- Bruce F. Naylor, John Amanatides, William C. Thibault:
Merging BSP trees yields polyhedral set operations. SIGGRAPH 1990: 115-124 - Tomoyuki Nishita, Thomas W. Sederberg, Masanori Kakimoto:
Ray tracing trimmed rational surface patches. SIGGRAPH 1990: 337-345 - Michiel van de Panne, Eugene Fiume, Zvonko G. Vranesic:
Reusable motion synthesis using state-space controllers. SIGGRAPH 1990: 225-234 - Pierre Poulin, Alain Fournier:
A model for anisotropic reflection. SIGGRAPH 1990: 273-282 - Takafumi Saito, Tokiichiro Takahashi:
Comprehensible rendering of 3-D shapes. SIGGRAPH 1990: 197-206 - David Salesin, Jorge Stolfi:
Rendering CSG models with a ZZ-buffer. SIGGRAPH 1990: 67-76 - Mark Segal:
Using tolerances to guarantee valid polyhedral modeling results. SIGGRAPH 1990: 105-114 - Karl Sims:
Particle animation and rendering using data parallel computation. SIGGRAPH 1990: 405-413 - Atsushi Takagi, Hitoshi Takaoka, Tetsuya Oshima, Yoshinori Ogata:
Accurate rendering technique based on colorimetric conception. SIGGRAPH 1990: 263-272 - Mark Watt:
Light-water interaction using backward beam tracing. SIGGRAPH 1990: 377-385 - Lee Westover:
Footprint evaluation for volume rendering. SIGGRAPH 1990: 367-376 - Lance Williams:
Performance-driven facial animation. SIGGRAPH 1990: 235-242 - Andrew P. Witkin, William Claude Welch:
Fast animation and control of nonrigid structures. SIGGRAPH 1990: 243-252 - Forest Baskett:
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 1990, Dallas, TX, USA, August 6-10, 1990. ACM 1990, ISBN 0-201-50933-4 [contents]