- 2020
- Daniel Braun
, Anupama Sajwan, Florian Matthes:
User-adaptable Natural Language Generation for Regression Testing within the Finance Domain. ICEIS (1) 2020: 613-618 - Fatma Abdelhédi, Amal Ait Brahim, Rabah Tighilt Ferhat, Gilles Zurfluh:
Discovering of a Conceptual Model from a NoSQL Database. ICEIS (1) 2020: 61-72 - Aman Agarwal, Veena Bansal:
Exploring Sentiments of Voters through Social Media Content: A Case Study of 2017 Assembly Elections of Three States in India. ICEIS (1) 2020: 596-602 - João Gabriel Almeida, Jorge Silva, Thaís Batista, Everton Cavalcante
A Linked Data-based Service for Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources in Smart Cities. ICEIS (1) 2020: 205-212 - Bedor Alyahya, Alexander Brodsky:
InfraSmart: A Decision Guidance System for Investment in Infrastructure Service Networks. ICEIS (1) 2020: 370-380 - Guilherme De Guy Andrade
, Geovana Ramos Sousa Silva
, Francisco Carlos Molina Duarte Júnior, Giovanni Almeida Santos, Fábio Lúcio Lopes de Mendonça, Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Júnior:
EvaTalk: A Chatbot System for the Brazilian Government Virtual School. ICEIS (1) 2020: 556-562 - Narciso Arruda, Amanda Drielly Pires Venceslau, Matheus Mayron Lima da Cruz, Vânia Maria P. Vidal, Valéria Magalhães Pequeno
Publishing and Consuming Semantic Views for Construction of Knowledge Graphs. ICEIS (1) 2020: 197-204 - Leonardo Guerreiro Azevedo, Elton Figueiredo de Souza Soares, Renan Souza, Márcio Ferreira Moreno:
Modern Federated Database Systems: An Overview. ICEIS (1) 2020: 276-283 - Leonardo Guerreiro Azevedo, Raphael Melo Thiago, Marcelo Nery dos Santos, Renato Cerqueira:
Experiment Workbench: A Co-agent for Assisting Data Scientists. ICEIS (1) 2020: 588-595 - Shelernaz Azimi, Claus Pahl:
A Layered Quality Framework for Machine Learning-driven Data and Information Models. ICEIS (1) 2020: 579-587 - Shelernaz Azimi, Claus Pahl:
Root Cause Analysis and Remediation for Quality and Value Improvement in Machine Learning Driven Information Models. ICEIS (1) 2020: 656-665 - Raissa Barcellos, Rodrigo Salvador:
Personal Documents Classification using a Hybrid Framework at a Mobile Insurance Company: A Case Study. ICEIS (1) 2020: 490-497 - Flávia Bernardini
, Rodrigo Salvador Monteiro, Inhaúma Neves Ferraz, José Viterbo, Adriel S. Araújo:
An Approach for Acquiring Knowledge in Complex Domains Involving Different Data Sources and Uncertinty in Label Information: A Case Study on Cementation Quality Evaluation. ICEIS (1) 2020: 563-570 - Yanelys Betancourt, Sergio Ilarri:
Use of Text Mining Techniques for Recommender Systems. ICEIS (1) 2020: 780-787 - Fernando Boccanera
, Alexander Brodsky:
Decision Guidance on Software Feature Selection to Maximize the Benefit to Organizational Processes. ICEIS (1) 2020: 381-395 - Gloria Bondel, Sascha Nägele, Fridolin Koch, Florian Matthes:
Barriers for the Advancement of an API Economy in the German Automotive Industry and Potential Measures to Overcome these Barriers. ICEIS (1) 2020: 727-734 - Anton Borg, Jim Ahlstrand, Martin Boldt:
Predicting e-Mail Response Time in Corporate Customer Support. ICEIS (1) 2020: 305-314 - Marcos Vinícius Andrade de Campos, Manoel Victor Stilpen Moreira de Sá, Patrick Moreira Rosa, Puca Huachi Vaz Penna, Sérgio Ricardo de Souza, Marcone Jamilson Freitas Souza:
A Mixed Linear Integer Programming Formulation and a Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Mammography Unit Location Problem. ICEIS (1) 2020: 428-439 - Artur Potiguara Carvalho, Edna Dias Canedo
, Fernanda Potiguara Carvalho, Pedro Henrique Potiguara Carvalho:
Anonymisation and Compliance to Protection Data: Impacts and Challenges into Big Data. ICEIS (1) 2020: 31-41 - Walisson Ferreira de Carvalho, Mark A. J. Song, Luis E. Zárate:
An FCA-based Approach to Direct Edges in a Causal Bayesian Network: A Pilot Study using a Surgery Data Set. ICEIS (1) 2020: 116-123 - Úrsula R. M. Castro, Marcos W. Rodrigues, Wladmir C. Brandão
Predicting Crime by Exploiting Supervised Learning on Heterogeneous Data. ICEIS (1) 2020: 524-531 - Salvatore Cavalieri, Salvatore Mulè:
Towards Interoperability of oneM2M and OPC UA. ICEIS (1) 2020: 705-714 - Evripides Christodoulou, Andreas Gregoriades, Savvas Papapanayides:
A Data Analytics Approach to Online Tourists' Reviews Evaluation. ICEIS (1) 2020: 99-105 - Pedro Henrique Gouvêa Coelho, José F. M. do Amaral, A. C. S. Tome:
Radial Basis Function Neural Network Receiver Trained by Kalman Filter Including Evolutionary Techniques. ICEIS (1) 2020: 626-631 - Caio Gustavo Rodrigues da Cruz, Maurício Gonçalves Vieira Ferreira, Rodrigo Rocha Silva
State Validation in Automated Planning. ICEIS (1) 2020: 396-406 - Abdesselem Dakhli, Maher Jbeli, Chokri Ben Amar:
Functions Approximation using Multi Library Wavelets and Least Trimmed Square (LTS) Method. ICEIS (1) 2020: 468-477 - Maicon Dall'Agnol, Veronica Oliveira de Carvalho:
Objective Measures Ensemble in Associative Classifiers. ICEIS (1) 2020: 83-90 - Nguyen Anh Khoa Dam
, Thang Le Dinh:
A Literature Review of Recommender Systems for the Cultural Sector. ICEIS (1) 2020: 715-726 - Aldis Erglis, Gundars Berzins, Irina Arhipova, Artis Alksnis, Evija Ansonska:
Prototype Proposal for Profiling and Identification of TV Viewers using Watching Patterns. ICEIS (1) 2020: 571-578 - Adson Marques da Silva Esteves
, Aluizio Haendchen Filho
, André L. A. Raabe, Rudimar L. S. Dazzi:
An Adaptive System Architecture Model for the Study of Logic and Programming with Learning Paths. ICEIS (1) 2020: 679-690