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20th AMCIS 2014: Savannah, Georgia, USA
- 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2014, Savannah, Georgia, USA, August 7-9, 2014. Association for Information Systems 2014
Accounting Information Systems
- Andreas Kiesow, Sebastian Bittmann, Oliver Thomas:
IT Support through CAATTs - Systematic Requirements Analysis and Design for Process Audit.
Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology
- Murad A. Moqbel, Valerie L. Bartelt, Mohammed Al-Suqri:
A Study of Personal Cloud Computing: Compatibility, Social Influence, and Moderating Role of Perceived Familiarity. - Felix Limbach, Hannes Kübel, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
An Empirical Contingency Perspective on Cooperative Municipal Broadband Adoption. - Leigh Jin, Xiaodong Deng, Bih-Ru Lea:
An Explorative Study of Mobility Adoption in the Enterprise. - Nripendra P. Rana, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Shahla Ghobadi, Niall Piercy, Michael D. Williams:
Assessing Adoption of Online PAN Card Registration System (OPCRS): An Indian e-Government System Perspective. - Samuel Fosso Wamba, Laura Trinchera:
Assessing Unobserved Heterogeneity in SEM Using REBUS-PLS: A Case of the Application of TAM to Social Media Adoption. - Taha Havakhor, Amr A. Soror, Rajiv Sabherwal:
Contingent Role of Knowledge Self-Efficacy Distribution on Diffusion of Knowledge in Peer-To-Peer Networks: An Agent-Based Approach. - Christoph Lattemann, Ariane Pollock, Frank Beinhold:
Drivers and Obviations for using Social Media in companies - Insights from an online-survey on Firms in German-speaking Countries. - Carlos M. Afonso, Andrew Schwarz, José Luis Roldán, Manuel J. Sánchez-Franco:
EDMS Use in Local E-Government: Extent of Use and Overall Performance Mediated by Routinization and Infusion. - Bo Yu, Rustam M. Vahidov, Gregory E. Kersten:
Embedded system use and users' assessment: an experimental study of e-negotiation. - Mary Ann B. El Rassi, Antoine Harfouche, Eric Pezet:
Factors that explain the differences in the e-business level of assimilation among businesses in Lebanon. - Ulf Melin, Pradip K. Sarkar, Leslie W. Young:
Fashions in the Cloud: A case of Institutional Legitimacy. - Wen Yong Chua, Maffee Peng-Hui Wan, Klarissa Chang, Yi Wu:
Improving Mobile Applications Usage Experience of Novice Users through User-Acclimatized Interaction: A Case Study. - Mustapha Cheikh-Ammar, Henri Barki:
"Like" is More than Just a Thumbs up: The Role of Feedback and Sociability in SNS Usage. - Xenia Boyko, Elena Rogova, Narcyz Roztocki, Heinz Roland Weistroffer:
Market Reaction to Information Technology Investment Announcements in Russian Firms. - Robert C. Nickerson, Mark Austreich, Jamie Eng:
Mobile Technology and Smartphone Apps: A Diffusion of Innovations Analysis. - Fayez Hussain Alqahtani, Jason Watson, Helen Partridge:
Organizational support and Enterprise Web 2.0 adoption: a qualitative study. - Steven Walczak, Gary L. Borkan:
Personality Type Effects on Online Credit Card Payment Utilization. - Jaffar Alalwan:
Recruiters' Intention to Adopt Social Information Systems. - Puzant Balozian, Dorothy E. Leidner:
Tablet Image: Visibility Feature Designs Increase Tablet Use. - Sven Laumer, Christian Maier, Andreas Eckhardt:
The impact of human resources information systems and business process management implementations on recruiting process performance: A case study. - Ana Borges, Luiz Joia:
The Role of Gender in Paradoxes Associated with Smartphone Use by Brazilian Executives. - Abhay Bhadani, Ravi Shankar, D. Vijay Rao:
Towards an understanding of Intent-to-adopt M-Ticketing among Passengers of Indian Railways. - Vanesa Tennant, Annette Mills, Wynne Chin:
Variation in Individuals' Post-Adoption Behaviors: Use of Information Systems. - Nabila Boukef Charki, Mohamed Hédi Charki:
When the Dark Side of Post-Adoptive Use Leads to IT Discontinuance: an Exploration of the Role of Intervention. - Nina Röder, Manuel Wiesche, Michael Schermann, Helmut Krcmar:
Why Managers Tolerate Workarounds - The Role of Information Systems.
Business Intelligence and Knowledege Management
- Flávio Eduardo Aoki Horita, Daniel Link, João Porto de Albuquerque, Bernd Hellingrath:
A Framework for the Integration of Volunteered Geographic Information into Humanitarian Logistics. - Irina Alic:
Don't Jump on Hype or You Will be Dumped! Using User-Generated Content to Support Financial Market Surveillance. - Tom Hänel, Carsten Felden:
The Role Of Operational Business Intelligence In Customer Centric Service Provision. - Zhenxue Zhang, Dongsong Zhang, Jianwei Lai:
urCF: User Review Enhanced Collaborative Filtering.
Data Quality and Information Quality
- Jian Lu, Huong Pham, Hongwei Zhu, Cindy X. Chen:
A Novel Indexing Method for Improving Timeliness of High-Dimensional Data. - Dennis D. Fehrenbacher, Stephen Smith:
Behavioural Affect and Cognitive Effects of Time-pressure and Justification Requirement in Software Acquisition: Evidence from an Eye-Tracking Experiment. - G. Shankaranarayanan, Bin Zhu:
Ensuring Positive Impact of DQ Metadata: Implications for Decision Support.
- Can Yang, Eric W. T. Ngai, Z. X. Guo, Li Luo:
An Information System Framework and Prototype for Collaborative and Standardized Chinese Liquor Production. - Hannes Kübel, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Evaluating Platform Business Models in the Telecommunications Industry via Framework-based Case Studies of Cloud and Smart Home Service Platforms. - J. B. Kim:
Impact of Online Customer Reviews and Incentives on the Product Sales at the Online Retail Store: An Empirical Study at Amazon.com. - Samuel Fosso Wamba, Andrew Edwards:
Joint Effect of Organizational Identity and Trust on ERP Implementation Success: A Longitudinal Case Study. - Thies Lindenthal, Claudia Loebbecke:
Pricing Quality Attributes of Internet Domain Names: A Hedonic Model for Words. - Seungjae Shin, Burak Eksiouglu:
RFID Adoption and Productivity Growth in U.S. Retail Supply Chains. - Julian Bühler, Merret Lauritzen, Markus Bick:
Social Media Communication in European Airlines. - Wen Chien Ng, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
Social Shopping: The Use of Online Social Networks to Support Shopping-oriented Decision Making. - Theresa Rickmann, Stefan Wenzel, Kai Fischbach:
Software Ecosystem Orchestration: The Perspective of Complementors. - Lin Jia, Dianne J. Hall, Shiwei Sun:
The Effect of Technology Usage Habits on Consumers' Intention to Continue Use Mobile Payments. - Bilal Balci:
The State of the Art on Process Virtualization: A Literature Review. - Christina Di Valentin, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Towards a Business Model Framework for E-learning Companies. - Indika Dissanayake, Jie Jennifer Zhang, Bin Gu:
Virtual Team Performances in Crowdsourcing Contests. - Amer Aljarallah, Arkalgud Ramaprasad:
Website Functions and Shopping Strategies: Ontological Framework and Synthesis.
- Zahir Irani, Uthayasankar Sivarajah, Andreea Molnar, Habin Lee:
A User Satisfaction Study of the London Congestion Charging e-Service. - Roland Franke, Andreas Eckhardt:
Crucial Factors for E Government Implementation Success and Failure: Case Study Evidence from Saudi Arabia. - Stefan Gröger, Jasmin Decker, Matthias Schumann:
Do Universities Get the Hang of Working Efficiently? - A Survey of the Influencing Factors on the Adoption of Electronic Document and Workflow Management in German-speaking Countries. - Julian Krumeich, Timo Bredehoeft, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Examining Existing Ways to Electronically Declare International Exports to the German ATLAS System - Current Barriers and Proposed Solution. - Karim Al-Yafi, Nitham Mohammed Hindi, Ibrahim H. Osman:
Exploring User Satisfaction of the Public e-Services in the State of Qatar: Case of Traffic Violations e-Service Provided by the Ministry of Interior. - Glen Finau, Acklesh Prasad:
Factors for IT-Enabled Public Sector Process Improvements in Developing Economies. - Muhammad Arfeen, Muhammad Kamal:
Future of e-Government in Pakistan: A Case Study Approach. - Alicia Iriberri:
Information Extraction and eGovernment: Crime Reporting and Investigative Interviewing System. - Zhenjiao Chen, Doug Vogel, Zhaohua Wang:
Mobile Government: How to Improve Fairness in Public Administration Management. - Herman Resende Santos, Dany Flávio Tonelli, Paulo Henrique de Souza Bermejo:
Sociopolitical Digital Interactions' Maturity: Analyzing the Brazilian States. - Asif Gill, Sultana Alam, Jessica Eustace:
Using Social Architecture to Analyzing Online Social Network Use in Emergency Management.
- Fatemeh Rahimian, Charles Møller, Lars Hvam:
Alignment Between Business Process Governance and IT Governance. - Alexander Serenko, Nick Bontis, Emily Hull:
An Application of the Knowledge Management Maturity Model: The Case of Credit Unions. - Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer, Stephan Mumm, Marcel Morisse:
An Empirically Grounded Ontology for Analyzing IT-based Interventions in Business Ecosystems. - Jie Tao, Amit V. Deokar:
An Organizational Mining Approach Based on Behavioral Process Patterns. - Shirley Gibbs, Gary Steel, Alan McKinnon:
Are workplace end-user computing skills at a desirable level? A New Zealand perspective. - Xiang Guo, Brian J. Reithel:
Assessing the Utility of Mobile Computing Devices at Work: the Information Processing Support Index Framework. - Esbjörn Ebbesson, Magnus Bergquist:
Changing Boundaries in Virtual (Open) Innovation Work. - Nripendra P. Rana, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Vishanth Weerakkody, Niall Piercy:
Examining Adoption of Electronic District (e-District) System in Indian Context: A Validation of Extended Technology Acceptance Model. - Isabella Seeber, Gabriela Waldhart, Ronald Maier:
IT Enablers for Task Organization and Innovation Support to drive Team Performance. - Jaehyun Park, Hyun-A. Park:
Patterns of Designer-User Interactions in the Design Innovation Process. - Raija Halonen, Olli Martikainen, Kaisu Juntunen, Valeriy Naumov:
Seeking efficiency and productivity in health care.
Enterprise Systems
- Mohammad Daneshvar Kakhki, Hamid R. Nemati, Farhad Hassanzadeh, Mehrnoush Ghiafeh Davoudi:
A Framework for Developing Integrated Supply Chain Information System. - Alexander W. Schneider, Marin Zec, Florian Matthes:
Adopting Notions of Complexity for Enterprise Architecture Management. - Sadra Ahmadi, Chung-Hsing Yeh, Rodney Martin, Elpiniki Papageorgiou:
An FCM-Fuzzy AHP Approach to Estimating Organisational Readiness for Implementing an ERP System. - Odkhishig Ganbold, Yoshiki Matsui:
Effect of IT-enabled Supply Chain Process Integration on Firm's Operational Performance. - Jennifer Jewer, Joerg Evermann:
Experiential Learning with an Open-Source Enterprise System. - Lars-Olof Johansson, Ewa Zimmerman, Christer Rehnström:
Facilitating students' learning outcome of business processes using an ERP. - Elizabeth A. Teracino:
Institutional Preconditions Influencing Accounting Firms Mobilizing into the Online Software-Enhanced Financial Services Market. - Grazyna Paliwoda-Pekosz, Piotr Soja:
Modeling Enterprise System Adoption: An Ontology-based Approach. - Thomas Kleinert, Tobias Dumont, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos:
Reflecting on Application Development for Organizational Reflective Learning Support. - Matthew Levy:
'Shelfware' or Strategic Alignment? An Enquiry into the Design of Enterprise Architecture Programs. - Christian Leyh:
Which Factors Influence ERP Implementation Projects in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises?
Global, International, and Cross Cultural Issues in Information Systems
- Marcel Morisse, Corvin Prigge:
Business Continuity in Network Organizations - A Literature Review. - Carol Xiaojuan Ou, Robert M. Davison, Louie Wong:
Contextual Preferences and Network-Based Knowledge Sharing in China. - Souren Paul, Sumati Ray:
Group Atmosphere, Shared Understanding, and Perceived Conflict in Virtual Teams: Findings from an Experiment. - M. Adam Mahmood, Faruk Arslan, Jagadish Dandu, Godwin J. Udo:
Impact of Cloud Computing Adoption on Firm Stock Price - An Empirical Research. - Sophia Breth, Andreas Drechsler:
Toward an Integrative Model of Influence Factors for Success of Global Software Development Projects.
Green IS and Sustainability
- Volker Frehe, Florian Stiel, Frank Teuteberg:
A Maturity Model and Web Application for Environmental Management Benchmarking. - Brian S. Butler, Diane Travis, Catherine M. Ridings, Zach G. Zacharia:
Community or Market?: The Implications of Alternative Institutional Logics for IT Use in Community Supported Agriculture Programs (CSAs). - Richard Rößler, Hannes Schlieter, Werner Esswein:
Extending Enterprise Management Systems - The Case Of Energy Management. - Shaun Ngoh, Savanid Vatanasakdakul, Stephen Smith:
Smart Statements - An Analysis of Organizational Green Statements. - Hendrik Hilpert, Björn Pilarski, Matthias Schumann:
The Quest for Environmental Information - Towards a Mobile Application for GHG Emission Tracking in Meat Production Processes.
Healthcare Information Systems and Technology
- Imran Muhammad, Nilmini Wickramasinghe:
A National Patient-Centered E-Health Solution - The Experience from Down Under To-Date with the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR). - Rudolph Bedeley, Prashant Palvia:
A Study of the Issues of E-Health Care in Developing Countries: The Case of Ghana. - Tridib Bandyopadhyay, Bahman Zadeh:
Acceptance of Mobile Health Technology in the Value Chain [Research-in-Progress]. - Md Munirul Haque, Ferdaus Ahmed Kawsar, Mohammad Adibuzzaman, Md. Miftah Uddin:
Barriers for Breast Cancer (BC) Patients in Rural Bangladesh: Design and Deployment of a Mobile based Solution. - Candice Vander Weerdt:
Decreasing Waiting Times with Human and Equipment Resources: Study of the Labor and Delivery Department with the use of Computer Simulation. - Diane M. Strong, Bengisu Tulu, Emmanuel Agu, Steve (Qian) He:
Design of the Feedback Engine for a Diabetes Self-care Smartphone App. - Mayda Alrige, Abdulkareem Alsudais, Miloslava Plachkinova, Samir Chatterjee:
EHR Implementations in Healthcare Practices: Lessons from Two Case Studies. - Rajiv Khosla:
Embodying Personhood to Enhance Emotional Engagement and Reciprocity between Assistive Robot and People with Autism. - Alan Thorngeng Yang, Smita Varshney:
Financial Incentives for Medication Adherence: Literature Survey and IT-enabled Solution. - Prem Timsina, Omar F. El-Gayar, Nevine Nawar:
Information Technology for Evidence Based Medicine: Status and Future Direction. - Elizabeth A. Regan:
Meaningful Use of IT to Transform Healthcare: What Differentiates Success from Failure? - Nima Kordzadeh, John Warren:
Personal Characteristics, Privacy Concern, and Membership in Virtual Health Communities: An Empirical Study. - Ramakrishna Dantu, Jingguo Wang, RadhaKanta Mahapatra:
Social Media Use in Physician-Patient Interaction - A Fit Perspective. - Jun He:
Technology Adoption in Hospitals - The Roles of System Integration and Technology Support. - Ravi S. Behara, C. Derrick Huang, Jahyun Goo:
The Evolving Regulatory Framework for Health Information Technology in the U.S. - Marcus Laumann, Susanne Menges, Wieland Appelfeller:
Towards Understanding and Overcoming Hurdles in PDMS Projects in Germany.
Human Capital in Information Systems
- José Correa, Luiz Joia:
CIO Competencies: A social representation analysis. - Christian Tornack, Björn Pilarski, Matthias Schumann:
How to Avoid Empty Chairs in IT Divisions? IS Supported Succession Management to Control Development and Retention of IT Professionals. - Hamed Majidi Zolbanin, Rathindra Sarathy:
Job Satisfaction of IT/IS Professionals: The Impact of Top Management and IT Managers. - Smita Chattopadhyay, Madhuchhanda Das Aundhe:
Vendor's Boundary Spanning Behaviour in IT Outsourcing.
Human Computer Interaction
- Nikhil Bandodkar, Renu Singh:
Affect Infusion in a Computer Based Multitasking Environment: An Empirical Investigation. - Leyla Zhuhadar, Jeff Butterfield:
Analyzing Students Logs in Open Online Courses Using SNA Techniques. - Supavich Pengnate, Dursun Delen:
Evaluating Emotions in Mobile Application Descriptions: Sentiment Analysis Approach. - (Withdrawn) Examining the Impact of Emotions on Trust in Virtual Teams.
- Marc Walterbusch, Matthias Gräuler, Frank Teuteberg:
How Trust is Defined: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Scientific Literature. - Avijit Sengupta, Klarissa Chang, Maffee Peng-Hui Wan, Wu Yi:
Icon Types, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations and Behavioral Intention of Use for Semi-literate Users. - Eugenia Y. Huang, Travis K. Huang, Yu-Ju Lin:
Identifying Subtasks of m-Commerce Website through Scenario-Based Design. - Tatiana Ermakova, Annika Baumann, Benjamin Fabian, Hanna Krasnova:
Privacy Policies and Users' Trust: Does Readability Matter? - Claus-Peter H. Ernst:
Risk Hurts Fun: The Influence of Perceived Privacy Risk on Social Network Site Usage. - Bart Piet Knijnenburg, Martijn C. Willemsen, Ron Broeders:
Smart sustainability through system satisfaction: Tailored preference elicitation for energy-saving recommenders. - Nikolai Sobotta:
State-of-the-Art on Information Overload and Information and Communication Technology. - Mei-Chun Wu:
The effects of task demand and web information type on recognition of verbal emotional advertising. - Bernd Frederik Reitsamer, Andreas Kaschig, Tim Dominique Heinz, Nicola Stokburger-Sauer:
The Effects of Website Quality Perception on Users' Responses - A Multidisciplinary Approach. - E. Vance Wilson, Soussan Djamasbi, Adrienne Hall Phillips:
Trust and Other Cognitive Antecedents of Intention to Comply with Spam Email. - Ayten Öksüz:
Turning Dark into White Clouds - A Framework on Trust Building in Cloud Providers via Websites. - Daniel S. Soper:
User Interface Design and the Halo Effect: Some Preliminary Evidence.
ICTs in Global Development
- Jale Samuwai, Acklesh Prasad:
A Model of Effective IT Governance Structures for Developing Economies. - Faisal Alanezi, Laurence D. Brooks:
Combatting Online Fraud in Saudi Arabia Using General Deterrence Theory (GDT). - Mohanad Halaweh:
Does Mobile Technology Distract from the Teaching in the Classroom? A Reflection Paper. - Faruk Arslan, Kallol Kumar Bagchi, Jie Zhang:
Evaluation of Firm Level Technology Usage in Developing Countries. - Victor Dibia:
Evolution of Mobile Money Technologies in Developing Nations: Successes and Lessons. - Mehruz Kamal, Joseph Jackson:
ICTs in Micro-enterprises: Does it make a difference? - Stanislav Kreuzer, Friedrich Born, Steffen Bernius:
Micro-Firms Need to be Addressed Differently - an Empirical Investigation of IOS Adoption Among SMEs. - Marcia Cassitas Hino, Maria Alexandra Cunha:
Technology in Practice in Brazilian Judiciary: The Process of Computerization. - Eldar Sultanow, Carsten Brockmann, Sean Cox, Norbert Gronau:
The Need for Managerial Awareness of Influences in Emerging Economies. - Aakanksha Gaur, David E. Avison, Julien Malaurent:
Together we will find a 'Jugaad': Resource bricolage in the Indian mobile payments sector. - Yousuf S. AlHinai, Mazen Ali, Wafa AlQuodhi:
Understanding IT-Culture Conflict: The Case of Arab Women, Virtual Relationships, and Conservative Cultures. - Mariusz Grabowski, Jan Madej, Jan Trabka:
Using IT to Improve Efficiency of Polish Courts: An Action Research Study.
Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
- Hayden Wimmer:
A Multi-Agent System for Healthcare Data Privacy. - Chao Xu, Zhu Zhu, Yanchi Liu, Yi-Fang Wu:
User Profiling for Query Refinement.
IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases
- Avijit Sarkar, James B. Pick:
A Model and Case Analysis of Geographical Information Systems Curricula in Management Schools. - Chih Hao Ku, Myungjae Kwak, Kirill M. Yurov, Yuliya V. Yurova:
A Study of the Influence of Gaming Behavior on Academic Performance of IT College Students. - Christina Di Valentin, Andreas Emrich, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Assistance System for Personalized Learning in Vocational Education. - Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, Armando Villa, Yasmine Aguirre, George M. Kasper:
Business Intelligence & Analytics Education: An Exploratory Study of Business & Non-Business School IS Program Offerings. - Ann Svensson, Gunilla Forssell Eriksson:
Conditions for Participation within Synchronous Online Collaborative Learning. - Glenn Stewart:
Developing an engaging IT Degree. - Diana Renner, Sven Laumer, Tim Weitzel:
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Blended Learning - A Literature Review. - Vishanth Weerakkody, Andreea Molnar, Ramzi El-Haddadeh:
Indicators for Measuring the Success of Video Usage in Public Services: The Case of Education. - Xiang Michelle Liu, Diane R. Murphy:
Inspiring and Cultivating Female Innovators through Mobile App Development. - Babajide Osatuyi, Mariano Garza:
IS 2010 Curriculum Model Adoption in the United States. - Shaobo Ji:
Online Electronic Thesis Support System at Maritime University: A Teaching Case for Systems Analysis and Design Course. - Liang Chen, Clyde W. Holsapple:
Teaching the Introductory MIS Course: An MIs Approach. - Amber Lo, Albert Cruz:
The Implementation of the AIS/ACM IS 2010 Curriculum by Top US Universities: An Analysis of Catalogs and College Websites. - Ya-Ling Wu, Wen-Ting Wang:
Understanding the Effects of Mobile Gamification on Learning Performance. - Glenn Stewart, Richard Medland, Zaana Howard:
Using Collaborative and Activity-Based Learning for engaging IT students. - Chadi Aoun, Karyne Ang, Savanid Vatanasakdakul:
Where is the Feedback! A Decomposition of Feedback Mechanisms in an Introductory Information Systems Course.
Examining IS History
- Ryan C. LaBrie:
Seeing 20/30: A Visual History of Key(word) Insights from MIS Quarterly.
IS Philosophy
- Hameed Chughtai, Michael D. Myers:
A Ludic Perspective on Everyday Practices: Evidence from Ethnographic Fieldwork. - Marcelo Henrique de Araujo, João Porto de Albuquerque:
An Actor-Network Perspective on Business Process Management: A Case Study of a Brazilian Chemical Company. - David M. Murungi:
Applying Rhetorical Grease to the Squeaky Dialectics of IS Project Management. - Izak van Zyl, Jan H. Kroeze:
Transdisciplinarity in Information Systems: Extended Reflections.
Information Systems Security, Assurance, and Privacy
- Jack Becker, Elana Bailey:
A Comparison of IT Governance & Control Frameworks in Cloud Computing. - Justin Scott Giboney, David W. Wilson, Alexandra Durcikova:
An Individual's Views of the Right to Privacy of Other Individuals, Companies, and Governments: A Theoretical Perspective. - Samuel O'Malley, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
Bridging the Air Gap: Inaudible Data Exfiltration by Insiders. - G. Mark Grimes, Jim Marquardson, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.:
Broken Windows, Bad Passwords: Influencing Secure User Behavior via Website Design. - Zhiling Tu, Yufei Yuan:
Critical Success Factors Analysis on Effective Information Security Management: A Literature Review. - Olga Wenge, Ulrich Lampe, Alexander Müller, Ralf Schaarschmidt:
Data Privacy in Cloud Computing - An Empirical Study in the Financial Industry. - Jordan Shropshire:
Extending the Cloud with Fog: Security Challenges & Opportunities. - Darren Quick, Christopher Tassone, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
Forensic Analysis of Windows Thumbcache files. - Ravi Patnayakuni, Nainika Patnayakuni:
Information Security in Value Chains: A Governance Perspective. - Mark-David McLaughlin, Janis L. Gogan:
INFOSEC in a Basket, 2004-2013. - Gaurav Bansal:
Insider Privacy Breach and Trust Restoration: Is the CEO's Gender as Important as the CEO's Response? - Hwee-Joo Kam, Pairin Katerattanakul:
Out-Of-Class Learning: A Pedagogical Approach of Promoting Information Security Education. - George Grispos, William Bradley Glisson, Tim Storer:
Rethinking Security Incident Response: The Integration of Agile Principles. - Deepa Mani, Sameera Mubarak, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
Understanding the Information Security Awareness Process in Real Estate Organizations Using the SECI Model.
IT Enabled Organizational Agility
- Martin Kretzer, Alexander Maedche, Oliver Gass:
Barriers to BI&A Generativity: Which Factors impede Stable BI&A Platforms from Enabling Organizational Agility? - Joana Carvalho, Rui Dinis Sousa:
Enterprise Architecture as Enabler of Organizational Agility - A Municipality Case Study. - Abhishek Kathuria, Mariana Andrade Rojas, Terence Saldanha, Jiban Khuntia:
Extent versus Range of Service Digitization: Implications for Firm Performance. - Nina Röder, Michael Schermann, Helmut Krcmar:
IT Enabled Agility in Organizational Ambidexterity. - Zhewei Zhang, Nicholas Berente, Youngjin Yoo:
Method-based versus Software-based Design Innovation: A sequence-analytic simulation. - Alexa Scheffler, Sarah Otyepka:
Successful In-Memory Database Usage - A Structured Analysis. - Venugopal Balijepally, Gerald DeHondt, Vijayan Sugumaran, Sridhar P. Nerur:
Value Proposition of Agility in Software Development - An Empirical Investigation.
IT Project Management
- Kurt Schmitz:
Boundary Spanning and the Differentiated Effects of IS Project Deviations. - Elizabeth Baker, Ronald L. Thompson:
Impacts of Organizationa; Behavior on IT Project Teams: Leadership's Impact on Social Loafing.
Mobile Computing
- Stephanie Ryschka, Benjamin Rodewyk, Kyung-Hun Ha, Markus Bick:
A Qualitative Investigation of Risk Perceptions in the Case of Check-in Services. - Gökhan Bal:
Designing Privacy Indicators for Smartphone App Markets: A New Perspective on the Nature of Privacy Risks of Apps. - En Mao, Jing Zhang:
Gender Differences in the Effect of Privacy on Location-Based Services Use on Mobile Phones. - Wesley Shu, Chia-Sheng Lin:
Icon Design and Game App Adoption. - Amir Karami, Lina Zhou:
Improving Static SMS Spam Detection by Using New Content-based Features. - Mark J. Keith, Nam Ngo, Jeffry S. Babb:
The effects of consumer self-regulation on information disclosure over mobile devices. - Everton Comin, Amarolinda Klein, Eduardo Henrique Rigoni:
The Use of Mobile Technologies in the Monitoring and Control of Projects. - (Withdrawn) Value Assessments and Moderating Role of Habit in Usage of Social Networking Services: A Qualitative Study.
- Jeff Howells, Robert P. Bostrom, Rui Dinis Sousa, Barbara Weber, Richard J. Welke:
Around the World Business Process Education and Research has taken off. Except in the USA. Why? - Shu Schiller, Michael Goul, Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ramesh Sharda, David Schrader:
Build Your Dream (not just Big) Analytics Program. - Jack D. Becker, Mary Sumner, Jana Markowitz:
Industry-Academic Partnerships that are Leading to Increased Enrollments in IT Professional Programs. - Douglas R. Vogel, Rolf T. Wigand, Carol S. Saunders, Ephraim R. McLean, Robert P. Bostrom:
So ... Thinking of Retiring? - Ping Zhang, Jerry N. Luftman, Ephraim R. McLean, Hugh J. Watson:
The Historical Development of Industries' and Practice's Influence on the IS Discipline.
Research Methods
- J. B. Kim, James Love:
Addressing Levels Issues in IS Qualitative Research. - Nicholas Berente, Stefan Seidel:
Big Data & Inductive Theory Development: Towards Computational Grounded Theory? - Chinthake Wijesooriya, Dongming Xu, Jon Heales, Peter Clutterbuck:
Development of Measurement Instrument for Sustainable Agricultural Management. - Daniel Rush, Nigel P. Melville:
Market Value Impacts of Information Systems Around the World: A Monte Carlo Investigation to Reduce Bias in International Event Studies. - Mike Gallivan, Youyou Tao:
The Value of Co-Citation Analysis for Understanding a Field's Intellectual Structure: An Application to Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) Research.
Service Systems
- Alan T. Litchfield, Jacqui Althouse:
A Systematic Review of Cloud Computing, Big Data and Databases on the Cloud. - Ahmad Zam Hariro Samsudin, Shah Jahan Miah, G. Michael McGrath:
An Ontology-Based Record Management Systems Approach for Enhancing Decision Support.
Social Computing
- Chadi Aoun, Eng Chew, Savanid Vatanasakdakul:
Beyond Speculation: A Holistic Investigation into Factors Affecting Social Media Utilisation in the Workplace. - Clyde W. Holsapple, Shih-Hui Hsiao, Ramakrishnan Pakath:
Business Social Media Analytics: Definition, Benefits, and Challenges. - Dick Stenmark, Fahd Omair Zaffar:
Consultant strategies and Technological affordances: Managing organisational social media. - Jeff W. Cummings, Alan R. Dennis:
Do SNS Impressions Matter? Virtual Team and Impression Formation in the Era of Social Technologies. - Mirko Jan Zülch, Jan Muntermann, Balaji Rajagopalan:
Drivers of Information Quality on Blogs: The Case of Business Events. - Olivera Marjanovic, Markus Rothenhöfer:
Improving Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes Through Social Media. - Shwadhin Sharma, Robert E. Crossler:
Intention to Engage in Social Commerce: Uses and Gratifications Approach. - Jie Ren, Jeffrey V. Nickerson:
Online Review Systems: How emotional language drives sales. - Sebastian Rohmann, Sara Heuschneider, Matthias Schumann:
Social Software in New Product Development - State of Research and Future Research Directions. - Galadriele Ulmer, Jessie Pallud:
Understanding Usages and Affordances of Enterprise Social Networks: A Sociomaterial Perspective.
Socio-Technical Issues and Social Inclusion
- Rachida Parks, Esther Mead:
A Socio-Technical Approach to Biometric Technology Deployment in Schools. - Giulia Pozzi, Federico Pigni, Claudio Vitari:
Affordance Theory in the IS Discipline: a Review and Synthesis of the Literature. - Helen Hasan, Cathy Dwyer:
Designing a Hybrid Academic Workshop: Lessons from the Field. - David A. Wagner:
Developing Social Capital in Online Communities: The Challenge of Fluidity. - Jukka Mononen, Raija Halonen:
Educated People with Disabilities in the ICT Field. - Jeff W. Cummings, Bryan Reinicke:
Enterprise SNS Use and Profile Perceptions: A Comparison of Cultures. - Aron Lindberg, James E. Gaskin, Nicholas Berente, Kalle Lyytinen:
Exploring Configurations of Affordances: The Case of Software Development. - Torben Küpper, Reinhard Jung, Tobias Lehmkuhl, Alexander Wieneke:
Features for Social CRM Technology - An Organizational Perspective. - Natasha F. Veltri, Hanna Krasnova, Annika Baumann, Neena Kalayamthanam:
Gender Differences in Online Gaming: A Literature Review. - Jiao Wu, Mark Srite:
How Envy Influences SNS Intentions to Use. - Eunyoung Moon, James Howison:
Modularity and Organizational Dynamics in Open Source Software (OSS) production. - A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Matti Mäntymäki:
Relationship attachment and subjective vitality as outcomes of social networking site use. - Glen Finau, Acklesh Prasad, Sarah Logan, John Cox:
Social Media and e-Democracy in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. - Nik Rushdi Hassan:
Systemic Complexity and Sociomateriality-A Research Agenda. - E. Vance Wilson, Steven D. Sheetz, Soussan Djamasbi, Joanna Webber:
Testing the Group Task Demands-Resources Model among IT Professionals. - Andreas Drechsler, Tobias Trepper:
The Potential of Niklas Luhmann's General Theory of Social Systems for Research on Agile Methodologies. - Bong-Keun Jeong, Tom E. Yoon:
The Role of Regulatory Focus and Message Framing on Persuasion of Anti-piracy Educational Campaigns. - Shrirang P. Sahasrabudhe, Maurie Lockley:
Understanding Blind User's Accessibility and Usability Problems in the Context of myITlab Simulated Environment.
Spanish & Portuguese Language
- Alberto Rojas, Juan Timana, Jose Robles-Flores:
Aceptación de Cursos Virtuales: Una Evaluación Usando PLS. - Edgardo Bravo:
Automatización y sustitución del conocimiento humano: Evaluación en el contexto de sistemas de información. - Taiane R. Coelho, José Roberto Frega:
ICT4D: a relação entre estrutura, nos aspectos de TIC, e o empoderamento de estudantes do sul do Brasil. - Juan M. Gómez Reynoso:
Identificación y Evaluación de los Factores de Desarrollo para Sistemas de Información para Dispositivos Móviles en México. - Alexandre Morais de Souza, Edmir P. V. Prado, Wellington Montefusco Anastácio:
Selection criteria for NoSQL Database Management Systems in Brazilian Organizations.
Strategic and Competitive Use of Information Technology
- Jennifer Smith, Federico Pigni:
Best practices in creating value with social media: insights from four Fortune 500 companies. - Anna Sidorova, Russell Torres:
Business Intelligence and Analytics: A Capabilities Dynamization View. - Alanah Mitchell, Carol Pollard:
Developing a Technology Supported Collaborative Strategic Planning Process for Higher Education. - Eric C. Larson, Carl R. Adams:
Does Higher CIO Rank Serve as an Organizational Integration Mechanism? - Samuel Fosso Wamba, Andrew Edwards:
Factors Related to Social Media Adoption and Use for Emergency Services Operations: The Case of the NSW SES. - Christian Jentsch, Frank Schlosser, Daniel Beimborn:
From Strategic to Operational Collaborations: The Divergent Nature of Business/IT Shared Understanding. - Rafael Brinkhues, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada, Gilmar Casalinho:
Information Management Capabilities: Antecedents and Consequences. - George Mangalaraj, Anil Singh, Aakash Taneja:
IT Governance Frameworks and COBIT - A Literature Review. - Stephan Zimmermann, Christopher Rentrop, Carsten Felden:
Managing Shadow IT Instances - A Method to Control Autonomous IT Solutions in the Business Departments. - Wiley S. Brown, Prashant Palvia:
Mobile Device Perceptions: Differences in Environment-Based Voluntariness. - Acklesh Prasad, Peter F. Green, Jon Heales, Glen Finau:
On Cloud Computing Service Considerations for the Small and Medium Enterprises. - Frederik Kramer:
On the advantages, perils and pitfalls of using Cloud Computing and Open Source Software in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. The case of a German entrepreneurial company. - Ulrich Lampe, Ronny Hans, Marco Seliger, Michael Pauly:
Pricing in Infrastructure Clouds - An Analytical and Empirical Examination. - Ruchika Sethi, Eric Larson, Ali Tafti:
Should Executives Consider the Rarity of IT Resources When Courting Alliance Partners? - Karim Jetha, Nicholas Berente:
Strategic Reactions: Corporate Responses to Social Media Consumer Movements. - Sylvestre Uwizeyemungu, Louis Raymond, Placide Poba-Nzaou, Josée St-Pierre:
The Combined Effects of IT and HRM Capabilities on Competitive Performance: Empirical Evidence from Service and Manufacturing SMEs. - Nils Urbach, Frederik Ahlemann, Arbi El Fedi:
Towards a Design Theory for Customer Satisfaction-Oriented IT Vendor Management. - Roderick L. Lee, Marie C. Blouin:
Towards a Model of Web Disclosure Adoption by Nonprofit Organizations. - Mervi Koivulahti-Ojala, Timo Käkölä:
Training people to master complex technologies through e-Learning: Case of UML technology training in a global organization.
Systems Analysis & Design
- Surendra Sarnikar, Omar F. El-Gayar, Abdullah Wahbeh:
A process model for eliciting requirements of socio-technical systems. - Wenying Nan Sun, Hee Seok Nam:
Cost Effectiveness of Programming Methods - A Replication and Extension. - Igor T. Hawryszkiewycz:
Creating Design Spaces for Business Model Innovation. - Alexander Eck, Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner:
Fit for Continuous Integration: How Organizations Assimilate an Agile Practice. - Sabine Matook, Richard Vidgen:
Harmonizing Critical Success Factors in Agile Dominated ISD Projects. - Sean W. Hansen, Kalle Lyytinen:
Requirements Computation: Analyzing Requirements Cognition in Multiple Development Paradigms.
Virtual Communities and Virtual Worlds
- Yichuan Wang, Mahmood Hajli:
Co-Creation in Branding through Social Commerce: The Role of Social Support, Relationship Quality and Privacy Concerns. - Lili Liu, Rachael Kwai Fun Ip, Anna Shum, Christian Wagner:
Learning Effects of Virtual Game Worlds: An Empirical Investigation of Immersion, Enjoyment and Performance.

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