20th JCDL 2020: Virtual Event, China

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Keynote & Invited Talks

AP-L-1: Scholarly Communication

AP-L-2: User in Search

AP-L-3: Digital Libraries - 1

EU-L-1: Scholarly Knowledge - 1

EU-L-2: Document Classification

NA-L-1: Web Archive - 1

AP-L-4: Scholarly Knowledge - 2

NA-L-2: Scholarly Data

AP-L-5: Content Annotation

EU-L-3: Digital Libraries - 3

EU-L-4: Neural Semantic Representation

EU-S-1: Natural Language Processing

AP-S-1: Digital Libraries - 2

AP-S-2: Digital Humanties

EU-S-2: Domain Specific Applications

NA-S-1: Web Archive - 2

AP-S-3: Search and Recommendation

AP-S-4: Network and Learning

Panel Session

Poster Session

Demonstration Session

Practitioner Session

Tutorial Session

Workshop Session

Doctoral Consortium Overview Session