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ACIS 2008: Christchurch, New Zealand
- Australasian Conference on Information Systems, ACIS 2008, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 3-5, 2008. 2008
- Ahmad Abareshi, Bill Martin:
A Meta-Analysis of Survey-Based Research in MIS Field from 1992-2006. - Ahmad Abareshi, Bill Martin, Alemayehu Molla:
Determinants of Organisational Transformation: An IT-Business Alignment Perspective. - Sultana Lubna Alam:
To Wiki or to Blog: Piloting Social Software Technologies for Assessment in a Large First Year Information Systems Class. - Mazen Ali, Sherah Kurnia, Graeme G. Shanks:
Interorganizational Systems (IOS) Adoption over Time: Empirical Evaluation in the Australian Grocery Industry. - Raja Haslinda Raja Mohd Ali, Alexei Tretiakov, Barbara J. Crump:
Understanding the Impact of National Culture on Strategic IS Planning. - Basil Alzougool, Sherah Kurnia:
Electronic Commerce Technologies Adoption by SMEs: A Conceptual Study. - David Arnott:
Success Factors for Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Systems. - Colin G. Ash, Sanjeet Sharma:
An Enterprise Architecture Framework for Information Management Improvement: Transforming Research into Practice. - George Baltatzis, David G. A. Ormrod, Nicholas Grainger:
Social Networking Tools for Internal Communication in Large Organizations: Benefits and Barriers. - Jenine P. Beekhuyzen, Liisa von Hellens:
How does Technology Influence Online Music Access and Use? A Taxonomy of Empirical Studies. - Nargiza Bekmamedova, Adi Prananto, Judy McKay, Artem Vorobiev:
Towards Better Understanding of the Relationship between Formal Controls and Trust in IS Outsourcing. - Alexander Benlian, Thomas Hess:
The Adoption of and Satisfaction with Web2.0 Based Collaboration and Knowledge Management Technologies in Global Software Development - Insights from an Empirical Study. - Glenn Robert Bewsell:
Mechanisms that Impact Online Auction Trust. - Peter Blakey, Clare Atkins, Barbara J. Crump:
Using Design Research to Improve Data Modelling Performance among Novice End Users. - Matthias Born, Agata Filipowska, Monika Kaczmarek, Ivan Markovic, Monika Starzecka, Adam Walczak:
Business Functions Ontology and its Application in Semantic Business Process Modelling. - Rachelle Bosua, Antonette Mendoza:
The Role of Social Networks in Technology Appropriation over time. - Outi Brennan:
Client and IT Engagement in Software Development: A Disconnect of Mindsets. - Bruce Campbell:
The Intractable Nature of Alignment. - John Campbell, Jon Heales:
Factor Analysis of Individual Outcomes for Teleworkers. - Christer Carlsson, Pirkko Walden:
Mobile Network Operator Strategy: An Obstacle for Mobile Value Services? - Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Fouad Nagm:
Understanding IS Projects Evaluation in Practice through an ANT Inquiry. - Kyung Jin Cha, Shirley Gregor, Walter D. Fernández:
Towards a Deeper Understanding of IT-Enabled Transformation. - Po-Chien Chang:
2Drivers and Moderators of Consumer Behaviour in the Multiple Use of Mobile Phone. - Delroy A. Chevers, Stanford E. Moore, Evan W. Duggan, Annette M. Mills:
Identifying Key Software Development Practices in the English-Speaking Caribbean Using the Nominal Group Technique. - Fletcher T. H. Cole:
Taking "Data" (as a Topic): The Working Policies of Indifference, Purification and Differentiation. - Merete R. Crofts, Bardo Fraunholz, Matthew J. Warren:
Using the Sociotechnical Approach in Global Software Developments: Is the Theory Relevant today? - Gemma Dodson, David Arnott, Graham Pervan:
The Use of Business Intelligence Systems in Australia. - Nico Ebert, Alexander Vogedes, Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner, Michael Heinz:
Production Planning for IT-Service Providers: An ERP-based Concept. - Tomas Eklund, Franck Tétard, Patrik Ståhl, Piia Hirkman, Barbro Back:
Usability Evaluation of an XP Product. - Uchenna Cyril Eze, Khong Sin Tan, Hishamuddin Bin Ismail, Yew Siang Poong:
ISPs' Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Southern Region of Malaysia. - Julia Fearon, Janet Toland:
The Access, Influences and Motivations of Women Studying Information Technology in New Zealand. - Guy Gable, Robert W. Smyth, Karen Stark:
An Archival Analysis of ACIS Research Papers. - Ahmad Ghandour, Kenneth R. Deans, George Benwell, Paul Pillai:
Measuring eCommerce Website Success. - Achmad Ghazali, Alexei Tretiakov, Inga M. Hunter:
A Descriptive Study of the Use of Multimedia Based Collaboration Technologies by Health Community Support Groups in New Zealand. - Abdul Hafeez-Baig, Raj Gururajan:
Time Management, Improved Patient Expectations and Added Value Contributing to the Perceived Acceptance of Using Wireless Handheld Devices in the Indian Healthcare. - Abrar Haider:
Believable Unbelievable Internet Based Information. - Tracy Hall, David Wilson, Sarah Beecham:
Engaging Industry in Empirical Research. - Igor T. Hawryszkiewycz:
Integrating Collaboration into the Design of Complex Adaptive Systems. - Deepti Heera, Vanessa Chang:
Practices and Principles of IT Governance in Australian Legal Aid Organizations. - William Newk-Fon Hey Tow, Peter Dell, John R. Venable:
Understanding Information Disclosure Behaviour in Australian Facebook Users. - George Hobbs:
Forming a Practice Perspective for Agility in Information Systems. - Hartmut Hoehle, David Pauleen:
KM Among Academics: Do as I teach not as I do. - Annika H. Holmbom, Tomas Eklund, Barbro Back:
Customer Portfolio Analysis Using the SOM. - Laura Hosman:
A Pilot Takes Off: Examining Sustainability and Scalability in the Context of a Sri Lankan Public-Private Partnership Telecenter Project. - Dirk S. Hovorka, Matt Germonprez:
From Practice to Design and Back: Emergence of an Information Service View. - Rodger Jamieson, Lesley Land, Rick Sarre, Alex Steel, Greg Stephens, Donald Winchester:
Defining Identity Crimes. - Lynda Kamstra, Bronwyn E. Howell, Beverley G. Hope:
The Case of the Wellington Loop: An Illustration of a Two Sided Market Strategy in an Educational ICT Infrastructure Development. - Ramisa Kashanchi, Janet Toland:
Investigating the Social Dimension of Alignment: Focusing on Communication and Knowledge Sharing. - Gennadi Kazakevitch, Luba Torlina:
Competition in the Mature Markets of Professional versus Final Consumer Information Products. - Don V. Kerr, Luke Houghton:
Feral Systems: The Likely Effects on Business Analytics Functions in an Enterprise Resource Planning System Environment. - John Knight, Margaret Patrickson, Bruce Gurd:
Towards Understanding Apparent South Australian GP Resistance to Adopting Health Informatics Systems. - Gerlinde Koeglreiter, Luba Torlina, Ross Smith:
Bridging Thought Worlds of an Academic CoP and IT Support. - Siridech Kumsuprom, Brian J. Corbitt, Siddhi Pittayachawan:
ICT Risk Management in Organizations: Case studies in Thai Business. - John W. Lamp, Simon K. Milton:
Generating an Ontology from Scientific Works: Initial Results. - Yupawadee Laoledchai, Lesley Pek Wee Land, Graham Low:
Improving the Effectiveness of End-User Training Outcomes. - Weizhen Lei, Martin R. Gibbs, Shanton Chang, Heejin Lee:
Rethinking the Digital Divide. - John Lenarcic, Joan Richardson:
Polymorphic Innovation through Unintended Consequences. - Jenny Leonard:
What are we Aligning? Implications of a Dynamic Approach to Alignment. - Nick Letch, Jennie Carroll:
Towards Anticipating IS Consequences: An Anatomy of Sociotechnical Interaction Networks (STINs). - Lawrence Lim, Aileen Koh:
The Acceleration of SOA Adoption in Singapore: Challenges and Issues. - Miriam Lips, Anita Rapson, Tony Hooper:
E-mail Recordkeeping Methods and Behaviours of New Zealand Central Government Employees. - Xu Lu, Dennis Viehland:
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Learning. - Ronald Maier, Silke Retzer, Stefan Thalmann:
Collaborative Tagging of Knowledge and Learning Resources. - Cecily Mason, Tanya Castleman, Craig M. Parker:
Factors Influencing Australian SMEs Knowledge Sharing Online. - Maslin Masrom, Zuraini Ismail:
Computer Ethics Awareness Among Undergraduate Students in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions. - Sabine Matook, Karlheinz Kautz:
Mindfulness and Agile Software Development. - Tanya McGill, Jane E. Klobas, Stefano Renzi:
The Relationship between LMS Use and Teacher Performance: The Role of Task-Technology Fit. - Alemayehu Molla:
GITAM: A Model for the Adoption of Green IT. - Alemayehu Molla, Vanessa A. Cooper, Brian J. Corbitt, Hepu Deng, Konrad J. Peszynski, Siddhi Pittayachawan, Say Yen Teoh:
E-Readiness to G-Readiness: Developing a Green Information Technology Readiness Framework. - Belinda Moloney, Jacob L. Cybulski, Lemai Nguyen:
Value Perception in Music Information Systems. - Thuy-Linh Nguyen, Paula M. C. Swatman, Bardo Fraunholz:
Australian Public Sector Adoption of EDRMS: A Preliminary Survey. - David Parsons, Hokyoung Ryu, Ramesh Lal:
Better, Not More Expensive, Faster? The Perceived Effects of Pair Programming in Survey Data. - David Parsons, Rosemary Stockdale, James Bowles, Veena Kamble:
If We Build It Will They Come? Creating a Virtual Classroom in Second Life. - Jörg Paschke, Alemayehu Molla, Bill Martin:
The Extent of IT-Enabled Organizational Flexibility: An Exploratory Study among Australian Organizations. - Zijad Pita, France Cheong, Brian J. Corbitt:
Analytic Thinking Approach: an Application in Assessment and Measurement of Strategic Information Systems Planning. - Zijad Pita, France Cheong, Brian J. Corbitt:
Approaches and Methodologies for Strategic Information Systems Planning: An Empirical Study in Australia. - Acklesh Prasad, Jon Heales:
Understanding the Use of Technology in Organisations: A Structurational Approach. - Mohammed Quaddus, Jun Xu:
Towards Understanding of Knowledge Sharing among Small Businesses in Australia: Development of a Research Model. - Md. Mahbubur Rahim, Ai Cheo Yeo, Kevin Cheong:
IT Security Expert's Presentation and Attitude Changes of End-Users Towards IT Security Aware Behaviour: A Pilot Study. - Jiwat Ram, Paula M. C. Swatman:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Innovation Process: Towards Development of an Integrated Framework for Successful Adoption and Implementation. - Nimmi Rangaswamy, Divya Kumar:
The Rise of ICT for Commerce in Small Product Offerings Case studies from India. - Silke Retzer, Pak Yoong, Val A. Hooper:
Advice Networks in an Inter-Organisational Knowledge Transfer Environment: A Social Network Analysis Approach. - Kamel Rouibah, Sulaiman Al-Rafee:
Perspective on Information Requirement Determination Practices in Kuwait: Familiarity, Usage and Perceived Value. - Anne C. Rouse, Brian J. Corbitt:
There's SEM and "SEM": A Critique of the Use of PLS Regression in Information Systems Research. - Bruce Rowlands:
Institutional Aspects of Systems Development. - Peter B. Seddon, David Walker, Peter Reynolds, Leslie P. Willcocks:
A Case-Based Assessment of the Descriptiveness of Three CIO Typologies and Validity of Two CIO-Effectiveness Models. - Ravi Seethamraju, Jaya Seethamraju:
Adoption of ERPs in a Medium-sized Enterprise - A Case Study. - James Sheffield:
Pluralism in Knowledge Management. - Gurparkash Singh, Greg Whymark:
Building Knowledge from Experience: Reflective Thinking as a Mediating Process for Collaborative Knowledge Building. - Bhavani Sridharan, Hepu Deng, Brian J. Corbitt:
Evaluating Intertwined Critical Success Factors for Sustainable E-learning. - Rosemary Stockdale, Tony Norris, Farhaan Mirza:
Mobile Health and Chronic Disease Management: Moving Towards a Holistic Approach. - Diane E. Strode, Sid L. Huff, Alexei Tretiakov:
Investigating the Target Environment for Agile Methods. - Joanne Sullivan, Rens Scheepers, Catherine A. Middleton:
Living the Good Life: How Content Providers can Better Conceptualize the Content Requirements of the Ubiquitous Technology User. - Peter F. Summons:
Clinical Guideline Audit and Knowledge Elicitation Using the MDS Tool and Techniques. - Amanda Tan, Vanessa Chang:
An Ecosystem Approach to Knowledge Management: Case Studies of Two Australian SMEs. - Mary Tate, Joerg Evermann, Beverley G. Hope:
Old Theory and New Service Quality: An Exploratory Study of the Nature and Nomological Net of Online Service Quality and Continuing Use using Information Systems Theory. - Nicholas J. A. Tate, Sharman Lichtenstein, Matthew J. Warren:
IT Security Certifications: Stakeholder Evaluation and Selection. - Lidia Tavassoli, Janet Toland:
Strategies for Dealing with End-User Resistance. - Say Yen Teoh, Christopher Cheong:
Implicit Enterprise Risk Management: An IT Healthcare Adoption Case Study. - Sanjiv D. Vaidya, Priya Seetharaman:
Degree of Virtuality: A Theoretical Framework of Factors Influencing Technology Use by Virtual Teams. - Christian Voigt:
Logics of Online Collaboration: Scripts, Polychronicity and Improvisation. - Jan vom Brocke, Alexander Simons, Bernd Schenk:
Transforming Design Science Research into Practical Application: Experiences from Two ECM Teaching Cases. - Alan Vongsavanh, Bruce Campbell:
The Roles and Skill Sets of Systems vs Business Analysts. - Chinthake Wijesooriya, Dongming Xu:
Towards Logistics Exception Prioritisation: Ontological Approach. - Brett Woolley, George Hobbs:
Agility in Information System. - Song Xiong, Hepu Deng:
Critical Success Factors for Effective Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Joint Ventures. - Richard A. Zanner, Frada Burstein, Henry Linger:
A Task-based Knowledge Management Case for Addressing Merger and Acquisition Risk. - Brice Zhang, Judith Symonds:
Using Innovation Theory to Analyse the Status of RFID Technology Adoption at Industry Level in New Zealand. - Zhong Zheng:
IT Synergy: Towards a Conceptualization in the Context of IT Business Value Research. - Michael zur Muehlen, Marta Indulska, Kai Kittel:
Towards Integrated Modeling of Business Processes and Business Rules.

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