default search action
12th AAAI 1994: Seattle, WA, USA
- Barbara Hayes-Roth, Richard E. Korf:
Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, USA, July 31 - August 4, 1994, Volume 2. AAAI Press / The MIT Press 1994
Neural Networks
- Venkat Ajjanagadde:
Unclear Distinctions Lead to Unnecessary Shortcomings: Examining the Rule versus Fact, Role versus Filler, and Type versus Predicate Distinctions from a Connectionist Representation and Reasoning Perspective. 846-851 - Claude J. Gibert, Tom Routen:
Associative Memory in an Immune-Based System. 852-857 - Risto Miikkulainen, Dennis Bijwaard:
Parsing Embedded Clauses with Distributed Neural Networks. 858-864 - Roger M. Records, Jai J. Choi:
Spurious Symptom Reduction in Fault Monitoring Using a Neural Network and Knowledge Base Hybrid System. 865-870 - Steve G. Romaniuk:
Learning to Learn: Automatic Adaptation of Learning Bias. 871-876 - Hava T. Siegelmann:
Neural Programming Language. 877-882 - Claudia Ulbricht:
Multi-Recurrent Networks for Traffic Forecasting. 883-888 - Daniel S. Yeung, Hank-Shun Fong:
Knowledge Matrix - An Explanation & Knowledge Refinement Facility for a Rule Induced Neural Network. 889-894 - Weixiong Zhang, Joseph C. Pemberton:
Epsilon-Transformation: Exploiting Phase Transitions to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems Initial Results. 895-900
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Belief Revision
- James P. Delgrande:
A Preference-Based Approach to Default Reasoning: Preliminary Report. 902-908 - Alvaro del Val:
On the Relation between the Coherence and Foundations Theories of Belief Revision. 909-914 - Nir Friedman, Joseph Y. Halpern:
Conditional Logics of Belief Change. 915-921 - Goran Gogic, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Martha Sideri:
Incremental Recompilation of Knowledge. 922-927 - Sek-Wah Tan, Judea Pearl:
Qualitative Decision Theory. 928-933
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- Grigoris Antoniou, Elmar Langetepe:
Soundness and Completeness of a Logic Programming Approach to Default Logic. 934-939 - Gerhard Brewka:
Reasoning about Priorities in Default Logic. 940-945 - Marco Cadoli, Francesco M. Donini, Marco Schaerf:
Is Intractability of Non-Monotonic Reasoning a Real Drawback? 946-951 - Teodor C. Przymusinski:
A Knowledge Representation Framework Based on Autoepistemic Logic of Minimal Beliefs. 952-958
- Michael Chan, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Sven J. Dickinson:
A New Approach to Tracking 3D Objects in 2D Image Sequences. 960-965 - Timothy Huang, Daphne Koller, Jitendra Malik, Gary H. Ogasawara, Bobby S. Rao, Stuart Russell, Joseph Weber:
Automatic Symbolic Traffic Scene Analysis Using Belief Networks. 966-972 - Keiji Kanazawa:
Sensible Decisions: Toward a Theory of Decision-Theoretic Information Invariants. 973-978 - David Kortenkamp, Terry E. Weymouth:
Topological Mapping for Mobile Robots Using a Combination of Sonar and Vision Sensing. 979-984 - Michael Lindenbaum, Shai Ben-David:
Applying VC-Dimension Analysis To 3D Object Recognition from Perspective Projections. 985-990
Planning and Scheduling
Causal-Link Planning
- Laurie H. Ihrig, Subbarao Kambhampati:
Derivation Replay for Partial-Order Planning. 992-997 - Peter Jonsson, Christer Bäckström:
Tractable Planning with State Variables by Exploiting Structural Restrictions. 998-1003 - David Joslin, Martha E. Pollack:
Least-Cost Flaw Repair: A Plan Refinement Strategy for Partial-Order Planning. 1004-1009 - J. Scott Penberthy, Daniel S. Weld:
Temporal Planning with Continuous Change. 1010-1015
Planning: Agents
- Craig Boutilier, Richard Dearden:
Using Abstractions for Decision-Theoretic Planning with Time Constraints. 1016-1022 - Anthony R. Cassandra, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Michael L. Littman:
Acting Optimally in Partially Observable Stochastic Domains. 1023-1028 - Eric A. Hansen:
Cost-Effective Sensing during Plan Execution. 1029-1035 - David J. Musliner:
Using Abstraction and Nondeterminism to Plan Reaction Loops. 1036-1041 - Daniel S. Weld, Oren Etzioni:
The First Law of Robotics (A Call to Arms). 1042-1047
Planning: Representation
- Keith Golden, Oren Etzioni, Daniel S. Weld:
Omnipotence Without Omniscience: Efficient Sensor Management for Planning. 1048-1054 - Subbarao Kambhampati, Dana S. Nau:
On the Nature of Modal Truth Criteria in Planning. 1055-1060 - Charles L. Ortiz Jr.:
Causal Pathways of Rational Action. 1061-1066 - Eddie Schwalb, Kalev Kask, Rina Dechter:
Temporal Reasoning with Constraints on Fluents and Events. 1067-1072
Planning Under Uncertainty
- Nicholas Kushmerick, Steve Hanks, Daniel S. Weld:
An Algorithm for Probabilistic Least-Commitment Planning. 1073-1078 - Jonathan Tash, Stuart Russell:
Control Strategies for a Stochastic Planner. 1079-1085
- Cheng-Chung Cheng, Stephen F. Smith:
Generating Feasible Schedules under Complex Metric Constraints. 1086-1091 - James M. Crawford, Andrew B. Baker:
Experimental Results on the Application of Satisfiability Algorithms to Scheduling Problems. 1092-1097 - Mark Drummond, John L. Bresina, Keith Swanson:
Just-In-Case Scheduling. 1098-1104 - Nicola Muscettola:
On the Utility of Bottleneck Reasoning for Scheduling. 1105-1110 - Masazumi Yoshikawa, Kazuya Kaneko, Yuriko Nomura, Masanobu Watanabe:
A Constraint-Based Approach to High-School Timetabling Problems: A Case Study. 1111-1116
Task Network Planning
- Anthony Barrett, Daniel S. Weld:
Task-Decomposition via Plan Parsing. 1117-1122 - Kutluhan Erol, James A. Hendler, Dana S. Nau:
HTN Planning: Complexity and Expressivity. 1123-1128 - Austin Tate, Brian Drabble, Jeff Dalton:
The Use of Condition Types to Restrict Search in an AI Planner. 1129-1134
Qualitative and Model-Based Reasoning
Model-Based Reasoning
- Oskar Dressler, Hartmut Freitag:
Prediction Sharing Across Time and Contexts. 1136-1141 - Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses, Moshe Y. Vardi:
An Operational Semantics for Knowledge Bases. 1142-1147 - Roni Khardon, Dan Roth:
Reasoning with Models. 1148-1153 - P. Pandurang Nayak:
Representing Multiple Theories. 1154-1160 - N. Hari Narayanan, Masaki Suwa, Hiroshi Motoda:
How Things Appear to Work: Predicting Behaviors from Device Diagrams. 1161-1167
Qualitative Reasoning: Modeling
- Adam Farquhar:
A Qualitative Physics Compiler. 1168-1174 - Kenneth D. Forbus, Peter B. Whalley:
Using Qualitative Physics to Build Articulate Software for Thermodynamics Education. 1175-1182 - Yumi Iwasaki, Alon Y. Levy:
Automated Model Selection for Simulation. 1183-1190 - Jeff Rickel, Bruce W. Porter:
Automated Modeling for Answering Prediction Questions: Selecting the Time Scale and System Boundary. 1191-1198 - Brian C. Williams, Olivier Raiman:
Decompositional Modeling through Caricatural Reasoning. 1199-1204
Qualitative Reasoning: Simulation
- Michael Neitzke, Bernd Neumann:
Comparative Simulation. 1205-1210 - Toyoaki Nishida:
Qualitative Reasoning for Automated Exploration for Chaos. 1211-1216 - Brian C. Williams, Jonathan Cagan:
Activity Analysis: The Qualitative Analysis of Stationary Points for Optimal Reasoning. 1217-1223 - Ke-Thia Yao, Andrew Gelsey:
Intelligent Automated Grid Generation for Numerical Simulations. 1224-1230
Formal Models of Reactive Control
- Jaeho Lee, Edmund H. Durfee:
Structured Circuit Semantics for Reactive Plan Execution Systems. 1232-1237 - Marcel Schoppers:
Estimating Reaction Plan Size. 1238-1244
Learning Robotic Agents
- Marc Goodman:
Results on Controlling Action with Projective Visualization. 1245-1250 - Russell Greiner, Ramana Isukapalli:
Learning to Select Useful Landmarks. 1251-1256 - W. Lewis Johnson:
Agents that Learn to Explain Themselves. 1257-1263 - David Pierce, Benjamin Kuipers:
Learning to Explore and Build Maps. 1264-1271 - Jeff G. Schneider:
High Dimension Action Spaces in Robot Skill Learning. 1272-1278
Robot Control, Locomotion and Manipulation
- Amol Dattatraya Mali, Amitabha Mukerjee:
Robot Behavior Conflicts: Can Intelligence Be Modularized? 1279-1284 - Sundar Narasimhan:
Merging Path Planners and Controllers through Local Context. 1285-1290 - Polly K. Pook, Dana H. Ballard:
Teleassistance: Contextual Guidance for Autonomous Manipulation. 1291-1296 - Robert Ringrose:
Automatically Tuning Control Systems for Simulated Legged Robots. 1297-1302 - Michael K. Sahota:
Reactive Deliberation: An Architecture for Real-Time Intelligent Control in Dynamic Environments. 1303-1308
Search and Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing
- Scott H. Clearwater, Tad Hogg:
Exploiting Problem Structure in Genetic Algorithms. 1310-1315 - Yoichiro Nakakuki, Norman M. Sadeh:
Increasing The Efficiency of Simulated Annealing Search by Learning to Recognize (Un)Promising Runs. 1316-1322 - Peter Shell, Juan Antonio Hernandez Rubio, Gonzalo Quiroga Barro:
Improving Search through Diversity. 1323-1328 - Lee Spector:
Genetic Programming and AI Planning Systems. 1329-1334 - Gerhard Weiß:
Hierarchical Chunking in Classifier Systems. 1335-1340
- Jonathan Bright, Simon Kasif, Lewis Stiller:
Exploiting Algebraic Structure in Parallel State Space Search. 1341-1346 - Fumihiko Chimura, Mario Tokoro:
The Trailblazer Search: A New Method for Searching and Capturing Moving Targets. 1347-1352 - Subrata Ghosh, Ambuj Mahanti, Dana S. Nau:
ITS: An Efficient Limited-Memory Heuristic Tree Search Algorithm. 1353-1358 - Hermann Kaindl, Aliasghar Khorsand:
Memory-Bounded Bidirectional Search. 1359-1364
Two-Player Games
- Richard E. Korf, David Maxwell Chickering:
Best-First Minimax Search: Othello Results. 1365-1370 - David E. Moriarty, Risto Miikkulainen:
Evolving Neural Networks to Focus Minimax Search. 1371-1377 - Barney Pell:
A Strategic Metagame Player for General Chesslike Games. 1378-1385 - Stephen J. J. Smith, Dana S. Nau:
An Analysis of Forward Pruning. 1386-1391
Spatial Reasoning
- Klaus-Peter Gapp:
Basic Meanings of Spatial Relations: Computation and Evaluation in 3D Space. 1393-1398 - Janice I. Glasgow:
Spatial Reasoning in Indeterminate Worlds. 1399-1404 - Patrick Olivier, Toshiyuki Maeda, Jun'ichi Tsujii:
Automatic Depiction of Spatial Descriptions. 1405-1410 - Raman Rajagopalan:
A Model for Integrated Qualitative Spatial and Dynamic Reasoning about Physical Systems. 1411-1417 - Ralf Röhrig:
A Theory for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Based on Order Relations. 1418-1423
Student Abstracts
- Saliha Azzam:
Classification of Noun Phrases into Concepts or Individuals. 1425 - Lisa Ballesteros:
Regression Based Causal Induction with Latent Variable Models. 1426 - Jim Blythe:
Probabilistic Knowledge of External Events in Planning. 1427 - Stefanie Brüninghaus:
DANIEL: Integrating Case-Based and Rule-Based Reasoning in Law. 1428 - Lisa J. Burnell:
Decision-Theoretic Plan Failure Debugging and Repair. 1429 - Vanja Buvac:
Decidability of Contextual Reasoning. 1430 - YaLing Chang:
Simplifying Bayesian Belief Nets while Preserving MPE or MPGE Ordering. 1431 - Yousong Chang, Donald Nute:
Abstract of the Forest Management Advisory Systems. 1432 - Michael H. Coen:
SodaBot: A Software Agent Environment and Construction System. 1433 - Robin Collier:
Empirical Knowledge Representation Generation Using N-Gram Clustering. 1434 - Michael T. Cox:
Case-Based Introspection. 1435 - Diana Cukierman, James P. Delgrande:
Time Units and Calendars. 1436 - Daniel E. Damouth, Edmund H. Durfee:
Local Search in the Coordination of Intelligent Agents. 1437 - Angélica de Antonio, Jesús Cardeñosa Lera, Loïc Martínez Normand:
GKR: A Generic Model of Knowledge Representation. 1438 - John Demiris:
Experiments Towards Robotic Learning by Imitation. 1439 - Rujith de Silva:
Goal-Clobbering Avoidance in Non-Linear Planners. 1440 - Mark Devaney, Ashwin Ram:
Dynamically Adjusting Categories to Accommodate Changing Contexts. 1441 - Surnjani Djoko:
Substructure Discovery Using Minimum Description Length Principle and Background Knowledge. 1442 - Steven K. Donoho, David C. Wilkins:
Exploiting the Ordering of Observed Problem-Solving Steps for Knowledge Base Refinement: An Apprenticeship Approach. 1443 - Erik Eilerts:
The KM / KnEd System: An Integrated Approach to Building Large-Scale Multifunctional Knowledge Bases. 1444 - Mark Fasciano:
Situated Agents Can Have Plans. 1445 - Susan Fox, David B. Leake:
Introspective Reasoning in a Case-Based Planner. 1446 - Alexander Franz:
A Statistical Method for Handling Unknown Words. 1447 - Andrew S. Gavin:
Low Computation Vision-Based Navigation for a Martian Rover. 1448 - Terrance Goan, Oren Etzioni:
Learning About Software Errors Via Systematic Experimentation. 1449 - Richard Goodwin:
Reasoning about What to Plan. 1450 - Vanathi Gopalakrishnan, Daniel N. Hennessy, Bruce G. Buchanan, Devika Subramanian:
The Crystallographer's Assistant. 1451 - Lloyd G. Greenwald, Thomas Dean:
Time-Critical Scheduling in Stochastic Domains. 1452 - Gail Haddock:
Planning for Component-Based Configurations. 1453 - Kyungsook Han, Andrew Gelsey:
The Epistemology of Physical System Modeling. 1454 - Corinne Haouche:
Testing a KBS Using a Conceptual Model. 1455 - Katsutoshi Hirayama, Seiji Yamada, Jun'ichi Toyoda:
A Dynamic Organization in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction. 1456 - Louis J. Hoebel:
Tractable Anytime Temporal Constraint Propagation. 1457 - Keiko Horiguchi:
Processing Pragmatics for Computer-Assisted Language Instruction. 1458 - Damon Horowitz:
Generating Rhythms with Genetic Algorithms. 1459 - Marcus J. Huber, Edmund H. Durfee, Michael P. Wellman:
The Automated Mapping of Plans for Plan Recognition. 1460 - Scott B. Hunter:
Preliminary Studies in Agent Design in Simulated Environments. 1461 - Qiang Ji, Michael M. Marefat, Paul J. A. Lever:
Dempster-Shafer and Bayesian Network for CAD-Based Feature Extraction: A Comparative Investigation and Analysis. 1462 - George H. John:
Finding Multivariate Splits in Decision Trees Using Function Optimization. 1463 - George H. John:
When the Best Move Isn't Optimal: Q-learning with Exploration. 1464 - Leo Joskowicz, Elisha Sacks:
HIPAIR: Interactive Mechanism Analysis and Design Using Configuration Spaces. 1465 - Thomas E. Kammeyer, Richard K. Belew:
Learning Sorting Networks By Grammars. 1466 - Steven P. Ketchpel:
The Formation of Coalitions Among Self-Interested Agents. 1467 - Stephen V. Kowalski:
Learning From Ambiguous Examples. 1468 - Nicholas Kushmerick:
Exploiting the Environment: Urban Navigation as a Case Study. 1469 - David Lee, Michael Recce:
Quantitative Evaluation of the Exploration Strategies of a Mobile Robot. 1470 - Thomas F. McDougal:
Everyday Reasoning Meets Geometry Theorem-Proving. 1471 - John MacIntyre, Peter Smith, John Tait:
Determination of Machine Condition Using Neural Networks. 1472 - Kavi Mahesh:
Building a Parser That can Afford to Interact with Semantics. 1473 - Oded Maron:
Using Errors to Create Piecewise Learnable Partitions. 1474 - C. Medina, L. Pratt, C. Ganesh:
Development of an Intelligent Forensic System for Hair Analysis and Comparison. 1475 - Joël Milgram:
Model-Based Sensor Diagnosis: When Monitoring Should Be Monitored. 1476 - Debasis Mitra:
Theoreticai and Experimental Studies of Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problem. 1477 - Kenneth Moorman, Ashwin Ram:
A Theory of Reading. 1478 - Shubha S. Nerur:
A Hybrid Parallel IDA Search. 1479 - Madhura Nirkhe:
Time-Situated Reasoning within Tight Deadlines and Realistic Space and Computation Bounds. 1480 - David C. Noelle, Garrison W. Cottrell:
Integrating Induction & Instruction: Connectionist Advice Taking. 1481 - DoKyeong Ok:
A Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Methods for Automatic Guided Vehicle Scheduling. 1482 - Julio Ortega:
Making the Most of What You've Got: Using Models and Data to Improve Learning Rate and Prediction Accuracy. 1483 - M. Alicia Pérez:
Learning Quality-Enhancing Control Knowledge. 1484 - Mike Perkowitz, Oren Etzioni:
Database Learning for Software Agents. 1485 - Nancy E. Reed:
Diagnosing Multiple Interacting Defects with Combination Descriptions. 1486 - W. Scott Reilly:
Building Emotional Characters for Interactive Drama. 1487 - Warren Sack:
On the Computation of Point of View. 1488 - Mahendra Sekaran, Sandip Sen:
Multi-Agent Learning in Non-Cooperative Domains. 1489 - Onn Shehory:
Coalition Formation Methods in Multi-Agent Environments. 1490 - Vishal Sikka:
Integrating Specialized Procedures in Proof Systems. 1491 - Raja Sooriamurthi, David B. Leake:
Towards Situated Explanation. 1492 - Eleni Stroulia:
Reflective Reasoning and Learning. 1493 - C. Vasudevan:
Case-Based Reasoning for Weather Prediction. 1494 - José M. Vidal, Edmund H. Durfee:
Agent Modeling Methods Using Limited Rationality. 1495 - Xuemei Wang:
Learning by Observation and Practice: A Framework for Automatic Acquisition of Planning Operators. 1496 - Mike Wessler:
A Modular Visual Tracking System. 1497 - Mike Williamson, Steve Hanks:
Utility-Directed Planning. 1498 - Hong Xiang, Brahm P. Verma, Gerrit Hoogenboom:
Fuzzy Irrigation Decision Support System. 1499 - Holly A. Yanco:
Synthetic Robot Language Development. 1500 - Liu Zhang, Donald Potter:
Computer Simulation of Statistics and Educational Measurement StatSim: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Statistics. 1501
Video Program
- Barbara Hayes-Roth, N. Serdar Uckun, Jan Eric Larsson, David M. Gaba, Juliana Barr, Jane Chien:
Guardian: A Prototype Intelligent Agent for Intensive-Care Monitoring. 1503 - Randolph M. Jones:
Dynamic Generation of Complex Behavior. 1504 - Leo Joskowicz, Elisha Sacks:
HIPAIR: Interactive Mechanism Analysis and Design Using Configuration Spaces. 1505 - Pattie Maes, Trevor Darrell, Bruce Blumberg, Alex Pentland:
ALIVE: Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment. 1506 - Jack Mostow, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Steven F. Roth, Matthew Kane, Adam Swift, Lin Lawrence Chase, Bob Weide:
A Reading Coach that Listens: (Edited) Video Transcript. 1507 - David Rosenthal:
Machine Rhythm. 1508

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