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6th PP 1993: Norfolk, Virginia, USA
- Richard F. Sincovec, David E. Keyes, Michael R. Leuze, Linda R. Petzold, Daniel A. Reed:
Proceedings of the Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, PP 1993, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, March 22-24, 1993. SIAM 1993, ISBN 0-89871-315-3
Grand Challenge Problems - Applications
Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Dennis C. Jespersen, Creon Levit:
A Multiple-Grid Navier-Stokes Code for the Connection Machine CM-2. PPSC 1993: 3-7 - Nahil Atef Sobh, Alaa Almillgui:
Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations on a Massively Parallel Computer the CM-200. PPSC 1993: 8-12 - J. G. Carter, D. R. Emerson, R. J. Blake, R. J. Allan:
Parallel Computation of Internal and External Flows Using a Portable Message-Passing Harness. PPSC 1993: 13-16 - Isabelle d'Ast, Michel J. Daydé, Azzedine Kourta:
Parallelization of a Two-dimensional Compressible Unsteady Navier-Stokes Solver on a Range of MIMD Computers. PPSC 1993: 17-20 - M. M. S. Khan, H. T. Nguyen, Kenneth K. Jung:
A Computational-Aeroacoustics Application on the SIMD WAVETRACER Computer. PPSC 1993: 21-25 - A. Sait Umar, D. J. Dean, C. Bottcher, M. R. Strayer:
Spline Methods for Hydrodynamic Equations: Parallel Implementation. PPSC 1993: 26-30 - Ken Bridges, Marcin Paprzycki, Xuefeng Li:
Parallelization of a Goduniov Type Method for the Solution of Systems of Conservation Laws. PPSC 1993: 31-34 - Denis J. Doorly, M. Hilka:
3D Point Vortex Methods for Parallel Flow Computations. PPSC 1993: 35-39 - W. Couzy, Michel O. Deville:
A Parallel Spectral Element Method for the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations. PPSC 1993: 40-43 - M. L. Stokes, David H. Huddleston, M. G. Remotique:
A Practical Model for Multidisciplinary Analysis Data and Algorithm Abstraction. PPSC 1993: 44-51 - David H. Bailey, Robert Krasny, Richard B. Pelz:
Multiple Precision, Multiple Processor Vortex Sheet Roll-Up Computation. PPSC 1993: 52-56 - Horst D. Simon, A. Yeremin:
A New Approach to Construction of Efficient Iterative Schemes for Massively Parallel Applications: Variable Block CG and BiCG Methods and Variable Block Arnoldi Procedure. PPSC 1993: 57-60 - Norberto Mangiavacchi, Rayhaneh Akhavan:
Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Shear Flows on Distributed Memory Architectures. PPSC 1993: 61-64 - Stéphane Lanteri, Charbel Farhat:
Viscous Flow Computations on MPP Systems: Implementational Issues and Performance Results for Unstructured Grids. PPSC 1993: 65-70 - Norman H. Barth, Sharon L. Smith:
Coupling Numerical Models of the Atmosphere and Ocean Using the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Package. PPSC 1993: 71-75 - Jeffrey S. Scroggs, N. P. Sigmon:
Parallelization of a Global Circulation Model. PPSC 1993: 76-78 - R. Aggarwal, R. Keunings, François-Xavier Roux:
Numerical Simulation of Polymer Flows: A Parallel Computing Approach. PPSC 1993: 79-82
Geophysical Modeling
- Richard E. Ewing, Michael A. Celia, Patrick O'Leary, Joseph E. Pasciak, Apostol T. Vassilev:
Parallelization of Multiphase Models for Contaminant Transport in Porous Media. PPSC 1993: 83-91 - Arthur A. Mirin, William P. Dannevik, Michael F. Wehner, J. C. Brown, Bor Chan:
Performance of a Portable, Parallel Atmospheric General Circulation Model. PPSC 1993: 92-95 - A. Daniel Kowalski, Paul S. Schopf, Max Suarez:
Performance Characteristics of Alogrithms from a Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Model on Scalable Parallel Architectures. PPSC 1993: 96-99 - Ian T. Foster, Patrick H. Worley:
Parallelizing the Spectral Transform Method: A Comparison of Alternative Parallel Algorithms. PPSC 1993: 100-107 - Xiaodong Zhang, John E. Dennis Jr.:
Parallel Implementations of an Oil Refining Simulation. PPSC 1993: 108-112 - Nahil Atef Sobh:
Iterative Methods for Large Scale Static Analysis of Structures on a Scalable Multiprocessor Supercomputer. PPSC 1993: 113-116 - Kevin Burrage, John Belward, Frank Duncalfe, Lawrence Lau, Mike Rezny, Robert Young:
Drought Monitoring through Parallel Computing. PPSC 1993: 117-125 - Richard B. Pelz, William F. Stern:
A Balanced, Parallel algorithm for Spectral Global Climate Models. PPSC 1993: 126-128 - Peter MacNeice:
An Electromagnetic PIC Code on the MasPar. PPSC 1993: 129-132 - Richard E. Ewing, Michael A. Celia, Patrick O'Leary, Joseph E. Pasciak, Apostol T. Vassilev:
Parallelization of Multiphase Models for Contaminant Transport in Porous Media. PPSC 1993: 133-141
Materials Science
- Gen-Ching Lo, Frank Webster:
Spectral Transform Lanczos for Electronic States from Density Functional Computation. PPSC 1993: 142-146 - Mark T. Jones, Paul E. Plassmann:
Recent Results in the Modeling of Type - II Superconductors on Massively Parallel Computers. PPSC 1993: 147-151 - C. P. Burmester, L. T. Wille, R. Gronsky:
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Oxygen Ordering in the High-Temperature Superconductor YBa2Cu3O2. PPSC 1993: 152-155 - Tom Canfield, Mark T. Jones, Paul E. Plassmann, Michael Tang:
Modeling Piezoelectric Crystals on the Intel Delta. PPSC 1993: 156-159 - N. Galbreath, William Gropp, D. Gunter, D. Leaf, David Levine:
Parallel Solution of the Three-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Equation. PPSC 1993: 160-164
Molecular Dynamics
- Richard H. Byrd, Thomas Derby, Elizabeth Eskow, Klaas P. B. Oldenkamp, Robert B. Schnabel, Christos Triantafillou:
Parallel Global Optimization Methods for Molecular Configuration Problems. PPSC 1993: 165-169 - Pete Nesbeitt, Richard J. Enbody, Gregor Overney, David Tománek, Aurel Bulgac, Charles R. Severance:
A Topology- and Problem-Independent Scalable Parallel Approach to Molecular Dynamics Simulation. PPSC 1993: 170-173 - K. M. Nelson, S. T. Smith, L. T. Wille:
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Atomic Clusters. PPSC 1993: 174-177 - Steve Plimpton, Bruce Hendrickson, Grant Heffelfinger:
A New Decomposition Strategy for Parallel Bonded Molecular Dynamics. PPSC 1993: 178-182 - Harald H. Simonsen, Jørn Amundsen:
Distributed Molecular Dynics Using the PVM System. PPSC 1993: 183-186 - Raja Das, Joel H. Saltz:
Parallelizing Molecular Dynamics Codes using the Parti Software Primitives. PPSC 1993: 187-192 - B. Ostrovsky, M. A. Smith, M. Biafore, Yaneer Bar-Yam, Y. Rabin, Norman Margolus, Tommaso Toffoli:
Massively Parallel Architectures and Polymer Simulation. PPSC 1993: 193-202 - Paul A. Scagnetti, Thomas G. Fivano, Raymond J. Nagem, Guido V. H. Sandri:
Stress and Strain Analysis in Molecular Dynamics Modelling. PPSC 1993: 203-210 - Xiao Liu, George L. Wilcox:
Prediction of Protein Tertiary Structure from Sequences Using a Very Large Back-Propagation Neural Network. PPSC 1993: 211-215
Electrical Engineering
- Yinghua Lu, A. Gaber Mohamed, Geoffrey C. Fox, R. F. Harrington:
Implementation of Electromagnetic Scattering From Conductors. PPSC 1993: 216-220 - Guoliang Zeng:
A New Design for Parallel Computers Used in Image Processing. PPSC 1993: 221-224 - J. Richard Griffith, Qi-Jun Zhang, Michel S. Nakhla:
Parallel Time Domain Analysis and Optimization of High-Speed VLSI Interconnects. PPSC 1993: 225-227 - Zhangxin Chen, Bernardo Cockburn, Joseph W. Jerome, Chi-Wang Shu:
Finite Element Computation of the Hydrodynamic Model of Semiconductor Devices. PPSC 1993: 228-236 - Andrew Lumsdaine, Mark W. Reichelt:
Waveform Iterative Techniques for Device Transient Simulation on Parallel Machines. PPSC 1993: 237-245 - Mark W. Reichelt, Farouk Odeh, Jacob K. White:
A-Stability of Multirate Integration Methods, with Application to Parallel Semiconductor Device Simulation. PPSC 1993: 246-253 - Jay A. Jackson, Peter S. Pacheco:
Circuit Simulation on Multicomputers. PPSC 1993: 254-257 - Marie-Odile Bristeau, Jocelyne Erhel, Roland Glowinski, Jacques Périaux:
A Time Dependent Approach to the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation at High Wave Numbers. PPSC 1993: 258-261
Other Applications
- Kevin A. Smith:
Multi-Processor Based Accident Using PVM. PPSC 1993: 262-265 - Paul A. Farrell, Arden Ruttan, Reinhardt R. Zeller:
Solution of the Landau-de-Gennes Equations of Liquid Crystal Physics on a SIMD Computer. PPSC 1993: 266-269 - J. L. Rogers, L. T. Wille:
Collective Rhythmicity in Biological Oscillator Ensembles. PPSC 1993: 270-273 - Biswa N. Datta:
High Performance Computing in Linear Control. PPSC 1993: 274-281 - Bryant W. York, Ottorino Ori:
A Fast Parallel Method for Exhaustive C60 Enumeration. PPSC 1993: 282-286 - Robert M. Farber, Alan S. Lapedes, Ramiro Rico-Martínez, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis:
Identification of Continuous-Time Dynamical Systems: Neural Network Based Algorithms and Parallel Implementation. PPSC 1993: 287-291 - Myron Ginsberg:
Issues Concerning the Benchmarking of Massively Parallel Computers for Automotive Applications. PPSC 1993: 292-295 - José E. Castillo, John Richardson:
Parallel Solution of Elliptic PDE's on Irregular Regions. PPSC 1993: 296-299 - Slobodan R. Sipcic, Gershom Zajicek:
Kinetic Analysis of Epithelial Cell Migration in the Colon on a Massively Parallel Processor (CM-2). PPSC 1993: 300-303 - Chun-Shi Chang, George T. DeTitta, Herbert A. Hauptman, Robert Jones, Russ Miller, Pamela Thuman, Charles M. Weeks:
Solving the Phase Problem of X-Ray Crystallography on Parallel Machines. PPSC 1993: 304-307 - G. Sampath:
A Parallel Algorithm for the Distance Embedding Problem. PPSC 1993: 308-311 - Michael W. Berry, Jane Comiskey, Karen S. Minser:
Parallel Map Analysis on 2-D Grids. PPSC 1993: 312-319
Grand Challenge Problems - Infrastructure
Dense Matrix Computations
- James Demmel, Jack J. Dongarra, Robert A. van de Geijn, David W. Walker:
LAPACK for Distributed Memory Architectures: The Next Generation. PPSC 1993: 323-329 - Krister Dackland, Erik Elmroth, Bo Kågström:
A Ring-Oriented Approach for Block Matrix Factorizations on Shared and Distributed Memory Architectures. PPSC 1993: 330-338 - Bo Kågström, Per Ling, Charles Van Loan:
Portable High Performance GEMM-Based Level 3 BLAS. PPSC 1993: 339-346 - Jack J. Dongarra, Robert A. van de Geijn, R. Clinton Whaley:
Two Dimensional Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms. PPSC 1993: 347-352 - Greg Henry:
Improving the Unsymmetric Parallel QR Algorithm on Vector Machines. PPSC 1993: 353-357 - Tong J. Lee, Franklin T. Luk, Daniel Boley:
Singular Value Decomposition on a 2-D Fat-Tree Architecture. PPSC 1993: 358-362 - Jianping Zhu:
Solving the Reluarized Least Squares Problem on K S R - 1 Parallel Computers. PPSC 1993: 363-366 - Steven Huss-Lederman, Anna Tsao, Guodong Zhang:
A Parallel Implementation of the Invariant Subspace Decomposition Algorithm for Dense Symmetric Matrices. PPSC 1993: 367-374 - Steven Huss-Lederman, Elaine M. Jacobson, Anna Tsao, Guodong Zhang:
Matrix Multiplication on the Intel Touchstone Delta. PPSC 1993: 375-382 - Christian H. Bischof, Mercedes Marqués, Xiaobai Sun:
Parallel Bandreduction and Tridiagonalization. PPSC 1993: 383-390 - Zhaojun Bai, James Demmel:
Design of a Parallel Nonsymmetric Eigenroutine Toolbox, Part I. PPSC 1993: 391-398 - Andrew A. Anda, Haesun Park:
Fast QR Decomposition for Weighted Least Squares Problems. PPSC 1993: 399-404 - Wei Shu:
Compiler Optimization of Test Suite Applications. PPSC 1993: 405-408 - George I. Fann, Richard J. Littlefield:
Parallel Inverse Iteratrion with Reorthogonalization. PPSC 1993: 409-413
Sparse Matrix Computations
- Yousef Saad, Kesheng Wu, Serge G. Petiton:
Sparse Matrix Computations on the CM-5. PPSC 1993: 414-420 - François Bodin, Jocelyne Erhel, Thierry Priol:
Parallel Sparse Matrix by Vector Multiplication using a Shared Virtual Memory Environment. PPSC 1993: 421-428 - Rod Cook, Jan Sadecki:
Sparse Matrix Vector Product on Distributed Memory MIMD Architectures. PPSC 1993: 429-436 - Michael W. Berry, Theresa Do, Andrew T. Ogielski:
Massively-Parallel Implementations of Lanczos Algorithms for Computing the SVD of Large Sparse Matrices. PPSC 1993: 437-444 - Thang Nguyen Bui, Curt Jones:
A Heuristic for Reducing Fill-In in Sparse Matrix Factorization. PPSC 1993: 445-452 - Roldan Pozo, Sharon L. Smith:
Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Multifrontal Method in a Distributed Memory Environment. PPSC 1993: 453-456 - Thomas F. Coleman, Chunguang Sun:
Parallel Orthogonal Factorizations of Large Sparse Matrices on Distributed -Memory Multiprocessors. PPSC 1993: 457-461 - William R. Ferng, Serge G. Petiton, Kesheng Wu:
Basic Sparse Computations on Data Parallel Computers. PPSC 1993: 462-466 - Min-You Wu, Yong Li:
A Fast LU Decomposition Algorithm for the Sparse Revised Simplex Method. PPSC 1993: 467-470 - Mark T. Jones, Paul E. Plassmann:
Parallel Solution of Unstructured, Sparse Systems of Linear Equations. PPSC 1993: 471-475 - Andrew J. Cleary:
A New Torus-like Mapping for Parallel Sparse Matrix Factorization. PPSC 1993: 476-481 - Hasan Dag, Osman Yasar, Fernando Alvarado:
Parallel Computation of Orthogonal Factors of Sparse Matrices. PPSC 1993: 486-490 - Thiab R. Taha, Peiqing Jiang:
A Parallel Algorithm for Solving Periodic Tridiagonal Toeplitz Linear Systems. PPSC 1993: 491-496 - John A. Kapenga, Elise de Doncker:
Lanczos Methods for the Smallest Eigenvalues of Large Matrices on Distributed Memory Supercomputers. PPSC 1993: 497-500 - Wei Shu, Min-You Wu:
Sparse Implementations of Revised Simplex Algorithms on Parallel Computers. PPSC 1993: 501-509 - Thiab R. Taha, JerJiann Liaw:
An Algorithm for Solving a 4-Diagonal Toeplitz Linear System of Equations on Vector Computers. PPSC 1993: 510-514 - Wayne Joubert, Graham F. Carey:
PCG: A Software Package for the Iterative Solution of Linear Systems on Scalar, Vector and Parallel Computers. PPSC 1993: 515-518 - Marcus J. Grote, Horst D. Simon:
Parallel Preconditioning and Approximate Inverses on the Connection Machine. PPSC 1993: 519-523
Numerical Methods
- Michael Mascagni, Steven A. Cuccaro, Daniel V. Pryor, M. L. Robinson:
Recent Developments in Parallel Pseudorandom Number Generation. PPSC 1993: 524-529 - Daniel W. Lozier, Frank W. J. Olver:
Airy and Bessel Functions by Parallel Integration of ODEs. PPSC 1993: 530-538 - Elise de Doncker, Ignatios Vakalis:
Convergence Results and Speedup of Parallel Numerical Integration Algorithms. PPSC 1993: 539-545 - Shouchuan Zhang:
The Baer Radical of Generalized Matrix Rings. PPSC 1993: 546-551 - Yi-Hua Chang, Oliver A. McBryan:
The PSMG Multiscale Method for Anisotropic Problems. PPSC 1993: 552-560 - Larry D. Wittie, Gudjon Hermannsson, Ai Li:
Evaluating Distributed Shared Memory for Parallel Numerical Applications. PPSC 1993: 561-568 - Manuel Campos, Carlos A. De Moura:
A Parallel Scheme for Inverse Scattering. PPSC 1993: 569-572 - Prathima Agrawal, Sanjay Goil, Sally Liu, John A. Trotter:
PACE: A Multiprocessor System for VLSI Circuit Simulation. PPSC 1993: 573-581 - Vjeran Hari, Noah H. Rhee:
On Pair of Almost Diagonal Skew-Symmetric and Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices. PPSC 1993: 582-585 - Abdul-Qayyum M. Khaliq, Dave A. Voss:
A Parallel Fourth Order Method for Second Order Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations. PPSC 1993: 586-589 - Josep Lluís Larriba-Pey, Angel Jorba, Juan J. Navarro:
A Parallel Tridiagonal Solver for Vector Uniprocessors. PPSC 1993: 590-597 - Stephen M. Nemecek:
Parallel Programming in 2 Dimensions (||pi2D). PPSC 1993: 598-601 - Christian Trefftz, Philip K. McKinley, Tien-Yien Li, Zhonggang Zeng:
A Scalable Eigenvalue Solver for Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices. PPSC 1993: 602-609 - William I. Thacker, Layne T. Watson:
Vectorization of Homotopy Algorithms for Polynominal Systems. PPSC 1993: 610-613 - Dragan Zigic, Layne T. Watson, Emmanuel G. Collins Jr., Larry D. Davis:
A Homotopy Method for Solving Riccati Equations on a Shared Memory Parallel Computer. PPSC 1993: 614-617
- Liam Murphy, Felix F. Wu:
Distributed Constrained Optimization. PPSC 1993: 619-622 - Chenyi Hu:
On Parallelization of Interval Newton Method on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors. PPSC 1993: 623-627 - Bernd Kost:
Topology Optimization of Trusses by Evolution Techniques. PPSC 1993: 628-631 - Li-Zhi Liao, Christine A. Shoemaker:
A Parallel Clustered Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Discrete Time Optimal Control Problems. PPSC 1993: 632-638 - Ali Bouaricha, Robert B. Schnabel:
Parallel Tensor Methods for Nonlinear Equations and Nonlinear Least Squares. PPSC 1993: 639-643
Iterative Methods
- Eduardo F. D'Azevedo, Victor Eijkhout, Charles H. Romine:
A Matrix Framework for Conjugate Gradient Methods and Some Variants of CG with Less Synchronization Overhead. PPSC 1993: 644-646 - G. L. Kraut, Ian Gladwell:
Parallel Methods for Boundary Value Problem Linear Algebra. PPSC 1993: 647-651 - Daniela Calvetti, Efstratios Gallopoulos, Lothar Reichel:
Accuracy Control for Parallel Evaluation of Matrix Rational Functions. PPSC 1993: 652-655 - Herman Migliore:
Iterative Solution Applied to Globar Collocation Implemented on an iPSC/860 Parallel Computer. PPSC 1993: 656-659 - Rafael Bru, Cristina Corral, José Mas:
Overlapping Multisplitting Preconditioners for the Conjugate Gradient Method. PPSC 1993: 660-663 - Anshul Gupta, Vipin Kumar, Ahmed H. Sameh:
Performance and Scalability of Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods on the CM-5. PPSC 1993: 664-674 - A. K. Hudson, W. J. Cunningham:
Parallelization of Lanczos' Method and its Application in Ocean Modeling. PPSC 1993: 675-677
Domain Decomposition
- Mo Mu, John R. Rice:
Preconditioner Construction with Rational Approximation. PPSC 1993: 678-682 - Xiao-Chuan Cai, Yousef Saad:
Graph Decomposition Techniques for General Sparse Matrices. PPSC 1993: 683-686 - Chi-Ming Chiang, Qiang Du, Matt W. Mutka, Ron Sass:
An Empirical Study of Scalable Domain Decomposition Methods for a 2-D Parabolic Equation Solver. PPSC 1993: 687-690 - Bracy H. Elton:
An Asynchronous Domain Decomposition Method for the Two-Dimensional Poisson Equation. PPSC 1993: 691-695 - Kelly J. Black:
Single Step Smooth Interface for Parabolic Spectral Elements. PPSC 1993: 696-702 - Luc Giraud:
Shared and Distributed Implementations of Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods Using Domain Decomposition on the BBN TC2000. PPSC 1993: 703-710 - Stephen T. Barnard, Horst D. Simon:
A Fast Multilevel Implementation of Recursive Spectral Bisection for Partitioning Unstructured Problems. PPSC 1993: 711-718 - Luc Giraud, Ray S. Tuminaro:
Domain Decomposition Algorithms for the Drift-Diffusion Equations. PPSC 1993: 719-726 - George G. Pitts, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson:
Domain Decomposition and High Order Finite Differences for Elliptic PDEs. PPSC 1993: 727-731 - Chuanxia Rao, Zhijian Wu:
On the Parallelism of the Symmetric Domain Decomposition Method. PPSC 1993: 732-735
Differential Equations
- Logan K. Kuiper:
Fast 3-D Poisson Solver for Ocean Dynamics. PPSC 1993: 736-738 - Marie-Odile Bristeau, Jocelyne Erhel, Roland Glowinski, Jacques Périaux:
A Time Dependent Approach to the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation at High Wave Numbers. PPSC 1993: 739-742 - Philippe Chartier, Bernard Philippe:
L-Stable Parallel One-Block Methods for Stiff ODE's. PPSC 1993: 743-746
Parallel Environments and Tools
- Silvia A. Crivelli, Elizabeth R. Jessup:
Optimal Eigenvalue Computation on a Mesh Multiprocessor. PPSC 1993: 747-750 - Erik DeBenedictis, Stephen C. Johnson:
I/O for TFLOPS Supercomputers. PPSC 1993: 751-758
Parallel Programming Models
- Scott R. Kohn, Scott B. Baden:
An Implementation of the LPAR Parallel Programming Model for Scientific Computations. PPSC 1993: 759-766 - Cliff A. Addison, B. Beattie, N. Brown, R. Cook, B. Stephens, David Watson:
Distributed Objects: Sequential Objects with Parallel Performance. PPSC 1993: 767-775 - Wolfgang Schreiner, Hoon Hong:
A New Library for Parallel Algebraic Computation. PPSC 1993: 776-783 - Z. George Mou, Xiaojing Wang, Timothy J. Hickey:
Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms with Recursive Broadcast Communication on Reconfigurable Arbitrary Dimensional Mesh. PPSC 1993: 784-787 - T. J. Willis, E. Bogucz:
Coupling Symbolic Processing with Parallel Numeric Computation. PPSC 1993: 788-792
Languages, Language Extensions and Compilers
- Michael R. Franks, Min-You Wu:
Sequential to Parallel Fortran Transformation Assistance Tool. PPSC 1993: 793-797 - K. Mani Chandy, Ian T. Foster:
Deterministic Parallel FORTRAN. PPSC 1993: 798-805 - Min-You Wu:
Block FORALL as a Parallel Construct. PPSC 1993: 806-813 - Peter Drakenberg, Peter Jacobson, Bo Kågström:
A CONLAB Compiler for a Distributed Memory Multicomputer. PPSC 1993: 814-821 - C. Atay, Ken McAloon, Carol Tretkoff:
2lp: A Highly Parallel Constraint Logic Programming Language. PPSC 1993: 822-828 - Zhaoyun Xing, Weija Shang, Shihai Xiao:
A Piecewise Linear Programming Approach to Data Dependence Analysis. PPSC 1993: 829-835 - Joan D. Lukas:
Data Locality for Shared Memory. PPSC 1993: 836-839 - Arnold R. Krommer, Christoph W. Ueberhuber:
Scalable Software Based on Architecture Adaptive Algorithms. PPSC 1993: 840-849 - Sanjay V. Rajopadhye, Manjunath Muddarangegowda:
Parallel Assignment, Reduction and Communication for Data Parallel Programming. PPSC 1993: 850-853
Distributed Computing and Networks
- Adam Beguelin, Jack J. Dongarra, Al Geist, Robert Manchek, Keith Moore, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Tools for Heterogeneous Network Computing. PPSC 1993: 854-861 - Vasanth Bala, Shlomo Kipnis, Larry Rudolph, Marc Snir:
Designing Efficient, Scalable, and Portable Collective Communication Libraries. PPSC 1993: 862-872 - Jack J. Dongarra, Al Geist, Robert Manchek, Weicheng Jiang:
Using PVM 3.0 to Run Grand Challenge Applications on a Heterogeneous Network of Parallel Computers. PPSC 1993: 873-877 - Carl D. Scarbnick, Carlos R. Mechoso, Chung-Chun Ma, Joseph A. Spahr, John D. Farrara, Reagan W. Moore, Gary Hanyzewski:
An Update on the CASE Gigabit Testbed Project. PPSC 1993: 878-882 - Silvia A. Crivelli, Elizabeth R. Jessup:
A Programming Paradigm for Distributed-Memory Computers. PPSC 1993: 883-886 - Ju-Young Lee Park, Sang Kyu Lee, Hyeong-Ah Choi:
Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting in Circuit-Switched Mesh. PPSC 1993: 887-890 - Gang Cheng, Kim Mills, Geoffrey C. Fox:
An Interactive Visualization Environment for Financial Modeling on Heterogeneous Computing Systems. PPSC 1993: 891-898 - T. Arthur, M. Bockelie:
A Parallel Implementation of the Unstructured Grid Generation Program VGRIDSG Using PVM and APPL. PPSC 1993: 899-902
Load Balancing, Scheduling, Communication, Partitioning, Adaptivity
- Jeffrey Saltzman, Marsha J. Berger:
Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement on the Connection Machine. PPSC 1993: 903-906 - Changweon Park, Yu Hen Hu:
Existence and Optimality of the Hyperplane Schedule for Reccurrence Equations. PPSC 1993: 907-912 - Vijay K. Naik, Sanjeev Setia, Mark S. Squillante:
Scheduling of Large Scientific Applications on Distributed Memory Multiprocessor Systems. PPSC 1993: 913-922 - Charles A. Leete, Barry W. Peyton, Richard F. Sincovec:
Toward a Parallel Recursive Spectral Bisection Mapping Tool. PPSC 1993: 923-928 - Denis Vanderstraeten, O. Zone, R. Keunings, Laurence A. Wolsey:
Non-Deterministic Heuristics for Automatic Domain Decomposition in Direct Parallel Finite Element Calculations. PPSC 1993: 929-932 - Marco Lapegna, Alessandra D'Alessio:
A Scalabel Parallel Algorithm for the Adaptive Multidimensional Quadrature. PPSC 1993: 933-936 - Kesheng Wu, Yousef Saad:
Performance of the CM-5 and Message Passing Primitives. PPSC 1993: 937-942 - Michael Barnett, Richard J. Littlefield, David G. Payne, Robert A. van de Geijn:
Efficient Communication Primitives on Mesh Architectures with Hardware Routing. PPSC 1993: 943-948 - Doreen L. Erickson, Charles J. Colbourn:
Conflict-Free Access for the Collections of Templates. PPSC 1993: 949-952 - Bruce Hendrickson, Robert W. Leland:
An Improved Spectral Load Balancing Method. PPSC 1993: 953-961 - David Hodgson, Peter K. Jimack:
Efficient Mesh Partitioning for Parallel P.D.E. Solvers on Distributed Memory Machines. PPSC 1993: 962-970 - Chris Walshaw, Martin Berzins:
Enhanced Dynamic Load-Balancing of Adaptive Unstructured Meshes. PPSC 1993: 971-978 - Charles R. Severance, Richard J. Enbody, David Tománek, Aurel Bulgac:
Real-Values Array Indices - An Initial Look. PPSC 1993: 979-982 - Donald W. Gillies:
A New Heuristic for UET and Pipeline Scheduling. PPSC 1993: 983-991
- Gita Alaghband, Bernardo Rodriguez, Harry F. Jordan:
Mathematical Models for Parallel Loops. PPSC 1993: 992-995 - Tarek A. El-Ghazawi:
Performance Evaluation of Early Systems: An HPCC Perspective. PPSC 1993: 996-999 - Keqiang He, Xiaodong Zhang:
Evaluation Synchronization Effects to Scientific Computations on Large Scale Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. PPSC 1993: 1000-1004 - Hong Hu, Isaac T. Jackson:
CM-2 Performance Evaluation on Panel Method Calculations. PPSC 1993: 1005-1010 - Adam Greenberg, Marcelo Rame, Kirk E. Jordan, Mary F. Wheeler:
UTCHEM: A Chemical Flood Simulator on the CM5. PPSC 1993: 1011-1014 - Eric Chabot, Daniel Audet:
Estimating Optimum Parallelism in Standard Scientific Applications. PPSC 1993: 1015-1018
Architecture and Visualization
- Elise de Doncker, John A. Kapenga, Christopher W. Oliver, Ankur Mittal:
Parallel Algorithms for Radiosity. PPSC 1993: 1019-1024 - Gireesh Shrimali, Keshab K. Parhi:
High-Speed Arithmetic Coder/Decoder Architectures. PPSC 1993: 1025-1032 - Floyd B. Hanson, Christopher J. Pratico, Michael S. Vetter, Huihuang Xu:
Multidimensional Visualization Applied to Renewable Resource Management. PPSC 1993: 1033-1036 - Sandra S. Walther, Richard L. Peskin:
Parallelized Interactive Data Management of Large, Scientific Data Sets. PPSC 1993: 1037-1040
- Lloyd D. Fosdick, Elizabeth R. Jessup:
An Undergraduate Course in High Performance Scientific Computing at the University of Colorado at Boulder. PPSC 1993: 1041

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