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Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volumes 2800-2899
- 2800Stefano Spaccapietra, Salvatore T. March, Karl Aberer:
Journal on Data Semantics I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2800, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20407-5 [contents] - 2801Wolfgang Banzhaf, Thomas Christaller, Peter Dittrich, Jan T. Kim, Jens Ziegler:
Advances in Artificial Life, 7th European Conference, ECAL 2003, Dortmund, Germany, September 14-17, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2801, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20057-6 [contents] - 2802Dieter Hutter, Günter Müller, Werner Stephan, Markus Ullmann:
Security in Pervasive Computing, First International Conference, Boppard, Germany, March 12-14, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2802, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-20887-9 [contents] - 2803Matthias Baaz, Johann A. Makowsky:
Computer Science Logic, 17th International Workshop, CSL 2003, 12th Annual Conference of the EACSL, and 8th Kurt Gödel Colloquium, KGC 2003, Vienna, Austria, August 25-30, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2803, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40801-0 [contents] - 2804Marco Bernardo, Paola Inverardi:
Formal Methods for Software Architectures, Third International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Software Architectures, SFM 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, September 22-27, 2003, Advanced Lectures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2804, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20083-5 [contents] - 2805Keijiro Araki, Stefania Gnesi, Dino Mandrioli:
FME 2003: Formal Methods, International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Pisa, Italy, September 8-14, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2805, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40828-2 [contents] - 2806Jesús Favela, Dominique Decouchant:
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use, 9th International Workshop, CRIWG 2003, Autrans, France, September 28 - October 2, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2806, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20117-3 [contents] - 2807Václav Matousek, Pavel Mautner:
Text, Speech and Dialogue, 6th International Conference, TSD 2003, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic, September 8-12, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2807, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20024-X [contents] - 2808Einar Snekkenes, Dieter Gollmann:
Computer Security - ESORICS 2003, 8th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Gjøvik, Norway, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2808, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20300-1 [contents] - 2809Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler:
Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2003, 9th International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 24-28, 2003, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2809, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20221-8 [contents] - 2810Michael R. Berthold, Hans-Joachim Lenz, Elizabeth Bradley, Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt:
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V, 5th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2003, Berlin, Germany, August 28-30, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2810, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40813-4 [contents] - 2811Gunnar Karlsson, Mikhail I. Smirnov:
Quality for All, 4th COST 263 International Workshop on Quality of Future, Internet Services, QoFIS 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, October 1-2, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2811, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20192-0 [contents] - 2812Gary Benson, Roderic D. M. Page:
Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Third International Workshop, WABI 2003, Budapest, Hungary, September 15-20, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2812, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20076-2 [contents] - 2813Il-Yeol Song, Stephen W. Liddle, Tok Wang Ling, Peter Scheuermann:
Conceptual Modeling - ER 2003, 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Chicago, IL, USA, October 13-16, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2813, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20299-4 [contents] - 2814Manfred A. Jeusfeld, Oscar Pastor:
Conceptual Modeling for Novel Application Domains, ER 2003 Workshops ECOMO, IWCMQ, AOIS, and XSDM, Chicago, IL, USA, October 13, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2814, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20257-9 [contents] - 2815Yehuda Lindell:
Composition of Secure Multi-Party Protocols, A Comprehensive Study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2815, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20105-X - 2816Burkhard Stiller, Georg Carle, Martin Karsten, Peter Reichl:
Group Communications and Charges; Technology and Business Models, 5th COST264 International Workshop on Networked Group Communications, NGC 2003, and 3rd International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS Technologies, ICQT 2003, Munich, Germany, September 16-19, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2816, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20051-7 [contents] - 2817Dimitri Konstantas, Michel Léonard, Yves Pigneur, Shushma Patel:
Object-Oriented Information Systems, 9th International Conference, OOIS 2003, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2817, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40860-6 [contents] - 2818Henk M. Blanken, Torsten Grabs, Hans-Jörg Schek, Ralf Schenkel, Gerhard Weikum:
Intelligent Search on XML Data, Applications, Languages, Models, Implementations, and Benchmarks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2818, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40768-5 [contents] - 2819Boualem Benatallah, Ming-Chien Shan:
Technologies for E-Services, 4th International Workshop, TES 2003, Berlin, Germany, September 8, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2819, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20052-5 [contents] - 2820Giovanni Vigna, Erland Jonsson, Christopher Krügel:
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 6th International Symposium, RAID 2003, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, September 8-10, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2820, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40878-9 [contents] - 2821Andreas Günter, Rudolf Kruse, Bernd Neumann:
KI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 26th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2003, Hamburg, Germany, September 15-18, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2821, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20059-2 [contents] - 2822Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze:
Databases in Networked Information Systems, Third International Workshop, DNIS 2003, Aizu, Japan, September 22-24, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2822, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20111-4 [contents] - 2823Amos Omondi, Stanislav Sedukhin:
Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, 8th Asia-Pacific Conference, ACSAC 2003, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, September 23-26, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2823, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20122-X [contents] - 2824Zohra Bellahsene, Akmal B. Chaudhri, Erhard Rahm, Michael Rys, Rainer Unland:
Database and XML Technologies, First International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2003, Berlin, Germany, September 8, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2824, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20055-X [contents] - 2825Werner Kuhn, Michael F. Worboys, Sabine Timpf:
Spatial Information Theory. Foundations of Geographic Information Science, International Conference, COSIT 2003, Ittingen, Switzerland, September 24-28, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2825, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20148-3 [contents] - 2826Andreas Krall:
Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, 7th International Workshop, SCOPES 2003, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2826, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20145-9 [contents] - 2827Andreas Alexander Albrecht, Kathleen Steinhöfel:
Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications, Second International Symposium, SAGA 2003, Hatfield, UK, September 22-23, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2827, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20103-3 [contents] - 2828Antonio Lioy, Daniele Mazzocchi:
Communications and Multimedia Security - Advanced Techniques for Network and Data Protection, 7th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 International Conference, CMS 2003, Torino, Italy, October 2-3, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2828, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20185-8 [contents] - 2829Amedeo Cappelli, Franco Turini:
AI*IA 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 8th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Pisa, Italy, September 23-26, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2829, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20119-X [contents] - 2830Frank Pfenning, Yannis Smaragdakis:
Generative Programming and Component Engineering, Second International Conference, GPCE 2003, Erfurt, Germany, September 22-25, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2830, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20102-5 [contents] - 2831Michael Schillo, Matthias Klusch, Jörg P. Müller, Huaglory Tianfield:
Multiagent System Technologies, First German Conference, MATES 2003, Erfurt, Germany, September 22-25, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2831, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20124-6 [contents] - 2832Giuseppe Di Battista, Uri Zwick:
Algorithms - ESA 2003, 11th Annual European Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, September 16-19, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2832, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20064-9 [contents] - 2833Francesca Rossi:
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2003, 9th International Conference, CP 2003, Kinsale, Ireland, September 29 - October 3, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2833, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20202-1 [contents] - 2834Xingming Zhou, Stefan Jähnichen, Ming Xu, Jiannong Cao:
Advanced Parallel Programming Technologies, 5th International Workshop, APPT 2003, Xiamen, China, September 17-19, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2834, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20054-1 [contents] - 2835Tamás Horváth:
Inductive Logic Programming: 13th International Conference, ILP 2003, Szeged, Hungary, September 29-October 1, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2835, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20144-0 [contents] - 2836Sihan Qing, Dieter Gollmann, Jianying Zhou:
Information and Communications Security, 5th International Conference, ICICS 2003, Huhehaote, China, October 10-13, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2836, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20150-5 [contents] - 2837Nada Lavrac, Dragan Gamberger, Ljupco Todorovski, Hendrik Blockeel:
Machine Learning: ECML 2003, 14th European Conference on Machine Learning, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 22-26, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2837, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20121-1 [contents] - 2838Nada Lavrac, Dragan Gamberger, Hendrik Blockeel, Ljupco Todorovski:
Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2003, 7th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 22-26, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2838, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20085-1 [contents] - 2839Alan Marshall, Nazim Agoulmine:
Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, 6th IFIP/IEEE International Conference, MMNS 2003, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, September 7-10, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2839, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20050-9 [contents] - 2840Jack J. Dongarra, Domenico Laforenza, Salvatore Orlando:
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface,10th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Venice, Italy, September 29 - October 2, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2840, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20149-1 [contents] - 2841Carlo Blundo, Cosimo Laneve:
Theoretical Computer Science, 8th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2841, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20216-1 [contents] - 2842Ricard Gavaldà, Klaus P. Jantke, Eiji Takimoto:
Algorithmic Learning Theory, 14th International Conference, ALT 2003, Sapporo, Japan, October 17-19, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2842, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20291-9 [contents] - 2843Gunter Grieser, Yuzuru Tanaka, Akihiro Yamamoto:
Discovery Science, 6th International Conference, DS 2003, Sapporo, Japan, October 17-19,2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2843, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20293-5 [contents] - 2844Joaquim A. Jorge, Nuno Jardim Nunes, João Falcão e Cunha:
Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification, 10th International Workshop, DSV-IS 2003, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, June 11-13, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2844, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20159-9 [contents] - 2845Bruce Christianson, Bruno Crispo, James A. Malcolm, Michael Roe:
Security Protocols, 10th International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, April 17-19, 2002, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2845, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-20830-5 [contents] - 2846Jianying Zhou, Moti Yung, Yongfei Han:
Applied Cryptography and Network Security, First International Conference, ACNS 2003. Kunming, China, October 16-19, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2846, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20208-0 [contents] - 2847Rogério de Lemos, Taisy Silva Weber, João Batista Camargo Jr.:
Dependable Computing, First Latin-American Symposium, LADC 2003, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 21-24, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2847, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20224-2 [contents] - 2848Faith Ellen Fich:
Distributed Computing, 17th International Conference, DISC 2003, Sorrento, Italy, October 1-3, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2848, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20184-X [contents] - 2849Narciso García, José María Martínez Sanchez, Luis Salgado:
Visual Content Processing and Representation, 8th International Workshop, VLBV 2003, Madrid, Spain, September 18-19, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2849, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20081-9 [contents] - 2850Moshe Y. Vardi, Andrei Voronkov:
Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning, 10th International Conference, LPAR 2003, Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 22-26, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2850, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20101-7 [contents] - 2851Colin Boyd, Wenbo Mao:
Information Security, 6th International Conference, ISC 2003, Bristol, UK, October 1-3, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2851, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20176-9 [contents] - 2852Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Susanne Graf, Willem P. de Roever:
Formal Methods for Components and Objects, First International Symposium, FMCO 2002, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 5-8, 2002, Revised Lectures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2852, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20303-6 [contents] - 2853Mario Jeckle, Liang-Jie Zhang:
Web Services - ICWS-Europe 2003, International Conference ICWS-Europe 2003, Erfurt, Germany, September 23-24, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2853, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20125-4 [contents] - 2854Jörg Hoffmann:
Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning, A Local Search Approach. University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2854, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20259-5, pp. 1-251 - 2855Rajeev Alur, Insup Lee:
Embedded Software, Third International Conference, EMSOFT 2003, Philadelphia, PA, USA, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2855, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20223-4 [contents] - 2856Michael Smirnov, Ernst W. Biersack, Chris Blondia, Olivier Bonaventure, Olga Casals, Gunnar Karlsson, George Pavlou, Bruno Quoitin, James Roberts, Ioannis Stavrakakis, Burkhard Stiller, Panos Trimintzios, Piet Van Mieghem:
Quality of Future Internet Services, COST Action 263 Final Report. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2856, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20193-9 [contents] - 2857Mario A. Nascimento, Edleno Silva de Moura, Arlindo L. Oliveira:
String Processing and Information Retrieval, 10th International Symposium, SPIRE 2003, Manaus, Brazil, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2857, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20177-7 [contents] - 2858Alexander V. Veidenbaum, Kazuki Joe, Hideharu Amano, Hideo Aiso:
High Performance Computing, 5th International Symposium, ISHPC 2003, Tokyo-Odaiba, Japan, October 20-22, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2858, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20359-1 [contents] - 2859Bruno Apolloni, Maria Marinaro, Roberto Tagliaferri:
Neural Nets, 14th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN VIETRI 2003, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, June 4-7, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2859, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20227-7 [contents] - 2860Daniel Geist, Enrico Tronci:
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, 12th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME 2003, L'Aquila, Italy, October 21-24, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2860, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20363-X [contents] - 2861Christian Bliek, Christophe Jermann, Arnold Neumaier:
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, First International Workshop Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2002, Valbonne-Sophia Antipolis, France, October 2-4, 2002, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2861, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20463-6 [contents] - 2862Dror G. Feitelson, Larry Rudolph, Uwe Schwiegelshohn:
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 9th International Workshop, JSSPP 2003, Seattle, WA, USA, June 24, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2862, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20405-9 [contents] - 2863Perdita Stevens, Jon Whittle, Grady Booch:
«UML» 2003 - The Unified Modeling Language, Modeling Languages and Applications, 6th International Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, October 20-24, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2863, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20243-9 [contents] - 2864Anind K. Dey, Albrecht Schmidt, Joseph F. McCarthy:
UbiComp 2003: Ubiquitous Computing, 5th International Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, October 12-15, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2864, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20301-X [contents] - 2865Samuel Pierre, Michel Barbeau, Evangelos Kranakis:
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks, Second International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2003 Montreal, Canada, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2865, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20260-9 [contents] - 2866Jin Akiyama, Mikio Kano:
Discrete and Computational Geometry, Japanese Conference, JCDCG 2002, Tokyo, Japan, December 6-9, 2002, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2866, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20776-7 [contents] - 2867Marcus Brunner, Alexander Keller:
Self-Managing Distributed Systems, 14th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2003, Heidelberg, Germany, October 20-22, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2867, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20314-1 [contents] - 2868Petra Perner, Rüdiger W. Brause, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter:
Medical Data Analysis, 4th International Symposium, ISMDA 2003, Berlin, Germany, October 9-10, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2868, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20282-X [contents] - 2869Adnan Yazici, Cevat Sener:
Computer and Information Sciences - ISCIS 2003, 18th International Symposium, Antalya, Turkey, November 3-5, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2869, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20409-1 [contents] - 2870Dieter Fensel, Katia P. Sycara, John Mylopoulos:
The Semantic Web - ISWC 2003, Second International Semantic Web Conference, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20-23, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2870, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20362-1 [contents] - 2871Ning Zhong, Zbigniew W. Ras, Shusaku Tsumoto, Einoshin Suzuki:
Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 14th International Symposium, ISMIS 2003, Maebashi City, Japan, October 28-31, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2871, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20256-0 [contents] - 2872Gianluca Moro, Claudio Sartori, Munindar P. Singh:
Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, Second International Workshop, AP2PC 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 14, 2003, Revised and Invited Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2872, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-24053-5 [contents] - 2873Jonathan Lawry, James G. Shanahan, Anca L. Ralescu:
Modelling with Words - Learning, Fusion, and Reasoning within a Formal Linguistic Representation Framework. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2873, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20487-3 [contents] - 2874Corrado Priami:
Global Computing. Programming Environments, Languages, Security, and Analysis of Systems, IST/FET International Workshop, GC 2003, Rovereto, Italy, February 9-14, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2874, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20583-7 [contents] - 2875Emile H. L. Aarts, René Collier, Evert van Loenen, Boris E. R. de Ruyter:
Ambient Intelligence, First European Symposium, EUSAI 2003, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, November 3.-4, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2875, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20418-0 [contents] - 2876Michael Schroeder, Gerd Wagner:
Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web, Second International Workshop, RuleML 2003, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2876, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20361-3 [contents] - 2877Thomas Böhme, Gerhard Heyer, Herwig Unger:
Innovative Internet Community Systems, Third International Workshop, IICS 2003, Leipzig, Germany, June 19-21, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2877, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20436-9 [contents] - 2878Randy E. Ellis, Terry M. Peters:
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2003, 6th International Conference, Montréal, Canada, November 15-18, 2003, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2878, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20462-8 [contents] - 2879Randy E. Ellis, Terry M. Peters:
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2003, 6th International Conference, Montréal, Canada, November 15-18, 2003, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2879, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20464-4 [contents] - 2880Hans L. Bodlaender:
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 29th International Workshop, WG 2003, Elspeet, The Netherlands, June 19-21, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2880, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20452-0 [contents] - 2881Eric Horlait, Thomas Magedanz, Roch H. Glitho:
Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, 5th International Workshop, MATA 2003, Marakech, Morocco, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2881, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20298-6 [contents] - 2882Daniel Veit:
Matchmaking in Electronic Markets - An Agent-Based Approach towards Matchmaking in Electronic Negotiations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2882, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20500-4 - 2883Jonathan Schaeffer, Martin Müller, Yngvi Björnsson:
Computers and Games, Third International Conference, CG 2002, Edmonton, Canada, July 25-27, 2002, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2883, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20545-4 [contents] - 2884Elie Najm, Uwe Nestmann, Perdita Stevens:
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, 6th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2003, Paris, France, November 19.21, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2884, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20491-1 [contents] - 2885Jin Song Dong, Jim Woodcock:
Formal Methods and Software Engineering, 5th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2003, Singapore, November 5-7, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2885, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20461-X [contents] - 2886Ingela Nyström, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Stina Svensson:
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 11th International Conference, DGCI 2003, Naples, Italy, November 19-21, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2886, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20499-7 [contents] - 2887Thomas Johansson:
Fast Software Encryption, 10th International Workshop, FSE 2003, Lund, Sweden, February 24-26, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2887, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20449-0 [contents] - 2888Robert Meersman, Zahir Tari, Douglas C. Schmidt:
On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE - OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2003, Catania, Sicily, Italy, November 3-7, 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2888, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20498-9 [contents] - 2889Robert Meersman, Zahir Tari:
On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: OTM 2003 Workshops, OTM Confederated International Workshops, HCI-SWWA, IPW, JTRES, WORM, WMS, and WRSM 2003, Catania, Sicily, Italy, November 3-7, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2889, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20494-6 [contents] - 2890Manfred Broy, Alexandre V. Zamulin:
Perspectives of Systems Informatics, 5th International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference, PSI 2003, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 9-12, 2003, Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2890, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20813-5 [contents] - 2891Jaeho Lee, Mike Barley:
Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 6th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2003, Seoul, Korea, November 7-8, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2891, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20460-1 [contents] - 2892Frithjof Dau:
The Logic System of Concept Graphs with Negation And Its Relationship to Predicate Logic. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2892, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20607-8 - 2893Jean-Bernard Stefani, Isabelle M. Demeure, Daniel Hagimont:
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, 4th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2003, Paris, France, November 17-21, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2893, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20529-2 [contents] - 2894Chi-Sung Laih:
Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2003, 9th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Taipei, Taiwan, November 30 - December 4, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2894, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20592-6 [contents] - 2895Atsushi Ohori:
Programming Languages and Systems, First Asian Symposium, APLAS 2003, Beijing, China, November 27-29, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2895, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20536-5 [contents] - 2896Vijay A. Saraswat:
Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN 2003 Programming Languages and Distributed Computation, 8th Asian Computing Science Conference, Mumbai, India, December 10-14, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2896, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20632-9 [contents] - 2897Olivier Balet, Gérard Subsol, Patrice Torguet:
Virtual Storytelling; Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling, Second International Conference, ICVS 2003, Toulouse, France, November 20-21, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2897, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20535-7 [contents] - 2898Kenneth G. Paterson:
Cryptography and Coding, 9th IMA International Conference, Cirencester, UK, December 16-18, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2898, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20663-9 [contents] - 2899Giorgio Ventre, Roberto Canonico:
Interactive Multimedia on Next Generation Networks, First International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems, MIPS 2003, Napoli, Italy, November 18-21, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2899, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20534-9 [contents]
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