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ISMAR 2014: Munich, Germany
- IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2014, Munich, Germany, September 10-12, 2014. IEEE Computer Society 2014, ISBN 978-1-4799-6184-9
Science & Technology Papers
Session: Applications
- Qing Rao, Tobias Tropper, Christian Grünler, Markus Hammori, Samarjit Chakraborty
AR-IVI - Implementation of In-Vehicle Augmented Reality. 3-8 - Daniel Kurz:
Thermal touch: Thermography-enabled everywhere touch interfaces for mobile augmented reality applications. 9-16 - Zhiwei Zhu, Vlad Branzoi, Michael Wolverton, Glenn Murray, Nicholas Vitovitch, Louise Yarnall, Girish Acharya, Supun Samarasekera, Rakesh Kumar:
AR-mentor: Augmented reality based mentoring system. 17-22 - Max Krichenbauer, Goshiro Yamamoto, Takafumi Taketomi, Christian Sandor
, Hirokazu Kato
Towards Augmented Reality user interfaces in 3D media production. 23-28
Session: Rendering
- Kai Rohmer, Wolfgang Büschel
, Raimund Dachselt
, Thorsten Grosch:
Interactive near-field illumination for photorealistic augmented reality on mobile devices. 29-38 - Tobias Alexander Franke
Delta Voxel Cone Tracing. 39-44 - Chris McCarthy, Nick Barnes:
Importance weighted image enhancement for prosthetic vision: An augmentation framework. 45-51 - Alok Meshram, Ravish Mehra, Hongsheng Yang, Enrique Dunn
, Jan-Michael Frahm, Dinesh Manocha:
P-HRTF: Efficient personalized HRTF computation for high-fidelity spatial sound. 53-61 - Taiki Fukiage, Takeshi Oishi, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Visibility-based blending for real-time applications. 63-72
Session: User Interfaces
- Thammathip Piumsomboon
, David Altimira, Hyungon Kim, Adrian J. Clark
, Gun A. Lee
, Mark Billinghurst
Grasp-Shell vs gesture-speech: A comparison of direct and indirect natural interaction techniques in augmented reality. 73-82 - Seungwon Kim
, Gun A. Lee
, Nobuchika Sakata, Mark Billinghurst
Improving co-presence with augmented visual communication cues for sharing experience through video conference. 83-92 - Matthias Berning, Daniel Kleinert, Till Riedel
, Michael Beigl:
A study of depth perception in hand-held augmented reality using autostereoscopic displays. 93-98 - Gregory Hough, Ian Williams, Cham Athwal:
Measurements of live actor motion in mixed reality interaction. 99-104
Session: Reconstruction and Fusion
- Eric Foxlin, Thomas Calloway, Hongsheng Zhang:
Improved registration for vehicular AR using auto-harmonization. 105-112 - Sebastian B. Knorr, Daniel Kurz:
Real-time illumination estimation from faces for coherent rendering. 113-122 - Ulrich Eck
, Frieder Pankratz, Christian Sandor
, Gudrun Klinker
, Hamid Laga:
Comprehensive workspace calibration for visuo-haptic augmented reality. 123-128 - Alan Torres-Gomez, Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas
Recognition and reconstruction of transparent objects for augmented reality. 129-134
Session: Tracking
- Feng Zheng, Dieter Schmalstieg, Greg Welch
Pixel-wise closed-loop registration in video-based augmented reality. 135-143 - Thomas Schöps, Jakob Engel, Daniel Cremers
Semi-dense visual odometry for AR on a smartphone. 145-150 - Christoph Resch, Peter Keitler, Gudrun Klinker
Sticky projections - A new approach to interactive shader lamp tracking. 151-156 - Renato F. Salas-Moreno, Ben Glocker, Paul H. J. Kelly, Andrew J. Davison:
Dense planar SLAM. 157-164 - Ibai Leizea
, Hugo Álvarez, Iker Aguinaga
, Diego Borro
Real-time deformation, registration and tracking of solids based on physical simulation. 165-170
Session: Head-Worn Displays OST
- Yuta Itoh
, Gudrun Klinker
Performance and sensitivity analysis of INDICA: INteraction-Free DIsplay CAlibration for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays. 171-176 - Naohiro Kishishita, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Jason Orlosky
, Tomohiro Mashita, Haruo Takemura
, Ernst Kruijff:
Analysing the effects of a wide field of view augmented reality display on search performance in divided attention tasks. 177-186 - Juan David Hincapié-Ramos, Levko Ivanchuk, Srikanth Kirshnamachari Sridharan, Pourang Irani:
SmartColor: Real-time color correction and contrast for optical see-through head-mounted displays. 187-194 - Feng Zheng, Turner Whitted, Anselmo Lastra, Peter Lincoln, Andrei State, Andrew Maimone, Henry Fuchs:
Minimizing latency for augmented reality displays: Frames considered harmful. 195-200
Session: Layout and Head-Worn Displays VST
- Nicolas H. Lehment, Daniel Merget, Gerhard Rigoll:
Creating automatically aligned consensus realities for AR videoconferencing. 201-206 - Ran Gal, Lior Shapira, Eyal Ofek
, Pushmeet Kohli:
FLARE: Fast layout for augmented reality applications. 207-212 - William Steptoe, Simon J. Julier, Anthony Steed
Presence and discernability in conventional and non-photorealistic immersive augmented reality. 213-218 - Taejin Ha, Steven Feiner, Woontack Woo
WeARHand: Head-worn, RGB-D camera-based, bare-hand user interface with visually enhanced depth perception. 219-228
Session: Medical
- Nazim Haouchine, Jérémie Dequidt, Marie-Odile Berger, Stephane Cotin:
Single view augmentation of 3D elastic objects. 229-236 - Xiang Wang, Christian Schulte zu Berge, Stefanie Demirci, Pascal Fallavollita, Nassir Navab:
Improved interventional X-ray appearance. 237-242 - Toby Collins, Daniel Pizarro
, Adrien Bartoli, Michel Canis
, Nicolas Bourdel:
Computer-Assisted Laparoscopic myomectomy by augmenting the uterus with pre-operative MRI data. 243-248
Science & Technology Posters
- Abdelkader Bellarbi, Samir Otmane
, Nadia Zenati, Samir Benbelkacem
MOBIL: A moments based local binary descriptor. 251-252 - Luca F. Bertuccelli, Taimoor Khawaja, Bruce N. Walker, Paul O'Neill:
Ongoing development of a user-centered, AR testbed in industry. 253-254 - Maria Beatriz Carmo
, Ana Paula Cláudio
, António Ferreira, Ana Paula Afonso
, Paula Redweik, Cristina Catita, Miguel Centeno Brito, Jose Nunes Pedrosa:
Visualization of solar radiation data in augmented reality. 255-256 - Ludovico Carozza, Frédéric Bosché
, Magdy M. Abdel Wahab:
Visual-lnertial 6-DOF localization for a wearable immersive VR/AR system. 257-258 - Stéphane Côté, Ian Letourneau, Jade Marcoux-Ouellet:
Augmentation of live excavation work for subsurface utilities engineering. 259-260 - Ionut Damian, Chiew Seng Sean Tan, Tobias Baur
, Johannes Schöning
, Kris Luyten, Elisabeth André
Exploring social augmentation concepts for public speaking using peripheral feedback and real-time behavior analysis. 261-262 - Dragos Datcu, Marina Cidotã
, Heide K. Lukosch
, Stephan G. Lukosch
Using augmented reality to support information exchange of teams in the security domain. 263-264 - Vincenzo Ferrari
, Fabrizio Cutolo
, Emanuele Maria Calabro, Mauro Ferrari
HMD Video see though AR with unfixed cameras vergence. 265-266 - Jens Grubert, Hartmut Seichter
, Dieter Schmalstieg:
Towards user perspective augmented reality for public displays. 267-268 - Alex Hill, Harrison Leach:
Contextually panned and zoomed augmented reality interactions using COTS heads up displays. 269-270 - Jungbin Kim, Joohyun Lee, Byounghyun Yoo
, Sang Chul Ahn, Heedong Ko:
View management for webized mobile AR contents. 271-272 - Martin Klemm, Harald Hoppe, Fabian Seebacher:
Non-parametric camera-based calibration of optical see-through glasses for augmented reality applications. 273-274 - Daniel Kurz, Anton Fedosov, Stefan Diewald, Jorg Guttier, Barbara Geilhof, Matthias Heuberger:
Towards mobile augmented reality for the elderly. 275-276 - N. S. Lakshmiprabha, Alexandre J. T. Santos, Dimitar Mladenov, Olga Beltramello:
An augmented and virtual reality system for training autistic children. 277-278 - João Paulo Silva do Monte Lima
, Rafael Alves Roberto
, João Marcelo X. N. Teixeira, Veronica Teichrieb
Device vs. user perspective rendering in google glass AR applications. 279-280 - Asier Marzo Pérez, Martin Hachet:
Combining multi-touch and device movement in mobile augmented reality manipulations. 281-282 - Carlos Morales, Takeshi Oishi, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Turbidity-based aerial perspective rendering for mixed reality. 283-284 - Takuya Ogawa, Yoshitsugu Manabe, Noriko Yata:
Representing degradation of real objects using augmented reality. 285-286 - Fumio Okura
, Takayuki Akaguma, Tomokazu Sato, Naokazu Yokoya:
Indirect augmented reality considering real-world illumination change. 287-288 - Taragay Oskiper, Mikhail Sizintsev, Vlad Branzoi, Supun Samarasekera, Rakesh Kumar:
Augmented reality binoculars on the move. 289-290 - Arthur Padilha, Veronica Teichrieb
Motion detection based ghosted views for occlusion handling in augmented reality. 291-292 - Han Park, TaeGyu Kim, Jun Park:
QR code alteration for augmented reality interactions. 293-294 - Jungsik Park, Byung-Kuk Seo, Jong-Il Park:
Interactive deformation of real objects. 295-296 - Klen Copic Pucihar, Paul Coulton:
Contact-view: A magic-lens paradigm designed to solve the dual-view problem. 297-298 - Klen Copic Pucihar, Paul Coulton:
Utilizing contact-view as an augmented reality authoring method for printed document annotation. 299-300 - Parinya Punpongsanon
, Daisuke Iwai
, Kosuke Sato:
A preliminary study on altering surface softness perception using augmented color and deformation. 301-302 - Carolin Reichherzer
, Alaeddin Nassani
, Mark Billinghurst
Social panoramas using wearable computers. 303-304 - Darko Stanimirovic, Nina Damasky, Sabine Webel, Dirk Koriath, Andrea Spillner, Daniel Kurz:
A Mobile Augmented reality system to assist auto mechanics. 305-306 - Darko Stanimirovic, Daniel Kurz:
Smartwatch-aided handheld augmented reality. 307-308 - Matthew Tait, Mark Billinghurst
View independence in remote collaboration using AR. 309-310 - Elias Tappeiner
, Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Langlotz
Local optimization for natural feature tracking targets. 311-312 - Franco Tecchia, Giovanni Avveduto
, Marcello Carrozzino
, Raffaello Brondi, Massimo Bergamasco
, Leila Alem:
Interacting with your own hands in a fully immersive MR system. 313-314 - Philipp Tiefenbacher, Andreas Pflaum, Gerhard Rigoll:
Touch gestures for improved 3D object manipulation in mobile augmented reality. 315-316 - Marcus Tönnis, Sandro Weber, Gudrun Klinker
The posture angle threshold between airplane and window frame metaphors. 317-318 - Ky Waegel:
A reconstructive see-through display. 319-320 - Tomasz Adamek, Luis Martinell, Miquel Ferrarons, Alex Torrents, David Marimon:
High volume offline image recognition. 323-324
- Sang Chul Ahn, Joohyun Lee, Jinwook Kim, Sungkuk Chun, Jungbin Kim, Iltae Kim, Junsik Shim, Byounghyun Yoo
, Heedong Ko:
Insight: Webized mobile AR and real-life use cases. 325-326 - Andreas Behmel, Wolfgang Höhl
, Thomas Kienzl:
MRI design review system: A mixed reality interactive design review system for architecture, serious games and engineering using game engines, standard software, a tablet computer and natural interfaces. 327-328 - Daniel Caetano, Fernando Mattioli, Edgard Afonso Lamounier
, Alexandre Cardoso
On the use of augmented reality techniques in a telerehabilitation environment for wheelchair users' training. 329-330 - Alberto Crivellaro, Yannick Verdie, Kwang Moo Yi, Pascal Fua
, Vincent Lepetit:
Tracking texture-less, shiny objects with descriptor fields. 331-332 - Ulrich Eck
, Frieder Pankratz, Christian Sandor
, Gudrun Klinker
, Hamid Laga:
Comprehensive workspace calibration for visuo-haptic augmented reality. 333-334 - Martin Fischbach, Chris Zimmerer, Anke Giebler-Schubert, Marc Erich Latoschik:
Exploring multimodal interaction techniques for a mixed reality digital surface. 335-336 - Tibor Goldschwendt, Christoph Anthes
, Gerhard Schubert
, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Frank Petzold
The collaborative design platform - A protocol for a mixed reality installation for improved incorporation of laypeople in architecture. 337-338 - Jens Grubert, Hartmut Seichter
, Dieter Schmalstieg:
Towards user perspective augmented reality for public displays. 339-340 - Yasaman Hashemian, Marientina Gotsis
, David Baron:
Adventurous Dreaming Highflying Dragon: A full body game for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 341-342 - Gregory Hough, Ian Williams, Cham Athwal:
Measurement of perceptual tolerance for inconsistencies within mixed reality scenes. 343-344 - Yuta Itoh
, Gudrun Klinker
INDICA : Interaction-free display calibration for optical see-through head-mounted displays based on 3D eye localization. 345-346 - Felix Leif Keppmann, Tobias Käfer
, Steffen Stadtmüller, René Schubotz
, Andreas Harth
Integrating highly dynamic RESTful linked data APIs in a virtual reality environment. 347-348 - Sebastian B. Knorr, Daniel Kurz:
Real-time illumination estimation from faces for coherent rendering. 349-350 - Max Krichenbauer, Goshiro Yamamoto, Takafumi Taketomi, Christian Sandor
, Hirokazu Kato
Towards augmented reality user interfaces in 3D media production. 351 - Daniel Kurz:
Thermal touch: Thermography-enabled everywhere touch interfaces for mobile augmented reality applications. 353-354 - João Paulo Silva do Monte Lima
, Rafael Alves Roberto
, João Marcelo X. N. Teixeira, Veronica Teichrieb
Device vs. user-perspective rendering in AR applications for monocular optical see-through head-mounted displays. 355-356 - Kazuki Matsumoto, Wataru Nakagawa, François de Sorbier, Maki Sugimoto, Hideo Saito, Shuji Senda, Takashi Shibata
, Akihiko Iketani:
RGB-D-T camera system for AR display of temperature change. 357-358 - Boris Meden, Sebastian Knödel, Steve Bourgeois:
Markerless augmented reality solution for industrial manufacturing. 359-360 - David Molyneaux, Selim Benhimane:
"It's a Pirate's Life" AR game. 361-362 - Han Park, TaeGyu Kim, Jun Park:
QubeAR: Cube style QR code AR interaction. 363-364 - Thammathip Piumsomboon
, Adrian J. Clark
, Mark Billinghurst
G-SIAR: Gesture-speech interface for augmented reality. 365-366 - Renato F. Salas-Moreno, Ben Glocker
, Paul H. J. Kelly, Andrew J. Davison:
Dense planar SLAM. 367-368 - David Schattel, Marcus Tönnis, Gudrun Klinker
, Gerhard Schubert
, Frank Petzold
On-site augmented collaborative architecture visualization. 369-370 - Sanni Siltanen, Henrikki Saraspaa, Jari T. Karvonen:
A complete interior design solution with diminished reality. 371-372 - Darko Stanimirovic, Daniel Kurz:
Smartwatch-aided handheld augmented reality. 373-374 - Thomas Stütz, Radomir Dinic
, Michael Domhardt, Simon Ginzinger
A mobile augmented reality system for portion estimation. 375-376 - Marcus Tönnis, Gudrun Klinker
Placing information near to the gaze of the user. 377-378 - Javier-Flavio Vigueras Gomez:
Fast vision-based multiplanar scene modeling in unprepared environments. 379-380 - Daniel Wagner, Gerhard Reitmayr, Alessandro Mulloni, Erick Méndez, Serafin Diaz:
Mobile augmented reality - 3D object selection and reconstruction with an RGBD sensor and scene understanding. 381 - Daniel Wagner, Gerhard Reitmayr, Alessandro Mulloni, Erick Méndez, Serafin Diaz:
Mobile augmented reality - Tracking, mapping and rendering. 383 - Folker Wientapper, Timo Engelke, Jens Keil, Harald Wuest, Johanna Mensik:
User friedly calibration and tracking for optical stereo see-through augmented reality. 385-386 - Hiroyuki Yoshida, Takuya Okamoto, Hideo Saito:
Tablet system for visual, overlay of 3D virtual object onto real environment. 387-388 - Yuko Yoshida, Tetsuya Kawamoto:
Displaying free-viewpoint video with user controlable head mounted display DEMO. 389-390
Doctoral Consortium
- Fabrizio Cutolo
, Paolo Domenico Parchi
, Vincenzo Ferrari
Video see through AR head-mounted display for medical procedures. 393-396 - Alexander Plopski, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura
, Christian Nitschke:
Corneal imaging in localization and HMD interaction. 397-400 - Dariusz Ruminski
, Krzysztof Walczak
Semantic contextual augmented reality environments. 401-404 - Jason Weigel
, Stephen Viller
, Mark Schulz
Designing support for collaboration around physical artefacts: Using augmented reality in learning environments. 405-408
Workshops & Tutorials
- Yuji Oyamada:
A 'Look Into' Medical augmented reality. 1 - Jens Grubert:
Google glass, The META and Co. How to calibrate optical see-through head mounted displays. 1-2 - Joseph Howse:
Training detectors and recognizers in Python and OpenCV. 1-2 - Christine Perey, Fridolin Wild, Kaj Helin, Miroslav Janák, Paul Davies, Patrick Ryan:
Advanced manufacturing with augmented reality. 1 - Frank Angermann, Maximilian Krushwitz:
AR development with the Metaio product suite: Demonstration of use cases in industry. 1 - Stephan G. Lukosch, Mark Billinghurst
, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Leila Alem:
Collaboration in mediated and augmented reality. 1 - Christine Perey, Rob Manson, Marius Preda, Neil Trevett, Martin Lechner, George Percivall, Timo Engelke, Peter Lefkin, Bruce Mahone, Mary Lynne Nielsen:
Open and interoperable augmented reality. 1-3 - Jonathan Ventura, Daniel Wagner, Daniel Kurz, Harald Wuest, Selim Benhimane:
Workshop on tracking methods & applications. 1-2 - Markus Eder, Martin Lechner, Thomas Stütz, Julian Stadon:
Hands free - Exploring AR glasses and their peculiarities. 1 - Hideyuki Tamura:
Diminished reality as challenging extension of mixed and augmented reality. 1 - Mark Melnykowycz:
Designing location-based experiences. 1-2 - Mark Billinghurst:
The glass class: Designing wearable interfaces. 1-2 - Ulrich Bockholt:
Fusing web technologies & augmented reality. 1

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