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SoftwareX, Volume 24
Volume 24, December 2023
- Murat Çaliskan, Berk Anbaroglu
Space Time Cube analytics in QGIS and Python for hot spot detection. 101498
- Piotr Jurkiewicz
Flow-models 2.0: Elephant flows modeling and detection with machine learning. 101506
- Hüseyin Hacihabiboglu
sphstat: A Python package for inferential statistics on vectorial data on the unit sphere. 101514
- Kelly R. Thorp
, Josh Brekel, Kendall C. DeJonge:
Version 1.2.0 - pyfao56: FAO-56 evapotranspiration in Python. 101518 - Andrii Shekhovtsov, Bartlomiej Kizielewicz, Wojciech Salabun
Version [1.1]- [pymcdm - The universal library for solving multi-criteria decision-making problems]. 101519
- Sara Haro
, Jonathan Jimenez-Reina, Ricardo Bermejo, Liam Morrison:
BioIntertidal Mapper software: A satellite approach for NDVI-based intertidal habitat mapping. 101520 - Juan Soto-Perdomo
, Juan Morales-Guerra, Juan David Arango, Sebastian Montoya Villada, Pedro Torres, Erick Reyes-Vera
OptiGUI DataCollector: A graphical user interface for automating the data collecting process in optical and photonics labs. 101521 - Robert Englert
, Manfred Schedlowski, Harald Engler, Winfried Rief, Christian Büchel, Ulrike Bingel, Tamás Spisák:
ALIIAS: Anonymization/Pseudonymization with LimeSurvey integration and II-factor Authentication for Scientific research. 101522 - Mehmet Bak
, Rahmi Nurhan Çelik
Web-NDefA: Open-source and web-based online platform for 3-D deformation analysis of geodetic networks. 101523 - Jens Renders
, Ben Jeurissen, Anh-Tuan Nguyen
, Jan De Beenhouwer
, Jan Sijbers
ImWIP: Open-source image warping toolbox with adjoints and derivatives. 101524 - Maciej Nasinski
, Krzysztof Gajowniczek:
Handling an inconsistently coded categorical variable in a longitudinal dataset with cat2cat. 101525 - Matej Petkovic, Jurica Levatic, Dragi Kocev, Martin Breskvar, Saso Dzeroski:
CLUSplus: A decision tree-based framework for predicting structured outputs. 101526 - Alejandro Fernández-Montes
, Damián Fernández-Cerero, Felipe Escalera-González
, Agnieszka Jakóbik, Belén Bermejo, Carlos Juiz:
SimilarityTS: Toolkit for the evaluation of similarity for multivariate time series. 101527 - Emma Adolfsson
, Jon Jonasson, Aniruddh Kashyap, Anna Nordensköld, Anna Greén:
CNV-Z; a new tool for detecting copy number variation in next generation sequencing data. 101530 - Taseef Hasan Farook
, Farhan Hasin Saad, Saif Ahmed
, James Dudley
Dental Loop FLT: Facial landmark tracking. 101531 - Jean Elsner
Taming the Panda with Python: A powerful duo for seamless robotics programming and integration. 101532 - Maximilian Kapsecker
, Daniel N. Nugraha, Christoph Weinhuber, Nicholas D. Lane, Stephan M. Jonas
Federated Learning with Swift: An Extension of Flower and Performance Evaluation. 101533 - Amin Najafi
, Masoud Masih-Tehrani
Hybrid adaptive battery parameter estimation approach for equivalent circuit model toolbox. 101534 - Rafal Miedzinski
, Izabela Fuks-Janczarek:
Z-lambda: A terminal-based software for simulation of heat transfer during Z-scan experiments in transparent solids. 101535 - Kang Liang
, Zhang Xiukai, Oleg Krakhmalev:
SLSL-QPSO: Quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization with short-lived swarm layers. 101536 - Gabriel da Silva Vieira
, Afonso Ueslei Da Fonseca
, Júlio César Ferreira, Fabrízzio Alphonsus A. M. N. Soares
ProtectLeaf: An insect predation analyzer for agricultural crop monitoring. 101537 - Donatello Elia
, Cosimo Palazzo, Sandro Fiore, Alessandro D'Anca, Andrea Mariello, Giovanni Aloisio:
PyOphidia: A Python library for High Performance Data Analytics at scale. 101538 - Rainer M. Krug
, Owen L. Petchey:
Microxanox: An R package for simulating an aquatic MICRobial ecosystem that can occupy OXic or ANOXic states. 101539 - Piotr Jurkiewicz
TopoHub: A repository of reference Gabriel graph and real-world topologies for networking research. 101540
- Aleksandra Baczkiewicz, Jaroslaw Watróbski, Wojciech Salabun
Version [1.1]- [Crispyn - A Python library for determining criteria significance with objective weighting methods]. 101541
- Mar Ariza-Sentís
, Sergio Vélez
, João Valente:
BBR: An open-source standard workflow based on biophysical crop parameters for automatic Botrytis cinerea assessment in vineyards. 101542 - Xiaoyue Feng, Dashan Wei, Tianzhe Jiao, Chaopeng Guo, Dongqi Wang, Jie Song:
LiPTool: A tool for learning-based autonomous index placement in databases. 101543 - Jonatan Soto
, Johan S. Aparicio
, Aquiles Darghan, Milan Oldrich Urban:
RankspeQ: An R package platform for genotype characterization and performance-ranking based on MultispeQ measurements. 101544 - Fred Breidt
, Caitlin R. Skinner, Mileah Shriner, Mollie Ruinsky, Seo Young Yang, Robert P. Wine
, Lynette Johnston:
IngredientDB: A GUI-based Matlab database program for estimating the pH of acid or acidified food formulations from buffer capacity models. 101545 - Amin Mahmoudi
, Mahsa Sadeghi
, Xiaopeng Deng
, Pengcheng Pan:
OPA Solver: A web-based software for Ordinal Priority Approach in multiple criteria decision analysis using JavaScript. 101546 - Shervan Gharari, Kasra Keshavarz, Wouter J. M. Knoben, Guoqiang Tang
, Martyn P. Clark:
EASYMORE: A Python package to streamline the remapping of variables for Earth System models. 101547 - Juan Carlos Miranda
, Jaume Arnó
, Jordi Gené-Mola, Spyros Fountas, Eduard Gregorio
AKFruitYield: Modular benchmarking and video analysis software for Azure Kinect cameras for fruit size and fruit yield estimation in apple orchards. 101548 - Maria D. Guillen, Juan Aparicio
, Victor J. España:
boostingDEA: A boosting approach to Data Envelopment Analysis in R. 101549 - Hangchao Fan, Lina Hu:
Pressure vessel nozzle local stress prediction software based on ABAQUS- machine learning. 101550 - José F. Aldana-Martín
, Juan José Durillo, Antonio J. Nebro:
Evolver: Meta-optimizing multi-objective metaheuristics. 101551 - Pietro Cinaglia
, Mario Cannataro:
MultiGlobAl: Global alignment of multilayer networks. 101552 - Fatma Yerlikaya-Özkurt
, Ceyda Yazici, Inci Batmaz:
cmaRs: A powerful predictive data mining package in R. 101553 - Bruno D. Ferreira-Saraiva, João Pedro Matos-Carvalho
, Nuno Fachada
, Manuel Marques-Pita
ParShift: a Python package to study order and differentiation in group conversations. 101554 - Aura Ximena González-Cely
, Cristian Felipe Blanco-Díaz, Camilo A. R. Díaz, Teodiano Freire Bastos-Filho:
Roborueda: Python-based GUI to control a wheelchair and monitor user posture. 101555 - Tom Yaacov
BPpy: Behavioral programming in Python. 101556 - Siddhartha Ganguly
, Nakul Randad, Rihan Aaron D'Silva, Mukesh S. Raj, Debasish Chatterjee:
QuITO: Numerical software for constrained nonlinear optimal control problems. 101557 - Konrad Jalowiecki
, Paulina Lewandowska
, Lukasz Pawela:
PyQBench: A Python library for benchmarking gate-based quantum computers. 101558 - Konrad Jalowiecki
, Lukasz Pawela:
Omnisolver: An extensible interface to Ising spin-glass and QUBO solvers. 101559 - Jasper Thrussell
, Jim Michael Ferguson:
ExactPack: A python library of exact analytic solutions. 101560 - Dimitrios Tsapetis, Michael D. Shields
, Dimitris G. Giovanis, Audrey Olivier
, Lukás Novák, Promit Chakroborty, Himanshu Sharma, Mohit Singh Chauhan, Katiana Kontolati, Lohit Vandanapu, Dimitrios Loukrezis
, Michael Gardner
UQpy v4.1: Uncertainty quantification with Python. 101561 - Dasol Lee, Seokgyu Kwon, Minkyung Kim
ViBA Rad: Visualization and basic analysis tools for radiative cooling. 101562 - Petri Varvia
, Janne Räty
, Petteri Packalen:
mgpr: An R package for multivariate Gaussian process regression. 101563 - Amine Abbad Andaloussi
, Daniel Lübke, Barbara Weber:
Conducting eye-tracking studies on large and interactive process models using EyeMind. 101564 - Matthias Müller
PyblioNet - Software for the creation, visualization and analysis of bibliometric networks. 101565 - Weijie Ren, Wenjia Xie, Ye Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhengyu Tian:
MSAT: Matrix stability analysis tool for shock-capturing schemes. 101566 - Jiaxin Yu
, Tapan Mukerji
, Per Avseth:
rockphypy: An extensive Python library for rock physics modeling. 101567 - Benjamin Acar
, Marc Guerreiro Augusto
Kufast: A tool for multi-tenancy in autonomous driving testbeds. 101568 - Hayri Volkan Agun
WebCollectives: A light regular expression based web content extractor in Java. 101569 - Jeremy Adler, Ainsley Huang, Ingela Parmryd
Find_plasma_membrane and measure_plasma_membrane: ImageJ macros for efficient identification of and measurements at and around the plasma membrane. 101570 - Marko Mijac, Antonio García-Cabot
, Vjeran Strahonja:
REFRAME-A software framework for managing reactive dependencies in object-oriented applications. 101571 - Geoffroy Couasnet, Mathis Cordier, Hadhami Garbouge, Félix Mercier, David Pierre, Angelina El Ghaziri, Pejman Rasti, David Rousseau:
Growth Data - An automatic solution for seedling growth analysis via RGB-Depth imaging sensors. 101572 - Mohammad Afzal Shadab
, Eric Hiatt, Marc Andre Hesse:
PKgui: A GUI software for Polubarinova-Kochina's solutions of steady unconfined groundwater flow. 101573 - Lingyan Wu
, Gang Cai
SNNTool: A software tool for sampling neural networks algorithms implementation. 101574
- Jaroslaw Watróbski, Aleksandra Baczkiewicz, Kesra Nermend, Wojciech Salabun
Version [1.2]- [pyrepo-mcda - Reference Objects based MCDA Software Package]. 101575
- Enrico Cambiaso, Luca Caviglione
, Marco Zuppelli:
DockerChannel: A framework for evaluating information leakages of Docker containers. 101576
- Sebastian Blauth
Version 2.0 - cashocs: A Computational, Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization and Optimal Control Software. 101577
- Charlotte Van Petegem
, Rien Maertens
, Niko Strijbol
, Jorg Van Renterghem, Felix Van der Jeugt, Bram de Wever
, Peter Dawyndt, Bart Mesuere:
Dodona: Learn to code with a virtual co-teacher that supports active learning. 101578 - Robin Tesse
, Cédric Hernalsteens, Eustache Gnacadja, Nicolas Pauly, Eliott Ramoisiaux, Marion Vanwelde:
Georges: A modular Python library for seamless beam dynamics simulations and optimization. 101579 - Eduardo Gomes
, Lucas Pereira
, Augusto Esteves
, Hugo Morais:
PyECOM: A Python tool for analyzing and simulating Energy Communities. 101580 - Stefan Holm
, Marc Werder, Oliver Thees, Renato Lemm, Janine Schweier
JuWaPfl: A decision support tool to estimate times and costs of processes related to young-forest maintenance. 101581 - Jean-Grégoire Ducoin:
Galclaim: A tool to identify host galaxy of astrophysical transient sources. 101582 - Junta Tagusari
shinyHugePlot: An R package for displaying the features of data with a huge sample size. 101583 - Eduardo Redondo-Iglesias
, Marwan Hassini
, Pascal Venet, Serge Pelissier:
DATTES: Data analysis tools for tests on energy storage. 101584 - Serkan Solmaz
, Tom Van Gerven
Acrossim: A toolkit for cross-platform integration of CFD simulation data in computer graphics. 101585 - Iván García, Javier Albusac, José Jesús Castro-Schez, Vanesa Herrera
, David Vallejo
GVIDI: A system to improve the safety of groups of hikers based on real-time monitoring and dataset generation. 101586 - David Moreno-Lumbreras
, Jesús M. González-Barahona
, Gregorio Robles:
BabiaXR: Facilitating experiments about XR data visualization. 101587 - Kojo Konadu Adu-Gyamfi
, Karo Ahmadi-Dehrashid, Yaw Okyere Adu-Gyamfi, Pujitha Gunaratne, Anuj Sharma
MobiScout: A scalable cloud-based driving and activity monitoring platform featuring an IOS app and a WatchOS extension. 101588 - Nalan Özkurt
PrepAnnECG: A user friendly MATLAB ECG preprocessing and annotation GUI for health professionals. 101589 - Qian Gong
, Jieyang Chen, Ben Whitney, Xin Liang, Viktor Reshniak, Tania Banerjee
, Jaemoon Lee, Anand Rangarajan
, Lipeng Wan, Nicolas Vidal, Qing Liu, Ana Gainaru, Norbert Podhorszki
, Richard Archibald
, Sanjay Ranka, Scott Klasky:
MGARD: A multigrid framework for high-performance, error-controlled data compression and refactoring. 101590 - Fernando Fachini, Marcelo de Castro, Tetiana Bogodorova, Luigi Vanfretti:
OpenIMDML: Open Instance Multi-Domain Motor Library utilizing the Modelica modeling language. 101591 - Jakub Stankowski, Adrian Dziembowski
IV-PSNR: Software for immersive video objective quality evaluation. 101592 - Marceli Wac
, Raúl Santos-Rodríguez, Christopher J. McWilliams, Christopher P. Bourdeaux:
CATS: Cloud-native time-series data annotation tool for intensive care. 101593 - Manish Kumar
, Roberto Alessi, Enrico Salvati
GPFniCS: A generalised phase field method to model fracture. 101594 - Mahdad Jafarzadeh Esfahani
, Amir Hossein Daraie, Paul Zerr, Frederik D. Weber, Martin Dresler:
Dreamento: an open-source dream engineering toolbox for sleep EEG wearables. 101595 - Nguyen Van Thieu, Diego Oliva
, Marco Pérez-Cisneros:
MetaCluster: An open-source Python library for metaheuristic-based clustering problems. 101597 - Gaurav Chaudhary
, Hicham Johra
, Laurent Georges, Bjørn Austbø:
pymodconn: A python package for developing modular sequence-to-sequence control-oriented deep neural networks. 101599 - Taseef Hasan Farook
, Farhan Hasin Saad, Saif Ahmed, James Dudley
Dental loop SnP: Speech and phonetic pattern recognition. 101604

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