- Helen D. Karatza:
Book Review: An Owner's Manual for High Performance Computing (A review of Techniques for Optimizing Applications: High Performance Computing by Rajat P. Garg and Ilya Sharapov). IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(10) (2002) - Richard Kilmer:
IEEE Internet Computing: IC Online Exclusive - Peering Beyond the PC: Where P2P Meets the Wireless Web. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(5) (2002) - K. H. Kim:
Distributed Computing: Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing: Evolution and Issues. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(7) (2002) - David Kotz, Robert S. Gray, Daniela Rus:
Mobile Agents: Future Directions for Mobile Agent Research. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(8) (2002) - David I. Lewin:
News: Strike Up the Broadband. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(2) (2002) - David I. Lewin:
News: Six Degrees of Searches. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(6) (2002) - Dharmendra Lingaiah:
Book Review: Communication Sans Wires (A review of Wireless Communications and Networks by William Stallings). IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(11) (2002) - Reinhard Maier, Georg Stöger, Stefan Poledna, Günther Bauer:
IEEE Micro: Electronics Architecture - Time-Triggered Architecture: A Consistent Computing Platform. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(9) (2002) - Deborah L. McGuinness, Richard Fikes, James A. Hendler, Lynn Andrea Stein:
IEEE Intelligent Systems: DAML+OIL: An Ontology Language for the Semantic Web. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(11) (2002) - Philip K. McKinley, Kurt Stirewalt, Betty H. C. Cheng, Laura K. Dillon, Sandeep S. Kulkarni:
Education: Interactive Distributed Applications and the Computer Science Curriculum. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(10) (2002) - Laurianne McLaughlin:
Library of Congress Tests Grid Technology. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(12) (2002) - Pankaj Mehra:
Internet Computing: Guest Editor's Introduction - Global Deployment of Data Centers. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(10) (2002) - Scott F. Midkiff:
IEEE Pervasive Computing: Education - Network-Centric Systems. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(6) (2002) - Dejan S. Milojicic:
Interview: A Discussion with Leslie Lamport. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(8) (2002) - Ali R. Mirhosseini:
Book Review: Computers as Components: The Art of Embedded Systems Programming (A review of Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design by Wayne Wolf). IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(8) (2002) - Stig Fr. Mjølsnes:
Book Review: Mobile Commerce (A review of Mobile Commerce: Opportunities, Applications, and Technologies). IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(4) (2002) - Christine Neuwirth, Susan Harkness Regli:
IEEE Internet Computing: Guest Editors' Introduction - Usability and the Web. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(4) (2002) - Sethuraman Panchanathan:
Multimedia: Ubiquitous MultiMedia: Bridging the Digital Divide. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(1) (2002) - Terry R. Payne, Rahul Singh, Katia P. Sycara:
IEEE Intelligent Systems: Semantic Web - Calendar Agents on the Semantic Web. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(5) (2002) - Alessandro Piva, Franco Bartolini, Mauro Barni:
IEEE Internet Computing: Issue Addendum - Managing Copyright: Watermark and Cryptography Algorithms. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(5) (2002) - Rita Puzmanova:
Book Review: The Internet for All Who Are Curious (A review of The Internet Book: Everything You Need to Know About Computer Networking and How the Internet Works, 3rd ed., by Douglas E. Comer). IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(9) (2002) - Rita Puzmanova:
Book Review: Wireless Web: Not just for Managers (A review of Wireless Web: A Manager's Guide by Frank P. Coyle). IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(11) (2002) - Giovanni Rimassa:
IEEE Internet Computing: IC ONLINE - Wired-Wireless Integration: A Middleware Perspective. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(9) (2002) - Martín González Rodríguez:
IEEE Software: Usability & Navigability - Automatic Data-Gathering Agents for Remote Navigability Testing. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(12) (2002) - Ravi S. Sandhu:
IEEE Internet Computing: Guest Editor's Introduction - The Technology of Trust. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(11) (2002) - Shiva Sastry:
Book Review: An Excellent Introduction (A review of Introduction to Distributed Algorithms by Gerard Tel). IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(6) (2002) - Shiva Sastry:
Book Review: A Fair Success (A review of Pervasive Computing Handbook by Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklous, and Thomas Stober). IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(9) (2002) - Mahadev Satyanarayanan:
Pervasive Computing: From the Editor - A Catalyst for Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(3) (2002) - Mahadev Satyanarayanan:
IEEE Pervasive Computing: From the Editor in Chief - Challenges in Implementing a Context-Aware System. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(9) (2002) - Bill N. Schilit, Jonathan Trevor, David M. Hilbert, Tzu Khiau Koh:
Computer: Wireless - Web Interaction Using Very Small Internet Devices. IEEE Distributed Syst. Online 3(10) (2002)