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IRI 2004: Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Du Zhang, Éric Grégoire, Doug DeGroot:
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IRI - 2004, November 8-10, 2004, Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas, NV, USA. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8819-4
Invited Speakers
- Larry Hill:
Reusing Information by Learning Models from Extreme Data Sets. IRI 2004 - John Hansen:
The Myth of Computing's Maturity. IRI 2004 - David B. Fogel:
Evolutionary Computation: Information Discovery and Reuse in Games. - Phil Catabrese:
Using ordered pairs to transcend the lilitations of knowledge representation with application to quantum logic.
Reuse in Software Engineering I
- Dazhou Kang, Baowen Xu
, Wenxian Zhang, Jianjiang Lu:
An Object-Extracting Approach Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization. 1-5 - Costin Badica
, Chris Fox:
Verification of Multiple Input/Multiple Output Business Processes. 6-11 - Osama Mabrouk Khaled, Hoda Mohammed Hosny:
SQL Statement Template: A Development Approach for Database-Driven Applications. 12-17 - Ahmed M. Mahdy, Haitham S. Hamza, Mohamed E. Fayad, Marshall Cline:
Identifying Domain Patterns using Software Stability. 18-23
Reuse in Software Engineering II
- Georg Frey, Mohammed Bani Younis:
A Re-Engineering Approach for PLC Programs using Finite Automata and UML. 24-29 - Vinicius Cardoso Garcia, Daniel Lucrédio, Antônio Francisco do Prado, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Alexandre Alvaro:
Using Reengineering and Aspect-based Techniques to Retrieve Knowledge Embedded in Object-Oriented Legacy System. 30-35 - Ahmed M. Mahdy, Mohamed E. Fayad:
Sharing Core Knowledge in Networks with Node Assignment Applications. 36-41
HW & SW Engineering for Reuse
- Chia-Chu Chiang, Roger Y. Lee:
Developing Tools for Reverse Engineering in a Software Product-Line Architecture. 42-47 - Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Alexandre Alvaro, Daniel Lucrédio, Vinicius Cardoso Garcia, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira:
RiSE Project: Towards a Robust Framework for Software Reuse. 48-53 - Ram Goverdhana, Mohamed E. Fayad:
AnyTransaction Stable Design Pattern. 54-59
Component-Based Design and Reuse in Software Engineering I
- Abdelaziz Gacemi, Abdelhak Seriai, Mourad Chabane Oussalah:
Separation of Concerns in Software Architecture via a Multiviews Description. 60-65 - Oliver Hummel, Colin Atkinson:
Extreme Harvesting: Test Driven Discovery and Reuse of Software Components. 66-72 - Beihu Wang, Xiaodong Liu, Jon M. Kerridge
, Yang Li:
Scenario Based Generative Component Adaptation in .NET Framework. 73-78 - Daniel Lucrédio, Alan Gavioli, Antônio Francisco do Prado, Mauro Biajiz, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira, Claudio Haruo Yamamoto:
Component Retrieval using Metric Indexing. 79-84
Large Scale Data Integration
- Yong-gang Cao, Nuo Li, Maozhong Jin, Yuqing Lan:
A Lightweight Multimedia Web Content Management System. 85-90 - R. William Maule, Gordon Schacher, Shelley P. Gallup, Bryan McClain:
Applied Knowledge Analytics for Military Experimentation. 91-96 - Xiaobo Peng, Robert P. Brazile, Kathleen M. Swigger:
Using XQuery to describe Mappings from Global Schemas to Local Data Sources. 97-102
Human-Machine Information Systems and Internet Computing I
- Santiago Eibe, Oscar Marbán:
WVFA: A Web Visualization Framework Architecture. 103-108 - Yuanfu Ji, Du Zhang, Meiliu Lu:
Multi-Level Filters for a Web-based E-Mail System. 109-114 - Sushil J. Louis, Anil Shankar:
Context Learning Can Improve User Interaction. 115-120
Special Session on Software Development, Framework and Tools for Reuse I
- Narayan C. Debnath, Wenying Feng, Mark Burgin, Joshua Wilson, Joseph Cropper:
An Autotester for the Modified Nextdate Function Reusing a Test Case Generator. 121-126 - Upsorn Praphamontripong, Gongzhu Hu:
XML-Based Software Component Retrieval with Partial and Reference Matching. 127-132 - Daniel Riesco, Laura Felice, Narayan C. Debnath, German Montejano:
Incorporating a Reuse Model to the RAISE Formal Method. 133-138
Component-Based Design and Reuse in Software Engineering II
- Aimé Mokhoo Mbobi, Frédéric Boulanger, Mohamed Feredj:
Execution Model for Non-Hierarchical Heterogeneous Modeling. 139-144 - Mohamed Feredj, Frédéric Boulanger, Aimé Mokhoo Mbobi:
Approach for Domain-Polymorph Components Design. 145-150 - Razvan T. Dumitrescu, Antonio J. Bailetti, Samuel Ajila:
Experience Report on the Effect of Market Reposition on Product Line Evolution. 151-156 - Samuel Ajila, Badara Ali Kaba:
Using Traceability Mechanisms to Support Software Product Line Evolution. 157-162
Multimedia Reuse & Integration
- Ming-Jui Kuo, Chi-Cheng Ting, Jung-Hua Wang:
Selective Block Matching Algorithm for Video System. 163-167 - Ibrahim Noorzaie, Y. Alp Aslandogan, M. Emre Celebi:
A System for Distributed Image Acquisition, Content-Analysis and Similarity Retrieval. 168-173 - Junta Doi, Wataru Sato, Yohei Miyamoto, Shingo Ando, Masaaki Yamanaka:
Reuse of a Geometric Model for Shape Approximation. 174-179 - Roumen Kountchev, Mariofanna G. Milanova, Charles Ford, Stuart Harvey Rubin, Roumiana Kountcheva:
Audio Watermarking Based On Inverse Difference Decomposition. 180-185
Human-Machine Information Systems and Internet Computing II
- Kevin Miller, Chris Gee, Ryan Inaba, Tansel Özyer, Anthony Chiu Wa Lo, Reda Alhajj:
Synchronization of Mobile XML Databases by Utilizing Deferred Views. 186-191 - Jun Chen, Yaqing Tu:
Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Oil Delivery Remote Monitoring and Controlling System. 192-197 - Ryota Matsumoto, Du Zhang, Meiliu Lu:
Some Empirical Results on Two Spam Detection Methods. 198-203 - Ju-Yeon Jo, Yoohwan Kim:
Hash-based Internet Traffic Load Balancing. 204-209
Special Session on Software Development, Framework and Tools for Reuse II
- Mark Burgin, Haesun K. Lee, Narayan C. Debnath:
Software Technological Roles, Usability, and Reusability. 210-214 - Sergiu Dascalu, Peter Hitchcock, Narayan C. Debnath, Andrew Klempau:
From Graphical Representations to Formal Specifications and Return: Translation Algorithms in the Harmony. 215-221 - Wenying Feng, Vivek Gupta, Narayan C. Debnath:
A Practical Approach to Test Case Design for Module Based Web Applications and Reusability. 222-228
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery I
- Paul M. Ramirez, Chris Mattmann:
ACE: Improving Search Engines via Automatic Concept Extraction. 229-234 - Ignacio Díaz Blanco
, Abel Alberto Cuadrado Vega
, Alberto B. Diez González:
Visualizing Knowledge for Data Mining using Dimension Reduction Mappings. 235-240 - Dehu Qi, Bo Sun:
A Genetic K-means Approaches for Automated Web Page Classification. 241-246 - Mei-Ling Shyu, Shu-Ching Chen, Min Chen, Stuart Harvey Rubin:
Affinity-Based Similarity Measure for Web Document Clustering. 247-252
Knowledge Management and E-Government
- Baowen Xu
, Dazhou Kang, Jianjiang Lu, Peng Wang, Yanhui Li:
Equivalent Individuals on the Semantic Web. 253-258 - Thanapol Wisuttikul, Choompol Boonmee:
A Study of Coaching Assisted System using Learning Object Value Model. 259-264 - Yan-ling Xiao, Fuyuan Xu, Wenbo Hu:
Business Process Reengineering Based on IDEF Methods. 265-270
Information Assurance I
- Yixin Jiang, Chuang Lin, Zhen Chen, Hao Yin:
Using Petri Nets to Verify Security Policies in Mandatory Access Control Model. 271-276 - Li Yang, Raimund K. Ege, Onyeka Ezenwoye, Qasem Kharma:
A Role-Based Access Control Model for Information Mediation. 277-282 - David Edelstein, Denise Edwards:
A Component-Based Design for a Simulated Network. 283-289
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery II
- Meng Zhang II, Gaofeng Wang, Lihua Fu:
Robustness Enhancement for Proximal Support Vector Machines. 290-295 - Wuri Wedyawati, Meiliu Lu:
Mining Real Estate Listings Using ORACLE Data Warehousing and Predictive Regression. 296-301 - Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Naeem Seliya, Kehan Gao:
Rule-Based Noise Detection for Software Measurement Data. 302-307
Knowledge Acquisition and Management (I
- Stuart Harvey Rubin:
On the Auto-Randomization of Knowledge. 308-313 - Thomas Kern, Karin Breuer, Doris Siegl, Wolfgang Straßer:
Knowledge-Based Systems for Biomedical Laboratory Applications. 314-319 - Samuel Ajila, Zheng Sun:
Knowledge Management: Impact of Knowledge Delivery Factors on Software Product Development Efficiency. 302-325 - I-Chin Wu, Duen-Ren Liu, Kuen-Shieh Yang:
K-Support System: Knowledge Support for Disseminating and Sharing Task-relevant Knowledge. 326-331
Human-Machine Information Systems I
- Tetsuo Hidaka, Tetsushi Morita, Tomohiko Nakamura, Morihide Oinuma, Yutaka Hirakawa:
Improvement of Visual Customer Relationship Management System. 332-337 - Kibum Kim, Deborah G. Tatar:
Designing Knowledge Management Systems: Reuse and Integration of Findings in Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 338-343 - Sijiang Du, Marko Vuskovic:
Temporal vs. Spectral Approach to Feature Extraction from Prehensile EMG Signals. 344-350 - Sreekanth K. Bhaskaran, Baback A. Izadi, Lisa Spainhower:
Coordinating Human Operators and Computer Agents for Recovery-Oriented Computing. 351-356
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery III
- Choochart Haruechaiyasak, Mei-Ling Shyu, Shu-Ching Chen:
A Data Mining Framework for Building A Web-Page Recommender System. 357-362 - Nelson C. N. Chu, Adepele Williams, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker:
Data Stream Mining Architecture for Network Intrusion Detection. 363-368 - Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Pierre Rebours:
Generating Multiple Noise Elimination Filters with the Ensemble-Partitioning Filter. 369-375
Knowledge Acquisition and Management II
- Wu Zhenglong, Wang Ruijing, Fanlun Xiong:
KDIST: A Development Environment for Knowledge Discovery System. 376-381 - Fergal McGrath, Catherine Parkes:
Cognitive Style as a Factor in the Effective Reuse of Knowledge Management Systems. 382-387 - Nwe Ni Tun, Satoshi Tojo:
Consistency Maintenance in Ontological Knowledge Updating. 388-393 - Seung-Yun Kim, Ashish Godbole, Ran Huang, Rohit Panchadhar, Waleed W. Smari:
Toward An Integrated Human-Centered Knowledge-Based Collaborative Decision Making System. 394-401
Human-Machine Information Systems II
- Hiromichi Kawano, Tetsuo Hattori, Ken Nishimatsu:
Structural Change Detection in Time Series Based on DP with Action Cost. 402-407 - Tetsuya Izumi, Tetsuo Hattori, Hiroyuki Kitajima, Toshinori Yamasaki:
Characters Recognition Using Vector Field and Linear Regression Model. 408-413 - Shahtab Wahid, Jamie L. Smith, Brandon Berry, Christa M. Chewar
, D. Scott McCrickard:
Visualization of Design Knowledge Component Relationships to Facilitate Reuse. 414-419 - Stuart Harvey Rubin, Wei Dai:
Knowledge Management: Overcoming the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck. 420-425
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery IV
- Sang-Kee Suk, Im-Young Song, Kyung-Chang Kim:
MORSA : An Algorithm to Discover Association Rules in Image Data using Recurrent Items and Significant Rare Item. 426-432 - Xiao-ye Wang, Zheng-ou Wang:
A Structure-Adaptive Piece-Wise Linear Segments Representation for Time Series. 433-437 - Ya-Bo Liu, Dayou Liu:
Mining Ordinal Patterns for Data Cleaning. 438-443
Agent Based Information Systems
- Dehu Qi, Ron Sun:
Cooperative Agents Through Bidding. 444-449 - Yi-Hsung Li, Chyi-Ren Dow, Fu-Wei Hsu, Cheng-Min Lin, Tsung-Chuan Huang:
Design and Implementation of Virtual Laboratories Using Wrapping and Agent Techniques. 450-455 - Sheng-Chang Chen, Chyi-Ren Dow, Tsung-Kai Yang, Jin-Yu Bai, Cheng-Min Lin:
An Instant Messaging-based Multi-agent Coordination System. 456-461
Information Assurance II
- Zhengxian Gao, Zhongxue Li, Yaqing Tu:
Design and Completion of Digital Certificate with Authorization Based on PKI. 462-466 - Wendy Chen, Weide Chang:
Applying Hidden Markov Models to Keystroke Pattern Analysis for Password Verification. 467-474 - Seema Nambiar, Chang-Tien Lu, Lily R. Liang:
Analysis of Payment Transaction Security in Mobile Commerce. 475-480
Model-Based Reasoning and Case-Based Reasoning
- Mohamed El-bachir Menai:
Solution Reuse in Partial MAX-SAT Problem. 481-486 - Li Tan, Jesung Kim, Oleg Sokolsky, Insup Lee:
Model-based Testing and Monitoring for Hybrid Embedded Systems. 487-492 - Li Tan, Oleg Sokolsky, Insup Lee:
Specification-based Testing with Linear Temporal Logic. 493-498
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery V
- Jia-Cheng Ye, Yin Tang, Hong Peng, Qi Lun Zheng, Sunan Ye:
Furthest Fitting Cost: Time Series Similarity from Another Angle. 499-503 - Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli, Gerd Kortemeyer, William F. Punch:
Association Rule Analysis for an Online Education System. 504-509 - Harry Funk, Christopher A. Miller, Peggy Wu, John Meisner:
Managing Knowledge throughout the Software Development Cycle using the Cognitive Decision Aid Knowledge Acquisition Toolset (CDAKAT). 510-515
Decision Support Systems I and Natural Language Understanding
- Sophie Lepreux, Christophe Kolski
, Mourad Abed:
Decision Support Systems Design as Knowledge-based Tool Integration. 516-521 - Éric Grégoire:
Fusing Legal Knowledge. 522-529 - Sebastian van Delden, David B. Bracewell, Fernando Gomez:
Supervised and Unsupervised Automatic Spelling Correction Algorithms. 530-535
Fuzzy and Neural Systems I
- Ya-lin Mao, Guo-zhong Zhang, Bin Zhu, Ming Zhou:
Chaotic Simulated Annealing Neural Network with Decaying Chaotic Noise and Its Application in Economic Load Dispatch of Power Systems. 536-542 - Kallol Kumar Bagchi, Somnath Mukhopadhyay:
Forecasting Global Internet Growth Using Fuzzy Regression, Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network. 543-548 - Hai-Rong Sun, Pu Han, Songming Jiao:
A Predictive Control Strategy Based on Fuzzy System. 549-552 - Lily R. Liang, Carl G. Looney:
Decisionmaking with Fuzzy-Belief-State-Based Reasoning. 553-558
Sensory and Information Fusion, and Internet Computing
- Liangbing Liu, Yaqing Tu:
A Liquid Nonlinear Acoustic Parameter B/A Measuring System Based on Information Fusion. 559-563 - Gaurav Jain, Abbasali Ginwala, Y. Alp Aslandogan:
An Approach to Text Classification Using Dimensionality Reduction and Combination of Classifiers. 564-569 - Brooke Abrahams, G. Michael McGrath, Wei Dai:
A Multi-Agent Approach for Dynamic Ontology Loading to Support Semantic Web Applications. 570-575
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery VI
- Rui Wu, Wansheng Tang, Ruiqing Zhao:
An Efficient Algorithm for Fuzzy Web-Mining. 576-581 - David Parry:
Fuzzification of a Standard Ontology to Encourage Reuse. 582-587 - Yajun Du, Yang Xu, Zhan-shen Li, Dong-mei Qi:
Discussion on interest spider's algorithm of search engine. 588-593
Decision Support Systems II
- Binbin Lai:
Quantitative Analysis with IQAM for Business Decision Support. 594-599 - Sajjad Haider, Abbas K. Zaidi, Alexander H. Levis:
A Heuristic Approach for Best Sets of Actions Determination in Influence Nets. 600-605 - Robert Suzic, L. Ronnie M. Johansson:
Realization of a Bridge between High-Level Information Need and Sensor Management Using a Common DBN. 606-611
Fuzzy and Neural Systems II and Soft Computing
- Jung-Hua Wang, Keng-Hsuan Wu, Fu-Chiang Chang:
Scale Equalization Higher-order Neural Networks. 612-617 - Xiaoqiang Zhao, Gang Rong:
Blending Scheduling Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 618-622 - Matheus Giovanni Pires, Heloisa de Arruda Camargo:
Genetic Learning and Optimization of Fuzzy Sets in Fuzzy Rule-Based System. 623-628

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