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3DPVT 2004: Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT 2004), 6-9 September 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece. IEEE Computer Society 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2223-8
- Sylvia C. Pont
, Jan J. Koenderink:
Surface Illuminance Flow. 2-9 - Jean-Yves Guillemaut
, Ondrej Drbohlav
, Radim Sára
, John Illingworth:
Helmholtz Stereopsis on Rough and Strongly Textured Surfaces. 10-17 - Hossein Ragheb, Edwin R. Hancock
Surface Normals and Height from Non-Lambertian Image Data. 18-25 - Jan Erik Solem, Henrik Aanæs, Anders Heyden:
A Variational Analysis of Shape from Specularities using Sparse Data. 26-33
3D and Faces
- J. Patrick Cavanagh, Michael von Grünau, Lee Zimmerman:
View Dependence of 3D Recovery from Folded Pictures and Warped 3D Faces. 35-41 - Donald MacVicar, Stuart L. Ford, Ewan Borland, Robert Rixon, John W. Patterson, W. Paul Cockshott:
3D Performance Capture for Facial Animation. 42-49 - Filareti Tsalakanidou
, Sotiris Malassiotis, Michael G. Strintzis:
Exploitation of 3D Images for Face Authentication Under Pose and Illumination Variations. 50-57 - Ioannis A. Ypsilos, Adrian Hilton
, Aseel Turkmani, Philip J. B. Jackson
Speech-Driven Face Synthesis from 3D Video. 58-65
Geometry Processing
- Craig Gotsman
Geometry Processing - A Personal Perspective. 67 - Alla Sheffer, Vladislav Kraevoy:
Pyramid Coordinates for Morphing and Deformation. 68-75 - Marc Alexa
Linear Shift-Invariant Operators for Processing Surface Meshes. 76-81 - Ariel Shamir:
A Formulation of Boundary Mesh Segmentation. 82-89
Posters I
- D. Loganathan, K. M. Mehata:
3D Image Sensing for Bit Plane Method of Progressive Transmission. 91-94 - Jiantao Pu, Yi Liu, Guyu Xin, Hongbin Zha, Weibin Liu, Yusuke Uehara:
3D Model Retrieval Based on 2D Slice Similarity Measurements. 95-101 - Petros Daras
, Dimitrios Zarpalas, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Michael G. Strintzis:
3D Model Watermarking for Indexing using the Generalized Radon Transform. 102-109 - Tatjana Zrimec, Sata Busayarat:
3D Modelling and Visualization of the Human Lung. 110-115 - Karsten Müller, Aljoscha Smolic, Philipp Merkle, Bernhard Kaspar, Peter Eisert, Thomas Wiegand:
3D Reconstruction of Natural Scenes with View-Adaptive Multi-Texturing. 116-123 - Sebastiano Battiato
, Alessandro Capra, Salvatore Curti, Marco La Cascia
3D Stereoscopic Image Pairs by Depth-Map Generation. 124-131 - Özgür Ulucay, Sarp Ertürk:
3-Dimensional Object Modeling with Mesh Simplification Based Resolution Adjustment. 132-138 - Tarik Filali Ansary, Jean-Philippe Vandeborre, Saïd Mahmoudi
, Mohamed Daoudi
A Bayesian Framework for 3D Models Retrieval Based on Characteristic Views. 139-146 - Konstantinos Moustakas, Dimitrios Tzovaras
, Michael G. Strintzis:
A Non Causal Bayesian Framework for Object Tracking and Occlusion Handling for the Synthesis of Stereoscopic Video. 147-154 - Maria F. Trujillo, Ebroul Izquierdo:
A Robust Correlation Measure for Correspondence Estimation. 155-162 - Wen Qi:
A Prototype of Video See-through Mixed Reality Interactive System. 163-166 - Heather J. Rea, Doug E. R. Clark, Jonathan R. Corney, Nick K. Taylor
A Surface Partitioning Spectrum (SPS) for Retrieval and Indexing of 3D CAD Models. 167-174 - Dragan Tubic, Patrick Hébert, Jean-Daniel Deschênes, Denis Laurendeau:
A Unified Representation for Interactive 3D Modeling. 175-182 - Mario Castelán, Edwin R. Hancock:
Acquiring Height Maps of Faces from a Single Image. 183-190 - Gunnar Boström, Marco Fiocco, David Puig, A. Rossini, João G. M. Gonçalves, Vítor Sequeira:
Acquisition, Modelling and Rendering of Very Large Urban Environments. 191-198 - Anselmo Antunes Montenegro, Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho, Marcelo Gattass, Luiz Velho:
Adaptive Space Carving. 199-206 - Fang Meng, Hongbin Zha:
An Easy Viewer for Out-of-Core Visualization of Huge Point-Sampled Models. 207-214 - Benjamin Bustos
, Daniel A. Keim, Dietmar Saupe, Tobias Schreck
, Dejan V. Vranic:
An Experimental Comparison of Feature-Based 3D Retrieval Methods. 215-222 - Huynh Quang Huy Viet
, Makoto Sato, Hiromi T. Tanaka:
Analysis of Three-Dimensional Motion of an Object Using a Fixed Monocular Camera . 223-230 - Angel Domingo Sappa:
Automatic Extraction of Planar Projections from Panoramic Range Images. 231-234 - Nicola Moretto, Ruggero Frezza:
Bayesian Surface Reconstruction. 235-241 - Adrian G. Bors
Blind Watermarking of 3D Shapes using Localized Constraints. 242-249 - Costas Panagiotakis
, Georgios Tziritas:
Construction of Animal Models and Motion Synthesis in 3D Virtual Environments using Image Sequences. 250-257 - M. A. Zerafat Pisheh, Abbas Sheikhi
Detection and Compensation of Image Sequence Jitter Due to an Unstable CCD Camera for Video Tracking of a Moving Target. 258-261 - Antonio Adán, Fernando Molina, Luis Morena:
Disordered Patterns Projection For 3D Motion Recovering. 262-269 - Markus Feißt, Andreas Christ:
Dynamically Optimised 3D (Virtual Reality) Data Transmission for Mobile Devices. 270-274 - Ali Lakhia:
Efficient Interactive Rendering of Detailed Models with Hierarchical Levels of Detail. 275-282
3D Shape Capture and Surface Reconstruction
- Vladimir Brajovic:
Some Unusual Ways of Visually Sensing 3D Shapes. 284 - Tim Bodenmüller, Gerd Hirzinger:
Online Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized 3D-Points for the DLR Hand-Guided Scanner System. 285-292 - Volker Blanz, Albert C. Mehl
, Thomas Vetter, Hans-Peter Seidel:
A Statistical Method for Robust 3D Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Data. 293-300 - Jan Erik Solem, Fredrik Kahl:
Surface Reconstruction from the Projection of Points, Curves and Contours. 301-307 - Ioannis P. Ivrissimtzis
, Yunjin Lee, Seungyong Lee, Won-Ki Jeong
, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Neural Mesh Ensembles. 308-315
Middle Level Vision and Omni Sensors
- Hossein Madjidi, Shahriar Negahdaripour:
On Robustness and Localization Accuracy of Optical Flow Computation from Color Imagery. 317-324 - Nuno Gonçalves, Helder Araújo
Projection Model, 3D Reconstruction and Rigid Motion Estimation from Non-Central Catadioptric Images. 325-332 - Dinkar Gupta, Ankita Kumar, Kostas Daniilidis:
Using Omnidirectional Structure from Motion for Registration of Range Images of Minimal Overlap. 333-340 - Ha Vu Le:
A Structure-from-Motion Method: Use of Motion in Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Moving Objects from Multiple-View Image Sequences. 341-347
Multiview Reconstruction
- Sudipta N. Sinha, Marc Pollefeys
Visual-Hull Reconstruction from Uncalibrated and Unsynchronized Video Streams. 349-356 - Adrian Hilton
, Jonathan Starck:
Multiple View Reconstruction of People. 357-364 - Marcus A. Magnor
, Bastian Goldlücke:
Spacetime-Coherent Geometry Reconstruction from Multiple Video Streams. 365-372 - German K. M. Cheung, Simon Baker, Jessica K. Hodgins, Takeo Kanade:
Markerless Human Motion Transfer. 373-378
Humans and Textures
- Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Hyewon Seo:
Data-Driven Approaches to Digital Human Modeling. 380-387 - Alexander Neubeck, Alexey Zalesny, Luc Van Gool:
Viewpoint Consistent Texture Synthesis. 388-395 - Christian Früh, Russell Sammon, Avideh Zakhor
Automated Texture Mapping of 3D City Models With Oblique Aerial Imagery. 396-403 - Nikos Komodakis, George Pagonis, George Tziritas:
Interactive Walkthroughs using "Morphable 3D-Mosaics". 404-411
Real-Time 3D Modeling Systems
- Thomas P. Koninckx, Indra Geys, Tobias Jaeggli, Luc Van Gool:
A Graph Cut based Adaptive Structured Light Approach for Real-Time Range Acquisition. 413-421 - François Blais, Michel Picard, Guy Godin:
Accurate 3D Acquisition of Freely Moving Objects. 422-429 - Voicu Popescu, Elisha Sacks, Gleb Bahmutov:
Interactive Modeling from Dense Color and Sparse Depth. 430-437 - David Nistér:
Automatic Passive Recovery of 3D from Images and Video. 438-445
Posters II
- Ioannis Stamos, Marius Leordeanu:
Efficient Model Creation of Large Structures based on Range Segmentation. 447-454 - Adnan Ansar, Andres Castano, Larry H. Matthies:
Enhanced Real-time Stereo Using Bilateral Filtering. 455-462 - Zoltán Megyesi, Dmitry Chetverikov:
Enhanced Surface Reconstruction from Wide Baseline Images. 463-469 - Stefano Ferrari
, Iuri Frosio
, Vincenzo Piuri, N. Alberto Borghese:
Enhanced Vector Quantization for Data Reduction and Filtering. 470-477 - Hiroshi Kawasaki, Ryo Furukawa:
Entire Model Acquisition System using Handheld 3D Digitizer. 478-485 - Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Estimating Curvatures and Their Derivatives on Triangle Meshes. 486-493 - Antonio Robles-Kelly
, Edwin R. Hancock
Estimating the Surface Radiance Function from Single Images. 494-501 - Jamie Cook, Vinod Chandran, Sridha Sridharan, Clinton Fookes
Face Recognition from 3D Data using Iterative Closest Point Algorithm and Gaussian Mixture Models. 502-509 - William A. P. Smith
, Antonio Robles-Kelly
, Edwin R. Hancock
Facial View Synthesis from a Single Image using Shape from Shading. 510-517 - Xiaotian Yan, Fang Meng, Hongbin Zha:
Fan-Meshes: A Geometric Primitive for Point-Based Description of 3D Models and Scenes. 518-525 - Georg Biegelbauer, Markus Vincze:
Fast and Robust Bore Detection in Range Image Data for Industrial Automation. 526-533 - Indra Geys, Thomas P. Koninckx, Luc Van Gool:
Fast Interpolated Cameras by Combining a GPU based Plane Sweep with a Max-Flow Regularisation Algorithm. 534-541 - Pekka Forsman, Aarne Halme:
Feature Based Registration of Range Images for Mapping of Natural Outdoor Feature Based Registration of Range Images for Mapping of Natural Outdoor. 542-549 - Marco Andreetto, Guido Maria Cortelazzo, Luca Lucchese:
Frequency Domain Registration of Computer Tomography Data. 550-557 - Nobuyuki Bannai, Alexander Agathos, Robert B. Fisher:
Fusing Multiple Color Images for Texturing Models. 558-565 - Shohei Nobuhara, Takashi Matsuyama:
Heterogeneous Deformation Model for 3D Shape and Motion Recovery from Multi-Viewpoint Images. 566-573 - Paola Dalmasso, Roberto Nerino:
Hierarchical 3D Surface Reconstruction based on Radial Basis Functions. 574-579 - Pavel Matula, Petr Matula, Michal Kozubek
, Petr Mejzlík:
High-Resolution Cytometry Network Project: Client/Server System for 3D Optical Microscope Data Storage and Analysis. 580-583 - Zoltán Szlávik, Laszlo Havasi, Tamás Szirányi
Image Matching based on Co-Motion Statistics. 584-591 - Nicola Brusco, Simone Carmignato
, Marco Andreetto, Guido Maria Cortelazzo:
Metrological Analysis of a Procedure for the Automatic 3D Modeling of Dental Plaster Casts. 592-599 - Subhajit Sanyal, Mayank Bansal, Subhashis Banerjee, Prem Kumar Kalra:
Modeling of Free-Form Surfaces and Shape From Shading. 600-607 - Akihiko Torii, Atsushi Imiya:
Panoramic Image Transform of Omnidirectional Images Using Discrete Geometry Techniques. 608-615 - Zsolt Jankó, Dmitry Chetverikov:
Photo-Consistency Based Registration of an Uncalibrated Image Pair to a 3D Surface Model Using Genetic Algorithm. 616-622 - Piotr Garbat
, Marek Wegiel, Malgorzata Kujawinska:
Real Time Visualization of 3D variable in time Object based on Cloud of Points Data Gathered by Coloured Structure Light Projection System. 623-630 - Jasmine Burguet, Najib Gadi, Isabelle Bloch:
Realistic Models of Children Heads from 3D-MRI Segmentation and Tetrahedral Mesh Construction. 631-638
Human Modeling, Calibration, and Stereo
- Jake K. Aggarwal, Sangho Park:
Human Motion: Modeling and Recognition of Actions and Interactions. 640-647 - Toshio Ueshiba, Fumiaki Tomita:
A Closed-Form Solution for a Two-View Self-Calibration Problem under Fixation. 648-655 - Don Ray Murray, James J. Little:
Segmenting Correlation Stereo Range Images using Surface Elements. 656-663
- Ajith Mascarenhas, Martin Isenburg, Valerio Pascucci
, Jack Snoeyink
Encoding Volumetric Grids For Streaming Isosurface Extraction. 665-672 - Alexander Bogomjakov, Craig Gotsman
GPU-Assisted Z-Field Simplification. 673-679 - Daniel E. Laney, Valerio Pascucci:
Progressive Compression of Volumetric Subdivision Meshes. 680-687 - Irene Cheng, Pierre Boulanger:
Adaptive Online Transmission of 3D TexMesh Using Scale-Space Analysis. 688-695 - Xiangyang Ju, Zhili Mao, J. Paul Siebert, Nigel J. B. McFarlane, Jiahua Wu, Robin D. Tillett:
Applying Mesh Conformation on Shape Analysis with Missing Data. 696-702
Color and Shape
- Steven W. Zucker:
Hue Flows and Scene Structure. 704 - A. Dobbins:
Color, Fusion, and Stereopsis. 705 - Frédo Durand:
Pictorial Techniques and Intrinsic Images. 706 - Johnny Park, Avinash C. Kak:
Specularity Elimination in Range Sensing for Accurate 3D Modeling of Specular Objects. 707-714
Structure from Motion and Image Synthesis
- Andrew W. Fitzgibbon:
From the Lab to the Silver Screen: Computer Vision and the Art of Special Effects. 716 - Alex Rav-Acha, Shmuel Peleg:
A Unified Approach for Motion Analysis and View Synthesis. 717-724 - Philippos Mordohai, Gérard G. Medioni:
Dense Multiple View Stereo with General Camera Placement using Tensor Voting. 725-732 - Xenophon Zabulis
, Kostas Daniilidis:
Multi-Camera Reconstruction based on Surface Normal Estimation and Best Viewpoint Selection. 733-740
Point-Based Representations and Geometry Processing
- Markus Gross:
Point Samples for Efficient 3D Processing and Content Creation. 742 - George I. Kamberov
, Gerda Kamberova:
Topology and Geometry of Unorganized Point Clouds. 743-750 - Peter K. Allen, Steven Feiner, Alejandro J. Troccoli, Hrvoje Benko, Edward W. Ishak, Benjamin Smith:
Seeing into the Past: Creating a 3D Modeling Pipeline for Archaeological Visualization. 751-758 - Benedict J. Brown, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Non-Rigid Range-Scan Alignment Using Thin-Plate Splines. 759-765
Posters III
- Marcelo Bertalmío, Pere Fort, Daniel Sánchez-Crespo:
Real-Time, Accurate Depth of Field using Anisotropic Diffusion and Programmable Graphics Cards. 767-773 - Margrit Gelautz
, Danijela Markovic:
Recognition of Object Contours from Stereo Images: An Edge Combination Approach. 774-780 - Truong Kieu Linh, Atsushi Imiya:
Reconstruction of Euclidean Planes from Voxels. 781-788 - Ikuko Shimizu Okatani
, Akihiro Sugimoto:
Registration of Range Images that Preserves Local Surface Structures and Color. 789-796 - Irene Cheng, Anup Basu:
Reliability and Judging Fatigue Reduction in 3D Perceptual Quality Estimation. 797-804 - Marco Callieri, Andrea Fasano, Gaetano Impoco, Paolo Cignoni
, Roberto Scopigno, Gianluca Parrini, Giuseppe Biagini:
RoboScan: An Automatic System for Accurate and Unattended 3D Scanning. 805-812 - Linmi Tao, Umberto Castellani, Vittorio Murino:
Robust 3D Segmentation for Underwater Acoustic Images. 813-819 - Sebastian Knorr
, Carsten Clemens, Matthias Kunter, Thomas Sikora:
Robust Concealment for Erroneous Block Bursts in Stereoscopic Images. 820-827 - Levente Hajder, Dmitry Chetverikov, István Vajk
Robust Structure from Motion under Weak Perspective. 828-835 - Raphaèle Balter, Patrick Gioia, Luce Morin, Franck Galpin:
Scalable and Efficient Coding of 3D Model Extracted from a Video. 836-843 - Robert E. Loke, J. M. Hans du Buf
Small CPU Times and Fast Interactivity in Sonar Seabottom Surveys. 844-851 - J. N. Ellinas, Manolis S. Sangriotis:
Stereo Image Coder Based on MRF Analysis for Disparity Estimation and Morphological Encoding. 852-859 - Antonio Robles-Kelly
, Edwin R. Hancock
Surface Height Recovery Using Heat Flow and Manifold Embedding. 860-867 - Angel Domingo Sappa:
Surface Model Generation from Range Images of Industrial Environments. 868-871 - Georgii Khachaturov, Rafael Moncayo-Muños:
Synthetic Image of Multiresolution Sketch Leads to New Features. 872-879 - Hossein Ragheb, Antonio Robles-Kelly
, Edwin R. Hancock
Testing Reflectance Models Against Radiance Data. 880-887 - Pezhman Firoozfam, Shahriar Negahdaripour:
Theoretical Accuracy Analysis of N-Ocular Vision Systems for Scene Reconstruction, Motion Estimation, and Positioning. 888-895 - Yi Liu, Jiantao Pu, Hongbin Zha, Weibin Liu, Yusuke Uehara:
Thickness Histogram and Statistical Harmonic Representation for 3D Model Retrieval. 896-903 - Mikio Shinya:
Unifying Measured Point Sequences of Deforming Objects. 904-911 - Angel Domingo Sappa, Niki Aifanti, Sotiris Malassiotis, Michael G. Strintzis:
Unsupervised Motion Classification by Means of Efficient Feature Selection and Tracking. 912-917 - Muhammad Hussain
, Yoshihiro Okada, Koichi Niijima:
User-Controlled Simplification of Polygonal Models. 918-925 - Leonid I. Dimitrov, Milos Srámek:
Using 3D-Bresenham for Resampling Structured Grids. 926-930 - Daniela Biccari, Diego Calabrese
, Donald A. Gurnett, Richard L. Huff, L. Marinangeli, Rolando L. Jordan, Erling Nielsen, G. G. Ori, Giovanni Picardi, Jeffrey J. Plaut, F. Provvedi, Roberto Seu, Enrico M. Zampolini:
VENUS Subsurface Ionosphere Radar Sounder: VENSIS. 931-937 - André Reder:
Visualization of Arbitrary-Shaped 3D Scenes on Depth-Limited 3D Displays. 938-942
Exotic Sensing and Shape Matching
- George Barbastathis:
Novel Diffractive Optical Elements and Algorithms for Real-Time 3D and Hyperspectral Imaging. 944 - Abhijit S. Ogale, Yiannis Aloimonos:
The Influence of Shape on Image Correspondence. 945-952 - Petros Daras
, Dimitrios Zarpalas, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Michael G. Strintzis:
Shape Matching using the 3D Radon Transform. 953-960 - Clinton Fookes
, Anthony J. Maeder, Sridha Sridharan, Jamie Cook:
Multi-Spectral Stereo Image Matching using Mutual Information. 961-968
Image Processing and Geometry
- Maria Petrou, Farahnaz Mohanna
, Vassili A. Kovalev
3D Non-Linear Invisible Boundary Detection Filters. 970-978 - Stefan Burkhardt, Kimmo Fredriksson, Tuomas Ojamies, Janne Ravantti, Esko Ukkonen:
Local Approximate 3D Matching of Proteins in Viral Cryo-EM Density Maps. 979-986 - Ming-Ching Chang, Frederic F. Leymarie, Benjamin B. Kimia:
3D Shape Registration using Regularized Medial Scaffolds. 987-994 - Gabriel Peyré, Laurent D. Cohen:
Surface Segmentation Using Geodesic Centroidal Tesselation. 995-1002 - Takeshi Masuda:
Filling the Signed Distance Field by Fitting Local Quadrics. 1003-1010

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