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Signal Processing, Volume 81
Volume 81, Number 1, January 2001
- Jean-Yves Tourneret, Olivier Cappé:
Signal processing special issue on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for signal processing. 1-2 - William J. Fitzgerald:
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods with applications to signal processing. 3-18 - Christophe Andrieu, Petar M. Djuric, Arnaud Doucet
Model selection by MCMC computation. 19-37 - Marc Lavielle, E. Lebarbier:
An application of MCMC methods for the multiple change-points problem. 39-53 - David Leporini, Jean-Christophe Pesquet:
Bayesian wavelet denoising: Besov priors and non-Gaussian noises. 55-67 - Céline Theys, André Ferrari, Michelle Vieira:
Marginal Bayesian analysis of polynomial-phase signals. 69-82 - Paul T. Troughton, Simon J. Godsill:
MCMC methods for restoration of nonlinearly distorted autoregressive signals. 83-97 - Fauzia Ahmad, Saleem A. Kassam:
Coarray analysis of the wide-band point spread function for active array imaging. 99-115 - Koen Eneman, Marc Moonen:
Hybrid subband/frequency-domain adaptive systems. 117-136 - Jugurta R. Montalvão Filho
, Bernadette Dorizzi, João Cesar M. Mota:
Why use Bayesian equalization based on finite data blocks? 137-147 - Igor V. Nikiforov
A simple change detection scheme. 149-172 - Xianhua Dai:
A new blind separation method of convolutive mixture of regular signal based on hidden representation and system deconvolution. 173-182 - Miloje S. Radenkovic, Tamal Bose:
Adaptive IIR filtering of nonstationary signals. 183-195 - M. Sansal, A. Salim Kayhan:
IF and GD estimation from evolutionary spectrum. 197-202 - Krishna Kummamuru, V. L. N. Murty, K. R. Ramakrishnan:
Vector quantization of excitation gains in speech coding. 203-209 - Jinho Choi
, Yong Up Lee:
Multiuser filters for CDMA systems with imperfect channel knowledge. 211-217 - Tian-Bo Deng:
Design of separable-denominator variable 2-D digital filters with guaranteed stability. 219-225 - Pertti Koivisto, Olli Yli-Harja
, Antti Niemistö, Ilya Shmulevich:
Breakdown probabilities of recursive stack filters. 227-231 - C. Hory, C. Mellet, Jean-Christophe Valière
, C. Depollier:
Local polynomial-time-frequency transform formulation of the pseudo-L-Wigner distribution. 233-237
Volume 81, Number 2, February 2001
- Joachim J. Eggers, Bernd Girod:
Quantization effects on digital watermarks. 239-263 - Vito Di Gesù, Roman M. Palenichka:
A fast recursive algorithm to compute local axial moments. 265-273 - Zhishun She, Douglas A. Gray, Robert E. Bogner:
Autofocus for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging. 275-291 - Anne Flieller-Funfschilling, Pascal Larzabal, Henri Clergeot:
A dual isometric transformation for the determination of ambiguities in bearing estimation. 293-300 - Nuria González-Prelcic
, Antonio S. Pena
An adaptive tiling of the time-frequency plane with application to multiresolution-based perceptive audio coding. 301-319 - Jinho Choi
, Gi Hun Lee:
A single beamformer for antenna array CDMA systems. 321-334 - Gideon Kutz, Hanoch Ur:
Improved DCT-DST prime factor algorithms. 335-343 - P. J. B. Koeck:
Quantization errors in averaged digitized data. 345-356 - Jean-Marc Le Caillec
, René Garello:
Nonlinear system identification using autoregressive quadratic models. 357-379 - Kensaku Fujii, Juro Ohga:
Method to update the coefficients of the secondary path filter under active noise control. 381-387 - Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker
, Johann F. Böhme, Alex B. Gershman:
Broadband ML-approach to environmental parameter estimation in shallow ocean at low SNR. 389-401 - Marco Grangetto
, Enrico Magli, Gabriella Olmo
Efficient common-core lossless and lossy image coder based on integer wavelets. 403-408 - Milos Doroslovacki:
Uncertainty relations involving ordinary second moments in time and frequency for discrete-time signals. 409-418 - Thomas C. M. Lee:
A stabilized bandwidth selection method for kernel smoothing of the periodogram. 419-430 - Bing Zeng, Ming Sun Fu, Chun Cheong Chuang:
New interleaved hierarchical interpolation with median-based interpolators for progressive image transmission. 431-438 - Tian-Bo Deng:
An improved method for designing variable recursive digital filters with guaranteed stability. 439-446 - Rusen Öktem, A. Enis Çetin
, Ömer Nezih Gerek
, Levent Öktem, Karen O. Egiazarian:
Lossless image compression by LMS adaptive filter banks. 447-450
Volume 81, Number 3, March 2001
- Mariusz Ziólko:
Editorial. 451-452 - Manfred Bresch, Bedrich J. Hosticka, Olaf Schrey:
Invariant texture segmentation with reduced illumination sensitivity. 453-463 - Bogdan Smolka
, Konrad W. Wojciechowski:
Random walk approach to image enhancement. 465-482 - Régine Le Bouquin-Jeannès
, Gérard Faucon:
Control of an adaptive echo canceller using a near-end speech detector. 483-489 - Simone Chiucchi, Francesco Piazza:
A virtual stereo approach to stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation. 491-503 - Fernando Cruz-Roldán
, Francisco López-Ferreras, Manuel Rosa-Zurera
, J. D. Osés del Campo:
Pseudo-QMF bank design with controlled in-band aliasing. 505-517 - Manuel Rosa-Zurera
, Francisco López-Ferreras, Maria P. Jarabo-Amores
, Saturnino Maldonado-Bascón, Nicolás Ruiz-Reyes
A new algorithm for translating psycho-acoustic information to the wavelet domain. 519-531 - Georgios B. Giannakis
, Erchin Serpedin:
A bibliography on nonlinear system identification. 533-580 - Manuel Duarte Ortigueira
The comb signal and its Fourier transform. 581-592 - Saul B. Gelfand, James V. Krogmeier, Yongbin Wei:
Uniform observability and exponential convergence rate of the Kalman filter for the FIR deconvolution problem. 593-607 - Chang-Tsun Li
An approach to reducing the labeling cost of Markov random fields within an infinite label space. 609-620 - Ljubisa Stankovic:
A measure of some time-frequency distributions concentration. 621-631 - Nam Ik Cho
Reduction of blocking artifacts by cepstral filtering. 633-642 - Soo-Chang Pei, Peng-Hua Wang:
Analytical design of maximally flat FIR fractional Hilbert transformers. 643-661 - Pao-Ta Yu, Hung-Hsu Tsai
, Jyh-Shyan Lin:
Digital watermarking based on neural networks for color images. 663-671
Volume 81, Number 4, April 2001
- Heinz G. Göckler, Gennaro Evangelista, Alexandra Groth:
Minimal block processing approach to fractional sample rate conversion. 673-691 - K. M. M. Prabhu, J. Giridhar:
Detection performance of an adaptive MTD with WVD as a Doppler filter bank. 693-698 - Emiliano Bernués, Guillermo Cisneros:
Improvement of aperiodic models of deconvolution using an extended size deconvolution method. 699-711 - Li-Mei Chen, Bor-Sen Chen, Wen-Shen Hou:
Adaptive multiuser DFE with Kalman channel estimation for DS-CDMA systems in multipath fading channels. 713-733 - Mariusz Zóltowski:
Some advances and refinements in digital phase-locked loops (DPLLs). 735-789 - Zygmunt Hasiewicz:
Non-parametric estimation of non-linearity in a cascade time-series system by multiscale approximation. 791-807 - Philippe Neveux, Gérard Thomas:
Robust filtering for uncertain systems. 809-817 - Kasturi Vasudevan
, Krishnamurthy Giridhar, Bhaskar Ramamurthi
An efficient suboptimum detector based on linear prediction in Rayleigh flat-fading channels. 819-828 - Kari Väisänen, Markku Renfors
Efficient digital filters for pulse-shaping and jitter-free frequency error detection and timing recovery. 829-844 - Adrian Spinéi, Denis Pellerin:
Motion estimation of opaque or transparent objects using triads of Gabor filters. 845-853 - Dinh-Tuan Pham:
Blind separation of instantaneous mixture of sources via the Gaussian mutual information criterion. 855-870 - TaeYong Kim, Joon Hee Han:
Model-based discontinuity evaluation in the DCT domain. 871-882 - Carine Simon
, Philippe Loubaton, Christian Jutten:
Separation of a class of convolutive mixtures: a contrast function approach. 883-887 - Anamitra Makur, S. Sethu Selvi:
Variable dimension vector quantization based image watermarking. 889-893
Volume 81, Number 5, May 2001
- Rui-Xiang Yin, Wan-Chi Siu:
A new fast algorithm for computing prime-Length DCT through cyclic convolutions. 895-906 - Alper T. Erdogan
, Babak Hassibi, Thomas Kailath:
FIR Hinfinity equalization. 907-917 - Sang Woo Kim, Chong-Ho Choi:
An enhanced Godard blind equalizer based on the analysis of transient phase. 919-926 - Adelino R. Ferreira da Silva
Evolutionary-based methods for adaptive signal representation. 927-944 - Henri Lantéri, M. Roche, O. Cuevas, Claude Aime:
A general method to devise maximum-likelihood signal restoration multiplicative algorithms with non-negativity constraints. 945-974 - Roberto Togneri
, Jeff Z. Ma, Li Deng:
Parameter estimation of a target-directed dynamic system model with switching states. 975-987 - Daryl Reynolds, Xiaodong Wang:
Low-complexity Turbo-equalization for diversity channels. 989-995 - Tanja Karp, Alfred Mertins, Gerald Schuller:
Efficient biorthogonal cosine-modulated filter banks. 997-1016 - Claudio Sacchi
, Gianluca Gera, Lucio Marcenaro
, Carlo S. Regazzoni
Advanced image-processing tools for counting people in tourist site-monitoring applications. 1017-1040 - Arthur J. Redfern, G. Tong Zhou:
Multichannel and block based precoding methods for fixed point equalization of nonlinear communication channels. 1041-1052 - Shuichi Ohno, Hideaki Sakai:
Convergence behavior of the LMS algorithm in subband adaptive filtering. 1053-1059 - Bor-Sen Chen, Jui-Chung Hung
A global estimation for multichannel time-delay and signal parameters via genetic algorithm. 1061-1067 - Song Zhang, Yuan Mei Wang:
An approach to positron emission tomography based on penalized cross-entropy minimization. 1069-1074 - Da-Zheng Feng, Hai-Qin Zhang, Xian-Da Zhang, Zheng Bao:
An extended recursive least-squares algorithm. 1075-1081 - Xiang-Gen Xia, Shie Qian:
On the rank of the discrete Gabor transform matrix. 1083-1087 - Swagata Nandi, Debasis Kundu:
Some comments on "Complex AM signal model for non-stationary signals" by Sircar and Syali. 1089-1094 - Domenico Vitulano:
Fractal image coding schemes using nonlinear grey scale functions. 1095-1099 - Tao Chen, Hong Ren Wu
Recursive implementation of constrained LMS L-filters for image restoration. 1101-1107 - Sunder S. Kidambi:
Simultaneous computation of the DFT of an N-point real sequence and the IDFT of an N-point complex sequence with conjugate symmetry with a single N-point DFT. 1109-1112 - Corneliu Popeea, Bogdan Dumitrescu
Optimal compaction gain by eigenvalue minimization. 1113-1116
Volume 81, Number 6, June 2001
- Vito Cappellini, Franco Bartolini, Mauro Barni:
Information theoretic aspects in digital watermarking. 1117-1119 - Pierre Moulin:
The role of information theory in watermarking and its application to image watermarking. 1121-1139 - Jonathan K. Su, Joachim J. Eggers, Bernd Girod:
Analysis of digital watermarks subjected to optimum linear filtering and additive noise. 1141-1175 - Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy
, Shelby Pereira, V. Iquise, Thierry Pun:
Attack modelling: towards a second generation watermarking benchmark. 1177-1214 - Fernando Pérez-González
, Juan Ramón Hernández, Félix Balado:
Approaching the capacity limit in image watermarking: a perspective on coding techniques for data hiding applications. 1215-1238 - Séverine Baudry, Jean-François Delaigle, Bülent Sankur, Benoît Macq, Henri Maître:
Analyses of error correction strategies for typical communication channels in watermarking. 1239-1250 - Shelby Pereira, Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy, Thierry Pun:
Optimal transform domain watermark embedding via linear programming. 1251-1260 - Riccardo Baitello, Mauro Barni, Franco Bartolini, Vito Cappellini:
From watermark detection to watermark decoding: a PPM approach. 1261-1271 - Sofia Tsekeridou
, Vassilios Solachidis
, Nikos Nikolaidis
, Athanasios Nikolaidis, Anastasios Tefas, Ioannis Pitas:
Statistical analysis of a watermarking system based on Bernoulli chaotic sequences. 1273-1293 - Samir Tagzout, Karim Achour, A. Oualid Djekoune
Hough transform algorithm for FPGA implementation. 1295-1301 - Nilanjan Dasgupta, Paul Runkle, Luise Couchman, Lawrence Carin
Dual hidden Markov model for characterizing wavelet coefficients from multi-aspect scattering data. 1303-1316 - Ju-Hong Lee, Yung-Ting Lee:
A novel direction-finding method for cyclostationary signals. 1317-1323 - Zhao-Li Zhang, Sheng-He Sun, Fu-Chun Zheng:
Image fusion based on median filters and SOFM neural networks: : a three-step scheme. 1325-1330 - Miki Haseyama, Hideo Kitajima:
An ARMA order selection method with fuzzy reasoning. 1331-1335
Volume 81, Number 7, July 2001
- Mausumi Acharyya, Malay K. Kundu:
An adaptive approach to unsupervised texture segmentation using M-Band wavelet transform. 1337-1356 - Edward R. Dougherty, Yidong Chen:
Robust optimal granulometric bandpass filters. 1357-1372 - Ngai-Fong Law
, Wan-Chi Siu:
Successive structural analysis using wavelet transform for blocking artifacts suppression. 1373-1387 - Nezih C. Geçkinli, Murat A. Apohan:
Power spectrum tests of random numbers. 1389-1405 - Zhiqiang Tan, Yeng Chai Soh, Lihua Xie:
Hinfinity optimal envelope-constrained FIR filter design with uncertain input. 1407-1415 - Tan-Jan Ho, M. Farooq:
An efficient alternative for generating Poisson-distributed number of clutter points uniformly scattered in a gate. 1417-1436 - Weiran Lin, Soo Ngee Koh, Xiao Lin:
An 8.0-/8.4-kbps wideband speech coder based on mixed excitation linear prediction. 1437-1448 - Malcolm D. Macleod
A fast frequency domain notch periodogram algorithm. 1449-1463 - Barry G. Sherlock, Y. P. Kakad:
Windowed discrete cosine and sine transforms for shifting data. 1465-1478 - Bernard Mulgrew, Sheng Chen
Adaptive minimum-BER decision feedback equalisers for binary signalling. 1479-1489 - Ewa Hermanowicz, Miroslaw Rojewski, Gerald D. Cain, Andrzej Tarczynski
On an instantaneous frequency estimator with FIR filters having maximally flat frequency response error magnitude. 1491-1501 - Wenguo Weng, Weicheng Fan, G. X. Liao, J. Qin:
Wavelet-based image denoising in (digital) particle image velocimetry. 1503-1512 - Hsiang-Cheh Huang
, Jeng-Shyang Pan
, Zhe-Ming Lu, Sheng-He Sun, Hsueh-Ming Hang:
Vector quantization based on genetic simulated annealing. 1513-1523 - Chih-Chin Lai, Din-Chang Tseng:
An optimal L-filter for reducing blocking artifacts using genetic algorithms. 1525-1535 - Frank Herrmann, Asoke K. Nandi:
Blind separation of linear instantaneous mixtures using closed-form estimators. 1537-1556 - Johan Raman, Ludo Weyten:
Composite functions in an orthogonal polynomial base. 1557-1563 - Olli Yli-Harja
, Pertti Koivisto, J. Andrew Bangham, Gavin C. Cawley, Richard W. Harvey
, Ilya Shmulevich:
Simplified implementation of the recursive median sieve. 1565-1570
Volume 81, Number 8, August 2001
- Fernando Pérez-González:
Special section on "Signal Processing Techniques for Emerging Communications Applications". - Katleen Van Acker, Thierry Pollet, Geert Leus
, Marc Moonen:
Combination of per tone equalization and windowing in DMT-receivers. 1571-1579 - Gonzalo Seco
, Juan A. Fernández-Rubio, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Code-timing synchronization in DS-CDMA systems using space-time diversity. 1581-1602 - Apostolos T. Georgiadis, Bernard Mulgrew:
Adaptive Bayesian decision feedback equaliser for alpha-stable noise environments. 1603-1623 - Daniel Pérez Palomar
, Miguel Angel Lagunas
Temporal diversity on DS-CDMA communication systems for blind array signal processing. 1625-1640 - Nuria González-Prelcic
, Fernando Pérez-González, María Elena Domínguez Jiménez:
Wavelet packet-based subband adaptive equalization. 1641-1662 - Paola Salmi, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
Imperfect orthogonal multiplexing in the forward link of CDMA networks. 1663-1679 - Fernando Pérez-Cruz
, Ángel Navia-Vázquez, Pedro Luis Alarcón-Diana, Antonio Artés-Rodríguez
SVC-based equalizer for burst TDMA transmissions. 1681-1693 - Santiago Zazo, José Manuel Páez-Borrallo:
Analysis of a new frequency synchronization scheme in OFDM systems. 1695-1704 - Abdulhameed M. Al-Sanie, Saleh A. Alshebeili
Blind channel estimation and data recovery in DS spread spectrum systems. 1705-1714 - Shiann-Jeng Yu:
Direct blind channel equalization via the programmable canonical correlation analysis. 1715-1724 - Osama Alshibami, Said Boussakta, Mohammed Aziz:
Fast algorithm for the 2-D new Mersenne number transform. 1725-1735 - Osman Erogul, Hakki Gökhan Ilk
, Özlem Ilk
A flexible bit rate switching method for low bit rate vocoders. 1737-1742 - Iain Mann, Steve McLaughlin
Synthesising natural-sounding vowels using a nonlinear dynamical model. 1743-1756 - E. Dror-Rein, H. B. Mitchell:
A "soft" assignment algorithm for multiple target tracking. 1757-1764 - Pascal Chargé, Yide Wang, Joseph Saillard:
A non-circular sources direction finding method using polynomial rooting. 1765-1770 - Igor Djurovic, Vladimir Katkovnik
, Ljubisa Stankovic:
Median filter based realizations of the robust time-frequency distributions. 1771-1776 - Hing Cheung So:
On time delay estimation using an FIR filter. 1777-1782 - Tomas Gänsler, Jacob Benesty
A frequency-domain double-talk detector based on a normalized cross-correlation vector. 1783-1787
Volume 81, Number 9, September 2001
- Albert Bijaoui, Ghada Jammal:
On the distribution of the wavelet coefficient for a Poisson noise. 1789-1800 - Branko Ristic
, M. Sanjeev Arulampalam, Christian Musso:
The influence of communication bandwidth on target tracking with angle only measurements from two platforms. 1801-1811 - Koushik Maharatna
, A. S. Dhar, Swapna Banerjee:
A VLSI array architecture for realization of DFT, DHT, DCT and DST. 1813-1822 - Yuanjin Zheng, David B. H. Tay, Zhiping Lin:
Modeling general distributed nonstationary process and identifying time-varying autoregressive system by wavelets: theory and application. 1823-1848 - Shane F. Cotter, Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Backward sequential elimination for sparse vector subset selection. 1849-1864 - Qing-Guo Wang, Qiang Bi, Xue-Ping Yang:
High-performance conversions between continuous- and discrete-time systems. 1865-1877 - Ali Olfat, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
A neural network approach to magnitude retrieval. 1879-1888 - Shu-Ming Tseng
, Chuang-Chun Chiou:
A multicarrier DS/SSMA system with reduced multiple access interference and higher data rate in Rician fading channels. 1889-1897 - Zhaoli Guo
, Baochang Shi, Nengchao Wang:
Two new algorithms based on product system for discrete cosine transform. 1899-1908 - Philippe Ravier, Pierre-Olivier Amblard:
Wavelet packets and de-noising based on higher-order-statistics for transient detection. 1909-1926 - Sung-Hoon Moon, Dong-Seog Han, Myeong-Je Cho:
Frequency-domain partially adaptive array algorithm combined with CFAR technique. 1927-1934 - Philippe Lemmerling, Leentje Vanhamme, Sabine Van Huffel, Bart De Moor:
IQML-like algorithms for solving structured total least squares problems: a unified view. 1935-1945 - Koen Eneman, Marc Moonen:
DFT modulated filter bank design for oversampled subband systems. 1947-1973 - Soo-Chang Pei, Chin-Lun Lai
A morphological approach of target detection on perspective plane. 1975-1984 - D. D. Estrakh, H. B. Mitchell, P. A. Schaefer, Y. Mann, Yossi Peretz:
"Soft" median adaptive predictor for lossless picture compression. 1985-1989 - Johan Van Horebeek, Ernesto Tapia-Rodriguez:
The approximation of a morphological opening and closing in the presence of noise. 1991-1995 - Teong Chee Chuah, Bayan S. Sharif
, Oliver R. Hinton:
Robust decorrelating decision-feedback multiuser detection in non-Gaussian channels. 1997-2004
Volume 81, Number 10, October 2001
- Rutuparna Panda
, B. N. Chatterji:
Least squares generalized B-spline signal and image processing. 2005-2017 - Bogdan Dumitrescu
, Ioan Tabus:
Predictive LSF computation. 2019-2031 - Guangmin Sun, Xinming Zhang, Peng Wang, Weixian Liu, Jeffrey Shiang Fu:
One-dimension range profile identification of radar targets based on a linear interpolation neural network. 2033-2040 - Mónica F. Bugallo
, Joaquín Míguez, Luis Castedo
Semiblind linear multiuser interference cancellation: a maximum likelihood approach. 2041-2057 - M. W. da Silveira, Johann W. Odendaal, Johan Joubert
Same cell co-channel interference reduction using multiple spatially distributed adaptive array systems. 2059-2068 - Balaji Sampath, K. J. Ray Liu, Ye (Geoffrey) Li:
Error correcting least-squares Subspace algorithm for blind identification and equalization. 2069-2087 - Song Wang
, Lihua Xie, Cishen Zhang:
Mixed H2/Hinfinity deconvolution of uncertain periodic FIR channels. 2089-2103 - Teewoon Tan, Hong Yan
Object recognition based on fractal neighbor distance. 2105-2129 - Simone G. O. Fiori
A contribution to (neuromorphic) blind deconvolution by flexible approximated Bayesian estimation. 2131-2153 - Alfonso Farina, R. Sanzullo:
Performance limitations in adaptive spatial filtering. 2155-2170 - Guy Flouzat, Olivier Amram, Florence Laporterie, Selma Cherchali:
Multiresolution analysis and reconstruction by a morphological pyramid in the remote sensing of terrestrial surfaces. 2171-2185 - Zhao-hui Cai, Meng Cao, K. R. Subramanian:
Enhancement of ADSL design through concatenated coding. 2187-2199 - Brian P. Flanagan, Kristine L. Bell:
Array self-calibration with large sensor position errors. 2201-2214 - Da-Zheng Feng, Zheng Bao, Xian-Da Zhang:
A bi-iteration instrumental variable noise-subspace tracking algorithm. 2215-2221 - Julio Vargas, Steve McLaughlin
Adaptive predictors in cascade form to analyse superimposed exponential signals with time-varying parameters. 2223-2233 - Pinneng Yu, Heping Hua:
A new fast recursive algorithm for computing discrete Hartley transform and its implementation. 2235-2241 - Juan Ruiz-Alzola
, Ron Kikinis, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Detection of point landmarks in multidimensional tensor data. 2243-2247 - Jong Dae Kim, JongWon Kim:
Effective nonlinear approach for optical flow estimation. 2249-2252
Volume 81, Number 11, November 2001
- Ali Mansour
A mutually referenced blind multiuser separation of convolutive mixture algorithm. 2253-2266 - Mohamed Bakry El-Mashade:
Postdetection integration analysis of the excision CFAR radar target detection technique in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous environments. 2267-2284 - William B. Bishop:
Estimating a hidden Bernoulli parameter by sequential Bayesian analysis. 2285-2291 - Muhammad Z. Ikram, G. Tong Zhou:
Estimation of multicomponent polynomial phase signals of mixed orders. 2293-2308 - Tarek I. Haweel:
A new square wave transform based on the DCT. 2309-2319 - Dominic S. Lee, Chin Ann Ong:
Quasi-subtractive dithering. 2321-2331 - Teng Chork Tan, Guoan Bi
, Yonghong Zeng
, Han Ngee Tan:
DCT hardware structure for sequentially presented data. 2333-2342 - Nandini Kannan, Debasis Kundu:
Estimating parameters in the damped exponential model. 2343-2351 - Pau Bofill, Michael Zibulevsky:
Underdetermined blind source separation using sparse representations. 2353-2362 - Amir Averbuch, Alexander B. Pevnyi, Valery A. Zheludev:
Butterworth wavelet transforms derived from discrete interpolatory splines: recursive implementation. 2363-2382 - Anthony Joseph, Andrzej K. Brodzik
, Richard Tolimieri:
Under-sampled Weyl-Heisenberg expansions via orthogonal projections in Zak space. 2383-2402 - Israel Cohen, Baruch Berdugo:
Speech enhancement for non-stationary noise environments. 2403-2418 - Shih-Chang Hsia, Chien-Cheng Tseng:
A recursive full search algorithm based on temporal correlation. 2419-2427 - Aydin Akan
, Luis F. Chaparro:
Evolutionary chirp representation of non-stationary signals via Gabor transform. 2429-2436 - S. S. Nayak, M. N. Murty, H. Panda:
Bit-level systolic implementation of discrete orthogonal transforms. 2437-2443 - Jukka Lempiäinen:
Radio propagation and smart antennas for wireless communications: Ramakrishna Janaswamy. 2445-2446 - Jean-Yves Tourneret, Olivier Cappé:
Erratum to: "Special Section on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Methods for Signal Processing" [Signal Processing 81 (1) (January 2001) 1-83]. 2447
Volume 81, Number 12, December 2001
- Jean-Luc Starck
, P. Querre:
Multispectral data restoration by the wavelet Karhunen-Loève transform. 2449-2459 - So Ryoung Park, Iickho Song
, Seokho Yoon, Sun Yong Kim:
A statistical analysis of random polyphase signature sequences in multipath fading DS-CDMA channels. 2461-2477 - Denis Pomorski, Christophe Desrousseaux:
Improving performance of distributed detection networks: An entropy-based optimization. 2479-2491 - Mirko Solazzi, Aurelio Uncini
, Elio D. Di Claudio
, Raffaele Parisi:
Complex discriminative learning Bayesian neural equalizer. 2493-2502 - Artyom M. Grigoryan, Edward R. Dougherty:
Bayesian robust optimal linear filters. 2503-2521 - Ju Ho Lee, Hyung-Myung Kim:
An efficient multiuser detector with low decision delay for multiple chip rate DS/CDMA mobile radio systems. 2523-2534 - Liqing Zhang, Shun-ichi Amari, Andrzej Cichocki
Semiparametric model and superefficiency in blind deconvolution. 2535-2553 - Jack W. Stokes, James A. Ritcey:
Performance analysis of DS/CDMA systems with shadowing and flat fading. 2555-2571 - Yong Lian
, Lei Zhang, Chi Chung Ko:
An improved frequency response masking approach for designing sharp FIR filters. 2573-2581 - Antonio De Maio
, Giuseppe Ricci:
A polarimetric adaptive matched filter. 2583-2589 - Yinglu Zhang, Saleem A. Kassam:
Blind separation and equalization using fractional sampling of digital communications signals. 2591-2608 - Jin Pan, Licheng Jiao
, Yangwang Fang:
Construction of orthogonal multiwavelets with short sequence. 2609-2614 - Olli Vainio:
Intelligent Signal Processing: S. Haykin and B. Kosko (Eds.); IEEE Press, Wiley, 2001, xxi+573pp, ISBN 0-7803-6010-9. 2615-2616 - Pramod K. Varshney:
Fundamentals of multisite radar systems: Victor S. Chernyak, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1998, 475 pp., ISBN 90-5699-165-5. 2617

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