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ICNC 2012: Maui, HI, USA
- International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2012, Maui, HI, USA, January 30 - February 2, 2012. IEEE Computer Society 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0008-7
- Ravichander Vaidyanathan, Abhrajit Ghosh, Yukiko Sawaya, Ayumu Kubota:
On the use of Enhanced Bogon Lists (EBLs) to detect malicious traffic. 1-6 - Donald R. Reising, Michael A. Temple, Mark E. Oxley:
Gabor-based RF-DNA fingerprinting for classifying 802.16e WiMAX Mobile Subscribers. 7-13 - Hongjie Zhu, Wai Chiu Ng, Hengying Shan, George Jie Yuan:
A physical layer security analysis on the electric-field intra-body communication. 14-17 - Arsenia Chorti
, H. Vincent Poor:
Achievable secrecy rates in physical layer secure systems with a helping interferer. 18-22 - Keith Shackelford, James Williams:
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) for NASA's mission directorate NASA's Nebula pioneers a new frontier for cloud computing. 29-33 - Nageswara S. V. Rao
, Stephen W. Poole, Fei He, Jun Zhuang, Chris Y. T. Ma, David K. Y. Yau:
Cloud computing infrastructure robustness: A game theory approach. 34-38 - Md. Ashfakul Islam, Susan V. Vrbsky, Mohammad Asadul Hoque:
Performance analysis of a tree-based consistency approach for cloud databases. 39-44 - Volker Fusenig, Ayush Sharma:
Security architecture for cloud networking. 45-49 - Naeem Al-Oudat
, Manimaran Govindarasu:
QoS and security aware allocation of Directed Acyclic Graph on heterogeneous distributed real-time systems. 50-56 - Sergei Gorlatch, Dominik Meiländer, Alexander Ploss, Frank Glinka:
Towards bringing real-time online applications on Clouds. 57-61 - Rosario Surace, Valeria Loscrì, Enrico Natalizio:
On the impact of the propagation environment on controlled mobility algorithms. 62-66 - Yunyoung Nam, Sangjin Hong:
Optimal placement of multiple visual sensors using simulation of pedestrian movement. 67-71 - Masaki Isa, Kazushi Fujimoto, Kazuyuki Sakai, Shunya Umemoto, Tomotaka Wada, Hiromi Okada:
An effective back-up support system of P-VCASS by laser scanners in intersections. 72-76 - Yuki Tani, Haokun Wang, Katunori Fukumoto, Tomotaka Wada, Hiromi Okada:
Effective algorithms for Substitution Vehicular Collision Avoidance Support System (S-VCASS). 77-81 - Hind Chebbo, Saied Abedi, Tharaka A. Lamahewa, David B. Smith, Dino Miniutti, Leif Hanlen
Reliable Body Area Networks using relays: Restricted Tree Topology. 82-88 - Bart Braem
, Chris Blondia:
An analysis of requirements to supporting mobility in Body Area Networks. 89-93 - Giancarlo Fortino
, Stefano Galzarano, Antonio Liotta
An autonomic plane for Wireless Body Sensor Networks. 94-98 - Craig A. Chin
, Garth V. Crosby, Tirthankar Ghosh, Renita Murimi:
Advances and challenges of wireless body area networks for healthcare applications. 99-103 - Arjun P. Athreya, Patrick Tague
Survivable smart grid communication: Smart-meters meshes to the rescue. 104-110 - Ana Rosselló-Busquet:
G.hnem for AMI and DR. 111-115 - Stefan Aust, Tetsuya Ito:
Sub 1GHz wireless LAN propagation path loss models for urban smart grid applications. 116-120 - Milan Erdelj, Enrico Natalizio, Tahiry Razafindralambo
Multiple point of interest discovery and coverage with mobile wireless sensors. 121-125 - Anna Maria Vegni
, Thomas D. C. Little
Handover in VLC systems with cooperating mobile devices. 126-130 - Valderi R. Q. Leithardt
, Carlos Oberdan Rolim
, A. Rosseto, Cláudio Fernando Resin Geyer, Mario A. R. Dantas
, Jorge Sá Silva
, David Nunes
Percontrol: A pervasive system for educational environments. 131-136 - Eduardo Feo Flushing, Jawad Nagi, Gianni A. Di Caro
A mobility-assisted protocol for supervised learning of link quality estimates in wireless networks. 137-143 - Quan Jinguo, Jinbin Ju, Qian Chen, Yan Zhang:
Fine-grained analysis and design of ASIP instruction set for application of encryption. 144-148 - Patrick Appiah-Kubi, Ramesh K. Karne, Alexander L. Wijesinha:
A bare PC TLS Webmail Server. 149-153 - Zhiqiang Chen, Wushao Wen, Da Yu:
Detecting SIP flooding attacks on IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). 154-158 - S. Takagawa, Mehdad N. Shirazi, B. Zhang, J. Cheng, Ryu Miura:
A reliable and energy-efficient MAC protocol for cluster-tree wireless sensor networks. 159-163 - Abdellah Chehri
, Hussein T. Mouftah:
An empirical link-quality analysis for wireless sensor networks. 164-169 - Danilo Tardioli, José Luis Villarroel:
Routing wireless real-time traffic using minimum spanning trees. 170-176 - Nasim Arianpoo, Paria Jokar, Victor C. M. Leung
Enhancing TCP performance in wireless mesh networks by cross layer design. 177-181 - Olivier van den Biggelaar, Jean-Michel Dricot, Philippe De Doncker, François Horlin
Distributed allocation of the sensing times for cooperative spectrum sensing. 182-186 - Lamling Venus Shum, Stephen Hailes, Graeme McPhillips, Lawrence Cheng:
Making sense of sensor data in practical wireless sensor network designs. 187-191 - Christina Gimmler, Frank Kienle, Christian Weis, Norbert Wehn
, Matthias Alles:
ASIC design of a Gbit/s LDPC decoder for iterative MIMO systems. 192-197 - Enoch Lu, Yingxue Li, I-Tai Lu:
Novel MIMO channel estimation at transmitter for LTE Release 10 systems. 198-203 - Yoon-Sik Yoo
, Il-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Chung:
Real-time adaptive streaming mechanism with device capability for resource efficiency. 204-210 - Ayantika Chatterjee, Indranil Sengupta:
FPGA implementation of extended reconfigurable Binary Edwards Curve based processor. 211-215 - Daniel Kullmann, Oliver Gehrke
, Henrik W. Bindner
Asynchronous control of Distributed Energy Resources using behaviour descriptions. 216-220 - Jose Luis Lagunas Morales, Sébastien Roy
Training sequence design for robust joint detection and channel estimation over rank-deficient MIMO links. 221-226 - Jiayuan Wang, Sarah Ruepp
, Anna V. Manolova, Lars Dittmann
, Sergio Ricciardi, Davide Careglio
Green-aware routing in GMPLS networks. 227-231 - Ranjan Pal, Divya Elango, Satya Ardhy Wardana, Tahir M. Riaz:
Sharing costs in social community networks. 232-236 - Tomasz Bujlow, Tahir M. Riaz, Jens Myrup Pedersen
A method for classification of network traffic based on C5.0 Machine Learning Algorithm. 237-241 - José M. Gutiérrez López, Tahir M. Riaz, Jens Myrup Pedersen
Cost and availability analysis of 2- and 3-connected WDM networks physical interconnection. 242-246 - Boungju Jeon, Byeongkwan Kang, Sehyun Park:
Design and implementation of high event density area centered clustering based routing. 247-251 - Seungbae Lee, Alvin S. Lim:
Reliability and performance of IEEE 802.11n for vehicle networks with multiple nodes. 252-256 - Arash Asareh, Takeo Fujii:
A novel reliable broadcasting scheme under cognitive radio environment based on erasure correctable codes. 257-261 - Ali Panahandeh, François Quitin, Jean-Michel Dricot, François Horlin
, Claude Oestges, Philippe De Doncker:
A time-variant statistical model for the polarization of received electromagnetic waves in indoor communication channels. 262-266 - Enoch Lu, Yiran Xu, I-Tai Lu:
Efficient MMSE design for joint MIMO processing in analog network coding schemes. 267-271 - Kun Zheng, Husheng Li:
Reinforcement learning for energy efficient wireless transmission: Green communications for a green hand transmitter. 272-276 - Taewon Kim, Dongwoo Kim:
Cooperative primary-secondary transmission using superposition coding and successive interference cancellation. 277-281 - Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Koji Kamakura:
Dimensioning an scheduler buffer in OBS networks using forward resource reservation. 282-286 - Jingjing Zhang, Nirwan Ansari
Extending ONU lifetime beyond 72 hours in EPON for emergency communications. 287-291 - Ying Chen, Arunita Jaekel:
Regenerator allocation for scheduled lightpath demands in translucent optical networks. 292-296 - Brigitte Jaumard, Rejaul Chowdhury:
Selection and placement of switching equipment in a Broadband Access Network. 297-303 - Ru Zong, Xinbo Gao, Xuyu Wang
, Zongting Lv:
Deployment of High Altitude Platforms network: A game theoretic approach. 304-308 - Eman Elghoneimy, Othmane Bouhali
, Hussein M. Alnuweiri:
Resource allocation and scheduling in cloud computing. 309-314 - Lin Xue, Cheng Cui, Suman Kumar, Seung-Jong Park:
Experimental evaluation of the effect of queue management schemes on the performance of high speed TCPs in 10Gbps network environment. 315-319 - Houssain Kettani, John A. Gubner:
On the detection of LRD phenomena. 320-326 - Octavio Herrera-Ruiz, Taieb Znati:
Performance of redundancy methods in P2P networks under churn. 327-331 - Inwhee Joe, Hyojin Lee:
An efficient inter-domain handover scheme with minimized latency for PMIPv6. 332-336 - Doan B. Hoang, CongDuc Pham:
Connectivity abstractions and "service-oriented network" architecture. 337-342 - Daniël Geelen, Gert van Kempen, Frans van Hoogstraten, Antonio Liotta
A wireless mesh communication protocol for smart-metering. 343-349 - Cheng Deng, Yifan Zhang, Xinbo Gao:
Robust video fingerprinting using local spatio-temporal features. 350-353 - Joseph Lee:
Sketching the interference wall: A linear programming approach. 354-358 - Kun Zheng, Husheng Li, Robert C. Qiu, Shuping Gong:
Multi-objective reinforcement learning based routing in cognitive radio networks: Walking in a random maze. 359-363 - Anis Yazidi, B. John Oommen
, Ole-Christoffer Granmo
A novel Stochastic Discretized Weak Estimator operating in non-stationary environments. 364-370 - Bing Han, Xuelong Li
, Xinbo Gao, Dacheng Tao:
A biological inspired features based saliency map. 371-375 - Xiao Li, Jun Wang, Husheng Li, Shaoqian Li:
Delay analysis and optimal access strategy in multichannel dynamic spectrum access system. 376-380 - Husheng Li:
Transient analysis of post-interruption dynamics in cognitive radio networks: An Onsager's regression approach. 381-385 - Jae-Kark Choi, Sang-Jo Yoo:
Sensing parameter optimization using a new detection probability in cognitive radio networks. 386-391 - Mohammad Mirtavoosi Mahyari, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei
Joint optimization of rate and outer loop power control for CDMA-based cognitive radio networks. 392-396 - Alireza Babaei, Prathima Agrawal, Bijan Jabbari:
Statistics of aggregate interference in cognitive wireless ad hoc networks. 397-401 - Mohammad Asadul Hoque, Xiaoyan Hong:
BioStaR: A Bio-inspired Stable Routing for Cognitive Radio Networks. 402-406 - Zhou Zhou, Tian Song, Wenliang Fu:
RocketTC: A high throughput traffic classification architecture. 407-411 - Xiaomin Ma:
Packet reception ratios in two-dimensional broadcast ad hoc networks. 412-416 - Evangelos K. Markakis, Evangelos Pallis
, Charalabos Skianis
, Vassilios Zacharopoulos:
Optimised network resource exploitation in interactive broadcasting environments via P2P constellations. 417-420 - Vitor Jesus
, Rui L. Aguiar
, Peter Steenkiste
Inter-domain service alignment using consensus. 421-427 - Kashif Mahmood, Mikko Vehkaperä
, Yuming Jiang
Performance of multiuser CDMA receivers with bursty traffic and delay constraints. 428-433 - Gary Chang, Chung-Chieh Lee:
Cycle time distribution and control for the Deficit Round Robin packet scheduler. 434-440 - Eike Steffen Reetz, Michael Knappmeyer, Saad Liaquat Kiani, Nigel Baker, Ralf Tönjes:
Performance evaluation of a context provisioning middleware. 441-445 - Olaf Bergmann
, Kai T. Hillmann, Stefanie Gerdes:
A CoAP-gateway for smart homes. 446-450 - Yubao Zhang, Hui Wang, Zhihong Jiang, Pei Li:
Characterizing top user behavior of Sina microblogging in the context of different events. 451-455 - Mingyang Sun, Weifeng Sun, Lei Shu
, Mingchu Li, Lei Xue:
FoSSicker: A personalized search engine by location-awareness. 456-460 - Ryan Gabrys, Lara Dolecek:
Coding for the binary asymmetric channel. 461-465 - Xinmiao Zhang, Yu Zheng, Yingquan Wu:
A Chase-type Koetter-Vardy algorithm for soft-decision Reed-Solomon decoding. 466-470 - Xiaoheng Chen, Chung-Li Wang:
Exploiting the shift property of structured LDPC codes for reduced-complexity sliced message passing based decoder design. 471-475 - Chung-Li Wang, Zongwang Li, Shaohua Yang:
A new min-sum based decoding algorithm for non-binary LDPC codes. 476-480 - Euiseok Hwang
, Rohit Negi, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar
Additive encoding low-density parity-check (AE-LDPC) codes for two-dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR). 481-485 - Eitan Yaakobi, Laura M. Grupp, Paul H. Siegel, Steven Swanson
, Jack K. Wolf:
Characterization and error-correcting codes for TLC flash memories. 486-491 - Ravi Motwani, Chong Ong:
Robust decoder architecture for multi-level flash memory storage channels. 492-496 - Luojie Xiang, Brian M. Kurkoski:
An improved analytic expression for write amplification in NAND flash. 497-501 - Ramya Manjunath, Tao Xie:
Dynamic data replication on flash SSD assisted Video-on-Demand servers. 502-506 - Jehan-François Pâris
, Ahmed Amer, Thomas J. E. Schwarz:
Low-redundancy two-dimensional RAID arrays. 507-511 - Kirill Bushminkin, Lyudmila Mihaylova
, Denis Kolev, Vikhoreva Alexandra, Denis Rodionov:
A novel approach to estimating current and future states of technical systems. 512-516 - Kai Yang, Anwar Walid:
Outage-storage tradeoff in smart grid networks with renewable energy sources. 517-521 - Keqiang He, Yi Wang, Xiaofei Wang, Wei Meng, Bin Liu:
GreenVLAN: An energy-efficient approach for VLAN design. 522-526 - Dong-Ki Kang, Won-Hyuk Yang, Jin-Hyo Jung, Young-Chon Kim:
Wake Transition Decision algorithm for energy saving in OBS network with LPI. 527-531 - Theerasak Thapngam, Shui Yu
, Wanlei Zhou
DDoS discrimination by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). 532-536 - Sriram Natarajan, Tilman Wolf
Security issues in network virtualization for the future Internet. 537-543 - Mozhgan Tavakolifard, Kevin C. Almeroth:
Trust 2.0: Who to believe in the flood of online data? 544-550 - Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Wireless security and monitoring system using array antenna: Array sensor. 551-555 - Zhe Chen, Changchun Zhang, Feng Lin, Jingzhi Yu, Xia Li, Yu Song, Raghuram Ranganathan, Nan Guo, Robert C. Qiu:
Towards a large-scale cognitive radio network: Testbed, intensive computing, frequency agility and security. 556-562 - Chad M. Spooner, Nilesh V. Khambekar:
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio: A signal-processing perspective on signal-statistics exploitation. 563-568 - Chen Gong, Ali Tajer, Xiaodong Wang:
Group decoding for interference channels. 569-572 - Rizwan Akbar, Emanuel Radoi:
An overview of synchronization algorithms for IR-UWB systems. 573-577 - Junfeng Jiang, Xiao-Ping (Steven) Zhang:
Trends and opportunities in consumer video content navigation and analysis. 578-582 - XiaoJian Wu, A. L. Narasimha Reddy:
Data organization in a hybrid storage system. 583-587 - Jaekyun Moon, Jaehyeong No, Sangchul Lee, Sangsik Kim, Joongseop Yang, Seung Ho Chang:
Noise and interference characterization for MLC flash memories. 588-592 - Guoqiang Mao
Research on wireless multi-hop networks: Current state and challenges. 593-598 - Weifa Liang
Constrained resource optimization in wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks. 599-603 - Dilip Krishnaswamy, Danlu Zhang, Samir S. Soliman
, Bibhu Mohanty, Dirceu Cavendish, Weiyan Ge, Srinivasa Eravelli:
Concurrent bandwidth aggregation over wireless networks. 604-610 - Ioannis Kamitsos, Lachlan L. H. Andrew, Hongseok Kim, Sangtae Ha, Mung Chiang:
Better energy-delay tradeoff via server resource pooling. 611-616 - Sharief M. A. Oteafy
, Hossam S. Hassanein
Towards a global IoT: Resource re-utilization in WSNs. 617-622 - Alireza Attar, Haoming Li, Victor C. M. Leung
Applications of fiber-connected distributed antenna systems in broadband wireless access. 623-627 - Ying Chen, Ataul Bari, Arunita Jaekel:
Strategies for fault tolerance in optical grid networks. 628-632 - Chan-Kyun Lee, Yoontae Kim, June-Koo Kevin Rhee:
Green IP over WDM network design considering energy-load proportionality. 633-637 - Yuming Jiang
Stochastic network calculus for performance analysis of Internet networks - An overview and outlook. 638-644 - Hai Liu, Zhiyong Lin, Xiaowen Chu
, Yiu-Wing Leung:
Taxonomy and challenges of rendezvous algorithms in cognitive radio networks. 645-649 - Youping Zhao, Lizdabel Morales-Tirado:
Cognitive radio technology: Principles and practice. 650-654 - Siew Eng Nai, Tony Q. S. Quek
Coexistence in two-tier femtocell networks: Cognition and optimization. 655-659 - Junyi Li, Michal Wódczak
, Xinzhou Wu, T. Russell Hsing:
Vehicular networks and applications: Challenges, requirements and service opportunities. 660-664 - Mario Gerla, Jui-Ting Weng, Eugenio Giordano, Giovanni Pau
Vehicular testbeds - Validating models and protocols before large scale deployment. 665-669 - Amr El-Keyi, Tamer A. ElBatt, Fan Bai, Cem U. Saraydar:
MIMO VANETs: Research challenges and opportunities. 670-676 - Yifeng Zhou, Jun Li, Louise Lamont, Camille Alain Rabbath:
Modeling of packet dropout for UAV wireless communications. 677-682 - Oliver Hanka:
How to prevent identity fraud in locator/identifier - Split architectures. 683-689 - Sriram Natarajan, Xin Huang, Tilman Wolf
Efficient conflict detection in flow-based virtualized networks. 690-696 - Jun Li, Dongting Yu, Luke Maurer:
A resource management approach to web browser security. 697-701 - Jewel Okyere-Benya, Mamoon Aldiabat, Vlado Menkovski
, George Exarchakos
, Antonio Liotta
Video quality degradation on IPTV networks. 702-707 - Hugo E. T. Carvalho, Natalia Castro Fernandes
, Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte, Guy Pujolle:
SLAPv: A service level agreement enforcer for virtual networks. 708-712 - Matthew Long, Sridhar Radhakrishnan, Suleyman Karabuk, John K. Antonio:
On zap time minimization in IPTV networks. 713-718 - Maryam Azimi, Sima Valizadeh, Xiaokang Li, Lino E. Coria, Panos Nasiopoulos:
Subjective study on asymmetric stereoscopic video with low-pass filtered slices. 719-723 - Shehzad Khalid:
Robust shape matching using global feature space representation of contours. 724-728 - Yasser Ismail
, Sherif El-Etriby:
Fast diamond search algorithm for real time video coding. 729-733 - Bing Zhou, Jingyuan Wang, Zixuan Zou, Jiangtao Wen:
Bandwidth estimation and rate adaptation in HTTP streaming. 734-738 - Yao Liu, Shaoxuan Wang, Sujit Dey:
Modeling, characterizing, and enhancing user experience in Cloud Mobile Rendering. 739-745 - Jinsung Byun, Insung Hong, Sehyun Park:
Novel seamless multimedia service framework based on context-awareness and user mobility pattern in ubiquitous environments. 746-750 - Yuanyuan Zeng, Kai Xiang, Deshi Li:
Applying behavior recognition in road detection using vehicle sensor networks. 751-755 - Mohammad Asadul Hoque, Xiaoyan Hong, Brandon Dixon:
Analysis of mobility patterns for urban taxi cabs. 756-760 - Frank Nordemann, Ralf Tönjes:
Transparent and autonomous store-carry-forward communication in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs). 761-765 - Kevin C. Lee, Xiaoqing Zhu, Lillian L. Dai, Jiang Zhu, Sateesh Addepalli, Rong Pan, Flavio Bonomi:
Intelligent interface switching among heterogeneous wireless networks for vehicular communications. 766-770 - Yufeng Wang, Mustafa Cenk Ertürk, Hüseyin Arslan
, Ravi Sankar
, In-ho Ra, Salvatore D. Morgera:
Throughput and delay analysis in Aeronautical Data Networks. 771-775 - Wooseong Kim
, Brian Sung Chul Choi, Soon-Young Oh, Mario Gerla:
Cognitive multicast (CoCast) in vehicular networks using OFDM subchannels and network coding. 776-780 - Mehdi Khabazian, Osama Kubbar, Hossam S. Hassanein
Call admission control with resource reservation for multi-service OFDM networks. 781-785 - Paolo Romano
, Matteo Leonetti
Self-tuning batching in total order broadcast protocols via analytical modelling and reinforcement learning. 786-792 - Alireza Bigdeli, Ali Tizghadam, Alberto Leon-Garcia:
Survivable routing using path criticality. 793-797 - Youssef Nasser
, Joumana Farah
, Joseph Kirillos, Stéphanie Bassil, Maryline Hélard:
Effect of mobility on the performance of Amplify-and-Forward cooperation in SC-FDMA systems. 798-803 - Michael Welzl
, Rolf Erik Normann:
A client-side split-ACK tool for TCP Slow Start investigation. 804-808 - Ta Anh Son
, Pham Dinh Tao, Le Thi Hoai An
, Djamel Khadraoui:
Solving Many to many multicast QoS routing problem using DCA and proximal decomposition technique. 809-814 - Xianglin Wei, Tarem Ahmed
, Ming Chen, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan
PeerMate: A malicious peer detection algorithm for P2P systems based on MSPCA. 815-819 - Xin Jin, Yu-Kwong Kwok:
Efficient and flexible inter-overlay scheduling of media streams for multi-channel P2P streaming. 820-824 - Jalal Almhana, Zikuan Liu:
P2P streaming; Impact of bandwidth throttling on QoS. 825-829 - Shu Yamamoto, Akihiro Nakao:
P2P packet cache router for network-wide traffic redundancy elimination. 830-834 - Fadi M. Al-Turjman, Ashraf E. Al-Fagih, Hossam S. Hassanein
A novel cost-effective architecture and deployment strategy for integrated RFID and WSN systems. 835-839 - Marc De Leenheer, Jens Buysse, Chris Develder
, Biswanath Mukherjee:
Isolation and resource efficiency of virtual optical networks. 840-844 - Bradley W. Settlemyer, Nageswara S. V. Rao
, Stephen W. Poole, Stephen W. Hodson, Susan E. Hicks, Paul M. Newman
Experimental analysis of 10Gbps transfers over physical and emulated dedicated connections. 845-850 - Mingbo Niu, Julian Cheng, Jonathan F. Holzman:
Asymptotic analyses for coherent and subcarrier modulated wireless optical communications. 851-855 - Jeremy Plante, Arush Gadkar, Vinod Vokkarane
Dynamic manycasting in optical split-incapable WDM networks for supporting high-bandwidth applications. 856-560 - Bharath H. Ramaprasad, Arun Somani, Vinod M. Vokkarane
Dynamic non-continuous single slot advance reservation over wavelength routed networks. 861-865 - Iyas Khayata, Halima Elbiaze:
Service differentiation in OFS network: Performance analysis. 866-870 - Michael Dreschmann, Joachim Meyer, Michael Hübner, René Schmogrow, David Hillerkuss, Jürgen Becker, Juerg Leuthold
, Wolfgang Freude:
Time and frequency synchronization for ultra-high speed OFDM systems. 871-875 - Youssef Nasser
, Anh Tai Ho, Jean-François Hélard, Yves Louët:
On the performance of joint channel estimation and PAPR reduction scheme. 876-882 - Seung-Hoon Hwang, Cha-Eul Jeon:
A novel channel allocation scheme in IEEE 802.22 systems. 883-886 - Jonathan Verlant-Chenet, André Bourdoux, Jean-Michel Dricot, Philippe De Doncker, François Horlin
Wideband compressed sensing for cognitive radios using optimum detector with no reconstruction. 887-891 - Jie Ding, Laming Chen, Yuantao Gu:
Performance analysis of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit under general perturbations. 892-896 - Laming Chen, Jiong Chen, Yuantao Gu:
Greedy pursuits: Stability of recovery performance against general perturbations. 897-901 - Irina Cotanis, Le Le:
Aspects related to geo localization based on mobiles' measurements in WCDMA wireless networks. 902-906 - Yen-Hsu Chiang, Hsi-Pin Ma:
Beamforming-based interference cancellation for multiuser MIMO downlink communications. 907-911 - Yu Bi, Yanwu Ding, Hyuck M. Kwon:
Achievable rate for amplify and forward relay system at low SNR. 912-916 - Kyung-Hoe Kim, Han-Byul Lee, Yong-Hwa Kim, Jong-Ho Lee, Seong-Cheol Kim:
Capacity analysis of relay channels for medium voltage powerline access network. 917-921 - Salam Elahmadi, Mandyam D. Srinath, Dinesh Rajan, Richard Haberman:
Capacity and modeling of nonlinear fiber optic communications as a frequency-selective fading channel. 922-928 - Sujit Dey:
Cloud Mobile Media: Opportunities, challenges, and directions. 929-933 - Yichao Jin, Yonggang Wen, Guangyu Shi, Guoqiang Wang, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
CoDaaS: An experimental cloud-centric content delivery platform for user-generated contents. 934-938 - Liang Zhou, Baoyu Zheng, Jingwu Cui, Sulan Tang:
Toward green service in cloud: From the perspective of scheduling. 939-943 - Suoheng Li, Zuqing Zhu, Weiping Li, Houqiang Li:
Efficient and scalable cloud-assisted SVC video streaming through mesh networks. 944-948 - Xiaoqing Zhu, Jiang Zhu, Rong Pan, Mythili Suryanarayana Prabhu, Flavio Bonomi:
Cloud-assisted streaming for low-latency applications. 949-953 - Heitor S. Ramos
, Eduardo M. R. Oliveira, Azzedine Boukerche, Alejandro César Frery
, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro:
Characterization and mitigation of the energy hole problem of many-to-one communication in Wireless Sensor Networks. 954-958 - Jing (Selena) He, Shouling Ji, Pingzhi Fan, Yi Pan
, Yingshu Li
Constructing a load-balanced virtual backbone in Wireless Sensor Networks. 959-963 - Alberto Puggelli, Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman Mozumdar, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
, Luciano Lavagno:
A routing-algorithm-aware design tool for indoor wireless sensor networks. 964-969 - Hengzhao Yang
, Ying Zhang:
Modeling and analysis of a solar powered wireless sensor node. 970-974 - Anthony J. Carfang, Eric W. Frew:
Real-time estimation of wireless ground-to-air communication parameters. 975-979 - Bin Zan, Marco Gruteser, Fei Hu:
Improving robustness of key extraction from wireless channels with differential techniques. 980-984 - Hyunbum Kim, Jorge Arturo Cobb:
Simultaneous optimization of transmission range and actor movement in WSANs. 985-989 - Issa M. Khalil
, Abdallah Khreishah:
On the analysis of identity delegation attacks. 990-994 - S. Takagawa, Mehdad N. Shirazi, Jun Cheng, Ryu Miura:
E-BOP: A simple and efficient enhancement of ZigBee's BOP protocol. 995-999 - Ramon Sandoval, S. Kami Makki, Bo Sun:
Utilizing silent negative voting and sleep/wakeup method for power efficient data fusion. 1000-1004 - Kunxiao Zhou, Xiaohua Jia
, Liming Xie, Yanan Chang, Xing Tang
Channel assignment for WLAN by considering overlapping channels in SINR interference model. 1005-1009 - Elmahdi Driouch, Wessam Ajib, Ahmed Ben Dhaou:
A greedy spectrum sharing algorithm for cognitive radio networks. 1010-1014 - Murad Khalid, Yufeng Wang, In-ho Ra, Ravi Sankar
Hybrid cooperative MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc networks. 1015-1019 - Brendan Mumey
, Ivan R. Judson, Jian Tang, Yun Xing:
Topology control in multihop wireless networks with multi-beam smart antennas. 1020-1024 - Rathapon Saruthirathanaworakun, Jon M. Peha, Luís M. Correia:
Opportunistic primary-secondary spectrum sharing with a rotating radar. 1025-1030 - Roberto de Matos, Antônio Augusto Fröhlich
, Leandro Buss Becker
Using multiple channels to improve SDR flexibility and performance. 1031-1035 - Hironori Uchikawa, Brian M. Kurkoski, Kenta Kasai, Kohichi Sakaniwa:
Threshold improvement of low-density lattice codes via spatial coupling. 1036-1040 - Ji Won Hwang, Krishna Nehra, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei
Packet error rate-constrained optimized variable rate scheme for convolutionally coded M-QAM system. 1041-1045 - Xianchang Li, Julian Cheng:
Asymptotic performance analysis of SC over arbitrarily correlated Nakagami-m channels. 1046-1050 - Avik Sengupta, Dalin Zhu, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
On the performance of redundant residue number system codes assisted STBC design. 1051-1055 - Oluwatobi Olabiyi, Annamalai Annamalai:
New alternative series representations for the generalized Nuttall Q-function with applications. 1056-1060 - Symeon Chatzinotas
, Björn E. Ottersten:
Coordinated MultiPoint uplink capacity over a MIMO composite fading channel. 1061-1065 - Sébastien Aubert, Youssef Nasser
, Fabienne Nouvel:
Lattice Reduction-aided Minimum Mean Square Error K-Best detection for MIMO systems. 1066-1070 - Kenichi Higuchi:
Layered block diagonalization for base station cooperated multiuser MIMO with partial channel state information feedback. 1071-1076 - Narayanan Krishnan, Bala Natarajan
MISO Amplify Forward scheme and its viability. 1077-1080 - Zouhair Al-qudah, Dinesh Rajan:
Multiple input multiple output Dirty paper coding: System design and performance. 1081-1086 - Sayak Bose, Dalin Zhu, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
Multiuser MIMO capacity with limited feedback trellis exploration based precoder. 1087-1091 - Hongsan Sheng, Yingxue Li:
Iterative nonlinear precoding and link adaptation for MU-MIMO with CSI impairments. 1092-1097 - Lujing Geng, Jintao Wang, Changyong Pan, Bo Ai:
Channel estimation for TDS-OFDM transmit diversity systems over doubly selective channels. 1098-1102 - Oluwatobi Olabiyi, Annamalai Annamalai:
Closed-form evaluation of area under the ROC of cooperative relay-based energy detection in cognitive radio networks. 1103-1107 - Peng Huo, Lei Cao:
Error performance of cooperative diversity with distributed space-time code. 1108-1112 - H. Patrick Ngallemo, Wessam Ajib, Halima Elbiaze:
Dynamic spectrum access analysis in a multi-user cognitive radio network using Markov chains. 1113-1117 - Sébastien Roy
Noise impact factor in the performance of interference-limited diversity combining antenna arrays. 1118-1122 - Pouya Ostovari, Jie Wu, Abdallah Khreishah:
Deadline-aware broadcasting in wireless networks with local network coding. 1123-1127 - Riichiro Nagareda, Akio Hasegawa, Tatsuo Shibata, Sadao Obana:
A proposal of power saving scheme for wireless access networks with access point sharing. 1128-1132 - Minho Kim, Eun-Chan Park, Kyung-Joon Park
, Chong-Ho Choi:
Capacity analysis of best-effort broadcasting services with reliability constraint. 1133-1137 - Sandip Chakraborty
, Sukumar Nandi
MAC layer fairness in IEEE 802.11 DCF based Wireless Mesh Networks. 1138-1143 - Yongchul Kim, Mihail L. Sichitiu:
Hybrid resource allocation scheme in two-hop relaying WiMAX networks. 1144-1148 - Charles A. Kamhoua, Niki Pissinou, Kia Makki, Kevin A. Kwiat, S. Sitharama Iyengar
Game theoretic analysis of users and providers behavior in network under scarce resources. 1149-1155 - Husheng Li:
Scheduling of wireless metering for power market pricing in smart grid. 1156-1160 - Daegil Yoon, Heeseok Ho, Jaehee Park:
Design and implementation of industrial network monitoring protocol for networked industrial sensors. 1161-1166 - Alastair Nisbet:
A tale of four cities: Wireless security & growth in New Zealand. 1167-1171 - Chandrika J. Satyavolu, Sridhar Radhakrishnan, Venkatesh Sarangan, Thomas L. Landers:
Framework for co-operative RFID tag reading in mobile environments with multiple readers. 1172-1177

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