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11. ICCHP 2008: Linz, Austria
- Klaus Miesenberger, Joachim Klaus, Wolfgang L. Zagler, Arthur I. Karshmer:
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 11th International Conference, ICCHP 2008, Linz, Austria, July 9-11, 2008. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5105, Springer 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-70539-0
- Harold W. Thimbleby:
Understanding User Centred Design (UCD) for People with Special Needs. 1-17
Human-Computer Interaction and Usability for Elderly (HCI4AGING)
- Andreas Holzinger, Kizito Ssamula Mukasa, Alexander K. Nischelwitzer:
Introduction to the Special Thematic Session: Human-Computer Interaction and Usability for Elderly (HCI4AGING). 18-21 - Andreas Holzinger, Klaus Schaupp, Walter Eder-Halbedl:
An Investigation on Acceptance of Ubiquitous Devices for the Elderly in a Geriatric Hospital Environment: Using the Example of Person Tracking. 22-29 - Julio Abascal, Isabel Fernández de Castro, Alberto Lafuente, Jesus Maria Cia:
Adaptive Interfaces for Supportive Ambient Intelligence Environments. 30-37 - Eduardo Carrasco, Gorka Epelde, Aitor Moreno, Amalia Ortiz, Igor García, Cristina Buiza, Elena Urdaneta, Aitziber Etxaniz, Mari Feli González, Andoni Arruti:
Natural Interaction between Avatars and Persons with Alzheimer's Disease. 38-45 - Sergio Sayago, Josep Blat:
Exploring the Role of Time and Errors in Real-Life Usability for Older People and ICT. 46-53 - Jarek Krajewski, Rainer Wieland, Anton Batliner:
An Acoustic Framework for Detecting Fatigue in Speech Based Human-Computer-Interaction. 54-61 - Martina Ziefle, Preethy Pappachan, Eva-Maria Jakobs, Henning Wallentowitz:
Visual and Auditory Interfaces of Advanced Driver Assistant Systems for Older Drivers. 62-69 - Andrea Calvo, Adriano Chiò, Emiliano Castellina, Fulvio Corno, Laura Farinetti, Paolo Ghiglione, Valentina Pasian, Alessandro Vignola:
Eye Tracking Impact on Quality-of-Life of ALS Patients. 70-77 - Ulrike Bechtold, Mahshid Sotoudeh:
Participative Approaches for "Technology and Autonomous Living". 78-81 - Rüdiger Heimgärtner, Andreas Holzinger, Ray Adams:
From Cultural to Individual Adaptive End-User Interfaces: Helping People with Special Needs. 82-89 - Sabine Schröder, Martina Ziefle:
Effects of Icon Concreteness and Complexity on Semantic Transparency: Younger vs. Older Users. 90-97 - Andreas Holzinger, Gig Searle, Thomas Kleinberger, Ahmed Seffah, Homa Javahery:
Investigating Usability Metrics for the Design and Development of Applications for the Elderly. 98-105
Design for All: From Idea to Practice
- Christian Bühler:
Design for All - from Idea to Practise. 106-113 - Roberto Casas, Rubén Blasco Marín, Alexia Robinet, Armando Roy Delgado, Armando Roy-Yarza, John McGinn, Richard Picking, Vic Grout:
User Modelling in Ambient Intelligence for Elderly and Disabled People. 114-122 - Pier Luigi Emiliani, Marco Billi, Laura Burzagli, Francesco Gabbanini:
Design for All in the Ambient Intelligence Environment. 123-129 - Norman Alm, Alan F. Newell:
Creating Innovative Partnerships with Users in Developing Assistive Technology. 130-137 - Hisayuki Tatsumi, Yasuyuki Murai, Iwao Sekita, Masahiro Miyakawa:
Public Signs Sight Assessment for Low Vision through Eye Tracking. 138-141 - Antti Raike, Joanna Saad-Sulonen, Jürgen Scheible, Roman Suzi, Tarmo Toikkanen:
Visual Tools for Accessible Computer Supported Collaboration. 142-149 - Yehya Mohamad, Stefan Carmien, Carlos A. Velasco:
Supporting Industry in the Development of Design for All Curriculum. 150-155 - Gill Whitney, Suzette Keith:
European Developments in the Design and Implementation of Training for eInclusion. 156-161
(Users Need Standards)² - Users Need Standards Need Users
- Christian Bühler:
Users with Disabilities and Standards. 162-165 - Jan Engelen:
AT and DfA Standardisation: What Is Currently Going on?. 166-169 - Richard Hodgkinson:
Using Public Procurement to Ensure That Accessible ICT Products and Services Are Available for All European Citizens (ETSI HF STF 333). 170-177
Accessibility: Education for Web Design and eLearning
- Jenny Craven, Joachim Klaus:
Accessibility: Education for Web Design and E-Learning Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. 178-181 - Barbara Hengstberger, Klaus Miesenberger, Mario Batusic, Noura Chelbat, Andrés Rodríguez García:
Joint Study Programme on Accessible Web Design. 182-189 - Mike Wald:
Design of a 10 Credit Masters Level Assistive Technologies and Universal Design Module. 190-193 - Arrmien M. Chou, Yaoming Yeh, Shumei Keng, Chenchuan C. Chen, Tingyu Huang:
Experiential Coe-Tutoring: A Report on Taiwan's OpenStudy Project That Seeks Innovative Accessible E-Learning Methodologies. 194-197 - John Gray, Gill Harrison, Jakki Sheridan-Ross, Andrea Gorra:
Using a Computer Aided Test to Raise Awareness of Disability Issues amongst University Teaching Staff. 198-206 - Cara Nicole Greene:
The Impact of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) on Diverse Students and Teachers at Second Level. 207-214 - Simon Ball, Alistair McNaught:
Round Peg, Square Hole: Supporting Via the Web Staff and Learners Who Do Not Fit into Traditional Learner-Teacher-Institution Scenarios. 215-218 - Donal Fitzpatrick, Declan McMullen:
Distance Learning of Graphically Intensive Material for Visually Impaired Students. 219-225 - Marco Arrigo, Gaspare Novara, Giovanni Ciprì:
M-Learning Accessibility Design: A Case Study. 226-233
ACP - Accessible Content Processing
- David Crombie, Jan Engelen:
Accessible Content Processing Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. 234-237 - Géza Németh, Gábor Olaszy, Mátyás Bartalis, Géza Kiss, Csaba Zainkó, Péter Mihajlik, Csaba Haraszti:
Automated Drug Information System for Aged and Visually Impaired Persons. 238-241 - Elia Contini, Barbara Leporini, Fabio Paternò:
A Semi-automatic Support to Adapt E-Documents in an Accessible and Usable Format for Vision Impaired Users. 242-249 - Elisa Rubegni, Paolo Paolini, Alberto Terragni, Stefano Vaghi:
Accessibility for Blind Users: An Innovative Framework. 250-257 - Joshue O. Connor:
User Testing: How to Involve Users in Technical Web Development Cycles as a Natural Evolution in the Creation of Inclusive Technologies and Accessible Content. 258-263 - Simon Ball, John Sewell:
Accessibility Standards Are Not Always Enough: The Development of the Accessibility Passport. 264-267 - Miriam Eileen Nes, Kirsten Ribu, Morten Tollefsen:
DAISY - Universally Designed? Prototyping an Approach to Measuring Universal Design. 268-275 - Javier Gonzalez-Pisano, Maria Rodriguez-Fernandez, Martín González-Rodríguez, Jose Ramon Bobes-Bascaran, Jaime Garcia-Marsa:
A System for Dynamic Adaptation of Web Interfaces Based on User Interaction Requirements. 276-283 - Jan Engelen:
Modern Digital Libraries, the Case of the Audio-Book Boom. 284-290 - Simon Ball, Julian Tenney:
Xerte - A User-Friendly Tool for Creating Accessible Learning Objects. 291-294 - Ivan Kopecek, Radek Oslejsek:
GATE to Accessibility of Computer Graphics. 295-302 - Giuseppe Nicotra, Antonio Quatraro:
CONTRAPUNCTUS Project: A New Computer Solution for Braille Music Fruition. 303-309 - Enrico Bortolazzi, Nadine Baptiste-Jessel, Giovanni Bertoni:
BMML: A Mark-Up Language for Braille Music. 310-317 - Lu Wang, Malek Adjouadi:
Automated Book Reader Design for Persons with Blindness. 318-325 - Marion A. Hersh, Barbara Leporini:
Making Conference CDs Accessible: A Practical Example. 326-333
Web Accessibility - Automatic/Manual Evaluation and Authoring Tools
- Helen Petrie, Christopher Power, Gerhard Weber:
Web Accessibility - Automatic/Manual Evaluation and Authoring Tools. 334-337 - Dietmar Nedbal, Gerald Petz:
A Software Solution for Accessible E-Government Portals. 338-345 - Constantina Doulgeraki, Nikolaos Partarakis, Alexandros Mourouzis, Constantine Stephanidis:
A Development Toolkit for Unified Web-Based User Interfaces. 346-353 - Markel Vigo, Amaia Aizpurua, Myriam Arrue, Julio Abascal:
Automatic Creation of User Profiles for Achieving Personal Web Accessibility. 354-361 - Maria Krüger:
Accessible Flash Is No Oxymoron: A Case Study in E-Learning for Blind and Sighted Users. 362-369 - Paloma Cantón, Ángel Lucas González, Gonzalo Mariscal, Carlos Ruiz:
Building Accessible Flash Applications: An XML-Based Toolkit. 370-377 - Kerstin Altmanninger, Wolfram Wöß:
Accessible Graphics in Web Applications: Dynamic Generation, Analysis and Verification. 378-385 - Rita Mátrai, Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán, Cecilia Sik-Lányi:
Analysing the 2D, 3D and Web User Interface Navigation Structures of Normal Users and Users with Mild Intellectual Disabilities. 386-393 - Annika Nietzio, Christophe Strobbe, Eric Velleman:
The Unified Web Evaluation Methodology (UWEM) 1.2 for WCAG 1.0. 394-401 - Christophe Strobbe, Johannes Koch, Evangelos Vlachogiannis, Reinhard Ruemer, Carlos A. Velasco, Jan Engelen:
The BenToWeb Test Case Suites for the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. 402-409 - Christian Bühler, Helmut Heck, Annika Nietzio, Morten Goodwin Olsen, Mikael Snaprud:
Monitoring Accessibility of Governmental Web Sites in Europe. 410-417
Web Accessibility - Quality Control and Best Practice
- Gerhard Nussbaum, Mario Batusic, Claudia Fahrengruber, Klaus Miesenberger:
Proposal for a Structure Mark-Up Supporting Accessibility for the Next Generation (X)HTML-Standards. 418-425 - Amin Anjomshoaa, Muhammad Shuaib Karim, A Min Tjoa:
Improving Web Form Accessibility Using Semantic XForms for People with Cognitive Impairments. 426-429 - Christiane Taras, Oliver Siemoneit, N. Weißer, Martin Rotard, Thomas Ertl:
Improving the Accessibility of Wikis. 430-437 - George Margetis, Stavroula Ntoa, Constantine Stephanidis:
Requirements of Users with Disabilities for E-government Services in Greece. 438-445 - Stavroula-Evita Fotinea, Eleni Efthimiou:
Tools for Deaf Accessibility to an eGOV Environment. 446-453 - Laura Burzagli, Francesco Gabbanini, Marco Natalini, Enrico Palchetti, Alessandro Agostini:
Using Web Content Management Systems for Accessibility: The Experience of a Research Institute Portal. 454-461 - Michael Stenitzer, Maria Putzhuber, Sascha Nemecek, Fabian Büchler:
Accessible Online Shops for the Older Generation and People with Disabilities. 462-465 - Ludek Bártek, Jaromír Plhák:
WebGen System - Visually Impaired Users Create Web Pages. 466-473 - Alexandros Mourouzis, Nikolaos Partarakis, Constantina Doulgeraki, C. Galanakis, Constantine Stephanidis:
An Accessible Media Player as a User Agent for the Web. 474-481 - Wolfram Huber, Peter Vitouch:
Usability and Accessibility on the Internet: Effects of Accessible Web Design on Usability. 482-489 - Marie-Luise Leitner, Christine Strauss:
Exploratory Case Study Research on Web Accessibility. 490-497 - Alan Chuter:
Web Accessible and Mobile: The Relationship between Mobile Web Best Practices and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 498-501
People with Disabilities: Software Accessibility
- Annett Hardt, Martin Schrepp:
Making Business Software Usable for Handicapped Employees. 502-509 - Dewi Gani, Urte Thölke:
Quality Processes and Milestones for the Development and Monitoring of Business Software in the Area of Accessibility. 510-517 - Serenella Besio, Elena Laudanna, Francesca Potenza, Lucia Ferlino, Federico Occhionero:
Accessibility of Educational Software: From Evaluation to Design Guidelines. 518-525 - Norbert Markus, Zoltan Juhasz, Gábor Bognár, András Arató:
How Can Java Be Made Blind-Friendly. 526-533 - Fernando Alonso, José L. Fuertes, Ángel Lucas González, Loïc Martínez:
Requirements for a Method of Software Accessibility Conformity Assessment. 534-541
Entertainment Software Accessibility
- Dominique Archambault, Roland Ossmann, Klaus Miesenberger:
Towards Generalised Accessibility of Computer Games Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. 542-544 - Serenella Besio, Francesca Caprino, Elena Laudanna:
Profiling Robot-Mediated Play for Children with Disabilities through ICF-CY: The Example of the European Project IROMEC. 545-552 - Alexis Sepchat, Simon Descarpentries, Nicolas Monmarché, Mohamed Slimane:
MP3 Players and Audio Games: An Alternative to Portable Video Games Console for Visually Impaired Players. 553-560 - Tatiana Evreinova, Grigori E. Evreinov, Roope Raisamo:
Non-visual Gameplay: Making Board Games Easy and Fun. 561-568 - Christophe Ponsard, Vincent Fries:
An Accessible Viewer for Digital Comic Books. 569-577 - Morten Tollefsen, Are Flyen:
Flexible and Simple User Interfaces in Entertaining Software. 578-584 - Roland Ossmann, Klaus Miesenberger, Dominique Archambault:
A Computer Game Designed for All. 585-592 - Alexis Sepchat, Romain Clair, Nicolas Monmarché, Mohamed Slimane:
Artificial Ants and Dynamical Adaptation of Accessible Games Level. 593-600 - Roland Ossmann, Dominique Archambault, Klaus Miesenberger:
Accessibility Issues in Game-Like Interfaces. 601-604
Hearing Impaired, Deaf and DeafBlind People: HCI and Communication
- Hans-Heinrich Bothe:
Human Computer Interaction and Communication Aids for Hearing-Impaired, Deaf and Deaf-Blind People: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. 605-608 - Quoc V. Vy, Jorge A. Mori, David W. Fourney, Deborah I. Fels:
EnACT: A Software Tool for Creating Animated Text Captions. 609-616 - Mike Wald:
Captioning Multiple Speakers Using Speech Recognition to Assist Disabled People. 617-623 - Yoshinori Takeuchi, Ken Saito, Ayaka Ito, Noboru Ohnishi, Shigeyoshi Iizuka, Shinya Nakajima:
Extracting Pointing Object with Demonstrative Speech Phrase for Remote Transcription in Lecture. 624-631 - Ayaka Ito, Ken Saito, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Noboru Ohnishi, Shigeyoshi Iizuka, Shinya Nakajima:
A Study on Demonstrative Words Extraction in Instructor Utterance on Communication Support for Hearing Impaired Persons. 632-639 - Takaaki Okura, Yoko Hirose:
Development of a Web Type DVD Viewer Synchronized with Multilingual Captions for Existing DVDs. 640-646 - Shigeki Miyoshi, Hayato Kuroki, Sumihiro Kawano, Mayumi Shirasawa, Yasushi Ishihara, Masayuki Kobayashi:
Support Technique for Real-Time Captionist to Use Speech Recognition Software. 647-650 - Shinichi Homma, Akio Kobayashi, Takahiro Oku, Shoei Sato, Toru Imai, Tohru Takagi:
New Real-Time Closed-Captioning System for Japanese Broadcast News Programs. 651-654 - Dimitar Denev, Sion Morris, Carlos A. Velasco, Yehya Mohamad:
eRehabilitation: A Portal Framework for Aural Rehabilitation. 655-662 - Faramaz Eyasim Joumun, Paul Gnanayutham, Jennifer George:
Multimedia Interfaces for BSL Using Lip Readers. 663-669 - Mohamed Jemni, Oussama El Ghoul:
A System to Make Signs Using Collaborative Approach. 670-677 - Tsutomu Kimura, Masanori Katoh, Atsushi Hayashi, Kazuyuki Kanda, Daisuke Hara, Kazunari Morimoto:
Application System of the Universal Sign Code - Development of the Portable Sign Presenter -. 678-681 - Satoshi Ohtsuka, Nobuyuki Sasaki, Sadao Hasegawa, Tetsumi Harakawa:
Body-Braille System for Disabled People. 682-685 - Misako Nambu, Akira Okamoto, Shigeki Miyoshi, Masatsugu Sakajiri:
Dialog Support for Deafblind Persons by Conveying Backchannels through Vibration. 686-689
People with Specific Learning Dificulties - Easy to Read and HCI
- Andrea Petz, Bror Tronbacke:
People with Specific Learning Difficulties: Easy to Read and HCI. 690-692 - Chih-Ching Yeh, Ming-Chung Chen, Yao-Ming Yeh, Hwa-Pey Wang, Chi Nung Chu, Chien-Chuan Ko:
Using Expert System to Assist Mouse Proficiency Assessment. 693-699 - Jyrki Rissanen:
Naming Game - An Automated Tool for Analyzing and Practicing Rapid Serial Naming on Dyslexic Persons. 700-704 - Sabine van Linden, Anita H. M. Cremers:
Cognitive Abilities of Functionally Illiterate Persons Relevant to ICT Use. 705-712 - Anita H. M. Cremers, Jacomien G. M. de Jong, Johan S. van Balken:
User-Centered Design with Illiterate Persons: The Case of the ATM User Interface. 713-720 - Alberto Ferreras, Alicia Piedrabuena, Juan Manuel Belda, Ricard Barberà, Alfonso Oltra, Rakel Poveda, Jaime Prat, Lourdes Tortosa:
Analysis and Adaptation of Workplaces for People with Cognitive Disabilities Using Software Tools. 721-728 - Jokin Rubio, Celina Vaquero, J. M. López de Ipiña, Eloy Irigoyen, Karmele López de Ipiña, Nestor Garay, Angel Conde, Mikel Larrañaga, Aitzol Ezeiza, A. Soraluze, Mikel Peñagarikano, Germán Bordel, Luis Javier Rodríguez, Juan Miguel López, M. Ezquerra, D. Oregi:
Tutor Project: An Intelligent Tutoring System to Improve Cognitive Disabled People Integration. 729-732 - Tuomas Korhonen:
Adaptive Spell Checker for Dyslexic Writers. 733-741 - Corinna Freda, Silvio Marcello Pagliara, Fiorentino Ferraro, Francesco Zanfardino, Alessandro Pepino:
Dyslexia: Study of Compensatory Software Which Aids the Mathematical Learning Process of Dyslexic Students at Secondary School and University. 742-746 - Ming-Chung Chen, Chun-Han Chiang, Chien-Chuan Ko:
The Effectiveness of TriAccess Reading System on Comprehending Nature Science Text for Students with Learning Disabilities. 747-754 - Sami Älli, Kimmo Kyyhkynen, Marianna Ohtonen:
Usable and Accessible Plain Language (Easy-to-Read) Network Service. 755-758 - Yu Ting Huang, Chi Nung Chu, Yao-Ming Yeh, Pei-Luen Tsai:
The Design of Talking Music Web Browser for Teaching Learning-Disabled Children: A Scaffolding Strategy to Aural Skills. 759-762 - Kerstin Matausch, Birgit Peböck:
Information Center on Accessible Information. 763-766
Blind and Visually Impaired People: Human-Computer Interaction and Access to Graphics
- Ilvio Bruder, Gerhard Jaworek:
Blind and Visually Impaired People: Human-Computer Interaction and Access to Graphics. 767-769 - Neil McKenzie, Benjie Marwick-Johnstone:
Making the I-Maestro Music Learning Framework Accessible. 770-776 - Makoto Kobayashi:
Voice Browser for Groupware Systems: VoBG - A Simple Groupware Client for Visually Impaired Students. 777-780 - Tomás Zahradnický, Róbert Lórencz, Pavel Musil:
Making ProTools Accessible for Visually Impaired. 781-788 - Fernando Alonso, José L. Fuertes, Ángel Lucas González, Loïc Martínez:
User-Interface Modelling for Blind Users. 789-796 - Andrea Gaal, Gerhard Jaworek, Joachim Klaus, Martina Weicht, Frank Zenker, Ilvio Bruder, Antje Düsterhöft, Andreas Heuer:
Towards an Open Source Screen Reader: Screenreader Usability Extensions (SUE). 797-800 - Giovanni Paolo Caruso, Silvia Dini, Lucia Ferlino:
ZoomLinux: A Research Result Providing a Tangible Response to the Needs of Low Vision Students. 801-808 - Takuya Nishimoto, Takayuki Watanabe:
An Analysis of Human-to-Human Dialogs and Its Application to Assist Visually-Impaired People. 809-812 - Kazuyuki Itou, Baku Kato, Masaru Taniguchi, Toshio Otogawa, Kazuyuki Itoh, Kimiyasu Kiyota, Nobuo Ezaki, Keiichi Uchimura:
Learning Support System Based on Note-Taking Method for People with Acquired Visual Disabilities. 813-820 - Amany Al-Saleh, Ali El-Zaart, AbdulMalik S. Al-Salman:
Dot Detection of Optical Braille Images for Braille Cells Recognition. 821-826 - Cecilia Sik-Lányi, László Galyas:
Developing Multimedia-Game Software to Improve Space and Depth Perception. 827-834 - Thorsten Völkel, Gerhard Weber, Ulrich Baumann:
Tactile Graphics Revised: The Novel BrailleDis 9000 Pin-Matrix Device with Multitouch Input. 835-842 - Siegfried Kipke:
Sensitive Braille Displays with ATC Technology (Active Tactile Control) as a Tool for Learning Braille. 843-850 - Syed Muammar Najib Syed Yusoh, Yoshihiko Nomura, Naomi Kokubo, Tokuhiro Sugiura, Hirokazu Matsui, Norihiko Kato:
Dual Mode Fingertip Guiding Manipulator for Blind Persons Enabling Passive/Active Line-Drawing Explorations. 851-858 - Takayuki Shiose, Yasuhiro Kagiyama, Kiyohide Ito, Kazuhiko Mamada, Hiroshi Kawakami, Osamu Katai:
Toward Touching a Landscape in a Picture: Investigation of Groping Strategy about Tactile Images and Image Simplification Method. 859-864 - Michael Kraus, Thorsten Völkel, Gerhard Weber:
An Off-Screen Model for Tactile Graphical User Interfaces. 865-872
Access to Mathematics and Science
- Arthur I. Karshmer:
Access to Mathematics and Science. 873-874 - Piotr Brzoza:
Multimedia MathReader for Daisy Books. 875-878 - Cristian Bernareggi, Valeria Brigatti:
Writing Mathematics by Speech: A Case Study for Visually Impaired. 879-882 - Toshihiro Kanahori, Dominique Archambault, Masakazu Suzuki:
Universal Authoring System for Braille Materials by Collaboration of UMCL and Infty. 883-887 - Paul B. Stanley:
Assessing the Mathematics Related Communication Requirements of the Blind in Education and Career. 888-891 - Katsuhito Yamaguchi, Toshihiko Komada, Fukashi Kawane, Masakazu Suzuki:
New Features in Math Accessibility with Infty Software. 892-899 - John A. Gardner, Carolyn K. Gardner, Blake Jones, Elizabeth Jones:
Making Arithmetic Accessible. 900-906 - Thimoty Barbieri, Lorenzo Mosca, Licia Sbattella:
Learning Math for Visually Impaired Users. 907-914 - Arthur I. Karshmer, Daryoush Farsi:
Manipulatives in the History of Teaching: Fast Forward to AutOMathic Blocks for the Blind. 915-918 - Toshihiro Kanahori, Masayuki Naka, Masakazu Suzuki:
Braille-Embedded Tactile Graphics Editor with Infty System. 919-925 - Martyn Cooper, Tim Lowe, Mary Taylor:
Access to Mathematics in Web Resources for People with a Visual Impairment. 926-933 - Cristian Bernareggi, Christian Comaschi, Gian Carlo Dalto, Piero Mussio, Loredana Parasiliti Provenza:
Multimodal Exploration and Manipulation of Graph Structures. 934-937 - Mamoru Fujiyoshi, Akio Fujiyoshi, Nobuyuki Ohtake, Katsuhito Yamaguchi, Yoshinori Teshima:
The Development of a Universal Design Tactile Graphics Production System BPLOT2. 938-945 - Cristian Bernareggi, Barbara Hengstberger, Valeria Brigatti:
Transnational Support to Visually Impaired in Scientific University Courses. 946-952 - Federsel Stephan, Klaus Miesenberger:
Chemical Workbench for Blind People - Accessing the Structure of Chemical Formula. 953-960 - Robert L. Todd:
E-Learning for Secondary School Teachers: Inclusive Science and Math Instruction for Students with Disabilities. 961-968
Accessible Tourism
- Franz Pühretmair, Dimitrios Buhalis:
Accessible Tourism Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. 969-972 - Christian Bühler, Helmut Heck, Josef Becker:
How to Inform People with Reduced Mobility about Public Transport. 973-980 - Franz Pühretmair, Wolfram Wöß:
A Flexible Concept to Establish Accessibility Information in Tourism Web-Pages. 981-988 - Markus Lassnig, Mark Markus, Kerstin Matausch, Franz Pühretmair, Andreas Wagner:
(e-)Accessibility Research from the Perspective of the Tourism, Sport and Leisure Industries - Selected Project Results and Future Focus of the e-Motion Competence Centre. 989-996
Smart Environments
- Gerhard Nussbaum:
Smart Environments: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. 997-1000 - Peter den Brok, Ingrid Mulder, Jan van den Berg:
All the Way to Living Independently: Reflections on a Design Case. 1001-1007 - Paul Panek, Wolfgang L. Zagler:
A Living Lab for Ambient Assisted Living in the Municipality of Schwechat. 1008-1015 - Stefan Parker, Gerhard Nussbaum, Helmut Sonntag, Franz Pühretmair, Veronika Williams, Rachel McCrindle, Christina Victor, David Oliver, Martin Maguire, Peter Mayer, Georg Edelmayer, Paul Panek:
ENABLE - A View on User's Needs. 1016-1023 - Marcela Fejtová, Petr Novák, Olga Stepánková:
EasyControl - Universal Control System. 1024-1029 - Fangmin Shi, Alastair G. Gale, Emilie Møllenbach:
Eye, Me and the Environment. 1030-1033 - Klaus-Hendrik Wolf, Arne Lohse, Michael Marschollek, Reinhold Haux:
Development of a Low Cost Base Station for Multimodal Home Monitoring. 1034-1041 - Josef Diermaier, Katharina Neyder, Franz Werner, Paul Panek, Wolfgang L. Zagler:
Distributed Accelerometers as a Main Component in Detecting Activities of Daily Living. 1042-1049 - Ferial Shayeganfar, Amin Anjomshoaa, A Min Tjoa:
A Smart Indoor Navigation Solution Based on Building Information Model and Google Android. 1050-1056 - Gerald Bauer, Paul Lukowicz:
Developing a Sub Room Level Indoor Location System for Wide Scale Deployment in Assisted Living Systems. 1057-1064 - Hend S. Al-Khalifa:
Utilizing QR Code and Mobile Phones for Blinds and Visually Impaired People. 1065-1069 - Giuseppe Ghiani, Barbara Leporini, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro:
Exploiting RFIDs and Tilt-Based Interaction for Mobile Museum Guides Accessible to Vision-Impaired Users. 1070-1077
Portable and Mobile Systems in Assistive Technology
- Roberto Manduchi, James M. Coughlan:
Portable and Mobile Systems in Assistive Technology. 1078-1080 - Tetsuya Watanabe, Manabi Miyagi, Kazunori Minatani, Hideji Nagaoka:
A Survey on the Use of Mobile Phones by Visually Impaired Persons in Japan. 1081-1084 - Thorsten Völkel, Romina Kühn, Gerhard Weber:
Mobility Impaired Pedestrians Are Not Cars: Requirements for the Annotation of Geographical Data. 1085-1092 - Harald Holone, Gunnar Misund:
People Helping Computers Helping People: Navigation for People with Mobility Problems by Sharing Accessibility Annotations. 1093-1100 - Lourdes Moreno, Ma Carmen Gálvez, Belén Ruíz-Mezcua, Paloma Martínez:
Inclusion of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Electronic Guides for Museums. 1101-1108 - Bernhard Mayerhofer, Bettina Pressl, Manfred Wieser:
ODILIA - A Mobility Concept for the Visually Impaired. 1109-1116 - S. Bohonos, A. Lee, A. Malik, C. Thai, Roberto Manduchi:
Cellphone Accessible Information Via Bluetooth Beaconing for the Visually Impaired. 1117-1121 - Volodymyr Ivanchenko, James M. Coughlan, Huiying Shen:
Crosswatch: A Camera Phone System for Orienting Visually Impaired Pedestrians at Traffic Intersections. 1122-1128 - Alireza Darvishy, Hans-Peter Hutter, Peter Früh, Alexander Horvath, Dominik Berner:
Personal Mobile Assistant for Air Passengers with Disabilities (PMA). 1129-1134 - Roberto Manduchi, James M. Coughlan, Volodymyr Ivanchenko:
Search Strategies of Visually Impaired Persons Using a Camera Phone Wayfinding System. 1135-1140 - Tomohiro Amemiya, Hisashi Sugiyama:
Design of a Haptic Direction Indicator for Visually Impaired People in Emergency Situations. 1141-1144 - Ryo Yoshida, Michiaki Yasumura:
A New Cell Phone Remote Control for People with Visual Impairment. 1145-1152
Skills vs. Abilities: Alternative Input and Communication Systems
- Grigori E. Evreinov:
Skills vs. Abilities. 1153-1156 - Koichi Kuzume:
A Character Input System Using Tooth-Touch Sound for Disabled People. 1157-1160 - Anaelis Sesin, Malek Adjouadi, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Melvin Ayala, Armando Barreto:
An Eye Gaze Tracking System Using Customized User Profiles to Help Persons with Motor Challenges Access Computers. 1161-1168 - Wonsuk Choi, Dongwoo Lee, Jongwhoa Na:
Applicability of No-Hands Computer Input Devices for the Certificates for Microsoft Office Software. 1169-1176 - Yun Lung Lin, Ming-Chung Chen, Chih-Ching Yeh, Yao-Ming Yeh, Hwa-Pey Wang:
Assisting an Adolescent with Cerebral Palsy to Entry Text by Using the Chorded Keyboard. 1177-1183 - Yun Lung Lin, Ting-Fang Wu, Ming-Chung Chen, Yao-Ming Yeh, Hwa-Pey Wang:
Designing a Scanning On-Screen Keyboard for People with Severe Motor Disabilities. 1184-1187 - Torsten Felzer, Rainer Nordmann:
Evaluating the Hands-Free Mouse Control System: An Initial Case Study. 1188-1195 - Khaldoun Al Faraj, Mustapha Mojahid, Nadine Vigouroux:
GrooveWrite: A Multi-purpose Stylus-Based Text Entry Method. 1196-1203 - Souhir Ghédira, Pierre Pino, Guy Bourhis:
Interaction between a Disabled Person and a Scanning Communication Aid: Towards an Automatic Adjustment of the Scanning Rate Adapted to the User. 1204-1207 - Nerijus Ramanauskas, Gintautas Daunys, Donatas Dervinis:
Investigation of Calibration Techniques in Video Based Eye Tracking System. 1208-1215 - Julio Miró-Borrás, Pablo A. Bernabeu:
Text Entry System Based on a Minimal Scan Matrix for Severely Physically Handicapped People. 1216-1219
People with Disabilities: Speech Therapy and Sound Applications
- Ben P. Challis, Kate Challis:
Applications for Proximity Sensors in Music and Sound Performance. 1220-1227 - Paulo A. Condado, Fernando G. Lobo:
EasyVoice: Breaking Barriers for People with Voice Disabilities. 1228-1235 - Jennifer George, Paul Gnanayutham:
An Experiment Using Personalised Multimedia Interfaces for Speech Therapy. 1236-1243
People with Disabilities: Mobility and Care
- Gernot Kronreif, Paul Panek, Alexander Hüntemann, Ger Cremers, Andreas Hochgatterer, Martin Fürst, Peter Mayer, Gert Jan Gelderblom:
MOVEMENT - A Modular and Versatile Mobility Enhancement System. 1244-1249 - Tohru Kawabe:
BMI Based RHC Method for Wheelchair. 1250-1260 - Ludmila Correa de Alkmin Silva, Torsten Felzer, Geraldo Gonçalves Delgado Neto, Rainer Nordmann, Franco Giuseppe Dedini:
Modeling a Hands-Free Controlled Power Wheelchair. 1261-1268 - Tetsuya Hirotomi, Yasutomo Hosomi, Hiroyuki Yano:
Brake Control Assist on a Four-Castered Walker for Old People. 1269-1276 - Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Osamu Nitta, Kosuke Tomuro, Takashi Komeda:
Development of a Sit-to-Stand Assistance System. 1277-1284 - Christophe Ponsard, Mike Martin, Sarah Walsh, Susan Baines, Sébastien Rousseaux, Giovanni Rinaldi, Fulvio Tamburriello:
OLDES: Designing a Low-Cost, Easy-to-Use e-Care System Together with the Stakeholders. 1285-1292 - Renzo Andrich, Giacomo Liverani, Lucia Pigini:
The Risk Factor in the Adaptation of Worksites in ICT-Related Jobs. 1293-1300 - Harald Jagos, Johannes Oberzaucher:
Development of a Wearable Measurement System to Identify Characteristics in Human Gait - eSHOE -. 1301-1304 - Matthias Pinsker, Karin Schindler, Jürgen Morak, Dieter Hayn, Peter Kastner, Michaela Riedl, Bernhard Ludvik, Günter Schreier:
Experiences Using Mobile Phones as Patient-Terminal for Telemedical Home Care and Therapy Monitoring of Patients Suffering from Chronic Diseases. 1305-1312
People with Disabilities: Service Provision
- Denise Leahy, Dudley Dolan:
Making an International Certificate Accessible. 1313-1320 - Kaoru Inoue, Kazuyoshi Wada, Yuko Ito:
Effective Application of Paro: Seal Type Robots for Disabled People in According to Ideas of Occupational Therapists. 1321-1324 - Anne Venter, Gerlinde Renzelberg, Jürgen Homann, Lars Bruhn:
Which Technology Do We Want? Ethical Considerations about Technical Aids and Assisting Technology. 1325-1331 - Yao-Ming Yeh, Ting-Fang Wu, Ling Fu Meng, Ming-Chung Chen, Hwa-Pey Wang, Jung-Gen Wu, Chi Nung Chu, Yun Lung Lin, Chih-Ching Yeh:
Characteristics and Solutions of Digital Divide for People with Physical Impairments in Taiwan. 1332-1339 - Michael Cyrus, Frank Lunde:
Long-Time Effect from Deprived Communication, Information and Orientation/Mobility in Individuals with Acquired Dual Impairment and the Need for ICT-Aids. 1340-1343
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