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The Computer Journal, Volume 54
Volume 54, Number 1, January 2011
- Qiang Liu, George A. Constantinides, Konstantinos Masselos, Peter Y. K. Cheung:
Compiling C-like Languages to FPGA Hardware: Some Novel Approaches Targeting Data Memory Organization. 1-10 - Mark S. Nixon
, Xin U. Liu, Cem Direkoglu
, David J. Hurley:
On Using Physical Analogies for Feature and Shape Extraction in Computer Vision. 11-25 - Stefan S. Dantchev:
Dynamic Neighbourhood Cellular Automata. 26-30 - Corina Cîrstea
, Alexander Kurz
, Dirk Pattinson, Lutz Schröder
, Yde Venema:
Modal Logics are Coalgebraic. 31-41 - Glynn Winskel:
Events, Causality and Symmetry. 42-57 - Andreas Bauer, Jan Jürjens, Yijun Yu
Run-Time Security Traceability for Evolving Systems. 58-87
- Kohei Honda, Nobuko Yoshida
A Unified Theory of Program Logics: An Approach based on the π-Calculus. 88-107 - Heewan Park, Hyun-il Lim, Seokwoo Choi, Taisook Han:
Detecting Common Modules in Java Packages Based on Static Object Trace Birthmark. 108-124 - Sebastián Basterrech
, Samir Mohamed, Gerardo Rubino, Mostafa A. Soliman:
Levenberg - Marquardt Training Algorithms for Random Neural Networks. 125-135 - David F. Hartley:
EDSAC at 60 - A Celebration of 60 Years Since the First Program Ran on the EDSAC at Cambridge. 136-138 - David W. Barron:
EDSAC: A Programmer Remembers. 139-142 - Doron Swade:
Inventing the User: EDSAC in Context. 143-147 - Davide Cavagnino, Albert Werbrouck:
An Analysis of Associated Dividends in the DBM Algorithm for Division by Constants Using Multiplication. 148-156 - GuanJun Liu, Changjun Jiang, Daniel Y. Chao:
A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Liveness of Normal Nets. 157-163 - Jing Dong, Tu Peng, Yajing Zhao:
On Instantiation and Integration Commutability of Design Pattern. 164-184
Volume 54, Number 2, February 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 185-186
- Antonio Manzalini, Peter H. Deussen, S. Nechifor, Marco Mamei
, Roberto Minerva
, Corrado Moiso, A. Salden, Tim Wauters, Franco Zambonelli
Self-optimized Cognitive Network of Networks. 189-196 - Yosi Ben-Asher, Sharoni Feldman, Moran Feldman
Dynamic Multipath Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks. 197-212 - Giuseppe Anastasi, Eleonora Borgia
, Marco Conti
, Enrico Gregori:
A Hybrid Adaptive Protocol for Reliable Data Delivery in WSNs with Multiple Mobile Sinks. 213-229 - Oliviu Ghica, Goce Trajcevski, Peter Scheuermann, Nikolay Valtchanov, Zachary S. Bischof
Controlled Multi-Path Routing in Sensor Networks Using Bezier Curves. 230-254 - Jywe-Fei Fang:
The Edge-Fault-Tolerant Bipancyclicity of the Even k-ary n-cube. 255-262 - David Nicholson:
Defence Applications of Agent-Based Information Fusion. 263-273 - Thu-Ha Dao-Thi, Jean-Michel Fourneau, Minh-Anh Tran:
Multiple Class Symmetric G-networks with Phase Type Service Times. 274-284 - Lucas Vespa, Ning Weng, Ramaswamy Ramaswamy:
MS-DFA: Multiple-Stride Pattern Matching for Scalable Deep Packet Inspection. 285-303
- Mihaela Ulieru:
WIRED for Innovation: How Information Technology is Reshaping the Economy. 304-305
Volume 54, Number 3, March 2011
- Alex Rogers:
Agent Technologies for Sensor Networks. 307-308
- Ettore Ferranti, Niki Trigoni
Practical Issues in Deploying Mobile Agents to Explore a Sensor-Instrumented Environment. 309-320 - Dirk Bade, Winfried Lamersdorf:
An Agent-Based Event Processing Middleware for Sensor Networks and RFID Systems. 321-331 - Damla Turgut, Ladislau Bölöni:
Heuristic Approaches for Transmission Scheduling in Sensor Networks with Multiple Mobile Sinks. 332-344 - Shunichiro Suenaga, Nobukazu Yoshioka
, Shinichi Honiden:
Group Migration by Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks. 345-355 - Murat Sensoy
, Thao P. Le, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos
, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece:
Resource Determination and Allocation in Sensor Networks: A Hybrid Approach. 356-372 - Sherine Abdelhak, Rabi S. Chaudhuri, Chandra Sekhar Gurram, Soumik Ghosh, Magdy A. Bayoumi:
Energy-Aware Distributed QR Decomposition on Wireless Sensor Nodes. 373-391 - Daniel D. Corkill:
Deploying Power-Aware, Wireless Sensor Agents. 392-405 - Edison Pignaton de Freitas
, Tales Heimfarth, Carlos Eduardo Pereira
, Armando Morado Ferreira, Flávio Rech Wagner, Tony Larsson:
Multi-Agent Support in a Middleware for Mission-Driven Heterogeneous Sensor Networks. 406-420 - Andrew Markham
, Niki Trigoni
The Automatic Evolution of Distributed Controllers to Configure Sensor Network Operation. 421-438 - Francesco Aiello, Giancarlo Fortino
, Raffaele Gravina
, Antonio Guerrieri
A Java-Based Agent Platform for Programming Wireless Sensor Networks. 439-454 - Meritxell Vinyals, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar
, Jesús Cerquides
A Survey on Sensor Networks from a Multiagent Perspective. 455-470 - Antony Waldock, David Nicholson:
A Framework for Cooperative Control Applied to a Distributed Sensor Network. 471-481 - Partha Mukherjee, Sandip Sen
Comparing Reputation Schemes for Detecting Malicious Nodes in Sensor Networks. 482-489 - Richard Tynan, Conor Muldoon, Gregory M. P. O'Hare
, Michael J. O'Grady
Coordinated Intelligent Power Management and the Heterogeneous Sensing Coverage Problem. 490-502
Volume 54, Number 4, April 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 503-504
- Zuowen Tan:
An Off-line Electronic Cash Scheme Based on Proxy Blind Signature. 505-512 - Fuchun Guo
, Yi Mu, Willy Susilo
Short Signatures with a Tighter Security Reduction Without Random Oracles. 513-524 - Qiong Huang, Duncan S. Wong, Guomin Yang
Heterogeneous Signcryption with Key Privacy. 525-536 - Mehran S. Fallah, Maryam Mouzarani:
A Game-based Sybil-resistant Strategy for Reputation Systems in Self-organizing MANETs. 537-548 - Biming Tian, Song Han, Sazia Parvin
, Jiankun Hu
, Sajal K. Das
Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes for Wireless Networks: A Survey. 549-569 - Prasanta Gogoi, D. K. Bhattacharyya
, Bhogeswar Borah
, Jugal K. Kalita:
A Survey of Outlier Detection Methods in Network Anomaly Identification. 570-588 - Ender Yüksel, Hanne Riis Nielson
, Flemming Nielson
A Secure Key Establishment Protocol for ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks. 589-601 - Murat Ergun, Albert Levi
, Erkay Savas:
Increasing Resiliency in Multi-phase Wireless Sensor Networks: Generationwise Key Predistribution Approach. 602-616
- David Taniar
, Maytham Safar
, Quoc Thai Tran, J. Wenny Rahayu, Jong Hyuk Park:
Spatial Network RNN Queries in GIS. 617-627 - Chien-Lung Chan
Information Security Risk Modeling Using Bayesian Index. 628-638
Volume 54, Number 5, May 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 639-640
- Jeremy T. Bradley:
Computer Performance Evaluation: Preface. 641-642 - Nigel Thomas, Yishi Zhao:
Mean value analysis for a class of PEPA models. 643-652 - Gianfranco Balbo, Marco Beccuti
, Massimiliano De Pierro, Giuliana Franceschinis:
First Passage Time Computation in Tagged GSPNs with Queue Places. 653-673 - Connie U. Smith, Catalina M. Lladó, Ramón Puigjaner:
Model Interchange Format Specifications for Experiments, Output and Results. 674-690 - Abigail S. Lebrecht, Nicholas J. Dingle, William J. Knottenbelt:
Analytical and Simulation Modelling of Zoned RAID Systems. 691-707
- Mehmet Serkan Apaydin
, Bülent Çatay, Nicholas Patrick, Bruce Randall Donald:
NVR-BIP: Nuclear Vector Replacement using Binary Integer Programming for NMR Structure-Based Assignments. 708-716 - Ender Sevinç, Ahmet Cosar:
An Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Distributed Database Queries. 717-725 - Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Ahmad Khonsari
, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua:
On the Topological Properties of Grid-Based Interconnection Networks: Surface Area and Volume of Radial Spheres. 726-737 - Rifat Benveniste
, Cem Ünsalan
A Color Invariant for Line Stripe-Based Range Scanners. 738-753 - Marco Bozzano
, Alessandro Cimatti
, Joost-Pieter Katoen
, Viet Yen Nguyen, Thomas Noll
, Marco Roveri
Safety, Dependability and Performance Analysis of Extended AADL Models. 754-775 - James F. Korsh:
Fast Generation of t-ary Trees. 776-785 - Ramon Bertran
, Marc González, Xavier Martorell
, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguadé
Local Memory Design Space Exploration for High-Performance Computing. 786-799 - Murat Ali Bayir, Murat Demirbas, Ahmet Cosar:
A Web-Based Personalized Mobility Service for Smartphone Applications. 800-814 - Minhaj Ahmad Khan:
Data Cache Prefetching With Dynamic Adaptation. 815-823 - Yen-Ju Chen, Jia Jie Liu
, Yue-Li Wang:
An Optimal Rotation Distance Set. 824-830
- Mark Levene:
Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice. 831-832
Volume 54, Number 6, June 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 833-835
- Django Armstrong, Karim Djemame
Performance Issues in Clouds: An Evaluation of Virtual Image Propagation and I/O Paravirtualization. 836-849 - Erol Gelenbe
, Christina Morfopoulou:
A Framework for Energy-Aware Routing in Packet Networks. 850-859 - Arshad Jhumka, Matthew Leeke, Sambid Shrestha:
On the Use of Fake Sources for Source Location Privacy: Trade-Offs Between Energy and Privacy. 860-874 - Osama Younes
, Nigel Thomas:
An SRN Model of the IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC Protocol in Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks with Hidden Nodes. 875-893
- Feng Liu, Xiaoyu Song, Qingping Tan, Gang Chen:
Formal Analysis of Hybrid Prefix/Carry-Select Arithmetic Systems. 894-904 - Qiang Li, Qinfen Hao, Limin Xiao, Zhoujun Li:
An Integrated Approach to Automatic Management of Virtualized Resources in Cloud Environments. 905-919 - Yonghong Xiang, Iain A. Stewart
A Multipath Analysis of Biswapped Networks. 920-930 - Kalika Suksomboon, Panita Pongpaibool, Yusheng Ji, Chaodit Aswakul
PC-Nash: QoS Provisioning Framework With Path-Classification Scheme Under Nash Equilibrium. 931-943 - Mustafa K. Gurcan, Hadhrami Ab. Ghani, Jihai Zhou, Anusorn Chungtragarn:
Bit Energy Consumption Minimization for Multi-path Routing in Ad Hoc Networks. 944-959 - Stephen A. Jarvis
UK Performance Engineering Workshop 2010. 960-961 - Jie Yu, Zhoujun Li, Peng Xiao, Chengfang Fang, Jia Xu
, Ee-Chien Chang
ID Repetition in Structured P2P Networks. 962-975 - Guangyan Huang, Yanchun Zhang, Jing He
, Jinli Cao
Fault Tolerance in Data Gathering Wireless Sensor Networks. 976-987 - A. Sinan Akyurek, Elif Uysal-Biyikoglu
A Depth-optimal Low-complexity Distributed Wireless Multicast Algorithm. 988-1003
Volume 54, Number 7, July 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 1005-1009
- Alex W. Stedmon, Benjamin Hasseldine, David Rice, Mark Young
, Steve Markham, Michael Hancox, Edward Brickell, Joanna Noble:
'MotorcycleSim': An Evaluation of Rider Interaction with an Innovative Motorcycle Simulator. 1010-1025 - Petr Hnetynka
, Liam Murphy
, John Murphy:
Comparing the Service Component Architecture and Fractal Component Model. 1026-1037 - Tatjana Kapus:
Closing a System in the Dynamic Input/Output Automata Model. 1038-1048 - Ahmad Taherkhani, Ari Korhonen
, Lauri Malmi
Recognizing Algorithms Using Language Constructs, Software Metrics and Roles of Variables: An Experiment with Sorting Algorithms. 1049-1066 - Paul E. Dunne
On Constructing Minimal Formulae. 1067-1075 - Alessandro Basso, Davide Cavagnino, Victor Pomponiu, Annamaria Vernone
Blind Watermarking of Color Images Using Karhunen-Loève Transform Keying. 1076-1090 - Yuqing Wu, Dirk Van Gucht, Marc Gyssens
, Jan Paredaens:
A Study of a Positive Fragment of Path Queries: Expressiveness, Normal Form and Minimization. 1091-1118 - Harold W. Thimbleby
Signposting in Documents. 1119-1135 - Chuen-Horng Lin, Wei-Chih Lin:
Image Retrieval System Based on Adaptive Color Histogram and Texture Features. 1136-1147 - David Pinto
, Paolo Rosso, Héctor Jiménez-Salazar:
A Self-enriching Methodology for Clustering Narrow Domain Short Texts. 1148-1165 - Sven Hartmann, Uwe Leck, Sebastian Link
On Codd Families of Keys over Incomplete Relations. 1166-1180 - Tetsu Narumi, Kenji Yasuoka, Makoto Taiji
, Francesco Zerbetto
, Siegfried Höfinger:
Fast Calculation of Electrostatic Potentials on the GPU or the ASIC MD-GRAPE-3. 1181-1187 - Alexandre R. J. François:
An Architectural Framework for the Design, Analysis and Implementation of Interactive Systems. 1188-1204 - Yulai Xie:
Some Results on Minimum Discrete Bending Energy Path in Simple Polygon. 1205-1210 - Jia Lee, Susumu Adachi, Ferdinand Peper:
A Partitioned Cellular Automaton Approach for Efficient Implementation of Asynchronous Circuits. 1211-1220 - Medeni Soysal
, A. Aydin Alatan:
Joint Utilization of Appearance, Geometry and Chance for Scene Logo Retrieval. 1221-1231
Volume 54, Number 8, August 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 1233-1234
- Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, Helen D. Karatza
Embedded Socio-oriented Model for End-to-End Reliable Stream Schedules by Using Collaborative Outsourcing in MP2P Systems. 1235-1247 - Amirhosein Taherkordi, Frédéric Loiret, Romain Rouvoy
, Frank Eliassen:
A Generic Component-Based Approach for Programming, Composing and Tuning Sensor Software. 1248-1266 - In Hwan Doh, Jongmoo Choi, Donghee Lee, Sam H. Noh:
An Empirical Study of Deploying Storage Class Memory into the I/O Path of Portable Systems. 1267-1281 - José Luis March, Julio Sahuquillo
, Houcine Hassan
, Salvador Petit
, José Duato
A New Energy-Aware Dynamic Task Set Partitioning Algorithm for Soft and Hard Embedded Real-Time Systems. 1282-1294 - Ali Ahmadinia, Alireza Shahrabi
A Highly Adaptive and Efficient Router Architecture for Network-on-Chip. 1295-1307 - MinSeong Kim, Andy J. Wellings:
Multiprocessors and Asynchronous Event Handling in the Real-Time Specification for Java. 1308-1324 - Mohamed F. Mokbel, Robert D. Kent, Michael Wong:
An Abstract Semantically Rich Compiler Collocative and Interpretative Model for OpenMP Programs. 1325-1343 - Tiziana Calamoneri
The L(h, k)-Labelling Problem: An Updated Survey and Annotated Bibliography. 1344-1371 - Antoine Bossard, Keiichi Kaneko
, Shietung Peng:
A New Node-to-Set Disjoint-Path Algorithm in Perfect Hierarchical Hypercubes. 1372-1381 - Eun-Chan Park, Minjoong Rim
Fair Coexistence MAC Protocol for Contention-Based Heterogeneous Networks. 1382-1397 - Onur Yilmaz, Orhan Dagdeviren
, Kayhan Erciyes:
Interference-Aware Dynamic Algorithms for Energy-Efficient Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. 1398-1411
Volume 54, Number 9, September 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 1413-1415
- Shuo Xu, Fan Yu, Zhe Luo, Ze Ji
, Duc Truong Pham, Renxi Qiu
Adaptive Bees Algorithm - Bioinspiration from Honeybee Foraging to Optimize Fuel Economy of a Semi-Track Air-Cushion Vehicle. 1416-1426 - Hugo Hernández, Christian Blum
Foundations of Antcycle: Self-synchronized Duty-cycling in Mobile Sensor Networks. 1427-1448 - Wei-Po Lee, Yu-Ting Hsiao:
An Adaptive GA - PSO Approach with Gene Clustering to Infer S-system Models of Gene Regulatory Networks. 1449-1464 - Hongxing Wei, Youdong Chen, Miao Liu, Yingpeng Cai, Tianmiao Wang:
Swarm Robots: From Self-assembly to Locomotion. 1465-1474
- Hanife Kebapci, Berrin A. Yanikoglu
, Gözde B. Ünal
Plant Image Retrieval Using Color, Shape and Texture Features. 1475-1490 - Maria Petrou, Archontis Giannakidis
Full Tomographic Reconstruction of 2D Vector Fields using Discrete Integral Data. 1491-1504 - Gérard Sabah:
Natural Language Understanding, Where Are We Going? Where Could We Go? 1505-1513 - Stelios Timotheou
Asset-Task Assignment Algorithms in the Presence of Execution Uncertainty. 1514-1525 - Serdar Çakir, A. Enis Çetin
Mel- and Mellin-cepstral Feature Extraction Algorithms for Face Recognition. 1526-1534 - Gözde Özbal, Hilal Karaman, Ferda Nur Alpaslan
A Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering Approach for Movie Recommendation Based on Local and Global Similarity and Missing Data Prediction. 1535-1546 - Sotiris B. Kotsiantis
Cascade Generalization with Reweighting Data for Handling Imbalanced Problems. 1547-1559
- Mark Levene:
Chess Metaphors, Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind. 1560
Volume 54, Number 10, October 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 1561-1564
- Monowar H. Bhuyan, D. K. Bhattacharyya
, Jugal K. Kalita:
Surveying Port Scans and Their Detection Methodologies. 1565-1581 - Duc-Phong Le
, Chao-Liang Liu:
Refinements of Miller's Algorithm over Weierstrass Curves Revisited. 1582-1591 - Salih Ergün
A Truly Random Number Generator Based on a Pulse-Excited Cross-Coupled Chaotic Oscillator. 1592-1602 - Ruben Rios, Javier López
Exploiting Context-Awareness to Enhance Source-Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1603-1615 - Hossein Homaei
, Hamid Reza Shahriari
Compositional Approach to Quantify the Vulnerability of Computer Systems. 1616-1631 - Kai Xi, Yan Tang, Jiankun Hu
Correlation Keystroke Verification Scheme for User Access Control in Cloud Computing Environment. 1632-1644 - Yong Yu
, Yi Mu, Guilin Wang, Ying Sun:
Cryptanalysis of an Off-Line Electronic Cash Scheme Based on Proxy Blind Signature. 1645-1651 - Hassan Jameel Asghar
, Josef Pieprzyk
, Huaxiong Wang:
On the Hardness of the Sum of k Mins Problem. 1652-1660 - Jun Zhang
, Yang Xiang
, Wanlei Zhou
, Lei Ye, Yi Mu:
Secure Image Retrieval Based on Visual Content and Watermarking Protocol. 1661-1674 - Lan Zhou, Vijay Varadharajan
, Michael Hitchens
Enforcing Role-Based Access Control for Secure Data Storage in the Cloud. 1675-1687 - Lein Harn, Chia-Yin Lee, Changlu Lin, Chin-Chen Chang:
Fully Deniable Message Authentication Protocols Preserving Confidentiality. 1688-1699 - Yini Wang, Sheng Wen
, Silvio Cesare, Wanlei Zhou
, Yang Xiang
The Microcosmic Model of Worm Propagation. 1700-1720 - Erika Rosas, Olivier Marin
, Xavier Bonnaire:
CORPS: Building a Community of Reputable PeerS in Distributed Hash Tables. 1721-1735
Volume 54, Number 11, November 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 1737-1740
- Chenfeng Xu, Hongsheng Xi, Fengguang Wu:
Evaluation and Optimization of Kernel File Readaheads Based on Markov Decision Models. 1741-1755 - Edgar G. Daylight:
Dijkstra's Rallying Cry for Generalization: The Advent of the Recursive Procedure, Late 1950s-Early 1960s. 1756-1772 - Mitzi McCarthy, Zhen He
Efficient Updates for OLAP Range Queries on Flash Memory. 1773-1789 - Tien Van Do:
Comparison of Allocation Schemes for Virtual Machines in Energy-Aware Server Farms. 1790-1797 - Amir Kaivani, Ghassem Jaberipur:
Decimal CORDIC Rotation based on Selection by Rounding: Algorithm and Architecture. 1798-1809 - Cagatay Turkay, Emre Koc, Selim Balcisoy
Integrating Information Theory in Agent-Based Crowd Simulation Behavior Models. 1810-1820 - Gabriel Rodríguez
, María J. Martín
, Patricia González
, Juan Touriño
Analysis of Performance-impacting Factors on Checkpointing Frameworks: The CPPC Case Study. 1821-1837 - Jia Jie Liu
, William Chung-Kung Yen, Yen-Ju Chen:
An Optimal Algorithm for Untangling Binary Trees via Rotations. 1838-1844 - Ahmad Taherkhani:
Using Decision Tree Classifiers in Source Code Analysis to Recognize Algorithms: An Experiment with Sorting Algorithms. 1845-1860 - Francisco Vázquez, Ester M. Garzón, José-Jesús Fernández:
Matrix Implementation of Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) on GPUs. 1861-1868 - Tiziana Calamoneri
The L(2, 1)-Labeling Problem on Oriented Regular Grids. 1869-1875 - Ionut Popa:
SE-Compression: A Generalization of Dictionary-Based Compression. 1876-1881 - Yang Liu, Zhen He
, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen
, Thi Nguyen
External Sorting on Flash Memory Via Natural Page Run Generation. 1882-1990 - Francisco Ortin
Type Inference to Optimize a Hybrid Statically and Dynamically Typed Language. 1901-1924
Volume 54, Number 12, November 2011
- Fairouz Kamareddine:
Capsule Reviews. 1925-1927
- Damianos Gavalas
, Grammati E. Pantziou
, Charalampos Konstantopoulos
Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1928-1930 - Roland Kays
, Sameer Tilak, Margaret Crofoot, Tony Fountain, Daniel Obando, Alejandro Ortega, Franz Kuemmeth, Jamie Mandel, George Swenson, Thomas Lambert, Ben Hirsch
, Martin Wikelski:
Tracking Animal Location and Activity with an Automated Radio Telemetry System in a Tropical Rainforest. 1931-1948 - Giuseppe Cardone, Antonio Corradi
, Luca Foschini
Cross-Network Opportunistic Collection of Urgent Data in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1949-1962 - Mahdi Zareei
, Alireza Taghizadeh, Rahmat Budiarto
, Tat Chee Wan
EMS-MAC: Energy Efficient Contention-Based Medium Access Control Protocol for Mobile Sensor Networks. 1963-1972 - Olof Rensfelt, Frederik Hermans, Per Gunningberg, Lars-Åke Larzon, Erik Björnemo:
Repeatable Experiments with Mobile Nodes in a Relocatable WSN Testbed. 1973-1986 - Muhammed Emre Keskin, I. Kuban Altinel, Necati Aras
, Cem Ersoy
Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Mobile Sink with Nonzero Traveling Time. 1987-1999
- Zeqiang Chen, Liping Di, Genong Yu, Nengcheng Chen
Real-Time On-Demand Motion Video Change Detection in the Sensor Web Environment. 2000-2016 - Kai-Ting Yang, Ge-Ming Chiu:
A Hybrid Pull-Based with Piggybacked Push Protocol for Cache Sharing. 2017-2032 - Jih-Ching Chiu, Yu-Liang Chou, Po-Kai Chen, Ding-Siang Su:
A Unitable Computing Architecture for Chip Multiprocessors. 2033-2052 - Yanbo Wu, Quan Z. Sheng
, Damith Chinthana Ranasinghe:
Facilitating Efficient Object Tracking in Large-Scale Traceability Networks. 2053-2071

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