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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 21, 1978
Volume 21, Number 1, January 1978
- Gordon Bell, Samuel H. Fuller, Daniel P. Siewiorek:
Forword to the Special Issue on Computer Architecture. Commun. ACM 21(1): 3 (1978) - Simon H. Lavington:
The Manchester Mark I and Atlas: A Historical Perspective. 4-12 - Roland N. Ibbett, P. C. Capon:
The Development of the MU5 Computer System. 13-24 - Barry R. Borgerson, Merlin L. Hanson, P. A. Hartley:
The Evolution of the Sperry Univac 1100 Series: A History, Analysis, and Projection. 25-43 - Gordon Bell, Alan Kotok, Thomas N. Hastings, Richard Hill:
The Evolution of the DECsystem 10. 44-63 - Richard M. Russell:
The Cray-1 Computer System. 63-72 - Richard P. Case, Andris Padegs:
Architecture of the IBM System/370. 73-96
Volume 21, Number 2, February 1978
- Sandra A. Mamrak, Richard G. Montanelli Jr.:
Computer Science Faculties: The Current Status of Minorities and Woman. 115-119
- Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard M. Adleman:
A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems. 120-126 - Marc A. Auslander, H. Raymond Strong:
Systematic Recursion Removal. 127-134 - Lawrence T. Kou, Larry J. Stockmeyer, C. K. Wong:
Covering Edges by Cliques with Regard to Keyword Conflicts and Intersection Graphs. 135-139
- Gerald Held, Michael Stonebraker:
B-trees Re-examined. 139-143
- William J. Stewart:
A Comparison of Numerical Techniques in Markov Modeling. 144-152
- Gabor T. Herman, Arnold Lent, Peter H. Lutz:
Relaxation Method for Image Reconstruction. 152-158
- Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger:
Is "Sometime" Sometimes Better Than "Always"? (Intermittent Assertions in Proving Program Correctness). 159-172
- Bruce J. Schachter, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Some New Methods of Detecting Step Edges in Digital Pictures. 172-176
Volume 21, Number 3, March 1978
- Henry C. Lucas Jr.:
The Use of an Interactive Information Storage and Retrieval System in Medical Research. 197-205 - William H. Dutton, Kenneth L. Kraemer:
Management Utilization of Computers in American Local Governments. 206-218 - Ronald E. Anderson:
Value Orientation of Computer Science Students. 219-225
- S. Rao Kosaraju:
Insertions and Deletions In One-Sided Height-Balanced Trees. 226-227 - Richard A. DeMillo, Stanley C. Eisenstat, Richard J. Lipton:
Preserving Average Proximity in Arrays. 218-231
- Mark A. Franklin, G. Scott Graham, Ram K. Gupta:
Anomalies with Variable Partition Paging Algorithms. 232-236
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Implications of Structured Programming for Machine Architecture. 237-246
Volume 21, Number 4, April 1978
- William H. Payne, K. L. McMillen:
Orderly Enumeration of Nonsingular Binary Matrices Applied to Text Encryption. 259-263
- Paul Heckel:
A Technique for Isolating Differences Between Files. 264-268 - Art Lew:
Optimal Conversion of Extended-Entry Decision Tables with General Cost Criteria. 269-279 - Henry G. Baker Jr.:
List Processing in Real Time on a Serial Computer. 280-294 - Ralph C. Merkle:
Secure Communications Over Insecure Channels. 294-299 - Thomas G. Szymanski:
Assembling Code for Machines with Span-Dependent Instructions. 300-308 - Jean Vuillemin:
A Data Structure for Manipulating Priority Queues. 309-315 - Shimon Even, Michael Rodeh:
Economical Encoding of Commas Between Strings. 315-317
- Russell C. H. Cheng:
Generating Beta Variates with Nonintegral Shape Parameters. 317-322
Volume 21, Number 5, May 1978
- Douglas W. Clark:
A Fast Algorithm for Copying List Structures. 351-357
- Anita K. Jones, Barbara H. Liskov:
A Language Extension for Expressing Constraints on Data Access. 358-367 - Matthew M. Geller:
Test Data as an Aid in Proving Program Correctness. 368-375 - James R. Low:
Automatic Data Structure Selection: An Example and Overview. 376-385 - Michael Karr, David B. Loveman:
Incorporation of Units into Programming Languages. 385-391 - David R. Hanson, Ralph E. Griswold:
The SL5 Procedure Mechanism. 392-400
- Frederick Hayes-Roth, John P. McDermott:
An Interference Matching Technique for Inducing Abstractions. 401-410
- J. M. Fleisher, Robert R. Meyer:
New Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Integer Programming and their Application. 411-418 - Pandu R. Tadikamalla:
Computer Generation of Gamma Random Variables. 419-422
- Richard L. Sites:
Optimal Shift Strategy for a Block-Transfer CCD Memory. 423-425
Volume 21, Number 6, June 1978
- Stuart H. Zweben, M. A. McDonald:
An Optimal Method for Deletion in One-Sided Height-Balanced Trees. 441-445 - James R. Driscoll, Y. Edmund Lien:
A Selective Traversal Algorithm for Binary Search Trees. 445-447
- Jacques Cohen, Martin A. Roth:
Analyses of Deterministic Parsing Algorithms. 448-458 - M. Dennis Mickunas, John A. Modry:
Automatic Error Recovery for LR Parsers. 459-465
- Bennet P. Lientz, E. Burton Swanson, G. E. Tompkins:
Characteristics of Applications Software Maintenance. 466-471 - Earl Chrysler:
Some Basic Determinants of Computer Programming Productivity. 472-483 - Rob Kling:
Automated Welfare Client-Tracking and Service Integration: The Political Economy of Computing. 484-493
- Erol Gelenbe
, D. Derochette:
Performance of Rollback Recovery Systems under Intermittent Failures. 493-499
- Toby J. Teorey:
General Equations for Idealized CPU-I/O Overlap Configurations. 500-507
Volume 21, Number 7, July 1978
- David L. Waltz:
An English Language Query Answering System for a Large Relational Data Base. 526-539
- Michael L. Fredman, Bruce W. Weide:
On the Complexity of Computing the Measure of U[ai, bi]. 540-544 - Francis Y. L. Chin:
An O(n) Algorithm for Determining a Near-Optimal Computation Order of Matrix Chain Products. 544-549 - Yehoshua Perl, Alon Itai, Haim Avni:
Interpolation Search - A Log Log N Search. 550-553 - Constantine Halatsis, George Philokyprou:
Pseudochaining in Hash Tables. 554-557
- Leslie Lamport:
Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System. 558-565
- Henry G. Baker:
Shallow Binding in LISP 1.5. 565-569 - Hanan Samet:
Proving the Correctness of Heuristically Optimized Code. 570-582 - Robert E. Shostak:
An Algorithm for Reasoning About Equality. 583-585
- Rahul Chattergy, Udo W. Pooch:
Analysis of the Availability of Computer Systems Using Computer-Aided Algebra. 586-591
- Arne Maus:
Interlude on signals and semephores revisited. 592 - Niklaus Wirth:
Interlude on signals and semphores revisited. author's response. 592 - Duane Sand:
Thoughtless programming. 592-593 - Marc A. Auslander:
Thoughtless programming? author's response. 593 - Percy Tzelnic:
On LRU stack model suitability. 593 - Rollins Turner:
On LRU stack model suitability. author's response. 594 - Lawrence Snyder:
On B-trees Re-examined. 594 - Gerald Held, Michael Stonebraker:
On B-trees Re-examined - Authors' Response. 594
Volume 21, Number 8, August 1978
- John W. Backus:
Can Programming Be Liberated From the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and its Algebra of Programs. 613-641
- Rob Kling:
Value Conflicts and Social Choice in Electronic Funds Transfer System Developments. 642-657
- Daniel S. Hirschberg:
Fast Parallel Sorting Algorithms. 657-661 - F. Lockwood Morris:
A Time- and Space-Efficient Garbage Compaction Algorithm. 662-665
- C. A. R. Hoare:
Communicating Sequential Processes. 666-677
- Richard S. Brice, James C. Browne:
Feedback Coupled Resource Allocation Policies in the Multiprogramming-Multicomputer System. 678-686
- Peter Scheuermann, C. Robert Carlson:
Self-Assessment Procedure V: Database Systems. 687-693
Volume 21, Number 9, September 1978
- R. A. Harris, J. D. Zund:
An Algorithm Using Symbolic Techniques for the Bel-Petrov Classification of Gravitational Fields. 715-717
- Herbert D. Schwetman:
Hybrid Simulation Models of Computer Systems. 718-723
- Jeffrey M. Barth:
A Practical Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis Algorithm. 724-736
- Gerald J. Popek, David A. Farber:
A Model for Verification of Data Security in Operating Systems. 737-749 - Peter J. Denning, Donald R. Slutz:
Generalized Working Sets for Segment Reference Strings. 750-759
- Glenford J. Myers:
A Controlled Experiment in Program Testing and Code Walkthroughs/Inspections. 760-768 - Thomas Ottmann, Hans-Werner Six, Derick Wood:
Right Brother Trees. 769-776
- Ernst G. Ulrich:
Event Manipulation for Discrete Simulations Requiring Large Numbers of Events. 777-785
- Kurt Maly:
A Note on Virtual Memory Indexes. 786-787 - Stephen A. Ward:
Real Time Plotting of Approximate Contour Maps. 788-790 - Aaron M. Tenenbaum:
Simulations of Dynamic Sequential Search Algorithms. 790-791
Volume 21, Number 10, October 1978
- Walter S. Brainerd:
FORTRAN 77. 806-820
- Donald F. Towsley
, K. Mani Chandy, James C. Browne:
Models for Parallel Processing Within Programs: Application to CPU: I/O and I/O: I/O Overlap. 821-831
- Ben Shneiderman:
Jump Searching: A Fast Sequential Search Technique. 831-834 - Shi-Kuo Chang, Yin-Wah Wong:
Optimal Histogram Matching by Monotone Gray Level Transformation. 835-840 - Robert H. Morris Sr.:
Counting Large Numbers of Events in Small Registers. 840-842 - Colin L. McMaster:
An Analysis of Algorithms for the Dutch National Flag Problem. 842-846 - Robert Sedgewick:
Implementing Quicksort Programs. 847-857 - Gordon Lyon:
Packed Scatter Tables. 857-865
- Malcolm C. Easton, Ronald Fagin:
Cold-Start vs. Warm-Start Miss Ratios. 866-872
- William R. Franta, Kurt Maly:
A Comparison of Heaps and the TL Structure for the Simulation Event Set. 873-875
Volume 21, Number 11, November 1978
- Norman R. Lyons:
Systems Design Education: A Gaming Approach. 889-895
- J. W. Wendorf:
A Simply Extended and Modified Batch Environment Graphical System (SEMBEGS). 897-904
- B. Kumar, Edward S. Davidson:
Performance Evaluation of Highly Concurrent Computers by Deterministic Simulation. 904-913
- Berthold K. P. Horn, Brett L. Bachman:
Using Synthetic Images to Register Real Images with Surface Models. 914-924
- Pandu R. Tadikamalla:
Computer Generation of Gamma Random Variables - II. 925-928
- G. David Ripley:
A Simple Recovery-Only Procedure For Simple Precedence Parsers. 928-930 - Daniel P. Friedman, David S. Wise:
A Note on Conditional Expressions. 931-933 - Per Brinch Hansen:
Distributed Processes: A Concurrent Programming Concept. 934-941
- Fabrizio Luccio, Linda Pagli
Power Trees. 941-947 - B. A. Sheil:
Median Split Trees: A Fast Lookup Technique for Frequently Occurring Keys. 947-958 - Eugene C. Freuder:
Synthesizing Constraint Expressions. 958-966
- Edsger W. Dijkstra, Leslie Lamport, Alain J. Martin, Carel S. Scholten, Elisabeth F. M. Steffens:
On-the-Fly Garbage Collection: An Exercise in Cooperation. 966-975
Volume 21, Number 12, December 1978
- Roger M. Needham, Michael D. Schroeder:
Using Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers. 993-999
- David Gries
, Jayadev Misra:
A Linear Sieve Algorithm for Finding Prime Numbers. 999-1003 - James L. Peterson, James R. Bitner, John H. Howard:
The Selection of Optimal Tab Settings. 1004-1007
- James C. Wetherbe, V. Thomas Dock:
A Strategic Planning Methodology for the Computing Effort in Higher Education: An Empirical Evaluation. 1008-1015 - M. Ibramsha, V. Rajaraman:
Detection of Logical Errors in Decition Table Programs. 1016-1025 - Alberto Martelli, Ugo Montanari:
Optimizing Decision Trees Through Heuristically Guided Search. 1025-1039
- Yogen K. Dalal, Robert Metcalfe:
Reverse Path Forwarding of Broadcast Packets. 1040-1048
- John V. Guttag, Ellis Horowitz, David R. Musser:
Abstract Data Types and Software Validation. 1048-1064 - Jay M. Spitzen, Karl N. Levitt, Lawrence Robinson:
An Example of Hierarchical Design and Proof. 1064-1075

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