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7. BCB 2016: Seattle, WA, USA
- Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, BCB 2016, Seattle, WA, USA, October 2-5, 2016. ACM 2016, ISBN 978-1-4503-4225-4
Regular Papers
- Tin Chi Nguyen
, Diana Diaz
, Sorin Draghici
TOMAS: A novel TOpology-aware Meta-Analysis approach applied to System biology. 13-22 - Shou-Hsuan Stephen Huang
, Ming-Chih Shih, Youli Zu:
A Multi-Objective Flow Cytometry Profiling for B-Cell Lymphoma Diagnosis. 23-31 - Ramakanth Kavuluru
, María Ramos-Morales, Tara Holaday, Amanda G. Williams, Laura Haye, Julie Cerel
Classification of Helpful Comments on Online Suicide Watch Forums. 32-40 - Qian Cheng, Jingbo Shang, Joshua Juen, Jiawei Han, Bruce R. Schatz:
Mining Discriminative Patterns to Predict Health Status for Cardiopulmonary Patients. 41-49 - Dario Ghersi, Roberto Sanchez:
Recovering Bound Forms of Protein Structures Using the Elastic Network Model and Molecular Interaction Fields. 50-57 - Paul D. Martin, Michael Rushanan, Thomas Tantillo, Christoph U. Lehmann, Aviel D. Rubin:
Applications of Secure Location Sensing in Healthcare. 58-67 - Serghei Mangul, David Koslicki:
Reference-free comparison of microbial communities via de Bruijn graphs. 68-77 - Olivia Choudhury, Ankush Chakrabarty, Scott J. Emrich
HAPI-Gen: Highly Accurate Phasing and Imputation of Genotype Data. 78-87 - Haotian Xu, Ming Dong, Dongxiao Zhu, Alexander Kotov
, April Idalski Carcone
, Sylvie Naar-King:
Text Classification with Topic-based Word Embedding and Convolutional Neural Networks. 88-97 - Paola Pesantez-Cabrera, Ananth Kalyanaraman:
Detecting Communities in Biological Bipartite Networks. 98-107 - Huey-Eng Chua, Sourav S. Bhowmick
, Jie Zheng, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg
TAPESTRY: Network-centric Target Prioritization in Disease-related Signaling Networks. 108-117 - Michael R. Wyatt II, Travis Johnston
, Mia Papas
, Michela Taufer
Development of a Scalable Method for Creating Food Groups Using the NHANES Dataset and MapReduce. 118-127 - Tatiana Maximova
, Daniel Carr, Erion Plaku
, Amarda Shehu:
Sample-based Models of Protein Structural Transitions. 128-137 - Sai Nivedita Chandrasekaran, Alexios Koutsoukas, Jun Huan:
Investigating Multiview and Multitask Learning Frameworks for Predicting Drug-Disease Associations. 138-145 - Muhibur Rasheed, Nathan Clement, Abhishek Bhowmick, Chandrajit Bajaj
Statistical Framework for Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Molecular Modeling. 146-155 - Dong Si:
Automatic Detection of Beta-barrel from Medium Resolution Cryo-EM Density Maps. 156-164 - Aydin Saribudak, Adarsha A. Subick, Joshua A. Rutta, M. Ümit Uyar:
Gene Expression Based Computation Methods for Alzheimer's Disease Progression using Hippocampal Volume Loss and MMSE Scores. 165-174 - Chihwen Cheng, Ying Sha, May D. Wang
InterVisAR: An Interactive Visualization for Association Rule Search. 175-184 - Soumi Ray, Adam Wright
Detecting Anomalies in Alert Firing within Clinical Decision Support Systems using Anomaly/Outlier Detection Techniques. 185-190 - Naozumi Hiranuma, Scott M. Lundberg, Su-In Lee:
CloudControl: Leveraging many public ChIP-seq control experiments to better remove background noise. 191-199 - Shital Kumar Mishra, Sourav S. Bhowmick
, Huey-Eng Chua, Jie Zheng:
Predictive Modeling of Drug Effects on Signaling Pathways in Diverse Cancer Cell Lines. 200-209 - Md. Ashad Alam
, Vince D. Calhoun
, Yu-Ping Wang:
Influence Function of Multiple Kernel Canonical Analysis to Identify Outliers in Imaging Genetics Data. 210-219 - Jeet Banerjee
, Tanvi Ranjan, Ritwik Kumar Layek:
Stability Analysis of Population Dynamics Model in Microbial Biofilms with Non-participating Strains. 220-230 - Aisharjya Sarkar, Yuanfang Ren, Rasha Elhesha, Tamer Kahveci:
Counting independent motifs in probabilistic networks. 231-240 - Priyanka Ghosh, Ananth Kalyanaraman:
A Fast Sketch-based Assembler for Genomes. 241-250 - Shahin Mohammadi, Ananth Grama:
De novo identification of cell type hierarchy with application to compound marker detection. 251-260 - Shuo Wang, Mansooreh Ahmadian
, Minghan Chen, John J. Tyson, Young Cao:
A Hybrid Stochastic Model of the Budding Yeast Cell Cycle Control Mechanism. 261-270 - Laxmi Parida, Niina Haiminen
Scalable Algorithms at Genomic Resolution to fit LD Distributions. 271-278 - Md. Ashad Alam, Osamu Komori, Vince D. Calhoun
, Yu-Ping Wang:
Robust Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis to Detect Gene-Gene Interaction for Imaging Genetics Data. 279-288 - Majid Rastegar-Mojarad, Ravikumar Komandur Elayavilli, Liwei Wang, Rashmi Prasad, Hongfang Liu:
Prioritizing Adverse Drug Reaction and Drug Repositioning Candidates Generated by Literature-Based Discovery. 289-296 - Misagh Kordi, Mukul S. Bansal
Exact Algorithms for Duplication-Transfer-Loss Reconciliation with Non-Binary Gene Trees. 297-306 - Deeptak Verma, Gevorg Grigoryan, Chris Bailey-Kellogg:
OCoM-SOCoM: Combinatorial Mutagenesis Library Design Optimally Combining Sequence and Structure Information. 307-316 - Kishlay Jha
, Wei Jin:
Mining Novel Knowledge from Biomedical Literature using Statistical Measures and Domain Knowledge. 317-326 - Wenruo Bai, Jeffrey A. Bilmes, William S. Noble:
Bipartite matching generalizations for peptide identification in tandem mass spectrometry. 327-336 - Ying Sha, Janani Venugopalan, May D. Wang
A Novel Temporal Similarity Measure for Patients Based on Irregularly Measured Data in Electronic Health Records. 337-344 - Naveen Ashish, Arihant Patawari, Simrat Singh Chhabra, Arthur W. Toga:
Name Similarity for Composite Element Name Matching. 345-354 - Rahul Nihalani, Srinivas Aluru:
Effective Utilization of Paired Reads to Improve Length and Accuracy of Contigs in Genome Assembly. 355-363 - Jeffrey D. McGovern, Eric Johnson, Alex Dekhtyar, Michael Black, Chris Kitts, Jennifer Vanderkelen:
Library-Based Microbial Source Tracking via Strain Identification. 364-373 - Jucheol Moon, Oliver Eulenstein:
Robinson-Foulds Median Trees: A Clique-based Heuristic. 374-383 - Hanyu Jiang, Morisa Manzella, Luka Djapic, Narayan Ganesan:
Computational Framework for in-Silico Study of Virtual Cell Biology via Process Simulation and Multiscale Modeling. 384-393 - Qiuling Suo, Hongfei Xue
, Jing Gao, Aidong Zhang:
Risk Factor Analysis Based on Deep Learning Models. 394-403 - Alexey Markin, Oliver Eulenstein:
Manhattan Path-Difference Median Trees. 404-413 - Subrata Saha, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran:
POMP: a powerful splice mapper for RNA-seq reads. 414-421 - Tony Pan
, Patrick Flick, Chirag Jain, Yongchao Liu, Srinivas Aluru:
Kmerind: A Flexible Parallel Library for K-mer Indexing of Biological Sequences on Distributed Memory Systems. 422-433 - Byunghan Lee, Junghwan Baek, Seunghyun Park, Sungroh Yoon:
deepTarget: End-to-end Learning Framework for microRNA Target Prediction using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks. 434-442 - Edward W. Huang, Sheng Wang, Runshun Zhang, Baoyan Liu, Xuezhong Zhou
, ChengXiang Zhai:
PaReCat: Patient Record Subcategorization for Precision Traditional Chinese Medicine. 443-452 - Ramu Anandakrishnan
, Mayank Daga, Alexey Onufriev
, Wu-chun Feng:
Multiscale Approximation with Graphical Processing Units for Multiplicative Speedup in Molecular Dynamics. 453-462
- Noa Rappaport
, Michal Twik, Ron Nudel, Inbar Plaschkes, Tsippi Iny Stein, Danit Oz-Levi, Simon Fishilevich, Marilyn Safran, Doron Lancet:
Integrated Identification of Disease-Gene Links and their Utility in Next-Generation Sequencing Interpretation. 463-464 - Omid Ghiasvand, Mary Shimoyama:
Introducing a Text Annotation Tool (OntoMate), Assisting Curation at Rat Genome Database. 465 - Yoo-Ah Kim, Sanna Madan, Teresa M. Przytycka:
WeSME: Uncovering Mutual Exclusivity of Cancer Mutations. 466 - Ilya Zhbannikov, Konstantin G. Arbeev, Anatoliy I. Yashin:
Multidimensional Stochastic Process Model and its Applications to Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Genetic Information. 467-468 - Hidayat Rahman, Thomas Hahn, Richard S. Segall:
Advanced Feature-Driven Disease Named Entity Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields. 469 - Eunji Kim, Ivan Ivanov, Jianping Hua, Robert S. Chapkin
, Edward R. Dougherty:
Model-based study of the Effectiveness of Reporting Lists of Small Feature Sets using RNA-Seq Data. 470-471 - Hasini Yatawatte, Christian Poellabauer
, Susan Latham:
Automated Capture of Naturalistic Child Vocalizations for Health Research. 472-473 - Manal Alshehri
, Iman Rezaeian, Abed Alkhateeb
, Luis Rueda:
A Machine Learning Model for Discovery of Protein Isoforms as Biomarkers. 474-475 - Somyung Oh, Jeonghyeon Ha, Kyungwon Lee
, Sejong Oh:
Integrated Visualization Tool for Differentially Expressed Genes and Gene Ontology Analysis. 476-477 - Janique Peyper, N. F. Walker, Robert J. Wilkinson
, Graeme Meintjes, Jonathan M. Blackburn
The TB-IRIS neutrophil proteome: bioinformatic challenges. 478 - Richard C. Tillquist, Manuel E. Lladser:
Metric-space Positioning Systems (MPS) for Machine Learning. 479 - Neil Miller, Byunggil Yoo, Greyson Twist, Shane Corder
The CMH Warehouse: A Catalog of Genetic Variation in Patients of a Children's Hospital. 480 - Salvador Eugenio C. Caoili:
Kinetic and Affinity Constraints on Reactions Between Antihapten Antibodies and Nonpeptidic B-Cell Epitopes: Implications for Predicting Antibody-Mediated Modulation of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. 481-482 - Taein Kwon
, Eunjeong Park, Hyukjae Chang:
Smart Refrigerator for Healthcare Using Food Image Classification. 483-484 - Negin Bagherzadi, Alp Ozgun Borcek
, Gül Tokdemir, Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay
, H. Hakan Maras:
Analysis of Neurooncological Data to Predict Success of Operation Through Classification. 485-486 - Methun Kamruzzaman
, Ananth Kalyanaraman, Bala Krishnamoorthy:
Characterizing the Role of Environment on Phenotypic Traits using Topological Data Analysis. 487-488 - Surabhi Agrawal, Chun Pan Hon, Swati Garg, Aadarsh Sampath, Shanu Sushmita, Martine De Cock
Sequence Based Prediction of Hospital Readmissions. 489-490 - Chun Pan Hon, Mayana Pereira, Shanu Sushmita, Ankur Teredesai, Martine De Cock
Risk Stratification for Hospital Readmission of Heart Failure Patients: A Machine Learning Approach. 491-492 - Nick Thieme, Kristin P. Bennett:
Time to Reactivation of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Varies by Lineage. 493-494 - Muhammad Arifur Rahman, Neil D. Lawrence
A Gaussian Process Model for Inferring the Dynamic Transcription Factor Activity. 495-496 - Faizy Ahsan, Doina Precup, Mathieu Blanchette:
Prediction of Cell Type Specific Transcription Factor Binding Site Occupancy. 497-498 - Amelia Bateman, Todd J. Treangen, Mihai Pop
Limitations of Current Approaches for Reference-Free, Graph-Based Variant Detection. 499-500 - Peter Z. Revesz
A Last Genetic Contact Tree Generation Algorithm for a Set of Human Populations. 501-502 - Barney Potter, James D. Fix, Anna M. Ritz:
Modeling Cell Signaling Networks with Prize-Collecting Subhypernetworks. 503-504 - Karl Menzel, Suzy C. P. Renn, Anna M. Ritz:
Copy Number Variation and Adaptive Evolutionary Radiations across the African Cichlid phylogeny. 505-506 - Ting Wang, Richard H. Duerr, Wei Chen:
An integrative analysis of ATAC-seq and RNA-seq data in activated, CD4+CD45RO+CD196+ human T cells treated with IL-1B and IL-23 with or without PGE2. 507 - Claudio Daza
, Josefa Santa Maria, Ignacio Gómez, Mario Barbe, Javier Trincado, Daniel Capurro
Phenotyping Intensive Care Unit Patients Using Temporal Abstractions and Temporal Pattern Matching. 508-509 - Dan F. DeBlasio, John D. Kececioglu:
Adaptive Local Realignment via Parameter Advising. 510-511 - Iman Mohammadi, Seyedsasan Hashemikhabir, Tammy Toscos, Huanmei Wu
Health Care Needs of Underserved Populations in the City of Indianapolis. 512-513 - Nicole Ezell, Anna M. Ritz:
Reconstructing Neuronal Signaling Pathways With the Potential for Disruption in Schizophrenia. 514-515 - Mohammad Shahrokh Esfahani
, Aaron M. Newman, Florian Scherer, Robert Tibshirani, Maximilian Diehn, Ash A. Alizadeh:
Noninvasive Cancer Classification Using Diverse Genomic Features in Circulating Tumor DNA. 516 - Naveena Yanamala, Lindsey M. Bishop, Vamsi K. Kodali, Patti C. Zeidler-Erdely, Aaron D. Erdely:
Machine learning techniques predict and characterize toxicity between different multi-walled carbon nanotubes. 517 - Julien Herrmann, Zachary L. Witter, Nakul Patel, Jonathan Kho, Daniel A. Janies, Ümit V. Çatalyürek:
Visual analytics on the spread of pathogens. 519-520 - Marzieh Ayati, Danica Wiredja, Daniela Schlatzer, Goutham Narla, Mark R. Chance, Mehmet Koyutürk:
MoBaS on Phosphorylation Data. 521
Workshop CNB-MAC
- Mehmet Eren Ahsen
, Todd P. Boren, Nitin K. Singh, Burook Misganaw, Jayanthi S. Lea
, David S. Miller
, Michael A. White, Mathukumalli Vidyasagar:
Sparse Feature Selection for Classification and Prediction of Metastasis in Endometrial Cancer: Extended Abstract. 522-524 - Minghan Chen, Fei Li, Shuo Wang, Yang Cao:
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion System with Hill Function Dynamics. 525-526 - Xiaoxia Liu, Zhihao Yang, Hongfei Lin, Michael Simmons, Zhiyong Lu:
DIGNiFI: Discovering causative genes for orphan diseases using protein-protein interaction networks. 527 - Mustafa Alshawaqfeh, Ahmad Bani Younes, Erchin Serpedin:
Inferring Microbial Interaction Networks from Metagenomic Data Using SgLV-EKF Algorithm. 528 - Osama A. Arshad, Aniruddha Datta:
Towards targeted combinatorial therapy design for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. 529 - Kevin Matlock, Noah Berlow, Charles Keller, Ranadip Pal
Combination therapy design for maximizing sensitivity and minimizing toxicity. 530-531 - Hamed Hassani-Saadi, Reza Sameni, Amin Zollanvari:
Interpretive Time-Frequency Analysis of Genomic Sequences. 532 - Arzu Burcak Sonmez, Tolga Can
Comparison of tissue/disease specific integrated networks using directed graphlet signatures. 533-534 - Hyundoo Jeong, Byung-Jun Yoon:
SEQUOIA: Significance enhanced network querying through context-sensitive random walk and minimization of network conductance. 535-536 - Yijie Wang, Xiaoning Qian:
Finding Low-Conductance sets with Dense interactions (FLCD) for better protein complex prediction. 537-538 - Haijing Jin, Ying-Wooi Wan, Zhandong Liu:
Comprehensive Evaluation of RNA-seq Quantification Methods for Linearity. 539 - Ali Foroughi Pour, Lori A. Dalton:
Multiple Sclerosis Biomarker Discovery via Bayesian Feature Selection. 540-541 - Roozbeh Dehghannasiri
, Mohammad Shahrokh Esfahani, Edward R. Dougherty:
Inference of Nonlinear ODE-Based Gene Regulatory Networks via Intrinsically Bayesian Robust Kalman Filtering. 542-543 - Ehsan Ullah, Raghvendra Mall, Reda Rawi, Halima Bensmail:
Statistical and Network Analysis of Metabolomics Data. 544-545
Workshop BigLS
- Tanjin Xu, Stephen A. Ramsey:
Exploration of regression models for cancer noncoding mutation recurrence. 546-553 - Joshua Pritchett, Bill Andreopoulos:
Optimization of I/O Intensive Genome Assemblies on the Cori Supercomputer with Burst Buffer. 554-561 - Mmanu Chaturvedi, Tomojit Ghosh
, Michael Kirby, Xiaoyu Liu, Xiaofeng Ma, Shannon Stiverson:
Explorations in Very Early Prognosis of the Human Immune Response to Influenza. 562-570
Workshop MAHA
- Peter J. Haug, Jeffrey P. Ferraro:
Using a Semi-Automated Modeling Environment to Construct a Bayesian, Sepsis Diagnostic System. 571-578 - Alexander Titus
, Rebecca Faill, Amar Das:
Automatic Identification of Co-Occuring Patient Events. 579-586 - Orhan Abar, Richard J. Charnigo, Abner Rayapati, Ramakanth Kavuluru
On Interestingness Measures for Mining Statistically Significant and Novel Clinical Associations from EMRs. 587-594 - Ryan Bridges, Jette Henderson, Joyce C. Ho, Byron C. Wallace, Joydeep Ghosh:
Automated Verification of Phenotypes using PubMed. 595-602 - Mayana Pereira, Vikhyati Singh, Chun Pan Hon, T. Greg McKelvey, Shanu Sushmita, Martine De Cock
Predicting Future Frequent Users of Emergency Departments in California State. 603-610 - Mattia Prosperi, Alejandro Pironti, Francesca Incardona, Giuseppe Tradigo, Maurizio Zazzi
Predicting human-immunodeficiency virus rebound after therapy initiation/switch using genetic, laboratory, and clinical data. 611-615 - Giovanni Canino, Qiuling Suo, Pietro Hiram Guzzi, Giuseppe Tradigo, Aidong Zhang, Pierangelo Veltri
Feature Selection Model for Diagnosis, Electronic Medical Records and Geographical Data Correlation. 616-621
Workshop BrainKDD
- Biao Jie, Mingxia Liu
, Xi Jiang
, Daoqiang Zhang:
Sub-network Based Kernels for Brain Network Classification. 622-629 - Sugeerth Murugesan, Kristofer E. Bouchard, Edward F. Chang, Max Dougherty, Bernd Hamann, Gunther H. Weber
Hierarchical Spatio-temporal Visual Analysis of Cluster Evolution in Electrocorticography Data. 630-639 - Guohao Zhang, Peter V. Kochunov, L. Elliot Hong, Neda Jahanshad, Paul M. Thompson
, Jian Chen:
ENIGMA-Viewer: Interactive Visualization Strategies for Conveying Effect Sizes in Meta-Analysis. 640-648 - Marianna Milano, Olga Tymofiyeva, Duan Xu, Christopher Paul Hess, Mario Cannataro, Pietro Hiram Guzzi:
Using Network Alignment for Analysis of Connectomes: Experiences from a Clinical Dataset. 649-656
Workshop ParBio
- Franco Milicchio
, Giuseppe Tradigo, Pierangelo Veltri
, Mattia Prosperi:
High-performance data structures for de novo assembly of genomes: cache oblivious generic programming. 657-662 - Giuseppe Tradigo, Francesca Cristiano, Stefano Alcaro
, Sergio Greco
, Gianluca Pollastri
, Pierangelo Veltri
, Mattia Prosperi:
G-quadruplex Structure Prediction and integration in the GenData2020 data model. 663-670 - Aditya Goparaju, Saeed Salem:
A Multithreaded Algorithm for Mining Maximal Cohesive Dense Modules from Interaction Networks with Gene Profiles. 671-678

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