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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1, 2005
- Gundolf Haase
, Stefan Reitzinger:
Cache Issues of Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Linear Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides. 1-18 - James Baglama
, Lothar Reichel:
Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods. 19-42 - Paolo Bientinesi, Inderjit S. Dhillon, Robert A. van de Geijn:
A Parallel Eigensolver for Dense Symmetric Matrices Based on Multiple Relatively Robust Representations. 43-66 - Jan Van Lent, Stefan Vandewalle
Multigrid Methods for Implicit Runge-Kutta and Boundary Value Method Discretizations of Parabolic PDEs. 67-92 - Dimitris J. Kavvadias, Frosso S. Makri, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Efficiently Computing Many Roots of a Function. 93-107 - Boris Diskin, James L. Thomas, Raymond E. Mineck:
On Quantitative Analysis Methods for Multigrid Solutions. 108-129 - Habib Ammari, Ekaterina Iakovleva, Dominique Lesselier
Two Numerical Methods for Recovering Small Inclusions from the Scattering Amplitude at a Fixed Frequency. 130-158 - Xiaoqun Wang, Ian H. Sloan
Why Are High-Dimensional Finance Problems Often of Low Effective Dimension?. 159-183 - Johan Hoffman
Computation of Mean Drag for Bluff Body Problems Using Adaptive DNS/LES. 184-207 - Bruno Lombard, Rosa Donat
The Explicit Simplified Interface Method for Compressible Multicomponent Flows. 208-230 - Willy Govaerts, Yuri A. Kuznetsov
, Annick Dhooge:
Numerical Continuation of Bifurcations of Limit Cycles in MATLAB. 231-252 - Nahid Emad, Serge G. Petiton, Guy Edjlali:
Multiple Explicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method for Solving Large Eigenproblems. 253-277 - Nicoletta Del Buono
, Luciano Lopez
, R. Peluso:
Computation of the Exponential of Large Sparse Skew-Symmetric Matrices. 278-293 - Robert Artebrant, H. Joachim Schroll:
Conservative Logarithmic Reconstructions and Finite Volume Methods. 294-314 - Yann d'Halluin, Peter A. Forsyth, George Labahn:
A Semi-Lagrangian Approach for American Asian Options under Jump Diffusion. 315-345 - Kazufumi Ito, Zhilin Li
, Yaw Kyei:
Higher-Order, Cartesian Grid Based Finite Difference Schemes for Elliptic Equations on Irregular Domains. 346-367
Volume 27, Number 2, 2005
- Ana-Maria Matache, Christoph Schwab, Thomas P. Wihler:
Fast Numerical Solution of Parabolic Integrodifferential Equations with Applications in Finance. 369-393 - Daniel Y. Le Roux:
Dispersion Relation Analysis of the $P^NC_1 - P^_1$ Finite-Element Pair in Shallow-Water Models. 394-414 - Martin J. Gander
, Christian Rohde:
Overlapping Schwarz Waveform Relaxation for Convection-Dominated Nonlinear Conservation Laws. 415-439 - Juan A. Acebrón
, Maria Pia Busico, Piero Lanucara
, Renato Spigler
Domain Decomposition Solution of Elliptic Boundary-Value Problems via Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. 440-457 - Constantine Bekas, Yousef Saad
Computation of Smallest Eigenvalues using Spectral Schur Complements. 458-481 - Dimitri Breda
, Stefano Maset, Rossana Vermiglio
Pseudospectral Differencing Methods for Characteristic Roots of Delay Differential Equations. 482-495 - Inderjit S. Dhillon, Beresford N. Parlett, Christof Vömel:
Glued Matrices and the MRRR Algorithm. 496-510 - Giray Ökten:
Solving Linear Equations by Monte Carlo Simulation. 511-531 - Steve Bryson, Doron Levy:
Balanced Central Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations on Unstructured Grids. 532-552 - Gang Bao, Weiwei Sun
A Fast Algorithm for the Electromagnetic Scattering from a Large Cavity. 553-574 - Bernard Bialecki, Graeme Fairweather, Andreas Karageorghis
Optimal Superconvergent One Step Nodal Cubic Spline Collocation Methods. 575-598 - E. H. van Brummelen
, René de Borst
On the Nonnormality of Subiteration for a Fluid-Structure-Interaction Problem. 599-621 - Donald Goldfarb, Wotao Yin
Second-order Cone Programming Methods for Total Variation-Based Image Restoration. 622-645 - Jörg Peters, Volker Reichelt, Arnold Reusken:
Fast Iterative Solvers for Discrete Stokes Equations. 646-666 - Stuart C. Hawkins
, Ke Chen
An Implicit Wavelet Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner. 667-686 - George Biros, Omar Ghattas
Parallel Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schur Methods for PDE-Constrained Optimization. Part I: The Krylov-Schur Solver. 687-713 - George Biros, Omar Ghattas
Parallel Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schur Methods for PDE-Constrained Optimization. Part II: The Lagrange-Newton Solver and Its Application to Optimal Control of Steady Viscous Flows. 714-739
Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
- Robert C. Kirby
, Matthew G. Knepley
, Anders Logg
, L. Ridgway Scott:
Optimizing the Evaluation of Finite Element Matrices. 741-758 - David J. B. Lloyd, Alan R. Champneys:
Efficient Numerical Continuation and Stability Analysis of Spatiotemporal Quadratic Optical Solitons. 759-773 - Bruno Carpentieri, Iain S. Duff, Luc Giraud, Guillaume Sylvand:
Combining Fast Multipole Techniques and an Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for Large Electromagnetism Calculations. 774-792 - Kalvis M. Jansons, Grant D. Lythe
Multidimensional Exponential Timestepping with Boundary Test. 793-808 - Mohammed Lemou, Luc Mieussens:
Implicit Schemes for the Fokker-Planck-Landau Equation. 809-830 - Stefan Henn:
A Multigrid Method for a Fourth-Order Diffusion Equation with Application to Image Processing. 831-849 - Francis Filbet
, Chi-Wang Shu
Approximation of Hyperbolic Models for Chemosensitive Movement. 850-872 - Chao Yang, Weiguo Gao, Zhaojun Bai, Xiaoye S. Li, Lie-Quan Lee, Parry Husbands, Esmond G. Ng:
An Algebraic Substructuring Method for Large-Scale Eigenvalue Calculation. 873-892 - Gradimir V. Milovanovic
, Aleksandar S. Cvetkovic:
Gaussian-type Quadrature Rules for Müntz Systems. 893-913 - Michael Baudin, Frédéric Coquel, Quang-Huy Tran
A Semi-implicit Relaxation Scheme for Modeling Two-Phase Flow in a Pipeline. 914-936 - Mila Nikolova, Michael K. Ng
Analysis of Half-Quadratic Minimization Methods for Signal and Image Recovery. 937-966 - M. J. Fengler, Willi Freeden:
A Nonlinear Galerkin Scheme Involving Vector and Tensor Spherical Harmonics for Solving the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation on the Sphere. 967-994 - Jianxian Qiu, Chi-Wang Shu
A Comparison of Troubled-Cell Indicators for Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Using Weighted Essentially Nonoscillatory Limiters. 995-1013 - Anne Gelb, Zdzislaw Jackiewicz
Determining Analyticity for Parameter Optimization of the Gegenbauer Reconstruction Method. 1014-1031 - Yousef Saad
Multilevel ILU With Reorderings for Diagonal Dominance. 1032-1057 - Annie A. M. Cuyt, Gene H. Golub, Peyman Milanfar, Brigitte Verdonk:
Multidimensional Integral Inversion, with Applications in Shape Reconstruction. 1058-1070 - Elisabetta Carlini
, Roberto Ferretti
, Giovanni Russo
A Weighted Essentially Nonoscillatory, Large Time-Step Scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. 1071-1091 - Dan Gordon, Rachel Gordon:
Component-Averaged Row Projections: A Robust, Block-Parallel Scheme for Sparse Linear Systems. 1092-1117 - Dongbin Xiu, Jan S. Hesthaven:
High-Order Collocation Methods for Differential Equations with Random Inputs. 1118-1139
Volume 27, Number 4, 2006
- Heinz-Otto Kreiss, N. Anders Petersson:
A Second Order Accurate Embedded Boundary Method for the Wave Equation with Dirichlet Data. 1141-1167 - Louis F. Rossi:
A Comparative Study of Lagrangian Methods Using Axisymmetric and Deforming Blobs. 1168-1180 - Ayman Farahat, Thomas LoFaro
, Joel C. Miller
, Gregory Rae, Lesley A. Ward
Authority Rankings from HITS, PageRank, and SALSA: Existence, Uniqueness, and Effect of Initialization. 1181-1201 - Sarah L. Mitchell
, K. W. Morton, Alastair Spence:
Analysis of Box Schemes for Reactive Flow Problems. 1202-1225 - Carsten Carstensen, Dirk Praetorius
Averaging Techniques for the Effective Numerical Solution of Symm's Integral Equation of the First Kind. 1226-1260 - Marian Brezina, Robert D. Falgout
, Scott P. MacLachlan, Thomas A. Manteuffel, Stephen F. McCormick, John W. Ruge:
Adaptive Algebraic Multigrid. 1261-1286 - Cheng-Sheng Chien, Bor-Wen Jeng:
A Two-Grid Discretization Scheme for Semilinear Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems. 1287-1304 - Ernesto E. Prudencio, Richard H. Byrd, Xiao-Chuan Cai:
Parallel Full Space SQP Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schwarz Algorithms for PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems. 1305-1328 - N. B. Petrovskaya:
On Oscillations in Discontinuous Galerkin Discretization Schemes for Steady State Problems. 1329-1346 - Helmut Harbrecht, Reinhold Schneider:
Wavelet Galerkin Schemes for Boundary Integral Equations-Implementation and Quadrature. 1347-1370 - Mi-Young Kim:
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for a Model of Population Dynamics with Unbounded Mortality. 1371-1393 - Leonidas Linardakis, Nikos Chrisochoides:
Delaunay Decoupling Method for Parallel Guaranteed Quality Planar Mesh Refinement. 1394-1423 - Jan Mayer:
Alternative Weighted Dropping Strategies for ILUTP. 1424-1437 - Jasper van den Eshof, Marlis Hochbruck:
Preconditioning Lanczos Approximations to the Matrix Exponential. 1438-1457 - Qian-Yong Chen
Partitions of a Simplex Leading to Accurate Spectral (Finite) Volume Reconstruction. 1458-1470 - Yogi A. Erlangga, Cornelis W. Oosterlee
, Cornelis Vuik
A Novel Multigrid Based Preconditioner For Heterogeneous Helmholtz Problems. 1471-1492 - Yiorgos Sokratis Smyrlis, Andreas Karageorghis
The Method of Fundamental Solutions for Stationary Heat Conduction Problems in Rotationally Symmetric Domains. 1493-1512
Volume 27, Number 5, 2006
- Panayot S. Vassilevski:
2004 Copper Mountain Conference. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 27(5) (2006) - Dexuan Xie:
A New Block Parallel SOR Method and Its Analysis. 1513-1533 - Marian Brezina, Charles Tong, Richard Becker:
Parallel Algebraic Multigrids for Structural Mechanics. 1534-1554 - H. Sue Dollar, Andrew J. Wathen:
Approximate Factorization Constraint Preconditioners for Saddle-Point Matrices. 1555-1572 - Yair Koren, Irad Yavneh:
Adaptive Multiscale Redistribution for Vector Quantization. 1573-1593 - Eldad Haber, Jan Modersitzki:
A Multilevel Method for Image Registration. 1594-1607 - Allison H. Baker, John M. Dennis, Elizabeth R. Jessup:
On Improving Linear Solver Performance: A Block Variant of GMRES. 1608-1626 - Matthias Bollhöfer
, Yousef Saad
Multilevel Preconditioners Constructed From Inverse-Based ILUs. 1627-1650 - Howard C. Elman, Victoria E. Howle, John N. Shadid
, Robert Shuttleworth, Ray S. Tuminaro
Block Preconditioners Based on Approximate Commutators. 1651-1668 - Jonathan J. Hu, Ray S. Tuminaro
, Pavel B. Bochev, Christopher J. Garasi, Allen C. Robinson
Toward an h-Independent Algebraic Multigrid Method for Maxwell's Equations. 1669-1688 - Jim E. Jones
, Barry Lee:
A Multigrid Method for Variable Coefficient Maxwell's Equations. 1689-1708 - Michael Pernice, Bobby Philip
Solution of Equilibrium Radiation Diffusion Problems Using Implicit Adaptive Mesh Refinement. 1709-1726 - Edmond Chow:
An Aggregation Multilevel Method Using Smooth Error Vectors. 1727-1741 - Reinhard Nabben, Cornelis Vuik
A Comparison of Deflation and the Balancing Preconditioner. 1742-1759 - Luc Giraud, Daniel Ruiz, Ahmed Touhami:
A Comparative Study of Iterative Solvers Exploiting Spectral Information for SPD Systems. 1760-1786 - Zhongze Li, Yousef Saad
SchurRAS: A Restricted Version of the Overlapping Schur Complement Preconditioner. 1787-1801
Volume 27, Number 6, 2006
- Pierre-Alain Gremaud, Christopher M. Kuster:
Computational Study of Fast Methods for the Eikonal Equation. 1803-1816 - Sergio Blanes
, Fernando Casas
, Ander Murua
Composition Methods for Differential Equations with Processing. 1817-1843 - Leo J. Grady, Eric L. Schwartz:
Isoperimetric Partitioning: A New Algorithm for Graph Partitioning. 1844-1866 - David Kay, Emil Lungu:
A Block Preconditioner for High-Order Mixed Finite Element Approximations to the Navier-Stokes Equations. 1867-1880 - Haoying Fu, Michael K. Ng
, Mila Nikolova, Jesse L. Barlow:
Efficient Minimization Methods of Mixed l2-l1 and l1-l1 Norms for Image Restoration. 1881-1902 - Vladimir Rokhlin, Mark Tygert:
Fast Algorithms for Spherical Harmonic Expansions. 1903-1928 - Roberto Barrio
Sensitivity Analysis of ODES/DAES Using the Taylor Series Method. 1929-1947 - Sheng Xu
, Z. Jane Wang:
Systematic Derivation of Jump Conditions for the Immersed Interface Method in Three-Dimensional Flow Simulation. 1948-1980 - María J. Cáceres
, José A. Carrillo
, Armando Majorana
Deterministic Simulation of the Boltzmann-Poisson System in GaAs-Based Semiconductors. 1981-2009 - Chengjian Zhang, Stefan Vandewalle
General Linear Methods for Volterra Integro-differential Equations with Memory. 2010-2031 - Yoshihiro Kanno, Makoto Ohsaki
Contact Analysis of Cable Networks by Using Second-Order Cone Programming. 2032-2052 - Marco Donatelli
, Stefano Serra-Capizzano
On the Regularizing Power of Multigrid-type Algorithms. 2053-2076 - Markus Wabro:
AMGe - Coarsening Strategies and Application to the Oseen Equations. 2077-2097 - Mapundi K. Banda
, W. A. Yong, Axel Klar
A Stability Notion for Lattice Boltzmann Equations. 2098-2111 - Amy Nicole Langville, Carl Dean Meyer:
A Reordering for the PageRank Problem. 2112-2120 - Riccardo Mannella
Numerical Stochastic Integration for Quasi-Symplectic Flows. 2121-2139 - Misha Elena Kilmer, Eric de Sturler
Recycling Subspace Information for Diffuse Optical Tomography. 2140-2166 - Adam B. Singer, Paul I. Barton:
Bounding the Solutions of Parameter Dependent Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations. 2167-2182

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