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Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Volume 76
Volume 76, Number 1, January 2015
- Valery N. Afanas'ev:
Control of nonlinear uncertain object in the problem of motion along the given trajectory. 1-15 - Alexey A. Bobtsov
, Sergey A. Kolyubin
, Anton A. Pyrkin
Stabilization of a nonlinear plant with input delay and sinusoidal perturbation. 16-23 - Evgeny S. Zhukovskii
, Elena A. Pluzhnikova:
On controlling objects whose motion is defined by implicit nonlinear differential equations. 24-43 - Alexander N. Kvitko
Solving the global boundary problem for a nonlinear nonstationary controllable system. 44-63 - Valentin N. Tkhai:
Oscillations in the autonomous model containing coupled subsystems. 64-71 - I. N. Karbovskii:
Technology of multilinear programming in naturally conditioned models. II. 72-79 - A. M. Magomedov:
On interval Δ-coloring of bipartite graphs. 80-87 - A. M. Tsirlin
Segregated systems, models and control. 88-97 - R. Gabasov, F. M. Kirillova, Vo Thi Thanh Ha:
Optimal real-time control of multidimensional dynamic plant. 98-110 - Sergey I. Kasatkin, Evgeniy I. Artamonov, Andrey M. Murav'ev, N. V. Plotnikova, Vladimir A. Romakin
, K. A. Savel'ev, Vladimir V. Amelichev, Dmitriy V. Kostyuk, Petr Aleksandrovich Polyakov, T. N. Gerasimenko:
Control over electronic components by their magnetic field. 111-119 - Georgii G. Grebenyuk
, Andrei A. Krygin:
Limit graphs in structural optimization of modes in distribution networks. 120-132 - Yu. R. Agamalov:
Automation of verification and calibration of digital electric-measuring devices: New capabilities. 133-138 - Evgeny S. Baulin, Andrey B. Boronin, A. S. Khokhlov:
Rolling detailed short-term planning of oil refineries and petrochemical complexes and optimization model updating. 139-148 - Ludmila A. Denisova
, Vitalii A. Meshcheryakov
Automatic parametric synthesis of a control system using the genetic algorithm. 149-156 - Ludmila A. Denisova
, P. N. Nadtochii, E. M. Raskin:
Realization of the automatic control system with fuzzy-logic static error compensation in the computer-aided design environment Teprol. 157-165 - Aleksandr Yu. Kruchinin:
Multitasking system for real time pattern recognition. 166-171 - Georgi M. Martinov
, A. B. Lyubimov, A. I. Bondarenko, A. E. Sorokoumov, I. A. Kovalev:
An approach to building a multiprotocol CNC system. 172-178 - Lilija I. Martinova
, Nazmi V. Kozak, Ramil A. Nezhmetdinov
, Roman L. Pushkov
, Alexander I. Obukhov:
The Russian multi-functional CNC system AxiOMA control: Practical aspects of application. 179-186 - Yuriy A. Zack:
Simulation systems of small and medium batch production: The functions and structure. 187-191
Volume 76, Number 2, February 2015
- Arsalan D. Mizhidon, Klara A. Mizhidon:
On an approach to determination of control capable to satisfy the phase constraints in linear problem of control. 193-204 - L. A. Mironovskii, T. N. Solov'eva:
Analysis of multiplicity of Hankel singular values of control systems. 205-218 - Andrey V. Borisov
, Boris M. Miller
, Konstantin V. Semenikhin:
Filtering of the Markov jump process given the observations of multivariate point process. 219-240 - M. G. Zotov:
Graphical and algebraic forms of Kharitonov's robust criterion. 241-250 - Alexey G. Mazko
Robust stability and evaluation of the quality functional for nonlinear control systems. 251-263 - Mikhail A. Gorelov, Alexander F. Kononenko:
Dynamic models of conflicts. III. Hierarchical games. 264-277 - Dmitrii V. Speranskii:
Experiments with fuzzy finite state machines. 278-291 - Konstantin S. Pavlov, Evgeny N. Khobotov:
Models for equipment selection and upgrade in manufacturing systems of machine building enterprises. 292-303 - G. P. Aksenova:
Localization of faulty multi-output unit in discrete device. 304-310 - Semen L. Podvalny
, Eugeny M. Vasiljev
Evolutionary principles for construction of intellectual systems of multi-alternative control. 311-317 - Vyacheslav V. Provotorov
Boundary control of a parabolic system with distributed parameters on a graph in the class of summable functions. 318-322 - Nikolay I. Bazenkov
Double best response dynamics in topology formation game for ad hoc networks. 323-335 - Mikhail F. Karavay, Victor S. Podlazov:
An extended generalized hypercube as a fault-tolerant system area network for multiprocessor systems. 336-352 - Aleksandr A. Stezhkin:
Management of banking network stability taking into account industry-specific risks. 353-367
Volume 76, Number 3, March 2015
- Mikhail V. Khlebnikov:
Estimates of the attraction domain of linear systems under L 2-bounded control. 369-376 - Elena V. Goncharova
, Maxim V. Staritsyn
Optimal impulsive control problem with state and mixed constraints: The case of vector-valued measure. 377-384 - Alexandr Yu. Gornov, Evgeniya A. Finkel'shtein:
Algorithm for piecewise-linear approximation of the reachable set boundary. 385-393 - Aleksander V. Karapetyan, Maria A. Munitsyna:
Dynamics of a parallelepiped on a horizontal vibrating plane. 394-404 - Olga N. Samsonyuk
Invariant sets for the nonlinear impulsive control systems. 405-418 - V. B. Goryainov, Elena R. Goryainova:
Asymptotic properties of the sign estimate of autoregression field coefficients. 419-432 - Yulia B. Grishunina:
Optimal control of queue in the M|G|1|∞ system with possibility of customer admission restriction. 433-445 - Igor B. Furtat:
Robust static control algorithm for linear objects. 446-457 - Yuriy P. Titov
Modifications of the ant colony method for aviation routing problems. 458-471 - S. I. Sergeev:
Approximate algorithms for the traveling salesman problem. II. 472-479 - Andrey F. Antipin
Improving response time of real time control systems based on multidimensional interval-logical controllers. 480-486 - M. G. Furugyan:
Computation planning in multiprocessor real time automated control systems with an additional resource. 487-492 - Vitaly E. Bolnokin, D. I. Mutin, Tuan Anh Ngo, A. D. Povalyaev:
Models of adaptive control system design for nonlinear dynamic plants based on a neural network. 493-499 - Oleg Ja. Kravets
, E. S. Podvalny, S. A. Barkalov:
Quality assessment of a multistage process in the case of continuous response functions from resource influences. 500-506 - Vladimir V. Mazalov
, Aleksei Yu. Kondratev
The bargaining solution among threshold strategies. 507-520 - Wei Wang, Jie Zheng
Infinitely repeated games with self-control: A dual-self interpretation of the Monks Story. 521-534 - Boris I. Podlepetsky:
Integrated hydrogen sensors based on MIS transistor sensitive elements: Modeling of characteristics. 535-547
Volume 76, Number 4, April 2015
- V. R. Barseghyan
, T. V. Barseghyan:
On an approach to the problems of control of dynamic systems with nonseparated multipoint intermediate conditions. 549-559 - Anatolii V. Metel'skii
Feedback control of the spectrum of differential-difference system. 560-572 - Pavel S. Petrenko, Alla A. Shcheglova:
Stabilization of solutions for nonlinear differential-algebraic equations. 573-588 - E. G. Zhilyakov:
Optimal sub-band methods for analysis and synthesis of finite-duration signals. 589-602 - Yu. V. Malinkovskii
Jackson networks with single-line nodes and limited sojourn or waiting times. 603-612 - S. L. Semakov
Estimating the probability that a multidimensional random process reaches the boundary of a region. 613-626 - Fikret A. Aliev
, N. A. Ismailov, N. S. Mukhtarova:
Algorithm to determine the optimal solution of a boundary control problem. 627-633 - Pavel O. Nekrasov, Denis N. Fakhriev:
Network information broadcasting in narrow band self-organizing networks. 634-649 - A. G. Shumikhin, A. S. Boyarshinova:
Identification of a complex control object with frequency characteristics obtained experimentally with its dynamic neural network model. 650-657 - Anzhela Yu. Matrosova, Valeriy B. Lipskii:
Properties of pairs of test vectors detecting path delay faults in high performance VLSI logical circuits. 658-667 - V. O. Chukanov, I. M. Yadykin:
Reliability models for specialized computational devices with different fault types and temporal relations. 668-674 - Anton P. Aliseichik, Vladimir E. Pavlovsky:
The model and dynamic estimates for the controllability and comfortability of a multiwheel mobile robot motion. 675-688 - Gennady G. Stetsyura:
Basic interaction mechanisms of active objects in digital systems and possible methods of their technical realization. 689-707 - Dmitry A. Shvarts:
Axiomatics for power indices in the weighted games. 708-720 - Alexandr M. Tsykunov:
Robust control of a plant with distributed delay. 721-731
Volume 76, Number 5, May 2015
- Pavel A. Akimov, Alexander I. Matasov:
An iterative algorithm for l 1-norm approximation in dynamic estimation problems. 733-748 - A. G. Aleksandrov:
Controller design in precision and speed. I. Minimal phase one-dimensional plants. 749-761 - Oleg N. Granichin
Stochastic approximation search algorithms with randomization at the input. 762-775 - Boris S. Darkhovskiy, Yuri S. Popkov, Alexey Yu. Popkov:
Monte Carlo method of batch iterations: Probabilistic characteristics. 776-785 - Mikhail A. Emelianov, Pavel V. Pakshin
, Krzysztof Galkowski
, Eric Rogers
Stabilization of differential repetitive processes. 786-800 - Mikhail M. Lipkovich
, Alexander L. Fradkov
About the necessity of Popov criterion for a special Lyapunov function existence for the systems with multiple nonlinearities. 801-808 - Anatoli B. Juditsky, A. S. Nemirovskii
On sequential hypotheses testing via convex optimization. 809-825 - Alexander I. Ovseevich
, Aleksey K. Fedorov
Motion of a system of oscillators under the generalized dry friction control. 826-833 - Alexander S. Poznyak:
Robust feedback design for stabilization of nonlinear systems with sampled-data and quantized output: Atractive ellipsoid method. 834-846 - Andrey E. Polyakov
Time-suboptimal feedback design via linear matrix inequalities. 847-862 - Vadim I. Utkin:
Brief comments for the continuation method by A.F. Filippov for solution continuation on a discontinuity set. 863-871 - Mikhail V. Khlebnikov, Pavel S. Shcherbakov
Invariance and nonfragility in the rejection of exogenous disturbances. 872-884 - Igor E. Tuphanov, Alexander F. Scherbatyuk:
Designing group behavior algorithms for autonomous underwater vehicles in the underwater local heterogeneities survey problem. 885-896 - Vladimir V. Breer, Dmitry A. Novikov:
Threshold models of mutual insurance. 897-908 - Anna V. Melnik
Equilibrium in a transportation game. 909-918 - Anna N. Rettieva
A bioresource management problem with different planning horizons. 919-934 - Victor V. Zakharov
, Alexander N. Shchegryaev:
Stable cooperation in dynamic vehicle routing problems. 935-943
Volume 76, Number 6, June 2015
- A. I. Dvirnyi, Vitalii Slyn'ko:
A counterpart of A.M. Molchanov's critical case for impulse systems. 945-956 - Boris T. Polyak, Andrey A. Tremba
, Mikhail V. Khlebnikov, Pavel S. Shcherbakov
, Georgi V. Smirnov
Large deviations in linear control systems with nonzero initial conditions. 957-976 - Victoria V. Yevstafyeva
On existence conditions for a two-point oscillating periodic solution in an non-autonomous relay system with a Hurwitz matrix. 977-988 - Ruslan E. Seifullaev, Alexander L. Fradkov
Linear matrix inequality-based analysis of the discrete-continuous nonlinear multivariable systems. 989-1004 - Mikhail A. Matalytski
Analysis and forecasting of expected incomes in Markov networks with bounded waiting time for the claims. 1005-1017 - Alexander B. Miller:
Developing algorithms of object motion control on the basis of Kalman filtering of bearing-only measurements. 1018-1035 - Vladimir N. Chestnov
H ∞-approach to controller synthesis under parametric uncertainty and polyharmonic external disturbances. 1036-1048 - Manucher Kh. Dorri, Alexander A. Roshchin:
Efficiency of combining the ideas of forecast, open-loop and feedback control in the design of control systems. 1049-1057 - N. I. Khoroshev, V. P. Kazantsev:
Management support of electroengineering equipment servicing based on the actual technical condition. 1058-1069 - N. S. Abramov, D. A. Makarov, M. V. Khachumov:
Controlling flight vehicle spatial motion along a given route. 1070-1080 - Anton V. Ivaschenko, V. F. Barabanov, E. S. Podvalny:
Conditional management technology for multiagent interaction. 1081-1087 - N. Yu. Mutovkina, V. N. Kuznetsov, A. Yu. Klyushin:
Stability of containment strategy in multi-agent systems. 1088-1093 - Evgeny I. Veremey
, Vladimir V. Eremeev, Natalia A. Zhabko, Sergei V. Pogozhev
Degenerate problems of H-optimization for SISO LTI systems and realizability issues. 1094-1100 - Nikolai S. Kukushkin
Rosenthal's potential and a discrete version of the Debreu-Gorman Theorem. 1101-1110 - Elena M. Parilina
Stable cooperation in stochastic games. 1111-1122 - Alexander A. Vasin, Yulia V. Sosina, Denis S. Stepanov:
Stability of coalitions in a heterogeneous population. 1123-1135
Volume 76, Number 7, July 2015
- A. Yu. Popov, S. S. Pukhov, A. M. Tsirlin
Minimization of the least upper bound of the real parts of quasipolynomial roots and the limit stability degree of linear dynamic feedback system. 1137-1155 - A. I. Barkin:
Attraction domains of systems with polynomial nonlinearities. 1156-1168 - Valentin N. Tkhai:
Oscillations, stability and stabilization in the model containing coupled subsystems with cycles. 1169-1178 - Alexander S. Ivanov, Andrey I. Lyakhov, Evgeny M. Khorov
Analytical model of batch flow multihop transmission in wireless networks with channel reservations. 1179-1192 - Roman V. Ivanov:
On predicting the maximum of a semimartingale and the optimal moment to sell a stock. 1193-1200 - Andrey I. Kibzun, Alexei N. Ignatov:
The two-step problem of investment portfolio selection from two risk assets via the probability criterion. 1201-1220 - Boris F. Kir'yanov, Valery M. Kuznetsov, Valerii A. Pesoshin:
A refined formula for the autocorrelation function of an M-sequence. 1221-1228 - Alexander V. Kolnogorov
On a limiting description of robust parallel control in a random environment. 1229-1241 - Michail E. Shaikin
Design of optimal state controller robust to external disturbance for one class of nonstationary stochastic systems. 1242-1251 - Alexander S. Kozlov:
On the Sitters-Fishkin hypothesis. 1252-1259 - Yurij K. Dimitriev:
On the conceptual foundations of comparative analysis and solution of self-diagnostic problems in multiprocessor systems under different unreliable testing models. 1260-1270 - Alexander V. Dobrovidov, Elena L. Kulida, I. M. Rudko
Path optimization for a moving object in an anisotropic environment using the probabilistic criterion in the passive sonar mode. 1271-1281 - Dmitry A. Gubanov
, Alexander G. Chkhartishvili
An actional model of user influence levels in a social network. 1282-1290 - Eugeny K. Kornoushenko:
Nonlinear positive normalized models of weakly formalized systems: Control of equilibrium states. 1291-1301 - Victor A. Kubyshkin, Sergey S. Postnov:
Analysis of two optimal control problems for a fractional-order pendulum by the method of moments. 1302-1314 - Anna N. Sorokina, Alexey Ya. Chervonenkis:
An improved optimization algorithm of ads' allocation in sponsored search and the results of experiments. 1315-1325
Volume 76, Number 8, August 2015
- Vladimir A. Bondarko:
Limiting zeros of sampled systems with time delay. 1327-1346 - Rafig K. Tagiev, Sadiq A. Gashimov:
The optimal control problem for the coefficients of a parabolic equation under phase constraints. 1347-1360 - Asatur Zh. Khurshudyan
The Bubnov-Galerkin method in control problems for bilinear systems. 1361-1368 - Vladimir V. Breer, Andrey D. Rogatkin:
Probabilistic model of threshold behavior in multiagent systems. 1369-1386 - Valentina I. Klimenok, Roman Ch. Savko:
Tandem system with retrials and impatient customers. 1387-1399 - Anton A. Pyrkin
, Alexey A. Bobtsov
, Alexey A. Vedyakov
, Sergey A. Kolyubin
Estimation of polyharmonic signal parameters. 1400-1416 - Liudmila Yu. Zhilyakova
Dynamic graph models and their properties. 1417-1435 - Rafig P. Agaev, Pavel Yu. Chebotarev:
The projection method for continuous-time consensus seeking. 1436-1445 - Victor M. Sukhanov, A. V. Silaev, Victor M. Glumov:
Dynamic equations of free-flying space robot for feedback control tasks. 1446-1454 - Dmitry A. Gubanov
, Alexander G. Chkhartishvili
A conceptual approach to online social networks analysis. 1455-1462 - Anna A. Lempert
, Alexander L. Kazakov
, Dmitry S. Bukharov
Mathematical model and program system for solving a problem of logistic objects placement. 1463-1470 - Semen L. Podvalny
, Eugeny M. Vasiljev
A multi-alternative approach to control in open systems: Origins, current state, and future prospects. 1471-1499 - Vladimir A. Romanenko:
Optimization of transfer air transportation system parameters considering fuzzy and stochastic uncertainties. 1500-1514 - Retraction Note to: "Distributed systems estimators and packet delivery prediction based on recursive Bayesian estimation". 1515
Volume 76, Number 9, September 2015
- D. N. Ibragimov, A. N. Sirotin:
On the problem of optimal speed for the discrete linear system with bounded scalar control on the basis of 0-controllability sets. 1517-1540 - Sergey V. Kornev
Nonsmooth integral directing functions in the problems of forced oscillations. 1541-1550 - Anton V. Proskurnikov
Consensus in nonlinear stationary networks with identical agents. 1551-1565 - Engel M. Solnechnyi, L. A. Cheremushkina:
Stability preservation conditions for a two-layered heat transfer object closed by feedback. 1566-1581 - Sofia N. Vasil'eva, Yuri S. Kan:
A method for solving quantile optimization problems with a bilinear loss function. 1582-1597 - O. S. Kozlov, Leonid M. Skvortsov:
Synthesis of simple robust controllers. 1598-1607 - Larisa N. Krivdina:
Generalized H ∞-optimal filtering for discrete-time plants over finite and infinite time horizons. 1608-1615 - Vladimir M. Khametov, Elena A. Shelemekh:
Superhedging of American options on an incomplete market with discrete time and finite horizon. 1616-1634 - P. A. Biryukova, Vladislav V. Tokarev:
Forecasting and planning during international talks. 1635-1643 - Dmitrii V. Speranskii:
Experiments with nonstationary bilinear finite state machines. 1644-1654 - Sergey A. Branishtov
, Artem M. Shirvanyan
, Dmitrii A. Tumchenok
Formation of train routes in a station. 1655-1663 - Andrey M. Shevchenko, Galina N. Nachinkina:
Energy method of safe aircraft braking forecasting. 1664-1672 - Vladimir M. Bure
, Vladimir V. Mazalov
, Nina V. Plaksina:
Estimating passenger traffic characteristics in transport systems. 1673-1680 - Alexander M. Chesnokov:
Finite multisets as patterns in column-based intelligent systems. 1681-1688 - Sergey A. Kochetkov
, Anton V. Utkin
, Victor A. Utkin
Robust control of electromagnetic suspension based on vortex algorithms. 1689-1703 - Roman N. Zhuchkov:
Application of predictive control approach in stabilizing control design of networked plants. 1704-1712
Volume 76, Number 10, October 2015
- Stanislav V. Emel'yanov, Andrew S. Fursov:
Coordinate-to-Operator feedback: Properties, features, outlooks. 1713-1742 - Andrey A. Galyaev
On the mathematical model of one-dimensional impact of a chain of viscoelastic bodies. 1743-1750 - Mark M. Kogan
Robust estimation and filtering in uncertain linear systems under unknown covariations. 1751-1764 - Svetlana V. Anulova:
Quadratic Lyapunov function for stochastic mechanical systems with switching impacts. 1765-1770 - Valentin D. Konakov, Anna R. Markova
Linear trend exclusion for models defined with stochastic differential and difference equations. 1771-1783 - Oleg M. Tikhonenko
, Wojciech M. Kempa
Queueing system with processor sharing and limited memory under control of the AQM Mechanism. 1784-1796 - Wenxia Li
, Evgeny M. Patrikeev, Dongmei Xiao:
A DNA Algorithm for the maximal matching problem. 1797-1802 - Alexander S. Strekalovsky
, Tatiana V. Gruzdeva
, Andrei V. Orlov
On the problem polyhedral separability: A numerical solution. 1803-1816 - Andranik S. Akopov
, Levon A. Beklaryan
An agent model of crowd behavior in emergencies. 1817-1827 - Alexander S. Kolokolov, I. A. Lyubinskii:
A comparative study of several approaches to short-term frequency analysis of a speech signal. 1828-1833 - Dmitry V. Efanov
, Valery V. Sapozhnikov, Vladimir V. Sapozhnikov:
Applications of modular summation codes to concurrent error detection systems for combinational boolean circuits. 1834-1848 - Yuliya V. Chirkova:
Price of anarchy in machine load balancing game. 1849-1864 - Nikolay A. Krasovskii
, Alexander M. Tarasyev
Decomposition algorithm of searching equilibria in a dynamic game. 1865-1893 - Leon A. Petrosjan, Nikolay A. Zenkevich:
Conditions for sustainable cooperation. 1894-1904
Volume 76, Number 11, November 2015
- Alexander I. Ovseevich, Aleksey K. Fedorov
Feedback control for damping a system of linear oscillators. 1905-1917 - Vadim A. Bukhalev, Viktor A. Boldinov, S. P. Pryadkin, Andrey A. Skrynnikov:
Optimal control of linear stochastic system using smoothed estimate of phase coordinates. 1918-1930 - Andrey I. Kibzun, V. R. Sobol':
The modified sequential hedging strategy: Hedger's loss distribution. 1931-1944 - Veniamin N. Tarasov
, Nadezhda F. Bakhareva, I. A. Blatov
Analysis and calculation of queuing system with delay. 1945-1951 - Alexandr M. Tsykunov:
Robust synchronization of a network of objects with distributed delay. 1952-1965 - Igor Ya. Zabotin, Rashid S. Yarullin:
Cutting-plane method based on epigraph approximation with discarding the cutting planes. 1966-1975 - Sergey M. Lavlinskii, Artem A. Panin, Aleksandr V. Plyasunov:
A bilevel planning model for public-private partnership. 1976-1987 - Ivan A. Matveev
, Vladimir I. Tsurkov
, Nikolay N. Chinaev:
Seeking pupil circumference by the Hough transformation for the boundaries of the connectivity components. 1988-1999 - Igor V. Bychkov
, Gennady A. Oparin, Alexander G. Feoktistov
, Vera G. Bogdanova
, Anton A. Pashinin
Service-oriented multiagent control of distributed computations. 2000-2010 - Andrey L. Ronzhin
, I. V. Vatamanyuk, Alexander L. Ronzhin, Milos Zelezný
Mathematical methods to estimate image blur and recognize faces in the system of automatic conference participant registration. 2011-2020 - Valerjan Ya. Fateev:
Using the randomization method in digital resonance detection devices. 2021-2032 - Maxim Yu. Tkhorenko, Evgeny V. Karshakov
, Boris V. Pavlov, A. V. Kozlov:
Algorithm to position an object moving in the low-frequency electromagnetic field. 2033-2044 - Vladimir V. Morozov, Kamil D. Shalbuzov:
A zero-sum game of resource allocation: Attacker against defender. 2045-2055 - Guennady A. Ougolnitsky
, Anatolii B. Usov:
Dynamic hierarchical two-player games in open-loop strategies and their applications. 2056-2069 - Ovanes L. Petrosian
Formation of new coalitional structures in voting games. 2070-2077 - Elena A. Rovenskaya
A one-sector model of economic growth with a nonlinear production function and related environmental quality. 2078-2090
Volume 76, Number 12, December 2015
- Oleg P. Kuznetsov:
Complex networks and activity spreading. 2091-2109 - Stanislav V. Emel'yanov, Aleksandr P. Afanas'ev:
Signal differentiation in automatic control systems. 2110-2123 - Anton A. Pyrkin
, Alexey A. Bobtsov
, Vladimir Olegovich Nikiforov, Sergey A. Kolyubin
, Alexey A. Vedyakov
, Oleg I. Borisov
, Vladislav S. Gromov
Compensation of polyharmonic disturbance of state and output of a linear plant with delay in the control channel. 2124-2142 - Mikhail V. Khlebnikov, Pavel S. Shcherbakov
, Vladimir N. Chestnov
Linear-quadratic regulator. I. a new solution. 2143-2155 - Wei Liu, Haohui Dai, Zhiming Wang, Mingkang Ni:
Controlled synchronization of discrete-time nonlinear systems under constrained communication. 2156-2167 - Yuliya S. Kruk, Yuliya E. Dudovskaya:
Insensitivity of the stationary distribution of state probabilities in an open network with non-active customers. 2168-2178 - Mikhail A. Matalytski
Analysis and forecasting of expected incomes in Markov networks with unreliable servicing systems. 2179-2189 - Dmitry I. Kogan, I. Kh. Sigal:
Accounting for the time characteristics of a class of scheduling problems for moving processor. 2190-2200 - Mikhail A. Gorelov:
Games with random errors of information transmission. 2201-2215 - Sergey I. Kasatkin, Andrey M. Murav'ev, Vladimir V. Amelichev, Dmitriy V. Kostyuk:
Elements of spin logic. 2216-2226 - A. N. Konoplev, Yuriy A. Kropotov
An operational scheduling algorithm for small-lot production. 2227-2232 - Ali G. Nagiev
, S. A. Khalilov, U. Kh. Agaev, A. S. Guseinova:
A self-adjusting indirect measurement system for the catalyst pneumotransport speed in reactor-regenerator systems of chemical industry. 2233-2240 - E. M. Raskin, Ludmila A. Denisova
, P. N. Nadtochy:
The software and hardware complex for automatic feed control of steam generators in the power unit of a nuclear power plant. 2241-2248 - Alexander R. Bestugin, Irina A. Kirshina, P. A. Okin, Oleg M. Filonov:
Methodic errors of microelectromechanical pressure sensors in isotropic modeling of the elastic properties of single-crystal silicon. 2249-2254 - Irina S. Durgaryan, Fedor F. Pashchenko
, Alexander F. Pashchenko
, Galina A. Pikina:
Identification of objects in information and control systems. 2255-2265 - Vladimir Yu. Kneller, Alexander M. Fayans:
Methods to ensure the invariance of transformation processes: Reveal and systematization. 2266-2279

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