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32. KI 2009: Paderborn, Germany
- Bärbel Mertsching, Marcus Hund, Muhammad Zaheer Aziz:
KI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 32nd Annual German Conference on AI, Paderborn, Germany, September 15-18, 2009. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5803, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-04616-2
Planning and Scheduling
- Peter Kissmann, Stefan Edelkamp:
Solving Fully-Observable Non-deterministic Planning Problems via Translation into a General Game. 1-8 - Christoph Betz, Malte Helmert
Planning with h + in Theory and Practice. 9-16 - Bernd Schattenberg, Julien Bidot, Sascha Geßler, Susanne Biundo:
A Framework for Interactive Hybrid Planning. 17-24 - Lawrence Mandow
, José-Luis Pérez-de-la-Cruz:
A Memory-Efficient Search Strategy for Multiobjective Shortest Path Problems. 25-32 - Martin Dietzfelbinger
, Stefan Edelkamp:
Perfect Hashing for State Spaces in BDD Representation. 33-40 - Ronny Hartanto
, Joachim Hertzberg:
On the Benefit of Fusing DL-Reasoning with HTN-Planning. 41-48 - Amedeo Cesta
, Alberto Finzi
, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini
, Enrico Tronci
Flexible Timeline-Based Plan Verification. 49-56 - Pascal Bercher
, Robert Mattmüller:
Solving Non-deterministic Planning Problems with Pattern Database Heuristics. 57-64 - Immanuel Schweizer, Kamill Panitzek, Sang-Hyeun Park, Johannes Fürnkranz
An Exploitative Monte-Carlo Poker Agent. 65-72
Vision and Perception
- Eckart Michaelsen, Michael Arens
, Leo J. Doktorski:
Interaction of Control and Knowledge in a Structural Recognition System. 73-80 - Katharina Weiß, Ingrid Scharlau:
Attention Speeds Up Visual Information Processing: Selection for Perception or Selection for Action? 81-88 - M. Salah E.-N. Shafik, Bärbel Mertsching:
Real-Time Scan-Line Segment Based Stereo Vision for the Estimation of Biologically Motivated Classifier Cells. 89-96 - Marcus Hund, Bärbel Mertsching:
Occlusion as a Monocular Depth Cue Derived from Illusory Contour Perception. 97-105 - Nils Petersen, Didier Stricker:
Fast Hand Detection Using Posture Invariant Constraints. 106-113 - Amir Azizi, Hamid Reza Pourreza
A Novel and Efficient Method to Extract Features and Vector Creation in Iris Recognition System. 114-122 - Heinz-Werner Priess, Ingrid Scharlau:
What You See Is What You Set - The Position of Moving Objects. 123-127 - Michael Müller, Dennis Senftleben, Josef Pauli
Parameter Evolution: A Design Pattern for Active Vision. 128-135
Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Vera Hollink, Maarten van Someren, Viktor de Boer:
Clustering Objects from Multiple Collections. 136-143 - Stefanie Jegelka, Arthur Gretton
, Bernhard Schölkopf, Bharath K. Sriperumbudur, Ulrike von Luxburg:
Generalized Clustering via Kernel Embeddings. 144-152 - Hongqi Wang, Olana Missura, Thomas Gärtner
, Stefan Wrobel:
Context-Based Clustering of Image Search Results. 153-160 - Gregor Heinrich, Michael Goesele
Variational Bayes for Generic Topic Models. 161-168
Evolutionary Computation
- Oliver Kramer, André Barthelmes, Günter Rudolph:
Surrogate Constraint Functions for CMA Evolution Strategies. 169-176 - Oliver Kramer, Patrick Koch:
Rake Selection: A Novel Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm. 177-184 - Maik Günther
, Volker Nissen:
A Comparison of Neighbourhood Topologies for Staff Scheduling with Particle Swarm Optimisation. 185-192 - Patrick O. Stalph, Martin V. Butz, Gerulf K. M. Pedersen:
Controlling a Four Degree of Freedom Arm in 3D Using the XCSF Learning Classifier System. 193-200 - Hauke Tönnies:
An Evolutionary Graph Transformation System as a Modelling Framework for Evolutionary Algorithms. 201-208
Natural Language Processing
- Tatjana Scheffler
, Roland Roller, Norbert Reithinger:
Semi-automatic Creation of Resources for Spoken Dialog Systems. 209-216 - Yi Zhang, Rui Wang:
Correlating Natural Language Parser Performance with Statistical Measures of the Text. 217-224 - Oleksandr Kolomiyets, Marie-Francine Moens:
Comparing Two Approaches for the Recognition of Temporal Expressions. 225-232 - Peter Klügl, Martin Atzmueller, Frank Puppe:
Meta-level Information Extraction. 233-240 - Pierre Lison, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff:
Robust Processing of Situated Spoken Dialogue. 241-248 - Benjamin Adrian
, Jörn Hees, Ludger van Elst, Andreas Dengel:
iDocument: Using Ontologies for Extracting and Annotating Information from Unstructured Text. 249-256 - John Lipinski, Yulia Sandamirskaya
, Gregor Schöner
Behaviorally Flexible Spatial Communication: Robotic Demonstrations of a Neurodynamic Framework. 257-264 - Eva Hanser, Paul McKevitt, Tom Lunney, Joan Condell:
SceneMaker: Automatic Visualisation of Screenplays. 265-272
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Christoph Beierle, Gabriele Kern-Isberner:
A Conceptual Agent Model Based on a Uniform Approach to Various Belief Operations. 273-280 - Martin Suda
, Geoff Sutcliffe
, Patrick Wischnewski, Manuel Lamotte-Schubert, Gerard de Melo:
External Sources of Axioms in Automated Theorem Proving. 281-288 - Marvin R. G. Schiller, Christoph Benzmüller
Presenting Proofs with Adapted Granularity. 289-297 - Hannes Strass, Michael Thielscher
On Defaults in Action Theories. 298-305 - Henri Prade, Gilles Richard:
Analogy, Paralogy and Reverse Analogy: Postulates and Inferences. 306-314
- Muhammad Zaheer Aziz, Bärbel Mertsching:
Early Clustering Approach towards Modeling of Bottom-Up Visual Attention. 315-322 - Markus Guhe, Alan Smaill, Alison Pease
A Formal Cognitive Model of Mathematical Metaphors. 323-330 - Konrad Gadzicki:
Hierarchical Clustering of Sensorimotor Features. 331-338 - Nikolay Chumerin
, Nikolay V. Manyakov
, Adrien Combaz, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Refet Firat Yazicioglu, Tom Torfs, Patrick Merken, Herc P. Neves
, Chris Van Hoof
, Marc M. Van Hulle
P300 Detection Based on Feature Extraction in On-line Brain-Computer Interface. 339-346 - Taswar Iqbal, Volker Lohweg
, Dinh Khoi Le, Michael Nolte:
Human Perception Based Counterfeit Detection for Automated Teller Machines. 347-354
History and Philosophical Foundations
- Florentin Neumann, Andrea Reichenberger
, Martin Ziegler:
Variations of the Turing Test in the Age of Internet and Virtual Reality. 355-362 - Christian Schäufler, Stefan Artmann, Clemens Beckstein:
A Structuralistic Approach to Ontologies. 363-370 - Jean-Gabriel Ganascia:
AI Viewed as a "Science of the Culture". 371-378 - Pawel Garbacz, Piotr Kulicki
, Marek Lechniak
, Robert Trypuz
Beyond Public Announcement Logic: An Alternative Approach to Some AI Puzzles. 379-386 - Stefan Artmann:
Behavioural Congruence in Turing Test-Like Human-Computer Interaction. 387-394
AI and Engineering
- Erik Schaffernicht, Volker Stephan, Klaus Debes, Horst-Michael Gross:
Machine Learning Techniques for Selforganizing Combustion Control. 395-402 - Paul Maier, Martin Sachenbacher, Thomas Rühr, Lukas Kuhn:
Constraint-Based Integration of Plan Tracking and Prognosis for Autonomous Production. 403-410 - Falk Langer
, Dirk Eilers, Rudi Knorr:
Fault Detection in Discrete Event Based Distributed Systems by Forecasting Message Sequences with Neural Networks. 411-418 - Michael Breuß, Dominik Dietrich:
Fuzzy Numerical Schemes for Hyperbolic Differential Equations. 419-426 - Fevzi Belli, Mubariz Eminov, Nida Gökçe:
Model-Based Test Prioritizing - A Comparative Soft-Computing Approach and Case Studies. 427-434
Automated Reasoning
- Krystof Hoder, Andrei Voronkov:
Comparing Unification Algorithms in First-Order Theorem Proving. 435-443 - Serge Autexier
, Dominik Dietrich:
Atomic Metadeduction. 444-451
Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
- Yohei Kurata, Hui Shi:
Toward Heterogeneous Cardinal Direction Calculus. 452-459 - Martin V. Butz, Gerulf K. M. Pedersen:
The Scared Robot: Motivations in a Simulated Robot Arm. 460-467 - Florian Pommerening
, Stefan Wölfl, Matthias Westphal:
Right-of-Way Rules as Use Case for Integrating GOLOG and Qualitative Reasoning. 468-475 - Matthias Steinbrecher, Rudolf Kruse:
Assessing the Strength of Structural Changes in Cooccurrence Graphs. 476-483 - Michael Volkhardt, Sören Kalesse, Steffen Müller, Horst-Michael Gross:
Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Dynamically Changing Distributions. 484-491
Agents and Intelligent Virtual Environments
- Heni Ben Amor, Erik Berger, David Vogt, Bernhard Jung:
Kinesthetic Bootstrapping: Teaching Motor Skills to Humanoid Robots through Physical Interaction. 492-499 - Michael Wissner, Nikolaus Bee, Julian Kienberger, Elisabeth André:
To See and to Be Seen in the Virtual Beer Garden - A Gaze Behavior System for Intelligent Virtual Agents in a 3D Environment. 500-507 - Stefan Kopp, Kirsten Bergmann, Hendrik Buschmeier
, Amir Sadeghipour:
Requirements and Building Blocks for Sociable Embodied Agents. 508-515 - Nhung Nguyen, Ipke Wachsmuth
Modeling Peripersonal Action Space for Virtual Humans by Learning a Tactile Body Schema. 516-523 - Jan Miksatko, Michael Kipp
Hybrid Control for Embodied Agents Applications. 524-531 - Gregor Lämmel, Gunnar Flötteröd
Towards System Optimum: Finding Optimal Routing Strategies in Time-Dependent Networks for Large-Scale Evacuation Problems. 532-539 - Nadine Pfeiffer-Leßmann, Ipke Wachsmuth
Formalizing Joint Attention in Cooperative Interaction with a Virtual Human. 540-547 - Markus Eberling:
Towards Determining Cooperation Based on Multiple Criteria. 548-555
Experience and Knowledge Management
- Meike Reichle, Kerstin Bach
, Klaus-Dieter Althoff:
The SEASALT Architecture and Its Realization within the docQuery Project. 556-563 - Amjad Abou Assali, Dominique Lenne, Bruno Debray:
Case Retrieval in Ontology-Based CBR Systems. 564-571 - Björn Gottfried:
Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation. 572-580 - Marcus Liwicki, Markus Weber, Andreas Dengel:
Automatic Recognition and Interpretation of Pen- and Paper-Based Document Annotations. 581-588
- Michael Pardowitz, Jan Steffen, Helge J. Ritter:
Self-emerging Action Gestalts for Task Segmentation. 589-596 - Julian Eggert, Sven Hellbach, Alexander Kolarow, Edgar Körner, Horst-Michael Gross:
Prediction and Classification of Motion Trajectories Using Spatio-Temporal NMF. 597-606 - Jan Steffen, Michael Pardowitz, Helge J. Ritter:
A Manifold Representation as Common Basis for Action Production and Recognition. 607-614
- Xiaowang Zhang
, Zuoquan Lin:
An Argumentation-Based Approach to Handling Inconsistencies in DL-Lite. 615-622 - Vladimir Volkov
Thresholding for Segmentation and Extraction of Extensive Objects on Digital Images. 623-630 - Franziska Klügl
, Georg Klubertanz, Guido Rindsfüser:
Agent-Based Pedestrian Simulation of Train Evacuation Integrating Environmental Data. 631-638 - Rouzbeh Shad
, Mohammad Saadi Mesgari
, Hamid Ebadi
, Abbas Alimohammadi
, Aliakbar Abkar, Alireza Vafaeinezhad
An Intelligent Fuzzy Agent for Spatial Reasoning in GIS. 639-647 - Michael Kruse
, Michael Baumann, Tobias Knieper, Christoph Seipel, Lial Khaluf, Nico Lehmann, Alex Lermontow, Christian Messinger, Simon Richter, Thomas Schmidt, Daniel Swars:
Learning Parametrised RoboCup Rescue Agent Behaviour Using an Evolutionary Algorithm. 648-655 - Manfred Kerber:
Heuristics for Resolution in Propositional Logic. 656-663 - Markus Weber, Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Volker Hudlet, Heiko Maus, Andreas Dengel:
Context-Aware Service Discovery Using Case-Based Reasoning Methods. 664-671 - Silvana Petruseva
Forward Chaining Algorithm for Solving the Shortest Path Problem in Arbitrary Deterministic Environment in Linear Time - Applied for the Tower of Hanoi Problem. 672-679 - Frederic Hilkenmeier, Jan Tünnermann, Ingrid Scharlau:
Early Top-Down Influences in Control of Attention: Evidence from the Attentional Blink. 680-686 - Bernhard Beckert, Markus Wagner:
Probabilistic Models for the Verification of Human-Computer Interaction. 687-694 - Ammar Mohammed
, Christian Schwarz:
HieroMate: A Graphical Tool for Specification and Verification of Hierarchical Hybrid Automata. 695-702 - Sebastian Matyas, Peter Wullinger, Christian Matyas:
Building Geospatial Data Collections with Location-Based Games. 703-710 - Rainer Malaka
, Robert Porzel:
Design Principles for Embodied Interaction: The Case of Ubiquitous Computing. 711-718 - Amer Farhan Rafique, He LinShu, Qasim Zeeshan
, Ali Kamran:
Multidisciplinary Design of Air-Launched Space Launch Vehicle Using Simulated Annealing. 719-726 - Oliver Kramer, Tobias Hein:
Stochastic Feature Selection in Support Vector Machine Based Instrument Recognition. 727-734

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