guantao Chen
, Ronald J. Gould, Xiaofeng Gu
, Akira Saito
Cycles with a chord in dense graphs. 2131-2141 - Pongpat Sittitrai
, Kittikorn Nakprasit
Defective 2-colorings of planar graphs without 4-cycles and 5-cycles. 2142-2150 - Konstantin V. Vorob'ev
, Ivan Yu. Mogilnykh, Alexandr Valyuzhenich
Minimum supports of eigenfunctions of Johnson graphs. 2151-2158 - Richard Behr, Vaidy Sivaraman
, Thomas Zaslavsky:
Mock threshold graphs. 2159-2178 - Maria Chudnovsky
, Paul D. Seymour
, Sophie Spirkl
, Mingxian Zhong
Triangle-free graphs with no six-vertex induced path. 2179-2196 - S. Ganesamurthy
, P. Paulraja
2p-cycle decompositions of some regular graphs and digraphs. 2197-2210 - Haiyang Zhu, Lianying Miao, Sheng Chen, Xinzhong Lü, Wenyao Song:
The list L(2, 1)-labeling of planar graphs. 2211-2219 - Snjezana Braic, Josko Mandic, Tanja Vucicic:
Flag-transitive block designs with automorphism group SnwrS2. 2220-2230 - Matija Bucic
An improved bound for disjoint directed cycles. 2231-2236 - Nikola Yolov
Blocker size via matching minors. 2237-2242 - Hai Q. Dinh
, Abhay Kumar Singh, Pratyush Kumar
, Songsak Sriboonchitta:
On the structure of cyclic codes over the ring Z2s[u]∕〈uk〉. 2243-2275 - Yoshimi Egawa, Michitaka Furuya
Sufficient conditions for the existence of pseudo 2-factors without isolated vertices and small odd cycles. 2276-2284 - Michael A. Henning, Anders Yeo
Not-all-equal 3-SAT and 2-colorings of 4-regular 4-uniform hypergraphs. 2285-2292 - Nicholas J. Cavenagh
, Adam Mammoliti:
Balanced diagonals in frequency squares. 2293-2301 - Dennis Dayanikli
, Dieter Rautenbach:
Approximately locating an invisible agent in a graph with relative distance queries. 2302-2307 - Michael J. Schlosser
, Meesue Yoo:
Weight-dependent commutation relations and combinatorial identities. 2308-2325 - P. Devi Priya
, S. Monikandan
Reconstruction of distance hereditary 2-connected graphs. 2326-2331 - Ron Aharoni, Irina Gorelik:
Independence-domination duality in weighted graphs. 2332-2336 - Bostjan Bresar, Jasmina Ferme:
An infinite family of subcubic graphs with unbounded packing chromatic number. 2337-2342 - Hung-Lin Fu, Yuan-Hsun Lo
, K. E. Perry, C. A. Rodger:
On the number of rainbow spanning trees in edge-colored complete graphs. 2343-2352 - Maximilian Fürst, Dieter Rautenbach:
A lower bound on the acyclic matching number of subcubic graphs. 2353-2358 - Bao-Xuan Zhu
Unimodality of independence polynomials of the incidence product of graphs. 2359-2365
Volume 341, Number 9, September 2018
- Colin Defant
Flexible toggles and symmetric invertible asynchronous elementary cellular automata. 2367-2379 - Giancarlo Rinaldo, Francesco Romeo
On the reduced Euler characteristic of independence complexes of circulant graphs. 2380-2386 - Patric R. J. Östergård, William T. Paavola:
Mappings of Butson-type Hadamard matrices. 2387-2397 - Jason I. Brown
, Lucas Mol
, Ortrud R. Oellermann
On the roots of Wiener polynomials of graphs. 2398-2408 - Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen
Automatic complexity of shift register sequences. 2409-2417 - Jane Breen
, Boris Brimkov, Joshua Carlson, Leslie Hogben, K. E. Perry, Carolyn Reinhart
Throttling for the game of Cops and Robbers on graphs. 2418-2430 - Michael S. Cavers, Karen Seyffarth, Ethan Patrick White
Distinguishing chromatic numbers of complements of Cartesian products of complete graphs. 2431-2441 - Xiaoqin Zhan
, Suyun Ding:
A reduction for block-transitive triple systems. 2442-2447 - Myrto Kallipoliti
, Eleni Tzanaki:
Bijections between generalized Catalan families of types A and C. 2448-2464 - Konrad Engel, Tran Dan Thu:
Boundary optimization for rough sets. 2465-2477 - Guan-Huei Duh, Yen-Chi Roger Lin
, Shi-Mei Ma
, Yeong-Nan Yeh:
Some statistics on Stirling permutations and Stirling derangements. 2478-2484 - D. Gray, Stephen C. Locke
A variant of Nim. 2485-2489 - Yanxun Chang, Fengzhao Cheng, Junling Zhou
Partial geometric difference sets and partial geometric difference families. 2490-2498 - Zheng Yan, Masao Tsugaki:
On 3-stable number conditions in n-connected claw-free graphs. 2499-2507 - William B. Kinnersley:
Bounds on the length of a game of Cops and Robbers. 2508-2518 - Ilan A. Goldfeder
, Joaquín Tey:
A note on conservative galaxies, Skolem systems, cyclic cycle decompositions, and Heffter arrays. 2519-2528 - Daniela A. Amato:
Descendant sets in infinite, primitive highly arc transitive digraphs with prime power out-valency. 2529-2534 - Neelav Dutta, David Jensen:
Gonality of expander graphs. 2535-2543 - Antal Joós
On packing of rectangles in a rectangle. 2544-2552 - Robert R. Lewis
The degree-diameter problem for circulant graphs of degrees 10 and 11. 2553-2566 - Greg Malen
Homomorphism complexes and k-cores. 2567-2574 - Ashwin Sah, Mehtaab Sawhney:
On the discrepancy between two Zagreb indices. 2575-2589 - Gonçalo Gutierres
, Ricardo Mamede
, José Luis Esteves dos Santos
Gray codes for signed involutions. 2590-2601 - Ervin Györi, Abhishek Methuku
, Nika Salia
, Casey Tompkins, Máté Vizer:
On the maximum size of connected hypergraphs without a path of given length. 2602-2605 - António Girão
, Gábor Mészáros:
An improved upper bound on the maximum degree of terminal-pairable complete graphs. 2606-2607 - Jean-Luc Baril, Sergey Kirgizov, Vincent Vajnovszki:
Descent distribution on Catalan words avoiding a pattern of length at most three. 2608-2615 - Shishuo Fu
, Zhicong Lin, Jiang Zeng:
On two unimodal descent polynomials. 2616-2626 - Xiaolei Niu, Haitao Cao
Constructions and bounds for separating hash families. 2627-2638 - Xiumei Wang, Yipei Zhang, Ju Zhou:
A characterization of cycle-forced bipartite graphs. 2639-2645 - Kenta Ozeki
, Nico Van Cleemput
, Carol T. Zamfirescu:
Hamiltonian properties of polyhedra with few 3-cuts - A survey. 2646-2660
Volume 341, Number 10, October 2018
- Yu-Chang Liang
, Tsai-Lien Wong, Xuding Zhu:
Graphs with maximum average degree less than 114 are (1, 3)-choosable. 2661-2671 - Yu-Chang Liang
, Yunfang Tang
, Tsai-Lien Wong, Xuding Zhu:
Total list weighting of graphs with bounded maximum average degree. 2672-2675 - Hitoshi Kanda, Tatsuya Maruta:
Nonexistence of some linear codes over the field of order four. 2676-2685 - Charles A. Cusack, Mark Powers, Airat Bekmetjev:
Doppelgangers and Lemke graphs. 2686-2693 - Criel Merino
, Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros
Some heterochromatic theorems for matroids. 2694-2699 - Rongquan Feng, Peice Hua
A new family of Geodesic transitive graphs. 2700-2707 - Rennan Dantas, Frédéric Havet
, Rudini M. Sampaio
Minimum density of identifying codes of king grids. 2708-2719 - Péter Komjáth
A Ramsey theorem for metric spaces. 2720-2722 - Dean Crnkovic
, Sanja Rukavina
, Andrea Svob
New strongly regular graphs from orthogonal groups O+(6, 2) and O-(6, 2). 2723-2728 - Francisco Arias, Javier de la Cruz, Joachim Rosenthal
, Wolfgang Willems:
On q-Steiner systems from rank metric codes. 2729-2734 - Cem Güneri, Funda Özdemir
, Patrick Solé:
On the additive cyclic structure of quasi-cyclic codes. 2735-2741 - Colin Defant
, Sumun Iyer:
Domination and upper domination of direct product graphs. 2742-2752 - Isabel Beckenbach
, Ralf Borndörfer:
Hall's and Kőnig's theorem in graphs and hypergraphs. 2753-2761 - Yangyang Cheng, Ta Sheng Tan
, Guanghui Wang:
A note on rainbow matchings in strongly edge-colored graphs. 2762-2767 - Richard C. Brewster, Mark H. Siggers
A complexity dichotomy for signed H-colouring. 2768-2773 - Binlong Li, Bo Ning
, Xing Peng:
Extremal problems on the Hamiltonicity of claw-free graphs. 2774-2788 - Éva Czabarka
, Rigoberto Flórez
, Leandro Junes, José Luis Ramírez:
Enumerations of peaks and valleys on non-decreasing Dyck paths. 2789-2807 - Yan Steimle, Mateja Sajna:
Spanning Euler tours and spanning Euler families in hypergraphs with particular vertex cuts. 2808-2819 - Bart De Bruyn, Binod Kumar Sahoo
, Bikramaditya Sahu:
Blocking sets of tangent and external lines to a hyperbolic quadric in PG(3, q). 2820-2826 - Pu Qiao, Xingzhi Zhan:
The maximum girth and minimum circumference of graphs with prescribed radius and diameter. 2827-2830 - Frank G. Garvan
, Michael J. Schlosser
Combinatorial interpretations of Ramanujan's tau function. 2831-2840 - Jan De Beule
, Maarten De Boeck
A combinatorial characterisation of embedded polar spaces. 2841-2845 - Zemin Jin
, Kun Ye:
Rainbow number of matchings in planar graphs. 2846-2858 - Saieed Akbari
, Hadi Alizadeh
, Tínaz Ekim
, Didem Gözüpek
, Mordechai Shalom
Equimatchable claw-free graphs. 2859-2871 - Cristina Dalfó
, Miguel Angel Fiol, Nacho López
An improved upper bound for the order of mixed graphs. 2872-2877 - Jing Lv, Danjun Huang:
A new sufficient condition for a toroidal graph to be 4-choosable. 2878-2882 - Andrew Vince
Aparallel digraphs and splicing machines. 2883-2893 - Hee Je Cho, Seong-Hun Paeng:
Classification of α-Ricci flat graphs with girth at least five. 2894-2902 - Fuhong Ma, Jin Yan:
The confirmation of a conjecture on disjoint cycles in a graph. 2903-2911 - Shuya Chiba:
On degree sum conditions for 2-factors with a prescribed number of cycles. 2912-2918 - Eli Berger
, Yanay Soker:
A condition for assured 3-face-colorability of infinite plane graphs with a given spanning tree. 2919-2924 - Vladimir Turaev:
Trimming of metric spaces and the tight span. 2925-2937 - John Asplund
, Kossi D. Edoh, Ruth Haas
, Yulia Hristova
, Beth Novick, Brett Werner:
Reconfiguration graphs of shortest paths. 2938-2948 - Benjamin Braun
, Hugo Corrales, Scott Corry, Luis David García-Puente
, Darren B. Glass, Nathan Kaplan
, Jeremy L. Martin
, Gregg Musiker, Carlos E. Valencia
Counting arithmetical structures on paths and cycles. 2949-2963
Volume 341, Number 11, November 2018
- Alexander E. Patkowski
An interesting q-series related to the 4th symmetrized rank function. 2965-2968 - Muhuo Liu
, Yuan Yuan, Lihua You
, Zhibing Chen:
Which cospectral graphs have same degree sequences. 2969-2976 - Daniel Gabric
, Joe Sawada, Aaron Williams, Dennis Wong
A framework for constructing de Bruijn sequences via simple successor rules. 2977-2987 - Yoshihiro Asayama
, Yuki Kawasaki, Seog-Jin Kim, Atsuhiro Nakamoto, Kenta Ozeki
3-dynamic coloring of planar triangulations. 2988-2994 - Serhii Dyshko:
Minimal solutions of the isometry equation. 2995-3002 - Kiyoshi Ando:
A new forbidden pair for 6-contractible edges. 3003-3009 - Ziran Tu, Xiangyong Zeng, Tor Helleseth:
A class of permutation quadrinomials. 3010-3020 - Robert E. Jamison, Henry Martyn Mulder
Dyadic representations of graphs. 3021-3028 - Joseph L. P. Wang, Larry X. W. Wang, Jane Y. X. Yang
Moments about the mean of the size of a self-conjugate (s, t)-core partition. 3029-3043 - Jingjing Huo, Weifan Wang, Yiqiao Wang:
A characterization for the neighbor-distinguishing total chromatic number of planar graphs with Δ=13. 3044-3056 - Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang
Further results on 3-spontaneous emission error designs. 3057-3074 - Min Tang, Shi-Qiang Chen
On a problem of partitions of the set of nonnegative integers with the same representation functions. 3075-3078 - T. Karthick, Suchismita Mishra:
Chromatic bounds for some classes of 2K2-free graphs. 3079-3088 - Olcay Coskun
, Müge Taskin
Tower diagrams and Pieri's rule. 3089-3105 - H. R. Mahmoodi, R. Sobhani
On some constacyclic codes over the ring Fpm[u]∕〈u4〉. 3106-3122 - Roman Prosanov
Chromatic numbers of spheres. 3123-3133 - Carl Bürger, Louis DeBiasio
, Hannah Guggiari, Max Pitz:
Partitioning edge-coloured complete symmetric digraphs into monochromatic complete subgraphs. 3134-3140 - Chandrashekar Adiga, Ranganatha Dasappa
On overpartition pairs into odd parts modulo powers of 2. 3141-3147 - Jeffrey A. Mudrock
A note on the DP-chromatic number of complete bipartite graphs. 3148-3151 - Andrea Luigi Tironi:
On two upper bounds for hypersurfaces involving a Thas' invariant. 3152-3158 - Wenchang Chu
Further identities on Catalan numbers. 3159-3164 - Justyna Banaszak, Tomasz Luczak
On the diameter of Kronecker graphs. 3165-3173 - Bora Moon
Weighted Hamming metric structures. 3174-3181 - Dario De Stavola
Partial sum of matrix entries of representations of the symmetric group and its asymptotics. 3182-3208 - Meghann Moriah Gibson, Daniel Gray
, Hua Wang:
Combinatorics of n-color cyclic compositions. 3209-3226 - Jiaao Li
, Rong Luo, Hongping Ma, Cun-Quan Zhang:
Flow-contractible configurations and group connectivity of signed graphs. 3227-3236 - Mariusz Meszka
New sufficient conditions for bipancyclicity of balanced bipartite digraphs. 3237-3240 - Daniel Berend
On the number of Sudoku squares. 3241-3248 - Robert Davis, Sarah A. Nelson, T. Kyle Petersen, Bridget Eileen Tenner:
The pinnacle set of a permutation. 3249-3270
Volume 341, Number 12, December 2018
- Lavinia Corina Ciungu, Miodrag-Cristian Iovanov:
On the matrix of rotation symmetric Boolean functions. 3271-3280 - Asahi Takaoka
A vertex ordering characterization of simple-triangle graphs. 3281-3287 - Jianfeng Hou, Huawen Ma, Jiguo Yu, Xia Zhang:
On partitions of K2, 3-free graphs under degree constraints. 3288-3295 - Basudeb Datta
, Dipendu Maity:
Semi-equivelar maps on the torus and the Klein bottle are Archimedean. 3296-3309 - Martin Rolek, Zi-Xia Song
Saturation numbers for Ramsey-minimal graphs. 3310-3320 - Ferenc Bencs:
On trees with real-rooted independence polynomial. 3321-3330 - Dean Crnkovic
, Nina Mostarac
Self-dual codes from orbit matrices and quotient matrices of combinatorial designs. 3331-3343 - Yiqiao Wang, Min Chen, Weifan Wang:
A note on the list vertex arboricity of toroidal graphs. 3344-3347 - Ryan C. Bunge, Saad I. El-Zanati, Joel Jeffries, Charles Vanden Eynden:
Edge orbits and cyclic and r-pyramidal decompositions of complete uniform hypergraphs. 3348-3354 - Jonathan Baker, Kevin N. Vander Meulen
, Adam Van Tuyl
Shedding vertices of vertex decomposable well-covered graphs. 3355-3369 - Liuquan Wang
Congruences modulo powers of 3 for 3- and 9-colored generalized Frobenius partitions. 3370-3384 - Yiyuan Hao, Qizhong Lin:
Star-critical Ramsey numbers for large generalized fans and books. 3385-3393 - Jiangmin Pan, Ci Xuan Wu, Fugang Yin
Edge-primitive Cayley graphs on abelian groups and dihedral groups. 3394-3401 - Vasiliki Velona:
Encoding and avoiding 2-connected patterns in polygon dissections and outerplanar graphs. 3402-3414 - Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova
Low minor faces in 3-polytopes. 3415-3424 - Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova
All one-term tight descriptions of 3-paths in normal plane maps without K4-e. 3425-3433 - Tianjiao Dai, Guanghui Wang, Donglei Yang
, Gexin Yu
Strong list-chromatic index of subcubic graphs. 3434-3440 - Yehong Shao:
Essential edge connectivity of line graphs. 3441-3446 - Sascha Kurz
Heden's bound on the tail of a vector space partition. 3447-3452 - Per Alexandersson
, Greta Panova:
LLT polynomials, chromatic quasisymmetric functions and graphs with cycles. 3453-3482 - Geoffrey R. Grimmett, Zhongyang Li:
Locality of connective constants. 3483-3497 - Maria Chudnovsky
, Sang-il Oum
Vertex-minors and the Erdős-Hajnal conjecture. 3498-3499 - Christoph Brause, Stanislav Jendrol'
, Ingo Schiermeyer:
Odd connection and odd vertex-connection of graphs. 3500-3512

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